Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 9
rirw Sunday Bee Call Tyler 1000 1 liij. ; UMA To Place Want Ad Section Your Want Ad. VOL. XLVII NO. 12. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING,, SEPTEMBER 2, 1917. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. i - . Weekly Commercial Guide A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any Article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. HA Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE it AB STRACT CO.. 17M Farnam St. Douglas SS65. SADLER. S. M. & SON, 116 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 1 y 2t Titles examined and perfected. Adding Machines. IjALTO.V ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES. 424 Ramge Bldg. Pong. 1449. Architects. KELSON Thrait FREDERICK A.. 840-42 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 6200 .ft us plan your home Advertising Service. UnTitED FILM AD SERVICE DISTRIBU TORS OK LEGITIMATE PUBLICITY THAT BRINGS RESULT: j. Doug. 7042. 470 Bruiiuels Bldg. Artificial Limbs. IjEHNER & DENNIS. Red 6761; 221 Ni i'l Fidelity and Casualty Bldg, Attorneys. TlRADY. T. K., 7.0-2 Brandela Theater Blag. Douglas 2(17. DICKINSON, CHAS. T 611 Paxton Blk. Douglas U 804. FISHER. H HIS First Nat. Bank mag. u. 1.615. Attorney and counsellor at law. I'lTZGERALD. JAMES M.. 101J-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 4501. - i R A.Y & BRUMBAUGH. 313-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Red 3157. General practice in slat.; and federal courts. TiODDER, E. tl. 614 Omaha, Nat l Bans Bldg. Dougla I.OWELL. F. 3244. ', 73 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 2070. 11AKER, BENJAMIN S.. 4u6 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4S2. A KRANZ. LESLIE H.. 1530-35 City Nat. Bit. Tyler 1530. Att'y and counsellor at law. McDonnell, wm Red 8841. 209 Keeline Bldg. IIURDOCK. A. II.. 43 Omaha Nat. Ban l Bkig. Real estate law a specialty. VONDORN. J. 111., 400 Paxton Blk Doug. 8714. Attorney at law. V'ARNSWORTH. E. T., Atfy. 438 Bee Bldg. . Doupr. S254. Pioneer 1868. ILAIBORNE. H. H.. 612 Paxton Blk. Phone Re 7401. , VjONNELL. W. J., 634 BEE BLDG. Douglas 1316; HORTON. RICHARD S.. Court House. Doug OOns. Res, phone. Harney 1531. MATTERS. THOMAS H.. Laywer, 252 Om. National nk JB1 dg,Dougla 8 4327. AGNEWTfRANK A.. Atfy at Law. South 1098. Room 6. Murphy Block. Automobiles, HUFFMAN, (FRED C.) MOTOR CAR CO.. 220 '-"... ft Farnam. H. M. Collins. Mgr. Stephens' SI;: and Crow-Elkhart cars. f-ESTERN MOTuR CAR CO. Doug 4903. .45. Farnam St. Distributors for Har- roun and Chalmers cars. AUBURN AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2559 Far nam. Dougla 7298. Touring; cari and roadsters "Call ana see GOERNE. FRED & SON. 6026-5028 3 24th. South IPS. Agents for Mack Auto trucks. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. 10th and How ard Doue. 2500. Ford cars and repairs. Authorized agents for Ford cars. J? INTYRE-H AYWARD MOTOR CO.. 2427 Fan am. Douglas 2408. Steams-Knight and Regal cars. VoRTH WALL. T. fl.. CO.. 913-17 Farnam. Ty. 32. NallonaU Holller and Pullman cars. Sample-hart motor co.. mh and Burt. Tyler 613. 100 per cent Ford erv Ice to Ford owners. . Auto Livery. StELCHEU. A., Leavenworth. .-..i.. ,.. . ninv mpflna service. D 4899. Autos. .1CH. ilT O " . commercl and plcnsure.-nireq ANDERSEN AUTO EXPRESS CO.. 1907 Harney St. Dougla 2360. Prompt service. Reasonable rates SHE'rMAN,'". W.. 2311 N. 24th St Webster 2883. Auto livery ana iorao, BMITITtAXI CO.. Doug. 580 1417 J Funeral cars furnished. Al Smith, Mgr. Auto Painting. FrISCOU JOHN H.. auto painting. T . at Tmiiir. 9084. Res.. Wal 156.. iROESSIG. W F.. 144 S. 40th. Har ms. We make old antoa look like new ones. Auto Repairs. ESOWN. J. R-. 4225 Dodge St. Walnut 2100. Auto repairing, body building, automobile nalntlng. Work guaramee.1. iBINGHAM. FRANK. 214 S. 28th Ave. Harney 1200. First-class auto repairing. Lowest prices. Edwards, e. s.. 2616 n. is. t ster 112. For best results with repair work consult us, GRBENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPA1R ?v(i 8028 Farnam. Douglas 200L HUTT. U O.. 4615 S. 4tn di. ouuiu Automobile repairs and garage. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 S 11th Doug 4881. AUtOmoDlie worn. .y. pistons fitted.autoparts made to-order Wr.cTrV- ENGINEERING CO. a nh .nA Karnev Sts.. "old narte Auto Supplies. TROUP AUTO SUPPLY CO.. 1921 Farnam. Douglas 6230. A full Una of supplies tor all makes of ears. Auto Tires. OMAHA SAVAGE SALES, CO., 1612 Chi cago D 3311. No road too savage for Savage ttres wuamy . - - TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. 1516 Davenport St. POUgma "- Auto Tons and trimmings ENGLISH. THOH. F.. 2318 Harney Doug las 3786. Satisfaction guaranteed, "Le best Is none too good- Baggage and Transfer. fj MAHA EXPRESS CO.. 1417 Douglas 3354. Moving vans for furniture and niano moving. Careful mv ""OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "TUB TMonhone D. igls 295. 14th and Jackson. Paclt store shir, ntanos snd nonsehotfl 1 Tiff Art 1ARD STORAGE CO D. 1496. KUiua. ,.. - ii n & ms trTT.H CO.. 1108 Nicholas. Tyler 460. Public warehouse Storing a 0 tomomiea i FORD TRANSFER CO.. 1 uoukuui St. Tyler it. "Aiwwya m 1 ,.r,ni7aa Oi C Ikth T 1 41 "sTrTOOA VAN AND STORAHE. 241T Ames Ax-e. Col. 601. Res, phone Web.1828. Banks. rv.MMFBCIAL STATE BANK OF OMAHA. THE 15?3 MatnT Florence. F.or. 303 4 pet on t me certificate and savings 1epos1U Protected under Neb, state guarantee law TfEEIt SAVINGS BANK. Securities PIONELK .ntrance. We pay 4 .r cent Interest on savings accounts. fTvH STOCK NATIONAL BANK. 4840 S South 760. See us about 21th. I'trone vour chattel loans OMAHA NAT'L BANK. Tyler 100; 17th and Farnam Sts. -AMERICAN STATE BANK.MSth and Far ram. w.d Block. Phone Tyler 80 I?arber Shons. Vs?-TEE-DEE." PALACE OF ARTS: A T Simmons, Prop. "Some barber" 1322 DodgT Doug. 8682. "Ess T Dee" for dandruff, falling hair and Itching scalp, or tnnney back. Baths. EUGENIC BATH INSTITUTE. 209 8. 24th Douglas 7046. A apor and tub baths. Swedish massage. Also lessons In Swed Ish massage. Benevolent Institutions. CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE!. 619 8. 42d Harnev 6511 Sunnorted by donations. SALVATION ARMY RESCUE HOME AND ' . . . . ..,.1 ll'.k 4111 Biscuit Manufacturers. rTio-TiT rvi . Panlml Ave.. 12th to 1 ..'. iv,,l..'!l!l. Snow White Lak ery. ilfra. of cracker, cakes snd cUa, Billiard Parlors. CAPITOL POOL HALL. 2018 N. 24th St. Web. 1773. C W. South and O. V. South. Props. Cigars, tobaccos and soft drinks. LINCOLN. POOL. LUNCH COUNTER. CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS. DOKG 3651. 1315-17 Dodge St. C C. Galloway. Prop. MONARCH BILLIARD PARLOR. Ill & 14th St. Phone Douglas 3724. Soft drinks and cigars. Jack Broomfleld, Pror PLKCHAS. P.. 6216 S. 2Stn St. South 2368. Soft drinks and cigars. SUBWAY BILLIARD PARLORS, 204 S. 14th. Swanson A Ayleswortb. Proprietors. Cigars, tobacco and barber shop. D. 4663. D. G. RUSSELL. 1916 Cuming. Red 3203. Colored hotel and barber shop In connec tion. Also soft drinks, tobacco, cigars. SAVOY POOL HALL. Red 3165. 1415 JacksoirSt. "Come In and see us ' Blue Prints. FENGER, N., 305 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 2762. "Blue prints that .satisfy." Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE, WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO., 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks and oxy-acetylene welding. Books, Stationery MATHEWS' BOOK STORE. 1620 Karney St Phone Douglas 3144. Books. Statlonnry and Engraving . Bottling Works. NATIONAL BOTTLING WORKS. Simon B. Epstein, Pres., 2666-68 Cuming. Douglas 2680. Distributors of "NON-TOXO." SLOUP-SHERRY BOTTLING CO., 1508 Web ster SL Doug. 7398. Bottlers of Sun-Set Ginger Ale and Soda Vater, . PABST CO., 1307 Leavenworth St., DAuglas 79, Mfrs. and distributors of "PABLO." G. B. BONDKSON, Mgr., Omaha. Bottles. RIEKES, S. & SON, 1513-15 Webster St. Tyler 2033-W. Jobbers and dealers In bot tles of all kinds. Building and Loan Associations. COMMERCIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSO CIATION. James J. FltzgeralH. 4931 S. 24th'St. South 192. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA. TION, N W. Cor. 16ih and Dodge. Doug las 370. 6 per cent real estate loans. Bridge Contractors. WESTERN BRIDGE AND CONSTRUCTION CO., Douglas 4072. 64S Boe Bldj Building Material. KRAUS KARL R. CO.. 408-10-12 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 2604. "Everything In Hre proof building material." Butter (Wholesale.) ALFALFA BUTTER CO.. 120-24 N. 11th St. Douglas 3903. W. W. Rlchason. Pres. Cafes and Restaurants. FRISCO QUICK LUNCH, 314 8. 15th. Red 2938. Regular meals. Short orders. Open day and night. Quick service. Sanitary IRA D. KIGHT, 3030 L St. South 3433. Short orders. Regular v meals. Best place on the South Side. Y W. C. A. CAFETERIA, 17th & St. Mary's A a D. 1428. Hours: 11 a. m. 2 p. m.; 5 p. m.- -6:45 p. m. Opento men and women. HflRSKMAN CAFE. 1419 Dodge St, Douglas 1145. High class lunch. Crawfish and all kinds of shellfish. EDWARD'S CAFE. 304 N. 16th St. D. 8911. Geo. Petros, Prop. Home cooking, com bination breakfasts and dinners. NIGHT AND DAT CAFE, 320 S. 15th St. Red 3702. Meala and short orders at all hours T. C Harp, manager CARPENTER CAFE. 1019 N. 16th. Doug Ins 8506 A sanitary eating place. CASTLE HOTEL CAFE. Red 7408. 16th and Jones Sts. ALFRED JONES. Prop. Carpet Cleaners. OMAHA CARPET CLEANING CO.; Doug. 7906. 192S Leavenworth St. Carpets cleaned like new. ; Cash Registers. MORRIS CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER CO.. 219-222 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4408. K. XV. Hart. Pres. Cement Products. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. Waterproof, ateam cured cement blocks. North plant, 31st and Spauldlng; 8. plant, 26th & Oak. Main off. & display rm 1708 cum, u. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 886. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA: fired out of Con tinental Blk; new location 494-496 Bran dels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter. I). 6381, Cigar Dealers. DOPLER. HENRY. 1339 Park Ave. Harney 5683. Cigars, tobacco, candy and notlonii. . Cleaners and Dyers. STATE DRY CLEANING CO. Douglas 6072. 120 N. 12. We call for and deliver same day. Auto servfee. STANDARD, THE, Cleaners and Dyers. 1236 S. 13th. Bed 8276. The cleaning that's up to the standard. RATHMAN BROS.. Dry Cleaners. Suits nressed. 60c. Har. 751 2864 Farnam IMPERIAL DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. Tylr 1022. 1616 Vinton St. Clothing and Furnishings. ROTIIHOLZ, H.. 4815 S. 24th St. South 2275 Gents Furnishings. Hats sna anoes. WESTER JOBBING HOUSE. 1114 Farnam. Tyler 956. Coal. CARBON COAL & SUPPLY CO.. 629 Omahl Grain Exchange. Tyler 264, Wholesale coal and building material. NORTH END COAL & EXPRESS CO.. 2627 ' Lake. Web. 6036. Transferring trunks and furniture our specialty. High-grade coal. DICK" (A. L.) COAL CO.. 1009 N. 16th 8t. Doug. 1526, Hard and soft wood a specialty Coal and Lumber Dealers. BOWMAN-KRANZ LUMBER CO. Col. 810, 4201 N. 30th. Coal, lumber, bldg. material. Collection Agencies. YOU nay nothing. We collect, deduct our commission and send the balance prompt iv thh PHOENIX MERCANTILE BU REAU. Douglas 1460. 814 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Color Advertisinr. vertisinr. "H1NG pO., 417 EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING iCO.. 417 South 12th St. T. 1210. we are me oniy pure ly lithographing firm In Nebraska. Spe "lal'sts In fine color work Confectioners. PALACE CANDY KITCHEft, 2301 Daven- port St Douglaa 7683. we mane our own candles and Ice crearn ROG ;RS CONFECTIONERY. 24tn ana Farmim Sts. Phone Douglas iti. WILSON, L. L.. 1401 Main St.. Florence, Neb Soft drinks, cigars, candy. Flor. 186. OLYMPIA CANDY KITCHEN THE. D. 6200. 1518 Harney. Lunches. Ire cream, canoy A B. SWEET SHOP, THE, D. 2920. I6tn a Jackson. Dainty lunches ana ice cream. Contractors (Building.) EUREKA BUILDING AND1 REPAIRS, 2416 Lake. Webster 3000. Workmanship and sen-Ice. Prices reasonable. CARLSON. A. B. Colfax 3460. Brick, atone and repair work done; prices reasonable. Concrete "and Cemen C. McWILLIAMS. Gen. Cement and Concrete contractors 411 Bee Bldg. Red 7768. Contractors Paving. MURPHY" (HUGH) CONSTRUCTION CO., 204-206 Karbach Block. Douglas 834. Curtain Cleaners. OMAHA LACE LAUNDRY. 2210 S. 32d Ave. Harney 2637. The only establishment In Nebraska devoted exclusively to cleaning " Delicatessen. AUVORD S DELICATESSEN. 2557 Farnam D. 3164. Picnic lunches a speciality. DUNDEE DELICATESSEN. PHONE US j fur yuur oii'if. W, 114. t ree delivery Dentists. Dr. L. G. Horton Dental X-Ray 890 Brandeis Bids. Doug. 4043. ELSTER. DR. W. B. New location, 1U2S-24 First Nat. Bk. Bld. Phonj Office, Dong. 1S6; Res.. Col ?T28. EADES, DR. G. F 201 Paxton Biock D. 6728. Not the cheapest, but the best POPULAR PRICE DENTISTS. 206-7 Wars. Bldg. Phone Douglas 874. The best work at the lowest prices. DR G. W. TODD. Dentist. For porcelain teethJ 403 Brandela Bldg. Doug. 2923. M'KENNEY, DENTISTS. D. 2872. 1324 Farnam. Crown bridge work, 4 per tooth Department Stores. PHILIPS DEPARTMENT STORE, 24th and O Sts. South 1869. We sell every thing the fastest growing store In Omaha Desks. NF.BR SKA DESK & REFIN1SHING CO, 421- N. 24th. Colfax 1424. If it's about desks let us know. Detective. RELIABLE DETECTIVE BUREAU, 315 Ramge Bldg. D. 2056. Investigators or criminal and civil suits. Our detectives are reliable. Doll Hospitals. FENNER, DR. H B., 62 Douglas Block. Doug. 6160. Bring your broken doll" to us. Tennis rackets restrung. Drafting Designing. LA DOUCEUR, M. H.. 1227 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 6373. Maps, drawings, sketches and tracing. Engrossing of resolutions nnd diolomas. Dressmakers. WE DO HEMSTITCHING. And plcot edge work: all work guaranteed. Done VWille You Walt. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. 205 Ij!. 16th St. Phone Douglas 418. CARLEY & CHADD. Dressmakers, 306 No. 24th St. Douglss 4351 HAMPTON MRS. LUT.U. 339 Rose Bldg. Tyler 1810. Style and service considered. our prices are low. QU1NBY. MRS.iL. J..-Room 7. Balrd Bldg 17th and Douglas. Red . 2706. evening gowns a specialty-. Drugs (Wholesale & Mfs.) GERING. HENRY R. CO., (THE) 701 So. 13th St. 'Douglas 1290. Pharma ceutical chemists and drug Mfrs. RICHARDSON DRUO'CO., 902-12 Jackson. Douglaa 6!B. Wholesale drugs. UNITED CHEMICAL CO.. Inc.. 1727 Iav enworth. Mfgrs. of extracts, toilet articles, stock foods, disinfectants & kindred articles Drug Stores. SARATOGA DRUG CO. Celfax 116. 24th and Ames. Kodak agency. 24-hour serv ice, free developing. LUCKE. R C. DRUG CO.. 3524 Leavenworth St. Harney 8408 have real drug store service. Wo POPE DRUG CO., 1302 Farnam. D. 2672 Gen. Agt. NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES Dry Goods (Wholesale.) BYRNE & JJAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. , 9th and Howard Sts. Douglas 206. Cloaks, suits, ladies' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies: all kinds of fane, and staple Dry Goods. SWENSON BROS.. . 208-10-12 S. 10th Dougl"6607. Wholesale dry goods St. Electrical Supplies. MODERN ELECTRIC CO., "Everything Electrical." A. R. Thrapp. 1217 Missouri Ave.; South 2176. T. C. Bowles. 3211 Leavenworth: Harney 732. McGRAW CO.. THE, 1208 Harney. Douglas 4674. Electric, telephone, steam and garage supplies. " LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trlcal repair works and contracting com tnnw In the middle west. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 624 Bee. Employment Bureaus. MARTIN & CO., Room 8, Crelghton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 2357. Wanted Your orders for male and female help of all kinds. White, colored and Japanese. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising, HENNINGSON ENGINEERING CO.. 1122H Farnam. Doug. 8229. Skilled municipal Improvement engineers; sewer, paving, electric light, water works, appraisals, re ports. ANDERSON BENNETT, 424 Bee Bldg Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Farm Implements. WAGNEI'. BROS. CO., (RETAILERS. Doug. 1232; 1215 11-worth St. ALL REPAIRS. Farm Lighting Plants. LA T. LEY-WILSON ELECTRO CO, 2420 Far. St. Lalley Farm Elec. Light f Power plants. Give best satisfaction. Can be oper ated for $1 per mon. Only 3 moving parts Can't get out of order. Child ran operate It. Fish (Wholesale.) BOOTH FISHERIES CO., 1308 Leavenworth St. Douglae 628. Florists. BRANDEIS FLOWER DEPARTMENT. DOUGLAS 2020. Fencing. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. 205-7 N. 17th St. Red 4247. Iron and wire fencing and "FENC'IOf.OGY." Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO., 2644 Martha St Harney 1662. Machine, gray Iron, brass, bronze and aluminum castings OI.SEN A SCHLINGER. 1407 Jackson. D. 7491. Brass, bronze and aluminum castings, j Fruits and Produce. PARSLEY (THE) COMMISSION CO., 4831-83-35 8. 25th St. South 720. Whole sale produce, fruits and vegetables. Quality Brand products. LEVINSON & ROBINSON. 605 8. 11th. Fruits and produce. POTATOES A SPE CIALTY. D. 3717. Night phone, Veb, 6377. Furniture. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 1504 N. 24th. Web.( 3861. New and econd-hand furnlture.'l Carpets, stoves, rugs. Ice boxes; low prices. Furniture- Repairing. OMAHA FURNITURE & PIANO REPAIRS "A. E. Snmuelson, Prop.; moved to 107 N 40th. Ti 1610. Upholstering, reflnlshlng Furn., mattresses, box springs, mart", order WALNUT HILL FURNITURE AND PIANO REPAIRING. 4004 Hamilton. Wal. 2955 Grain C6mmission. ARMOUR GRAIN CO.. 731-35 OM. Gr. Exch. Douglas 1849. Consignments solicited Unexcelled service. Wire us for bids E R. Thresher, Rep. F. OBV. LV GRAIN CO. Tyler 1473 600 Grain Fxchange Bldg. Hay and grain consignments a specialty. Hatters. RAMSER, VV. A., 214 S. 14th, upstairs. D. 4653. Panama and soft hats renovated. Grocers- Wholesale. HUGHES, H. J., CO.. 1201-3-5 Jones St. Douglas 1334. NEBRASKA A lOW A MERCANTILE CO.. 1315 Howaid. Douglas 1066. ,Hlgh-grade staple and fancy groceries t1iEKPF.C1AI.TY CO.. 607 S. 13IM St Douglas 4095. High-grade groceries. Good service. Reasonable prices, ' ( . ' Groceries and Meats. OLIVE OIL. Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles and other Imported products. Douglas 2659 PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS. Douglas 279.1. Wholesalers and retailers of everything In eatables Watch for date of opening In First Nat'l Bank Bldg. THO '.IN SNYGG. WALNUT HILL GRO CERY. 40th and Hamilton: Wal. 384. A big line, mat and groceries: prices right. ANDERSON. J. A 3924 Sherman Ave. Colfax - 456. High-grade groceries and meats. Honest prlce. Good service. GROSS, M., 419 S. 26tb Ave. Douglas 4285. First-class meats. Fancy and staple groceries. TUCHMAN BROS. Groceries and meats. 3 stores. 324 N. 18th, 26th and Harney "Sts. and 26th and Davenport SSts. WET.SHr8GROCERY STORE, 4706 S. 24tb South 130-139. "Everything good to eat." MURDOCH. W. B.. 05 Leavenworth. Har ney 4988. Fancy and staple groceries. First-class meats. RIVERSIDE GROCERY CO., Cor., of (th and Center. Douglas S435. Everything In groceries snd meats. Rosenblat & Faler. 2802 Sherman Ave. Web 1675. Our motto, quality, quanlty, service ROSENBLATT. J.. 219 N. 13th. Douglas 2306. Fancy groceries and meats. SCH1nAUBER & HOFFMAN, 408 N. 16thT Douglas 1420. Staple groceries and meats SCIiWiDERTJOS. J., 1242 S. 13th St Douglas 1824. High-grade groceries. FINGEP.LOS. CHAS.. 2651 Y St. For staple and farcy groceries call 8outh 3904, KUNCL, V. F.. 1344 South 13th. Douglas 119 8. The oldest market In the city. WISLER. JOHN. 48th and Leavenworth! Walnut 3343. Free delivery. WALLACE, WM.. South 1360. 6107 S. 21st St. First-class goods. GEEST, HENRY, 1921 Missouri Ave. 6. 161. Smoked sturgeon, meats and sundries. Hairdressing. THE DELET HAIRDRESSING PARLORS. D. 1795. 02 Balrd Bldg. 17th and Douglas. Halls. . DRUID HALLS, 2414-16-16 Ames Ave., for dance and lodge purposes. Hardware KRKLLE, CHAS., 610 S. 13 til. Douglaa 3411. Tin, Sheet-Iron and furnace work, PETERSON & MICH ELSON H A ROW A R H CO, THE, 4SM-18 S. 24th St.. So. Side. Phone South 171. Hardwood Floors. OMAHA HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Douglas 7614. We make a specialty of laying, fin ishing and reflnlshlng hardwood floors Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL, 26th and Douglas Sts. Douglaa 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, aurgeon-lnj-chtef. The most com plete hospital In th West. Hotels. DELMAR HOTEL. 219 8. 24th St. Douglas 6492. New, modern, quiet and fireproof rooms and bath, II and up. In heart of city, 24th and Farnam. VICTORIA HOTEL. 1308 Dodge. Doug. 3105, Rooms, 60c. 75c and II. Oil, with bath privileges. Under new management, COMMERCIAL HOTEL. O. W. Verley. man anger. 2310-2312 M St. South 648. Ameri ca i plan. Rooms, 50 cenls UNION HOTEL, J. M. ARMSTRONG. MGR., 11th arid Mason Sts. Doug. 6744. Clean up-to-date rooms, 60e and up. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, Mr. BOLKER. Mgr. 1210 Douglas St. Douglas 5177. Nlcs clean rooms at reasonable prices. HARVARD HOTEL, 8. E. cor. 24th and Far nam. D. 4796. Modern rooms, cool and comfortable. Rates II and 16 per wee! MILLARD HOTEL, 13th and Douglas ita. Douglas 924. J. Vasko & Son. proprietors. "Popular prices. Cafe In connection KEYSTONE HOTEL. 1312 Douglas. Doug. 1834. Rooms, 60c to 11.50. Hot and cold water In each room. A. White, Mgr. MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1608 Farnam. Douglaa 648. OXFORD HOTEL, Douglas 1475. Southwest corner 11th and Farnam. A. White, Mgr. Household Necessities. ADAMS (C. F.) CO.. Fs. 16th. Doug. 20oT. Salesmen wanted to sell household neces sities on easy payment plan. T Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO.. McCague Blk., 16th and Dodge. Douglas 664. Wholesale and retail tee. CITY ICE CO.. Office and plant. 89th and Leavenworth. Harney 366. Ice Mfrs. I?e Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO., ' 19tu and Nicholas. .V L. Baker, Pres. F. J. Yette, Sec'y and Treaa Ice Cream Manufacturers. INDEPENDENT ICE CREAM CO., 1441 No. 19th St. Web. 3707. Mfrs. of purs Ice cream. Deliveries In all parts of etty. Institutions. NEAL INSTITUTE 1502 Sou'b 10th St. Douglas 7556. Insurance, Fire. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.. 100 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1023 D. M. M'GAHET, General Agent HC ME LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. 319-20 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 4162. "I want you to feel at home In THE HOME." COLUMBIA FIRE UNDERWRITERS, The, 3d floor Merchants' Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 450. C. O. Talmage, Mgr. Fire underwriters NAT'L. SECURITY FIRE INS. CO., 1406 Farnam. D. 1683. The only old line fire In surance Co. of Neb. W. A. George, Pres.; O. A. Danielson. Sec: F. J. Zernan. Treas, Insurance, General. B. L. BALDWIN & CO.. 917-18 First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Douglas 271. General In surance and surety bonds Insurance, Life.. GUARANTEE FUND ASS'N.. 64 Brandos Th. D. 7114. Life Insurance worth while at reasonable cost. W. R. Williams. State Mgr GUARANTY LIFE INSURANCE CO., 697 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2952. J E. MURPHY. STATE MGR. Inve ;ment brokers. NORFOLK INVESTMENT CO., 1321-22 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 2949 Farm loans. Lowest rates. Jewelers. AZURE DIAMOND CO.. 305V. 8. 16th. Ty ler 2777. Opposite First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Azure diamonds, beautiful ss real dia monds, coajt but very little P. F. LARSON, 213 Brown Block. D. 6372. First-c'ass watenjnaker and Jeweler. High grade materials. Satisfaction guaranteed. J HENR1CKSEN. THE LOYAL Dourrlas 1574; 201 N. ISth St: LARSEN JEWELRY STORE. Red 8527; 204V. N ISth Diamonds, watch.-s. opt! al goods, vlctrolas and expert repairing. Junk Dealers. CENTRAL IRON AND METAL CO., 1211 Dodge. D. 668. We buy all kinds scrap Iron and metals. Old autos bought, 130 up. A. FERER & SON. 8th and Douglas. Doug. 2436. largest scrap dealers In the west. AMERICAN JUNK CO.. N. E. Cor. 12tb and Chicago Sts. Douglas 6402. Ladies' Tailor FREIBERG. B., 2005 No. 20th. Webster 2865. Ladles' suits and skirts Exclusive patterns. LOHRMAN. REL.ABLEHCaViES' TAILOR, 433-45 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1201. Prices right, good right. Satisfaction guaranteed. Laundries. ADAMS LAUNDRY;" (under new manage ment). 1813-15 California St Douglas (5e4. Flexible collars with ample tie epac .. IwWoNWKlWA 2424 Lake Ht. Webfter 435. PLAIN and fancy clothes caretully laun dered. Webster 4281. Labels. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO.. Tyler 1240. 417 S. 12th St. Labels of every descrip tion. Originators and deslgners. Law Brief Printers. KI.ROD BROS., 413 S. 12th St. Red 1426. Llnotvre compositors. Lithographers. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO.. 417 So. 12th St. Tyler 1340 Fine color stationery and labels. Live Stock Commission. BOWLES LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Cfinltal Rtirk llflllftlin Pntri In flltl. .Av iLLIAMS" & SONS, U5 Exchange Bldg U. S. Yards South Omaha. South 77. LAVERTY BROS., 138-140 Exchange Bldg. South 65. Live stock commission Co. ROSENSTOCK BHOSi. IIS Exchange llldg. Omaha. Stockers and feeders our specialty. Loans an' Investments. UNION LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 310 Bee Bldg. Douglss 2904. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 424. Lumbering Along." 'Just PLATNER LUMBER CO., -Office, N. V. cor. 24th and Oak. Douglas tit. Luranw, coal and building material. Made in Nebraska. EPSTEN I.ITHOGRAPHINO CO., 417 8. 12th St Tyler 1240. Wa are the only purely lithographing firm In Nebraska. Magnetos. ANDERSON, CARL A 107 Jackson. Douglas 841,8. Specialists In Bosch Igni tion systems snd Helnse electrio stsrters. Messenger Service. SPEED OUR MOTTO. American Messenger Co.. 1506 Harney 8U Doug. 6681. Service that counts. Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO.. Douglas 6628. 1614 Cuming bi. Motorcycles and Bicycles. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CO.. 1613 Capitol Ave. Red 6804. Prices count soma, "but Service counts more." ; FLESCHER MOTORCYCLE CO.. 1622 Capi tol Ave. D. 6f04. Repairing r.nd re borlng all makes of machines our specialty Music Studios. BOURIC1US MUSIC STUDIOS. 1611 Dodge St, 13-14-15 Arlington Block, Thorough Instructions i- piano, violin and 'band Instruments. Doug. 2471. niKTicx-s" Frances, piano. 161 m Dodge. D. 0S4. Open an summer, duu stantlal record as teacher of highest order. New Dealets. DOPLER. HENRY, 1331 Park Avs. Harney 2583. Candy, cigars, tobeeea ana newspapers, periodicals snd notions. ptialjGoods, SHOOK MFG. CO". 406 S. iSth. Doug. 8217 Eyes fitted Watch and optical repairs. Orphanages. BABIES FOR ADOPTION -ou Orphanage, Benson. Nebras' v, James' Osteopaths. MRS. J. R. MUSICK, Ty. Zib. " Bldg. Sulphur, ateam and eucalyptus: Gardner system for reducing weignv. ANDERSON. DR. MARY E.. 05 Bes Bldg. Douglas 8996. Packers, CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340. South Omaha, SWIFT CO South Omaha. Neb. So. liio. Swift's "Premium Hams and Bacons' those four words mean "purity,'1 t Paints. Oils and Glass. BARKER. BROS.' PAINT CO. Douglas 4760 16094 Farnam St. Painters' and Decorators. G. A. THOMPSON: Red 8393. 315 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Painting -arm rating. G. A. Stelnhetmer. Mgr. NELSON, GUST. 3833 Parker. Walnut 1663. Painting and decorating. Paper (Wholesale.) BRINN A JENSEN CO.. THE, 1113 Harney. Doug. 6409. Wholesale PaP"6"",- tlonery. TRICE QUALITY SERVICE. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 683 Brandeis. P. 6691. Photographic Studios. THE KODAK MAN." 474 Brandeis Douglas 3368. VAN. " Bldg. ' Physicians and Surgeons. MARKS, DR. ANNA M.. 1114 Pol's St, South 3206. KAUFMAN, DR. A. J Ralston, Neb. Office, Ralston 83. DR FREEDA M. CLARK, 1020 First Nat I Bank Bldg. Thyslclan and rgeo:i; hours, 1 o 4 D. m. Phones: Office. Tyler 2617; residence, Densoti 7071. ' iri-n.'N. DR. W. J SR. Removed to Rose Bldg., 16th Farnam Sts. Rooms 623-4. I'hone uougiaa . Office hours 11 a. m. o 6:30 p. m "DAVIS. DR. WILLIAM WINDLE, J'hyslclnn and surgeon. 1150-21-22 First Nut. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 736, CLARKE. DR. FLOYD. Diseases of Children. 640 City National Bank Bldg Tylr S8S. " ANGUS, DR. G A Phytlclan and Surgeon. 105'4 fl. 18th. 4th Floor. Phone Doug6616 CAMPBELL,D1L S. M Physician and Sur geon. 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1Z-0. GILMORK, DR. ROBERT, 605 and 607 Ware Block. Douglas 54. GIBBS, DR. W. S.. 202 Brown Block. D. 443. General practice and consultation. EDWARDS. DR. F. A., 63 Ilee Bldg. Douglas 948. BOWSER. DR. W. W. 314 Bee Bldg. Doug las 6370. Specialist I. rneumatisii FIeT.DS.'DR. L. hT436 Bee Bldg. riffico Dniif. 1823: Res. Col. 1420 8WOBODA, DR. F. .)., office and residence, 1511 William St. Douglas 2313. Pipe Repairing. T)TT)L,t -We repair all kinds. Special at X lriJO tontlon to mail orders. OMAHA TOBACCO CO. Planing Mills. schmidtTTohn w., planing mills 6101 S. 21st St. 8. 1795. Storm sash and screens. Interior finish and moulding Pleating and Buttons. VAN A RAM'S DRESS PLEATING, .HEM STITCHING AND BUTTON CO.. Doug 3109. Rooms 336-37 Paxton Blk.. 3d floor. Plumbing and Heating. WESTERN HEATING & PLUMBINGwCO.. Joe Johnston, Prop.. 1810 St. Mary's Ave Plumbing and heating engineers. AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING CO 114 S. 13th St. D. 7133. Repair work attended to promptly Humphrey Lynch. MeVfcA. HARRY W., 8232 Lafayette Ave Harney 451. Safety should be considered first In plumbing "That's Me." CATTIN, (W J. CO., 910 N. 24th. D. 1653 Domestic plumbing and steam beating Koeclal attention to repair work. WHITNEY, DAN. 4329 Franklin. Walnut 2058. Plumbing end ateairt heating. Printers' Supplies. EARNHARDT BROS. A SPINDLER, 1114 Howard St; Douglas 1076. Printers supplies. Produce, Poultry, (Wholeale) cor 'ic LAlTirFfTj'N n-coTT Yir.HHovrTrst Doug'as 3948. Mutter, eggs and r.ouliry Ragtime. MIN1KUS. Mrs.. Wsl. 3379 ; 422o Cuming. Ragtime pin no playing In 20" lessons. The original Ciiilst.ncn system used. Printers. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., 305 Webster Sunderland Bldg. Doug. 6019. High grade commercial printing at reasonable prices GWIAZDA. Z. ZACHODU PUR CO.. 4633 So. 27th. '(Tel. South 1088. Publishing and Job printing. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Farnam. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and of fice furniture. MARRINER PRINTING CO.. 1201 Howard St. Douglas 1069. Successor to A L. Stoneoypher. Commercial Printers DOUGLAS PRINTING CO.. 109-11 N. Uth St Douglas 4. Printers and Publishers EDDY PRINTING CO., THE, 323 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. Real Estate. MEL1CK. J. J.. 1619-20 City Nat Bk. Blilg. Sells farm land and retail lumber yards. Great bargains In western Nebraska and eastern Colorado Unds. GiPE,b71l., 606 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4960. Douglas, Washington and Burt county Improved farms. WALKER. F. T. A CO., 6S4 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 3262. Some flno bargains In lowai and Nebraska land. BIKKETT & CO., 260 .Jiee UUIg. Doug. 633. Real estate, Insurance, rentals, loans HELD LAND CO., 870 Brandeis Bldg. Doug- Ins 9148. Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. Real Estate Rentals Insurance. BIRKETT & COMPANY Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals, Loans. 250-252 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. Real Estate and Investments. TEBDKNS (P. J ) CO., 606 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2112. Heal estate, ren tals and Insurance. Special attention given properties for nonresident owners. Roofing. S. RIKSKNBERO, 1130 8. list. Har. 1674. NORTHWEST READY ROOFINO CO. For guaranteed work and easy terms. KI.ABORATED ROOFING CO, 1466 So 16th St. Tyler 1301. Elaborated roofing and lald-over shingles. N. W. ROOKING CO. Hafney 2674. 118 8. list Artistic ready roofing wo.-k guar an tet, for 10 years. Easy terms. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., 1108-12 Nicholas St. Douglas 1913. thing for schonla." "Every- Seeds. HENDERSON'S ALFALFA UEED FARMS Genuine Grimm alfalfa seed. Stonewall J. Henderson, Prop., Benkelman, Neb, Serum Manufacturers. HAWKEYE SERUM CO., South Omaha, Neb. South 1717. We can't maks all the serum, but we try to make the best. Shoe Parlors. EUGEN1S THOMAS. Ladles and gents. We special! In cleaning all kinds Jt ladles' fan-y footwear. Our work always .'leases. We i.l' for and deliver. 103 S. 14th St, Shoe Stores. ATKIS.'N, M."s SHOE SWOP, 503 8. 16th St. Douglas 4057. High grade children's and pen's shoes. ' Signs. CLARK. K. M. A SON, I1J-11S So. 16th, 3d floor. Douglas 1378. Signs, show cards and office letterings, SUN SIGN SYSTEM, 310 Barker Douglas 6271. R. O. Ogdsn. Block Soft Drinks. PETERSON, C". A., 1601 Vinton. Douglas 3461. Soft drinks and cigars. Ont block from ball park. a ANDERSON. E. O., 713 N. 16th St. Tyler 1861. Soft drinks and cigars.,,. BUDISAVGEV1C. STEVE, 1401 Webster. Douglas 1260. Soft drinks and cigars, STEVE COLOMBO TEMPERANCE BAR, 1002 Douglas. D. 2399. Merchants lunch. NIELSEN, KELMER, 313 8. 16th St. Douglas 2173. Sandwich specialties. CHHIST NIELSON, 2402 Leavenworth. Tyler 1028. First-class lunch snd soft drinks. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE 307-309 bo. 17th. Douglas 105. Office, type writer, architects' and engineers' sup piles.. Loose leaf devices. Storag e Batteries. BATKY VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 215 S. 26th St. Phone Douglaa 7661. We rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Store and Office Fixtures. OMAHA FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO. Douglas 2724. S. W. Corner 11th and Doug las Sts. Largest new and used store and office fixture house In America. JOSEPIIFIXTURE CO., 4430 Dodge. Walnut 655. Wo specialize in store .rents, stairs, screens and fixtures. Odd mlllwork. Spt :lng Coods. TOWNSEND OUN CO.. 1614 Farnam. Douglas 870. Outing and camping supplies snd outing clothing. Summer Resorts. NATHAN'S LAKE SUMMER RESORl1 Open to publlc.Douglas 2971. Tailors. LINDQUEST, O. A., J09-810 Brown Blk. Douglas 6324. High class workmanship, best msterlal, reasonable prices. SMITH. CHAS. J.. Tailor. 103 S. 14th. Doug. 7601. Suits to order. 125 and up Tank Manufacturers, NEBRASKA t IOWA STEEL TANK CO.. 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278. Tents and Awnings. AMERICAN TENT AND AWNING CO.. 19.4 Farnam St. Harney 6022. ' Tents and awnings thst last. NEBRHSKA TENT & AWNING CO., 1204 Farnam D. 3329. When you think of t-nts or awnings think of Douglas 3329. Theaters. PRINCESS THEATER. 131,7-19 Douglas. Douglas 9324. Only house In Omaha showing first run pictures for Cc. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. AHRAMS SHEET METAL WORKS. 1106 24th All kinds of tin work, "-urnlture repairing a specialty CARTER' SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 S, 10th St. Douglas 602. Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. H ABEhSTROH, W. A., 4026 Hamlltwu. Wal 29; Specialty of repairing old furnaces: 19 vai experience. YOU"NOXilENDERS()N CO., Web 2287 2906 Sherman Ave.; warm air furnaces. MUNROE, ALEXANDER, 408 ti. 18th. D 40 B6. Estimates furnished upon application. Typewriters and Supplier. MIDLAND TYPEWRITER CO., 1404 Dodge -St. We buy, sell, exchsnge,- rent and re palt all kinds of typewriters. Guaranteed typewriters, 110 and up. Write for list. K EE LOX MFG. CO., 396 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tyler 1060-W. Manufacturers of typewriter rlhhons snd carbon psners CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANUB 1905 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All makes- Undertakers. HULS . R1EPEN. 701 S. 16th. D 1226 UndJi lakers and emblsme'rs. Personal at- tentlii given to all calls and funerals GENTLEMAN. JOHN A., 2624 Leavenworth St. Douglas 1669 Licensed embalmer Funeral director. Lady attendant. HOFFMAN. LEO A.. Cor. 24th and Dodge. Douglas 3901. Experts In embalming ana funeral directing. Private chapel. HEAFEY & HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam Har. ney 265. Undertakers and emhalmers. JANDA. FRANK F.. 12T5 8 13th St Douglas 2984. CROSBY. WILLIS C 2511-13 N. Phone Webster 47. .4th St Vacuum Cleaner ... PURCIPILE, J. I 1907 Harney. Doug. 2I60.'1 Electric vacuum cleaning. La France lann. dry tablets. G&tenia starch. Ask grocer, Veterinary Surgeons. SCOTT. DR. D. :., aterinarlan. $013 Lev. enworth St. Harney KS7. Hospital tor dogs and cats. . Violin Instructions. s BINGHAM. MISS .MARTHA. Doug. 9422. Q8 S. 19th St. It-gUmers my specialty. Wall Paper and Paint. YKTTKR-MOOKE CO., 1414 Harney. Phone Douglaa 930. Wall paper and Interior decorations. Wholesale and retail. WF.LME... O. U. M2 Cumitift Doug. 8". 53. Wholesale and retail wall paper snd paints Also painting and decorating. DAVIS, "FRED" .l7Doug. 29.2. 241Cumlne St, Decorating contracts, paints and glaee. Windmills and Pumps ' CHALLENGE CO., .16 Farnam St. Tylee 1664. Windmills, pumps and pump fittings. Council Bluffs Abstracts of Title. ABSTRACT TITLE GUARANTEE CO-, 207 Pearl St. Phone 903. Perfect ab stract promptly furnished. Attorneys. M'GINN. ALBERT. Room 106, Merrlam Blk. Telephone 238. Automobiles. JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO., 10th Ave. snd 6th St. Phone 180. Auto Parts. CO. BLUFFS AUTO PARTS. 1329 W. Bd'way. Phone 2787. "We tear 'em up and sell the parts." "We save you 60 to 76 rj cant from list price." Auto Repai.s. c. & s. MACHINE CO.. 47 Main St Phone 665. Auto repairing, welding ml general machine work Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK. . Broadway and Scott St. Phone 41. Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. 629 W. B'dway Red 1307. Baths In connection. Observe the number of clean towels ue.6. on each customer. Blacksmiths. AUSTIN', 8. 8.. 21 South 7th St. Red '913. Horseshoeing, general blacksmlthtng and wood work. Boots and She... PIERCE SHOE CO.. 419 West Broadway Phone 669. Strong' A Garfield's men's shoes, Wright & Peters', and E. P. Reed'a ladles' shoes. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes. Cafes and Restaurants. O. K. RESTAURANT, 62. V, W. Broadway,. Black 866. Regular meals, 20c, Short orders. Open day and night. Give us a trial. Coal and Ice. DROGE ELEVATOR CO.. 620 Pearl Phone 2860. Ca'erers to heat and eold St. STEIN, J., SON COAL CO., yards lEtti and Ave, H Phone' 1153. , Coal Dealers. O'NEILL BROS., 123 W. Broadway. Phone 629. Coal, wood and feed NEW COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL a. ICE fO, P-11 W. Broadway. Phone 72. Department Stores. PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE. 318 W. Broadway. Phone 2740. Everything t eat snd wear. Drug Stores. FRIED, A. T., 600 S. 21st St Phone 18U Ice creamrpalnt glass, base ball and ten nis goods. Employment Bureaus. BLUFF CITY. !6Vj West Ilroadway Phone 431. "We can always place men." Florists. OARDiriE.1 FLORAL CO.. 10 Peart Etj Phone 823. Garages. BOLTON, (L. II.), TOURIST GARAGE. 169 161 W. B'dway. Phone 620. Taxi se.rvlcs. storage and repair work. Agent for Reo and Chevrolet cars. THE MOTOR INN. 8th St. and W. D'way. Phone 914. Experienced and efficient service and general garage work. SEVENTH ST. GARAGE. 17 8. 7th Pbonw 744. Repairing, storage and accessories. Glass Manufacturers. COUNCIL BLUFFS GLASS WORK8, 107 S, Main St Phone 1320. Plate, art and win. dow glass. Windshields and mirrors. . Grocers. ADAMS, CHAS., 1017 W. Broadway. Blacst 884. Prompt delivery. Quality goods Groceries and Meats. PETERSON, FRANK. 201-203 W. Br'dway. Phone 2780. We can always (ill your wants In groceries snd .meets promptly and satisfactorily. We handle highest grade goods at lowest prices. WINN & FLOWER, 212 16th 4v. Phon 237, When you want prompt service ano quallty of goods. CALL ON US. AG1N8KEE, A., 1723 3d Ave. Phone 430. "Where quality and srrtos) are first In consideration." i KROLClFF. L., 2000 6th. Ave. " Phone 123. A full Hire of fancy groceries, and fresh meats. KIRKENDALL'S GROCERY, 602. N. 17th SU "See us for prompt service." Hay and Grain. OLMSXEAD, C. A., 132 East B'way. Phon 607. Omaha office, 661 Brandeis Bldg.j Douglaa 5049. Dealers In hay and grain. Hotels. UNION HOTEL. 1628 8. Id St. Phons 2681, Nettle B. Granshgw, proprietress. Junk Dealers, COUNCIL BLUFF8 JUNK CO., Uth Ave. and 6th St Phone 660. J. Katleman, Prop Largest wholesale dealer In scrap Iron, rubber and metals. Oldest concern In southwest Iowa. Est 1894. Correspond rnco solicited. Laundries. NB,LW C,TY laI'NDR Y722-24-26 N. Main 8t Phone 2814. Efficient work In dry cleaning and ilyelng. Prompt service. Loan Companies. CLARK, A. A. & CO., 421 W. B'oadwav, upstal. .. Phone 217 Chattel loans, one. I, alt the usual rates. Lumber. QUINN (H. A.) LUMBER CO., 2d nnd Vine Sts. Phone 137. "Qulnn for Quality and Quick Service.' HOAGLAND & CO., GEO. A., 724 S. Main Phone 24.., Lumber, lime ntid cement. PLATNER LUMBER AND COAL CO. 27th and Broadway. Phone 3385. Piano Teachers. BELL. MAUDE GRAHAM. Studio llStuir man St. Phone 3533. Piano and Hmtiwy. Scavengers. GIBSON. PRICE. 22d St. and Ave. K Phono' 2324. Dead animals, (horse, mules ah t cows), disposed of for their hlds Sweeping Compounds. KONVINENTAL KOM'POUNJ. CO.. 1102 S. Main St Phone 168. Sweeping -ompouiid (Dust up) - Mr. Suloff, 4gr. Theaters. NICHOLAS THEATER. 647-649 W. B'dway. High class photo plays. Vaudeville - In season. Tin. Sheet Metal and Furnace Work, WEST ENa.TIN SHOP. 221 W. B'way. Red 983. We specialise In warm air furnaces. Trunks and Suit Cases. NATHAN'S PLACE. 320 West Broadway. Phone 2409 Special prices on trunks and suit cases. - Wall Paper and Paint. BORWICK. H.. 211 8. Main StT Phone 683. We handle the test lit ivU paper aad . paints. 4 ti i i' . . -