Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Bnej City News
d-v. Boot Print it Htm bcuo Ptmo
Metal dies, prcssw'k. Jubllen Utg. Ca
i:iec Fans. ..60 Burgess-QrandeD
1'latlnum U'mlrtlng Kings Edholra
Dance at the Dieti Club The DieU
club will give ita next semi-monthly
uancing party Saturday evening.
Ity thv noonday S&.cvnt luncheon
at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas
ant surrounding, music and entertain
mentAdvertisement Women as Butchers Owing to the
scarcity of men to work behind the
counters the Washington Market has
installed three women as butchers.
Auto Trip to Old Home Assistant
United States Attorney Howard Sax
ton and family have gone on an auto
mobile trip to their old horns at Pen
der. Troup Grants Three Divorces
Judge Troup, sitting in divorce court.
granted decrees to the following wives
badie Haynes from Charles W. Haynes,
Aiwiida Wilson from Henry Wilson
and Hazel Yetzer from Joseph Yetzer.
Raises Big Vegetables Mrs.' C. C.
Bivens, 1818 Dodge street, has a war
garaen or wnieh she may justly feel
proud. A carrot ten inches long and
a beet five inches in diameter have
been harvested. These will vie with
the potatoes for the highest-priced
vegetables raised in Omaha and
Chancellor Recites What He
Declares to Have Been Peace
Demands of Kaiser's Foes
Early in Game.
First Company of the Nebraska
National Reserve Guard
Takes Oath Given by
the State.
Ihe Omaha battalion of the
"Lucky" Seventh regiment, Nebraska
National Reserve Guard, is formally
under way.
Company E, the first of four com
panies to be recruited here, was mus
tered jnto the service last night with
seveniy-eignt men present or ac
counted for. This company having
been technically completed, the re
cruiting of Companies F, G and H
will proceed as rapidly as oossible.
Under the comman of F. W. Hig-
guisuii uie company was musisrea
into the service by Captain J. if.
Leidy of the adjutant general s c
It was a splendid body of men who
gathered at company headquarters,
1612 Farnam street, to take the oath
that made them soldiers of the state
and of the nation, pledged to answer
the call of president or governor in
the behalf of iheir country. Most of
them were young men, many whose
dependent wives or . other relatives
prevented their enlisting for inline
que; overseas service, others mere
boys hardly out of high school But
here and there was to be seen a man
well over the draft age who had en
listed in the company, eager to "do
his bit, by replacing the guardsmen
who have teen called into federal
Not a man of the seventy-eight but
was anxious for the sterner service
in France not a rnan but who, had
circumstances permitted, would have
been more than willing to rWs his
life with the rata who are to see. for
eign service. -
"Maybe they will need us yet,'1, one
orivate wistfully sighed. "And if
they do," he ladded, "I guess that I
can find a way' to care for my wife
while I am gone."
And not one of the guardsmen who
heard the remark but voted art em
phatic "Aye.
Company E U already assuming
the resemblance to a real military
organization. Its quad formations
have been completed, non-commissioned
officers named and a company
quartet formed. During rest periods
last night the songs of the four joy
ous youths made the drill room ring
and set feet to moving and shoulders
to swaying.
Men of the company will meet at
headquarters at 7:30 o'clock Tues
day and Friday evenings for ninety
minutes of drill. The men in charge
are certain that it will be but a few
weeks until the "rough places" are
worn away and that an efficient and
well drilled company of men will be
ready to take the place of one of the
organizations that is to help fight the
real battles of the nation.
Portland Man Arrested
Accused of Killing Child
Clark Cochran, aged 55. arrested by
Detectives Jolly and Dolan today
for wife desertion, will undoubtedly
be tried for murder upon his return
to Portland, Ore., according to Con
stable Mark Peterspn, who has ar
rived in Omaha.
Cochran, who has been employed
as a porter in the Woodmen of the
World building, was arrested on ad
vice of Portland officers. He was in
dicted recently by a grand jury for
the murder of his infant child, which
his wife alleges he burned to death in
the kitchen stove.
According to newspaper reports
brought to Omaha by Peterson, Coch
ran has a criminal record both in
Oregon and Montana. They tell of
his mania for killing and state that
he carried a bottle of strychnine which
he spread on bread and tossed to ani
mals. His wife secured a divorce last Jan
uary and the custody of their six
-mall children in Oregon courts.
Nebraskans Appointed
To Federal Positions
Washington, Aug. 24. (Special Tel
egram.) Julia M. Ryan has been ap
pointed clerk in the postoffice at Aber
deen, S. D.; Charles A. Whaley, a let
ter carrier at Alliance, Neb.
Harry C. Morelock of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, has been appointed
a scientist in the soil survey field
service of the Agriculture department.
Captain Basil N. Rittenhouse, Ninth
cavalry, will report to the Twenty
fourth cavalry at Fort D. A. Russell,
Draft Call Reveals -
Woman Posing as Man
Cleveland, O, Aug. 24. When
the call came for registration June
5 Harry Hoffman, 30, whose real
name is Lillian Myers, registered.
Today she broke down and con
fessed that for the past ten years
she had been masquerading in male
During these years she has
worked as a soda fountain attend
ant, ice wagon driver, grocery
clerk and mover always as a man.
(Br AMociated Vnn.)
London, Aug. 24. What is purport
ed to be a verbatim report of the
speech of the imperial German chan
cellor, Dr. Michaelis, received by the
British admiralty per Wireless Press
and through Reuter's Hague corre
spondent, in part follows:
"As regards our enemies, their num
ber has increased since the adjourn
ment of the Reichstag by three, name
ly, Siam, Liberia and China.' These
Loumnes nave no convincing reason
for enmity against us. They acted
solely under pressure of the entente
and the United States, the latter hav
ing great influence over Liberia and
China. We have made it clear to
these countries that we shall bring
them to account for the damage done
under international law to German in
terests." After referring to the solidity of
Germany and its allies, the chancellor
rend a telegram from Field Marshal
von Hindenburg, declaring that the
military situation was more favorable
for Germany than ever. The chan
cellor added: "
Successes on Land.
"Our successes on land correspond
with our success on the sea. In the
month of July, according to the latest
reports received, Uo.UUU tons of sh d
ping were sunk. When we take into
consideration our results on the one
hand and the failure of our enemies
on the other, it appears to be incom-
prenensibie that our enemies show no
disposition to prepare the way for
consideration of terms of peace, not
to mention peace which includes re
i.t .Li. .. . .
i was.aoie recently to snow by in
formation regarding a Franco-Russian
secret treaty what far-reaching war
aims r ranee naa ana how f.ngland
supported French desires for German
land. Only recently a member of the
British cabinet declared that there
would be no peace until the German
armies had been thrown across the
Rhine. I now am able to show that
further arrangements were made by
the enemy regarding their war aims,
some of the details of which were al
ready made known to the committee
on an earlier occasion. I proceed in
chronological order:
Peace Demands Made.
"On September 7, 1914, the enemy
coanuon aecmea only to conclude a
joint peace. On March 4. 1915. Russia
made the following peace demands, of
wnicn tngiana approved by note on
March 12, and France by note of the
same date, namely: Russia to receive
Constantinole, with the European
shore of the straits; the southern part
of Thrace as far as the Enos-Midia
line; the islands m the Sea of Mar
mora, the islands of Imbros and Ten-
edos and on the Asia Minor side the
peninsula between the Black Sea, the
Bosphorus and the Gulf of Ismaila as
far as the River Sakarieh. in the east
This basis was laid down and the ne
gotiations continued their course in
1915-16. In the course of them Russia
obtained the promise of the Armenian
vuiayets of Trebizond and Kurdistan
and Messina and the hinterland ex
tending northward as far as Sivas and
Kharput. 4
England's Share.
"England's share was to be Meso
potamia and the rest of Turkev in
Asia was. to be divided into English
ana trencn spheres ot interest.
Palestine was to be internationalized
and the other districts inhabited by
the Turks and Arabs, including
Arabia proper and the holy places of
islam, were to be formed into a so.
f r . j . . . . ,. t- . 1
icucrauun oi siaies unuer critisn
When Italy entered the war she
demanded her share of the booty.
Fresh negotiations were opened,
which in no wise pointed at renuncia
tions. I think we shall have further
details about them which will be pub
iisnea later.
With such far reachine enemv war
aims it may be jinderstood why Mr.
Balfour lately stated that he did not
consider it advisable to make a de
tailed statement on the war colic v of
the government Those are the bot
tom facts as they appear to us at the
present moment, when we envisage
the possibility of concluding peace."
Germany Makes Overtures
For Argentine Friendship
Zurich, Aug. 24. (British Admiral
ty, per Wireless Press.,) Germany
has replied to the Argentine note
which demanded compensation for the
torpedoed Argentine ship and a pledge
. i . i , , , .
irom uermany mac ii would aostain
from torpedoing Argentine vessels in
the future. It is officially announced
from Berlin that Germany has not
conceded these demands, but the pos
sibility of an amicable settlement is
not excluded.
Tribal Indians Exempt
On Same Ground as Aliens
Washington. Aug. 24. Tribal In
dians are not subject to army draft
before they are citizens and mav
claim exemption on the same ground
as aliens. Ihe War department for
mally ruled on the question today at
the request of counsel for some of
the tribesmen, nearly all Indians
maintain tribal connections, it is said,
and the number who will be exempt
under the ruling is estimated at more
than 20,000.
Reformation Jubilee.
Howclls, Neb., Aug. 24. (Special.)
The four hundredth anniversary of
the Reformation will be held in the
City park at Wisner August 26. Three
services will be held during the day.
Prof. August Schuelke of the Teach
ers' college at Seward, Neb., and Rev.
George Wolter of Arlington, Neb.,
will preach in German. In the after
noon the services will be conducted
in the German and the English lan
guages. Rev. K. Kretzschmar of
Hastings, Neb., will preach in the
English language.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Special. Sleepers, for Fort ?
Snelling via Chicago Great ?
- Western Railroad Saturday
land Sunday nights. For res-?
gervation phone Douglas 260.?
Store Opent
At 8i30 A. M.
urgessimsh immw.
Store Cloiei
Saturday at 9 P. M.
Friday, August 24, 1917-
-Phone Douglas 137
Men, You Will Want In On This
What's New in Millinery?
Our Display Saturday Is the Answer
UJJ HAT'S new in millinery?" That's the question
Y V of the home, and such an important one, that
-imere description ot the en-
I 1 J.! . ii -f
eucnaiiung new creations tor
Fall will not suffice, you'll
have to see them yourself.
Just this hint-
The shirred rim effects of velvet
that are so soft next to the face,
droopy mushroom shapes, rolling
brim sailors with medium and small
roll brims and side turn effects.
Although large hats seem to predom
inate, there are -quite a few email,
high crown sailors and many with
trimmed brims.
The colors are Tete de Negre and
Taupe, with plenty of black. What
ever else may be said of the new Fall
models, they are beautiful and spe
cially priced for Saturday, at J5.00,
$7.50 and $10.00.
Burg ca-Nah Co. Sfrcond Floor
r . ......
You'll Want Several Pairs of These
Pure Silk Hose at 75c
AN offering that should and will appeal to hundreds
of women and is certain to bring forth a generous
response. Women's pure thread silk hose, in black or
white, full fashioned, regular made foot, double garter
tops, extremely special, at 75c a pair.
Women's Union Suits, at 39c
Union suits of fine white cotton, with low neck and sleeves, shell
bottoms, knee length, regular or extra sizes, specially reduced to 39c.
Buritt.Nh Cn. Mln Floor
The Early Fall Boots Are Here
Ready for Your Inspection
WE) have never shown so many exclusive pretty, dainty
new novelties. We describe only a few of the many
new models. Including:
Ivory kid vamp with English whipcord
cloth top to match, turn sole, Louis covered
Silver gray kid, same as above.
Mode kid vamp with English whipcord
cloth top to match, kid heel foxing, light welt
soles, covered Louis quinze heels.
Neutral jrrav kid. sama as ahnve.
All priced unusually low, at $8.50 a pair.
New Lasts and Patterns in Black Kid Boots
They come in button and lace, height 9 inches, light welt soles,
leather Louis heels, dressy, splendid wearing Bhoes. Much less than
regular price, $7.00 a pair.
Children's Shoes for Fall
Kindercraft and Dugan and Hudson shoes for children. The best
wearing shoes made.
Burjr-Nh Co. Second Floor
Sale of Drugs and, Toilet Goods
Djer-Kiss face pow
der, 60c and $1.00.
Pebeco tooth paste,
at 29c.
Burgess-Nash vanish
ing cream, 16c.
Burgess-Nash cold
cream, 16c.
f!nrvlnrmin t. 1 n m
powder, 1-lb. can, 15c..
FREE A week-end
package with a 50c
purchase of Palmolive
toilet preparations.
Page talcum, a 1 1
oders, for 12c.
Melbaline face pow
de, for 25c.
Floral face powder,
for 50c.
Daggett & Ramsdell's
cream, for 28c.
Pond's vanishing
cream, for 15c.
Pinaud's lilac vege
tal, for 75c.
French ivory powder
boxes, $1.00.
French ivorjt combs,
for 25c
Loganberry juice,
small size, for 8c.
Medium size, 22c.
Grape juice, 1-pint
size, for 19c.
Grape juice, 1-quart
size, for 39c.
Syrup of Figs, bottle,
Phillips' milk of mag
nesia, for 39c
Fletcher's Castoria,
bottle, 25c.
up of bathing caps,
big assortment of
styles and colors,
your choice for 25c.
Bur.t-Nah Cot Main Floor
Metholatum, small
size, 18c.
Hospital cotton, 1-lb.
package, 38c.
Lysol, small size, for
Ammonia, 1-pint size,
for 9c.
Ammonia, 1-quart
size, for 13c.
Witch hazel, 1-pint
size; for 29c.
Witch hazel, 1-quart
size, for 49e.
Peroxide, bottle for
Liquid veneer, me
dium size, for 36c.
Nail brushes, 5c, 10c,
and 15c.
Peroxide toilet soap,!
cake, 10c.
Automobile chamois,
large size, $1.49.
Individuality Is the Keynote
of These Smart
?j ror nariy rail Wear, at
$25 and $29.50
TWO particularly smart models are
featured for Saturday models
especially adapted for present wear
and for travel.
The offering is quite unusual a
fact shown by the suits themselves.
The high character, quality, fashion
correctness, together with the low
prices which they are offering, makes
it an event of importance.
Suits at $25.00
Distinctive semi-tailored suits of"-good
weight, men's wear serge, in an exceptionally
pleasing model that has been priced for Satur
day, at $25.00.
Suits at $29.50
Strictly tailored models which are very
attractive. ' Made with the new -lenrth
coat and trimmer! with ktrA a.I(. .-j
belt effect. Special for Saturday, at $29.50.
Burreta-Nnih Co. Second Floor
'"si V-
J lLa
At $1.15
Because It Represents By Long Odds the Big
gest and Best Values of the Season
HOW can we do it? Well, here's how. We bought the sur
plus of a large factory in Baltimore, consisting of tub silks,
silk fibres, fibre silk bosom and cuffs, with body to match; per
cales and corded madras.
All made correct style, with neckband and a fov with collars attached.
French or stiff cuffs.
We really believe this to be the best lot of shirts and the best of
shirts we have offered this season and we want you to benefit by it. Even
if you have all the shirts you think you need, do not fail to look over this
offering, for when you see the shirts and realize the real value importance,
you'll buy for future needs at the price, $1.15.
Men's Neckwear, at 50c
Big lot of men's scarfs for Saturday. Most of them made with slip
easy band pinned and tacked. Large flowing 4-in-hand scarfs, every one
at a cut price of 50e.
Holeproof Hosiery, at 35c and 50c
Glnuine Holeproof hosiery, all good colors, ,35c and 50c.
Men's Union Suits, at 59c
Men's athletic and knitted union suits. Pin chock pajnnia!", nainsook,
also knitted white and ecru lisle and genuine "Porosknit" A clearaway
of all broken lines, price 59c.
Men's Wash Neckwear, 3 for $1.00
Men's one-piece bathing suits, cut to 98c
Men's sport top athletic union suits, $1.00.
Men's eood ouality trimmed muslin jrowns. 79c.
"Richmond Mesco" union suits reduced to $1.00,
Men's Pajamas Cut to $1.39
Brokon lines, perfect fitting, well made g-ar-
BurtMi-Nath C. Main Floor
ments, a real pajama opportunity, $1.39 the pair.
Caramels for
the Sweet Tooth
29c .
FRESH made, of pure ingredi
ents, pure ana wholesome.
Two flavors, very special at 29c
Burg e-Nah Co. Muln Floor
Toscan Linen,
Pound Paper. 25c
A SPECIAL pickup, 86 sheets
of Toscan linen paper to
the package, bought underprice'
and offered the same way, at
25c lb. Envelopes to match,
10c a package.
Burg t-Nih Co. Main Floor
Bring Your Films
To Us
ANEW time schedule for de
veloping films and print
ing of pictures of amateur pho
tography has been put into effect.
Ordari Left Be.
for 12:30 P. M.
Ready for De
livery Next Day,
11:30 A. M.
Orders Left Be
fere 4:00 P. M.
Ready for De
livery Next Day,
3:30 P. M.
Burfi-Nh Co. Main Floor
Hand Bags, $1.00
IN a variety of styles and
kinds, including real goat,
Morocco and patent leather
bags and strap purses, at
Hand Purses, $1.50
Real leather walrus grain
hand purses, German silver bot
tom, leather lined, $1.50.
Jade Ivory, x Price
Real jade ivory in a variety
of prices, offered at exactly
half price.
Leather Belts, 50c
Patent leather belts, 4 inches
wide. Very special, at 50c.
Bfirr9-Niiflh Co. Mwin Floor
A Final Clearaway of Men's
and Young Men's
At $6.75, $9.75 and $13,75
Prices that do not represent the present cost
or production.
TO you who need a new suit
to bridge you over the
summer season, here is your op
portunity and another point to
bear in mind is the advisabihly
to buy these suits now for next
season, with clothing advanc
ing in price a's it is. .
' , The materials are :
Palm Beach and Cool Cloth, Wool
Crash, Tropical Worsteds, Mohair
in plain colors, gray, blue, dark
tan and fancy mixtures, stripes
and checks. All made up in the
very latest styles, including
pinch back, belt, belt all
around or semi-fitted, in stout,
slim and regular models.
Every garment is tailored
throughout according to the
of quality and represent the
very biggest sort of values
come Saturday and get yours.
Buriui-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
TheKitchner Wrist Watches
In a Special Offering at $2.75
A REALLY most unusual offering a gut jl timekeeper,
small size watch, on a brown suede-finished Kitch
ner strap as illustrated. The watch that is being worn
by men and women everywhere and an excellent watch
for those in or joining the "service." We feature a lim
ited quantity for Saturday, at $2.75.
Bur-.n-Nmh Co Main Floor
An Extraordinary Offering Saturday of
Community Par Plate Silverware
AN offering of unusual merit table silverware of known quality at a decided sav.
ing, featuring PRIMROSE GRAY AND VERNON BRIGHT patterns. .
This is,
deed, a
fering a n d PAR. PLATE
should rrPftt.e Guarantee orOJ&rrjr
great interest.
Tea spoons, set of six 69c
Dessert spoons, set of six. . . .$1.39
Table spoons, set of six $1.39
Soup spoons, set of six .$1.69
Orange spoons, set of six $1.59
Salad forks, set of six $1.89
Too much
stress cannot
be brought to
bear on the
real import
ance of this of
fering. ' Either
Butter spreaders, set of six. . .$1,71
Butter knives, each i 29c
Cold Meat Forks, each. .59c
Berry spoons, each 89c
Cream ladles, each .59c
Gravy ladles, each .79c
Knives and forks, set of six. .$3.49
26-Piece Sets Special at $6.69
Primrose Gray
is an unusually dainty floral
design, the festoon of
flowers is charmingly ar
ranged and the design has
great beauty and attractiveness.
26-piece sets, consisting of six
tea spoons, six serving spoons, six
medium knives, six medium forks,
one butter knife and one sugar shell
in handsome chest, complete, for
Burirm-Nih Co. Muln Floor
Vernon Bright
design has plain convex
shield, relieved by an em
bossed line around the edges,1;
produces an unusually quaint
and dainty effect.