THE REE: 031 AH A. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29. 191?. 9 ) FOR RENT APARTMENTS South. CHOICE APARTMENT. Apt. 16. THE UINTAH. Park Ave. sad Leavenworth, has five rooms and recep. tlon hall, splendid location. In first class condition. Will be readv September 1st. 14M and $47.50. - PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors, 16 Dinah Nut. Bid. Pom. 1016. Miscellaneous. -R. APARTMENT. Ji5; winter rate $35: . steam heat. Others $18 and up G, P, Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. ESTABROOK apt. or office facing loth St $25 month. G. P. Stebblns, 110 Chicago. FOR RENTBusiness Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE stor room, modern front, rrfwal celling, steam heat. 624-616 So. 16th t..i-else S3s90; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad . Young, S:'2 Brandeis Theater Bhg. Dauglas 1671. LOW-PHiCED nwdern offices, Farnam Bldg-, 13th and" Fariiam, Cld First Nat. Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO", Tyler 500. STOREROOM for-rent, sun Theater Bid. WORLD REALTJ" COMPANY (Realtor) Douglas, Mil', Sun Theater Bldg. SMALL modern store room, steam heat, 1515 . Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, S2J Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571. MODERN, store lStH St., near postoftlce. 875. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. MODERN" store, 16th and 'Cass. Choice location. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space. Baird- Bldg.. 17th and . Douglas. McCagu Inv, Co. WANTED TO REN17 Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. ME want more houses and apartments to rent.-. The fact that w ha-vs practically cleared tip our big list la conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your 'place rented see Payne Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men, l'Omh Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016 Furnished Apartments ano Hotses. ARMY officer wishes to rent well furnished modern apartment or bungalow; one i child; must be reasonable. Box 6735, Bee. Miscellaneous. LIST your homes with us for rent. The demand Is good and we have waiting list. J.'VHTOTMONT CO. (Realtors). 41 KeeMne Bldg. Phone D.' 690. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Jacking, storage and moving . T19 N. 11th St. Phone Doug- y las 894. METROPOLITAN VAN AND v STORAGE CO., ,- Expert- services ; prompt attention. Your moving,, our packing, your storage. . Main Office, Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIDELITY service FREE Phone Douglas 2SS for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, ' 16th and Jackson Sta. . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. - Separate locked 'rooms for ' housohold goods and pianos;, moving, packing and shipping,. -. v . . OMAHA VAN AND STORA8E CO.," 802 S. 16th. Dosglas 4168. ijlobe.Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving-, packing and storing, calf Tyler 7,30 or Douglas 4838. J. C. REED Express-CO:, Moving , Packing and Storace. . 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. , MONEY TO LOAN. FURNITURE, pianos .a,ud notes security 40, 6 mo.. H- goods,, total cost, I3..50, -840, 6 mo. endorsed notes, total cqst. 82.60 Smaller; large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT -LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg. 16th and Farnam,. Ty. 666 LEGAL- RATES : "LOANS 821.00 13441.00 . ', or more. Easy -payments. , . Utmost privacy, 140 Paxton Bldg. -Tel. Doug. 4296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. ' REAL ESTATE Investment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AXD" . SPECULATIVE-PROPERTY. . " a. A.f P. TUKEy-.SON, ' ' REALTORS. Q First National Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL T Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages, ' -TO INVESTORS. . ... .The best known, investment welr selected ffrst mortgage on farm or city residence property;.. We negotiate--'this cTass cf securities, which., we of fer' for sale ' W net the in vestor t and 6 par cent. ' . B' -H.' LOU-GEE, INC., ; ' . - : ,$38 Keellne Jidg., pma,ha, -. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rate 5, 6V4 and. 6 per cent. Reasonably com- mission. . . - ' ' UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 812 South 17th. Omaha, Neb. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years. Interest, 5 per cent, 6 per cent and 4 per- cent; PETERS TRUST CO.. 1682. Farnant im Omahey Neb.- ; 4, H. W. BINDER. Monev on ha hfl vf dr: rilorf trace loan. City National-Bank Bldg. ' FARM ahd"cIty'loauj, ' Hihr and 6 per-cent W. H. . Thomas, elllmi Bldg.. Doug. ' 1648. linn . . 1 A Ann Itilip .pntlu V tl 8100 to $10,000 MADE pr6mptly. F. D Wead.Vead'Bldg,. ISth and Farnam St.9. XO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. " W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bld'a?. SHQPEN oc CO., PRIVATE MONEY. : loflou M?'GE,i betirlng' 6 pet. Bern! annually, Kecured" by ""property valued at. 813,300. ; Talmage-Womls Inv-. Co., W. O. W; Bldg. MONEY to loan 'on-mproved, farms and ranches.. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. OMAHA HOMES. - EAST- NEB FARMS, " O'KEEFE R. J!. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Bran del Theater Bldg. D. 65. - 5 '..MONEY HARUISON & -MORTON, 916 Omaha jNat; Bank Bldg. - cm GARVIN BROS.. Om. .Nat. Bk. Bldg. v IV li 6ANS , Stock and Bonds. X . OIL STOCKS. . A; L. WRIGHT. Flatlron Hotel Doug. 8787 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. SMALL Nebraska farm o neasy payments i acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford- Potato Growers' association. 16th and Howard Sts.. Omaha. Douglas 9371. ' HO ACRES Antelop county, all fine farm land, all cultivated, poor buildings; 4 miles to town ; price only $5,200; easy terms. . A. A. PATZMAN. 628 Securltle Bldg. 160 ACRES, all good farm land, fine bulld ing. one-half mile to school, fine neigh borhood,, close, to town. Prlc $95 per cro; best of term. A. A. PATZMAN. 628 Securltle Bldg. SEE us for western Nebraska wheal lands You will save money by buying; through us. White & Hwover, Omaha Nat'l Bldg. 160 ACRES, Improved, two mile from town; a bargain at $145. Write Box 206, Oakland. Neb. LIST your lands for quick result with C J. Canan. 810 McCsgue Hldg., Omaha Oklahoma Lands. f ARMING LAND jfl?)W OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT IN -OKLAHOMA. In 160, 820 and 640-acre tract; $7.60 to $20.00 per acre with ten years to pay tor It. Along tbe Texas. Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad. Soil that will grow any seed to perfection that is planted. Crop this year selling for from four to seven times the cost of the land. In five year time, this land will be worth three t'me what you now pay for It. Special excursion rates from all rail road points, on . the tint and third Tuesday of each- month. - W H JONES 700 Gate. Building. Kama City, Mo. Oregon Lands. . . OREGON. 1 The stock growing Industry Is Ideal In the Jordan Valley Project, "Heart of -the Range" 44,000 acres can be taken in 40-acre unit. Excellent grating land surrounding, r Send for maps and particular, i Excursion August tsth. j HARLEY, J. HOOKER, 4 140 lt Nat'l Bk, Bldg., Omaha, Teb. j FARM AND RANCH LANDS Texas Lands. 6COD- corn land, east Texas, Hi aa acre. Oat my free bock. w. FRANK. S01 JievilU Block. Oraaht FARM LAND WANTED DON'T list your farm with u If you want to tveep it. Don't Hat your farm with u If you will not sell at a BARGAIN .We have buyers wno want to buy ana pay spot cash. If )ou want their cash. list your farm with ut at a price we can sell to them. 8NOWDEN BON, Douglas 71. . 1J S. lath St. FARM LANDS FOR .RENT FOR RENT. I have 1,000 acres of food wheat land I would una to rent, tp Kimball county, J. H. James, Bushntn, Neb. v REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. West NEW STUCCO '.BUNGALOW CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Large living room, dining room, break, fast room and kitchen on first floor; three bedrooms and b&tb on second floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in; table and seata In breakfast room; fireplace; built-in bookcases and buffet; all 14, -In. slab doors: tile bath room; south front lot (Ox 140; paved street; well located. Price "right. , ' . SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1001. (Jround Floor McCagu Bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY PRICE $3,850 Carpenter leaving city and will sell his . beautiful six-room, modern home; buffet, fireplace, special plumbing, etc., choice oak finish, screened porch, corner lot wltth i magnificent view, one and one-half blocks to car. This is. located In one of the new additions, northwest,. It sure Is a quality home.' . n , ' OSB0RNE ' REALTY . CO., 701 pm.Nkt. Bank Bldg. Tyler. 486. West Farnam, District Residence, seven-rooms, . three on first floor oak. four on second white enamel, hat water heat, tiled veetllule and bath. Reasonable terms If desired. ALFRED THOMAS. SOS Farnam Bldg A REAL BARGAIN, ONLY $300 DOWN Full two story lx-room, strictly modern home, choice comer lot, good barn, flmS shade trees, l'i block to Benson and Deaf Institute car lines. Frlce for quick sale Is only-. 3,ioi'. , OSBORNE REALTY CO., lot Om. Nat. Bank Blg. Tyler, 488. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN V " Large living ;coom,, dining room, sun room and kitchen on first floor; three bed rooms and bath on second floor; built-in bookcases, French doors between dining room and, sunroom.. oak finish and oak floors, guaranteed furnace, large south iron i iox, pavea treei. rfxic ,zou. SCOTT' &' CO., Dong... 1009. Grouad Floor McCagu Bldg. North. OWNER LEAVING CITY PRICE ONLY $3,550 One . of ' the . finest modern homes In the city for the price, six large room and Sleeping porch, oak f iitliH," trfctl y modern lit every detail. Built by owner for horn three year ago. about 81,200 to handle. Let 80x132 and an east front. Let Us Short you this snap. . V OSBORNE REALTY CO., " 701 Om, Nat. BankBldg, Tyler 4J " B!RAND NEW BUNGALOW '6'rooms with stairway to floored attic, oak finish-In - living , room, beautifully dacora-ted, full-cement -basement, furnace, all modern In every detail, ', large porch, xtenlor tram and ituceo, located high - and sightly ; Jut- one , Woe-' west Fon tenelle Blv.d. 'Close to aiihobl; Price, 8 3,800, 8100 down,. Balkn'iA, terras.- " C. G. CARLBERG. 81-0-818 -BrTid.el- Theater Bldg. MILLER PARK &UNGA-LOW-PRICE $3,300: Ftvafnlca room and bathr strictly mod er. ak finish -nicely -decorated, book 'case.' flreplao, -cKlnai cabinet full cement basement, lot 42 4x130, two block to car. parka, one WoHt-to- school. GSBORNSf"R$:-ALT,T ' CO,, "T01 toAL-TSa. hk "B)4g( v Tyler,4 NEAR 2th and' Catadeh' Av,, "5-r., Btrlctly .modern. '.to: 'flnft-repair, lot"80xl28, tin : lawn, shade and fruit trees; a real home ' for $2, SCOT easn of term to ult; ' . - RASP BROS,, 810 Keelln Bldg. MINNE LUSA Nloe lot on Titu Av., near . 24th St. Can be bought at a bargain. ' This lot" must be sold. See me ' dutok. C. A. Orimmel. 849 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. South. - r 7 ' BUNGALOW . - We are building arciafsy-S-room bun- g-alow" In -Leavenworth '-Weights, on con tract made befor ' the big advance In - building material. Prle oomplot I3.8&0 if old pon. Will rnak Urm. .' Benson & Carmichaet Rea,ltors, ' 642 Paxton Block. - - - "Douglas- .1723,- -: , ONE 5-room and one 4-roorn cottage, both on one lot; fine condition: live) In one nd rent the other. .Price for hoth, $2,750. Very easy term. No. .233 8.' 30th St, NORRIS AtWORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone, Dougla 4270. ' SOLD FOR $4,200. NOW $3,400, Six-room modern home, oak finish and oak floors downstairs; full lot; good loca tion; bet reason for selling; easiest terms. F. D. WEAD. 810 S. I8th St. R. S. TRUMBULL, 1305 1st Nat.. Bk. Bldg. . D- 173. Miscellaneous. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Real Kb tat nd Insurance, 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1084. REAL ESTATE B'ne Pr'pty H. A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk. Spoiallt In downtown business property, REAL ESTATE To Exchange Fine 7-Room v All Modem Home For Dakota Land . Owner want quarter section Of raw Dakota land as part payment on fin home (built 6 years). Full south front lot. Barnh,He ask $3,750 for the property and It I a bargain. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. SHEKI1MN. Dawes. Rock nd Dundy Co., Improved ranches, clear, for al or x- change. 8. S. R. E. MONTGOMERY. Dougla 4810. 527 City Nat. Bank Bldg. SlOD. 8-room clear home, well locateX Exch. for 5-room house. Will sacrifice. Widow alone. Call Harney 1574 any day from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. ; $60 AN acre buy 130-acr farm It mile from Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel rviug 4212. R'denc phone Doug, 6778 YORK county, Kansas, land to exchange for hardware Arkansuw land and cash for stock of goods. 708 South 87th St. INVESTIGATE .my ysi.rn; Omaha Really Trading Co.. 18 Patterson Blk. Tyler $55. REAL ESTATE Unimproved. West. " IF you want to buy or sell acreage. Tele phone Dougla (l and uk lor H, H. Harper 4 Co. A -.''' - REAL ESTATE Unimproved. i North. AFTER looking at WINNE LUSA 800 dif ferent buyer decided that It w the bejl proposition on the market and they barked their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why tbe other are buvi-.ig. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO, T48 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. South. GOOD LOT. 41x118, east front, permanent walks, sewer and ctty water; t50, ISO caeh.'bal, no tio a month. Located on 15J 3t., on block from Hanscom 'park ear tint, between Frederick and Spring Sts. C G. CARLBERG, 810-818 Brandels Theater Bldg, Miscellaneous. SUBURBAN as low a, 87t an cm. Phone Douglas !S. H. H. Harper A Co.. 1018-14 City National Bank Butld lng, Sixteenth and Harney, ' BEAUTIFUL SO-foot lot. Prlc 1820. only 18 eash and 50 cent per week. Pout. 330a REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. (6,000 second mortgage t pet. Secured on one; apartment, will give good discount For further Information call at 822 Neville Block. i Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAIN ! $300 DOWN AND BALANCE ItrtMTUlV Six room, full two-story house. Living ruum, uinina login ana Kiioaen on iirst . floor. Finished In oak. Three nice Bed rooms and bath on second .floor. Large lot. Paved street. Owner has authorized us to sell It at 14250 oh easy payments. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. (3T Omaha Nat' I Bank Bldg. D. 1781. DUNDEE, $5,750 0 rooms, lea than two years old, with sun room, living room, dining room, kitchen and den on the first floor; four nice bedroom on 2d floor; all oak finish and nicely decorated; full lot, with gar. age- and driveway. Extra good value In vry way. GLOVER. & SPAIN REALTORS. Dougla M6l: HI-10 City Nat. B,k. Bldg DTjSDEE PROPERTIES. Well iooated lot on easy terms. 'Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying b ur and - - GEORGE & CO. ' HOMES and home sites In Dundee, SHU Lam & VARY.' 804 Keellne. D. 6074. Miscellaneous. Only One i Chicken Ranch .. -r,-:.:' c - -Left - And this will surely suit yen. Located at 7th and Wirt , ptp. New 3 rtom house, large porch, closet, psntry. full foundation; cellar .under all of house (outside- eelhirway). Large tioultry house built according to-government plan. Half screof ground. Adjoining, lota can be leaked for garden purposes. Price, $1,6(0. $50 dft'sh, $17.60 at month. ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN; (Realtors) 1614 Jfarney St,,- Phoije.Tyler iq. ' ACREAGE WEST. I i acre 10 acres 23 acres 3 acres 5 Acres, IS acres 20 acres. 3(3 acres 35 acres. 40 acres 60 acres. If you are in th market for desirable acreage West of Dundee, call or write H. H, Harper A Co., 1018-14 City National Bank Building, Sixteenth and . Harney. Telephone, Dougla 2085 or Sunday Wal nut 1666. ' . t ' ; --" -' - - . SIX ACRES, west of Dundee, with large, beautiful shad trees, farm house, large barn -and deep well. This would make an ldaal pot for a fin country home. It Is on a main road leading Into the city Yoit could rent this place until you were ready to build your country home, tfall or write H. H. Harper & Co., 1013-14 City National Bank Building, Sixteenth ' and Harney, Telephon. Dougla 2596 or Sunday Walnut 1656. H. H. HARPER A CO. Headquarters for Acreage. 1018-14 City National Bank Building, ltb and Harney. Telephone, Douglas 8N96, - .Acreage. TEN ACRES, high and sightly,, west of Dundee; with large grove of shade trees, about five acre In bearing orchard and grape. Five-room hoase. barn, and other Improvement. If you are on the market for acreage, call -or writ,. H. H. Htrpar A Co., 1011-14 X'fty National Bank Building. Sixteenth and Harney. Tele phohe Dougla 269$ or Sunday Walnut t88B. ''''' ABOUT one acre on paved road. Telephone Dougla 259$ or Sunday Walnut 1556. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have several good reliable buyers fdr 6. and 6-room houses and bungalows with $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., TylW 4$8. 701 Omaha . Nat- Bahft Bldg. . ' LISTING houses to rent or sell on ronll cash payments;' have' parties waning. Western Real' Estate. 418'Karbach Blk. D. 3607. IF yOu want- quick melton- on- your prop. rty. list ft with me. - ' . LUNP,' 420' ROSE- BLPG.t - TYLER 753, WISH to; buy-1 tci I flve'room ottage tal csh; whl cohBfder house needing , re pair. Box 4614,-Be. WE have. a customer . for a handsome, brick resldeoca . th ae(ralu .: district.,, F. p. Woafl. - JlO. S. 18th SC ARNDT, & TAYLOR can assist you. L825 Laira .a w.eoster, zya-; ,..-. -. LET us sell or rent youi . nrqtoerty. Tern pletou.01aviii Co.. 601 Qee Bldg. Tyler 2010 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Augustus A. .Myer and wife to Eliza beth. A; Olsen,- Lothrop street. '80 feet east o Thirty-seyenth street, .south aide 40x110 $ 1 Mary E. Anderson to Frank Benak. Thirteenth etreet, 40.4 feet south of O street, west side, 40x110 ...... ... . 350 Joseph Bark', trustee, to James 8trnad, Fourteenth jvenue, 240 .feet north of. Fowler avenue, west , side, 80x142 r... 890 Alice M. Vance to L. L. E. Stewart, ' Twenty-eighth avenue, 93 feet south of Spauldlng atreet, east side, 32x 60 550 William J. Parrott to Ottilia Maezu rat, T street, 200 fee east of Thirty-eighth treet, outh lde,. 50x 120 i 1.700 Melville S. Sturgeon to Axel Meyer, southeast corner Twenty-fifth and Grant street. 80x96 2,000 Willi Realty company to R. E. Krlm lof ski, 'Victor avenue, 183 feet weal of Sixteenth street, north side, 40r 100 9S5 Mel. Uhl, Jr.. and wife to Jennie M. Finney, Davenport street, 100 feet eaat of Fifty-second street, south tde, 60x135 6,000 Howard C. Wellwood and wife to Leon 8tuber, Evan tret, 130 feet wet of Eighteenth street, south side, 40x 125 4,000 New Tork Metal Market. Kw Tnrk. Ant. 28. The metal exchanee quotes lead eaey; spot, $10.37 1 (i 10.76 ; spelter easy; spot. East St Louis delivery. $7.7508. Corner Market, quiet: electrolytic, spot and nearby, nominal; September and fourth quarter, $24.00026.00. Iron Market firm and unchanged. Metal exchange quotes tin steady; spot. $62.00 I At London: Lead Spot 30, 10s; futures. (29, 10; spelter, spot, 64; futures, f60. At London: Copper: Spot .120; futures, 111 10s; electrolytic, 137. Tin: Spot, 241 10s; futures, 231 Us. St. Joseph Live Mock Market. St Joseph, Mo., Aug, 28. Cattle Re- ceipU, 1,000 Lead; market strong; steers, $8.00014.00; cow and heifers, $6.50013.00; calves, $6.00018.00. Hogs Receipts, 4,000 bead; market higher; top, $18.00; bulk of sales. $17,260 17.70; heavy packers, $16.25916.75; mixed packers. $14.16018.16. Sheep and Lame Receipts. J.zuo tveaa; market steady; lambs, $10.0001$. 65; ewes, so.vvviu.zs. New York Sugar Market. New Tork, Aug. 28. Sugar Raw: market nominal: centrifugal, 7.40c; molasses. 6.52c; refined, unsettled; cuUloaf, t.$0c; crushed, $.66e; mould "A", 6.80c; cubes, 8.160.25c; XXXX powdered, 8.60 08.70c: powdered, 6.66 0 3.700; fin granulated, 8.4008.60c; dia mond A, 8.40o ; confectioners "A", 8.300 6.50c; No. t, 8.1008.35c LIVE MARKET Demand Strong: for Beef Steers and Grassfeds Bring Higher Prices; Hogs Are Higher. Omaha, August 28, 1117, Receipt wers: Caul Hos Sheep Official Monday 16.441 8,888 11.081 Estimate Tuesday .... 8,000 1,700 18.000 Two ds this wk.. 21.441 5.03 40. S.ime data last wk.. 30.487 10,88$ 96. Sam? days J wks. ago. 15.237 $ 488 17, same days 3 wk. ago.12.sT3 14.S76 14 Samo days 4 wk. ago. 16.615 lt.7t 3$, Same days last year.. 31. 683 10.621 (4, Rc-c?!pts and disposition of live stock the Union stock yards, Omaha. Neb., twenty-four hqur ending at 1 o'clock m . yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS . Cattle. Hog Sheep. R'r's. Missouri Paclflo 1 ..." Utlon Pacific .... 51 C A N. W., east., 8 C. N. W. west.. 108 c, st. p, m; O.. 1 C, R. 'St Q., east C, B A vj weet..l6J C, R I. A P., east 2 K I 4t P., west . . . Total receipts ..321 11 66 1 1 6 1 "t "i u 4 i 1 85 6 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle;1 Hogs. lieep Hi 1.841 (56 Morri ft C. Swift & Co. ...1,032 ...1.407 41 811: 430 631 868 cudahy Pack. Co. Armour A Co. ... J W. Mumhv ... .1.738 .2.353 Lincoln Pack. Co ... 23 S O Pack. Co. . 8 Si Clair Pack. Co.. 1 ..... Cudahy. K. C 8 WT B Vansant Co... . 131 Benton, Vansant A L. 107 ..... Hill & Son 808 F B Lewis 454 ,. Huston A Co 18 J. B. Root & Co..... 47 J..H Bulla 1SS Rothschild & Krebs.. 25 .... .... M. A K. Calf Co 11 Wertheimer & Degon 167 Sullivan Bros t Rothschild & Kreks.. 25 M. & K. C Calf Co... 11 Christie 72 Huffman . 8 Rolh 16 i.'., Meyer 7 Olansberg ...... 6 , Baker, Jones & Smith 42 ', Banner Bros 13S John Harvey .'. 329 .. Dennis & Francis ... 15 . .' Kllno 13 ... Jensen & Lungren .. 182 Other buyers 1,508 1 6. f 4 5 Total ...... 12,71? 8.574 18.858 Cattle Receipts of eattl wer fairly liberal again today, about 8,000 head, mak ing nearly 25,000 for the two day. Demand wa very urgent from both packer and hipping buyer for the beef steer and while there were no corn fed of any conse quence her a bunch of prime native cattle would undoubtedly bring close to $16.76. Thrro wore no such choice grass beeves on sale as the cattle that brought $13.60 Monday, but anything at all useful In the way of beef found a ready sale at prices anywhere from 10c to 25o higher. - Cow and heifer were also In actlv re quest and pretty close, to 38o higher than Monday on in average. Veal calves wer quotalijy steady, but ther wa a better de mand and stronger market for bulla, stag, act. Mor life and itrength featured the trade In stock cattle and feeding cteer. Country demand wa broader and the decent offer- kng changed hands readily at price any wttvri iron, ,uu iv luu uigiiv, ,wn- day. Quotations on rattle) Good ta choir beeves, $12.50916.56; fair to good beeves 113.25(313 26; common to fair beeves. $9.00 019.00; good to choice yearling, $18,769 13.71; fair to good yearling. $11.80011.(0: common to fair yearling. $9.00fl)ll.0(i; good to cholc grass beeves, $11.08011.80; fair to good grass bseve. $8.00010.00; common to fair grass beeves, $7.6003.78; good to cholc heifers, $7.500$. 00; good to choice cows. $7.85S25; fair to good cows, $8.60 f?7.00, common to fair cow, $6.0004.60; prime feeders, $$.50011.00; good to. choice, feeders. ts.0SS9.00; fair to good feeder. JO.TuiJj 7.7: common to fair feeder, $5.50 6. SO; good to cholc stockers, $7.6008.60; stock heifers, $6 6008.00; stork cow, $8.00 $7.50; stock calve, $6.6009.00; veal calve. $8.00011.00; bull, (tags, etc, $5.76 es.00' Representative sales: EEP STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. 2 675 $6 00 t Ar. Pr. ...... 620 $6 75 734 T 18 ,1104 1 60 1064 10 00 1111 10 16 861 18 00 8 S21 7 00 T. 60 905 8 24 11. 10. ,....,.1000 9 85 60. 13 1095 10 10 48. 20 1304 11 25 40. WESTERNS. C. A Hctschew Wyoming 15 steer..' 131 8 25 W A. Roberts Wyoming. 33 steers. .1173 11 60 ' . Charles Tompkln Montana. 16 steers.. 1071 10 25 OA Mitchell Wyoming. 11 steers.. 1063' 150 1 cows..., 668 f 10 O. N. Meserv Wyoming. 7 cows.... 950 7 75 8 cow 871 110 ' R. C. Ramun Wyoming. lstssrs.,1016 8 10 4 cows. . ..1037 $71 Floyd Hsrpr Wyoming, 7 steers.. 877 8 80 G A. Mitchell Wyomfng. 25 steers.. 1176 11 80 F. Clabaugh Wyoming Scows.... 936 7 25 34 steers. .1089 10 76 Bruce Hodge Wyoming. 25 cows... . 1063 7 60 William Heinrich Montana 88 steers.. 1361 18 60 16 cows. . ..1035 1 00 Q. W. Grant Nebraska. $ feeders.. 960 8 36 ISstckr. 70T T 10 Henry Doug) A Son South Dakota. 41 (tears. , 644 8 60 1 O. Oallogly Nebraska. 4 calv. . 221 8 50 lrlves.. 811 $ 10 W. S. Redman Nebraska '6 steer. .1006 6 60 N P. Brynoff & G. C Luk Nebraska, 1! feeders.. 713 6 80 Argall' Warren Nebraska, ll tckr;. 678. . 6 80 ' Wi J, Maiden Nebraska 17stckra.. 844 7 25- i. - : A S; .Winglrd South Dakota. Hftckrs",, $5 78 . American Cattl Co. Wyoming. 19 steer.. 606 10 60 R. Tanturn Wyoming. 18 steer.. 1166 11 00 i M. O A C. L. Slsyter Nebraska 65 steers.. 760 7 40 NEBRASKA. 8 steers. ;1024 7 76 6 eows. . ..1074 8 40 8 cows. ...1047 6 75 3 feeders. 640 7 00 WYOMINO. 24 cows... 914 6 50 25 feeder. 886 I 60 !6ter..'8-88 9 10 " lcalf.;... 140 U 00 MONTANA 16 steers.. 1010 8 60 4 cows.... 857 S tO 4 steer.. 1240 11 50 I Hogs There was another light run of bogs here today and peices continued to advance, both shippers and packer buying their droves at figures that were 16026c higher than yesterday. The market was moro active than It ha been, and prac tically everything - wa cleaned up by 10 o'clock. Bulk of the offerings sold around t;16.76 17 00, and top rnached $17.60. Sheep Although thure was another pretty good run' her today, feeder buyer wer out early and by the middle of th morn ing had bought quit a few of the lighter lamb at price that were a much a 160 35o higher. Several toads, weighing around sixty pounds, brought $17.25, equaling the high mark of two year ago. No fat lamb had sold,' but It was expected that they would show some kind of an advance. Sheep -were strong, packers paying $10.35 for pretty good ewes. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 24. .168 ... 16 70 78. .196 8h. Pr 160 16 76 ... 16 8n 160 16 96 ifo 17 10 120 17 60 ... 16 60 66. .231 40 16 80 69. .242 56. .246 80 16 90 66. .271 24. .327 ... 17 oo 83. .217 54. .311 ... 17 35 83. .229 PIGS. 32.. 68 ... 14 00 33. .108 33. .140 ... 16 00 Quotations sheep and lambs: Lamb, fair to choice. $16.60017.16; lambs, culls, $14.00 016.761 ls"mbi, feeders, $16.50017.86; yesr lings. fair to choice, $10.60012.00; year lings, feeder, $11.00012.60; wether fair to choiee $10.50011.60; ewes, fair to cholc, $0.60(6110.50; ewes, cull and feeders, $6.00 09.60; ewes, breeders, all age, 810.0UW 16.00 Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 700 Nevada feeder lamb 68 $17 10 647 Idaho feeder lamb l 16 76 884 Nevada breeding ewe 97 12 60 146 Nevada lamb 69 16 ' 101 native lambs 70 18 66 345 Idaho feeding lambs...... (7 16 90 96 Idaho feeding ewe ut I'l id 841 (daho wether Ill 11 16 Minneapolis Grain Market MlnneApolls, Minn., Aug. 28. Flour Un changed. Rye $1.7197.74. Barley 98c fi-$ 1.18. Bran $27.5028,00. Wheat .September. $3.17. Cash: No- 1 No. 2 northern, $2.80 northern, $2.262.30; &2.25; No. 4 northern, hard. Montana, $2.16. $2.1001,16; No. 2 Corn No. 1 yellow. $1.88 01.80. Oats No. 1 white, 534i,053Ua Flaxseed llliam GRAIN AND PRODUCE Arrivals of All Cereals Light on Local Market; Trading: Dull. With Slight Change in Prices. Omaha, August 18. 1917. Arrival ef all cereal wer much lighter today only lhty.lx car being reported In th local market Of the seven wer wheat and th demand for thi cereal poor. Quotation wr not much changed from yesterday' price. Th No. 6 hard winter old at $3.41 and th No. 4 red soring t $3.21. A very tew sales wer made up to noon. Trade In cqrn wa very slow and only t moderate demand for this kind of grain was evident, at quotations ranging from to to IHo higher. Th bulk of the salr wtr mad generally at a to sdvance. The whit corn wa shown preference today and sales of th No. 1 wer mad at 31 88 premium ef 1c over th yellow of the same grade which nld t 31 86. Sale of No. 1 mlxsd ranged from $1.76 to $1.86. th higher sales being cars of high colored corn. The oat market wa also -very alow and trading wn almost confined to the stand ard and No. 1 grade, the etandard (riling at 68o and the No. 1 white at 54 Ho and 14Hc, an advance of 1s to mc higher. Ther were no receipts of rye, hut two car of No, 2 which were carried over, sold at $1.67 and prices on this cereal were quoted from 8c to 3o lower ( Recetpts of barley were tour cars, but not one was -sold, th market being quoted un changed. Clea-anoe were: Wheat and flour eqnRl to 18 7,uu du. : corn, non; oats, sus.noo bu. Primary wheat receipt were 708,000 bu, and shipment 438,000 bu. atnt receipts of 1,106,000 bu. and shipments of 1.640,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipt wr 344.000 bu. and shlnmnt 191.000 bu , agalnat receipts of 671,000 bu. and shipments of SSl.OOo bu. last year. Primary oat receipt wr 1,804.000 bu. and ahlpment 163.000 bu.. (gainst receipts of 2.51M00 b. and ahlpment of 1.064,000 bu. last year. , CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chlcsgo 173 119 Minneapolis , 226 ... Duluth 10 499 Omaha 7 Kansas Ctty 79 St. Louis 98 Winnipeg 219 33 11 55 43 61 U0 This sales were reported today: Wheat No. 6 hard winter: t car, $1.43; 1 car (mixed). $2.21. No. 4 spring: 1 car, (red), $2.11. Sample spring: 1 cur (red), $2.20. Rye No. 3: 1 rars. $1.67. Corn No. 3 white: 6 cars, $1.8J. No. I yellow: 3 cars, $1.6. No. 8 yellow, 8 1$ cars, $1.86; No. 1 mixed: 1 car (near white), 11.86; 1 car (near yellow), $1.80; 1 ear 6( per cent color), $1.78; 6 car. $1.76. No. I mixed: 1 car, $1.76: 6 ears, $1 76. No. 4 mixed: 1 oars, $1.74. No. 0 mixed; 1-6 car, $1.75. Oats Standard: 1 car, 65c: No. 3 white. 1 car, He; 7 cars, 64 He Sample white: 1 car, 63c. Omaha Cash Price Wheat No. 1 hard. $2.8703.43: No. 1 hard, $J.52.42. Corn: No. 1 white. $1.87H0188; No. 3 white, $1.8701-8744; No. 2 yellow, 4I.S5S, Wl.Sii; No. 1 yellow, $1.85U 01.861. ; No. 1 mixed. $1.75t,iftU.76; No. 1 mixed, $1.7614 01.76. Oati: No. 1 whit. 6506SHc; standard. 6441 0 56c; No. 1 white, 54H 06444c. Barley: Malting. $1.1701.11; No. 1 feed, 99c0$l,O. Rye: No. I, $1.6801.67 No. 8, $1.6601.66. Local ran" of options ( Art Open. High. Low. Close. 1 Ye WhT P Rap. J 10 i 10 220 1 10 320 Corn. Deo 1 06 1 06 106 1 06 106 May 1 06 X 04 104 1 04 104 Oats. I Sep. 65 65 I 58 18 58 Dee, 86H 66Vj 6644 16tt 66V. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn Resists Selling Prrunret Wheat Trader Wait Government Announcement, Chicago, Aug. 18. Throuith most of the session todsy corn prices resisted pressure tnd remained wall tow 1 the top offer ing being absorbed without difficulty. Shortly befor the close a sailing wave ap peared, Influenced by report of operations along th Italian front construed as Indica tive of th possible evacuation of Trieste by the Austrian. The eloea wus weak, lo to 1 Vi o lower with December at $1.07 H to $401. and Msy at $1.05 Vi to 1.05 46. Oats followed th trend of corn and finished Vi to H-oent lower. Cash wheat was 8o to 10c lower. Provisions advanced th increase be ing 10a to 90a Colder weathnr.itn the northwest wrllf a light frost reported is far south ss northern Iowa, gave- strength to the opening .trHdi In corn. Incrsnsed offerings took th rdi)e edge off (h .market. Tho supplies wt-re! absorbed nearly a rapidly as they were put-out and through much of the session gain and recerslons about balanced each other. With th everscs report, word of purchases of Argentine corn at prices re garded as moderate was received and also tended to weakeA th msrket. Th closs was not far from th low point Oats stubbornly resltd celling pressure through moat of th session, offerings be. Ing absorbed readily and prices averaging abov th opening figure. Toward th end they weakened with corn on heavy selling by local holders. Ths break was less ex tsntiv than In th campanlon grain and strong undertone bolstered up by light country arrivals, wa observed. The cash wheat traders awnlted announce mnt of th wheat price to be fixed by the government. Primary receipt and ship, msent were small ai compared with a year go. ProvUon wer In .demand and trad In lard w a factor frhm th trt Packer wr credited with buying quantities of lard and demand from commission houses was evldsnt through the llt Hlghr price for llv hogs together with mall run helped the return. Corn No, 1 yellow. ll.910I.94t,; No. 1 and No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats No. 1 white, 64i066e; tandard, (60Mtt. Ryo No. 8, 11.77 01.78. Barley $1.1001.16. boeds Timothy: $6.OO0s.O; clover, $15. 00 030.00. Provision Pork, ,$41.95; lard, $11.11; rib, $13.06028.56. - - Buttr Markt hlfchr; receipts, 11,780 tubs; creamery extras, ile; extra firsts, 41 41 Vic; first. 39V440V4c; aeeondi, l0 19c. Eggs Market higher; receipts, 15.468 ease; firsts, 36Vi037Vsc; ordinary firsts. 14 0 35Vtc; at mark, case included, 13017a. Potatoes Lower; receipt, 70 car; Vir ginia, barrels, $3.7504.00; Jersey, bulk, $1.36 tl. 40: Minnesota, bulk, $1.061.10. Poultry Alive higher; fowls, 20 023 Vic; Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. Ther were showers In Oklahoma, Michi gan, eastern and southern Kansas, eastern Nebraska, central and southern Iowa, north ern and southwestern Missouri, northern and central Illinois, northern Indiana and ex treme northern Ohio. Th amount were light to moderate, except over on Inch fell at three station In Indiana and at one ach In Illinois and Kansas. Th weather is unseasonably cool, except In the middle Milslppl and Ohio valley. Minima wore below 60 (outhwnrd to central Kansas, ex treme northern Missouri, extreme southern Wisconsin and 40 or below In portions of Nebraska, Minnesota and the Dakotas. Frost or freeilng temperature occurred at three stations In North Dakota and at two In northern South Dakota. L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Aug. 28. Evaporated Apples Firm; fancy, nominal: choice, 12 Vi 13c; prime, 114 012c. Dried Fruit Prune, firm; California, 9011V4c; Oregon. 1044o. Apricot, firm; fancy, 20o. Peaches, firm; standard, 10V4c; choice, lOVic; fancy, I2c. Raisins, firm; loose, Muacatel. 7Vi09c; choice to fancy, seeded, 7V09V4c; seedless, 9V.J0c London ayers, 1.80. OUa aAd Benin. Savannah, Ga , Aug. 28. Oils Turpen tine, firm, 17 Vi 018c; sales, 729 bbls.; re ceipts, 446 bbls,; shipments, 168 bbls.; stocks, 86.683 bbls. Rosin Firm: sale, 1,103 bbls : receipts, 1.708 bbls.; ahlpment, 666 bbl. ; stocks, 86,411 bbls. Quotations: B, D, E, F, G, $5.20; H, 15.20; I, $6.26; K, $5.35; M, $5.75; N, $6.50; Wq, $7.00; WW, $7,16. Dry Goods Market. New Tork, Aug. 28. Dry Good Cotton goods for commercial need were quiet here today and price for gray good eaey. Brown and bleached domestics wer fairly steady, colored goods firm. Jobber re ported a quiet trade. Buying for govern ment purposes was large. Men's wear lines were quiet, silk very quiet Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool. Aug. 18. Cotton Spot In lim ited demand; prices 10 points higher; Ameri can middling fair, 19.33d; good middling. 18 90d: middling, l.40d: low middling. 17.96d; good ordinary, 17.00d: ordinary, I6.50d. Sales 3.000 bales. fit. I.ouls Grain Market. St. Louis, Aug. 28. WhcaT-.N'o. 2 red, $2.1592.18; No. 2 hard, $2.1902.23. Corn No. 2, $1.86; No. 2 white, $1.94: September, $1.60; December. $1.074a. Oats NO. 1, 55Vi5i:; No 2 white, 670 17U& NEW YORK STOCKS Decline in Russian Exchange Added to Uncertainty of Government's Price and Taxation Policies. New Tork. Aug. 29 Stock wr offered by profession! 'trader today, that faotlon evidently, deriving further encouragement from fresh development of an unfavorable character. To th uncrtalntle and pn!xllle arising from th government' prie and taxation pollele wer added anothsr severe decline In Russian exchange, ruble falling to a discount in excess of sixty per cent; stiffening of time nd call loan In antlelpa lion of heavy transfer steel's financial plan cation of Bethelehem steel's tnanolal plan under conditions Increasing Its fixed charges. Dealings wers ths largest and broadest of any recent session, but th activity and scop of the trading merely measured the extent of the market decline. All th prominent Industrials, mtala. equipments, shippings nd a scor ef specialties wer comprehended In th setback at decline of 2 to 7 points. Bethlehem Steel new dock reacted IMj point and th old 2. United States Steel fell from 121 Vi to 118H and closed at 119, a net loss of IS- Others of that division were ta 7 points lower, minimum quota tion being record in th final deal. Inss. Th etbek htd It Inception among th automobile sharas, 8tudebakr falling t points to th nw low record of 40 Vi. Gen eral Motor lotlng 1H. Other motor shares and ubldlrle wre 1 to 1 point down. Utilities alto wer steadily sold. Ohio gas making an extreme declln of m point with pressure against others of that class. Total sale 168,000 share. Trading In bond wa mors widely dis tributed, at minor concession, th Liberty l?uo holding ateady at 99.92 to 99.98. Total sale (par value) aggregated 12.460,000. United State registered 4 (old at 1054, an advance of one-half pr cnt. Old Issues wars unchanged on rail. Number of sale and quotation on lead ing stocks: Sales. Hlffh. T.nw flna , Am. Beet Sugar... 1.100 881 87t B7Vj i.juu ill) iu 41 Am. Car A Found. 1,600 72V 6H 6i Am. Locomotive. . . 3.60O 66 ii 68 H 61 Am. Smelt. A Ret, 7,900 99ty 96 tiH Am. Sugar Ref,., 1,600 116i 114 114 Vi Am. Tel. A Tel.... 1,400 1184 117, 118 Am. Z, L. A 8... 600 21H 10 16 Anaconda Copper.. 11,100 73 71 tt 7H4 Atchison 1.40C 98s 98 S 800 1064s 1U1 103 Bultlmor A Ohio 1,200 63 68 Vi 194 3,41)0,331. 10 !9Vi 600 13 HVi 18 Vk 900 161 160 160 8.100 87Vi 84 88Vi 600 68Vi t1 17 1.800 67 llVi - 6Vt Butt A Sup. Cop.. Cal. Petroleum. . . ., Canadian Paclfc... Central Leather... Chesapeake A Oho, C M. A St. P.... Chicago A N. W... 10$ C R. I. A P., ctfs. 10,700 10 18 18 Chlno Copper 4,100 14 11 11 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 1,100 46 44 44 Corn Prod. Rof..,. 7,800 81 10 10 Crucible Steel 41.000 77 70 78 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 4,800 13 11 11 Distiller Sec 2,1100 86 15 15 Kris 900 23 12 13 uenerai Eiieotnc, General Motor.... Ot Northern pfd.. Ot. No. Ore, ctfs... Illinois Central..., Inspiration Copper. Int. M. M.. pfd.,.. Int. Nickl Int. Paper Kan. City Southern. Konneoott Copper. Loulavll A Nash. Maxwell Motor... Mex. Petroleum. , . . Miami Copper Miasourl Paclflo... Montana Power... Nevada Copper N. Y. Central N. Y., N. H. A H.. Norfolk A Western. Northern Paclflo. .. PaclfleMall 800 162U 161 160 V $.800 llUVi 10SH 108 Vi 400 105 Vi 104 104 Vi 6,700 65 aiVi 13 100 101 V, 101 101 4.600 61 11 $1 ,00 90 Vi 88 1.700 17V 11 200 11 11 11 It 40 e.100 41 40 191 1,800 81 11 11 6,600 4)4 91 91 1.900 16 86 15 4,900 10 It 18 1 1,600 11 11 11 1,000 13 11 11 600 11 11 10 100 116 lit Ut 400 101 101 J01 1V4 Paoifio Tel.A Tel Pennsylvania 1,100 $1 $1 Pittsburgh Coal , Ray Con. Copper Reading 1.700 88 81 Rep. Iron A Steel.. 18,400 85 81 Shattuck Aria. Cop. .,, 11 11 18 86 11 13 Southern Pacific... Southern Railway. Studebaker Cor.... Texas Co...., Union Paclflo 1.600 14 98 16 4,400 17 16 16 . 10.800 83 4 46 . 1,700 178 174 174 ,. 1.100 136 134 114 . 4,000 Ut 131 lit ,111,600 111 1)8 111 400 117 1184 11611, U. 8. Ind. Aloohol U. S. Steel U. S. Htoel pfd Utah Copper 11,600 100 $6 $7 Wabash pfd. "B".. 1,100 16 11 15 Western- Union.... 100 93 91 13 WestliuThouse Else 6,100 47 4$ 45 Total sale for the day, 166,040 shares. Bid... Kansk City Grain Market. Kansas City, Aug. 11. Wheat No. I hard, $i.30iij)2.45i No, red, 11.11) SP tember, $1.10. Corn No. 1 mixed, ll.710t.7t; No. t whit, Il lOt No. I yellow, $1.1401.86; D. cember. $1,08; May, $1.04. Oat No. 1 whit. 680830; No, 1 mlxd, 8t 067o. I New Tork Cotton Market ' New York, Aug. 11. Cotton Futures opened steady; October, ll.Olo; December, 23.t2c; January, 11.11c; March, 11.18c; May, t2.60o. Cotton future closed steady; October, 23. Stic; Deeomber, 21.37o; January, 11. 16c 1 Maroh, 33.58o; May, 11.70c Spot, quiet: middling, 83.46c. An Excellent Vacation Trip The Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota lakes are excellent at which to spend the summer or the "customary two weeks"; or for week-end trips in the invigorating, life-giving air, restoring and restful Splen did fishing: freedom for the children to play; all the beauty ana pleasure of the health-giving Great Out doors. Resorts, hotels, boarding houses everywhere, charges most reasonable. Round trip fares from Omaha: Akeley, Minn. $28.64 McGregor, Minn,. ...... $25.94 AnnandalcMinn........ 19.94 Minneapolis, Minn.. . . . 16,91 Ashland. Wis. 25.82 Niwwa, Minm 24.44 Bayfield, Wis. 26.64 Osakia, Minn. 23.14 Bemidji, Muin ,. 2&.14 Park Rapids, Minn. 26.24 Birch wood. Wis. 22.69 PajjneTille, Minn. 21.49 Brainerd, Minn........... 23.59 Shakopee, Minn.. , , 16.72 (Table, Wis..... 23.88 . Spicer. Minn.. 20.19 ChetelcWit. 22.60 8t Paul, Minn. 16.94 Dorset, Minn. 26.59 St Peter, Minn.......... 14.56 Duluth, Minn. - 23.02 Walker, Minn. M 26.64 Hnyward,Wi. 23.04 White Bear Lake.. ..... 17.49 3 Daily St Paul make the trip to Minnesota resorts but little more than a comfortable overnight journey. . Chicago & North Western Ry. 1 v Coffe Market. Nw York, Aug 18. Ther was a renewal ef scattering near month liquidation In the market for coffee futures today, but It wa in much (mailer volume and trading other wise remained uulet. There was nothing In the new from Brazil to Indicate that I ho low temperatures reported yesterday had caused any material damage, wlrle this morning reports showed warmer weather The situation In this respect may have led to some further selling, but after opening unchanged to 3 points lower the market showed i'ttlo movement, closing net un changed to 3 points lo-ver. September held around 7 43c to 7.46c and March. 7.81c to 7.94a, closing at about the best point on re newed peace talk August -and September. 7 44c; October, 7 64c; December, 7.T3c; Jan uary, 7.80c; March, 7.95c; May, 8 03c; Juiv 8.22. Sales, 14,000 bugs. Spot coffe quiet; Rio 7s, 9Vie: Santos 4s. lOHo Cost and freight offer wers reported a shad firmer Bid of 1 2jo were said to have been accepted for Santo 4s tnd 9.50c for Santo 8 with offer of Santos 4s rang ing from $.40c to $.60c, London credits. Th official cable reported no change In ' spot quotations at Rio and Santos, bu'j ' Santos future wer unchanged to 26 rels' lower. Rio exchange wa 8-JJd higher Santo cleared 68,000 bag for New Orleani and Rio 23,000 tor New York. New York Money Market, New York. Aug. 18. Mercantile Paper 5 4 06 per cent. Sterling Exchange 60-day bills, $4.72;. 7 commercial 60-day bill on -bank, $4.71: : : commercial 80-day bills, 14.71; demand. 14 76 9-16; cable. $4.73. 7-16. Sliver Bar, 68 4,0, - , Bonds Government steady: railroad, -ir-, regular. Time Loans J4lrmer; (ft day. 404VJ per cent: 90 day. 404 per cent; 6 months, " 60 5 U per cent. Call Money Firmer; high. 3 pr ent. low. 1 pr cent; ruling rat, 1 per " cent: cloilng bid, 1 per cent; offered at 5'. ' Pr cnt; last loan, 1 per cnt ' "" U. 8. !. coupon 96Int M. M. .... 91 U. 8. 2s. reg 97V4K. C. 8. ref. 6s.. 82Vi U S. Is. coupon 9L. A N. unl. 4s.. 81 IT. S. Ss. reg.... 99 M. K. A T. 1st 4s 68 U. 8. 4s, reg,...105Mo, Pac. gen. 4 5S , , ,V U. 8. 4s. coup.. .106 Mont Power 6... $8 Pan. 3s coupon.. 10 N. Y. C. deb. t 160 Am. For. 8c. 6 95N. Pacific 4,... 84 A. T AT. cit. 6 96 NT. Pao. 3.... 62 i r-.-f Anglo-French 6 930. 8. L. ref. 416 Armour Co 4 Vis 89 Pao. T. A T. 6 96 Atchlnion gen. 4 86Penn. cen. t lot Baltl. A Ohio 4 84Penn. gen. $.. 92 Cen. Leather 6.. 98 Roadtng gen. 4 87 Cent. Paclflo lat 81 8. L. A 8. F. a 6s (4 Ches. A O. cv. 6s 84 S. Pacific cv. 6s 96 C , B. A Q. j. 4 96S. Pacific ref. 4 66 CMA8Pg4 81S. Railway 6.. $-'. C R t A P r r 4 6Tex. and Pac. 1st 91 Colo. Z 8. r 4 78 'Union Pacific 4 90 D. A R. a. ref. 6a 67U.' Pac. ov. 4.. 81 Dom. of Can. 6 94 U. 8. Rubber 6 88 Erie gen. 4.... 68U. 8. Steel 5s.. 103', .... Gen. Kleo. 5. .100 'Wabash 1st. ...100 Ot N. 1st 4 90 W. Union 4.. 93 lit Cent. ref. 4 84 St. tools Ur etook Market. t St Louis, fAug 28. Cauls lUceipta. 4,10(1 head) market- higher; natlv beef tr(, 18.00016.60; yearling steers and helf rs, 17.00014.00) cow. 16 00010.00; (took, ers and feeders, $H 6009.60; Texas quaran tine steers, $6.76i&'l0.6O; , -prims southern beef steer. $9.00i$12.60; beef cows' and heif er, $6.00010.00; prim yearling lrs and heifer, $7 60010.00; natlv calves, $5.76 I, 00 ! Hog Receipt, 1.90O head; market high er; lights, $17 60017.8$: pig. $13.00016 60f mixed and butchers, $17 66017.$$; gflod . heavy, $17.35018.25; bulk of sale, $17 600 18,10. Sheep and Lambs Reewtpt, 4,40$ head; markt hlghar; lamb. $11.00016.7$, awes, $1.00 01.10; wethers. $10.60013.00; cnnrs, and choppers, $4.6008.10. . . " .' Kansas City Llv Stock Market, Kansas City, Aug. 3$. Cattl Reoelpis.' 17,000 head; market atrong; prim fqV stsers. $14 75011.86; dressed beef ter. $11 00014 00; western User. $. 00014. 6(1? southern trs, $7.25011.60; cow. $6.00 10.00; heifers, $7.60013.00; toeksr and feeders, $7.00011.26; bulls, $8.1101 60;. oalve. $7 00013.00. Hog Receipts, 6,000 had; market high., r; bulk ot salee, $11.10017.90; heavy, $17 1101$ 16; packer and butchers, $17.31 013 lt lights, $16.60017.85; pigs, $13,.60 II. 10. Sheep and Lamb Receipt, 4,009 head; markst higher; Iambi, $16.000 17.00 ; year ling., $1OOO012.9O wslhers, $8.00011.00 ; we, $8.10010.00. Chicago Llv Stock Market. Chicago, Aug. 18. Cattl Receipts, 7,000. head; steady to strong;, natlv beet, $3,36' 16.80; western steers, $7.15011.76; a new prlc for western ters; stockers and feed er, $6.1009,39; cow and belters, $(.66 11.25; calve. $13.00016.86. . ' Hogs Rsocipt, 4.000 head) market Strang; top, $17,90; bulk ef ale,. $16,100 17.75; light $1$.9O0!7.O: mixd, $16.fl0iS7 17.90; heavy, $18.90017.71) rough, $16,900 1.15 pigl, $11.60015.50, . Sheep and Lamb Receipts. 7,000 haa; market steady; wether,. 97.9Q011.26; ws, $7.26010.60; lambs, $11.00017.06. , ( . Sinn City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, Ia Aug, 18. Cattle Receipt. -fTt tOO hvadi market 10016a higher; bef .-.-U'' er, 17 60014.00; fat cows and hWfer,; 18. 1009.001 canner $5.00$.J5 stookerg. . ' and fdrs, $(.001.75; calve. $8.00011.00;. j bull, stags, etc, 16.0001.00; feeding cow I.VXX and hlfr. $6.0008.00. - : - ' Hogs Relpt, 1.000 hadi market II to - , w tie hlghri light, $18.76017.10; mixd. , 111; nvavy, ei.outaif.vui piss, $l$.$O01t.OO; bulk of al, $16.60017.0." Sheep and Lamb Rclpta, $00 head; market strong, - London Silver Market. London, , Aug. )$. Sllvr Bar, 45d per ounce. Money 8 per cent. - ' Discount Rate Short bills, 4 pr cent, thrv month bill. 4 11-18 par cant ) V V V V V V V K4 V 5- Trains to - Minneapolis v Kf Kf 5. For further Information and deerrpthrauter tur ssk our Omaha City office 1401-3 Farnam St,' Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglao 2740 - Mi. John Mellen. General Agent. In charge. t: 'I '; 71 I. 11 -4 :. ' ur 1 ltf , ' Tl "a.