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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1917)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 2. 1917. 5 D UM ROOM NEWS finr5Ti?D am sin Woodmen of World to Plan for T.ixirg Members that In- j surasce of Those in Army May Be Carried. TO SPEAK AT B'NAI ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE TONIGHT. The ci'y manager's committee of i 'he Woolhilii of the World met Tues da ami decided to appoint a central 'otnniittec composed of two mem bers from each camp to meet Friday evening. September 14, when arrange ments for a banquet to be held at one ot the leading hotels will be made. Omaha Seymour camp Xo. 16 will hold a meeting Tuesday evening. Among matters' to be discussed will be the application ot the war tax be ginning witli the October installment and the election of an escort to fill the vacancy caused by the resfgnation of George Sugerman, who has en tered the Second officers' training camp at Fort Snelling. Nebraska Lipa camp No. 183 held its regular meeting Thursday, August 16. Owing to the number of mem bers of this camp called for service in the army the meeting was in the form of a reception and goodby to the boys. There was a speech by Con sul Commander Joe Volf. South Omaha camp No. 211 will have its regular meeting Wednesday, September 12. Benson camp No. 288 will hold its next regular meeting Tuesday, when a number of candidates will be intro duced. Thomas camp No. 523 is progress ing nicely with its new hall. It will ,oon be completed and ready for oc cupancy. jerry Jelen. organizer of Dante camp No. 533, is bark from an ex tended vacation and he is putting in a class of fifty new members for this camp. Alpha camp No. 1 will move into the large hall on the fourth floor, Labor Temple, Nineteenth and Far nam streets, on Friday evening. Sep tember 7. The camp is expecting to introduce a class of new members on that night. ;J I, - - Vti TO RAISE MILLION DURINGJOLY DAYS Entire Country is Asked to Do nate to the Jewish War Relief Fund During; This Month. Woodmen Circle. The Willing Workers of the Wood men Circle, Dora Alexander, presi dent, met in Miller park Saturday aft ernoon, Aagust 25, and made plans for definite work for the Red Cross so ciety. The divisions planned to meet every Wednesday and Saturday to sew or knit for the Red Cross. There were enjoyable races and a picnic supper served to about fifty members. The dance given by W. A. Fraser grove iNo. 1 at the Hanscom park pa vilion August 24vwas well attended. This grove will initiate several candi dates at the next mwting, Friday, September 14. t Loyal Mystic Legion. Loyal Mystic Legion of America camp No. 253 will give a card party and dance Friday, September 7, at the Ancient Order of United Work men hall, Fourteenth and Dodge streets. Prizes will be awarded. MAX SHULMAN. Omaha Zionists will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the first in ternational Jewish congress, held at Basel, Switzerland, with a mass meet ing this evening at 8 o'clock at the B'Nai Israel synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets. Max Shulman, prominent Chicago attorney, will speak on the coming American Jewish congress. Mr. Shul man is president of the Western Fed eration of Zionists, secretary of the provisional emergency fund, also a director of the national Jewish war sufferers' relief committee. He spoke at B'Nai Jacob synagogue yesterday afternoon and last night a reception was held in his honor at the Young Women's Hebrew Association club rooms in the Paxton block. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. Advantage is to be taken of the j Jewish holy days beginning Septem ber 17 with the adventiof the Jewish New Year, which, in the Jewish cal endar, is the year 5678 and which will continue until Yom Kippur, Sep tember 26, to raise at least $1,000,000 toward the $10,000,000 Jewish war re lief fund. This announcement was made yesterday by Henry H. Rosen Ult, assistant to the executive direc tor of the American Jewish relief committee, of which Louis Marshall is chairman. During the holy days more than 1,000 important cities throughout the United States will be scenes of special appeals in the synagogues and speak ers have been assigned to practically every svnagoguc in the United States tor this occasion. The objective of the campaign, winch is also to be par ticipated in by the central relief com mittee and the people's relief com mittee, is $1,000,000. To Secure Rosenwald Gift. It is essential, it is explained, that not less than this sum be raised, for the reason that the offer ot Julius Rosenwald of Chicago to give 10 per cent of all funds raised in America up to $10,000,000 expires on Novem ber 1. The S1U.UU0.UUU fund must be raised prior to that date in order that the fund shall receive the $1,000,000 from Mr. Rosenwald as promised. During the last month, Mr. Rosen wald announced, the country at large, outside of New York City, contrib uted toward the Jewish war relief fund $442,531.31. most of which was received from cities ot less than JUU,. 000 population. Four Million in Gotham. The announcement is also made that the American Jewish relief com mittee earty in October is to con duct a campaign in New York City, the purpose of which is to raise $4, 000,000 from the Jewish residents of New York. This campaign will be of a whirlwind character and will be compressed into a few days. Despite the contributions of a number of wealthy Jews in New York notably Jacob H. Schiff, Nathan Straus, Fe lix M. Warburg and others New York, it is stated, has fallen behind the rest of the country when the size and wealth of its Jewish population are considered. The per capita con tributions in other parts of the coun try have been much larger. Mr. Ko senfelt, in announcing the campaign for the holy days, made the following statement: Day of Atonement. "The solemn occasion of Y'om Kip pur, or day of atonement, has ever been the signal for thoughts and deeds of unselfish kindness on the part of the Jewish people. This tradition finds greater scope today than ever before. "The latest advices from Russia, from Palestine 8nd from all parts of Europe indicate that the Jewish non combatant populations of all coun tries in the war rone are suffering un told misery a misery which is being accentuated with every passing day of the great conflict. "The $10,000,000 which American Jewry has undertaken to raise dur ing this year, and which must be raised, is inadequate at best to more than stop the pangs of the most des perate hunger, to alleviate the most sore distress and to comfort those in the direst straights of destitution. It is hoped that the forthcoming cam paign for Jewish war relief during the holy days will result in directing the thought and sympathy of every Jew in America to those in Europe who are solely dependent upon the relief furnished from the United States. "It is not too much to say that such contributions as America has thus far made to the cause of Jewish war relief alone have prevented the ob literation, the absolute extermination of the Jewish race in many lands by starvation." Building Operations Show Gain lor This Year 'Business as usual" may be ap plied to building operations in Omaha. In fact, this year is ahead oi last year. The figures: August. 1917, $775, 625; August. 1916, $652,835. First eight months of this year, i;.0:0.87: first eight ar, $4,550,257. months of last Auto Stolen While Owner Attends Theater While attending the evening pcr fjrmauce of a local theater the auto mobile of Ralph Carley, 2417 Jones street, was stolen. The car was taken from Fifteenth and Harney streets. Expect State Fair Will i Be Auto Seller, Says Doty ! "This year the state fair give? promise of being bigger than ever ant we are looking for a great deal ol buying," said L. E. Doty of L. E. Doty, Inc. "We will exhibit a full v f 1 ' 1 ' j r - I .me ox v cue ana xuonroc pleasure cars." Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. Clan Gordon. The Ladies' auxiliary to Clan Cor don, No. 63, Order Scottish Clan, will meet .at the home of Mrs. David Reed, 4339 Miami street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, . . . Order of Moose. The meeting of the Order of Moose Wednesday night, in addition to the initiation of a large class of candi dates, WlH De OI unusual jmctcai iu the membership. The matter of physicians' services will be brought up and definitely settled, as well as the sick and funeral benefits. Knights and Ladies of Security. Omaska Council, No. 229s, will give a dance Monday evening, Sep tember 10, at the Swedish auditorium. Fraternal Union. Banner lodge, No. 11, Fraternal Union of America, will hold an open meeting for members, families and friends Tuesday evening in Labor temple hall. Tribe of Ben Hur. Mecca Court, No. 13. will hold an open meeting Thursday evening. Real Estate Men Are Stronci for the Pipe Line A rotfnra nrfrf HisrUSsitlST the other day the proposed pipe line for oil from Wyoming and recent newspaper articles that have appear ed boosting such a project. ' "Nothing that the Omaha Real Estate board could take up would be more profitable or more popular," said one, "than the promotion of Oil and gas lines from Wyoming, and interuban lines into western Iowa and eastern Nebraska." The discussion was interesting because all were of ,-., r,nininn that these lines of de velopment and investment had been neglected and perhaps the real estate dealers of the city were somewhat at fault. This subject of large enterprises to be furthered by the real estate board has again brought up the question of how far an organization of real estate men should take up public enter prises of this sort. There is a differ ence of opinion locally, as well as. throughout the country. This is one of the matters of policy that must come before the board in the near future. The board now has committees tor this purpose, but the sentiment has not been enthusiastic enough so that the committees have not given much attention during the last year to this line of work. Many of the members feel that the time is at hand for a hearty and united effort and that realtors should be the leaders in bringing about two great improve ments centering in the gate city of the west, and there was never a more Kir time herause of the demand for the product of the Wyoming oil fields and the demand for transport of people and of farm products, which interuban lines will give. Both en terprises will devolp the country ad jacent in a marked way. Realtors Will Resume Sessions This Week The regular weekly meetings of the Omaha Real Estate board will open again this week, Wednesday noon at the Commercial club. The first fall, meeting will be in the nature of a general rally at which delegates to the convention will speak. Persistent Advertising Is the Road ' to Success. the Fair See the YOUR visit to the Fair will not be completed until you have inspected the fine display of Cole Eight motor cars that will be exhibited there. Embodying a larger combination of improved features in design and construction than any other car now on the market it advances to a' new place among V-type multiple cylinder motor driven vehicles. Assuring greater economy of operation with the maximum of power and capacity for hard work Cole Eight establishes a heretofore unapproached standard of utility. See the Cole Eight at the Fair. Arrange for a demonstration. It is the duty of every conscien tious buyer to investigate this remarkable value before he determines on the car he is to have. Touring Carl . . .$1995 Tourcoupe' . ., . .$2495 Tuxedo Roadster . . 1995 Four-Door Toureedan 2695 All Print f . b. Indianapolis and Subject to change Without NotUt DE BROWN AUTO SALES CO. Vo!eIe Distributor for Iowa and North trn N.brtehe. Seme Good Territory Open (or Live Dealer. 2210 Far nam Street, Omaha, Neb. 1414 Locuit Street, Dea Moinet, la. TRAYNOR AUTOMOBILE CO. 2210 Farnam Street Retail DUtributort Phone Dotiflat 5268 COLE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Indianapolis, U.S. A. i Trucks The Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, with assets 6f twelve million dollars and with twenty-three years' experience as manufacturers, are the manufacturers of Little Giant Trucks. The Guarantee given with the sale of each Truck is worth just what it calls for. Builders of "Little Giant" Convert-a-Car Also "Little Giant" 1, 2, 3 and 5-Ton Complete Trucks The Duntley Hydro-Penumatic Gas Generator, an exclusive Little Giant feature, guarantees a saving to yon of more than 50' in fuel costs. Haarmann-Locke Motors Co. 2429 Farnam Street. Omaha, Nebraska. Phone Douglas 7940. ' 7 ONLY TWO WEEilS EY308E! PRICES ADVANCE SEPT. 1$th The Standard Touring Models will increase Other Models will advance proportionately. VOU will probably never have another opportunity to purchase an automo bile of such power, size, and quality for so little money. Other manufacturers of cars in the Studebaker class have already advanced their prices for the second time this year and are now announcing a third increase. Because of large purchases and long term contracts for raw materials made a year ago, Studebaker is able to offer its cars at present low prices. DON'T DELAY-ORDER AT ONCE and Save Money STOBEEMER-W ILSOH, Inc. Farnam Street and 25th Avenue OMAHA, NEB. 1