0 PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT 3E MAHA SUNDAY THE WEATHER r 'air VOL. XLVII NO. 11. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1917 SIX SECTIONS THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. OURTH NEBRASKA ENTRAINS FOR DEMING; ITALIANS WIN COMPLETE VICTORY ON ISONZO BE CADORNA 'S ME SANTO, 2,245 FEET HIGH; TAKE POST OVERLOOKING GORIZIA Italians Continue Furious Assaults and Pursue Retreating Austrians; French Secure New Lines on Verdun Front; Artillery Duel Forecasts Reopen 1 ing of Battle in Champagne. BULLETIN : Rcme, Aug. 25. The Italian troops on the Isonzo front are marching to complete victory. The battle along the Isonzo has developed further bril liant successes for the Italians who, it is now plain, are making one of their greatest efforts of the war. General Cardona's men, who at the beginning of the of fensive, made a new crossing of the river north of Gorizia, at a point wnere tne Austrians Denevean such a feat was impossible, have wonT another spectacular victory by scaling ! Monta Santo, 2,245 feet high, and plac ing their flag there. SCALE MONTO SANTO. This mountain, top, seven miles north of Gorizia, dominates the plain to the east of the city. The Austrian line of defense was broken at several points and the Italians are pursuing the retiring Austrians. Further south, on the Carso, fight ing continues Violently and inces santly. Austnaif efforts to win back lost positions were defeated. Having gained their principal ob jectives on the Verdun front, the French are completing their victory by local attacks to round out and se cure their new lines. Profiting by the capture of Hill 304 yesterday, they advanced last night to the north of it Renewal of fghting in the Cham pagne may be forecast by the state ment in the official French report that violent artillery engagements are in progress there. In Belgium also, in the vicinity of Bixschoote, the big guns are heavily engaged. Tri-Color is Flying. Rome, Aug. 25. The tri-color of Italy has been flying since yesterday on the summit of Monte Santo, which was an Austrian stronghohl on the Isonzo front, according to tnc official statement issued today. The Italian second army, General Cadorna reports, -has broken through the Austro-Hungarian line of defense at several points and is closely pur suing the Austro-Hungarians, who are retiring and defending the difficult ground, yard by yard. French Score Victory. Paris, Aug.' 25. The French scored a new victory on the Verdun front last night north of Hill 304. Three fortified works near Bethincourt were captured. The number of prisoners taken has been increased to 8,101. Ferg uson Turns Over Governor's . Job to oHbby Austin, Tex., Aug. 25. The official transfer of the affairs of the executive department by Governor James E. Ferguson to W. P. Hobby, of Beau mont, acting governor of Texas, took place this morning in the governor's private office. Governor Ferguson was automatic ally suspended last night as a result of the action of the house of represen tatives in filing impeachment charges Active preparations for the hearing of the charges in the senate are al ready in progress. The trial begins on next Wednesday morning. It is ex pected that it wIl consume at least two weeks, against him. Charge Manufacturers Joined to Raise Paper Price Washington, Aug. 25. Charges of concerted action to raise book paper prices were made by the federal trade commission today in formal com plaints filed against twenty-three man ufacturers and the head of their bu reau of statistics. French Aerial Teacher Killed in 'Plane Crash Paris, Aug. 25. While Major Jac quin, head off an aviation school, was giving a lesson in an airplane 1,000 feet in the air yesterday a pupil's ma chine collided with his. The major was struck on the head and killed in stantly. The pupil was unhurt. The Weather For Nebraska Fair. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. 5 a. m 57 6 a. m 58 7 a. m 62 8 a. m . . 6S 9 a. m TO 10 a. m 73 11 a. m 76 3 2 m 78 1 p. in 80 : p. m SI :i p. m S3 i p. m 84 i p. in 83 ft p. m 80 1 p. ra 77 Comparative Im-al Record. 1917. 1916. 1915. 1914. Highest yesterday ,, 84 84 75 77 Lowest yesterday ... 57 C4 54 61 -Mean Temperature. ., 70 74 64 63 Precipitation 00 .00 .01 '.00 Temperature and precipitation departures frnin the normal: Normal temvarature 73 leflctency tor the day ' 3 Total deficiency since March 1 Ui Normal precipitation 12 inch IWIclency for the day .12 inch Total rainfall since March 1. .. .19.64 inches "Deficiency since 'March 1 1.72 inches Jtcflclency for-cor. period. 11S.. .1 Inches Kxoesi tor cor. period, 1915 to Inch IP STORM MONTE MUTINEERS FACE DEATH, STATES BELL Major General Says Military Will Deal With Murderers; Negro Troops Sent to Columbus. Houston, Tex., Aug. 25. The fate of the more than 100 negro soldiers who Thursday night shot up the west end of "Houston, with a total of seven teen deaths, today is entirely in the hands of the military, notwithstand ing the action of District Attorney John Crookcr in filing murder charges against thirty-four of them. The battalion of the Twenty-fourth infantry, which included the shoot ers, early today was piled on a train ?.Pd . 5tajtc:cJuW.-),r,il il ylUjty tion at Columbus, N. M. ' .' Major General George Bell, jr., who arrived this morning from San Antonio and took command, indicated that there was slight possibility of any of the men being returned here for civil trial. "I assume," he said, "that the local authorities will seek to try the men against whom charges have been filed. However, their disposition is in the hands of the military. Thev will be court-martialed. The justice meted out by army authorities will he much quicker obtained than it could be by civil procedure. Mutiny Means Death. "Mutiny in time of war is nunish- able by death. Murder at all times involves the death penalty. Punish ment will be dealt out to those partici pating in the disturbance oromotlv and effectively." Immediately after news was ob tained that the thjrty-four negroes held in the county jail had been turned back to the military authori ties, the Harris county authorities be gan an investigation. The affair was called to flip irraiul jury's attention by Laurence William- (Continued on re Two, Column Five.) SWAGGER STICKS IN SEASON Mutton Chops Three Days From Bay Horse; For the Rest of the Week Exist on Roan. TAXICABS WHEN SUN SHINES By RING W. LARDNER. (Special Cable to Chicago Tribune and Omaha Bee. Copyright, 1917, by Tribune Company.) OUR HELPING HAND. Paris, Aug. 25. For the benefit of our dozens of readers we have, at great trouble and expense, learned the new "regies du vaie". of Paris: 1. Eau Chaud is procurable on Saturdays and Sundays and may be pur chased and eaten all the days of the week but Mondays and Tuesdays. 2. Spirituous and intoxicating liquors may be purchased between noon and 2 o'clock and between 6:30 and 9:30 at night. 3. On Fridays between 12 and 12:40 one may use one's handkerchief. 4. Every Monday you may put on a different necktie, provided you get up before 9 o'clock. 5. You are permitted to carry a cane the third Tuesday of every month. 6. The stores are all closed every Sunday and between 12 and 2 on the other days. At all other times you may go in and buy something you don't want. FRESH COLLARS WHEN IT RAINS. 7. Collars may be changed at 2 o'clock on any afternoon of the first rainy Friday of the month. 8. A toothbrush may be used every morning between 7 and 9, except Tuesdays, Fridays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Thursdays. 9. At 2:15 every Shrove Tuesday you are allowed to buy a new supply of shaving soap. 10. At 10:32 every morning you are compelled to borrow 100 francs from the nearest sucker. 11. At 12:02 every sunny afternoon you can get a taxicab. 12. On Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays you may procure mutton chops derived from a bay horse. On other meat days you must be content with a roan. t , 13. On the fourteenth" of September and the fourteenth of March you can get the number you ask for on the telephone a needed reform. In several New York hotel barber shops they advertise that on account of the war and the demand for alcohol, perfumes will not hereafter be smeared on the face free with each shave. We wish to heaven that they would adopt the same rule here. SHOP TALK. In a moment of unprecedented generosity your correspondent loaned his portable typewriter to Floyd Gibbons, who was off for the British front today. Mr. Gibbons owns a portable typewriter, being used by a fish some where at the bottom of the Atlantic, so he says. Well, we asked a female journalist trom somewnere in i exas it we might occasionally borrow her machine during Mr. Gibbon's absence. "Sure," she said, smiling sweetly, "but I don't believe you will get on venr well with it. The 'U Y rlnn'r work." "Oh," we replied, "there will T is available." O - , . 'AwCJ I LATEST HOViAKr HM I fFA VL m '. w P?) j7 punHa- ly i ; K -fW cur our on oorreo linc, lJM f tJ$Sj$& J il' l ' ON CARDBOARD, . ' I WW? ' Lord Cecil, Answering German Claim That England Started World War, Lays Blame for Conflict at Germany's Door IWRMES HIS FIRST FLIGHT UP IN A BALLOON Congressman, Author of Big Aeronautic Bill, Visits Fort Omara With Head of Aero Club of America. Congressman Murray Hulbert of New York, one of the authors of the big Shcphcrd-Hulbcrt bill, which granted $640,000,000 for the purpose of aeronautics in the war, is in Omaha to speak in the interest of aerial war fare. With him are Allan Hawley, president of the Aero Club of Amer ica, and Henry Woodhousc, a gover nor of the club. The party were the guests of Ma jor H. 15. Hcrsey at Fort Omaha all morning and were then entertained at (Continued on I'bk Two, Column Two.) be no difficulty so lone as the capital British Minister of Blockade Tells How Teutons Delib erately Brought on Struggle. (By Associated rresa.) " London, Aug. 25. "I see they again are talking in Germany about how England started the war re marked Lord Cecil, minister of block ade, in his weekly talk yesterday with The Associated Press. f "It is an old song, but I think the time has come, particularly in the United States, when it is well to re state briefly the bald facts regarding the beginning of this great conflict. "Frankly, I do not think anyone can honestly believe that England be gan the war. If any person had arisen in a public assemblage in this country two weeks before the war be gan and asserted that in a fortnight we wo,uld be plunged into the great est international conflict the world has ever seen, the speaker would have been regarded by everybody as a dangerous lunatic. Our people's thoughts were the farthest possible from war and our statesmen were overwhelmingly occupied with domes tic affairs, particularly the Irish question, to the almost complete ex clusion of international politics. Warning's Unheeded. "It is true that some of our people had been saying for a year or more before that time that Germany intend ed to attack us, but their warnings fell on deaf ears, so much so that no preparations were made. "Certainly we did not start the war. Tin. a . - x . i . . . vvno aiar i tninic the answer s unquestionable. For at least a year before the war began Germany had definitely made up its mind to fight. "An Italian writer has told us. how in 1913 Germany approached the Ital ian government with a view to taking action in the Balkans, but Italy said it would regard such a war as of fensive and not defensive and would not lend her support. Germany with drew her proposals as she did' not think she then was strong enough to go it alone. "American Ambassador Gerard has told us the German crown prince made no secret of his desire for war and that he even expressed the hope that it would come before his father died. And he added that if it didn't come before his father died, it would come as. soon as he, namely, the crown prince, ascended the throne. Suggested Alliance. Balfour's secretary, Ian Malcolm, has also quoted his conversation with the German crown prince, in which the prince suggested that England and Germany should combine to de stroy France. "There is no question but that Ger many had made up her mind that (Continued on Pae Three, Column Two.) Wilson to Give No Talk On Peace to Congress Washington, Aug. 25. Talk in congress that President Wilson might possibly address the national body on the subject of peace when he makes reply to Pope Benedict's proposal was silenced today when the White House let it be known that the president has no such in ten-, tion. OMAHA GRAIN MAN DRIVEN TO WALL; RECEIVER NAMED United States Commission Com pany's Liabilities Will Prob ably Aggregate $250,000 Say the Creditors. A petition asking that William R. Richter, grain man. be declared .a bankrupt was filed in federal court by the Nebraska-Iowa Grain ' com pany, J. F. Twamley, Sou & Co. and the Omaha Elevator company. , These are three of Richter's cred itors. Richtcr's total liabilities to these firms and others will aggregate $250,000, it is claimed. Henry T. Clarke was appointed temporary receiver of the Kk liter concern, which did busi ness as the United States Commis sion company with offices at 040 Omaha Grain Exchange building. The failure followed the chaotic con dition of the grain market a couple of weeks ago. Ed 1'. Smith and F. A. 1'rogan, at torneys for the petitioners, declare that Richtcr's affairs are in a chaotic state. The petition alleges that he paid $130,000 to A. V. Kinsler within a few months before the closing up of Richter's business August 11. "We have found checks from Rich ter to Kinsler for $109,000," said Mr. Brogan, "and also a mortgage bond for $20,000, making $129,000 alto gether." It is said that these sums were lost in grain operations. Richter says he has enough assets to more than offset his liabilities when he is able to collect hills due him. This was stated by C. 15, Keller, one of bis attorneys. .Hearing on the petition will be held in about two weeks. Boy From the Fourth Is Named to Go to Annapolis Naval School Ralph R. Cox, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas Cox, 2874 Ida street, has been appointed to Annapolis by Con gressman Lobcck. At present young Cox is a member of the headquarters company of the Fourth Nebraska at Fort Crook. So anxious was he to do his share for his country that, although he hoped for the Annapolis appointment, lie joined the Fourth Nebraska to make sure of getting into the lighting game. While he likes the Fighting Fourth very much, it has always been his dream to go to Annapolis, so he will ask for a furlough in which to pre pare for the Annapolis examination February 8. He is sure of passing the physical examination, having already passed that for the army. The mental one, although traditionally "stiff," will not be too hard for him as he is a grad uate of Creighton college. OLDEST STATE REGIMENT MAKES START FOR BIG U. S. TRAINING CAMP IN SOUTH First Train Carrying Officers Leaves at Noon; Companies That Have Been Doing Guard Duty in Nebraska Come to Omaha to Join Comrades for Long Journey. The long-expected entrainment of the Fourth Nebraska began at 7:30 a. m. yesterday. By night all troops of this oldest of the Nebraska regiments had left Nebraska soil enroute to Deming, N. M. , DRAFT BOARDS TO ESTABLISH FACT OF DEPENDENTS President Wilson Directs Sup plemcntal Explanation of Rules Be Sent to All Exemption Boards. (By An.wlntnl rrf.) Washington, Aug. 25. At the di rect suggestion of. President Wilson Provost Marshal General Crowder telegraphed to all governors tonight a supplemental explanation of regula tion governing the status of married men under the selective service law. No change in regulations is made; and the purpose of the new state ment is to clear up misunderstand ings which have arisen in what Gen eral Crowder describes as "a few in stances." In a letter to Secretary Baker, quoted by General Crowder, Presi dent Wilson states his opinion that the regulation directing local boards "to establish the fact of dependents in addition to the fact of marriage ought--Nr ler-ttU(t4f:V"iWtt leaves the regulations as tliey are and the supplementary utateinent is designed merely to make the applica tion of the rules uniform among all boards. Change in Mobilization. While , the statement regarding married men was in preparation new orders were issued, changing entirely the mobilization arrangements previ ously made. Congestion of rail traf fic and the necessity of making bet ter provisions, for the reception of the men at the cantonments dictated the changes. Under the new orders 5 per cent of the white men, preferably those with military experience from each local area, will be started forward to the camps September 5, insteady of M) per cent. They will go in five daily detach ments of equal sie and form skeleton company organizations and set up a going concern in which the remainder of t lie total quota can be absorbed without confusion as they reach the cantonments. ( Next Will Go September 19. The next '.') per cent of the quota will go forward September 19. when the second ,i0 per cent originally was scheduled to go; a second 40 per cent will go forward 0;tobcr 3, instead of the third 30 per cent and the re mainder 15 per cent will be called up as soon as practicable. Local boards arc directed to disre gard order of liability numbers to some extent in selection the first 5 per cent as men of experience, such as cooks and former soldicrs are de sired at that time. Warning is given, however, against getting into this levy by reason of his experience, any man who might not otherwise have been included in the first increment of the district at all. Text of Order. Following is the text of the mes sage sent to governors dealing with the satus of married men, prepared at a conference late today between secretary Baker and General Crowder. "A feeling has been expressed that (Coiidniiril on I'r Two, Column One.) " 4 Wis, t! If! I i 4 1 O The regiment is moving in three detachments. The first section left Fort Crook at 12:30 noon. This con sisted of the headquarters company, the supply company and sanitary de tachment and the band. This train was preceded by the train carrying the camp supplies and equipment of the Fourth regiment, consisting of mules, wagons, motor cycles, automobiles, etc. Mules in First Train. The first "passengers" to go were 110 army mules, used for pack ani mals and for baulintr camp wasons. I As mules ..re becoming harder to get every aay, great care will be taken to see that they arrive at Deming safely. The second section left soipe time later and consisted of all the rest of the Fourth regiment at Fort Crook and around Omaha, including the ma chine gun company and Companies A, R, C, D and K. The last section took in the remain der of the Fourth' out in the state, con- ' sisting of Companies E, F, H, I, J, L ami M. These companies left some time during the day. , They will join the regiment somewhere on the way to Deming and all will reach the training camp together. The first de tachment went directly from Fort Crook to Kansas City. Meals on the Train. No stops for meals will be made on the road. Fach company is allowed three tourist Pullmans and a baggage car. In the. baggage car the camp stove will be set up and the meals , will be. prepared by the company '' cooks jtfst- at they were in barracks. yoTTth-eTfffiwry staivairrinffnTO'fr" have been prepared. ' V Ily 8 o'clock in the morning relatives and friends of the boys began irriv ing at Fort Crook to tell them good- 1y. Most of them brought boxes in d baskets of good things to carry on the way. Tacking up at Fort Crook meant -much work, for the men had been there for several months. Most of the officers of the Fourth had their offices at the headquarters building in Fort Crook and had been ' '. living in the officers club there. These include Colonel William Baehr, com mander, of the Fourth regiment, and the three battalion majors, Douglas, Iiolderman and Todd, also Major Birkner, of the sanitry detachment. All the Officers Go. Captain Kusland, adjutant to Col onel Baehr, and Captain De Fratis of the supply company also had their ' ' offices in the same building, while Captains Fellers, Killian and Crosby had offices ii the barracks. All of fice equipment and valuable -papers were taken away, as well as personal possessions of the soldiers. The Young Men's Christian associa tion tent will still be pitched at Fort Crook. The Young Men's Christian association secretaries, as the soldiers, have been given orders in secrecy, but the fact that they will remain in the post indicates that other troops are expected ere long to take the place of those leaving. The Union Pacific brought in com panies of the Fourth to make the trip south from Columbus and Grand Is land, the Northwestern from Fort Robinson and Blair and the Burling ton the men who have been stationed at Ashland. Two Privates Are Killed When Shell Bursts at Fort Fort Sill. Okt, Aug. 25. Privates Nelson and James Kclley of Battery A. Second Missouri field artillery. were killed and four others seriously, injured when a shrapnel shell explod ed on the cantonment range here this afternoon, completely wrecking the mess hall in which they were prepar ing their first meal after arriving at the Oklahoma post. The injured are Privates Oakley. Bloomer, McGrcw and Raymond Rose. The shell is believed to have ex ploded after having been left par tially buried on the field by the heat of a fire near by, over which the men were cooking. Iowa Falls Man Killed By Fall Down Stairs Iowa Falls, la., Aug. 25. (Special Telegram.) W. L. Hanna was in stantly killed last night when he stumbled and fell down a flight" of stairs at his home here. His neck was broken. ' ' Mr. Hanna has been in business here for .thirty years, He is survived by his widow and son. South Dakota Asks For Revised Freight Rates Washington, Aug." 25. Railroad commissioners of South Dakota today , petitioned the Interstate Commerce ' commission to put into effect revised freight rates on ; grain and grain products from South Dakota joints to Iowa destinations, removing an alleged discrimination in favor of Minnesota mills.