Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 17
The Omaha Sunday Bee Part Three Want Ad Section Pages 7 to 12. - Call Tyler 1000 To Place Your Wart Ad. . VQL. XLVII NO. 11. , OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1917. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Weekly Commercial Guide A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. Abstracts of Title. lilDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE & AB . .SI K ACT CO.. 1714 Far nam St. Douglas "n65 SADLER, 6. M. & SON. 216 Keeline Bldg 0008.132 Titles examined and perfected Adding Machines. L.U.TON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES, 424 Kamge Bldg Doug 1449 Architects. NEI.SoN, FREDERICK A.. 84T)-42 Brandeis Thieta' .Bldg Douglas 6200. . Le ua plan your home, v. Advertising Service. UNITED FILMAD SERVICE DISTRIBU TORS OF LEGITIMATE PUBLICITY THAT BRINGS RESULTS. Doug. 702. 475 Brandele Bldg. ! . Artificial Limbs. DEKXEK & DENNIS. Red 6761; 221 X: ' Fidelity and Casualty Bldg. Attorneys. BSADV, T E., 790-2 BrandeU Theater Bldg Douglas 2717. DICKINSON. CHAS. Douglas lan4. T.. 511 Pa..lou Blk. f-'ISHKK. 15.. 1414 Firct Nat. Hank BUiar D I'.'rit". Attorney and counsellor ;,t law. t'lTZCERALD. .1A.MKS XI.. l(ii7-.0 City Nat. Bnt.k MIUS Douglas 450S, quay .- Brumbaugh". 313-14 Omaha Nat Rank BUlg. Red 3157 General ptactice 111 state aiid ' "federal courts. HoDDEli, E. c ' -Did I 'ought . ti44 .'2 44. Omaha Nat'l Dank .. AVELU K. si.. 2'1,'n. 77a Biaiideis Theater Bldg OARER. BENJAMIN S., Douglf.s )?, 406 Bee Bldg URANZ. .LESLIE H. Tyler i r :5 ti. Att'y . 1530-25 CM.v Nat. Bk. uni i-ouiieili' ut Ii'v. MoDDNXIiLL. W.i. It-i 8i41. 209 Keeillio liltljj MURDOCH. A. H.. 945 OmaJia Nat Hldm Km I estate law a specialty Bank VoN DORN. J. 8714 Attorm E.. 400 Paxtou y at Irw Blk Doug FARNSWORTH. E T.. Att'y. 438 Bee Bldg Don? 8854. pioneer 1S6S. 'LAI B' 'FINE. H. II. fte 74ul. 513 Paxion Blk. Phone J. t.GNNELL, W. ,.1616. J., 521 BEE BLDG. Douglas MORTON. RICHARD S., Court Housh. Dovg 3008 Res. phone. Harney 1531. MATTERS, THOMAS H., Laywer. 252 Om. National Bank Bldg. Douglas 4327. AGNKW, FRANK A., Att'y at South 1098, Room 6, ftlurphy Block. Automobiles. HUFFMAN. (FRED C,) MOTOR OAK CO.. 220 -!S't6 Farnam H. M. Collins. Mgr. Ste, lens' Six and Crow-Elkhart ears. WESTERN MOTOR CAR CO. Doug 4903. 2454 Farnam St. Distributors for Har- run and Chalmers cars. A'UBURN AUTOMOBILE CO.. 255 Far ram Douglas 7298." Touring cars and roadsters "Call and see us." . (-Tok&VE. FRED & SON. 5026-5028 S. 24th South 198. Agents for Mack Auto trucks. 'M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. 10th and How ard, Doug. 3500. Ford cars-and repairs. Authorized agents for Ford cars. SjTlNTYRE-H AYWARD MOTOR. CO. 2427 Fan am. Douglas 2406. Stoarng-Knlht and Reeal cars. Tv 32. National. Ho'lller and Pullman carl SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt. Tyler 613. 100 per cent-Ford ev Ice to Ford owners. ' Auto Livery. MELCHERc A 1516 Leavenworth. V 4899. "Meleher'a way meana service." Autos. oommre"l andVPlensure. hired at your risk. ANDERSEN AUTO EXPRKSS CO., 1907 Harney St Douglas itto. prompt service. Reasonable rates. , SHERMAN, A- W. 2311 N.-24th SL Webster 2888. Auto livery and atorar. SMITH TAXI CO., Doug. 580, 14J 7 Farnam. Funeral cars furnished. A1 Snlth, Mgr. ' Auto Painting. DRISCOU JOHN H.. auto painting. 1210 Jsekson St. Dour. 9I84. Res.. JVal 1664. ROKSSIG. W V.. 144 S. 40th. Har 1448. We make old atitos look like new ones. Auto Reoairs. BROWN. J. R.. 4225 Dodge St. Walnut 2100. Auto repairing, body building, automobile painting. Work guaranteed BINGHAM. FRANK. 214 S. 28th Ave -Harney 1200. First-class auto repairing. Tyiwest prices. EDWARDS," TS. S.. 2616 N. 19'h St. Web ster 1103 For best results with repair work r r.sult us. GRF.TCN COVGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR MK Farnam. Douglas 2001. ING. Ji. HI ATT. L. O., '461 S S. 24ih St.- South 1213 "Aiitnmohlle renalrs and garage. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 S 11th Doug 4R1 'Automobile work. cyl. borelng. pistons fitted, auto parts made to order BERTSCKY MFG. & ENGINEERING CO S. T5. Cor. 2th and Harney Sts.. "old narts mad new, new narts made, too." P. 2552. Auto SunoMes. TROUP AUTO SUPPLY CO.. 1921 Farnam. Douglas 6230. A full line of supplies for all makes of cars. A"to Tires. OMAHA SAVAC-E PALES CO., 1612 Chi cago D S311. No road too savagw for Savaee tires Ouality first, last and a'wavs TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. Daventvirf St Douglas 2914. 1516 A"to Tons snd Trimmines ENGLISH. THO. F.. 318 Harney Doug las 3786 Satisfaction guaranteed. The best 1s none too good. Bgc-Te and Transfer. OMAHA FXPRESS CO.. 1417 Chicago. Douglas 33"4 Moving vons for furnliure and n'onn moving. Careful mi. -' OMAHA TRANFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY. Tefenhone Di iglss 295 14th and Jackson. .WE MOVE Pack, store sMn flnn and household goods. MAfllABh STORAGE CO D. 1496. NEBRASKA TRANSFER CO.. 1108 Nicholas. Tyler 460 Public warehpusa. Storing automobiles sneclalty. ' FORD TRANSFER Tvler 15 "Alwavs CO.. 817 Douglas St at vour service " FOLEY A ITTO EXPRESS, P24 S. 18th. T 141 Let us contract to do hauling for YOU SARATOGA Ams Ave. VN ANP STOWAGE. 2417 Col. 601. Res. phone Web.1828. Bin'rs, t COMMERCIAL STATE BANK OF OMAHA. THE. 161S Main. Florence. Flnr 303 4 pet on time certificate and savlnvs deposits Protectedunder Neb. a'ae guarantee law, PIONEER SAVINGS BANK. Securities Bldg.. Karnnm St. entrance. We ray 4 per cent Interest on' Ravings accounts. LIVE STOCK NATONA BANK. 4840 S 24th. Phone South 760 See us about voor chattel left" OMAHA, NAT'L BANK. Tyler 100; 17th and Farnam Sts. AMERICAN" STATE BANK. 1th and Far nam. Wearl Block Phone Tyler 80 "ESS-TEE-DEE." PAI.ACjC OF ARTS: A T Slmmo"s. Pron "Some barber" 4322 Dodre. Pour. 8682. "Ess Tee Dee" for dandrnff. falling hair and Itching scalp, or wtoney bark. ' . . Baths. ECGENTC BATH INSTITUTE. J0 g. J4th Dougla 7046. lapor and tub bath. Swedish maaaag. Also lesson In Bwed lih massage. ' Benevolent Institutions. CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE. 1t S. 42d Harney 6511 Supported by donation SALVATION ARRESCI'E HO'IE AND HOSPITAL. 24th V Snsuld'lng Web 2114 Biscuit Manufacturers. JTEN BISCUIT 'CO , Canaynl Ave.. 12th to I'ougias sua .mow wntte nan. . iir.oicraciiei, cauea, ana cooatea. Billiard Parlors. CAPITOL POOL HALL, 018 N. 14th St. Web. 1T7S C. W South and O. V South. Props. Cigars, tobaccos and soft drinks. LINCOLN. POOL. LUNCH COUNTER, CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS. DOUG 3651 1816-17 Dodge St. C. C. Galloway, Prop. MONARCH BILLIARD PARLOR. Ill S. Hth St Phone Douglas 3724. Soft drinks and cigars Jark Broomfleld. Prop. ' PLECHAS. .. 6216 S. 28th St and cigars South 2368. Soft drinks SUBWAY BILLIARD PARLORS. 204W S 14th. Swansnn & Aylesworth, Proprietors. Cigars, tobacco and barber shop. D. 4663. D. G. RUSSELL, 1918 Cuming. Red 8203. Colored hotel and barber Bhop In connec tion. Also soft drinly. tobacco, cigars. SAVOY. POOL HALL. Red 3165. Jackson St "Come In and see us' 1415 Blue Prints. FENCER.. N., 305 Brandeis Theater Bldg Douglas 2762. "Blue prints that satisfy." Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks and oxy-acetylene weld'ng. Books. Stationery MATHEWS' BOOK STORE. 1620 l.arney St Phone Douglas 3144. Books, Stationery and Engraving - Bottling" Works. NATIONAL BOTTLING WORKS, Simon B Epstein, Pres., 2556-53 Cumins'. Douglas 250 Distributors of "NON-TOXO." SLOUP-SHERRY BOTTLING CO.. 1508 Web ster St. Doug. 7398. Bottlers of Sun-Set Ginger Ale and Soda Water. PABST o.. 1307 Leavenworth St., Douglas 79, Mfrs. and distributors of "PABLO." G. P. RONDESON. Mgr., Omaha. Bottles. RIEKES. S. & SON, 1513-16 Webster St. Tyler 2023-W. Jobbers and dealers In bot tles of all kinds. Building and Loan Associations. COMMERCIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSO CIATION James J. Fitzgerald. 4931 S 24th St. South 193 Loans on real estate. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TION. N W. Cor. 15th and Dodge. Doug Ins 370 fi per cent real estate loans. Bridge Contractors. WESTERN BRIDGE AND CONSTRUCTION CO.. Douglas 4072. 68 Boo Bldg. ' Building Material. KRAUS KARL R. CO.. 408-10-13 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 2604. "Everything In fire proof building materia!" Butter (Wholesale.) ALFALFA BUTTER CO., Douglas 3903. W. W. 120-24 N, Uth St Richardson, Pres. Cafes and Restaurants. FRISCO QUICK LUNCH. 314 S. 15th. Red 2938.. Regular meals. Short orders. Open day and night. Quick service. Sanitary IRA D. KIGHT, 3030 L St. South 8433. Short orders'. Regular weals. Best place on the South Side. Y W. C. A. CAFETERIA. 17th & St. MaS A. D. 1428. Hours: 11 a. m. 2 p. m.; 6 p. m.- -6:45 p. m. Open to men and woroen.Vj HORSEMAN CAFE, 1419 Dodge St Douglas 1145. High class lunch. Crawfish and all kinds of shellfish. EDWARD'S CAFE, 304 N. 16th St. D. 8911. Geo. Petros, Prop. Home cooking, com nlnatlon breakfasts and dinners. ' NIGHT AND DAY CAFE, S20 S. .IMa St. ' Red 3"703. Meals and short order at all hours T. C. Harp, manager. CARPENTER CAFE. 161 N. lth,..iJBoug- las S5nr- A sanitary eating place. Castle hotel cafe. Red 7408. 16th an Jones Sts. ALFRED JONES. Prop,. r Carpet Cleaner. OMAHA CARPET CLEANING CO.; Doug. 7906. 1923 Leavenworth St Carpets cleaned like new. " Cash Registers. : , MORRIS CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER CO.. 219-222 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4408. E. W. Hart. Pres. Cement Products. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. Waterproof, steam cured cement blocks. North plant, 31st and Spaulding; S. plant, 25th & Oak. Main off. & display rm., 1708 Cum. D. 4428. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 886. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA: fired out of Con tinental Blk; new location 494-496 Bran dels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter. I. 6381. Cigar Dealers. DOPLER. HHJNRY. 1339 Park Avo. Harney 2583. Cigars, tobacco, candy and notlonn. Cleaners and Dyers. STATE DRY CLEANING CO. Douglas 6072. 120 N. 12. We call for and deliver same day. Auto service. STANDARD, THE, Cleaners and Dyers. 1236 S. 13th. Red 276. The cleaning that's up to the standard. SOTHMAN BROS., Dry Cleaners. Suits pressed, 50o. Har. 751 2864 Farnam IMPERIAL DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. Tyler 1032. 1616 Vinton St Clothing and Furnishings. ROTHHOLZ, H., 4815 S. 24th St. South 2279. Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. WESTERN JOBBING HOUSE. 1114 Farnam. Tyler 966. Codl. CARBON COAL & SUPPLY CO., 629 Omaha Grain Exchange. Tyler 264. Wholesale coal and building material. NORTH END COAL & EXPRESS CO.. 2627 Lake. Web. 5036. Transferring trunks and furniture our specialty. High-grade coal. DICK (A. L.) COAL CO., 100 N 16th St. Doug. 1526, Hard and soft wood specialty Coal and Lumber Dealers. BOWMAN-KRANZ DUMBER CO. Col. 810. 4201 N. 30th. Coal, lumber, bldg. material. Collection Agencies. YOU pay nothing. We collect, deduct our commission and send the balance prompt ly. THE PHOENIX MERCANTILE BU- ' REAU. Douglas 1460. 814 Omaha Nat'l Bank Rldg. Color Advertisinr. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO., 417 South 12th St T. 1240. We are the only pure ly lithographing firm In Nebraska. 8pe clal'sts In fine cqjor work. Confectioners. PALACE CANDY KITCHEN, 2301 Daven port St Douglas 7683. We make our own candles and Ice cream. rnoo :RS CONFECTIONERY, 24tb and Farmim S:s Phone Douglas 127. WILSON. L. L., 1401 Main St.. Florence. Neb Soft drinks, cigars, candy Flor. 186 OI.YMPIA CANDY KITCHEN THE. D. 6200 1 ma narney. Mincneg. Ice cream, candy A. B. SWEET SHOP. THeS, D. 2920. 16th & Jackson Dainty lunches and Ice cream. Contractors (Building.) EUREKA BUILDING AND, REPAIRS, i 2416 Lake. Webster 200. Workmanship and service. Price reasonable. CARLSON. A. B. Colfax 3460. Brick, atone and repair work done: prices ressonable. Concrete and Cemen C. McWILLIAMS, Gen. Cement and Concrete contractors 411 Bee Bldg. Red 778. Contractors Paving. MURPHY fHUOH) CONSTRUCTION CO, 204-20 Karbach Block. Douglas 134 Curtain Cleaners. OMAHA LACB LAUNDRY. 2210 S. 22d Ave. Harney 2417. Th only establishment in Nebraska devoted exclusively to cleaning L-i.cakeiSCit. AI.VORD'8 DELICATESSEN. 2567 Farnam D 3454 PVnlr ,mcbs s speciality DUNDEE. DKI.ICATESSEN. PH'iNK US for your order. Wat 114. Fre delivery, Dentists. Dr. L. G. Horton Dental X-Ray 890 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 4043. EL8TKR. DR. W. B. New location. 1023-24 First Nat Bk. Bldi Phonu Office. Dour. 13S; Res., Col 2728 EADES. DR. G F.. 201 Paxton Block D 6728 Not the cheapest, hut the best POPULAR PRICE DENTISTS. 206-7 War Bldg. Phone Douglas 874. The best work at the lowest prices DR G teeth. W. TODD. Dentist. 403 Rrandels Bldg For porcelain Doug. 3922. M'KENNEY. DENTISTS. D. 2872. 1324 Farnam. Crown bridge work, 14 per tooth Department Stores. PHILIPS DEPARTMENT STORE, 24th and O Sts. South 1869. We sell every thing the fastest growing store In .Omaha Desks. NEBRASKA DESK RF.FINISHING CO.. 421. X. 24th. Colfax 1424. If it's about desks lt us know. Detectives. RELIABLE DETECTIVE BUREAU. 315 Ramge Bldg. D. 2056. Investigators of criminal and civil suits. Our detective are reliable. Doll Hospita's. FENNEU. DR. H B.. 62 Douglas Block Doug. 5160. Bring your broken doll" tfl us. Tennis raruets restrung. Drafting and Designing. LA DOUCEUR, M. H.. 1227.Clty Nat. Bank Bldg Douglas 6373. Mans, drawings, sketches and tracing. Engrossing ot resolut'ors snd dlnlotnas. Dressmakers. WE DO HEMSTITCHING. And plcot edge work: all work guaranteed. Done While Tou Walt. SINGER 8EWINO MACHINR CO., 205 N. 16th St. Phone Douglas 418. CARLET & OH ADD. Dressmakers. SOS No. 24th St. Douglas 4S61 HAMPTON. MRS. LULU. 339 Rose Bldg. Tyler 1810. style and service considered, our prices are low. QUINBY. MRS. L. J.. Room 7, Balrd Bldg 17th and Douglas. Red 8706. Evening gowns a sneclalty. Drugs (Wholesale & Mfs.) OF.RING. HENRY R. CO., (THE) 701 So. 13th St. Dnufrlas 1290. Pharma ceutical chemists and drug; Mfrs. RICHARDSON DRUGCO., 902-12 Jackson. Douglaa 625. Wholesale dj-ugs. UNITED CHEMICAL. CO.. Inc.. 1727 Leav enworth. Mfgrs. of extracts, toilet articles. tocJ foods, disinfectants & kindred articles Drug Stores. SARATOGA DRUG CO. Colfax 116. 24th and Ames. Kodak agency. 24-hour serv ice, free developing. LUCKE. R. C. DRUG CO.. , 3624 Leavenworth St. Harney 3406. have real drug store service. We POPE DRUG CO.. 1802 Farnam. D. 267J Gn. Agt. NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES . Dry Goods (Wholesale.) BYRNE A HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.", tth anJ Howard Sts. Douglas 206. Cloak, suits, ' ladles' and men'a furnishings, art goodi, millinery and draporlea: ill klnda of fano. -and staple Pry Goods. : SWENSON ' BROS.. 308-10-12 a lOtn St. Douglas- S6Q7. Wholesale dry goods Electrical Supplies MODERN ELECTRIC CO.. "Everything Electrical." A. R. Thrapp. 1217 Missouri Ave.; South 3178. T. C. Bowie. 12U Leavenworth: Harney 732. McGRAW CO., THE, 1208 Harney Dougl3s 4674. Electric, telephone, iteam and garage supplies. ' LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 818 8. 12th. Douglas 2178. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com Mnv In the middle west. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity, needle work guaranteed. Miss Allender 624 Bee. Employment Bureaus. MARTIN & CO.. Room 8, Crelghton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 2357. Wanted Your orders for male and female help of all kinds. White, colored and Japanese. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising. HENNINGSON ENGINEERING CO.. 1122 Farnam. Doug. 8229. Skilled municipal Improvement -engineers: sewer, paving, electric light, water works, appraisals, re ports. ANDERSON BENNETT. 424 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Farm Implements. WAGNEP. BROS. CO.. (RETAILER Doug. 1232: 1216 11-worth St. ALL REPAIRS. Farm Lighting Plants. LALLEY-WILSON ELECTRO CO. 2420 Far. St. Lalley Farm Elec. Light Power plants. Give best satisfaction. Can be oper ated for 11 per mbn. Only 3 moving parts Can't get out of order. Child can operate It. Fish (Wholesale.) BOOTH FISHERIES CO., 1308 Leavenworth St. Douglar 26. Florists. BRANDEIB FLOWER DEPARTMENT. DOUGLAS 2020. Fencing. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. 205-7 N. 17th St. Red 4247. Iron and wire fencing and 'FENCIOLOOY" Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 2614 Martha St Harney 1662. Machine, gray Iron, brass, tjronze and aluminum castings. OLSFJN & SCHLINGER. 1407 Jackson. D. 741. Brass, bronze and aluminum castings. Fruits and Produce. PARSLEY (THE) COMMISSION CO., 4831-33-35 8. 26th St. South 720. Whole sale produce, fruits and vegetables Quality Brand products. LEVINSON & ROBINSON, 606 8. lltli Fruit and produce. POTATOES A 8PE CIALTY. P. 3717. Night phone. Web. 6377. Furniture. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 1504 N. 24th. Web. 1661. New and second-hand furniture. Carpets, stoves, rusrs. tee boxes; low prices. Furniture Repairing. pMAHA FURNITURE & PIANO REPAIRS a. a. riamueison. Prop.: moved to 107 N 40:h. T. 1610. Upholstering, reflnlshlng Forn.. mattresses, box enrlnga, made, order WALNUT HILL FURNITURE AND PIANO REPAIRING. 4004 Hamilton. Wal 1966 Grain Commission. ARMOUR GRAIN CO., 731-3& OM. Gr. Exch. Dougla 1841. Consignment solicited Unexcelled service. Wlr u for bid E. R. Threher. Rep. V-. OBV. .LD GRAIN CO. .Tyler 1473 600 Grain Fxchange Bldg. Hay and grain consignments a specialty. Hatters. RAMSER. W. A.. 214 S. 14th. upstair. D. 4662. Panama and soft hat renovated. Grocers- Wholesale. HUGHES, H. J.. CO., 1201-3-5 Jones St. Douglas 1334.1 NEBRASKA & IOWA MERCANTILE CO.. 1.115 Howard. Douglas 1066 H'-h-grade staple and fancy groceries. THE" SPECIALTY CO.. 607 S. 13th St Douglas 4095. High-grade groceries. Good service. Reasonable prlvea. Groceries and Meats. OLIVE OIL. Macaroni.- Spaghetti. Noodles and other Imported products Douglas 2659 GARROTTO A CATANIA, 604 N. 16th St. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS Douglas 2793. Wholesalers and retailors of everything In eatables Watch for date of opening In First Nat'l Bank Bldg. THO IN & S N V g gTw XT. NUT vhTLU g iu CERY, 4th and Hamilton; Wl. 34' A big line, meat and groceries: prlov right. ANDERSON, J A., 3924 Sherman Ave. Colfax 456 High-grade groceries and meats. Honest price- Good service. GROSS, M.. 419 S. 25th Ave. Douglas 4286. First-class meat. Fancy and staple groceries. TUCH.MAN BROS. Groceries and meals. S stores. 324 N. Uth. 25th and Harney 8ts. and 25th and Davenport SSts. WELSH'S GROCERY STORE. 4706 S. 24th South 130-139. . r "Everything- good to est." I MURDOCK, W. 13 , 3905 Leavenworth. Har ney 4888. Fancy and staple groceries. First-class meats. RIVERSIDE GROCERY CO., Cor., of 6th and Center. Douglas 3435 Everything In groceries and meats. Roaenblat & Faler. 2S02 Sherman Ave. Web 1676. Our motto, quality, qtianlty, service ROSENBLATT, J., 21 N 13th Douglas 2306. Fancy groceries and meals SCHNAUBER & HOFFMAN, 408 N. 16th. Douglas 1420. Staple groceries and meats SCHNEIDER, JOS. J., 1242 S 13th St. Douglas 1S24. High-grade groceries FINGERI OS, CHAS., 2651 Y St. For staple and farcy groceries call South SPIM KUNCL, V. F., 1244 South 13th. Douglas 1198. . The 'Oldest market in the city. WISLER, JOHN. 4Sth and Leavenworth. Walnut 3343. Free delivery. WALLACE, WM.. South 1360. '6107 S. 21st St.' First-class goods. GEEST. HENRY, 1921 Missouri Ave. S. 161 Smoked sturgeon, meats and sundries. Hairdressing. THE DELFT HAIRDRESSING PARLORS, D. 1795. 202 Balrd Bldg. 17th and Douglas Hardware KRELLE, CHAS., 610 S. 18th. Douglas 3411. lln, Sheet-Iron and furnace work. PETERSON & MICHELSON HARDWARE CO. THE, 4916-18 S. 24th St.. So. Side Phone South 171. Hardwood Floors. OMAHA HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Douglaa (tn. we make a specially of laying, fin Ishlng and reflnlshlng hardwood floors Hospitals, FORD HOSPITAL. 25th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-in-rhlef. The most com plete hospital In the West. frlotcls. DELMAR HOTEL, 219 S) 24th St. Douglas 6492. New, modern, quiet and fireproof rooms ana oath, it and up. In heart of city. 24th and Farnam. VICTORIA HOTEL. 1308 Dodge. Doug. S105 Rooms, 60o, 76c and 11.00, with bath privileges. Under new management COMMERCIAL HOTEL, O. W. Verley, man anger. 1310-2312 M St South 648. Arnorl ca i plan. Rooms, 60 cents. UNION HOTEL! J. M. ARMSTRONG. MGR., 11th ar.d Mason Sts. Doug. (744. Clean up-to-date rooms, 60o and up. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, Mr. BOLKER, Mgr. 1110 Douglaa St. Douglaa 1T7. Nice clean room at reasonable price HARVARD HOTEL, 8. E. cor, 24th and Far- - nam. D. 476. Modern rooms, cool and comfortable. Rate " and 16 per week. MILLARD HOTEL, 13th and Dougla Sis. Douglas 024. J. Vasko 4 Son, proprietor. "Popular prices." Cafe. In connection. kriYSTONE 'HOTEL. 1312 Dougla. Doug. 1834. Room. 60c to 11.50. Hot and Fold water fn each room. A. White. Mgr. Merchants hotel. 1608 Farnam. Douglas 648. ' OXFORT) HOTEL. Douglas 1476. Southwest corner Uth and Farnam. A. White, Mgr. Household Necessities. ADAMS (C. F,)" CO., 623 S. 16th. Doug. 2007. Salesmen wanted to sell household neces slties on easy payment plan. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO.. McCague Blk., 15th and Dodge. Douglas 664, Wholesale and retail Ice., CITY ICE CO., Office and plant, 39th and Leavenworth. Harney 366. Ice Mfrs. Ice Machines. BAKBR ICE MACHINE CO., 19tU and Nicholas. J. L. Baker, Pres. F. J. Yette, See'y and Trees. Ice Cream Manufacturers. INDEPENDENT ICE CREAM CO., 1441 No. 19th St. Wtb. 3707. Mfrs. of pure Ice cream. Deliveries In all parts of city. Institutions. NEAL INSTITUTE Douglas 7556. 1503 Sou'li 10th St Insurance, JFire. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., 100 .Bee Bldg. Douglas 1023. D. M. M'GAHEY, General Agent HC ME LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. 319-20 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg Doug 4162. "I want you to feel at home In THE HOME." COLUMBIA FIRE UNDERWRITERS, The. Id floor Merchants' Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 450. C. O. Talmage, Mr.Fire underwriters NAT'L. SECURITY FIRE INS. CO., 1406 Farnam. D. 1683. The only old line, fire In- aurance Co. of Neb. W. AGeorge, Pres.; O. A. Danlelson. Sec: F. J. Zeman, Trea. Insurance, General. B. L. BALDWIN & CO.. 917-18 First Naff. Bank Bldg. Douglas 271. General In aurance and surety bonds Insurance, Life.. GUARANTEE FUND ASS'N., 854 Brandos Tb. D. 7114. Life Insurance worth while at reasonable cost W. R. Williams, Slate Mgr GUARANTY LIFE INSURANCE CO., 697 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 252. J E. MURPHY. STATE MGR. Inve .mcnt Lrokers. i NORFOLK INVESTMENT CO., .1321-22 W. O. W. Bldg. Dougla 2949. T'arm loans. lowest rates. JCWC1C"- Planing Mills. - AZURE DIAMONX) CO., 306 14 S. Hth, Ty- ,., nrS- h, avimi' uina' ler 2777. Opposite-First N.UI. Bank Bldg. 8CK"M,L,T'2lBJ,0?.N eW,,79ILstorm ssh and Azure" diamonds, beautiful as real dla- 6,01 8- 21,B' S, fi;"; monds, cost but very little . screens Interior finish and moulding P. F. LARSON. 213 Brown Block. D. 5372 , Pleating anOUttonS. Flrst-c'ass watchmaker and Jeweler. High VAN ARAM'S DRESS PLEATING. HEM- grade materials. Satisfaction guaranteed STITCHING AND RUTTON CO.. Doug J HENR1CKSEN. THE LOYAL JEWELER? 3109. Rooms 33H-37 Paxton Rlk.. 3d floor Dot-riaa 1574; 2oi N. j.ith st. Plumbing and "Heating. Tn Y..r'bl.YmoSSimw,ohr ,.t?l WESTER HETfiNGLlTMBlNG-pr. goods vlotrola. snd exnerT repairing Jo P- 1810 St Mary' Ave gyns, victroias and expert repairing plumbing and heating engineers Junk Dealers. American plumbing heating co CENTRAL IRON AND METAL CO. 1211 114 S. Uth St. D 7133 Repslr work Dodge. D. 6968. We buy all kinds scrap alt-ended to promptly Humphrey Lynch. Iron and meta's. Old antos bought, 130 up. MeVEA. HARRY W 3232 Lafayette Ave. A. fERER & SON. 8th and Douglas Doua. Harney 451. Safety should be considered 2436. Largest scrap dealers In the west. . riL!lLW!liIlblIITll!JalAi'- . AMERICAN JUNK CO.. N E. Cor. 1210 and CATT1N. (W J ) CO., 10 N. 24th D. 1652 Chicago Sts. Douglas 6402 Domestlo plumbing nd steam heating .. , . ' Special attention to repair work. Ladies 1 ailOf WHITNEY. DAN. 4329 Franklin Walnut FREIBERG, B.. 2006 No. 20th. 2058. Plumbing and steam heating Webster 2855. Ladles' suits and skirt D o-(:,. " Exclusive patterns Printers bupplies. LOHRMAN, RELIABLE LADIES' TAILOR. BAKNHARDT BROS & SPlNDLER 433-45 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1201. Trices HI 4 Howard St Dougla 1076. Printer right. good rlrht. Satisfaction guaranteed. nppHc. Laundries. Produce, Poultry, (Wholesale.) ADAMS LAUNDRY, (under n7w manage- CorELAN D-FLYNN CO.. 1203 Howard 81 ment),' 1813-16 California St. Dougla Doug'as 3948. nutter, eggs snfl ocultrv 6664, Flexible collars wl'.h ample tie apace, PaO'time BOSTON WET WASH LAUNDRIES. fyiHHr! ; 2424 Lake St. Webster 435. MINIKUS. Mrs.. Wal. 3379: 4225 Cuming pi . ix- .- i . 1 ' , .i. . ,, ; Ragtime piano playing In 20 lesson Tha PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun- ,c.nal Chrlslensen svstem us-d dered. Webster 4283. , i ; ' y Razor B!ades. - ' Labe"' SAFKTY RAZOR BLADES. - EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO., -Tyler 1240. Bring or mail your dull safety razor 417 S. 12th St. Lubel.: of every deautlp- blades to room 412, Bee Bldg. Jackson tlou. OilUimtum aud dtslgnei. i fckctrlo Sharpening Co, j Law Brief Printers. EL ROD UROS.. 412 S. Uth St. Red 1425. Linotype compositors. N. Lithographers. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO., 417 So. 12th St Tyler 1240 Fine color stationery and labels. Live Stock Commission. BOWLES LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Capital stock. 8100.000. Paid In full. WlLTlAMS & SON ik 135 "Exchange Bid V. S. Yards, South Omaha. South 77. LA VERT Y liltOS., 138-140 Exchange Bldg South 55. Live stock commission Co. ROSENSTOCK BROS., 126 Exchange BUIg. Omaha. Stockets and feertnrs our specialty. Loans and Investments. UNION LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. Bee Blilg Douglas 2904. 310 Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 434. "Just Lumbering Along pTTa'TNER LUMBER CO., Office. N. w". cor. 24th and Oak. Douglas 725. Lumber, coal and building material, Made in Nebraska. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING -CO.. 417 S. 12th St. Tyler 1240. Wa are the only purely lithographing firm In Nebraska. Magnetos. ANDERSON. CARL A.. 1.07 Jackson. Douglas 1418. Spe Mallets. In Bosch Igni tion systems and Helnse electric starter. Masseures. FRED C. ALLEN, icientlflo masseur; Swed. Ish massage and vapor baths. 1617 Dodge, Messenger Service. Sl'EED OUR MOTTO. American Messenger Co., 1606 Harney BL Doug. G631. service mat counts Mirrors and Resilvering. Omaha mirror and art glass CO.. Douglas 6625. 1614 Cuming Ht. Motorcycles and Bicycles. EXCELSIOR MOTOliVO.. 1612 Capitol Ave. Red 6S04. Prices count some, "but Service counts more. FLESCHER MOTORCYCLE CO., 1623 Capl tol Ave. D. 6T04. Repairing f.nd re boring all makes of machines our specialty Music Studios. ROI'RrCIUS ,.1USIC STUDIOS. 1511 Dodge St., 13-14-15 Arlington Block. Thorough Inwtruetlone i- piano, vioun ana band Instruments. Doug. 2471. BAETENS. FRANCES. PIANO, 16114 DoCge. D. 1084. Open all summer. Sub stantial record a teacher of highest order. News Dealeis. DOPLEI. HENRY, 131 Psrk Ave. Harnoy 2683. Candy, cigars, tobaooo and newspapers, periodicals and notion. Optical Goods. SHOOK MFG. Eyes fitted CO., 40. 8. 15th. Doug. 824. Watch and optical repair. Orphanages. BABIES FOR ADOPTION St. James' Orphanage, Benson, weurasKa. Osteopaths. MRS. J. R. MUSICK. Ty. 2363. 402 nose Bldg, Sulphur, steam ana euceiyinue; Gardner system for reducing weigni. ANDERSON, DR. MARY E.. 605 bee Bldg. Douglas 8996. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 8340 Soujth Omaha. SWIFT CO,, South Otnaha, Neb. So. S3S0. Swift' "Premium Ham and Beoona" those four words mean "purity.'' Paints. Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS.' PAINT CO. Douglaa 4760. 1609 Farnam St. Painters and Decorators. (i. A. THOMPSON; Red 8393. 316 uranieia Theater. Bldg. Painting ano interior rating. O. A. Slelnhelmer, Mgr. NELSON, GUST, 3833 Parker. Walnut 1663. Painting and decorating. Paper (Wholesale.) BRINN & JENSEN CO.. THE, 1112 Harney. Doug. 6409. Wholesale paper ana sta tionery. PRICE QUALITY SERVICE. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured. Bought and sold. Inter- natlonal Patent Co., 63 Branneis. i. Photographic Studios. VAN. "THE KODAK MAN. 474 Brandel Bldg. Douglas 3368 Physicians and Surgeons. MARES. DR. ANNA M- 1114 Pol Bt. oouin 8206. , KAUFMAN. DR. A, J., Ralston, Neb. Olfloe. Ralston 83. ' DR. FREEDAi M. CLARK. 1020 Firtl Nat'l Bank Bldg. Physician and surgeoii; nnuri, 1 o 4 p. m. Phones: Office, Tyler 2617; residence, Benson 707 1. M'CRANN, DR. W. J., HR. Removed to Rose Bldg., Hth k Farnam Bt. Rooms 623-4. Phone Dougla sou. Office hours 11 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. DAVIS. DR. WILLIAM W1NDLE. Physician and Surgeon. 1120-21-22 Flfst Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 736. 7 CLARKE, DR. FLOYD. Diseases of Children. 840 City Nations! Bank Bldg. Tyler 318. ". ANGUS. DR". G. A., Physician and Surgeon. 105 'A C. 16th. 4th Floor. Phone Doug 6615. CAMPBELL. DR. 8. M.. Physician and Sur geon, 1804 Farnam Bt. Douglas izzo. GILMORE. DR. ROBERT. 606 and 607 Ware Block. Dougla 64. GIBBS. DR. W. S. 202 Brown biock. D. 443. Genera! practice and conauitanon. EDWARDS-, -DR. F. A.. 63 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 48. BOWSER, DR. W. W. 314 Bee Bldg. Doug la 6370. Specialist I. rheumstlsm. FIELDS. DR. L. 6., 436 Bee Bldg. Office, Doug. 1823; Res. Col. 14ZO SWOBODA, DR. F. J., office and resldica. 1511 William St. Douglas 2313 Pipe Repairing. PIPES -Wo repair all kinds. Special at tention to mall orders. OMAHA Printers. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. 305 Webster Sunderland Bldg. Doug. 6039. High grade commercial printing at reasonable prices GWIAZDA. Z. ZACHODU PUB. CO.. 4632 So. 17th. Tel. South 1088. Publishing and Job printing. OMAHA PRINTING CO.. 13th and Farnam. Deuglaa 146. Printing, stationery and of flee furnliure. MAR KIN EH PRINTING CO., 1201 Howard St. Douglas 106. Successor to A I Stoirecypher. Commercial Printers DOUGLAS PRINTING CO., 101-11 N. Uth St. Douglas 644. Printers and Publishers EDDY PRINTING CO.. THE. 321 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 864?. Fine commercial printing. Raincoat Jobbers. -r- MoKEEHAN & CO. Jobbers and Wholesalers In Men's Ladles' and Children'! Rainproof Clothing, Fourth Floor, Nebraska National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 1326. Real Estate. MEL1CK. J. J.. 1619-20 Clly Nat Bk. fildgT Sells farm laud and retail lumber yards. Great bargains In western Nebraska and enstern Colorado lands. OIPE. D. H.. 606 UeeBldT " Douglas 4960. Douglas, .Washington and Burt county Improved farms. WALKER, F. T. & CO.. 634 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 1252. Some fin bargain In Iowa and Nebraska lands. B1RKETT & CO., 260 Be Bldg. Doug. 613. Real estate, Insurance, rental, loan. HELD LAND CO., 170 Brandeis Bldg. Doug- i las (148. Real Estate, Loans and Rentals. Real Estate Rentals Insurance. BIRKETT & COMPANY Real Estate, Insurance, 250-152 Bee Rldg. Rentals, Loans. Doug. 633. Real Estate and Inyeatmenta. TKHBEN8 (P. J CO., 605 Omaha Nations Bank Bldg. Douglaa 2183. Real estate, rem tat and Insurance. Special attention given properties for nonresident owners. Roofing.' 8. R1ESENBEP.G. 1130 8. Hat. Har. 2674 NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. For guaranteed work and easy ttyms. ELABORATED ROOFINT? CO.. 1466 So 16th St. Tyler 1301. Elaborated , roofing and aid-over shingles, N. W. ROOFING CO. Harney 2574. Ill 8. Hat Artistic ready roofing wo.-k guar- antned for 10 years. Easy terms, x School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., 1108-12 Nicholas St. Dougla 111. "Every- thing for schools." 4 Seeds. HENDERSON'S ALFALFA SEED FARMS Genuine Grimm alfalfa seed. Stonewall J. Henderson, Prop., Benkelnian. Ne. Serum Manufacturers. HAWKEYE SERUM CO.. South Omaha Neb. South 1717. We can't make all tha scrum, but we try to make the best. Shoe Parlors. EUGENE THOMAS. Ladies and gents. Wa pectaie In cleaning all kind jf ladle' fnn"7 footwear. Our work always pleases. We tV for and deliver. 101,8. 14'h Bt. Shoe Stores. ATKIS40N. M. S sfioiTSHOP. 601 a Ulti St. Douglas 4057. High grad children' ana rien snoes. Signs. CLARK. E. M. & SON. 113-1111 Bo. Hth. td flunr. Dougln 1378; . Signs, aov cards ana office letterings. SUN. SIGN SYSTEM, 110 Barker Mllglss 6278. R. O. Ogden. Block r: S6ft Drinks. PKTERSoj. C. A. 1601 Vinton. Dougla i4i. sort anna and cigars, on block from ball park. ANDERSON, E. O., 713 N. 16th St. Tyler 1851. Soft drink and cigar. BUDISAVOEVIC. STEVE, 1401 Webster. Douglas 6260, Soft drinks and cigar BTEVB COLOMBO TEMPERANCE BAR, ' inn. r.. .. - v .... , . , . . . 4vv. l'.'u. Ian. is. .ov,, juercuanis luncn. NIELSEN. KEUMER. 313 8. Hth St. Douglas 2173. Sandwich specialties. CHRIST NIELSON, 2402 Leavenworth. Tyler iu;5. First-class lunch and soft drink. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY GO., THE Y Op., liglal 1 207-301 bo. 17th. Douglas 106. Office, type- writer, arcnitects ana enginoera sup pile. Loose leaf devices. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA. 216 S. 26th St. Phone Dougla, 7661. W rebuild dead storage batterleg td full efficiency. Stofe and Office Fixtures. OMAHA FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO. Douglas 2724. 8. W. Corner 11th and Doug, las Sts. Largest new and used store and office fixture house In America. JOSEPH FIXTURE CO., 4430 Dodge. Walnut 656. We specialize In store front, stairs, screens and fixtures. Odd mlllwork. Sp- ng Coods. TOWNSEND GUN CO., 1514 Farnam. Douglas 870. outing and camping supplies and outing clothing. . Summer Resorts. NATHAN'S LAKE SUMMER RESORT Open to publlc.Douglas 2971. Tailors. L1NDQUEST. G. A., 309-310 Brown Blk. Dougla 6324. High class workmanship, best material, reasonable prices. SMITH, CHAS. J.. Tailor. 103 8. 14th. Doug. TSfll. Suits to order. 125 and up Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA. STEEL TANK CO., To 1101 Willis Ave. Webster e78 ' Tents and Awnings. AMERICAN TENT AND AWNING CO.. 3924 Farnam St Harney 6022. Tenia and awnings that last. NEBRASKA TENT AWNING CO, 1204 Farna awning. Vhlnk Vo?eDou0gJ.hT8k2?t awnings think of Douglss1329. tents or Theaters. PKlNCEciS THEATER, 1317-1 Douglaa. Douglas 9324. Only house in Omaha showing first run pictures for 6o. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. ABRAMS SHEET METAL WORKS, H06 N 24th All kinds of tin work, "urniture repairing a specialty CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 8. 10th St. Douglas 602. Skylight, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. H ABEPSFROH. W. A.. 4026 Hamilton. Wal 29'. Specialty of repairing old furnaces: 19 (m experience. YOUNG & HENDERSON Cl. Web 2287 2900 Sherman Ave.; warm air furnaces. M UN ROE, ALEXANDER, 408 8 18tb. D 406(1. Estimates furnished upon application. Typewriters and Supplies. M I DLA N D tVpEWRIT ER CO.. 1404 Dodge . 8t. We buy, sell, exchange, rent and re pair all kinds of typewriters. Guaranteed typewriters, 110 and up. Write for list. K KB LOX MFG. CO., 396 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tyler 1060-W. Manufacturers of tvnewrlter ribbons end carbon papers CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 1905Farnam. Douglas 4121.. All makes Undertakers. HULS . . Rlttf'EN. 701 8. 10th. ft 1226 Undj.tekers and emblnniers. Perionnl at-tcnt-ir ' given to all calls and fun rals GENTLEMAN. JOHN A., 2624 Leavenworth fit. Douglas 1659 Licensed embalmer Funeral director. Lady attendant HOFFMAN. LEO A.. Cor. 24th and Dodge. Douglas 3901. Experts In embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel. H E tFEY A HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 265. Undertakers and embalmers. JANDA. FRANK F.. 1235 8 1.1th 8t Douglas 2984. CROSBY. WILLIS C. 26U-U '. 24th St Phone Webster 47 r Vacuum Cleaner . PURCIPILE, J. I., 1907 Harney. Doug. 2300. Electric vacuum cleaning. La France laun dry tablet. Ca tenia starch. Ask grocer. Veterinary Surgeons. SCOTT. DR. D. C. Veterinarian. 1011 Leavl enworth 8t. Harney 117. Hospital of dogs and cats. . . 2 Violin Instructions. BINGHAM, MIS8 MARTHA. Doug. U2U 608 S. 19th St, Beginners my specialty. Wall Paper and Paint. YETTER-MOORE CO., 1414 Harney. Phona Douglas 930 Wall paper and Interior decorations Wholesale and retail. WEIME... a L., 2301 Cuming. Doug. 1'63. Wholesale and retail wall paper and, pasnta 'Also painting apd decorating. : DAVIS, FRED M. Doug.'26. 2418 Cumin. St, Decorating contracts, patnta and glass. Windmills and Pumps. CHALLENGE CO., 916 Farnam 8U Tyler 1664. Windmills, pumps and pump flttlnge, Council Bluffs Abstracts of Title. ABSTRACT TITLE GUARANTEE CO, 207 Pearl St Phone (02. Perfect as. atract promptly furnished. Attorneys. M'GINN, ALBERT; Room 106. Merrlam Blk. Telephone 111. Automobiles. JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO.. -10'h Ave. and th St. Photi ISO. Auto Parts. CO. BLUFFS AUTO PARTS. 1329 W. Bd'way, Phon 2787. "W tear 'em up and elt th parts." "W save you It to. 76 per cent from list price." AutdRepat.-g. a & 6. MACHINE CO., 47 N. Main St Phone 665. Auto repairing, welding and general machine work. Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK. Broadway and Scott St Phon 4t Barber Shops. HOOD S BARBER SHOP. 619 W. Bdwayi Red 1107. Bath In connection. Observe the number of clean towel used on each cuatomer. Blacksmiths. AUSTIN. 6. 6.. 11 South 7th St Rod '111. Horseshoeing, general blacksmlthing and wood work. Boots and She... PIERCE SHOE CO., 411 West Broadway'. Phone 66. Strong A Garfield's men' shoes. Wright A Peter', and E. P. Reed ladle' shoes. Dr. Reed' Cushion Sole Shoes. Cafes and Restaurants, O. K. RESTAURANT. AV W. Broadway? Black 66. Regular meals, 20a. Short order. Open day and night. Give us a trial. Coal and Ice. DROGEl ELEVATOR CO., 520 Pearl St Phon I860. Ca'erer to heat and cold STEIN. J., A SOU COAL CO.. and Ave. B Phone 1161. yard 13tn Coal Dealers. O'NEILL BROS, 123 W. Broadway. rnnne coal, wood and feed NEW COUNCIL BLUFFS GOAL & ICE CO.! Q-11 W. Broadway. Phnne 71. Department Stores. PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT 6TORE. 118 wl Broadway. Phon 1740. Everything to eat and wear. - Drug Stores. , FRIED, A. f.. 600 8. tilt St. Phone 1181. Ice oream. paint, glass, baa ball and ten nis goods. Employment Bureaus. BLUFF CITY, 916V, West Broadway r-non xi. -we can lway place men." Florists. GARDINER FLORAL CO., 10 Peart Et rnone e:s. Garages. BOLTON, (L. H.), TOURIST GARAGE, 16- ii w. ts oway. Phon 630. Taxi a..rvlc. storage and repair work. Agent for Reo and Chevrolet car. ' ' THE MOTOR INN, 8th St and W. B'wayl. x-none sit. . experienced and efficient service and general garage work. SEVENTH 6T. GARAGE. 17 8. 7th Phon 74. itepairlng. storage and accessories. . Glass Manufacture era. COUNCIL BLUFFS GLASS WORKS. 107 tl sinn nt. rnone isio. Plate, art and win dow glasa. Windshield and mirror. , ; Grocers. ADAMS. CHAS., 1027 W. Broadway. RlaclC ass, t-rompt aeiivery. Quality goods. ' ' Groceries and Meats. PETERSON, FRANK. 201-201 W. Br'dway. i-nons z.u. we oan alway fill your want In grocerle and meat promptly and Mtlsfactorlly. . W handle highest" grade good at lowest price. WINN & FLOWER. 213 Hth Ave. p"tS ' 237, when you want prompt service and quality of goods, CALL ON US. i AOINSKEE. A 172S Id Ave. Phon 430. "Where quality and aervlc are first In consideration." i KROLOFF. L 2000 6th Ave. Phone 121. A full line of fancy gracarles and fresh meat. KIRK END ALL'S GROCERY, 603 N. 17tb 6U oe us ror prompt ervloe." Hay and Grain. OLM3'(EAD, C. A., 13.1 East B'way. Phon ui'Y. umana office. 651 Branded Bldg. 1 Pouglas 6049. Pealers In hay and grain. Hotels. UNION HOTEL, 1628' 8. 3d St 'phone 26t" mm rj. ttransnaw. proprietress. Tunic flenlers - f CtiUNCIL BLUFFS JUNK CO.. 12th AvZ ,,, 8th su phon, 65 j K,mtn rrop. , i.srgest wnniesai dealer tn scran Iron, rubber and metals.' Oldest concern1 In aouthwest Iowa. Est 1114. Correspond enc-j solicited. t , Laundries. BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY, 22-24-26 N MalS St. Phone 2814. Efficient work In dr? cleaning and dyeing. Prompt aervlce, ' Loan Companies. CLARK. A. A. & CO.. upstal. .. Phone 217 half the usual rates." 421 W. Broadwavj Chattel loan. oneV Lumber. QUINN (H. A.) LUMBER CQ.. ' 2d nnd Vine Sts. Phone 137. "Qulnn for Quality and 4Jutck Service." HOAGLAND & CO., OEO. A., 724 8. Main St3 Phone 245. Lumber, lime and cement. ' PLATNElt LUMBER AND COAL CO 27th and Broadway. Phone 3385. Piano Teachers. 4 BELL, MAUDE GRAHAM, Studio 14 StutsJ man 8t. Phone 8593. Piano and Harmony; Scavengers. , ' GIBSON. PRICE. 22d St and Ava. K Phon, 2324. Dead animals, (hoW. mule an( cows), disposed of for their hid Sweeping Compounds. KON.'INENTAL KOMPOUND CO.. 1101 8. Main St Phon 168. Sweeping compound - (Dust up) Mr. Suloff. Mgn Theaters. NICHOLAS THEATER. 647-54 W. H dwayT High class photo play. VaudevTH la season. Tin, Sheet Metal and Furnace Work WEST END TIN SHOP. 221 W B'way Red Red 965. We specialise In warm air furn Trunks and Suit Cases. NATHAN'S PLACE. 120 West broad way? rnonn tns operiai prices on Tunas and suit cases. Wall Paper and Paint BORW1CK. H., 211 8. Main St. 3 Phon CSS. We handle, ttM best fet, paper mat paiais.