Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 16
"!-- ..'','JM--... r--- V .1 ' 1 !. i THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1917. 11 Breaks Motor . Car Record, on Sheepshead Bay Speedway 1 89S Miles in: 4 lours .Trri',""li I'limi i ' : TUTX ' " Now Horns the Endurance fad Sal 1 -V' ( ' iniillli i i mil., I H. t It roll Starter Wagner Wield Flag. The 24-Hour Record Traveling farrier and faster thanany human being has ever traveled on land, sea or air in 24 hours, .' V A CHALMERS stockhassis has broken v . the 24-hour stock chassis record of 1819 miles ih 24 hours,' which has been held 'by the Hudson since May, 1016 ,' ' This supreme achievement in motor" car endurance was attained when Joe Dawson.5. drove a Chalmers Speedster equipped with an absolutely stock motor 1898 miles in 24 hours over the Sheeps head BaV Speedway on August 1-2. -" ' This marvelous performance was ac complished without a motor stop or me chanical trouble of any kin& This is the fastest time ever made by a motof for such a 'distance. The fastest world's locomotive records are dimmed by comparison with this dazzling exhibi- " tion of Chalmers speed and stability. Added weight to the Chalmers perform ance is given when it is considered that'it belongs in the 230 cubic inch piston class, whereas the holder of the best previous record, the Hudson, is in the 300 cubic inch class. 1 mrwHtammii ' ft la th PiU t tit Dead o Night. Power 91 Mile as Hour Puit tb GrandtUad. ';:.!': !.;'.v. ( (wift 9 v -5 WTO The Car, Joe'Dawton and Fred J. Wagner, Tinier and Starter. Speed- Endurance Proved by these Chalmers Records Hour Record A CHALMERS stock chassis Jbreaks all XX previous records in its class on the Speedway by registering 83 miles in one hour of continuous travel.- This perform ance has set speed fans agog. 10.0-IVfile Record A CHALMERS stock chassis beat all fV previous high records for 100 miles in its class, covering the distance in- 72 minutes, 10.17 seconds. The old record v holder's first 100 miles was made in 77 minutes,1 5.78 seconds. . . . . 1 2-Hour Record - A CHALMERS stock chassis broke the highest official record for 12 hours' continuous speed by traveling j957 miles, as compared, with the previous Hudson . record of 923 miles in the same period. The Chalmers performance averaged 79 miles per hour for the 12 hours. - rv f w, v. i. Ai.i v -j-- A. 24 Hoari at Daiiling Speed. A Chalmers Stock Chassis and Stock Motor Great Records Made Under anction and Auspices , of ; itc August 1st and 2d, 1917 VI. . 4 1 1- f in ... Xa'?" 1 Wagner Congratulate Dawson at the Finish. tem Mbtoii Oar Company SEE THE CHALMERS AT THE STATE FAIR, LINCOLN, NEB, SEPTEMBER 2 TO 9. 2054 Farm am Street Phone Douglas 4304. Western Distributors Omaha, Neb. ' , ' , s CH AS. R. HANN AN, JR., President. WALTER S. JOHNSON, Secretary and Sales Manager, E. V. ABBOTT, Vice President and General Manager. ' ' Branches. Lincoln, Hooper, Hastings, Nebraska, and Wichita, Kansas. ' SEE THE CHALMERS AT THE STATE FAIR, LINCOLN, NEB, SEPTEMBER 2. TO 9.