Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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nThe Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha yostofftct as ssoond-tlase mutter.
B Cartar. i Br Ma!!.
Piily tnil Buadar ta month. 6S Per mr,
IMitr without gundir " 4So " i.H
Ktenini ai4 BuBdar " 4 i.H
JSreMnf wlUiout Sunday "Jo " 4 M
Sunoar Bee out, 20o " 1.00
HMid botlr of chtn or address or Irregularltr U dellrfaY ta Omaha
B. Circulation Carartatcnt.
Th Aasnriated Pros, of wMrk The Bee la a member, II ucladnlt
milled to tba tte for rapubticauoa of all new credited to It or
1 nut Mhemlaa credited la Uila rp ant) alio tha local Bain pub
iiaiird kfrno. All riggti of rewibiicaUon of our spatial dlspatdta
art alio reserved.
temtl tqr draft, npreie or postal order. Only S-etnt attains UXm In
payment fit amall amount. Personal check, exotpt ot Osmbs and
esalem exchanta, not aecepted.
Omaha TSs B Bulldlar rwoaao PeoTiU'a fill Building.
Sooth Omaha 4JJ7 I. I4)h St e fork JM Fifth An.
Council Bluffa 14 X. Mala Bu Bt. Louts New Bit of Co mm area.
Lincoln -Uula Buildit. Wuhlnjton JJJ 14th St., N. W.
AdJress commcnlettieM relating to newi and editorial natter t
omaha Baa. Editorial Department.
57,229 Daily Sunday, 51,153
Vmii elrnilatloo far th month tiAKrfbtd and mora to br Dwlait
t Illume. Circulation Manner.
.-..hscriWarl laavlnf the city lhnld ! Th Bee iMUW
to them. Address changed as eftesi aa raqueatad.
It is up to neutral nations to play fair and eat
Straw hat dealers cheerily anticipate a fall
and mark down the goods.
Drafted men are luckier than they admit. Uncle
Sam takes over their worries about expense bills.
The solemn stillness of graveyards finds a
keen rival in the oppressive silence of wheat pits.
War tax notions of congress promise a test
of the idea that one may eat the cake and haye
it, too.
The lineup of democrats for next year's nom
inations gives color to the thought that the war
is not an exclusive topic in some circles.
' The "Rainbow division," comprising the first
section of .National Guardsmen booked for France,
mips in the title Its duty of signaling the end of
the reign.
Making the wir unpopular by levying unrea
sonable taxes may seem good tactics to the ob
structionists in congress, but the people will get
to them sooner or later.
Bulgaria's premier says he is for peace, but
the world has not yet forgotten that his country
went to war on about at slender a pretext as any
that it mixed up in the great conflict.
Assuming that Berlin keeps posted on affairs
in this country, the kaiserites have good reason
to view with alarm the steady retirement of exiled
reserves to American detention camps.
The friendly attitude of Chancellor Michaelit
toward Tope Benedict's peace note doubtleit it
intended as a postscript to the main reply fash
ioned by the blazes of St. Quentm't cathedral.
Canada's Kilties are eoomin' tae speir gin
there be ony wilfu laggards hereaboots. We ken
o' nine, but fine there may be. Hoo'e'r it may fa'
oot, the Kilties will be gey welcome for their
. , . , g t
Still , those who cherish sympathetic Interest
in the affairs of Nicholas Romanoff are at lib
, crty io address him at Tobolsk, Siberia. Commu
nications reach that famous winter' resort occa
ionally. V .
Optimistic report! of Russian condition! com
ing from official Washington disposes of the fears
of pessimists. The government proves its confi
dence by practicai assistance to a struggling gov
ernment.' 1
: Russia, by inaugurating the jury system, plants
another milestone On the road of democracy. The
system falls far sh6rt of perfectidn, but fulfills
popular needs and far surpasses one-man power
as an instrument of justice. i,'
: Inventive skill picks a most unprofitable field
of operation in joining forces with the bootlegger.
Improvements in ancient schemes of conceal
ment may succeed for a time. Sooner or later
they give themselves away, even as the auto
gas tank. - ' . i
Drafts of neutral nations On American food
stock will be honored conditionally to a limited
extent. Failure to restrict the food to home use
automatically closes American bins. Neutrals
'are thus assured a square deal if they shun the
"cold deck."
One of the unanswered questions in Nebraska
is what harm would the writing of a letter do if
no newspaper could be found to give it wide
publicity? The people are cominf to understand
that this Is a form of offense that requires two
to make effective.
Chemical Industries
Stw Vtfc Times-
The kaiser's' finance minister said a few dava
ago that Germany's trade policy after the war
must De to export much and import little. But
Germany will need foreign raw material for the
nanufacture of certain kinds of goods which were
:xported in the diys of peace and the growth of
new inousiries in countries now nosme win pre
vent restoration of its export trade in some other
products, the world's Supply of formerly
almost monopolized. In this country about $225,
000,000 has been invested since the beginning of
trie war. in tne manufacture of chemicals which
in year! past came from Germany. There are
new industries of the same kind in England and
France. Before the war Germany's annual ex
ports of dyestuffs exceeded $200,600,000. When
the great Du Pont Powder company decided that
it would make dyestuffs the published opinion of
our manufacturers was that the problem had al
ready been solved. Demand here no longer ex
ceeded supply and the production of all that
would be required was assured.
Two reart azo the seven irreat German dve
companies formed a combination with respect to
their foreign business, looking forward to the time
when export trade could be resumed. After the
cominr of beace thev will try to retrain their lost
market in the United States and it can be fore
seen that the combination will offer its dvestuffs
. at very low prices, probably belOw the cost of
manufacture But we have new laws to prevent
such cntair competition from abroad and the pre
diction may safely be made that there will be ad
mtional legislation, if it be required, for the pres
ervation of the new industries in which so much
American capital lias been invested.
Making the Draft Reasonable.
President Wilson's interpretation of the draft
law as it applies to married men will meet with
approval from thinking men. It does not con
tain much comfort for the slacker, who has con
tracted marriage that he might evade military
service, but it does give hope to the man of fam
ily, whose wife and children afe dependent on his
efforts. The president, in common with most
people, hopes the first call can be made up from
single men, who have no family or other ties that
imperatively demand their productive power. But
he expressly states his adherence to the .view that
dependence must be established as a test for
exemption rather than mere marriage. This con
clusion 'i9 forced by the fact that a considerable
number of eligibles hare contracted marriage since
the draft law was passed. It is not contemplated
that the wife be required to assume the burden
of supporting herself and children; the republic
does not yet need soldiers secured through such
process. But the lav does not consider marriage
as a valid excuse where the economic situation
obviates the condition of dependence. This is
sound and the president's exposition of the law
is such as makes it reasonable, and ought to be of
great help to the boards that finally are to pass
on claims for immunity from those called on to
Coal Men and the Public.
The Black Diamond, organ of the coal industry
of the country, gives editorial utterance to some
gloomy views, predicated on the government's
action in fixing prices for Coal at mines, and de
termining profit to be exacted by wholesale deal
ers. This is to be expected, but the paper goes
a little farther, and indulge! in a forecast that
may and may not correctly indicate the sentiment
of the cOal men. It says:
The coal industry lias not been thrown
into the dumps by the loss of prospective
revenue. ' That was a foregone conclusion
some weeks ago. It lias been influenced far
more by the fact that the most conscientious
efforts to help have been discredited and
mocked by the officer! of the government
they have been trying to ierve and by the
press of the country they have been trying
to save from the dangers of a coal famine.
Added to this is the fact that the final rep
resentative of the nation has reached his de
cision without consulting one of them, or
evert extending to them any of the courtesies
which are so cheap and so easy. Because of
these various things, the coal people have lost
heart for the big and burdensome work which
is ahead of tbm this winter. We have never
seen a time when the industry was so devoid ,
of enterprise.
. It is hard to believe that the men who direct
the affairs of the coal trade of the United, States
are so unpatriotic as this would suggest. If their
"conscientious efforts to help have been dis
credited and mocked," it is because of actions of
their own members. One coal man, testifying be
fore an official inquiry, brutally frank in his atti
tude, laid the coal men were getting all they could
for their product and proposed to so continue.
In other wayi it was proved that unreasonable
profits were extorted, and that artificial shortages
had been created that more money might be
exacted frotn the consumer. This attitude left
but one, course open to the government, to use
it! great powers to check the rapacity of the men
who had brought scandal and reproach on the
coat trade. Prices fixed are fair, are generally
above what prevailed before the war, and include
a reasonable profit to the producers. Moreover,
they' are subject to revision.
The implied threat that the industry will
languish' will be met by further action on part of
the government. If the coal men turn slackers,
their mlnei will be operated for the people. Now
is a good time for the men in the coal business
to show their patriotism by giving all aid possible
to the federal authorities in their efforts to estab
lish satisfactory cbnditions. They will be more
apt to win public sympathy in this way than by
Golden Outlook for Farmers.
A gdvernment guarantee of a minimum price
of $2 a bushel for the wheat crop of 1918 gives the
farmers of the country a practical incentive for
cultivating a largely increased acreage. That this
will be done there Is no reason to doubt. Even
if the government's pledge did not make assur
ance d6ubly sure, world condition! would make
that price or better a certainty. The longer the
war Continue! the greater must be the demand
not alone for wheat, but for all fundamental food
crops. Should peace come to war-ravaged coun
tries before eeeding time next spring, the crop
harvested might ease the struggle for food prod
uct! without materially reducing wartime prices.
Agricultural authorities at home and abroad
agree in affirming these facts. It is a matter of
common knowledge that the world1! itock of
wheat ii below the world's needi at present.
Extraordinary efforts to stimulate production this
yetr succeeded to a limited extent, yielding what
would in normal times be classed as a bumper
crop. Of reserve stocks there are none beyond
seed requirements. These can be built up in
peace times alone and will require years of aver
age crops. War-ravaged lands must be over
hauled, much of it resoiled and all of it fertilized
to yield as formerly. In this work of rejuvenation
the farm labor problem will be affected by the de
mands for help in rebuilding wrecked cities, homes
and highways. ' .
The situation carries a practicat and patriotic
appeal to farmers to exert their energies to the
utmost. Rewards are certain and proportioned
to the effort. Equally stimulating should be the
consciousness of performing a patriotic duty for
country and humanity.
Kansas Hogs and Nebraska Feed.
A neighborly act as well as a good stroke of
business is the exchange now in progress between
Kansas and Nebraska farmers, whereby the Kan
sas shoats are being brought to whtre they can
grow to maturity. Shortage of feed in Kansas
has threatened the extinction of a promising crop
of young pigs, whose value as food animals de
pend! on tjieir being brought to proper age and
eize. Market conditions ordinarily would tempt
the owners to rush these unfinished animals to
the slaughter pens, but better counsel has pre
vailed. Through co-operation of the agricultural
boards of the two states an understanding has
been reached under which thousands of the youth
ful porkers are coming across the line into Ne
braska, where they will be fed and nurtured until
they will provide several times the amount of
meat that could be realized from them now. Un
der this arrangement the farmers of both states
are doing their bit in an intensely practical way,
and are showing that patriotism and good judg
ment go hand in hand at all times. The world's
breakfast will not want for bacon if this example
is generally followed.
1 The colony of discredited monarchs grows with
the days. King Coal and his baronial staff now
lend a touch of dark respectability to the bundu
By Frederic J. Haekin.
New York, Aug. 24. The cabaret in America
is now at the zenith of its career. It is freaking
out like a rash all over the country in the big
cities, the small towns, at the beaches and even
in the country. A farm cabaret near here enter
tains hundreds every night. Moreover, it lias its
own particular show people, as distinct a class as
those in vaudeville; it has its own stage man
agers and song writers, and it has its own type
of patrons, who, whatever else they may be, are
certainly among the most profitable in the world.
All these cabarets are very much alike, but
for illustration take one of the reputed "bad"
ones, with an oriental name, in the Broadway
forties section. The ceiling is lined with red and
yellow glass lanterns that throw pale green and
purple shadows on the faces of the guests seated
below. In the middle of the floor a jazz band a
jumble of sounds in which no melody can be
deciphered and a revue of world-weary chorus
girls in abbreviated costumes of clashing colors
are revealed beneath a peculiarly hard and un
compromising spotlight; and around this section
the waiters, with their black coats and deter
mined faces, flit about like high priests at an orgy.
All is confusion of sound and color and smell.
The jazz band, in a frenzy of action, is producing
a wild sort of clamor from its instruments; fifty
different colors merge and separate as each act
rushes on and off, and over all is the smell of the
cabaret a combination of alcohol, cigarette
smoke, oriental perfume and rice powder.
With this' din in your ears, you try to concen
trate your attention on the menu in front of you,
which is chiefly a wine list, but contains a num
ber of dislies priced at $2 and over. An ordinary
one-deck club sandwich is $1.50, but it is useless
to expect chicken for that. You are lucky if it
contains a sprinkling of veal and a couple of slices
of soft tomato.
It is impossible to see hew anybody could
enjoy this type of cabaret while thoroughly sober,
and the fact of the matter is he doesn't. Not long
ago, prohibition was established in a town which
was known for its riotous cabarets. Three weeks
after it went into effect most of the houses closed
their doors, but one endeavored to lengthen its
life by the sale of soft drinks. In three nights it
entertained just twelve persons.
So prohibition seems fatal to cabarets. Wheth
er they will thrive on the coming beer-and-wine
regime remains to be seen.
Meanwhile the cabarets multiply. Broadway
can no longer accommodate a tenth of the New
York industry alone, so cabarets are springing up
in the Bronx and in Harlem. One old German
restaurant in Harlem that has had a large trade
for years on account of its famous cuisine, has re
cently had to abandon its high standards of food
and install a cabaret in order to keep up its
quota of customers.
While food is what you think you pay for
when you go to a cafe, it soon becomes obvious
that you are mistaken. The salaries of the jazz
banders, the performers, the waiters, and the
charge for each dance, at SO cents a dance, are
undoubtedly included in the price of the dinner.
Occasionally, a roof garden or a roadhouse may
be found which serves a fair table d'hote dinner
in connection with its cabaret, but the instances
are rare. In some of these, an extra charge for
the cabaret is attached to the food total.
Last winter, for instance, a party of nine went
to a New York winter gBrden about 8:30 p. m.
for a light supper. With the greatest of courage
tllev intended to' tackle a cabaret Welsh rarebit
ana some beer. As they gave their order, how
ever, the waiter informed them that they would
have to pay $1 a head extra for the privilege of
seeing the cabaret. Since the cabaret did not
begin until 10:30 and they expected to be through
their Welsh rarebit and out of the place by then,
these people were not disposed to pay $9 extra on
their bill, so they got up and walked out.
The roadhouses, although no better or worse
in band and cabaret, are by far the most pictur
esque places. Moreover, the roadhouses are be
coming far more popular than the city cabafets
now that the New York law requires all houses
closed by 1 o'clock. The small towns around
New York, especially Yonkers, are now regular
roadhouse centers, which make a specialty of the
early morning crowd. One downtown New York
cabaret which always catefed to the early morn
ing tourists, has had to close its doors since the
1 o'clock provision has gone into effect. Naturally,
the city cabaret men have not eubmitted to the
new 1 o'clock ruling without a protest. They
point out with some indignation that they are
really in the nature of a public benefit. If people
are put out of one place a place where they are
forced to behave at 1 o'clock, they simply con
tinue their drinking either in private apartments
or out at some roadhouse, very often running
into a ditch or turning turtle getting there.
But the New York police, it seems, are not
concerned with the high mortality rate on high
ways outside the city's limits. Their answer to
this argument of the city cabaret men has been
to sation uniformed policemen inside the doors of
the most notorious places, where they have had
the irritating effect of discouraging a great deal of
For, if there is one thing that the average
cabaret-goer resents, it is publicity of any sort.
The buyer from Columbus and the bank presi
dent from Battle Creek do not want their cabaret
cabaret appearance published in the newspapers,
sO that a police raid or disturbance of any sort
is enough to "queer" a place for months. Not
long ago a guest in a downtown cabaret was com
pelled to call in a policeman to have another guest
arrested on the charge of assaulting him. In five
minutes the whole place was empty and it con
tinued to remain practically empty for eight
weeks after the episode, until the management
was almost on the point of closing its doors.
But of all menaces, the cabaret fears the pro
hibitionist the most. The industry follows the ac
tivities of the prohibition campaign with breath
less interest, fearing for its life. One Chicago
cabaret has even taken the precaution to insert in
its contracts for Broadway attractions a cancella
tion clause which reads: "Providing the city
does not go dry in the meantime."
'People and Events
Proverb for the Day.
Learn to run yourself and be content.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Italy declared a state of war with
Roumania entered the war on the
side of the entente allies.
Russians resumed drive into Hun
gary, capturing positions northeast of
Koverla mountains.
Texas N'ow in Doubt.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 23. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: I notice in this even
ing's issue of The Bee that the colored
troops of the Twenty-fourth infantry
have been doing their bit in making
Texas "safe for democracy."
2421 Maple Street.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
F. L. Cotton, who has been in busi
ness on Cuming street and also on
Tenth, has opened a first class coal
office at 813 North Sixteenth.
The incorporating papers of the
Sutherland Land and Improvement
company of this city were filed. The
company is formed for the purpose of
buying, selling improving real estate
in Hillsborough, Da., and consists of
the following members: J. A. Bev
erly, C. F. Taylor, Morris Morrison, W.
J. Shriver, A. J. Simpson and W. V.
Officer Iiinchey nabbed a sneak thief
just as he was coming out of the resi
dence of r. C. Wackerow, 723 South
Thirty-fourth street, with a half dozen
new linen shirts in a bundle.
Henry Anderson, Chris Grudheld,
Fred Stoker, H. Jacobson and Ous
Shumer comprise the committee in
charge of the picnic and excursion of
the Flattdeutscher verein to Rural
Madame Mary Morgan, daughter of
F. C. Morgan, has come in from St.
Louis and was met at the depot by her
father and a large number of friends.
The Peoples theater on Douglas
street has been leased for a term of
years to Sackett & Wiggins, a Chicago
dime museum firm.
At the benefit tendered Nahan
Franko at the Boyd. Mrs. Franko sang
a ballad composed by Lieutenant John
Kenzle, Second infantry, Fort Omaha,
and Hayden Tllla rendered "Then
You'll Forget Kathleen."
The following staff of teachers has
been appointed for the Hebrew Sun
day school: Messrs. Katz and F. Fried
man and the Misses Tillle Newman,
Bertha Altner and Flora Rindskopf.
Common leather shoes bring as high as $27 in
Mexico. However, the barefoot peon doesn't
While the state warden of Ohio was spooking
in the rural sections for sizable fire traps, bulg
ing outbuildings were found loaded with foodstuffs
mostly the manufactured variety. "In times of
trouble, murmured one owner, you can't have
too much of a good thing." The fire warden let
it go at that.
L. B. McMurtry, California oil millionaire,
patted his son on the back as he entered the avia
tion corp. "Boy," he whispered, "go to it. I'll
back you to the limit. Drop a bomb in Berlin
to start with and draw on me for $25,000." An
other member of the family doubled dad's pile
and the youngster is in for the try.
It may be affirmed with reasonable safety once
more that one is born every minute. Naturally there
are many means of giving it away. The most
atrocious and painful form is having great vogue
in Oregon. Much of the old-time thirst abides
there and needs but the familiar dark-brown hue.
bottled, to lure the coin from suckers. Plain cold
tea does the trick, coupled with a wink. Self-respect
prevents a squeal and the swindlers are
fairly safe.
A member of the booster staff of Herr Thomp
son, mayor of Chicago, blew into the neighbor
ing town of Aurora singing the praises ot Wil
liam Hale as a thoroughgoing ' patriot. Some
scoffers scoffed at the singer and said things,
whereat trouble began. Subsequent proceedings
were somewhat athletic Their nature may be
guessed by the fact that the vocalist got the im
pressions of the amateur Norseman who rode
twenty miles or so on the ridgebonc of a sway
back mule.
This Day In History.
1741 Joseph Reed, a noted patriot,
who served as confidential secretary to
General Washington, born at Trenton
N. J., died in Philadelphia, March 6,
1749 James Madison, first Episco
pal bishop of Virginia, born near Port
Republic, Va.; died at Williamsburg,
Va., March 6, 1812.
1776 Battle of Long Island, in
which the American .army of 5,000
met a disastrous defeat at the hands
of 18,000 British and Hessians. .
1783 Last engagement of the revo
lution occurred on the Combahee river,
near Charleston, S. C.
1813 Allies attacked Napoleon at
Dresden and were defeated with heavy
loss. ' -
. 1845 Governor Silas, Wright of New
York proclaimed Delaware county in
a state of insurrection on account of
1892 Fire destroyed the Metr&poll
tan Opera house in New York City.
1914 Lille, Roubaix and Valenol
ennes occupied by the Germans.
1915 Wife and thre daughters of
General Pershing, the present com
mander of the American forces in
France, perished in a flre at the Pre
sidio, San Francisco. -
The Day We Celebrate.
John H. Harte was born August 27,
1854. He is a native of Louisville,
Ky., and is in the contracting business
in Omaha. ,
Herbert Charles Sadler, head of the
department of marine engineering at
the University of Michigan, born in
London, England, forty-five years ago
Owen Johnson, author of numerous
popular novels, born in New York City,
thirty-nine years ago today.
Charles P. Hlggins, sergeant-at-arms
of the United States senate, born in St.
Louie. 'fifty-nine years ago today.
Dorsey W. 8hackleford, representa
tive i in congress of the Eighth Mis
souri district, born in Saline county,
Mo., sixty-four years ago today.
Bishop Charles Bayard Mitchell of
the- Methodist Episcopal church, born
in Allegheny City, Pa., Sixty years ago
today. - ,
Harold Janvrin, infielder of the Bos
ton American league base ball team,
born at Haverhill, Mass., twenty-five
years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminder!.
The eighteenth annual national en
campment of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars of the United States meets today
in New York City.
"Win the War" and "After the War
will be the chief topics of discussion
at the annual convention of the Union
of Canadian municipalities, opening
today at London, Ontario,
Governor Whitman has ordered an
extraordinary term' of the supreme
court to be convened in New York City
today, with Justice John W. GonT pre
siding, to try any indictments that may
be found as a result of the official in
vestigation into alleged police laxness,
resulting from the murder of Ruth
i The second series of army reserve
officers' training camps will be opened
today at the Presidio, San Francisco;
Fort Snelling, Minn.; Leon Springs,
Tex.; Fort Meyers, Va,; Fort Sheridan,
111.; Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind.:
Fort Oglethorpe, Ga,: Fort Niagara,
N. Y.; Plattsburg. N. Y.
To avoid abnormal fluctuations of
prices that might be caused by condi
tions created by the war. the board of
managers of the New York Cotton Ex
change are to put a new regulation into
effect today, limiting fluctuations in
future prices In any one day to 8 cents
a pound above or below the closing
price of the previous day.
Storyette of the Day. -
He was one of those young men who
never seem to know when to go home.
She had been yawning, but even that
failed to get rid of him.
Presently a clock outside in the hall
begim to strike in low, deep tones the
midnight hour.
"Oh, I say, Miss Green," said the late
stayer, brightly, "is that an eight-day
Miss Green smiled coldly at him.
"Well," she said, stifling another
yawn, "why don't you stay a little
longer and find out" Philadelphia
"I wonder whether daughter lovag that
young man or not? She'i got us all guesa
ing." "Srema to b ran keeping blm In the
dark,'' auggeated dad. who had noticed that
tha gaa in tha parlor waa turned very low.
Loulavtlle Courier-Journal.
"I'm as dieaatlatled with taf shabby little
home after seeing hers."
"Tes, but you naw only her house and
furniture. Tou didn't aae the rest ot the
ramlly." Life.
- Red-nosed Tramp Lady, kin I cut your
grass ter a meal? I'm a ftrst-elasa lawn
jiy Go away! Tou loot mora like an
old rake. Boston Transcript.
Treatment of Aliens.
Omaha, Aug. 23. To the Editor of
The Bee: Something is seriously
wrong with the person who arrives on
our shores practically penniless and
after industriously working his way
up to affluence . turns completely
against the country which has shel
tered and protected him and finds all
kinds of fault with our methods and
is willing to sacrifice h's earnings and
wealth to the country of his birth
when that country is at war with the
United States. This country has been
too lenient with foreigners. Some
method should be adopted to compel
foreigners to assimilate and not colo
nize. In other words, place them
among citizens who speak the English
language so that all of us will know
what we are talking about and can
transact our business with each other
intelligently. G. E. Y.
Praises Lovett's Appointment.
Genoa. Neb., Aug. 21.-rTo the Edi
tor of Ths Bee: President Wilson in
selecting men to handle the big war
problems in the commercial depart
ments certainly has used keen judg
ment, as to look over the list of ap
pointed men backs up this statement
We will take Judge Robert L. Lovett,
chairman, of the Union Pacific rail
road to handle and manage the trans
portation of freight during the war
period we now are passing through.
Mr. Lovett has been closely associated
with railroad work for years, and be
ing connected with the Harriman in
terests for a long time has proven that
he knows how to get results for the
company he represents. Judge Lovett
being a close companion of the late
E. H. Harriman, has acquired Mr.
Harriman's brilliant ideas of modern
railroading and was able to assume
charge of the Union Pacific railroa'd
system right where Mr. Harriman left
off, and the standard perfected by
Mr. Harriman remains intact to the
present day. Mr. Lovett's activities in
the railroad world has distinguished
him as a man of powerful executive
ability and as he has now assumed
charge of the problem of moving the
freight of the nation in our present
crisis he is invaluable to our country.
If President Wilson continues to ap
point men of Judge Lovett's type he
can rest assure of first class results.
Puts Blame on Luther.
North Bend, Neb., Aug. 23. To the
Editor of The Bee: A few lines in
answer to Ernest L. Ireland's article
in The Bee of the 20th, "Not His Kind
of Kultur." Now, Mr. Ireland, you
have drawn a pretty fair picture of the
German government. Now the ques
tion is who and what is to blame for
that condition of affairs Prnm n-ha
source came the inspiration that caused
tne uerman people ta turn from a
peace-ioving, true cnristian people to
a; rebellious, overbearing1 as you picture
Now, Mr. Ireland, if you will take
the time and trouble to Inform your
self on the trim hintrvrr nt tYia flarmar.
people, you will find that they got their
inspiration irom . me so-cauea ' great
emancipator; or the father of the so
called Reformation, Martin Luther.
Accordlnar to the ensrtpl of nnr T.nrl
and Savior, he established a church on
earin ana promised mat tne gates of
hell should not prevail against it That
he would be with it all days of the
world. This so-called reformer, Mar
tin Luther, announced to the people of
the world thnt. thn iratoa nf hoi I AA
prevail against the church of Christ,
and he, Martin Luther, was chosen by
the Almighty to reform it. Luther dis
putes the word of Jesus Christ. Our
Lord said, "Heaven and earth shall
pass away, but my word shall never
pass away." Who are you going to be
lieve, Martin Luther or the son of the
living God?" Now, Mr. Ireland, don't
think for one minute I am a German
sympathizer, for I am not. I am for
America first, last and all the time.
The people of the world desire a
world peace, .they must acknowledge
God as their sovereign. The history
of the world up to the present time
proves that that must be done before
they can make peace. The past shows
that when the people obeyed God we
had peace and prosperity, but when
they rebelled against the laws of God
they had destructive wars and calami
ties ot all kinds. HENRY MILES.
Value of Citizenship.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 25. To the Edl
tor of The Bee: I wish to commend
to all persons the careful reading and
thoughtful consideration of the very
excellent and well worded article which
appeared in your issue of the 21st
inst, entitled "Our Obsolete Citizen
ship Laws," over the signature of A. C.
Rankin. To my mind it is one of the
best articles I have yet seen upon the
question of alien citizenship; a citizen
ship which the United States, in a
large degree, is finding out to be un
desirable. If we are without a remedy
one should be made and applied. Had.
Mr. Rankin suggested confiscation of
property instead of a J300 to $500 fine
I would be tempted to agree with him.
Bret Harte. 1861.
Hark: I hear the tramp of thousands.
And of armed men the hum:
Lo! a nation's hosts have gathered
'Round the quick alarming drum
Saying. "Come,
Freeman, come!
Ers your heritage be wasted,' ' said
quick alarming drum.
"Let me of my heart take counsel;
War is not of life the sura;
Who shall stay and reap the harvest
When the autumn days shall come?'
But the drum
Echoed "Come!
Death shall reap the braver harvest," said
the solemn sounding drum.
"But when won the coming battle. '
What of profit springs therefrom?
What If conquest, subjugation,
Even greater ills become?"
But the drum
Answered. "Come!
Tou must do the sum to prove It," said
the Yankee-answering drum.
"What if, 'mid the cannons' thunder.
Whistling shot and bursting bomb.
When my brothers fall around me,
Should my heart grow cold afid numb:"
But the drum
Answered, "Come!
Better there In death united, than in life
a recreant come !"
Thus they answered hoping, fearing.
Some In faith, and doubting some, 4
Till a trumpet vvolce proclaiming. . t 1
Said, "My chosen people, come'"
Then the drum,
Lo! the dumb, ,
For the great heart of the nation, throb
, bing, answered, "Lord, we come!''
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55c Per Gallon
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