Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1917, Page 6, Image 6
1 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, SEPTEMEER 3. 1917. IVant Ad Rates (Counting Six Words to the Line. I N mi taken for le than two lines. CASH WITH ORDER le per line i time Te per line.. ..3 or more consecutiva liner t lone CHARGE tc per line 1 time tc per line. ..3 or more consecutive insertion 7o per line ..30 consecutive Insertion! SITUATIONS WANTED 25c per line Pr week CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 10c per line each insertion (Minimum charge. 60 cental Foreign Rate. Cash With Order. (Count Six Words to Line.) Help Wanted Agents Wanted Business Chances Financial 12c per line 1 time. 9c perllne 3 or more. consecutive Insertions. 9c per line 1 tlmV. 8c per line 3 or more consecutive insertions. All Other Classifications USE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or snd In your want ads. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the same good service as when delivering your want ad at this ofOce. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS 12:00 M. MORNINS EDITION'S . 10:00 P. M. Contract Rates on Application DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES CF.KKN George 11., Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Green, at the residence, 4122 N. 19th St., Friday. August 31. 1917. aged t yean, 1 month. 4 days. . Funeral from residence Monday morn ing. September' 3 at 10 o'clock. Interment "irrnt Lawn cemetery. f OSPTSIL Charlt s, died June 8, 1(11. L'n iortunats circumstances delayed burial. Funeral Sunday, Sept. 2, 1917, 2 . m. from Edward C. Sohlndler'a resi- dence. Sixty-eighth and Main streets, Hen son, to National Bohemian cemetery. FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, we are In position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere In the United Statea or Canada, , Hess & Bwoboda. Florists. FFC.tli: LEEJj. LARMON 1(14 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers, L HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWErTsHOP. 411 8. 16715. $i02 THE FERNERY, 801 B. 16th Bt. Doug. 2(8 8 . BATHl. National F"fofit, 1 ft'oTTrnanrStT3 A. DONAGHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCQNER Independent Undertakers, 24 A Har. D.387. E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Dlrectora. 7. E. Foro, Mgr., 23d and Cuming 81a Phone Douglas 877. Auto ambulance. HULSE & RIEPEN, undertakers and em- balmers, 701 8. 16th. Douglas 1263, JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer. 2624 LeavenwortJDoug,16j(. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. Persona having loat some article would do well to call up the office or the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they leCt It la the street car. Many article! each day are turned In and the company li anxloua to restore them to the rightful owner. IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover it If found by an honest person. If you find anything of value the honest way ia to advertise for the;-, LOST A small black pocketbook on Dodge car, containing 113.(1 and registered slip. Reward. Doug. 77(5. LOST A child's gray sweater Sunday, be- tween 14th and Elm and 12th and I Sts. Return to 4404 B. 12th Bt. S. 2635. LOST Between Bee Bldg. and 18th and Farnam, cameo setting for ring; chocolate-colored base, wtth woman's head In white. In profile. Finder pleas return to Bee office. Reward. LOST Small purse containing 121 ' and checks, between 16th and Yates and 24th and Cuming, on Park or South Omaha car. Reward. Box 6782, Bee. 125.00 REWARD for Information leading to the return of 1917VFord touring car lost Thursday p. m. ' at Cady Lbr. Co. fire. License No. (2(71 Neb., engine No. 137185. C. Jensen, 133 8. 26th Bt., Omaha. Phone Red 4233. LOST A bill (old containing (10 bill, be tween 22d and Vinton. Return to Mr. Hansen, 4723 N. 4flth. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. FURNISH YOUR HOME AT PRACTICAL LY YOUR OWN PRICE. Hundreds of people have taken advan tage of th remarkable price reduction we have been making for the past several months on a big $25,000 warehouse stock of brand new, up-to-date furnltore that w were forced to close out. Such money saving possibilities could not be equaled anywhere else In th city alert buyer have discovered this ana profited by It, Furniture for every room In th bom 1 Included In thl big warehouse stock. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION, Act today. STATE FURNITURE CO., Dour. 1317. 14th and Dodxe fits., Omaha. AUCTION! AUCTIONI All th furniture, rugs and linens of on ef Omaha' fin home at 3015 Leaven worth Bt., Wednesday, September 5. Bale tart at 1 o'clock p. ni. Don't fall to attend thla sale, as It is high-grade furnl ture. JAMES L. l)OW. AUCTIONEER. For Auction 8ale csll Red 8385 or H. 4573. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather inaUresae mad from your own feather. Summer and winter aides. Warm In winter: cool In summer. Cost lea and last longer than cotton. Phone us for sample. 1907 Cum' Ing. D. 3487. BARGAINS In furniture, ice boxes, gas stoves, rugs, beds, china and Kitchen cabl nets, table, chairs, buffets, dressers. trunks, suitcases. Full Hoe of poultry net ting screen. 1889-47 N. nth. web. 107 ICE CREAM table, oft. fur., chair, refrlg., sard, hose, porch fur- Vletrola, pianos. Loyal Fur. Co., 223 N. 16. City Furn. Co 101 8. 14th. RUSH right down and get your share of '11 kinds furniture at sacrifice, to N. lth A VERY fine aet of porch furniture: wilt sell reasonable. IS36 California. H. 6273. FURNITURE for 7 -room house for sale. Ap ply afternoons, 2433 Evans. Web. 6575, FURNITURE from sale. 2435 Evans. an 6-room house Webster 1370. for COMPLETE missive dining room set for sale cheap. Call Douglas 8446. LARUE sue soft coal burner, good condi tlon: cheap. Call Webster 35(3. FOR BALE Early English dining room mite. Call Harney 1343. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Knabe piano. Circassian wa nut rase, good as new. Harney 10. Store and Office Fixtures. FOR SALE Very large slue practical showcase-sliding doors ot both side. ,Paiton Hoter Pharmacy. Sewing Machines. rgEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, aell needle and part et all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 1.1th and Hnrney Sts. Doug. 1661. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typevtrlter 1 months for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1(06 Farnam. tiuaraiitc-ed Typewriters, 110 and up. Writ for list, Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge: Miscellaneous. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Har for sale at a bargain a small i . aortment ot drugs, new and In original packages. A complete set of medical book; also splits, Kelly pad and electrlo vibrator, and a miscellaneous lot ot sur gical Instruments. List sent on application.- Ed Nolan. 503 S. 24th St., Omaha. Taiephnne: Home, South 1046; Office, South 2(0 WE HAVE moved to new location. We buy. aell and make desks, sates, showcase, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co.. 8. W. Cor Jlth nd Doog. Phone li. 2714 ' ll b VLE Hverliearliig strawLeny plan 2112 JUinmy. 1'faonj M'cbuur 4922 FOR SALE Miscellaneous DRY BOX KINDLING COMPAUY. WOOD. Harney AC Mb '.837. SWAPPERS COLUMN FOR SALE i-imh Kodak film tanlc, coin plete, very little used and in beat condH tlon. Make me an oner, uox ii. uee, FILMS developed, 10c a roll; one-day srv ice. Kase Kodak Studio. Neville Blk.. liith and Harney. WILL "trade-a"KdhomeMeiid relinquish ment for a used car, or what have you? Address Box S, Bee. DIAMONDS arid jenclry to trade for rifli-s ami sh"tguns Friedman. 1211 Doug St. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, traded. J. C. used disks, bought, Reed, 12UJ Farnam. sold and D. 6164. ONE 6-ft. standing bookkeeper's desk, one flat top des"k. steel letter filing cabinet, four drawers: second-hand preferred. Omaha Auto Top Co.. 709-11 S. 15th St. OLD CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES. DOUGLAS 6021. HIGHEST PRJ JENKINS Pays highest prices for clothes, shoes, trunks. etc. Dong. f81. Res., Doug. 8032. DIAMONDS 409 S. 15th St. SOL BERGMAN & CO. WANTED TO BUY Slightly used 1917 Ford touring car. South 4360. CASH paid for diamonds. Estate ap praised. Reese Jewelry Co., 403 H. 16th. BOOKS bought. KltHiT, Loyal Hotel Hldg. BOOKS bought, 10 S. 16tb Tyler 2SiS. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accor-Joeon Pleating. ACCOKDEON, side, knife, sunburat, box pleating? covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL MUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-3K Brown Bldg, Douglas 1938. VAN Co., ARVIAN Dress Pleating and 336-7 Paxton Blk. Douglas Button 3109. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 838 Rnmge Bldg. Phone Doug. 2169. aths. ELECTRIC treatment; baths; Swedish mas sage Central Institute. 1508 Harney Douglas 7097. MASSEUSE, baths, manlcarlng physical cult. Miss Walker. 224 Neville Blk. D. 4297. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE, 228 Neville Block, 16th and Harney Sis. Doug. 7381. Brass and Jtron Foundries. Paxton-Mrtchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Bakeries ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 212 N. 16TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDEN BROTHERS. OTTR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOOD8." Carpenters and Contractors LES8ARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Dancing Academy KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam. Class and assembly Monday and Thursday eve. Classes for children Tuesdays at 4 p. m, Saturdays at 2 p. m. Ball room available for private parlies. Doug. 7860. Tn T School Popular Ballroom 1C AJUAC Dances Cla Monday Eve. 111 B. 18th. Phone Walnut 1037. TURPINS School of Dancing, 28th and Farnam. Phone H. 6143, or call personally for date of classes. Circulars mailed free. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam, Fall classes now forming. Phone D. 7850. Chiropodist Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk., R. 4687. Dentists. tr. Bradbury. No paTn7"(21 W. O. W. Bldg. Dressmaking EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants aewing by the day. Call Walnut 1768. DRESSMAKING work guaranteed. H. 6226. TERRY Dressmanklng Co., 20th and Farnam. Detectives BUTTON Detective Agency (Inc.). "We Get 'Results." 629 World-Herald Bldg., Paul Button, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, (00 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 2510. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Ulk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. D. JOLLY. 613 Paxton. Red 1136. Fixtures and Wiring OTRKIN 5S ectrlo washing maclnea, lectrio Irons and reading lamps. 2332 Cuming Bt. Doug. 2519. Furs Stored FURS stored, cleaned and remodelod, H price. Furs dyed. H. Rothholz, Furrier. Hnrney 2788. 2818 Leavenworth. Hat Cleaners. HATS oleaned and reblocked. 1620 Harney. Household Specialties , F. ADAMS, 623 S. 10th. dTVoOL Under new management, W want to see old friend and meet new. Open Sat. eves. Your credit I good. Agents wa nted. Insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN, (13-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug, 881I, Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 2884. INSURANCE, Fire, Tornado, U, JIUVUIIItlUllQ, C. A. Drlmmel, 849 Om, Nat'l Bk. Hldg. Massueres HASSAOE, chiropody. Alta Head. 308-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doiigla. V. 4. Central Bath lnt., 1606 Harney. Doug. 7097. MISFTJOLLAND, 223 Neville Block. Osteopaths. Mrs. J. R. Mustek, sulphur, steam and euca- lyotus baths. 402-8 Rose Bldg. Ty. 3883. Pay-Acetylene Welding. Exnert Weldinsr on All Metal It. W. LEVERING. SO: 8. 12th St. V. 3678, Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL cowns. foljP dress suits for rent. 208 N. 17th. John Feldman. l. S128. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 683 Brandeis, jj-ntsi. ST URGES A STURGES, U. 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Be Ming, Pianos for Rent. 13.60 per mo. A. HospeiCo., 1613 Douglas. Printi ig and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhr-1 Ptg. Co., 634 8. 13th St. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam. J, J. Derlght 8afe Co. Shoe Cleaners. t C O HTML1 C WffrTE SHOES UU OIlIi'HJU A SPECIALTY AMER. 6H"NO PARLOR, 1604 Harney Bt. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 828 Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Prtrfrt Fit ftiiArnnteeri The W. O. C.eveland Co., 1410-12 Harne Bt. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing, Douglas Printing Co. Tel, Douglas 844 Where to Eat. BILL OF FARE.1 Small steak. 16c. Sirloin steak, 25c. Ext. sirloin steak, 36c. Hamburger eteak, 15o Pork chops. 20c, Ham and eggs, 30c. Bacon and egg. 20c. X eggs, 15c. Sasaise steag, 15c. Lamb rhops, 20c. Mexican chill, 10c Hot cakes, 3 for 10c. 1 egg. 6c SOON RESTAURANT. ' j 603 JjUth St. BUSINESS CHANCES YEA1 BARBERS' OPPORTUNITY. Will sell the following for 1400 cash 3 hydraulio chairs. 11(0; 1 upright vlbra tor, 176: 1 i- 3275; 1 tonlo case-with mirror. (50: 1 l-lnch fan, 20; 1 Nat Register. 150; lavatory, (30; 1 bath tub and fittings. 50; 1 heater and tank, 160; 1 stove, 118: 8 arm chairs. 316; bootblack stand, 17 ; linoleum. 20x20, $25 1 clock, (5, Address D, L. Hooker, W more, Neb. NEBRASKA MOVIE SHOW . Only movie show In town of 1,800. 8cats Si'). Rent 850. Doing fine business. Owner must sell. Price ll.iot). LUND. 4: Securltlesjlbln. Ty'T-? Dr.AFTED lMor will sell weekiy "newspa per frr 82r,V Might rens'.der lease lo riht ittit.- Enterprise, Duuslis, J.'cu. BUSINESS CHANCES A LIVE, energetic business man to represent us as state agent. A punctureles automo bile tuba; no punctures, no blowouts or rim cuts:' 13.600 cash Investment If yon have the business ability and cash. A fortune to be made. See ' Mr. Howard, Room 341. Paxton Hotel. Hours 11 to 12, 2 to 4. 3 POWERS. 0-A machines, practically new. Your choice 3165; other machines from $26 up; two Fort Wayne Compensarcs at in. Come quirk if you wai t It Mgr.. 210 Promley Bldg, Omaha. Neb. ONLY hotel, good condition, mostly fur nished: junction town, thousand population- no night trains. Inspect it. R. A. Simpson, Blue Hill, Neb. FOR SALE Ice cream and confectionery store In good town In Nebraska; good rea son for selling; a bargain If taken at once. Address Pox Y-189, Omaha Bee. MOTION picture machines built); theaters supplied. Exchange, 108 8. 14th St. (new and re Omaha Film MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup plv Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. FOR SALE Fully equipped bottling works. Doing a fine business. Terms. Crystal Bot tling Works, Broken Bow. Neh, POOL HALL anil barber shop for sale. Good location In live town. R. P. Disbrow, Funk. Neb. (UK SALE Popcorn and peanut stand do buslness. Benson 273. ing good TO GET In o OANOKBTAD. out of 248 Bee business call on Bldg. Doug. 3477. YuL'H business or real estate handled for sale. F. V. Knlest. Beo Bldg., Omaha. DO WD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 W. Bldg. Red 32X5. W. O. MEAT market for sale; good business; to bo sold In reasonable time. Web. 12(5. SITUATIONS WANTED Mala. CLERICAL, stenographlcal or practically any kind of work evenings for three or four hours. Permanent. Doug. 2664. YOUNG man desires light office work. afternoons, from 1 to 5:30; particular. Csll Doug. 2520. WANTED Job as fireman. Ben Benja Cuming. ; 20 men. Phone D. (004. 1810 yearH experience. YOUNG man, exp. wants office position References. Web. 1065. with good firm. HOUSE Lawn men want work. Delaney or Baker, Douglas 8694. WANTED By experienced man. position a farm foreman. Box Y 182, Bee. POSITION House wiring with "Open Shop" CAmpany. Address Y 181, Bee. Female. EXTRA fine teacher In chochet and tatting. fine needlework; yokes for sale, 11.60 and up. Webster 4615. OSITtON In general store, capable of tak ing charge of dry goods. Experience and best of references. Box Y 193. Omaha Bee. POSITION as housekeeper, city or country. 2902 Decatur St. Webster 6005. Laundry and DaV Work. WASHING and Ironing done; finished 60c Phone Web. 4639. dox. Rough dry, 35c. Called for and delivered. WANTED By first-class colored woman, cleaning or launtly work. Add. 2310 JJ. 27th Ave., or call Webstar 2328. NEAT, competent colored woman wants day work or assist cooking, servlngvno Sunday work. Phone Webster 2020. WASHING and irontng neatly done; called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone Souti! M7S. LM'E curtains. bundles and wool blankets. 2614 Dodge St. Harney 1130. LACE curtains and bundles laundered. Har ney 1130. 2614 Dodge 8t. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Web. 4008. LAUNDRY w'w by exp. col. lady. Web. 70J4. EXP, laundress for laundry work. Web. 2633. LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. 3734. RED. col lady want day work. Har. 4044. BUNDLE work or day work. Harney 6137. Col, lady want day wk any kind. Ty, 2668. DAY work and bundle washing, Web. D30. Exp. col, lady wants daywork. Red 6689 Washing snd lace curtains done. Tv. 1144. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Office boys, junior clerks, typist and male stenographer. Apply Tuesday, general office Armour & Co., 30th and Q Sts., South Side. WHY PAY for a position? Stenographer, register v- us FREE OF CHARGE ana we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANT, 209 South 19th St. WANTED Cashier In N. Dak. bank, not less than 8 years' experience, ana abi to Invest. Box Y-188, Bee. CALL on the Co-Operativ Reference Co. for drug and commercial position. luio City National B-ink Bldg. REGISTERED druggist. Oulgley Drug com pany, 16th snd Davenport Sis. Professions and Trades. WANTED STEAM FITTERS AT FORT OMAHA Wages, 75c per hour. Bonus of 1 extra hour on 10 hours' work. Ap ply E. M. Wickhani, Fort Omaha. WANTED CARPENTERS Wages, 60c per hour. Bonus of 1 extra hour on 10 hours dally. Long Job. Apply Wltherstona. Engler Co., Chicago A N. W. Elevator Co., Council Bluffs, Ia, WANTKI) Buffer for nlatlng room and strong boy about 19 to learn plating trade, 8teadv work and good pay. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., 1611 Howard. Yni!s;a MEN Lear ohoto finishing. VV teach the work and pay you while learn ing. Permanent position offered. THE HOPSON CO.. Burlington JcLjMov DRAFTSMAN, structural teeT"or archlteC' tural preferred: experienced draftsman wanted. Permanent position for right man, Otis Elevator Co., 1200 Jackson. WANTED First-class experienced steam fitter. Write or apply to A. Dussell A Son. Columbus, Neb. BARBKlt WANTED $16 guarantee for man who suits me. J. Hubertus, Beaver Crossing, Neb. FIXTURE man wanted, must be experi enced In making, hanging, and assembling. Call Tyler 1043. WANTED Men to deliver Ice. Apply Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co., (th and Jones. WANTED A middle-aged man as barber, Good chance to meke good money. Apply at sie in. im et. WANTKl Laborers, 25c per hour, 10 hour. Phoenix Construction Co., 4th and Leaven worth. BHIDGKMEN and carpenters for Arkansas and Tennessee; dally shipment, 322 8. loth. 1WO young men for factory work, Omaba Box Company, East Oinaha. VfAN'lF.xJ rirt-liuu Urfrast, 2016 llaruey Mechanic S' Omaha HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced window trimmer's ssslstant. 8. N. Wolbach & Sons, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED First class sewing machine re pair man. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 S. 16th St LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglas St. Salesmen' and Solicitors. Read (From the New York Globe.) 'RUN ON WAR BOOKS AT BOSTON j LIBRARY. "BOSTON, Aug. 16 A statement Is sued by the Boston public library today reveals the great public Interest In the war as shown by the demand for books dealing with all phases of the conflict. About 100 volumes a day In this class are being taken out." The reading public Is clamoring for A story of th wgr In any shape, and we have The Story of the War in Its most attractive and authoritative forme and at a price within the reach of every one. We are in need of real salesmen to work on leads and inquiries. Any live salesman ran earn from 340 .to C0 per week. Apply between 10 and 12, F. D. Browning, 312 llalrd Block. Omnhn. WANTED A reliable man to talk Ui roid owners about the new starling device; 35 per day. American Steel Supply 'Co., Penobscot Bldg., Detroit. SALESMAN, on commission only, to rep resent eastern ribbon manufacturer; must be ambitious and come well recommended. T)nv V 1,7 I, ' WANTED High class experienced stove and iurnace salesman for Wyoming territory with headquarters In of near Casper. State age, experience, reference and salary. Box Y 184, Bee. HIGH grade stock proposition in an old established growing concern, open for country territory in Nebraska and Iowa. None but bigh-grnde securities men need apply. Box 5217, Bee. x SALESMEN If you are not roftklng 325 a week, call or write to WHARTNEY SALES CO., 617 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. Agents and Canvassers WANTED Experienced salesman to take up a una un commission lor a wnoiesaie furniture Jobbing house. Box Y 186, Beo. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men women, learn th barber trade: few week completes; pay while learning. Catalogue free. Rates now on. Call or write. 110 South 14th St., Omaha. S BOTH Men ttnd women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or write, 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 8. 20th and 2059 Farnam. Teamsters -nd Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. .Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. South Yard: 20th and Hickory Street. West Yard: 42d and laard Street. ' WANTED Boy for pressroom, heavy work, $10 a week, good chance for advance ment for one who can deliver. Night work. See Mr. Miller, night foreman, Omana Bee. Boys. i WANTED. Few boys, 16" or ovr. Apply SCOTT -OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO., 15th and Howard. Factory Entrance. WANTED Stout boys to work in furniture store. State Furniture Co., 14th and Dodge. WANTED A few more boys to learn the trade. Omaha Auto Top Co., T09-11, S. 15th St. t WANTED At once, good strong boy a bus boy. Permanent position. Mr. Small hola, Blackstone Hotel. WANTED Two good delivery boys, with bicycles preferred. Apply at Sommer Bros., 28th and Farnam. WANTED Boy with wheel; good salary. Apply at once. The Blake Drug Co., 16th and Locust Sts, TWO or 3 boy for factory; nice, clean work and good wages. Omahja Box Co., East Omaha. DELIVERY boy wanted for grocery store. L. Bercutt, 3190 Ames Ave, WANTED Boy for deliveries, etc.; good chance for promotion. 103 Bee Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced cook for sort or der restaurant; must be able to do pastry work and get up a regular dinner. $10, room and board. Also one waitress, one dishwasher; $5 per week, room and board. Box 75, Wall Lake, Ia. Mrs. F. I. Jones. WANTED At once, houseman. Apply to housekeeper, Fontenelle Hotel. Miscellaneous. Wanted laborers, JiTj concrete M EN, .60 ; CAnrKNTKAO, ,6U to .Oil; WORK TEN HOURS AND SUNDAY. BUNK HOUSES FURNISHED; BOARD $7.85 PER WEEK. COME OR WRITE. THE NEBRASKA POTASH WORKS CO., ANTIOCH, NEB. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the ton; good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard 24th and Taylor street. South Yard 20tb and Hickory atreet. West Yard 42d and Isard atreet. WANTED One to three families, Germans preferred, to go on 1,200-acre farm eighty miles from Washington, D. C. A. M. Byers, 1320 S. 36th Ave. WANTED 100 track laborers at once, 30o per hour. Call at 1 Scott St., council Bluffs. E. A. Wlckham & Co. ' ATTENTION, farmer! If you want help w can supply you. Blurr city tmpioy- rnent Bureau. 916 M W. Broadway. P. 431, LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wage. Apply eunaeriana aiom, 1,0., wsai yard. 4iq ano irsra bis. ffELPWANTEDTFEMALE Stores and Offices. WHY PAY tor a position Stenographer. register with us free uc uha-kuiu ana we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 209 8o. 19th St.. City. WANTED Stenographer. SHERMAN A MCONNELL DRUG CU., 16tn and LJoage pis. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeeper and office clerk, lo-uperauve neierence v-o, WANTED Office girl at once. 2615 Leav enworth. Professions and Trades. GIRLS! GIRLS! WANTED 25 girl; good wage. Steady work. a ITEN BISCUIT CO.. "'l3th and Capitol Ave. WANTED. Olrls to sew on government contract; prefer girls experienced on power sew ing machines; best wage and light, sanitary workrooms. (You ran do your bit for your coun try here.) SCOTT OMAHA TENT A. AWNING CO. 15th and Howard. Factory Entrane. THE Nebraska Telephoni company offera an exceptional opportunltv to young ladiea to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent position: opportun ities for advancement: good wages. A sal ary la paid while learning Parents deairlng to acquaint themselves with the working condition or any other detail are especlail) Invited to accompany the applicants. ' ' Apply to C P. Lambert, 1807 Dougla treet ' WANTED Girl to w on shirt and over all; also 5 Inspectors for shirts and over alls; good wages and working conditions. Apply to Mr. Dobeck, M. E. Smith A Co., 9tb and Dougla St entrane. WANTKD-Power Jewing machine oper ators, no experience necessary: plec work with two week guarantee. Experienced girls make from $14 to $17 per week. Apply to forclady Omaha Auto Top Co., 707-11 8. 16th St. WANTED Olrls for labeling Butter-Nut coffee. Apply at office on viaduct. Paxton A Gallagher Co. WANTED i'ompetenl floor maid. Apply t'larksnn Hospital J LUAKN bur bur trade. 14U2 Uodi HELP WANTED FEMALE Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Two bright, capable women, 25 to 40 years of age. residents of Omaha snd vicinity, who find it necary to earn their own living, who woiild be inter ested in earning at least 815 per week. Also wanted to travel nursing, teaching or other experiences, preferred, but not absolutely necessary, answer, stating age, nationality, experiences, etc. If you have a phone, give numbe Personal Inter view arranged for. Box 6S66, Oinaha Bee. Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced white cook. Mr. Barton Millard. Harney 47. 123 N. 39th Street. WANTED girl -for general housework and help take care of small child. Three In family. Good wages to girl with ref erences. Call Colfax 2398. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; no washing; good wages; references required. Walnut 128. WANTED Good girl for general housework, small family, good wages. 3331 Harney St. Harney 2996.. Mrs, O. M. Mlrkel. GOOD girl, gefteral housework, no washing; references required. Mrs. A. H. Murdock, 2515 E St. Phone South 2142. WANTED White girl for general house work. Can go home nights if desired. Call Harney 3120. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family; good wages. Phone Tyler 2i26, afternoons. WANTED A girl for general housework; 2 In family. Phone Harney 673 or Doug las 63. 607 South 38th Ave WANTED Competent white! girl for gen eral housework; 3 In family; high wages. Apply Colfax 2469. WANTED Competent nurse, with references to care for child year old. 701 S. 37th St.' H. 1620. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 316 N. 41st St. Wal. 660. WANTED White girl for general house work; small family. Walnut 2346. WANTED Woman for housework, small family: no laundry. Tel. Walnut 3661. WANTED An , experienced white second girl; $3 per week. Phone Harney 668. WANTED School girl to assist in care of children. Call Douglas 720. WHITE girl for general hoTlsework. Mrs. S. Goetz. 1633 Park Ave. Harney 1401. Miscellaneous, WANTED Employed girls and women to handle commission and premium proposi tion In spare time. Duka Sales Co., Mus catine, , Ia. WANTED Girls (colored preferred). Ap ply OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18TH AND MARCY. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Young man 18 to 21 or lady with clerical experience for office clerk; must be competent. Apply Cudahy Pkg. Co., 14th and Jones. -J WANTED Immediately, name men-women, wishing to become government clerks, $75 month. Address Bex Y-120, cars of this office. EDUCATIONAL FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. NIGHT 8CHOOL WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER . Bookkeeping. Business Administration, Banking, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Civil Service, Telegraphy and English. Cata logue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, i Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas 1566. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day and Evening Schools. Munson-Pltman and Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, Offic Methods. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Spelling, CW1J Service subjects, courses by profes sors from the University School of Com merce, and Domestic Science. Ask for bulletin. 220 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL 20TH AND FARNAM Special low rate t permanent guests. COOL rooms for aummer. $2 week; Apt, with kltchenett. OGDEN HOTEL. Coun cil Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at Th Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts ot the city. New list Issued every week. JUST opened, excellent rooms for teachers, business men and women, newly furnished, newly decorated, Btrlctly modern, fine lo cation, on enr line, also easy walking distance. 116 N. 26th St. Phone Ty. 2233 LARGE, beautifully furn. front rm., in re fined private home; use of living room; board optional; suitable for two gent, or married couple: close to-car. H. 4012. SPLEIdTdLY furnished suite of rooms with bath; modern apartment; private family; near excellent board; gentlemen only. Harney 4894 or Tyler 1413. - 3 NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for three ladles. West Farnam district and only short walks from 16th and Farnam Phone Harney 2101. LARGE, comfortable room, Hanscom Park district. Block to car line. Twonty-flve-mlnute walk to 16th and Farnam streets. Harney 14GP. NICELY furnished large front room In mod ern private home. B'lne bed and all con veniences for gentlemen employed. Web ster 394. 313 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished, pleasant room, modern, walking distance or con venient to Farnam car. Reasonable. H. 4953. 646 S. 26TH ST. For rent, furnished or un furnished, large parlor, with lavatory; south window; steam heat; walking dis tance, DouTlas 3161. DESIRABLE close in rooms, suitable for two or three people; can arrange for dou ble or single. 308 N. 20th St. Red 6240. LARGE furnished, cool front room, $2.50 per week. One-half block to car; private family; board If desired. Call Harney 3384. WANTED One or two men to room at 2438 Ellison, close to good board, near Miller park. Call or phone Colfax 684. CLOSE-IN. beautiful, large, sunny rooms, with private lavatory, in strictly modern Sill. 606 SOUTH 26TI1 AVE. Large, cool, nicely furn.; adj. bath; well suited for gentle men; walking distance. Phone Har. 2627. FURNISHED room for retined young lady. Breakfnst If desired $10 per month. 4321 Decatur. Walnut 1754. FOR RENT A large front room in new mod., strictly private home to a lauj ; br. ikfast if desired; ref. exch. H. 2235. XWO nicely furnished southeast rooms in modern home, slnirl'j or ensuite. Two car lines; fine location. Harney 1088. DUNDEE Mod. fins, for rent; will arrange to suit tenant; also garage, uoara opuon- al; gentlemen preferred. Walnut 1252. VERY pleasant rm. for 2 gentlemen; priv., congenial home, walking dis. Breakfast If desired. 415 N. 27th Ave. tj BEAUTIFUL room in refined private home In West ifarnam to gentlemen; references exchanged. Harney 3647. i - LARGE airy room, phone, electric lights, bathvfurnace heat. 68 s. sum at. rnone Uarn.V f,Q4X ONE nice furnished room In private home. Apply after 6 p. m. iei. jjouk. mv. N. 17th St. 90S S. 31ST ST. 3 nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen, reasonaoie. leiepnoue xii ney 6239. ' FOR RENT Inprlvate family, large room and sleeping porch; reasonable. Harney 3971 TWO or three furnished or unfurnished room In Hanscom park district. Harney 6664. THE GRAYSTONE, 25th and Cass, reopened, nicely furnished roomeX reasonable. D. 7994. PLEASANT furnished room to rent; private home; 1 diock from car una. Plnkney Sts. Webster 4971. 2614 CHICAGO Large connecting rooms; grounu itoor; reasaDie. nrn.j 3121 DOUGLAS, large beautifully furnished room, suitable for 2 or . neasonam-. MOD., clean, cool, rma board optional. Nurses preferred. Near car line. H. 607. baUT1FUI, furnished room, 2417 Califor nia, walking distance. Call Doug. 6353. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. LAKliE suuth room fu?- two. Prefer people employed. Priv'e fR-iilly. Harney 6056. ROOM in Leavenworth Heights, new home, reasonable. re,"reneef.. Phone Walnut 2028. AN attractive room in private family In West Farnam district. Phone Harney 22. NEWLY furn. single sleeping rrrTT suitable for gentlemen, $10 a mo. 533 So. 22d. 4006 HARNLY Nicely furn. rm. for gentle man, all conveniences, modern. It. 4367. THE SCRANTON Sweetwood Ave., opp. 2672 Harney; elegant iurniphed rooms. 2712 JACKSON Modern, private family, walking distance, references. Hnr. 3522. DESIRvABLE room In a modern private horn. Walking distance. Tylr 767. 818 S. 19TH ST. Walking distance; nicely furnished room, modern, $2.00 week. FURNISHED room fur gentlemen. 801 North 41st Ave. Call Walnut 3416. VERY desirable rooin, private family, new home, board optional Tyler 2RS4. MODERN furnished room, splendid, heat. Ms, 3918 N. 22d St. Colfax 1179. FURNISHED room, all modern, $2 per week ueiKing distance, s. 22d St. NICELY furnished front room! close In; very desirable. 702 S. 29th St. 2 NICELY furnished rooms in private home. References. Call Harney 2572. ROOM In Kountze Place, modern home, ref erences. Phone Webster 766. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, reason able. 113 S. 24th St. lfill Howard, nieely furnished rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. NICE housekeeping rms., convenient for railroad men. Cheap rate If taken at once, as owner Is leaving city. Webster 7810. TWO large, liodern housekeeping rooms, 1609 Maple street. Call Webster 6C12. CASS ST., 3020 2 furn. housekeeping rooms, hot water heat, ciod. home. H. 2ii75. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furn. nicely, $3 week. 2220 Leavenworth. Doug. 8851. 122 N. 26TH ST. Large pleasant housekeep ing room, reasonable. Harney 6167. Board and Rooms. FOR TWO Large ruom, modern home, ex cellent board; no other roomers; reason, able. Harney 1533. LAtlGE, strictly modern looms, beautiful furniture, single or connecting; excellent board. H. 1790, PLEASANT, room, with board, for 2 teach, in priv. family; (No. side, on car line. Colfax 3190. BEM1S park district, room and board for two young men: private home. Wal. 2613. BEST board and rm. for 2, good location, home privileges. Web. 6131. 1502 Yates. 2957 HARNEY Room and board for two persons; also table board. Harney 3076. FJWNISHED Bteam -heated rooms, with or wtrnnnt noara. .wzn rw. :un. e. &aos. 844 S. 23D ST. Room and board, $7 per week; close in; good German board. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENT I rooms and bath, The Wayne, 27th and Dewey Ave. $37 winter. See Janitor 503 S. 28lh. Carvtn Bros., 315 Omaha National Bank Building. LAVEHN apartments, 1812 Capitol Ave., mod. front npartment furnished; 1st class sleeping rooms with lavatories. Doug. 884. SPLENDID 4-r. steam heated apt., strictly mod. 2204 N. 23d St. . Houses. BY OWNER 9-room, modern house; hot water heat. Dundee. Walnut 2558. , FOR RENT HOUSES West FOR RENT Six-room house, within one block of Blackstone; 116 a $6th St., Al bert Edholm, Doug. 1962. 128 S. 35TH ST. $50. Sun parlor and Bleep ing porch. Phone owner. Douglas zzzi. SIX rooms, all modern; walking distance. Harney 2049. GOOD 6-room mod. cottage, 25th and Dav enport, ?2i per montn. Tel. Harney ions. 10-ROOM house, modern. .. Harney 647. North. 3716 HAWTHORNE AVE. 8-room, all modern house; hot water heat; Bemls Park district. Phone Walnut 2992. 3-R. house, nice lawn, close to car line, reas., good neighbor. Colfax 1040 STRICTLY modern 6-room house, 2405 Em met. Tel. Webster 10P9. 1516 SHERMAN AVE., 13 rooms. $33. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. South. 6-ROOM and den all modern house, with garage. $30. Vacant Sept. 1. 1543 So. 25th St. Doug. 2302 CHEAP rent. Brick flats. Warm In winter; 6 rooms and bath. 2330 S. 20th St. Wal- CLOSE-IN 5-rm. house with bath; 830 S. 21jt St.. $19. Harney, 2705. NINE-ROOM modern house, 614 S. 20th St. $45. E. H. Lougee Inc. 638 Keeliiye Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern home, two garage. $32.00; 8008 S. 17th t. lots and Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4- R. 2505 Pierce St $15.00 ""MODERN EXCEPT HEAT B.R,i30 S. 24th Ave $15.00 6- n.4S03 N. 29th St 18.00 7- R. 1909 California St 30.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 5- R. 5337 N. 2ith St $25.00 5-R. 3214 Corby St 25.00 5- R. 922 S. 31st Ave 27.50 8r.3901 Florence Blvd 37.50 6- H. 2412 Seward St.. 20.00 6.r;4535 Franklin St 25.00 6-R. 4129 N. 18th St 27.50 6- R 3016 Dewey Ave 37.60 7- R. 207 N. 23d St 25.00 7- R. 3607 N. SOth St 25.00 8- R. 3901 N. 17th St 30.00 8- R. 525 S. 26th St 40.00 9- R. 1919 Chicago St 35.00 10-R. 560 S. 28th St 30.00 10-R. 2221 Dodge St 40.00 15-R. 4219 N. 24th St 30.00 FLATS. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 10-R 70S S. 13th St $45.00 PORTER & SHOTWELL, 2 02 S. 17th St Doug. 5013. EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 652 South 26th avenue, 6 rooms, east front corner, brick, $37.59. Ht South 20th avenue, rooms, $35.00. 2120 Emmet street, 10 rooms and garage, $45.00. All of these In A-lNo. 1 condition. TRAVER BROTHERS, Douglas 6S80. 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. 618 8. 3 1ST, 6 rms., $20.00. i 1113 N. 23d, 5 rms., $20.00. 2913 Dodge. $ rms., $35.00. 117 S. 29th. 7 mis., $35.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. DUNDEE RESIDENCE 8-room, all-mod., 6018 Uniderwoo. Ave., $42.50. 'O. C. OLSEN, 103 MeCague Bldg. u.,aua in all iiuprn of the cltv. OR '"OH- SONS ft CO.. 60 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. Central, all modern, few equal, none better, 3-room arartinents, private bath. Apply Tt. Ttzaxd. 2201, N. 23d St. Phone Red 4232. CLOSEJn rooms, suitable for studio, office, deniist, dressmaker, etc., with living rms. sdjolnlng. T. F. Hall, 434 Ramge. D. 7406. APARTMENTS, all slites and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam: D. 1472. ST. CLAIR APTS., 24th AND HARNEY. 2 and S-rooni apartments. Harney 647 SIX rooms all modern, St. Louis flat. 662 S. 26th Ave. Call Colfax 1374. ELEGANT 6-room Hlat facing park. 3315 Cuming St. Harney 2768. Miscellaneous. APARTMENTS Make your reservations now. The Marianne, located at 16 th and WUUs Ave., will be ready for occupancy Sept. 15th. The Raleigh, located at 30th and Jackson Sts., will be ready .for occupancy Oct. 1st. Each apartment of 3 rooms with 5 room accommodations, with all the latest built-in features, such as beds, dressers, Ice-boxes etc. Call at the office for fur ther Information. SCOTT AND HILL CO. 1 Jouglas 1009. North. iriuv mflut furnai'e heat, elec tric light, white enamel bath and prae- ticallv walKing aistance on n. iin m. only $20; no children .and lease required EDWARD K. WILLIAMS CO.. Realtors. $03-1 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 420. FO$ RENT HOUSES. North. 7-R. APARTMKN'f. $25: winter rate $35! steam heat, others 518 acd up. G. P Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. EST A BROOK apt. or office, facing Kth St., iii month. C. P. Ste'iblns, 1610 Chicago, 9-HOOM, r.mdJrn flit, walking distance. 614 N 2 1 Ft St. South. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, St'eciallsts In Apartment Management. FbR RENT Business Prop'ty STORES 1313 Douglas I$200.09 1324 N. 40th 30.00 1912 Lake 15.00 GARVIN BROS. 315 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Stores. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat, 624-626 So. 16th St.; size 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 322 Brandeis Theater Rids. Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Hldg.. 13th and Farnam. (Old First Nat. Bank Blrtg.) FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler 500. STOREROOM for rent. Sun Theater Bldg. WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtors). Douglas 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. SMALL modern store room, steam heat. 1513 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, S22 Brandeis Theater. Douglas 1571. 4718 S. E. H. 24TH St., South Side. Near P. O. Benner Co. Douglas 8406. Office and Desk Room. FOR RENT Some choice offices, good lo cation and reasonable rent; located In the Bromley building at 210 South 13th St. I. N. HAMMOND." Agent. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bidg., 17th and Douglas. MeCague Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Furnished Apartments and Hoises. WANTED 5 or 6-room apartment about October 1. Address Box 6131, Bee. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO KENT. Garage or room suitable for storage and service station; floor space; good elzo. Oive full particulars and terms. Address Box C8G9, Omaha Kee. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Packing, storage and moving 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert services; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 77S5. L1TFM7T THPV CENTAL PDPP I'lIJIiLill RirnvifK X AbJUU Phone Douglas 288 for completa list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, ltlth and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goiods nnd pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE -60., 802 S. 16th. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 br Dpuglaa 4338. JP RTJ1li1'n Express Co., Moving . J. IvDLL1 Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnnm St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West West Farnam District Residence, seven-rooms, three en first floor oak, four on second (white enamel, hot water heat, tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable terms It desired. ALFRED THOMAS. 10$ Farnam Bldg. , FOR SALE Cathedral district, ten-roon. house, gas, bath, furnace, south front lot. 50x150; hduse not new, but would make Ideal home or coilfl be made Into upper and lower apartments; block four car lines: clear. Owner. Box 6880, Omaha Bee. 6-ROOM NOBBY HOME. $3,500. Strictly mod., birch finish and oak floors, first floor. Full lot; good neigh borhood; Vi blk to car. T. D. Weart, 319 8. 18th St. North. $1,000 CASH Buy my $1,750 equity in a brand new 6-room bungalow. Quarter sawed oak and fir finish. Oak floors, screened porch; modern in every respect. If you are look ing for an up-to-date home see this. Col fax 4193 South. ONE 6-rsom and one 4 -room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition: live in one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2433 S. 20th St. , NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. R. S. TRUMBULL, 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. Miscellaneous. HOMES 2354 South 35th St. 8-room modern house, hot water heat, combination gas and electric lights, clothes, chute; house built for home, well arranged! and good sized rooms, with ample closer !pace. Corner lot, east and south front, paved streets, nice yard. Price $4,500, rea sonable terms. 1113 South 30th Ave 8-room modern house, garage, on 30tu Ave., near Pacific St., close to car line. Rents $35 per month. Price $3,500; want cash offer. Some repair and paint will make it a splendid home. 614 South 28th St. ' 10-room modern house and 45-foot lo, east front, near Leavenworth St.; garage. Rents $36 per month. Nonresident owner wants cash offer. GARVIN BROS. Loans and Real Estate, 345 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM BARGAIN Paved street. Near car, near sojtool fine neighborhood. Prlc $3,250. Rtaaon. able term.. :NS0N & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block, Douglas 1722. AUCTION SALE Five-room bungalow, llA. N, 42d St. Sale at residence Tuesday, Sep tember 4, at 10:30 a. m. For .particular can minrein, narney .uv. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Real Estate ana insurance. 1320 Farnam St Doug. IPS 4. REAL ESTATE B'ness iVpty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Bit Specialist In downtown haslnes property. f REAL ESTATE Investment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET & SON, REALTORS, V 620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WANT FARM. I have one of the finest close-in nine partment, pressed brick f late In Omaha, two blocks from court house. Income, $4,200. Price, $50,000. Mortgage. $20,000. Will take farm and cash or clear farm if priced right for equity. Agent tale notice. Box 6227, Bee. SHERIDAN, Dawes. Rock and Dundy Co. improved ranches, clear, for al or change. a a a. t V TAWTf!nUlfiHT. Douglas '4310. 527 City Nat. Bank Bldg. $50 AN acre buy 10-acre farm 16 "lle from Oinaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel. Doug 4212. Evidence phone Doug, 6776. INVESTIGATE my system ; Omaha Realty Trarllne 1:0 is Patterson ru TO exchange 20 ncrs of Oregon land for auto in good condition. Box Y-153, Bee. "PersistentTAdvcrtisiiig Is the Road to Success -