Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 10

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is Going On
in Society Circles
(Continued from Ftrt Par.)
sister, -Mrs. -M. K. Murphy tnd
Miss Helen Murphy, who motored to
Chicago recently, start home Monday.
Thompson Wakeley goes to Eaton
ranch next week for month before
returning to Cornell.
Ht. and Mrs. AV. M. Burton will
close their cottage at Lake Okoboji
and return home on Monday.
Mrs. S. D. Lees and daughter, Janet,
left Saturday night for Buffalo, Wyo.,
whe they will spend a month
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry are home
from a western vacation trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stanfield will
drive to Okoboji today to spend a
week at the lake.
Mrs. Joseph Weeth and daughter,
Gertrude, and sons, Charles and Har
old, have returned from a three
weeks' motor trip to Minneapolis and
the Minnesota lakes.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Foster and
family returned Saturday morning
from Lake Madison and Lake Minne
tonka. where they spent two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kessler re
turned Saturday morning from Alex
ander, Minn.," where they have spent
the summer
Miss Martha Emig hat returned
from a vacation trip to Chicago.
Dr. W. O. Bridges is expected back
from his western trip early this
Mrs. F. A. Brogan will be home
the first of this week from Trout
Lake, Wis.
Bishop Arthur L. Williams and fam
ily expect to return from their sum
mer home, St. Joseph's Island, Cana
da, September IS.
At the Country Club.
Mr. Victor BV Caldwell gave a large
dinner last evening for her sons,
Lieutenant John Caldwell and Victor
Caldwell and their friends. The party
included Lieutenant and Mrs. John
Caldwell, Lieutetunt and Mrs. Harold
Vritrhut Mr. and Mrs. PauIAbridei wore tailorea suits in colors,
Gallagher, Miss Josephine Congdon,
Miss Marion Kuhn, Miss Regina Con
nell, Miss Mildred Todd, Miss Alice
Wood of Springfield, 111., Miss Clara
Hart, Miss Elizabeth Davis, Miss
Mcloria Davis, Miss Gertrude Stoutt
Miss Mauion Towle, Miss Naomi
Towle, Miss Marion Hamilton, Miss
Olga Metz, Miss Anne Gifford, Miss
Grace Allison, Miss Gertrude Metz,
Miss Daphne Peters, Miss Virginia
Offutt, Fritz Bucholz, Captain Robert
Burns, Lieutenant Ben Gallagher,
Lieutenant Drexei Sibbernsen, Albert
Sibbernsen, Lieutenant Ray . Low,
Lieutenant Newman Benson. Charles
Allisons Jack Summers, Paul Shirley,
Lieutenant Cuthbert Potter, Philip
Chase, Judaon Squires, Will Liver
more, Casper Offutt, Edward Daugh
crty, Jabin and Pavid Caldwell.
Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur English en
tertained at a dinner at the club for
Miss Helen Scobie and Miss Agnes
Russeil, when the guests were Miss
Anna and Miss Florence Russell,
Miss Eleanor McGilton, Miss Marie
and Miss Florence Fowler of Lincoln,
Alan McDonald. Frederick Stott, Ed
ward Undeland, Grant and Temple
McFayden, Ralston Scobie and Frank
Fowlep of Lincoln. j.
Mrs, Be Gallagher entertained "at
dinner at the club Saturday night in
honor of Colonel and Mrs. Grant and
their daughters, the Misses Dorothy,
Helen and Mary Grant. Mr. and Mrs.
C H. Dickens, Judge Duncan M. Vfo
sonhaler and Mr, Bassingcr were the
jther members o)E the party.'
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Miss May Mulvihill was hostess at
a small party Friday evening compli
mentary to Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Hartley, who leave shortly for Chi
cago. The guests included:
iurvtra. anil iiUain
Chart Hanley. J. P. Byrn.
Misses M !
tierlrude Mathen, May MulvlhllL
Mtim.- Mir.
n Olson, C. Duff. ,
Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Wahl enter
tained at the dinner-dance Friday eve
ning for Mrs. Sadie Thiele of In
dianapolis, Ind. The table decorations
were composed of a huge basket of
white hydrangeas, ferns, golden
Jilow, with place cards to harmonize.
Covers were laid for:
Messrs. and MesUaw
!!. a. windhelm. Council Bluffs. .
, .1. It. Frsdenberg, 3. 8. Anton.
. E. Bate. IB. G. W hillock,
C. 8. Andrew of H. A. Wahl.
Mrs. Sadl Thiol. Indianapolis. 1st.
MIIKi- Mlsss
Helen Wahl. Franco Want
llarguerlt Wlndhalm,
Jrleisr.- Messr.
Ij. A. 01 of Henry lloinr,
Counoll Bluffa. la.! Hanry Wlndhelnj, Jr.
Dining with E. A. Swanson were
Miss Grace Barber and Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Price.
. Another small party included Mr.
and Mrs. P. H. Dearmont, Mr. and
Mrs. A. V. Miller and Mrs. E. C.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L Combs enter
tained at a dancing party Friday eve
ning: Messrs. and Medam
R, V. Cole, W. B. Pavla.'
Misses Misses -Evelyn
Cola, Cornlla Baum.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCarthy cv
a dancing party Friday evening, their
guests being:
Mr. and Mr. M. O. MffCun of Schuylar.
Mr. C. W. McCnna, Schuyler,
Mle ItlSSSS '
Kathleen McCunt, " Marguerit t'rlon.
110 McCun.
Ss. U H. Howard. Schuyler, Nb.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knapp gave
a cottage party Friday afternoon, fol
lowed by dancing in the evening. The
party was composed of Dr. and Mrs.
J. C. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mc.
Failand and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. El
wood. About 300 members of the Knights
of Columbus will celebrate field day
at Seymour Lake Country club Thurs
dav, September 6.
Plans are being laid for the annual
club birthday party, the masquerade
and the harvest home dinner. All
will come during the mon.h of Sep
tember. At Carter Lake Club.
The CottaRers' Bdwting met Friday
morning, Mrs. J. Rohacek winning
high score.
The cottaeers dinner will be given
Wednesday evening. The Red Cross
auxiliary meets Wednesday mortiing
m the club house. .
Amonar the Visitors.
Mrs. Carrie Lerdahl and daughter,
-Esther, of La Crosse, Wis., are visit
inar Mrs. Lerdahl's son. Mr. Ole Ltr
dahl Mrs. 0. P. Shrum entertained
it luncheon for them at her home
rhursday. Covers were laid for four
teen. Mrs. J. HMcNichols enter
aincd at luncheon at her home Fri-
tar. when covers were laid for seven,
Mrs. Hall Beans of New York City
and children, Betty and Bob, have
arrived to spend a month with Mr.
Beans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. David T.
Beans. ' Mrs. Beans is secretary of
Sponsor Bridge Tourneys at Summer Clubs
1 W! .
A- '
IS!4! SmJuJjuLj
Coincidents Abound
Weddings Celebrated Saturday
Two charming weddings which
were solemnized in Omaha Saturday
tallied in almost every detail. The
day and the hour of both weddings
had been kept a secret. Both brides
are named Gertrude and both are the
daughters of Omaha physicians, one
of them Dr. F. S. Owen, the other
Dr. W. J. McCrann. Both ceremo
nies were performed Saturday aft
ernoon and were simple in detail.
Pink was the predominating color in
the decorations at each home. Both
the Daughters of Nebraska club in
New York City. .
Miss Welty and Miss, Susie Welty
of Fremont were guests this week at
the horrte of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Haynes. '
The Misses Mildred and Frances
Graff, daughters of Dr. C. W. Graff
of Teeumseh, are speeding the week
with Rev. and Mrs. Wilson on the
South Side.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Davison and
son, Hurtora, ot JJei Moines, are ine
guests of Mr. and Mrs. i nomas ti.
Crane at their country place, "Rose-
mere, near Florence.
Mrs. O. C. 5omera and daughter.
Miss Ethel Somers, of Boun4 Brook,
N. J., arrived Thursday to send two
weeks with Mrs. Somers' brother,
Mr. W. W. Long, and Mrs. Long.
,Mf. Frank Jrowier ot uncoiri is
scendinir the week-end here with his
aunt, Mrs. Arthur English.
Airs. A. u. kireene 01 unroin was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. G.
Beeson, at the Colonial for a few days
last week.
Miss Alice Wood of Springfield,
III., arrived Fridav to visit Miss Mil
dred Todd. She and Miss. Todd were
schoolmate! at the Bristol school in
Washington. In her honor Miss Tttdd
Sives a dinner luesaay at tne Happy
ollow club.' "
i Rev, George ' A. Tercival, 'who for
the last year has been pastor of the
First Presbyterian church in Cape
Vincent, N. V., and who was recently
called to the Presbyterian church in
Colon, Neb., is in the city, visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D, Percival,
prior to taking up the duties of his
new charge. Mrs. Percival and the
baby stopped over in! Illinois to visit
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Hamilton in Peoria.
Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Medders nave
as their guest Mrs. Robert Van
Home and children of Sioux City.
Mrs. C. G. Wallett of Oskaloosa,
la., is visiting Mrs. C. C. Calkins of
tie Dwight apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. Tohn S. Little of
New York are visiting their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Rush andiMr, and
Mrs. John Little. '
At Happy Hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams enter
tained a family party of ten Saturday
evening for their sop, Lieutenant Al
fred L, Adams, who leaves soon for
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Milroy enter,
tained a party of ten, including a
number of old neighbors of Lieu
tenant and Mrs. Mel Uhl. whose de
parture for Des Moines obliged them
to break up their home.
If you were a member of Happy
Hollow club you would have received
by this time another of those lengthy
and entirely nonsensical communica
tions from the very original enter
tainment coniVnittee of the club. The
latest effusion announces a high cost
of living dinner to be given at the
club Tuesday night. The meal is to
be sold at bargain price, mind you
$1.49. The cabaret will again be a
feature, special dancers are promised
and perhaps there will he other rtov-
The Wonderful New Remedy For
You need no longer suffer with this dreaded sum
mertime horror. Go right ahead with your work or pleas
ures by simply carrying witJi you the little "inhaler"
that comes with the treatment. It will ,keep your head
clear and free from the effects of the Fever at all times
by inhaling a few breaths of the pleasant preparation.
Road What Prominent U. P. R. R. Conductor Writes:
"Having suffered with Hay Fever for twenty years, I
investigated Inhalatum, of which I had beard, and decided
to try a bottle. Its effects were wonderful in fact, by
its use I was able to attend to business, and feel that I
should recommend it to others suffering from Hay Fever."
Inhalatum, $1.00 a Bottle Inhalers, 10c Each
. ' va. am aa Aer-t
I -
' ur tsv Mailr rom
The InhalatumGhemical Co.
1602 Colorado Avenue.
II tti'iiJ) I -II I..IT 11 I I U I J I.
OfcsSiJ. 'JhtttpeP
in Society
which, although not alike, were both
named for liquors, the one Burgundy,
the other champagne. Both wore
corsage bouquets of Mrs. Ward roses.
During each ceremony a harpist
played softly. In each case a wed
ding luncheon followed the ceremony.
Both young people left before night
and the destination of the one bridal
pair, Major and Mrs. Amos Thomas,
was the home of the other bride
groom, Mr. Joseph W. Breen, al
though he and his bride will not live
in Des Moines, but in Humphrey,
elties. If you can wear your old
clothes in honor of the occasion the
committee suggests that you do, but
old clothes are not compulsory.
Residence Changes.
Mrs. G. C Bonner has 'returned to
her apartment in the Maywood after
spending several weeks at "Beaulieu,"
the summer home of her daughter,
Mrs. J. W. Woodrough.
A. B. Warren ahd his mother have
taken an apartment in the Colonial
apartment for the winter and will
move early in September. Mrs. War
ren is at present , visiting friends in
Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Moorhead
moved Saturday to their new home
just completed in Dundee.
1 Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Gifford have
taken an apartment at the new Ben
bow in Dundee and will take posses
sion soon after September 15.
Entertain for Bride.
Mrs. John R. Stine and Mrs. E. B.
Gesman entertained at a ki token
shower Friday in honor of Miss Betty
Hopkins, whose marriage to Mr. John
Oberreuter takes place in the near fu
tureV.The same evening Mrs. Minnie
Morris gave a dinner party at the Em
press gardens for the same honor
guests. Pink roses' and bridal place
cards were used in decorating. Covers
were placed for:
Betty Hopkln.
Ruth Hopkln
Margaret Foley '
Bunnt Foley
John H.,Btlna
12. B. Oeeman
Virginia McKelltian
Mabel Oraham
Ruth 8tln .
i Metdamea
A. Simpson
Minnie Morris.
A. Oeiman
Affairs' of the Past Week.
Mrs. Charles H. Pickens asked a
number of the younger women' to
meet Mrs. Percy Hall of Salt Lake
at tea Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hall
and her baby are visiting Mr. Hall's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall.
Among those at the tea were Mrs.
Jack Webster, Mrs. Macmillan Har
ding. Mrs. Paul Gallagher, Mrs. R. S.
Anglin, Miss Rachel Hall of Mani
toba, Miss Daphne Peters, Miss Betty
Bruce, Miss Elizabeth Davis and Miss
Meliora Davis.
A surprise dinner party was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
T. Nickels Wednesday evening in
honor of the fifty-ninth birthday of
the host. The guests were:
Meaar. and Meidama
3, Buaaey,
O. Bussey,
R. Bussey,
ft. Reeves,
W, (tauder,
T, M. Bell,
Mr. Albert Hortt
W. Reeve,
B, Frellng.
W, T. Vernon,
W. P. Murphy.
Bertha Vernon,
Edith Buseey.
Clara Reaves,
Bad. Reeve.
Edwin Bussey,
Eugene Frellnt,
Willi Reeve.
Berate Horst,
Lillian Murphy,
Alia Sauder.
Olll Reeve.
Robert Reeve.
Leroy Bussey,
William Bussey.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDermot
celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary Wednesday evening, Au
gust IS. Fifty guests were present,
amoncr them: Messrs John Pritch-
Colorado Springs, Colo,
f '
Miss Hazel M. Schiller, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Schiller
of Central City, Neb., will shortly
return to New York City to continue
her voice studies with Herbert
Weatherspoon. Miss schiller has been
in New York for the last two years
attending the American Academy of
Diamatic Arts, from which she re
cently graduated.
ard of Pleasant Mount, Pa.; Thomas
Pritchard of Spalding, Neb.; Messrs
and Mesdames M. J. Pritchard of
Spalding, Neb.; John McGary of
Spalding, Neb.; Miss Catherine
Pritchard of Spalding, Neb.
Lieutenant Irving W. Benolken,
who arrived Saturday morning to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Benolken, until called to Camp Dodge !
was honor guest at a 9 o clock coffee
Saturday. The guests were:
Rev. Lloyd B. Holaapple.
Rev. Arthur Mareh.
Dr. Robert Glider.
Lieutenant Lieutenant
Morton Hlller. Cool
Meaare Messrs
Milton Darllnf II. W. Thornton
Measr and Meedamea
O. D. Patterson Harold Torell.
D. W. Dudgeon
Miss Mildred Shields entertained
Friday evening for Miss Virginia
Schlick of York, who is the house
guest of Miss Marvel Smith. The
guests were:
Helen Oould
Lol Allen
Marvel Smith
Randolph Keenin
John Battelle
Fred Bergqulst
Granville Graham
Marjorle Wilkinson
ot Blair.
Regina McAneny
Arnold Bohllck
of York.
Raymond Whit
of Llneeln.
Claud Wilson
At Prettiest Mile Club.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hiddleston en
tertained ten and Mr. Stewart John
ston four out-of-town guests at the
weekly dinner-dance at Prettiest Mile
club. t
Saturday was the membership card
party, Tuesday will be the occasion
of the first children's party from 3
to 5 which will be followed later in
the season by Saturday matinee
dances.. Wednesday night will be the
social evening when all members are
expected to entertain guests and Sat
urday night the weekly dinner-
dance, .. .. ' :
Social Gossip'. -
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ingwersen and
Miss Helen Ingwersen have come
home from Illinois, where they spent
the summer on a farm.
Denman Kountze, who has been at
Minnetonka with his mother, will not
motor down until Monday. .
Mrs. Elias Vail, with her brother.
Caotain Arthur B. Jacauith. left Sun-1
day for the east, where he will visit I.
You Have Only One More Week to
Select Your Choice of Our Large
f Assortment at August Prices
i 2
Furs Put Aside
For Future Deliveries
Months in advance the skins were selected and all through
. the dull summer months our furriers have been kept busy, thus
J lowering the price of workmanship.
J Select Your Fur This Week at a Discount of 20 to 33
Exacting Demands Are Met
in These Fine Furs
J Buy Furs whether for a friend or for yourself as carefully
as you would buy a diamond. And by that we mean that for pro-
tection's sake you should have a known and tried and trusted
. reputation back of the Furs, for after all is said and done you must
rely largely on the name of the one from whom you buy.
Distinctive fashions and exclusive ideas in Kolinsky, Mink,
Hudson Seal, Siberian Squirrel, Taupe, Nutria and other popular
J . Furs ranging in price from $45.00 to $600.00 for Coats.
k Neck Pieces, $5.00 up. -
Trier 130.
Mr. and Mrs. Vail -at their-home in
Poughkeepsie" "before "reporting for
duty at Camp Dodge, Des Moines,
next Wednesday.
Miss Elsie Storz has returned from
Minnetonka, where she was the guest
of Mrs. Charles Kountze. - -
Mr. and Mrs. R. Beecher Howell,
who are visiting his brother at Put
nam, Mich., are expected back the
first of the week.
T. E. Davidson left Thursday to j
join his family at Port Huron, Mich.,
to return with them next Thursday.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, who returned
from a summer in Portland, . Ore.,
ten days ago, left Thursday to visit
Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Cornish at their
new summer home at Cold Springs
on the Hudson. Miss Anna Tibbets
Of Lincoln, who was Mrs. Metcalf's
guest for a week before she left, is
remaining until next week.
Mrs. B. B. Wood leaves Friday for
Denver to accompany her daughter,
Mrs. W. H. Cranmer and children to
La Jolla, Cal., for three months. Mi.
Cranmer, now Captain of field artil
lery, goes to Camp Kearney, Linda
Vista, whii;h is only four miles from
La Jolla, and expects to be there
three months. In her absence Mrs.
Wood's apartment at Hyland Court
will be taken by Mrs. S. D. Barkalow
and Miss Caroline Barkalow, who re
turn Saturday from Estes Park.
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Rhoades and
Miss Mildred Rhoades left Tuesday
on a ten days' motor trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz expect
their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Metz, and her parents, and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mack,
and Miss Harriet Mack to come from
Buffalo for the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
Mrs. Putnam of Lincoln spent part
of the week here with her daughter,
Mrs. Gould Dietz.
Miss Claire Daugherty will return
Monday from Christmas Lake.
Birth Announcement.
A son was born Thursday at Birch
Knoll to Mr. and Mrs. C'E. Lam
bert. Mrs. Lambert formerly was Miss
Ethelyn De Vor.
Hair i bound to grow out coarser and
itiffer when merely removed from the sur
face of the skin. The only common-sens
way to remove hair i to attack It under the
kin. DeMiracle, the original sanitary liquid,
operates on this principle." It alone contain
certain ingredient which five it the power
to rob hair of it vitality. It doe this by
absorption. '
DeMiracle) work equally well for remov
ing hair from face, neck, arm, under arm
or limb to prevent it from showing through
Insist on the genuine DeMiracle. It la the
only depilatory that ha a money-back guar
antee in each package. In 60c, $1 and (2
bottle at all toilet counters, or direct from
u in plain wrapper on receipt of price.
FREE booklet mailed in plain sealed en
velope on request. Write for it today ana
read it before you make another application
of any depilatory. DeMiracle Chemical Co.,
Dept. E, Park Ave. and 129th St, Mew York.
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their, own
ample grdunds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and. rendering; it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted ; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
'quiring for a time watchful care
and special nursing.
si ti rnw is .
NauonalFur GTanning
Omaha, Nebraska
Work and Remodeling:
Let Schmoller
Our spacious warerooms are at your disposal. Free
concerts every hour. Come tomorrow and enjoy some of
the new music. If riot convenient to call, phone Douglas
1623 and we will send to your home any style machine
and selection of records that you would like to have dem
onstrated. Enjoy your Columbia Grafonola while pay
ing for it.
We carry a complete stock of domestic and foreign
Schmoeller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Wholesale Distributor for Columbia
braska, Iowa and South Dakota.
Write at once for dealers' propoaition.
KJl-l.Ji fj.s-; -i" .-j. a--- -rr : r-aarss.-jr-.-.ur.-, '-j- , '..m, -1
Tat woman Is one of tbe many that
Donght furniture on oar big sacrifice sale.
Her la what she sayst
Hava You Attended (ha
Big Furniture Sale?
Now Kelnar oa at the State Fomlture Co.?
They are selllna; furniture of all kind at the
moat astonishingly low prices. Everything
la new, high grade and desirable from every
standpoint, if yon are thinking of
furniture for any room In yoor home
advise yon to go down there right away and
get what yon want at practically yoor own
See these exceptional bargains for yoar
elf. It's a life-time opportaalty for farnl
tnre buyers.
75 BedrMnv Salt for..........83ft.T5
39 Bnffet for 822.50
$37.60 Dining Table 17.50
0.2C Vernls Martin Beds 85.89
$18 Brass Beds for -....$9.7C
$20 Leather Rocker , 811.25
$30 Velvet Rugs ....814
Phone Douglas 1317.
n. .mi.!?!!
Guaranteed -or Hot a Cent's Charge
You need not suffer btinton torture an hour Ion jrer.
fir natnfnl vnnr huniAti. maw K - i -c - i
" ' ""-vi unun or oy wnom treatea and
PS-?incel.i 1 LcurabIe !hfre t least Is convincing proof that there
1 positive relief for you right now today.
you right now today,
Bunion Comfort
Is Guaranteed to Give instant Relief
ivi positively cur tbe most stubborn hnnlnna. Vnn'tl ho. .-A .
TJ- The pain and .nomination disappear like magic? You ca7ealI,"n wkTn?
?nyrmf tf?.f n.dv.useo"1 'ened cotton orfelt wads, washers and steel contraptions. VBnn
f.mSf ? li?.,heoomTn 8fns '?gical renledy ("'bunions. It absorbs and draws out the ln
hMiJ ? ,h2:!2?eniS 8n.2 dl!olves the accumulated layers of cartilage" which really make the
bunion, thus reducing the enlargement and restoring the deformed foot to Its healthy normal size.
Get a Box of "Bunion Comfort" Today t!to?S&S ZE
1925 S. 13th
& Musller
Your Home
Owing to the fact that we are retail
and wholesale distributors of Colum
bia Grafonolas and Records, we are
in a position to offer you service that
"cannot be obtained elsewhere.
Grafonolas In All Styles
and Finishes
From $15 to $350
Terms as low at $1 per week
Grafonola and Record for Ne
I would
14th and Dodge Sts Omaha, Neb.
VZ.-jj: j,a.-.-r--- yjp,-.; .
No matter how lam
. . . .
TSS "1 I
m m it
lit ' til!'
K i