Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 19
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1917. 3 B 1 i Council BlufV Social Activities Mr. and Mrs. George V. Zoller entertained at dinner Sunday evening in honor of Lieutenant David R. Wol verton and Mrs. Wolverton. Later in the evening a number of other friends joined the party for an- informal fare well visit. Lieutenant Wolvertou left Tuesday for Des Moines. Oakland Avenue chapter of St. Paul's Guild held their meeting at the Boat club Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Chris Straub being hostess for the day. Luncheon was served at the cafe. The chapter had as guests Mrs. Sin hold of Omaha, Miss Moore of Cali fornia and Miss Schickatanz and Mrs. Sperling, of this city. September 10, the chapter will meet again at the Boat club. . Monday evening the Misses Mar jory Seybert, Nell Ewoldt, Frances Earenfight and Jacquette Heisler en tertained at the Boat club for Clarence Butler, Frank Seybert, Wheaten Clark and Louis Barstow. A picnic supper was served under the trees,' and the evening was spent dancing. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Arthur held an informal reception at their home on Washington avenue in celebration of the fiftieth anniver sary of their ' wedding. The house was decorated with gold and white flowers, goldenrod and chrysanthe mums on the porch, Mrs. Ward roses and chrysanthemums in the rpoms, and a beautiful centerpiece of golden glow in the dining room. Mr. Arthur -was presented with a gold headed cane and Mrs. Arthur with a gold handled umbrella by their fti&iy friends, the presentation being inade by Rev. G. D. Cnssman, of the Broadway Metho ' dist church. Many other gifts were received also. Punch was served throughout the evening, and luncheon was served in the dining room late in the evening. A large number of friends gathered to commemorate the occasion and to wish them health and happiness throughout many future yegrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ballinger have as their guests Prof. Will L. Thick stun and his sons. Professor Thick stun is a brother of Mrs. Ballinger and spent his boyhood and young manhood in Council Bluffs. He was prominent in musical circles 'and for some years was organist of the First Presbyterian church. He has been teaching music in colleges and uni versities for s6me time and is now en route to Baylor university in Texas to take charge of the musical instruc ' tion there. Miss Genevieve Collman of George, ! Ia., who has been visiting in the home of R. A. Blake, secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce, returned home Thursday. Mrs. C. C. Antisdell entertained number of relatives at her country home last week. Included in the party were Mr. Fred W. Fisher of Anaconda. ' Mont.: Mr. Clarence Fisher of Omiha, who was soon leav ing for Deming, N. M.; the Misses Hazel and Ruth Judd of Dow City, and Mr. and Mrs. F. L.' Antisdell, whose marriage took place a short " time aeo. Mrs. Joe Strobble entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon Saturday in honor of her sister, Miss Irene Baker of Atlantic, Ia. Covers were laid for twelve at one long table. Mrs. G. T. Karges gave a kensington Monday, at which Miss Baker was guest ot nonor. F.iirhtv-seven members of the Rain bow family met in reunion at Lake Manawa Sunday, in honor of Harry Casson and Ernest Senior,-who will soon be leaving to answer their coun try s call. The brothers ana sisters of the family are Mrs. S. Senior of this city, Mrs. James Moss and Mr. William Rainbow of Macedonia, Mrs. William Casson of Neola, Robert Rainbow of Carson and t C. and J. J. Rainbow cf Waterloo. The marriage of Miss Edith Clare Elsebush and Mr. Carl Lauterwasser took place at the home of the bride's narpnts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elsebush, MnnHav eveninsr at 8 o'clock. The- Rev. H. O. Lorenz performed the ceremony, relatives only being pres ent. The bride's gown was of gray silk, worn with a purple and gray hat. Mr. and Mrs. Lauterwasser left immediately for a short trip to Min neapolis and will be at home to their friends after September 15 at 543 Mill Street The Garden club held' this week's meeting at the home of Mrs. Meyers on Park avenue. A paper on "Water Lilies" was read by Mrs. Metcalf and Mrs Woodward gave an interesting talk on the flowers she saw while on her 'trip west tis summer. The rest of the time was spent in discussing the culture of August plants. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Anderson of Ninth avenue have been enjoying a visit with Mr. Anderson's brother, Mr. A. H. Anderson, Mrs. Anderson and their family. They made the trip in their car, returning Wednesday to their home in Sheridan, Wycr. Misses Barbara and Grace Smith, daughters of Judge and Mrs. Walter I. Smith, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Smiths' sister, Mrs. R. E. Shry ock, at Kansas City. Thursday noon the marriage of Miss Emma Rasmussen and Corporal, George E. White of Company L, (5ne Hundred and Sixty-eighth infantry, formerly Third Iowa, took place at Des Moines. The bride and groom were schoolmates. Corporal White is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. White of 2102 Avenue C, and his bride resided at 3506 West Broadway. MiTORE Seldom Eqaali You, perhept, have never had such oppor tunities to buy high grade brand new fur niture at so greatly reduced prices as in ihis closing-out sale of Stirs. We were forced to close out a big $25,000 warehouse stock, and have placed surprising prices on the goods Whether you want fur niture for the beedroom, living room, dining rooir. or kitchen you cannot af ford to buv it until you offering. Here is an example of the way have been reduced. $9.50 2-inch Vei-nis Martin Beds, . for $5.89 't 19.00 Brass Beds S3 73 $35. $20 Dining Tables, $22.50 and $12.75 $35, $22 Walnut Dressers,. $22.50 - and $11.50 $20 Leather Rockers $11.25 OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. STATE FOBHITGRE GGftlPAHY Phone Douglas 1317. Corner 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. Connell Family Snapped at Connell. r j?- r ve 'Hf,, m III 1 &tS--l3s1 : 1 Joftn 23, Zzle Qtl'dtzJ CdwarJ Thursday afternoon at Des Moines, Richard Fernley of Company L and Miss Nettie Stanton of Elk Creek, Neb., were married' by Rev. G. R. Astley. Mrs. Fernley, mother of he groom, and Mr. Cldrence. R. Lainson, a friend and also in Company L, wit nessed the ceremony. Ihe bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Stanton of Elk Creek, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fernley, 2324 South Nineteenth street, Council Bluffs. Mrs. Fernley will re turn to Elk Creek and make her home with her parents for the present. Florence Social Items I. J. Fuller, who has been the guest of his uncle, J. A. Fuller; left the first of the weejc for Elmwood,' Neb., where he will reside. i Mrs. August Johnson will entertain the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyr terian church at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Nicholson, who has been visiting relatives in Muscatine,' Ia., returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Barham re turned Sunday from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Steyer visited with friends in Arlington Sunday. Mrs'. N. A. Pike celebrated her prices Library Tables, all finishes, low as $4.75 Dining Chairs 65c to $203 Velvet Rugs, room size, as low as $9.75 Large heavy fumed Oak Tabouret- , tes , ..29c Smoking Stands 98c SM.E L 1 the hrr,n w. .r. I I 'III M III Ors fc ' Creig&ott; birthday Friday evening at which time there were present four generations of her family. Those present were: Mr. .ind Mrs. R. A. Pike. Mr. andMrs. N. A. Pike, Mr. pnd Mrs. John Con rad and family and Mrs. Hays, mother of Mrs. Pike. T. R. Jacobson, Sioux City, has been in Florence visiting relatives. E. L. Platz leaves the first of the week on a short visit with his sister, Mrs. Jesse Vath, Glenrose, Neb. On Now is the time to have your floor coverings Cleaned, Repaired and put in shape for winter. During the past few years we have spent thousands of dollars for equipment of our Rug Department and in training our help to do high-class work. I know of no Cleaning Plant that does better work, and I've visited many of the largest and best in the United' States. We clean your rugs through and through, resize, repair, dye, remove wrinkles any thing they need and guarantee satisfaction in every respect. ' Our new Department for Repairing Orientals by re weaving (not darning or patching) is growing fast, simply because weyare doing, a class of work that can not be jiad at any other place in Omaha. , Let us giMe you the names of some for whom we have recently cleaned and repaired Orientals 'and you can call them up and see how they like our work. Call Douglas 963, and our Estimator will come and advise with you and quote a price on all your work. The longer I live and the more I learn, the stronger grows my 'faith in QUALITY and SERVICE. We try, to give both to all our customers. "GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS" 1513-15-17 Jonet St. , j Phone Douglas 963. Branch Office, 2016 Farnam St. South Side, 4T08 South 24th St. Phone South 1283. GUY LIGGETT, President. Atlantic City Cveigti-iott his return he will be accompanied by his sens, John and Ellis, who have been spending their yacation there. Miss Lilla Green' entertained twenty-six of her friends at a watermelon party1 Thursday. The occasion was tbe celebration of her birthday anni versary. Reese, Decatur Neb., is a guest of his cousin, I. J. Watt. Mr. and Mrs. John Darva, Cedar Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ORIENTALS mum Kaudalinks, Iowa City, Ia., guests of Mr. and Mrs". S. S.Xetovsky, left for tlif ir home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John bidner, gucsis of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Yoder, the last week, returned to their home in Fre mont, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Yoder. William Ryan, Charles Poyell and Charles Greenwalt spent the last week in Avoca, Ia.. attending the fair there. Mrs. W. H. Thomas and children who have been visiting relatives in Canada all summer, returned home Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Hidelma and daughter, DeSota, Neb.,iwere the guests of Mrs. Elmer Michaelsen the first of the week. Mrs. A. Michaelsen returned the first of the week from a two weeks' visit with her daughter in Walthill, NebA , Stanley B. Letovsky returned the first of the week from a visit with relatives in Cedar Rapids, Ia. RevfJ. B. Butter returned Wednes day from a two weeks' vacation at What Cheer, Ia. Mrs. Jean Butter left Wednesday for Hastings, Neb., where she will have charge of the German depart ment of the high school. Mr. and Mrs. William Mencke re' turned Sunday from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Manville, 111! Leonard and Lawrence Swanson, Clay Center, Neb., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson in Florence Heights the first of the week. Mr, and Mrs. Matt Tascale are the happy and proud parents of a baby girl, born Thursday morning. Mrs. George Siert and daughter, Marjory, returned Sunday from a month's visit with relatives in Cali fornia. A. H. Earhart, who is working in Des Moines for the summer, spent a few days with his family. While here he tendered his resignation as rural and subcarrier. A surprise birthdiy party was tend ered Mrs. R. H. Olmstead by a num ber other friends Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. H. S. Cunningham, who has been visiting with he son, Rev. J. A. E. Cunningham, Forest City, Ia.; is now visiting her daughter Mrs. Wy man Woodyard. . J. H. Lowrcy, who has been spend ing the summer in Green Castle, Ind., returned the fjrst of the week. Miss Hazel Steyer is spending her vacation in Denver and Colorado Spings. Mrs. Wyman Woodyard left Fri- day for College View, Neb., to spend ten days visiting relatives. Earthquakes Shake Colombia; Little Damage Bogota, Colombia, Sept. 1. Severe earthquakes occurred in Colombia to day. No serious damage has been reported. MirouriNatiofAl Rrvort Famous for the variety and value of its springs. Splendid hotels and 18 -hole Rolf course, lennia, norsebacK riding, dancing, baths, etc. Reached by "St Paul" ad Wa bash railways, and only an hour's ride by hourly electric trains from Kansas City. Send for illustrated booklet. SECRETARY. COMMERCIAL CLUB, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mother, You And Be Strong and Well and Have Nice, Rosy Cheeks Instead of Being NenVis and Irritable All vd,- the Time and Looking So Haggard and Old? The Doctor Gave Some toteusie Smith's Mother and She Was Worse Off Than You Are and Now She Looks Just Fine. NUXATED IRON WILL INCREASE THE STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE OF WEAK, NERVOUSCAREWORN, HAGGARD LOOKING WOMEN 100 PER CENT IN TWO. , WEEKS' TIME IN MANY INSTANCES. THE CHJLDS APPEAL m . liter Can be no Beauf iftlT I ,Z ? Jr , 7 UTIIUU Healthy Kosy Cheeked women . . WlUlOUt Iron. w j asr "There can be no healthy, beautiful, rosy cheeked women without Iron. saVs Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York Physician and Medical author. "In my recent talks to phy- i 1L ... sicians on the grave and serious consequences of iron deficiency in the blood of American women, I have strongly emphasiied the fact that doctors should prescribe more organic iron nuxated Iron for their nervous run down, weak, haggard-looking women patients Pallor means anaemia. The skin of an an- aemic woman is pale, the flesh flabby. The muscles lack tone, the brain fags and the memory fails, and often they become weak, nervous, irritable, de spondent and melancholy. When the iron goes from the blood of sgymen, the roses go from their cheeks. "In the most common foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, polished rice, white bread, soda crackers, biscuits, mac aroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, farina, degerminatcd eornmeal no longer is iron to be found. Refining processes have removed thff Jron of Mother Earth from these impoverished foods, and silly methods of home cookery, by throwing down the waste pipe the waters in which our vegetables are cooked are responsible for another grave iron loss. "Therefore, if you wish to preserve your youthful vim and vigor to a ripe old age, you must supply the Iron de ficiency in your food by using some form of organic 'iron, just as you would use salt when your food has 111 --!S5W4' M fc'il not enougn salt. "As I have said a hundred times over, organir iron is the greatest of all strength builders. II people would only take Nuxated Iron when they feel weak or run down, instead of doainir them. selves with habit-forming drugs, stimulants aiconoiie beverages l am convinced that in this way they could ward off disease, preventing it becoming organic in thousands of cases and South Side r Social Activities ' The Misses May and Caroline Ellis are spending their vacation in Colo rado. Mrs. N. Roberts has gone to Falls City for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. HvVore and daugh ter, Evelyn, are spending their vaca tion with relatives at Columbus. Neb. Mrs. Jay Trapp and Miss Nell La Velle have returned from a trip to Idaho Springs. Colo. Miss LaVclle also visistcd at Arthur, Neb., enroute home. Mrs. James Baker and Mrs. Wilmer Baker and children have returned from a two weeks' visit at Silver Creek, Neb. Mrs. E. R. Knight and children have returned from an extended west ern trip, part qf the time being spent with Mr. and Mrs. .Charles Akofer, former South Side people now living in Valier, Mont., where Mr. 'Akofer is engaged in the lumber business. Lieutenant John Schultz has been visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Schultz. Miss Grace Stilwcll has returned from Shelby, Neb., where she spent most of the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Day have returned from a motor trip to Shenandoah, Ia. Jay Barrett of Great Falls, Mont., , The specials shown are only a few of the many beautiful selections marked for clearance before fall inventory. There's a handsome diamond or watch waiting for you, and you kaVe the privilege of wearing while paying. You can exchange any diamond purchased from us at the full price paid for a larger one) pay balance monthly. You'll agree that our values are supreme and our guarantee is your safeguard it has over half century of successful business back of it. An evening is pleasantly spent Inspecting our beantiful stocks. Our store is open dally till 9 p. m. Saturday till 9:30. 380 Ladies' Diamond Rinrr, 14 k solid gold, I.oftii" "Perfec- CC tion" mounting. . . .wJJ $3.80 a Month 1192 La Valliere, pink and white Shell Cameo; fin solid gold; 1 fine Diamond: real pearls and pearl drops 15 inch Neck Chain B33 Men's Diamond King, 6-prong Tooth mounting, 14k solid Bold, Roman or nol- BprimS; ring catch $25 inhed finish. . .... Hv $2.80 a Month $1.60 Week Open Dai y Til! 9 P. M.tSaturday Till Don't 0FTSS 123 brosT co. .va Why Take Nuxated Iron thereby the lives of thousands might be saved who now die every year from pneu monia, grippe, kidney, liver, heart trouble and other dangerous maladies. The real and true cause which started their disease was nothing more nor leVs than a weakened con dition brought on by a lack of Iron in the blood. "On account of the peculiar nature of woman, and the great drain placed upon her system at certain periods, she requires1 iron much more Uisn man to help make up for the loss. "Iron Is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. With out it, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you with out doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of it, and as a consequence you become weak, pale and sickly looking, just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient In iron. If you are not strong or well you owe It to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can waiK wunoui nccoming urea, next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and now mucn you nave gained, i nave seen do"n of nervous, rundown people who were ailing all the while double their strength and ndurn "i entirely Hd themselves of all symptoms tot dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time And this, sfter they bed in srfme cases bean ociorinK r monuis wunout oDtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of re- d.uce? lrn- lron scjtate or tineture of iron mtnM By Mother Nature for the red color- ing matter in the blood of her children is, ,not tj,ot klrd of ,ron- You must take Iron in a form that can bo easily absorbed nd ansjmjatd to do you any good, other- wise it may prove worse than useless. 1 h"ve ufi Nuxated Iron widely in my m hiusi severe aggravatea eon anions wnn untailing results. I have in- duced many oiner p n ysi- clans to give It a trial all of whom have given me most surprising re- ten ' Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Physician and Medical AuUior, tells physicians that they should prescribe more organic iron Nuxated Iron-$or their patients Says anaemia iron deficiency is the greatest curse to the health, strength, vitality and beauty of the modern American Woman. Sounds warning against use of metallic iron which may injure ihe teeth,' corrode the stomach and do jar more and harm than good; advi3es use of only nuxated iron, has been the guest of his cousins, Mrs. Virgil Smith and Mrs. E. R. Knight, this week." William Routte is fery much im proved after his recent operation, but is still confined in the Clarkson hos pital. Frank A. Broadwell, jr., is spending his vacation on the Spears' ranch neaf Sheridan, Wyo. ' Mrs. Pat LaVelle is entertaining a party of relatives this week. Donald Welch of Denver, former well-known South Side) boy, has re turned to his home after visiting friends here. He will enter his senior year at the University of Boulder un less called for serice. r Lieutenant Varro Tyler and broth er, Louis, of Auburn, Neb., have been guests at the Frank Broadwell hme this week. Rev. Irving Johnson, former recto (Continued on Page Five.) "IPPM Saturday Evening-, iLtVK 8:30 o'clock To Serve Those Who Desire to Saval Nebraska Savings and Loan Ass'n. 211 S. 18th Street. City Hall Block 1915 Buick Six wifch winter detachable top, $600. Phono. Harney 414. Orr Motor Sales Company. Hunting Case 4B3 Men's Watch, hunting case, 16 size plain polished, engraved or en gine turned; guaranteed 25 years; fit ted with 17 Jewel Elgin, Waltham or Illinois mement; spe- $22 Terms: $2.20 a Month ' CLr 9:30 Call or write for Catalog No. 903. Phone Douglas 1444 ad our salesman will call. The NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELLERS MAIN FLOOR CITY NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. 400 South 16th Street, Corner 16th and Harney Sts., Omaha. Opposite Burgess-Nash Co. Department Store. MSSMMlBSMaakyew-rr- "i -"-srw-.ll IB . F trrm "T-t You Can tell the WOmCn With plgritV Of il"00 in their Wood : ' , , , ,,, , , . beautiful healthy rOSV CheCKCd , r r v. , . P i- j VllOllTy , " Pr in re"A to '. reBt Power health and strength builder. "Many an athlete and prize fighter ha m(rtt nt trr.t fttrdncrtti mnA mnA filled his blood with iron before he went into the affray : while many another has Kone down in inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron." Dr. Schuyler C. Jaques, Visiting Surgeon 1 ot St. Elizabeth's Hospital, New York City, ' said: "I have never before given out any medical information or advice for publica tion, as 1 ordinarily do not believe in it. put so many American women suffer from iron deficiency with its attendant ills phy sical weakness, nervous irritability, melan choly, indigestion, flabby, sagging muscles, etc., etc., and in consequence of their weak ened, run-down condition they are so lislble to contract serious and even fatal diseases thnt I deem it my duty to advise such to take Nuxated Iron. I have taken it myself and given it to my patients with most sur prising and satisfactory results. And those who wish quickly to increase their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy." , NOTE Nuxated Iron, wliich Is pre scribed and recommended above by phy sicians in such a great variety of cases. Is not a patent medicine or secret rem edy, but one which is well known to drug gists and whose iron constituents are widely prescribed by eminent physicians, bath in Europe and America. Unlike tha older inorganic iron products, it ia easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach; on the contrary, it is a most potent rem edy in nearly all forms of indigestion, as well as for nervous, run down conditions. The manufacturers have such great con fidence in nuxated iron that they offer to forfeit 1100. 00 to any charitable insti tution if they cannot take any man or .voman under 60 who lacks iron and increase their ntrenpth 100 per cent or over in four weeks' time,, provided they have no serious organic trouble. They --Iko offer to refund your money if it does not at least double your strength and endurance hi ten days' time. It is dispensed in this city by Sherman 4 Me Connell Drug Co. Stores and all good druggists. Adv, I r