Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 18
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 26, . 191T. i c Want Ad Rates (Counting 81 Word! to tha Lint) No ad taken for las than two linee. - CASHRTfH 6RDER , le per line .1 time ( per line. .1 or mora consecutive insertions CHARGE par Una l time. la per Una..) or mora consecutive Insertions Ta par Una. (0 consecutive Insertions SITUATIONS WANTED 21o par Una .... per weeH, CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES l(a per Una .-. cseb insertion. (Minimum charge. 10 cants) Foreign Ratee Cask With Order. (Count Six Word to Una.) Help Wanted f ljo oar Una 1 ttsne. Agents Wanted Buslnees Chances o par Una I or mora . Financial -'- All Other . . Classifies tlone. Consecutive Insertions, : i to. .par. Una 1 tlma. ta par Una t or mora "laonseeatlve Insertions tSft THE TELEPHONE It jrou cannot con.' ventently bring of ebbS In yonr arant srds. Ask for a Want A Tkr and you will racalva the a ma good tervloe as bao fit. Urarlnt your want ad at this office.- 1 PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING BDITION8. 11:00 U. MORNING EDITIONS. 16:00 P. M. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES MORRIS Richard, aged II years. Funeral, Monday moratng from residence of parentl, Mr. and Mra. Frank Morrla, : .120 S. 324 St.. at t:S0 k. in. to St.. Peter' church. I a. m. interment, West Lawn cemetery. TONTSETT Ann Gsraldlne, at Lincoln, Neb., Friday. August 14, 191T. . FOneral from the residence, of her.brotket. Charles Tontsett, 1611 Lake strt, Monday mofn- Int. August !7 )ii; l 10, o'clock CARD OE THANLS ' : TAKE THE opportunity to thank the Ancient .Order of. United , Workmen o( Nebraska far the kindness. aad prompt ness of the payment of tiel3oa Just re reived from the Grand L'odg'e Bf Nebraakg, The $i:,0OO,000 or mora dollars paid to qia h-nefleify by the A. O. U. W. of Nebraska proved to my husband tha wptth ap,a high esteem-Jef tha order that ha .loved no well."' " " - ' " ".' - Ut. rieming had been a'mempar of Omaha lodge- No. II for nearly twenty, flva yeara. H first Joined Fattan lodite .'o. 171 in and transferred to No. 11 in ml. ... Sincerely yours. . . MRU ELLEN rt,gMINO.; - WK wish to thank our many f rim da and r.e!ghbors, especially Mra. M. Ormaby end Mrs. George Button, who by thatr kind neaa la, word and deed, lightened ' tha .,, .burden of our bereavement In, tha death . , .of out kf loved son and brother, Thomaa Louie McCarhty, and for tha beautiful floral offerings of tha B. of R. T. and other friends. MBS. W. J. CARET AND FAMILY. MB wish to extend our heartfelt thanka to our friends and neighbors who so kindly ' gave their aaalatanca to aa at tha tlma of the death ot our beloved huaband and father. We especially wish to thank the Uaney Milling and Burwtll Engineering and Construction Coa. for tha beautiful floral offerings. . MRS. W. H. ELLIOTT AND CHILDREN. FLORISTS. tING a member ot tha National Florists' Telegraph Deliver association, wa are In poattlon to deliver- flowers at ahort notloa anywhere In tha United Btatea or Canada. tiess m wagons, rioriata. LEE U LARMON jH4 Doug!aw 8t. ' Douflag 1344. L, HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER if LOWER BHOP, 111 g. 1b7d7"pT f HU FKItKfcRT, EoTa 16th Bt. Doug, ttif. BATH. National Florlat. HoO;arna'm Bt, A. DONAOHIIK, 1 Harney Doug lflor FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "mcnnFAKMES" Independent Undertakers, U A Ha. D.fttT. f. . Faro. Mgr., 13d and Cuming gta.. youKiaa eir. Auto amoulanos HL'LSa; RICPEN, unJertakere and sm Baimsra. ivi a. ism, uouglas 13611. JOtfN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and smhaimer. gate Lavenworth. Doug. 1MJ, BIRTHL AND DEATHS Births Oeorga Mraiid kathryn I Bohm. 1101 North Twenty-ninth avenue, boy and .girl! Frajik and Coneatla Barono, Jl Valler street, boy: Philip and Sdlllt Hands, chloh, Calhoun, boyi John and Nancy .Ouater. 23 D atreet. boy; Sebastlano and Nunslata Marino, Hll South Fifth atreet, girl; Thamaa and C'onstantltia Fuganla, l17 Douglas etreat, girl; Joseph and Bara Plo ark, lias t atreet boy. Deaths Mra. Mary Blubaugh, SO, hos pital: Louie Jouett. St, rort Omaha; Rob art Klaelck, T4, HD Decatur atreet; M. , Marka, 10. 101 Maple street; Bert L. Ptea ,. ton, 4M Charles atreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been Issued to the following! ' Name and Itealdenoa. Aga. Douglas O. Luke. Omaha .....J Jladellna B. Sleveneon. Columbus, Neb.... it William H. Kent. Omaha ...Jl Lottie V. McOlnnla. Omaha Joseph W. Breaa, Humphrey, Neb ..over tl Oertrada McCraca, Omaha ..'., ...over II Clarence F. Ganyo, Omaha ........ .over tl Bertha M. Langley. Ptnsecojef, ri..dvar II Smll Bradtca, Omaha -,..'..,,.Jt Roea Pearson, Omaha . St BUILDING PERMITS. me foiiowiag building permlta wars issued todeyrV.M ..- j B. O. Taylor, i:05 ta till North Twati. tleth atreet, sltaratlona and repairs. 11,900s C W. Calklna company, till South Thlrtyl aecond attaet. drlva and auto ahed, l0; .-A. Park v em South Twamy-faurth atreet. rcpaire. fa,vvv, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMaJIA ik COUNCIL BLllf Fj STREET , RAILWAT COMPANT. I Persons having loart aoma artlals Would da wall to call up tha of fire of tha Oraabj Council Bluffs (treat Railway company ta ascertain -wnetner they left it in tha Many artlolaa each day are turned In and tha 'company la anxloua to reatore them ta tha rightful own -. IF IOU Iota anything and Will advertise .1 here you -will aarely recover It It found . by aa htfneat person. If yon find anything of value tha' boneat way Ut to advertise ror tns owner. - . LOST A puree with bills and chanae. Ad. drsaa engraved en akinilnum -star. He ward. Colfax liOJ. Lost between 41d and half dioch east, unna ati, LOST On 0.-L.-D. road, between, -Lincoln" and Omaha, one Ftsft nonakld caalng, alae Hit l. Reward offered. Notify E. P. McLaughlin, HOP tt Btj. tlwcalhT Neb. . LOST None glasaee In Lemer Siuilstef nig. wewarQ. van nirnrr ewo, FOR SAlX-Miscellncou Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION I AUCTION 1 Furniture. Ruga. Linens, Etc.. ot It rooms, at Wis Douglas-fck. Tuesday. August iJ. -ele starta at D TO. 8haxj..;. .. ; , - . .. Consisting f good ttlt ruga several smaller rugs, stair carpet, 11 good oak dressers, I good Dsda, springs and mat treaaca, 4 sanitary eevchee, 1 China cloe ' eta, I round dining tablea, II dining chairs, II good rocking chairs, gas range 4 gas plates, 4 tea boxes. Several tables linoleum, several commodes, 21 good bed quilts. 14 goad bad spreads. 70 good sheets, T pillow slips, tl pillows, a lot of lacs curtains, I wardrobes, gardea i hoea. library .table, M pairs blankets,-14 loweis swe, asnerwu 01 arucies too nu ltiemui to enantloM. Hera la a, ehaaca ta ga good atapla garniture ana linens si jour own pries. : JAMES L. DO WD, Auctioneer, r For Auctloa Sales .call Red ISli, ar CmAIIA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from year awa feathers. Summer ad winter sides. Warm la winter; cool in - summer. ' Coat teas and last longer tbaa cotton. Phong as (ar sample. HOT Cum ing, p. Z7. kOR SALE Round dining labia and 4 chairs; No. t Radiant Borne atora, kitchen : range, rUg ItH, Iron bed and aprlnga, sanitary ' couch, aldeboard and sMorrla snt. T"i. potii ". Loyal Fur. Co., Hi N. It, City Forn. Co iav s, .... The Source Of All Wealth is Competent . Help The Great . , , Majority of Competent Workers Read ' The Omaha Bee Therefore, when you want Intelligent workers ' " ' Put your ' .rt . - .. ; Help Wanted ads . ' in the paper ' . 1 i ' . a- - -, f) they read . The Omaha Bee FOR SALE Miicellaneous- Furniture ind Houiehold Good. AUCTION I 'AUCTION!. One of tha biggest furniture Auctions I ever conducted. THE REIO HOTEL. at 1011 Cumlnr Street. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY August 29 and 14. Bale starts at 10 a. m. each day. II rooms, high grade furniture, II rooms will bs sold Wednesday and It rooms Thursday. Consisting of It aitra good oak draera. 1 solid mahogany dresser snd chiffonier tn match, 1 beautiful bird's-eye maple dressers and chiffonier to match, 1 clr- caaelon 'walnut dresser and chiffonier to match, 17 comodea, 11 'good room alsa ruga, aoma Ixll and gome 8-!xl0-6. tha rues are extra Broad. 37 rnnrf rnfVIn ' chairs, 11 Vernla Martin bids, springs and matreeaes, is sxtra good white enameled beds, aprlnga and matretsea. wall ahow case, clock, porch awing, -large mirror, a lot of bowls and pitchers, lit good shsets, tl good bed spreads, 44 good quilts, 11 pr. blanketa, li pillows. 140 pillow slips, 220 . towels, gaa-range, lea box, library table, tfible aad chalrg, water cooler, .rubber hall runner., lace ourwins, .pictures, qisnes ana hunijr4 ot articles oo numerous to man- nun. Rembmber this big sale Is Wednesday aad Thursday, Aug- Wth and IDth, st 141 Cuming street, Up stairs. j TAMES L. DOWD; Auctioneer. ' For Auction, Salsa Call Red tilt or . -4571. AUCTION I AUCTION 1 Oood ' furniture of a 7 -room homo at HOI ' North llth St. Monday (Tomorrow), at 1 P. M. Consisting of t upright 'Orand Plane, 1 extra good Ixil Rug, several small rugs, I good dressers, buffet that Ik Ilka new, table and chairs, Ice box, gaa range, san itary couch and pad, 4 real good rocking entire, library table, t good beda, aprlnga and mattresses, hall tree, Itnene, dishes, cooking utensils and hundreds of artlclea too numeroua ta mention. Don't fall to attend this aala It you want good homa furniture. JAMES LDOWD, Auctioneer, ; 'For Auction Sales 'call Red lilt, or H. 457J. FliRNlSU TOUR HOMHl AT PRACTICAL LT TOUR OWN i-KlCHi. Hundreds of people have taken advan tage ot tha remarkable price reductlone we bava been making tor tha past several montha on a big 115.000 warehouse stock ot brand newi up-to-date furniture that wa were forced to close out Such money, aavlng possibilities could not be equaled anywhere elas In tha city alert buyers have discovered thlk and profited by It. 1 IHlrnltura for every room In the homa Is Included In this big warehouse stock. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN rftOMPT AND CARlBFUL ATTENTION. Act today. STATU FURNITURE CO., Doug. till. 14fh and Dodge flts., Omaha. 111 furniture, h boxea, gaa atavea, ruga, beds, china and kitchen cebl. .nets,' tablse, chklre. buffets.' dressers, trunkt, sultcssee. Full line of poultry net- yng screen. isai-eT w. sttn. wea. teoT OAK buffet, old style desk, library table, electric fan. gas lose and ass Iron, folding c trotrnea. Douglaa 4341. r T5b"V furniture 8 -room apartment; good r tfaVette. i FOR $ALE Sun root furniture, draperlea. ana Savenport. in s. gath fit. Har. eaas. Hl'SIt' right down and get your share of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. 101 N. 16th. OAS 'range, houechold goods! reaaonabTe, aving city, till Decatur. Wal. ll. Viaru tool burner for sale. 8. Smiford, ti W iltli Bt. Harney till. . . . . OAS RANGE. IS. in good condition) gaa lamp. 14. Red T4II. IOB BOX, txlt velvet rug and dining table. . Address 4411 R. 14th. MISSION dining room set and davenport. .. Colfax 1141. Tiarioa and fausictl Idstrumentt. RARE OPPOrTTLNITy For sale; actually new, t'lt Vlctrolk alia phonograph and records; will accept 14, Used enly ten weeks, splendid bargain. Will ship any "Where. Allow one week's examination and trial without 1 cent deposit and If found unsatisfactory will pay freight both ways. Write R. Nardln, ltll E. Kedtte Ave.. Chicago TJfA-MA - My beautiful high-grade i.irJ standard make, mutt be sold Immediately on account ot leaving city Call Hartley a67 for appointment. ONfei Miller upright piano tot Salt, or will exchange tor Ford truck. HOI N. 16th street. FIRST class piano, cheap for eaaht leaving town. Webster 4MI. 1SJJ N. 17th St. Sewing Machines. - SEWING MACHINES -We rent, repair, aell needles and parts ot aU sewing machines. MICKKL'S - NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Hth and Harney Pta. Doug. Hit. Cameras and Kodaks. FOR SALli i-lnca Kodak film' tank, com pleta, very little aaM and tn best condl tlon. Make me an offer. Boa 4114, Bes. Typewriter! snd Supplies. TIPEWRITR6, sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter t months for U. . Ceatral Typewriter Xxcbanga ! rarntm. Guarantedl Typewriters. tlO and Up. Write for list, Midland Typ. Co., 1404 Dodge: Miscellaneous. ELKCTRIC washing maebine, latest vacuum . .C'ip.typs, wringer, all metal, very durable. . Tou may try It before buying. Address Bot 214.. Omaha Baa, FOR SALE Miscellaneous Miscellaneous. MEAT at wholesale; flnst hams, lard, etc., direct; prepaid, save 25 per cent to 40 per cent; satisfaction or money back. Send tor price Hat; bargain specials, A-C Meat Co.. Arkansas City. Kan. SYMPATHETIC Ink, for private correspond ence. Can be read only under certain con ditions. Disappears when cool. Sample bottle by mail tie. Richmond Chemical Co.,, Rof heeter, N, T. WE HAVE moved to new location. Ws buy, ell and make deska, aafee, abowesses. shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture aV Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. llth and Doug. Phona D. 2724 DRY KINDLING WOOJ). ACM a, BO X COMPAIJT. H arney 1137 r"OK SALK 3-room house lo be moved. 2714 N. 47th Ave. SWAPPERS COLUMN LCBIN moving picture machine and.- It reela of film to trade for aaxaphone. Bel shew Pharmacy, Tablo Rock. Neb. TWO sharea of atock, Prce Merchants Syn dicate, for sale or trade. What have you? Write Box t804, Bee. FILMS developed, 10c a roll; one-day serv ice. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk.. Hth and Harney. WILL trade for visible typewriter, stand ard make, duplicating device camera. Tyler J5! DIAMONDS and Jowelry to trade for rlflea "djhotguria. Friedman, 1211 Dq"gJ?; ' WANTEPTO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, used draka, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 1164. OLD CLOTHING HIGHEST PRICES. DOOOLAS 6021. JENKINS Paya highest prlcea for clothes, ahoee, trunks. etc Doug. SJ1. Ree., Doug. 8032. DIAMONDStKtLVk co. WANTED 'TO BUT Slightly used til. Ford touring oar. South 4300. CASH paid for dlajnonds. statea ap pralsed. Reese Jewelry Co., 401 S. 18th. BOOK 8 bought. Klfser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. BOOKS bought, 610 S. 16th. Tyler 2826. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accoredoeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating? covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let out work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 30O-3OI Browh Bldg. Douglaa 1836. VAN ARM AN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 336-T Paxton Blk. Douglaa 1109. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 131 Rsmgs Bldg. Phona Doug. 2119. Baths. ELECTRIC treatment; baths; Swedish mat- ange. central institute, lous Harney Dougles 7097. VAtiuuvt'Lii iraiim, inai4t:t-aiiii-, fllHltJstl ciilt. Mine Walker, !J4 NevllleBlklXJllL OMAHA'' Is ATM INStTtUTE. 2T Neville MASSEUSE, baths, manlcnrlng, piock. iin ana narney Hta. Doug. 7381. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.; t7th and Martha Hta. Bakeries ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 313 N. 16TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDBN BROTHERS. Otm MOTTO "BETTER BAKRD GOODS." t Carpenters and Contractors LEaH'D & 80N, iOSlt Cuming, fy. l3t. Chiropodist Carrla J. Burford. ISO Paxton Blk., R. 4687 Dancing Academy KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam. Fall classes now forming. Phone D. ?IIS0, , v.v.. v BUTTON - Detective Agency Ono.)? "W Oet Results." , 121 World-Herald Bldg,, r.ui ouugn, "igr. OMAHA DETECTIVE, ASSOCIATION, too isi Mat. HR. Bldg. Phone Tv er 2610 JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence eeouroq in an cases. Tyier 1135. , S. D. JOLLY, M3 Paxton. Red M? Dressmaking txPERIIiNCEll aeamatreta will aew In homes snd rellne ooata for (1.50 per day. rostoffiee box 440. TtittRY'Dresemanklng CoJVth and Farnam. , Fixture! andWiring VST ft? TTr5--IrTo 'wairhing maolnea, JUlVIViiX, oiwtrlo lrhs and reading lamps. 1213 Cuming St. Doug. 2119. Fura Stored FURS stored, cleaned and remodeled, price. Furs dyed. H. Rothhols, Furrier. Harney 1T6I. 1111 Leavenworth. Hat Cleaners. HATS cleaned and reblocked. 1634 Harney, Household Specialties C. F. ADAMS, 421 8. llth. D. 1007. Under new management.' Wa want to aea old friends and meet new. Open Sat avaa. Tour credit Is good. Agents wanted. Insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN, 111-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. till. Lumber and Buildintr Materials SAVE HALF on beams, columne, brick. H. Oroea Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 1184. Matsueres HASSAOB. chiropody. AHA Head, 201-14 Balra pidg.. 17th sand Douglas. D. Sttl, Central Bath Inst., 1506 Harney. Doug. 7097. MISS HOLLAND, 23 Neville Block. Osteopaths Mrs. J. R. Mualcfc, sulphur, stesm and euca lyptus baths. 402-1 Rosa Bldg. Ty. 1363. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Expert WeidiriR on All Metals rt. W. LEVF-RINO. 3f 8. llth St. D. IMS. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dreaa suits for rent. t4 N. 17th. John Feldrtian. D Sill. Patent' Attorneys PATENTS prWured. bought and aold, Inte national Patent Co.. lit Brandelg. Tt 461 8TUROKS "STCJM.ES. U. ft and foreign patents i.nd traaemefka. Ha Bee BMg. ' Pianos for Rent 18.10 per o. A. Hoene Co. 1411 Douglas. Printing and Office Supplies Watere-Bernhart Ptg Co. S24 8. 13th St. Safes. SA'ES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. Ks CtlTM'P K WHITE SHOES UVU11U1U AS A 8PBCIALTT AMER. BHtNINO PA g LOR, 1104 Harney Bt Songs. '.WRITlS THE WORDS FOR A SONO. We write music and guarantee publish er's acceptance. Submit poems on war, love or ny subject. Chester Music Co., 103 Wilson Ave. Suite 514. Chicago. , Wedding Stationery. ' W KDDINO anno"uncementa and printing Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 444. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supnly. 107 8. llth. p" Trussed. ECO1' COMFORT TRUS6K3. Perfect Fit Guaranteed Th W O. Clavaland Co., 1410-1 1 Harney Bt BUSINESS CHANCES A WELL eaUbllahed clothing bualneeat mod ern equipped, best atdra and location In city of ia.000. ' ' ' General . stock at merchandise, dry goods, clothing, shoes, ladies snd gents' , furnishings and queensware, stock well balanced,1 In town at 100. Stork at atatlonery, are goods and tram tag In rltw of 1. 10.. Combination rablnat shop, blacksmith Ing, wagon-making, painting, auto tops, and- all klnda of automobile repairing; agency for good makea ot automobiles. In city of population I.OOOJ Stock ot hardware, doing good busi ness, In town ot 2,600. Flva and one-half - acre, well known poultry farm In Nebraska. Well equipped dairy In York, Neb. Oood farma in Tarsi, Fillmore and Polk counties, Nebraska, - Above atock at merchandise all tn east ern Nebraska. Box No. 21, TorK, Neb. COMPLETE Drug stock, ready tor business, taken over on mtge., no counters or shel ving. Will be sold st any price and any terms. Will consider a modern stx anto. Here Is a chance of your life. C J. Canan, lis MrCague Bldg. FOR SALE One large popcorn, wagon: Dunbar make: bargain: easy terms, H. M. . Allen, IT W. . 6th St. Fremont Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS opportunity In a modern, live Iowa, town cf some 4.500 population, main line of C.. N. W. Ry. and branches, dl vlsin Ry. point Well established, progres sive business, owing to alcknss will sell for caeh at 45c on the II. This Is open for your inspection. Dry goods, notlona, furnishings, floor coverings, millinery, cloaks and rvady-to-wear. No dead stock to unload. Will Invoice with fixtures about 112,000. Double modern store room with two entrances. Annual sales $40,000. Books open for Inspection. All cash, no trade. C- J- Canan, 310 MrCague Bldg. CA SH GROCERY BUSYNESS FINeT WILL EXPLAIN REASON FOR SELLING TO ANYONE INTER KSTED, DANDY LOCA TION, ONE OF THIS BEST CORNER6 IN THE CITY, NOW CLEARING AROUND 110 PER DAY FOR OWNER. WON'T TAKE MUCH CAfrH TO SWING, CAN PROVE ANY STATEMENT MADE IN THIS AD. HAROLD CREW, TWENTY- FOURTH AND VINTON. DOUGLAS 2730. RESIDENCE. HARNEY 140. ACT QUICKLY; MUST FELL BY TOMORROW. LIGHTNING PUNCTURE SEALER. Startlea automobile world. Automatically and Instantly seals all tire punctures. Ab solutely guaranteed. 200 per cent profit. Old established half million dollar com pany wants sales manager open branch office; manage aales campaign. Should make 110,000 first year. 1600 to 11,600 capital necessary; don't answer unless you have this amount. We pay. expenars , to Chicago. President, 20 E. Jackson, Suite 800, Chicago. DON'T buy oil stock until you have read the On World, Issued every other week. Latest Information from all the big oil fields, production, new guehera, capitali zation, personnel and prospects ot new oil compsnlea, questions answered. To con vince, we will send anyone now Inter ested In oil, financially or otherwise, or Wh6 is considering oil stock, a three montha' subscription absolutely free. Ad dress OH World, SUb. Dept. 141 W. Ohio St., Chicago. NEBRASKA MOVIE SHOW Fully equipped, town of ten thousand. Only two shows. Guaranteed protlta 190 per week. Owner must sell. Price 3,000. LUND, 420 Secur.ties Bldg. Tyler 768. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY. BOOK8 AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Beat results Promptness aaaured. Watson E. Coleman lAJ7R Hi F St., N. W.. WASHINGTON. D. C. DRUO business taken over on mortgage, a very little money will estsbltsh you In buelness. Fully equipped drug stock com plete, nearly new, $1,050. Soda fountain, modern and late date; scales, wire tables, chairs, a full stock. Fixtures sold to new, tensnt or for a late date six auto. Can give you 16 for fl In value. Come and Insnect It. C. J. Canan, 310 McCague Bldg. A ?10,00WOPPORTUNITY Unusual opportunity for man of business ability to secure agency ' for wonderful fsrm tractor attachment for Ford ears. $10,000.00 easily made In next six months on small Investment. No risk. Write for particulars. FARM TRACTOR CO., Fond du Lac, Wig. A, FIRST CLASS RENDERING PLANT, DO ING OOOD BUSINESS, FOR 8ALE AT A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND REASON t FOH SELLING ADDRESS THE CHERO KEE RENDERING WORKS. CHERO KEE, I A. SURSTANt 1AL Manufacturing company wanta party establish branch office, niltnag aalesmen. Possibilities unlimited. 1300.00 to 1600.00 capttsl necessary. Tou handle own money. Will pay expense! ta Chicago as explained. Secretary. 411 South Dearborn. Chicago. WANTED A young physician with drug gist's, certificate to take charge of drug store In a well located community. Drug store loc(td tn an apartment where 60 families ara living. A good opportunity for the right man, Nathan Somberg, 1106 1st Nat Tyisr 7K5 FOR BALE One of the best saloons In ' Kansas City, located in heart of city, doing a business of $100 per day; will stand Inspection; will sell all or half In terest, till Wyandotte St. and 201 W. llth Bt.. Kansas City. Mo, FOH SALE or rant, garage doing good bust sees, oav Lincoln, Highway, only one In town, good surrounding country, must be ' abla 'la buy stock and tools. Will sell or rent building. Mult move out on home stead. Answer J.; R. Rulllvsn. Crook, Colo. FOR tiALK Hardware and harness business established thirty-two years; good reason for selling; Invoice fll.040 to 115.000; lo ca'ted In Broken Bow, Custer connty, cen tral Nebraska. Traders need ' not apply. Add regs, Bog T-171, Bee. F3H SALS New stock millinery goods In fine buslaeaa town of 700. Muat sell Im mediately. Ooods would invoice $300, would take $200. Rent tow. Oood open ing with no competition. Mildred F. Jones, Norm lqup, wen. FOR 8A.LE at a bargain only dry cleaning and preaalng business, good Iowa town ot 1,100, good business, steam press, wash era, extractor, motor, cleaning room, dry room, everything first claaa; HI health. Bx 368. Manilla. la. FURNITURE Wnd lease twenty-five room hotel tn Nebraska, town doing capacity ' business, $700. . QANGB8TAD, Suits 148, Bes Bldg. Doug. 8477, t p6wERS. 4-A machines, practically now. Your choice at $166. other machlnea from 111 up; twa Fort Wayna Compensates at 13. Coma quick If you want It Mgr.. 110 Bromley Bldg., Omsba Neb. FOR SALE Will aell my cafe ana lea craam parlor cheap. It taken by tha 10th "ot September. Doing a good business; have reason tor selling. Frank K. Conrad, Grafton, Neb. DRAFTED Will sell pool hall at a aacrl flcs; flva tables and all other necessaries, $704. . GANG EST AD. Suite 248, Bee Building. D. 1477 WANTED Men to aell county rlghte for automobile accessory. Sells on sight. Lib ers! commissions paid. If Interested ' writs ' Champion Mud Claw Co., Vlnita, Ckl. - WANTED to sell, furniture atock, mostly new, aoma Second-hand. In good, clean condition. Oood business In live Nebraska town ot 7.00. Invoice at $4,000. Box Y 17S, Bee. WANTED Ten aubstantial business men to taka a 15,000 drilling well on 300 acre ot proven oil land, one mils from a 1,000 barrel -yell, Kellar Brother Oil and Gal Co., 217 Barnea Bliig., wicnitn. Kan RjKSTAUltANT for sale In the thriving town of Rlvortpn. Wyo first class In every ' respect, modern and up-to-date, a bargain. Address nox ex. mverton, wyo TO EXCHANGE Clean stock clothing and shoes. Around $4,600. Must have $760 caah, balanca trad. Tony- Schroeder, Bendena, Kanaaa. NalUttASKA town, close to Omaha, on Washington Highway needs good restsur , ant at once. Suitable building at low rent. Aaarees nox i lis care aea DOCTOR Good practice In N. E. Neb. for price ot drugs. Residence, auto, team and other property optional. Will reryt residence. Bog Y ITT, Bee. FOR BALE Restaurant In good town in Neb.; good reason for selling. Box Y 17. Bee. FOR RENTWWell equipped cafe; gold busl pesa: bea location In Fremont; or will sell fixtures. J. F. Roth. Fremont. Neb. ADVERTISE 16 words In (4 family week lies, 11.60; 100 syndicate monthliee, $1: 10 big dallies, $l.t0. Cope Agency. St. Lous. MOTION picture machine (new and re built): theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S. 14lh St MOVING PICTURE, macfiinee, hew and. re built, all makea; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 101 Nat Bldg. FOR RALE Popcorn and pesnut stand doing good business. Benson 171. TO OETln or out of buslnesa csll on OANOESTAD. 148 Bee Blflg. axtug. n YOUR bualness ar real eatate bandied tol as! r. V.' Knleat. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCT16N CO.. 1114 W; O. W. Bldg. fteq I38S. POOL HALL AND BARBER SHOP for aala cheap. Bog 4MT Bee. V F5r SaTk Bicycle ahop. 2514 N. 20th. Rooming Houses for Sale. LUND'S ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. It rooma. close In. sacrifice...... $16 14 rooma. Harney St, extra tin.... 60 rooms, tins location Ill 11 rooma, Douglaa St, extra tin.. 11,100 Rooming aouee buyers. It wUI pay yoa ta see me first I list nothing but dean, money. making roaming houass that will stand best of Investigation. LUND. 41 Rosa Bldg. Tyler th. TEN rooma, Harney ,8t. locution worth $400; will sacrifice at 1400 tf taken at once. LUND. 41 Rose Bldg. Tyler 743 ROOMING house, ten rooms, well furnished, close In; a bargain If taken at once,- $36 LUND, 429 Rose Bldg. Tyler 763. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. A-l bookkeeper, accountant, correspondent and typist, familiar with modern office systems, desires responsible position. Ca pable of taking complete .charge of of fice. Addresa Box 69t. Bee. RELIABLE colored man and wife want po sition aa maid and butler er chauffeur. In or out of city Phone Webster 1327, or write M. M. Bell, 1424 N. 2fith St. WANTED 2 or 1 alflce rooma to clean after t p. m. ; can give references as to hon esty snd ability. Box 6660, Bee, WANTED Position as switchboard operator from ,7 until 10 o'clock evenings by Boyles College student. Box 6549, Bee. NORTH DAKOTA, assistant cashier, wlehes to mike a change to a bank In milder climate. Box Y 178, Bee. BY young man, office work or other light work, bot ween 1 and 5:30 p. m. Call Douglaa 2620. WANTED Position to do bookkeeping Sat urday, afternoon snd week day evenings. Experience. Box 64S3, Bee. COLORED chauffeur wants truck or family job. Douglas 8685. Robert Perry . COLORED chauffeur wants truck or fam ily Job. Perry, Douglas 8086. HOUSE arid lawu man wants work. Delaney, Douglas IBM. HOUSE painter, decorator, wanta work; first-class man. Sanders, P. O. Box 369. Female. BUSINESS woman with many years' experl ence wants position where hours are abort and work Comparatively light; stenog rapher; Al correspondent, knowledge bookkeeping; could take charge during owner's absence: good references; mod erate salary. Address Box 6684, Bee. YOUNG lady -1th general office experi ence -wants clerical position in large, busy office where chances for advancement are evident. Phone Douglaa 8679. EXPERIENCED teacher with normal achool training would like to have a few more pupils. Tyler 2457. EXTRA fine teacher in crochet and tatting, fine needlework; yokes for eale, $1.50 and tip. Weblter 4611. PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS POSITION IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE. DOUG. 2681. BUNDLES .carefully laundered by reliable colored laundress. Webster 4008. FIRST-CLASS laundress by the day. Webster 6027. Call IF YOU want a good white woman to work a few hours a day, call Colfax 3665. LACE curtains and bundles laundered. Har ney 1130. 2614 Dodge St. EXP. laundress for laundry work. Web. 2633. Hotel and Rooming House. LADY) with 6 years' experience, wllhes posi tion as housekeeper in hotel or rooming house; can furnish reference. Call after 1 p. m. at 1607H Cumlngs. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING and ironing neatly done; called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone South 4373. SPLENDID laundry work by ex. white lady at home. Try me. Prices reas. Web. 1318 LAUNDRY work wanted by first class col . ored lady. Webster 7634. BUNDLE washing wanted. Harney 6317. LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. 1734. Col, lady wanta day wk., any kind. Ty. 2568. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 930. Exp, col, lady wants daywork. Red 6689. Washing and lace curtalna done. Ty. 1144. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. BKPR. and accountant, $100; city salesman, $100; traveling salesman, staple line, $100; ledger elk., $85; experienced R. R. elk., $76; gen. office man, 185; retail hdw. salesman, t76; bkpr. email office, $86; asst. shipping elk., 150; steno., 186-1100; steno. and bkpr., $80; steno. and bkpr., $76; Jr. office elk., exp. unnecessary, $40 $56; office east, to buyer of large es tablishment, good chance to learn busi ness, $76-$86. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN., Origtnators of the Reference Business, 736 First National Bank Building, FELLOWS! NOW IS THE TIME to see us about that new position. We filled a large number of splendid posi tions last week and new calls are pouring In dally. In fact, our Hit of vacancies Is too largo to Itemise here; better call at our offices Monday and let us know what you are qualified to hold tn tha way ot a high class commercial position. THE MARTI COMPANY, , 131T-18 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, Cheyenne, Wyo., $100-12$ Bookkeeper, A-l .future ., ,...$81 .Bookkeeper, wholesale ........,.75-$85 Office clerk. R. R. experience .....lfM7l Ledger clerk, good future $76 Typist, wholesale ":'65 Timekeeper $54 Office clerk, railroad ., t0 WATTS REF. CO., 1131 First Nat Bank. WHY PAY for a position? Stenographers, register '" us FREE OF CHARGE and we will plac yod. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 209 South 19th Bt CALL on the -Co-Operative Reference Co. for drug and commercial positions. 1016 City Natfonal Bldg. LEDGER CLERK, $85; bookkeeper, 1100 and $70; typl-ts, $65 and $70. Rogers Ref. C 640 Paxton Blk. WANTED Three men for ahoe store. Apply V -or Shoe Store. Professions and Trades. WANTED Carpenters tor farm work. (Oo per hour. Selden-Breck-Construction Co. WANTED An efficient sausage maker,' ens that can deliver the goods. Don't answer unless you can qualify. Basket, Stores Office, 108 N. 9th St RAILROAD traffic inspectors wanted, fill a month and expenses to stsrt; short . hours; travel; three month home study nnder guarantee. . We get- you a poattlon No aga limit. Ask for booklet c-12. Fron tier Prep, school, Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED A competent bookkeeper, male, with ample experience, a true knowledge and correct' knowledge, of accounts. A ' permanent position and good salary If proficient Council Bluffs Remedy Co. DRAFTSMAN, structural steel or ornamental Iron preferred; only experienced drafts man need apply. Permanent position for right man. Otia Elevator Co., 1200 Jack son. IM PRINTER-OPERATOR WANTED M a n familiar with model 6, Job and ad com position, state salary wanted, and be ready ta come .quick. Page County Dem ocrat, Clartnda, la. WANTED Linotype machinist operator for model 16. speed 4,500 ems per hour, 9 hour day, daylight work, 6-day week. Journal, Falls City, Neb. ; WANTED Barber; first claaa workman; $18 guaranteed; half over 124. Over money for good workman. Married man preferred. F. A. powers. Chamberlain. S. D. ' WANTED 4 experienced film Inspectors. CAN HAVB STEADY EMPLOYMENT. Oood wages, must hava recommendation. Laemmle Mllm Service. 1122 Farnam. Bk3 an automobile expert lb six weeks; our big book tells you how. Rahe's Automo bile School. 601 E. llth St.. Kanaas City. Mo. WANTED Young man 21 to 35 ti drive car. One familiar with business ooncern prefer able. Box 146. South Side. YOUNG man to learn wholesale stationery business. Apply to tha Omaha News Co., 15tp ahd Davenport. WANTED First clssa prescription druggist Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Sixteenth and Dodge streets WANTED 2 good structural. Iron men er . boilermaker to take down smokestack. iCall Walnut 164. ANTEDr-ken " to deliver Ice. Apply Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co.. 6tb and Joeee. PRES8ER3 wanted; experienced men preaa err to press men's clothes. Address Dea Molneg Dress Club, Pes Moines, lows, LEARN barber trade; low ratee Bow. Call of write Barher College, 1111 Douglaa St UNION carpenters for Wyoming, 40c per hr. Emerald Labor Agency. 123 H 8. 10th TWO yeung men for factory work. Omaha Bos Company. East Omaha. - , WANTED 1st class auto mechanic. Apply C D. Brown, Auditorium Garage. WANTED Clam aheil operator tor stiff-leg derrick, L. G. Everest, Inc., Sioux City, la. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. NOTICE SALESMAN! Are you an expert salesman with an expert's record and can you back your ability and character with references. If you can, phone Douglas 3550 Monday morning for appointment. We need two men, fcapable of advancement to executive posts with a Nationally Established Organization. ADVERTISING SALESMEN. $5.O00-$10,806 per year to man who can qualify and are willing to travel. Our plan Is the most scientifically correct and effective business building plan ever de vised for the banker and merchant In any sized town. We have ooeninirs In NE BRASKA. IOWA AND MISSOURI. Prop osition an entire novelty In Its line, car rying tremendous sales leverage. We are prepared to prove to yon right in the ter ritory an earning value in excess ot that stated In this ad, but you must be a high grade, successful, broad callbred salesman to qualify. Ask for Mr. Sebring, at FONTENELLE HOTEL. Sunday and Monday morning. were you Ever offered a grocery store? our proposition is better. Let us tell you how you can handle flour, canned goods, provisions, an entir line of groceries, as well aa paints, roof ing, stock foods, automobile and machin ery oils shd greases. No rent, to pay. No Investment In stock. Large orders taken from samples. Ooods of guaranteed and proven quality. Selling experience not necessary. Very profitable work for "workers.'' Address Hitchcock Hill Co., Dept. 101, Chicago, 111. Reference: Any bank or express company. A' OOOD OPENINO FOR SALESMEN. If you are a woiker, have about a hun dred (dollars capital and possess sales ability!, you can earn from $2,000 to $6,000 per year with us, organizing local agencies in an exclusive territory. Your earnings start the first day you start to work you get a profit or all sales made by all agents you appoint. You will. In addition to earning an Immediate good sized In come, be building a business ttiat will yield bigger profits each year. Write for this prospectus not an experiment. All honest, serious, dependable, dignified, profitable business. Rex typawrlter Com pany, 180 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago. ARE YOU A $50 A WEEK CON SUMER SALESMAN? If you are we are looking for yon and ydu for us. We want men to take orders from a car in the rural commuhlttes. You must be able to furnish bond and take out liability Insurance on your car. Llye wires only need apply to 421 South 12th s Bt1., Omaha. SELL GROCERIES On of the world's largest wholesale groceries (capital over 11,000,000), wants ambitious men In every locality outside ot Omaha to aell direct to consumer, nation ally known brand ot groceries, teas, cof fees, spices, paints, oils, stock foods, etc. Big line. Easy aales. Values beat any com petition. Complete sample outfit and free selling Instructions start you. Long estab lished, reliable house ask your banker. Write today. John Sexton At Co., Lake and Franklin Ste Chicago, HI. WE HAVE an opening tor several high-class repatable stock salesmen or aaiesiaaiea oi olt stock now on a dividend-paying basis of 20 per cent. Have seven producing wells; mors drilling in world-renowned pushing field of Oklahoma. Communicate at once with Mtdwest Securities Corpora tion, tit Campbell Bldg., Oklahoma City, OkL CRUVER MFG. CO., CHICAGO, has a few openings for successful salesmen who can sell high gride Una of celluloid, metal, leather, felt and glass advertising special ties; 20-year-old corpora Hob now opening new territories; unlimited future for right man. Commission contract weekly ad vances, heartleat co-operatlen In aales plans for development at permanent busi ness. Write fully, giving experience, tor personal interview. WANTED -Extra skillful epeaialty aales- man ta place agencies for high-grade talk y Ing machines; linea subject to return If. not sold. Men ot this kind make f&ot) to $1,000 monthly. Exclusive commission proposition, aalesmen paying own ex pense. Commissions paid weekly by wire or mall. Several states vacant Standard Talking Machine Co., Box 471, Iowa City, Iowa. SALESMEN WANTED by Importers to sell georgettes, nets, otuny and St. Gall laces. - Excellent commission proposition. Weight nf samples ten (10) pounds. Excellent oonortunity for the right man, aa our values are unbeatable. Our merchandise Is sold on a very close basis. Address an answers to Davidson & Co., 114-114 6th Ave., New York City. WANTED Traveling salesmen to call on hardware, lumber, paint, roofing trade and large manufacturers to sell asphalt roof ' paints and asbestos cement putty. Small samples. Easy selling. Oood com mission; bonus on first order. Asphalt As bestos Paint and Putty Co., N. La Ball Bt, Chicago. NEW FORD carburetor, simple, not a mov ing part, installed In thirty minutes, guar anteed to double your mileage and atart In aero weather without priming. Sales men and service men wanted everywhere. 15 day tree trial. Write quick. U. and J. Carburetor Co.. 121 Plymouth Ct. Chicago, ' 111. WANTED Three aggresalve specialty sales men for a brand new retail advertising plan: very attractive to merchants. Com mission 170 on each order. Two to four orders weekly easy for producers. Per manent place with old established house for good men. Address, Dept. A. X., 603 Great Northern Bldg., Chicago. SALESMEN We have a real up-to-date pocket side line paying $1 per order. Es pecially good for small towns. Commis sion paid the same day the customer acknowledges receipt of goods. Pioneer Novelty Co., 1306 Wells 8t.. Chlcsgo, ill, LIVE WIRE SALESMAN can make $250 net per month selling our wall known line of temperance drinks Ih small country towns; commission contract; 135 weekly drawing account Red Crosa Co., 50 Chestnut St.. St. Louis, Mo., Dept. "A." LAD IKS, ATTENTION! We have a corking good propolltion for lady representatlvee. One-cent postcard will bring full details Big opportunity. Don't hesitate. Write to day. Dlv. 2924, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, ill SALESMAN wanted; high grade traveling salesman capable of earning 13,000 and expenses annually; staple line to general merchandise trade; attractive proposition to dealers. Address Manager, 412 Hearst Bldg., Chicago. SALESMAN for Nebraska; vacancy Septem ber 1; permanent position; old house sell ing staple line on exceptional terms; high commission with 135 weekly advance. Sales Manager, Suite 448, 100 Woodward Detroit. ' SALESMAN Capable specialty mau forNe braska. Staple line on hew and excep tional terms. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract. $35 weekly for ex penses. Miles F. Blxler Co., 12134 Carlln Bldg.. Cleveland, U. SALESMAN for general trade In Nebraska. Strong proposition, staple, moderate priced line; exclualve features; splendid com mission contract; 136 weekly for expense. Continental Jewelry Co.. 12734 Continental Bldg.. Cleveland, o i Tv' ANT ED Salesman with good addreaa, recommendation, and successful experience ' in selling automobiles, wholesale, to travel :. out of Sioux City In adjacent counties and sel Maxwell cars to dealers. N. R. Smith, Motor Mart Bldg.. Sioux City. Ia. AMBITIOUS salesmen of neat appearance, call on merchants m your territory! ele gant line, convenient to carry. Good com oiilsslon, prompt remittance. The Geo. H. Jung Co.. Cincinnati. O. SID-LIN MEN. Do you want a real one that one order a day will pay you t. No samples to carry. Something new. Write today., Canfltld Mfg. Co.. 101 Slgel St., Chicago, 111. M AN'eD Two men ot neat appearance An house to house, book educational propo sition; no expense to you except your time. Apply Monday between 11 to 12 and t ta 4 at 111 Balrd- Building. F. D. ' Browning. SALESMEN wanted. for vacancy, good salesman, experienced In grocery, dry goods or advertising lines. Job perma nent and pays well. Staple, well known line. Box T 1T4. Bfs. SALESMEN We manufacture twenty faat celling advertising specialties. Liberal commission. Part or whole time. Big selling season Bow on. Newt" HI' Co., Newton, la. HELP WANTED MALE fl-'-m -'I SVctors. UALa.SM.N acquainted witn iiaiuwar?, paint, oil or automobile accessory trade. Big commissions: best aide Una On earth. Department W, Orolo Mfg. Co., Louisville, Ky. SIDE LINE pocket samples, 10 minutes, $16 commission; high grade men onry, no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, la. SALESMEN Write tor llet of openings and how to obtain them. City or traveling. Address nearest office. Natl. Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 419. Chicago, New York. San Francisco. SALESMEN making towns from 1,000 to 6.000 to reoresent New York house, part of time, or side line; very attractive propo sition. Siroux Importing Co., Inc., 144 W. 21st St., New York. . LADIES' earn la" up daily easy. Big sellers, gusranteed household products,, repeats qulchly, enormous profits. Write for free sample case offer. Crofts & Heed Cow Dept. D., Chicago. Insurance manager Wanted by large western real estate firm. Experience and giltedge reference required. Also want five salesmen. FUL LER, First and Market, Wichita, Kan. SALESMAN WANTED A very fait grow. Ing buslnesa requires a live wire sales man with some mechanleal knowledge. Call between 2 and 4 at 1224 W. O. W. Bldg. Sunday, or 16:30 Monday morning. HUSTLERS, get my tranafer auto mono gram system, an honest money getter. Write today. Monogram King, 30 North Broadwa y, Oklahcma City. Okla. SALESMEN wanted to sell temperance drinks; big demand; commission 25 pet; to successful men $40 a week drawing ac count. Herthal Mfg. Co., St Louts, Mo. BE your own boss! Operate a mall order and agency business; 100 per cent profit on sales. Send dime for catalogue and terms. 410 World-Hersld Bldg. EXPERIENCED Canvassers to aell a Na tional Advertised product; straight salary. Call between 7 and p. m. 4549 Seward. Agents and Canvassers. MINUTES paydollars, demonstrating new $7.60 adding machine. Wonderful Inven tion. Adds, aubtracts, multiplies. Work equals $200 machine. Five-year guaran tee. Sells everywhere. Splendid profits. Write quick for trial offer and protected territory. Dept. 282, Calculator Corpora tion, Grand Rapids, Mich. AGENTS WANTED. $25 dally easy ' Introducing greatest household money saver, Just Invented. Re duces high living cost. Save Its own cost first ten minutes. Sells Itself In every house. Retails $2. Tour commls- slon $1.10. Samples free. Ovee Mfg. Co., 18'; Ovee Bldg., Louisville, Ky. AGENTS WANTED 100 pet. 'profit selling useful Specialty; used in homes, hotels, stores and by auto owners; good repeater; sample free. Auburn Specialties Co.. Dept 242, Auburn. N. Y. AGENTS Make big profits selling our sci entitle fortune telling charts; write today for free sample and big selling plan. Ad dress Northern Supply Co., 4940 Belmont Ave., Chicago, III. TAILORING agents sell men's suits made to order. Cheapest and beat line made. Can sell every man you see. Large sam ple outfit free. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chi cago. AGENTS 130 to $100- a week. Free sam ples. Gold sign letters for atorea and of fice windows. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. MEN with Ford cars to handle Omaha and vicinity on the foot air accelerator. In creases gasoline mileage 76 to 1(0 per cent Fast seller. Get particulars from Whartney Sales Co., 617 Paxton Block. $126 WEEKLY Something new, saves 66 per cent of gasoline for automobiles. Nearly every call a Sale. Money back guarantee. Stransky Mfg. Co., Pukwana, 8. D, ) AGENTS Free catalog and samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits. Make $5 ta $26 dally. No experience. World's greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell, Chicago. WE "WILL start you in the cleaning and dyeing business; little capital needed; big profits. Writs fdr booklet. Ben-Vonde System, Dept 197. Charlotte, N. C. $5 PRIVATE Christmas card aample book free on promise to canvass. Agents mak ing $5 to $1 dally. ' Duty and carriage prepaid. Bradley Co., Brentford, Oft Teamsters ..nd Chauffeurs. TEAMSTEllS WANTED Steady work and , good pay. i Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. , South Yard: 10th and Hickory Streets. West Yard: 43d and hard Streets. WANTED Thoroughly experienced driver 1 for general delivery work. Must know the city. Apply to superintendent, Benson A Thome Co. ' . Tr-ue Schools. . MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women, leant the barber trade; few weeka corapletls; pay while learning. Catalogue tree. Rates now on. Call or write. Ut Sooth 14th St., Omaha. BOTH Men and women to learn the barber trade. Special ratee. Call or write, 1403 Dodge. ' TRI-CITY BARBER COLLZGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEaET"" 407 8. tOth and 2069 Farnam. Boys. WANTED Boy for file and mall clerk by manufacturing concern. Oood opportunity for advancement. State age and salary ex pected. Box 665. Bee. BOY about 16, to deliver package and make himself useful around store. Remington A Kessler, Talrors, 201 Ramage Block. WANTED At once, good strong boy "as bus boy. Permanent position. Mr. Small hols, Blackstone Hotel. OFFICE boy wanted, must be over 16. Na tlonal Refining Co. Miscellaneous. . SHOVELERS wanted to Unload coal by the ton; good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard-24th and Taylor atreeta. South Yrd 20th and Hickory streets. West Yard 42d and Izard atreeta. ATTENTION, farmers! If you Want help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 16W. Broadway. P. 481. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co., west yard, 42d and Izard fits. 10 MEN for A-l proposition) 440 to $50 a week. Scientific American, 315 Neville Block. WANTED A reliable man for Janitor work. Walnut 43. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Young lady for excep tional office position. Must have excellent education, pleasing voice and ability to grasp detail rapidly. A salary better than the average will be paid .to right party. Call Room 104, Bee Bldg., Monday, 10 to 12 a. m., J to 4:30 p. m. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper $66 Bookkeeper, out-of-town ..,....$85 Stenographer, wholesale, , $75 Stenographer and office clerk $65-$75 Dictaphone operator ...100-175 Stenographer and clerk 150-176 Stenographer and bill clerk ...... $50-165 WATTS REP. CO.. 1136 First Net. Bank. SPLENDID OPENINGS. Stenographer, abstract exp., $100; steno.. Insurance, $61: steno., private secy., $65; bookkeeper, $65-176; office clerk and typ ist, $50; stetio., $60; night elk., $35. New calls dally; no filing fee. THE MARTI CO., 131T W. O. W. Bldg. STENO. and elk., $16;, bkpr. and steno., 466; steno., $75; stenO., beginner, $10; steno. and bkpr., small office, $50; cashier and elk., $60; typist, 150; gen. office elk., $50; R. R. steno.. $7: typist, $30. WE8TERN REFERENCE A BOND A88N., T36 First Natrona! Bank Building. WHY PAY tor 4 position? Stenographers, register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, xus bo. ntn st,, city. WANTED Young lady as label writer In our prescription room. Bring application In awn hand writing. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co, 16th and Dodge streets. STENOGRAPHERS. $66 to $86; clerical. 135 to $1,0; comptometer, $65; boekkeepen, 4100. Rogers Ref. Co.. 440 Paxton Blky WE NEfiD stenographers, bookkeepers and office cleriy, Co-Opera tlve Reference Co. WANTED Two salesladies to sell shoes at Panor's Big Shoe Store. Professions and Trades. WANTED v Experienced and reliable girls for lift tng in bundles, also girls for bosom press, body lroners and sleeve lroners; also wom en for starch department Inexperienced girls for flat work department may ap ply also. - Apply1 Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson St, "Mr