Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 11

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Council Bluffs
Social Activities
Mrs. Thomas J. Young, Macedonia,
la., announces the engagement of her
daughter, Lenora, to Eldred Schuyler
Hart, son of Mrs. E.E. Hart, this
city. The wedding is to take place
Saturday afternoon, September 22, at
4 o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother. Miss Lulu Mitchell, Lincoln,
fiancee of Miss Young's only brother,
Nason Young, will be bride's maid.
Mr. Henry Hart, brother of the
groom, will be best man, returning
from Fort Snelling for the occasion.
Miss Young was educated at St.
Mary's school, Knoxville, 111., at Na
tional Park seminary and the Uni
versity of Nebraska, where she is a
member of the Phi Beta Phi. Mr.
Hart attended Hill school and later
graduated at Ames. He is now manag
ing a large farm at Centralia, Mo.r
where he and his bride will make
their home.
Miss Dorothy Headley, New Bed
ford, Mass.. who has been the guest
of Miss Clara Hart. left last Sunday
for Leland, Mich., for a short visit
before returning home.
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Miss Ruth Ganson
of Omaha, and Mr. Xenophon VV.
Kynett of this city. The wedding will
take place September 6, and they will
make their home 5n this city.
Monday afternoon Miss Hazel
Clausen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Clausen, and Frank Lewis,
were quietly married at the Broad
way Methodist church by Rev. George
D. Crissman. Only tne immediate rel
atives witnessed the .ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis left for a three weeks'
trip to Denver and Colorado Springs
and will be at home to their friends
after September IS at their farm
near this city.
Miss Emily O'Hara and Mr. L. V.
Van Camp were quietly married at
the Holy Family church by Rev.
Father Quinn. Saturday. Aueust 18.
Miss Martha O'Hara, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Wal
ter Emig was best man. Only the
relatives witnessed the ceremony. Mr.
Van Camp is a member of the Dodge
Engineers and has gone to Deming,
N. M.
Miss Julia Mae Buchanan, daughter
of Mrs. H. A. Buchanan, and Mr. Joy
F. Claar, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
Claar, were married at the home of
the bride's mother Tuesday evening.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
George B. Crissman. Miss Alice Ver-
na Ducnanan, sister or tne Driae. was
bridesmaid, and Mr. Glee Claar.
brother of the groom, was best man.
The bride was beautifully gowned
in white crepe de chine and carried
white roses and swansonia. Her sis
ter wore pink satin and carried pink
roses. The ceremony was witnessed
by the relatives and a few intimate
friends. After September 1 Mr. and
Mrs. Claar will be at home at 343
Gram avenue.
Mr. Robert Turner entertained at
dinner 'Monday evening in honor of
M;ss Anna Pearl McConnell and
'Lieutenant Henry Jennings, whose
marriage took place Thursday eve
ning; The members of the bridal
party were the guests and the decora
tions were carried out in the military
. colors. Red roses, white chrysanthe
mums and blue ribbons with tiny
statues of soldiers were very charm
ingly used on ths table. Miss Helen
McAneney gave a breakfast Tuesday
morning, which included the most in
timate friends of the bride. The color
scheme was yellow and white. Tues
day afternoon Misses Maude and Fern
Clark gave a kensington for Miss Mc
Connell. Knitting occupied most of
the afternoon and a dainty luncheon
was served in the hallway and on the
porch. The same evening Miss Mary
Stillman and Mr. Walter Stillman
entertained the bridal party at dinner.
Wednesday morning Miss Grace Mc
Gee entertained a number of friends
at breakfast at the Boat club. The
decorations were in pink and white.
The place cards were of pink roses
for the guests and a tiny bride for
the guest of honor. The tables were
very attractively decorated with
Sweet peas. In the afternoon Miss
Mary Mitchell entertained at a mati
nee at the Stranck. followed by a tea
at the Fontenellei The idea of hearts
was carried out at the tea in the shape
of the sandwiches, ice crearrl and
with pink roses. Dr. and Mrs. Jen
nings entertained the members of the
bridal party at dinner Wednesday
"evening at their home. The center-J
pieces were of pink and white sweet
peas and Killamey roses. The favors
consisted of tiny packages of rice in
pink tulle, tied with pink ribbon, with
the place card attached to the side.
Thursday evening at 8:30 Miss
Anna McConnell. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. McConnell, and Lieuten
ant Henry Jennings, son of Dr. and
Mrs. H. B. Jennings, were married at
the First Presbyterian church by Dr.
Stephen Phelps of Bellevue, grand
father of the bridt. The bride en
tered on the arm of her father and
wzs attended by her four maids, Miss
Mjry Mitchell, Miss Virginia Stubbs,
M;ss Anne Harmount and Miss Mary
Stillman. Lieutenant Jennings was
attended by Mr. Robert Turner, Mr.
John Shugart, Mr. Worth Minjiick
and Mr. Tom Besley. The ushers
were Lieutenant Earl Baird, Mr. Glen
Wilcox, Lieutenant Walter Stillman
and Lieutenant Erskine Mitchell.
Prof. "Simms of Omaha gave several
organ selections before the ceremony
and Lieutenant Harry Cooper sang
"At Dawning." The Lohengrin wed
ding march was played as the bridal
party entered the church and the
Mendelsohn march after the cere
mony. The church was beautifully
decorated with gladiolas, roses, asters
and phlox. The altar was banked
with palms and the organ was dec
orated with white chysanthemums.
The pillars on the platform were dec
orated with .roses corresponding to
those in the maid's bouquets. The
bride was beautifully gowned in ivory '
satin and chantilly lace, combined
with net and georgette crepe and
trimmed with irridescent beads. Her
veil was fastened, with a strand "of
pearl beads. She carried a shower
bouquet of orchids, sweet peas and
lilies of the valley. The maids were
?ovned in rainbow colors. Miss
Mitchell in American beauty tulle
over orchid silver cloth, Miss Har
mount in orchid tulle over pink silver,
cloth, Miss Stubbs fn yellow tulle'
over charmeuse and Miss Stillman in
pink tulle over orchid silver cloth.
Following the ceremony a reception
was given at the home of the bride's
parents on Fifth avenue. The re
freshments were served buffet fash
ion. Assisting in the dining room were
Miss Margaret Groneweg, Miss
jrace McGee, Misses Maud and Fern
Clark, Miss Ruth Kimball, Misses
Gertrude and Elsie Tinley and Miss
Helen McAneney. Mrs. Earl Baird,
Miss Angala Shugart and Miss Ger-
1. X.
trude Wheeler were at the punch
bowl. Lieutnant and Mrs. Jennings
left for the west, but will return to
Des Moines, where Lieutenant Jen
nings is stationed.
Miss Belle Crossley and Mr. Max
Bebbens were mawied at the home of
the bride at 4 o'clock Saturday after
noon. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. C. H. Leonard, Alta, la.,
who was formerly of this city. The
bride was unattented except for the
flower bearers, Miss Florence Shriver
and Miss Mary Orr. The ribbons
were stretched by little Will Orr, jr.,
and little Buddie Shriver. Miss Gladys
Hess played the wedding march and
sang, "Beloved, It Is Morn." Little
Robert Crossley, nephew of the bride,
carried the ring in a yellow and white
chysanthemum. The ceremony was
witnessed by about seventy-five
guests. After the ceremony a two
course luncheon was served. The
color scheme was in yellow and
white and was carried out in the re
freshments and the decorations of
wild flowers. The bride was gowned
in white serge, trimmed with braid.
After the wedding the bride and
groom motored to Des Moines and
later will visit friends at Ames. After
September 1 they will be at home at
the Alco stock farm, the home of the
Mrs. William Bloedorn entertained
on Wednesday, in honor of the eighty
first birthday of her mother, Mrs.
Katherine Alexander. About twenty
five guests were present.'most of them
relatives. Tables were placed on the
lawn and a picnic lunch was served.
Miss Myrtle Meisner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Meisner, and
Mr. Harold Eugene Tatroe, were mar
ried af 8 o'clock Tuesday evening
at the home of the bride's parents.
Rev. H. T. Davis officiated. Miss
Savinia Meisner, sister of the bride,
was bridesmaid, and Mr. Fred Cook,
brother-in-law of the groom, was best
man. The bride wore blue crepe ae
chine combined with blue satin. She
carried a shower bouquet of brides'
roses. Her sister wore pink linen
and carried pink sweet peas. After
September 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tatroe will
be at home to their friends at. 3328
Avenue A.
The marriage of Miss Anna Paeen-
stacher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Pagenstacher, and Captain Adam
Richmond took place at 4:30 Wed
nesday afternoon at All Saints 'church
in Omaha, Rev. Mackay officiating.
Immediately after the ceremony Cap
tain and Mrs. Richmond left far a
brief wedding trip, after which they
will be at home in Des Moines, where
Captain Richmond will be stationed.
Mrs. Richmond was formerly of this
city, though now living in Omaha.
Until recently she has been a tel er
of the United States National bank
there. Before attending the training
camp at Fort Snelling Captain Rich
mond was practicing law.
Uwing to the departure of the bovs
of Company B, the meeting of the
wives, mothers and other interested
in the boys has been postponed un
til Tuesday of this week at 2 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. R. C. Menery,
208 Stutsman street. Any others who
are interested in any local company
or other, branch of the army or navy
are also invited.
The local chanter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution held
another special meeting at the home
of Mrs. Mehlhop on Wednesday. The
J i '
uiy was speni in Kta iross work.
On September 5 the chanter will have
another called meeting for the same
Miss Morris entertained the mem
bers of the charity department of the
uatnonc woman s league on Wednes
day atternoon. September 5 the de
partment will meet at the home of
Mrs. B. Mclnnerney, 208 Tenth av
A host of friends and relatives srath-
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
Peterson of Lewis township, six miles
southeast of Council Bluffs, the occa-
We had a little fire, damag
ing our motive power; we are running
as usual with no interruption on orders. New
equipment will be installed Monday. Do afraid to
bring your order, which will be executed with usual skill and
promptness. Thank you.
3 Ideal Button & Pleating Co. 1
fg Third Floor, Brown Block 16th and Douglas Opposite Brandeis Stores. Wk
"' -V . ; : ; , ' "
X x S V t
AmrwmmKtmtMm rn
sion being Mrs. Peterson's birthday.
The afternoon was spent with music.
Many beautiful gifts were received
Uby the hostess. Forty guests at
Miss Shirley Moore won the prize
offered by Mrs. Turner for the nine
hole match on the golf links Wed
nesday and Miss Sara Besley won
the driving contest.
Social Items
Miss Genevieve Morris, Lincoln,
was the week-end guest of Mr. and
Mrs. William Lonergan. She is en
route to Wayne to attend the county
Mr. and Mrs. IJ. L. Helfrich spent
Sunday in Auburn.
S. P. Johnson returned Monday
from Craig, where he has heen the
last two weeks.
T. R. Jacobson, Sioux City, la., has
been spending the week in Florence
visiting with his mother.
R. A. Norbeck returned Sunday
from a week's visit with relatives at
Mrs. J. H. Adams entertained the
Ladies' Aid society of the Christian
church at her home Wednesday.
Mrs. HerDert Learning and Miss
Bertha Miller departed the first of the
week for Imperial, where they will
spend two weeks visiting relatives
and 'friends.
Willie Nelson of Des Moines, la.,
is spending the week with his grand
mother, Mrs. S. P. Johnson.
The Keystone class of the Presby
terian church and Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Olmsted, who have been chaperon
ing them on their two weeks' camping
party at Arlington, returned home
Saturday afternoon. Many people
from Florence visited with them dur
ing their outing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Garner and
daughters, June and Treava, of Craig,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Adams Wednesday.
Mrs. Walter Weber, Wayne, is the
guest of Mrs. Griffin and other rela
tives for a few weeks. '
Miss Olive Hineline of DeSota, who
has been spending a week the guest of
her cousin, Mrs. Elmer Michaelsen,
returned to her home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grimes of
Grand Isalnd, whd have been visiting
at the home of their son, B. S. Grimes,
returned to their home Sunday.
Word was received in Florence this
week of the marriage of Miss Eliza
beth Platz, daughter of E. L. Platz,
to Mr. Lee Howard of Sunol, Neb.,
which took place last Tuesday. They
are now in Colorado, but will make
It is not necessary to shampoo your
hair so frequently if it is entirely
and properly cleansed each time by
the use of a really good shampoo. The
easiest to Use and quickest drying
shampoo that we can recommend to
our readers is one that brings out
all the natural beauty of the hair
and may be enjoyed at very little
expense, by dissolving a teasnoonful
of canthrox, which can be obtained
from any druggist, in a cup of hot
water. This makes a full cup of
shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy
to apply it to all the hair instead of
just the top of the head. This, when
rubbed into the scalp and onto every
strand of hair, chemically dissolves
all impurities. It is very soothing
and cooling in its action, as well as
beneficial to both scalp and hair.
After rinsing out the lather so
created, you will find the scalp is
fresh, clean and free from dand
druff, while the hair dries quickly
and evenly, developing a bright luster
and a soft fluffiness that malces it
seem very heavy. Adv.
As U
their home tfn Mr. Howard's large
ranch near Sunol.
Olcv Michaelsen, Mr. and Mrs
George Michaelsen and daughter and
Mrs. Tena Kindred of DeSota, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Michaelsen
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kincaid and
daughter, Anna, were guests of Mr
and Mrs. J. M. Myers Sunday.
Congressman Lobeck spent Friday
in Florence visiting with friends. In
the evening he was the guest of the
newly organized improvement club.
Social Gossip
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McDonald and
small son are spending a couple of
weeks visitine in St. Joseph.
Mrs. F. H. Trullinger and children
returned home Tuesday from a two
weeks' visit with relatives in Shenan
doah, la.
Miss Eunice Hansen, tlarks. was
the guest of Miss Madeline Horton
last Monday and Tuesday.
Messrs. Strather and Elma McGin
nis, Excelsior Springs, Mo., spent a
few days visiting at the home of W.
D. Pence while on their way home
from an auto trip through the west
ern states.
Mrs. F. E. Young and two small
children left Saturday for a visit with
relatives in Kansas.
Mrs. J. N. Henroth and daughter,
Mildred, of Lee Summitt, Mo., visit
ed at the home of her sisters. Mrs.
Ben Morton and Mrs. W. D. Pence,
last week, returning home Saturday,
accompanied by Mrs. Pence.
Miss Ruth and Sara Robinson left
Friday for a visit in Central City.
A large delegation from the local
Christian Endeavor attended the an
nual union meeting in Omaha Mon
day evening. Walter Snell, the presi
dent, was appomted one of the di
rectors of the Magee Christian En
deavor mission.
Mrs. John Herbst has returned
from a two weeks' stay in Bethany,
Mo., where she was called by the
death of her father.
The Christian Endeavor held its
annual picnic Wednesday evening in
Elmwood park.
A number of social affairs were
given in honor of Roy M. Young,
who left Saturday with the Omaha
boys for the second training camp at
Fort Snelling. .Mr. Young was grad
uated from the high school and a
year ago from the engineering de
partment of Nebraska university.
Last month he was married. His
bride will remain at home. Others
who have been entertained before
leaving Saturday for the !ame place
were Dr. R. C. Persons and H. C
Forgey. Both have been prominent
Mrs. J. Amish entertained at lunch
Sunday evening, when covers were
laid for four guests.
Miss Anna Sigi, Sutton, returned
I Brushes of All Kinds
Clothes Brushes,
Hat B r u s h s s.
I Shoe Brashes,
Tooth Brushes.
Hair Brushes,
Hand Brushes,
and Brushes of
several other
5 Picked carefully for the reason that
s most men feel that It pays to buy
a good brush, and we want them to feel
a that the best place to act a good
s brush is at this store.
? 16th and Howard. Douglas 646
''llllllllltlllllllllillllllllllllllll llll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'
W.A.Haberstro I
i Of New York
I Teacher of Singing, Technique
i and Repertoire
438 Securities Bldg.,
16th and Farnam Sts.
Appointment for Vocal Lessons by
Mail or Phone.
Tyler 2467-J.
r v
" (3&
Tuesday after a few days' visit at the
home of Miss Edith Calvert,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bedell, La Conta.
Ia., and Mr. Andrew Johnson, Blair.
Neb., were guests of Mrs. E. J. Crews
during the last week.
The Fort Omaha soldier boys who
attended morning service at the Meth
odist church last evening were en
tertained at dinner at the homes of
Rev. J. Calvert, Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Legge.
Dr. and Mrs. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. V.
Musk, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Young,
Mr. and Mrs. Mnrraf Kline and Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Dailey.
The last union evening services for
the summer will be hel 1 this evening
in the Methodist church.
Misses""Minnie Carahan, Washing
ton, Ind., and Ida Helphinstine, In
dianapolis, are visiting at the home
of the latter's sister, Mrs. C H.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Dickenson and
children have returned from a two
weeks' stay in Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christiansen en
tertained at dinner Monday in honor
of Mr. Christiansen's birthday and
their twentieth wedding anniversary.
Mrs. John Wallick and children
have returned from a visit in Kansas
Mrs. J. Hanley and two children
left Saturday for an auto trip to Kan
sas City.
The "English Luther league will
hold an installation meeting in the
church Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Minims are
making a two weeks' trip through the
Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Tyson en
tertained for a number of relatives at
their home last week. The guests
were Miss Anna and Mr. Ralph
Blanchard, Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Corey and children, Fort
Dodge, Ia.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Sanborne enter
tained last week in honor of Mr. and
There is no surer road to success than to look successful wear a Diamond. The House of Leftis stands back ef ersry
Diamond It sells. This policy has builded the largest Diamond and Watch Credit Business In the world. With stores In leading
cities of the United States, our prices are lower thsn ethers charge, while the popularity end advantage of our Credit system
Is recognized by all. Come In and see our splendid stock ef Diamonds, In all the new fashionable mountings, and epea a charge
account for anything desired. i
The Diamond, are
mounted, so as to
look like one Urge
sin vie atone.
Hindis meat and
most showy ring for
the least money.
Marvels of Beauty
at $50. 78. $100 and
Credit Terms, $1,211,
$1.85, $2.50 and $3
per week.
The secret of the rsre besuty of this
ring lies in the perfectly matched stones,
all of the Diamonds being uniform in sice
and brilliancy. Ring is 14-Karat Solid
Gold; Diamonds set In platinum. ,
Men's Favorite
767 Men's Dia
mond Ring, 6
prong Tooth
mounting, 14k
at. . .
$1.88 a Week
It Kd h
Mfs. Wilson Mclntyre, Red Oak., and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Dewitt, Ia.
Miss Lillian Ryman, formerly of
Benson, now of Lincoln, visited at
the home of Miss Helen Davis.
Mrs. J. Speedie entertained at din
ner last Sunday for Misses Lola, and
Beulah Byars and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
South Side
Social Activities
Miss Katherine Lowry is spending
her vacation at Colorado Springs.
Miss Winifred Cole is at Estes
Park, Colo.
Robert Morgan is in Montana on a
business trio.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halem and
small son are on a western trip.
Mrs. Algie Wells and daughter,
Alice, of Lincoln, are guests at the
home of John Wells.
Mrs. James Baker and Mrs. Wilmer
Baker and children are visiting rela
tives at Silver Creek, Neb.
Mrs. Charles Lind is home from
the hospital, much improved, after
her serious accident.
Walter Dawson is on an extended
western business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoover and Mrs.
Estelle of Lenox, Ia., are guests at
the Walter Madden home.
Frank Moore, U. S. N., who has
been on shore duty for the last two
years, has been called for active serv
ice on the Atlantic coast
Master Bobby Petersen of Wes
ton, Ia., is visiting at the home of his
Uncle Frank Howe and family.
Mrs. Irvin Howe and daughter ate
visiting at North Platte.
The South Side circle of the Con
servation league will meet at the Li
brary hall on Monday afternoon.
Miss Annette Winklehoffer, a
802 Kmblem Identification Ring. Solid
I . gold, 2 fine die
k? moods. Flag
ors. Engr a e d
FREE with
name, number,
company and
regiment. Un
equaled value at
$19.50 .
$1.98 a Month
A fitting parting gift from mother, wife.
sweetheart, sister. Sure to please HIM.
Diamond Set
Cameo Brooch"
Cameos are very
popular when eom
blned with handsome, !
genuine Diamonds. Va
1184 Csmeo Brooch Tf
1 fine Diamond. II
Cameo; fine solid gold,
pendant loop on back,
safety catch. 10
Special price. ...PS
$1.20 a Month
The Old Reliable, Original
Diamond and Watch Credit House
Main Floor City National Bank Block.
409 South Sixteenth St., Corner Sixteenth and Harney Sts., Omaha
Opposite Burgess-Nash Co. Department Store.
Decide Your Fur Problems for the Winter
During the
Last Five Days
of Our
August Fur Sale
It means snch a splendid saving In cost to yon
and requires so little effort on your part.
Let us design a special Scarf, Coatee, Wrap or
Coat to meet your tastes and the requirements of
your figure. An individual style all your own,
without extra expense.
Our shop is producing new garments every day
for our stock of Ready-to-Wear Furs. They are
made along lines submitted to us, within the
month, by the authentic designers of the East
The very last word in Fur styles. Let us show
you the new ones not made or purchased last
Spring, but made last week. Our styles and
workmanship speak loudly. Compare our prices.
Select Furs now. Pay a small deposit Free
storage until you need them.
Corner 19th and Farnam Streets
former South Omaha girl, now living
in New Jersey, is the guest of Mis
Mercedes Brcen.
Mrs. A. Maxwell and daughter
Mrs. Elizabeth Hyers of Hoffland,
Neb., are spending some time ir
The Dorcas club will meet on Fri
day of this week at the home of Mrs
John Wells. The afternoon will be
spent sewing for needy babies.
The Misses Inez and Eunice Man
gan are expected home this week
from Mihatare, Neb., where they
spent the summer.
Mrs. George Nownes entertained
at high five on Tuesday afternoon.
The New Century club met at the
home of Mrs. W. M. Davts this week.
Mrs. Corcoran will be the next host
ess. Mrs. Leone Strawhecker enter
tained the Thursday Kensington club
this week. Miss Gertrude Philips of
Chicago and Mrs. George Brockelsby
were guests of the afternoon.
How to Lose Your Tan,
Freckles or Wrinkles
A day't motoring, an afternoon on thm
tennis ground or golf linki, ion bath on
'he beach or exposure on a Ink trip often
brings on a deep ten or vivid erimion or.
more perplexing still, a vigorous crop ol
freeklee. A very neceesary thing then is
mercolited wax, whirh removes tn, redness
or freckles quite easily. It literally peels off
the affected skin just a little at time, so
there's no hurt or injury. As the skin
comes Off in almost invisible flaky parti
cles, no trace of the treatment Is shown.
Oct an ounce of mercolixed was at rour
druggist's and use this nightly as you would
cold cream, washing it off mornings. In
week or so you will havs an entirely new
akin, beautifully clear, transparent and of
a most delicate whiteness.
Wrinkles, so apt to form at this season,
msy be easily and quickly removed, by bsth
ing the face in a solution of powdered)
saxolite, 1 oi. dissolved In witch hazel,
pint. This is not only a valuable astring
ent, but has a beneficlsl tonio effect also.
f Month
No. 382 Cases are double stock fold
filled, warranted for 28 years; either pol-
Ished er beautifully engraved.
Elgin movement. Price
Phone Douglas 1444 and Our Salesman
Will Call.
CaU or Write for Catalog OS.
Open Daily Until 9 P. M.
Saturdays Until 9:30
mi . .