2 D
Nash Roadster Holds Four Passengers
fly'- m
Minor Improvements Only Add
to Value of Car Without
Changing One Model; Has
Longer Wheelbase.
The latest word in automobiles in
Omaha is the refined Maxwell car for
the 1918 season just received by C.
C Wray, the local Maxwell distribu
tor. Besides several important improve
ments, which greatly enhance the
value of the Maxwell there are many
lesser refinements which add to the
car's mechanical perfection, although
there has been no fundamental change
in the one model chassis.
In the Maxwell today the depth
of the frame members has been in
creased from three to six inches. The
former method of attaching the body
to the frame by the use of brackets
has been discarded and the body now
rests directly upon the frame itself,
which greatly strengthen the car.
The elimination of the noisy splash
guards, made possible by the change,
is appreciated by motorists. '
The wheelbase has been increased
by half a foot this season, its length
now being 109 inches. The body is
also roomier.
Another improvement is the com
pensating underslung rear spring now
used by the Maxwell. This type of
spring is the same that has recently
been adopted by many of the manu
facturers of the highest priced cars.
The longer wheelbase, with the un
derslung compensating rear spring,
not only Improves the riding qualities
wonderfully, but makes for even
greater "roadability" a feature al
ways noted in Maxwell cars.
There has been installed an im
proved strainer and sediment bulb in
th gas line. .
An electric lock controls the
starter, making it impossible to mesh
the pinion and fly wheel, while the
motor i$ running. A heavier pinion
is used in the rear axle. A larger
cat tank has an improved gauge and
filler pipe:
National Motor Cars Are
Popular in Washington
If you atand orf the curb of Penn
sylvania avenue and toll off the own
ers of National motor cars that pass
in the stream of traffi; down the main
boulevard of Washington, you can hit
the center of the vocational census
"target every time by quoting the button-counting
nursery jingle of "rich
man, poor man," etc.
The national capital, with Its diplo
mats and military ana naval attaches
from every nation, has a most cosmo
politan coterie of National owners, ac
cording, to George M. Dickson, presi
dent of the National Motor Car com
pany of Indianapolis.
"Cars bearing the Natjonat trade
mark wait in front of the Army and
Navy club for officers who are the
graduates of West Point and Annapo
lis," he said. "You also will see them
parked in front of the state and treas
ury buildings where their owners are
employea m the government service.
Members of the house and senate ride,
to and from the capitol in National
'. cars purchased in' Washington or
brougntwith them from their home
cities. i
"The National owners of the na
tional capital also Include a wealthy
newspaper publisher, a millionaire
turfman whose horse have won class
ics, a prominent clergyman, the man
ager of a meat market, several real
estate dealers, a grocer, cigar store
proprietor, physicians and attorneys."
Pittsburgh Pug Now jn
Army Would Box Dillon
Jack Levin, a Pittsburgh middle
weight, who is doing "his bit in the
regular army, is anxius for a match
with Jack Dillon, the Indianapolis
boxer They were matched about two
years ago, but the contest was post
poned. Lavm i!s stationed at Fort
Benjamin Harrison, lie will be grant
ed a furlough if a match is arranged.
Formal announcement of the new
Nash car , is made today. While re
cent developments at Kenosha have
indicated that the new Nash car was
practically ready for the market, not
until today's announcement was any
official assurance given by the Nash
Motors company that the new Nash
car was on its way.
The type of motor that is being
marlufactured for this new model rep
resents a step forward in motor con
struction. Those who have been for
tunate enough to secure inside infor
mation state that the engine is re
markable for its simplicity of con
struction; while it represents a
standard type of motor now in gen
eral use rather than anything radical,
yet it is. enough different to set new
design-of construction.
The production m the mammotn
11 "TmiT "" ;TiTii7"T"WH!,''g;;eTIg3e'
Overland Makes Record
In Climbing Mountain
Samuel" Bullman, theatrical man
ager of Dallas, Tex, in St. Louis, Mo.,
the other day told a story about the
touring efficiency of the Overland
Light Four, saying:
"May 28, with my wife and daugh
ter, I left Dallas and up to my arrival
in St. Louis, on my way home, trav
eled approximately 2,000 miles oyr
treacherous road without having lift
ed the hood of car, except for oil
ing purposes." .
Bullman'a tour took him through
Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, Mon
tana, Yellowstone park, North and
South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illi
nois and Missouri. His car, without
trouble, climbed the Rattoon pass,
which rises 12,000 feet in a distance of
twelve miles. , In one day he had to
ford eighteen creeks and small rivers.
Time after time, Bullman said, he
had to turn out for other makes of
cars, which were in distress, and more
than once he aided much larger and
more powerful machines.
Test Gasoline Used on
Actual Touring Trip
"Something educational rather than
spectacular" was the effect aimed at
in an economy test by the King Mo
tor Car company to test for the bene
fit of King owners the amount of
gasoline per mile required under or
dinary ttftiring conditions by a King
eight-cylinder seven-passenger tour
ing car, declares W. L. Killy of the
Noyes-Killy Motor company, Omaha,
So a King Eight, not specially pre
pared in any way for, the run. was
started from Pittsburgh for Milwau
kee, a distance of somewhat more than
616 miles. In applying for a sanction
from the American Automobile asso
ciation, it may be mentioned, the
King Motor Car company requested
that the rules and regulations be of
such a nature that the record would
show a cai owner's economy test No
speed records were aimed at, the
principal object of the company be
ing to reproduce average touring con
ditions exactly.
Expect State Fair to
Be Good Car Salesman
"Much is looked for from an actual
sales standpoint at the state fair this
year by almost all of the automobile
dealers." says Mr. Hayward of the
Mclntyre-Hayward Motor company.
The immediate reason for this con
clusion is the upward trend of ma
terial prices. It will force many mo-
plant is being pushed in order to
finish up a quantity of these new cars
so that thev will be in the hands of
the biz motor car merchants dis
tributing the Nash product by Sep
temher 15.
The new car was unveiled before
the organization of Nash distributors
at the factory in July. It was re
ceived with the immediate approval of
thi new distributing organization,
which was gathered around the Nashi
Motors company by Oenerai sales
Manager C. B, Voorhis in record
The fact alone that the new car
even surpassed the expectations of
what this distributing organization
bejieved the Nash Motors company
would be able to produce practically
assures the immediate acceptance by
the public of the value represented
in this car.
torists to buy early. There is also
much talk of limited supply of auto
mobiles. This, of course, is indefinite
because it dependa on the war litua
tion. Federal Rubber Stock Is '
Offered to the Employes
As the result of requests frem
many of the employes of the Federal
Rubber company of Cudahy, Wis.,
for the privilege of purchasing an
interest in this company, action re
rntlv wii taken hv the board of di
rectors whereby a certain amount of
second preferred stock of the com
pany might be acquired. This stock,
WJllCn IB UlVlUCHU-ucai niu, tij
reason of the limited number of
shares available, be offered primarily
to these employes holding position
of responsibility, and whose termf of
service with the Federal company
cover a considerable period of time.
This desire for stock ownership
sneaks well for the personnel of the
Federal employes, and indicates not
only a keen appreciation of the re
markable progress which the com
pany has made during the last six
years, but a deep interest in its future
progress and success.
People Buying the Higher
Priced Cars to Save Advance
In speaking of the brisk demand for
higher priced cars, which is so evi
dent, Carl Changstrom of the Stand
ard Motor Car company,- Westcott
distributors, attributes it to a general
belief that car prices will advance ma
terially durinar the next year.
"Numerous orosoects we demon
strate the Westcott to seem to feel
that it is economv to buy the car they
like best regardless of ' price. Of
course, there will always be a greater
marked for the moderate priced Car.
but in the jhigher priced field many
prospects are buying sooner than they
had planned in order to save on tin
purchase price.
Auto Supply Company
Moves to New Location
Announcement was made last week
by the United States Auto Supply
company to the effect that they are
moving to their new location at 606-8-10-12
South Fourteenth street, where
they have remodeled a building for
The United States Auto Supply
company is a firm two years old
which has, under the able manage
ment of L. C. Kohn, advanced to a
leading position among the automo
bile supply houses ot Umaha.
The unusual beauty and comfort of the new six
cylinder National are only the surface indications
of a quality that extends throughout the entire
car. In performance, design and value, it isr such
a car as the pioneer maker of American Sixes
might be expected to produce.
CJheSix $1995 Ve'Tibeue $2595
Stvtnianth Sutcuffvl Ytr
fin h
The T. G. Northwall Company
LUTE MORSE, Lincoln, Neb. S. R. NELSON, Atlantic, U. DEAN BROS., York, Neb.
The Ten Big Features that
Proclaim the
Tx Rirrrtoct ValiiA An f Via Marlrpf
When it comes to hauling; and delivering your goods at half the present
cost, hauling thern farther and faster, the Redden has no equal in the whole
realm of truckdom.
Big national concerns, such as Armour & Co., Coca-Cola Co., Great
Western uu Lo., uenerai mectnc iu.o., yonsonaarea vjasvx.,inesc aim many
others in a multitude of businesses are using the Redden because of its ten big
points of superiority, and because it saves them money.
Compare the Redden, point for point, with any ton truck on the market
that sells for twice the money. These ten Redden advantages will surely con
vince you. ' s ,
1 Built oversize throughout to stand up anrj
give better service under the hardest day-in-and-day-out
2 Has five brakes two extra service brakes
on the jackshaft, -7 an exclusive Redden
J Extra heavy truck springs, extra heavy
castings. , .
A Strong, sturdy frame construction renders
it proof against all weaving and twisting.
Z Heavy steel spring shackle bars carry the
load instead of transmitting it to the Ford
axle bearings. 1
... Oversize solid steel axle provides ample
margin for overload; has enclosed brake
drums and heavy-duty bearings.
7 Oversize 34 x 3 tires provide greater,
carrying capacity, greater mileage and tire
economy. .
g Oversize adjustable radius rods; extra
large and heavy hub flanges and so on
throughout extra large, strong and sturdy
at all points.
Oy 'Manufactured nor assembled in our
own great plant. This insures accuracy of
workmanship, finest materials, high-grade
construction.' Prompt deliveries vital both
to dealer and purchaser.
J 0 Licensed under the famous Cook Patents
which are basic and dominating. .
- Yes, see all this . Redden superiority for yourself No matter what
you're now using for delivery and haulage purposes costly trucks or horses
thf Rrlfn will mvp xic h etter service, and will cut delivery costs one-half!
tltV 4, WAS J w, w - -. ' r
2054 Farnam Street.
Phone Douglas 4904.
, Western Distributor
Omaha. Neb.
f M i n n f I Jk Kr xr A XT id D-...:J t N
WALTER S. JOHNSON, Secretary ane) Sales Manager. E. V ABBOTT, Vice President and General Manager.
Branches Lincoln, Hooper, Hastings, Nebraska, and Wichita, Kansas.
1 See The Redden at The State Fair, Lincoln, Neb., September 2d to 9th.
Redden Motor Truck Company, Inc., Chicago, 111.
pk xni, j, your opportunity to get the strongest truck, backed by the strongest company.
Ue&lerS 0r proposition is unusually liberal. You can not afford to take on any line until)
you have seen the Redden.
$350 and a FordMake a Sturdy One-Ton Truck
: Can Be Equipped With Any Type of Body
Licensed Under Cook Patents Which Are Basic and Dominating