if ItttU UiLHi! OMAHA SAiURDAI, AljCrll&T Zb, IIUT. 6 t'tl LAD TO LET BRINUlNb UP FATHER I WANT TO well-vhm kre there -Like' an WELL-1 OOMT MIND LETTING "YOU iO UNDER THANK KNOW If TOOLL. LET ME CO OUT TO tEE THE EOb DRILL - INTERESTING TO )EE THEM DRILL- THOE CONDTlON idiot for? llt. International ' Barvice. . r , p.--. . ... . : : 3 1 I f -1 I I i unwove r I i ill n t n m ft I I V I 'w w v , .1 . i f- IkV f Q . . . . a -i I r J I I j I IT IS THAT' hi rivm i-jJ-'' y'AJZI I I www I ri t- TM nt)l 11 I lrHS"- . IS " - " tV'T.. --n I V L " J wp.-. ri For once . i . 4 -' - . f oil. I . I fc-fc-u. i-w I I I ' I, - I H IB.' I I Drawn for The Bee by . George ; McManus -v- WOLYES WIN LAST CLASHOF SERIES Kansans' Pound McQuire and Luschen Unmercifully and .". .Rourkes Are Dethroned Again. . . Lincoln invades Omaha today for a aerie of four games. A double header will be played Sunday, starting at 2:15. ' Lincoln is now leading the league with Omaha one game be hind so the series starting today Srobably - will have considerable earing upon the pennant result. Dethroned Again Coanry, 2l . . . I. William, rt Miller, 1 Khew. lb Yardley, ... HrotUm. c Thompson, f f Jiye, 8b .... MnGnlra, p .. Lusrben, p , Total .... OMAHA. AB. K. S 6 4 a s ........4 s s 0 4 -4"' H. O.- i 4 0 1 15 4 t 1 0 Marti n, et . . . Harffrr, .... toy. rf , Mnllrlilc, If .. (oodwln, 8b H. William, lb Yarjsn. . . . . . nvl. 8b Kotnrr, p . . 4 WICHITA. AB. K. 4 3 4 1 4 0 a 5. t t 9 S 4 0 S 0 S ST 17 1 X 1 s 14 a A. K. 0 10 15 87 17 ' Joe Bcrger's famished Wolves sunk the harpoon into Pa Rourke's Pets yesterday afternoon, 10 to 4, made it fifty-fifty on the four-game series and dethroned the Ronrkes from their po sition at the top of the pennant lad der. : Tough luck. : The ball game was somewhat punk. The playing : was nothing to brag about, the umpiring was of the same caliber and even the rooting was of the bush league variety despite the fact that it was ladies day. The thirsty Kansans, who, alas, no longer can satisfy said thirst in the Gate City, jumped on Pa's Pets with feet, first and .spikes flying. The Roiirkes were sti horribly mangled they didn't look the same. Berger'a men started on Pete Mc Guire in the second stanza, chased him to the shower and continued, their pitiless attack on Arnold Luschen. They ran up a total of fifteen hits, in cluding a homer and four two-bag- S. . ' . , Yiryarr Slugs Pill. A rYaryan was the ucinon slugger with ahome run with i two ' on base, a cteuble and a single". ,! i K ! Mr. Shannon, who ordinarily passes i these days of bum umpiresrobbed Shag Thompson and Yardley of good hits yesterday among 'other tilings. Shag made a beautiful double down the first base line. The ball lit a foot inside the line, but Shannon, said foul. Yardley beat out a hit a mile, but Spike called him out. i And the athletes never said "boo." The hits probably would not have made any material difference in the result of the combat but Pa's. Pets might have manifested some annoy ance at least But. perhaps, Spike has them "vood ooed or something. Today the lowly Links come for four games. ducklings Eat Up Grizzlies : J In Fourteen-to-Nothing Feed Lincoln, Aug. 24. The locals smothered Denver, 14 to O. hcre to flay. Nabors was wild and ineffective and was driven from the mound at the end of the fourth. McCormick ap peared in the relief role and barring one bad inning, worked like a real pitcher. East was very effective. Score: ; DENVER. LINCOLN. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K. Waffll.Ib Kallhr.u 4 Butober.lf 4 Mllli.lb 4 Harul.lb 4 Nhratk.e-rH MeCk.rf-p Hartmn,c( 8 Nabori,p 1 Bartmy.o 8 S 6 1 8 lit 08mltb,lb ,8 1 JtI 1 IThnun.lf '8 18 0 0 0 Partes ,!f 4 8 8 0 0 tr.ltttri.ct '48490 IBarsmr.n 4 1 0 .4 0 OOregory.rf 8 1 ft 0 0 0Imb,rf 8 110 0 OSHH.Sb 8 0 0 1 0 ORohrar.o I I I I I lBait.p 4 8 0.1 0 Total. SS Omaha Run 0 1 0 0 O O J IO4 lllta 3 1 0 0 S 0 B Wli-hlta Ktina 8 I I S O 1 lllta , 1 8 I 0 1 8 8 8 015 Mom rnm Taryan. Twa-baaa hit I Mar tina, McBrlda, Varyan, ( er, Millar. NaorKlea hltai a'ardley, Kavli, H. Wllllama, Voj. Hac rltlea fly I II. Wtlllami. mol.n baaa: Oood win. ltouhla playi Coanry to Vardlry ttt Shaw. Hit: Off McCinlre, 4 In one and one third Inning! of Liinchon, 11 In Mfrn and two-third Innlnga. Htruck outi Br KoMt nrr 2, by I.tchn 8. ' Ba on balUi Off Knritnrr 4, off Mrdlilr I. off l.unchm 8. lilt by pitched ball) MHUr. Shaw. Wild pitch t Koratnar. l.rft on baaeii Omaha 11, Wichita 9. Time I 8:10. Vmplrei Shannon. Holly.Sb S 8 8 S OHonmn.Sb I 0 0 8 0 Radar. 11 8 8 1M'C-In.8b S 4 0 8 1 Waton,rf 8 0 8 0 Dtltn.lt 8 0 0 0 0 Mualer.lb 4 1 S 0 CTulkt.aa 4 0 0 1 1 Bougan.of 8 0 0 0 IHenry.lb 1 10 1 1 Ilealey.lb 4 0 4 S OHmltli.rf 14 10 1 Cro.by.o 4 1 4 8 0K!ch'on, I 111 II Orover.p 0 0 0 0 OAdama.p 8 8 110 Bromh'f.p 4 8 110 Conolly.cf 1 0 0 0 0 Total 36 14 27 8 4 0' 1 1 1 08 0 0 7; by Brmmr- Off Orover, 4; Total 8 a ST 14 1 Hutohlnion ...0 0 10 SU Joaeph..., 10 8 0 Ptrurk out: By Adam, bnff. 8. IIrio on ball: off Brammerhoff. 8. lilt and earned run: Oft Orover, 10 and 4 In two and one-third Inning; off Adam. 8 and 4 In nln In ning;, 'oft Brr mmerhotf, , 4 and 8 In all td two "-third Innlriga, 'Sacrifice hitat Watson (3), Stolen bti: Rlchardaon, Smith. Two-bae hit: McClnllan, Richard- eon, Mueller. Douhl '."play: Holljfi yo, Rdr to Mueller. Wild pitch: Orover, Breram'erhotf. Left on bae: 8t. Jeitph.' ; Hutchlnaon, 7. Time! 8:10. Umpire! Wllhlnaon and Brown. :, GIANTS AND CUBS DIVIDE HONORS r- 1 New York Scores Three Runs Off Douglas in First Game; Vaughn Gets Away Well. Athletics Clean Up Tigers, - Landing Twenty-Seven Bases Detroit. Auir. 24. Philadelphia pounded three Octroit pitcherj for sixteen hits and a total of twenty seven bases this afternoon, winning, 8 to 4. Detroit knocked Schauer out after four innings, but could not hit Seibold, who followed. Bodie got two doubles and two singles in five times at bat. Score: DETROIT. PHILADELPHIA. AB.U.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B Buah.a 8 8 4 ltamron.rf t 0 0 0 0 Mann,cMf 1 Zldr.Sb . 4 1 Mrlile,ll i i Deal. lb 5 3 KtldOff, 4 8 Elllott.c 8 1 Pllh'fr.o 0 0 Vaughn, p 4 8 Vltt.3b 4 8 1 Cobb.cf s a 0 Veach.lf S'l 1 Hell'an.rf 4 8 1 Bprne.lb 4 Younft.Sb 8 Spcnter.o I Vtlle.o o ?unnl'm,p 8 Cover'a.p 0 Ghmke.p 0 Harper 1 Crawrd 0 B.Jona 1 8 17 1 3 0 8 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 OCIrorer.ib S 8 8 1 0 0 OBAdle.lf S 4 8 0 0 8 0Rato,3b t 1 1 8 1 6 onatee.lh ,61181 0 pltrunk.cf 4 8 8 0 0 8 IMcln'e.lb 4 1 11 0 0 8 OHaley.o 5 8 4 8 0 1 ODun'n. 8 8 8 0 0 4 OSchauer.p 1 0 0 8 0 , 1 0Selbold,p 8 1 0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 Total!.. 88 If 87 IS 8 0 0 . ' , 0 0 ' Total.. 84 11114 8 Total.. SI 11 17 7 1 Lincoln 8 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 '14 Punver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 t . . . Two-baao hit: BerghamVner.' Double play: 8healak to Hartnell. Stolen base: (iregory. Kaorlflc hit: Thomaaon (8). Struck out: By iiabora, 8; by McCormick, 8; by East, 4. Baoea on ball: Off Nabon. 4; off McCor mick, 1; off Kat. 4. Karned run: Oft Na bora, 0; off McCormick. 4. Left on ban: Lincoln. 8; Denver, 11. Hlte: Off Et. 4 In ' nln Innings; oft Nabon, 8 In four Inning; orr McCormick, In lour Inning. Tim J;J. Umpire: Daly. Des Moines Takes Three Out of Four From Joplin Des Moines, Aug. 24. Dressen out pitched Mapel today and Des Moines made it three victories out of the four game series with Joplin by a score of 3 to 1. Score: ' , JOPLIN. DEB MOINES. AB H O A E. - AB.K.O A E l.amb.n 8 0 0 3 OCaae.lf 3 10 0 0 CoCh n.Jb 4 3 0 1 IRwoJdt.Sb 3 0 0 1 0 Carllala.lt 4 0 3 0 OBhan'y.lk 3 1 14 0 . Mti.lb 8 1 11 1 OHunt-r.rT 3 0 10 0 Mpnroa.e (III OHartrd.ea 4 1110 Davis rf 4 0 3 0 OM'phy.rf 3 0 3 0 0 Barg.lb, 3 114 OCotfey.lb 3 0 3 3 0 Brok'w.cf 3 0 10 OKpahT.o 3 0 4 0 0 Col'na.cf 10 10 0Drruen.p l 0 0 10 Totla..lt 114 11 1 Total. .24 lll0 .Batted for Brokaw In eighth. Joplin 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Dea Molnea 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 .Homo run: Cochran. Three.bae hit: Hartford. Two-ba bit: Mapel. Sacrifice hit: Swoldt, 3. Stolen baee: Case. Left en baaea: De Molnea. S: Joplin, 4. Struck outi By Dreeaen, 4; by Mapel. 8. Baae on ball: Off Drecaon, 3; off Mapel, :. Bit by. pitched ball: By Mapel. Epaha, Hlu and earned rune: Off Dresaen, 4 anil 1 In nine Inning: off Mapel. 5 and 8 In eight Inning. Double play: Bhanley (unatltd). Time: 1:37. Umpir: Buh. Hutchinson Trims, St. Joe.: - In Loosely-Played Game St' TAnh. Mo.. AufiC'24. Huechin son won trorr St. Joseph today in a ' very loosely piayed game. The score was 8 to 5. After Hutchinson had 1 made ten hit off Grover he was replaced by Bremmerhoff in the third inning. Score: . . . . .' , nr JOSEPH. ' HUTCHINSON. ' ABHOAK. AB.H.O.A.B. a;tvu i : i : ; fMcnte.cr t t - o ' . : . . .."- !-- Toal..3S 13 37 30 3 - , Batted for Cunningham In alglh. 'v. . "Batted tor Spencer In eighth. Batted for Coveleakl In eighth. Philadelphia. ..0 1 3 0 0 3 0 1 I Detroit .......0 10300000- Two-has hit: ' Bodte, (3): Strunk. Veach. Graver, Haley. Bates, pugan. Three- has nit: 11 a ley, eiruna. Bioien oatea; Burn. Vltt Baae on ball. Cunningham, I; Belbold, 8. Hit: Off Hchauar, 11 In four Inning: Cunningham. 11 In S Inning Coveleekle, 1 in two Innlnga; Ehmke, 4 In one Inning. Htruck out: Cunningham, 3; Seibold, 3. Umpire. Dlneen and Tallin, , Sioux Citv Men Lose in Professional Golf Match On the Feld club golf links rFiday, in playing professional golf, Stanley Davis and iam Keynoids ot tne Lma ha Field club defeated Fike Sherman and Rudolph Knettler. The score: 1 Davie, J9; Reynolds, 83. ' VI fiherman. 81; Knettler, (I. ' ' " - Sport Calendar Today Trotting TIom of Grand Circuit meeting at Philadelphia. Clot of Creak W estern Cir cuit meeting at Omaha. Athletlee Metropolitan A. A. V. track and field championships, at New York City. Mid dle Mtatce a. A. I . track and field enam plonahlp. at PhUdelphla. w Kngland A, A. I', track and field championship, at Cambridge, Mais. Hwlmmlnt Outdoor ehampktaahlnO of Amateur Athletic Federation, at Chicago, A. A. I, long-distance championships, at Detroit. - ".: Tcnnle Kentucky etate patriotic tourna ment onena at LonUrllle. Mlnnreota data patriotic touraament opena at Duluth. Ohio tato patriotic tournament opena at Cleve land. Central Ohio patrlotlo tournament opena at Columbus. , . .. Boxing Irish Patsy Cllne agalast Pete HaHlap, ten round, at Brooklyn. Jeff Hmlth aralmt Jack Dillon, tea rounds, at Racine, V is. - , iw York, Aug. 24. New York and Chicago broke even on a double header today, the Giants winning the first game, 3 to 1, while the Cubs evened up by winning the second,, 12 to 2. . New York won the first game by scoring three runs off Douglas in the fifth inning on a hit batsman, a sac rifice, a double steal and hits by Burns, Herrog and Kauff. The game was played in an hour and fifteen minutes, the season's record. In the second game the Cubs pounded Demaree for fourteen hits in seven innings, scoring seven runs in the seventh. Vaughn, who pitched five scoreless innnings yester day .pitched another strong game for Chicago. Score, first game: CHICAGO. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.OA.E. Flack.rt 4 14 0 OBuina.lf 4 8 10 0 Mann.cf 4 13 0 (IHersog.tb 4 8 8 6 0 Zelder.lb 4 0 14 CKauff.cf 3 13 0 0 Merkl.lb 4 0 14 0 OH'm'n.Sb 3 0 3 3 0 Woiter.ir 3 0oe lrit'cvr, 40370 peal.Sb 8 3 3 1 OR'bta'n.rf 3 10 0 0 Kllduff.s 3 0 3 2 OHolke.lb) Mil M Elllott.o 3 14 0 ClUrld'n.o 3 0 3 0 0 D'glaa.p 3 0 0 0 Ofarrltt.p 3 0 0 3 0 WIIon ,1 1 0 0 0 W'rtm'n 0 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 31 ( 34 1 ""TotaliTTjt 7J714 0 V Batted for Douglaa In Ninth. Ran for Wilton In ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 New York 0 M 0 3 0 0 0 3 Two-base hit: Kauff, Wilson. Thre-be hit: Burn, Robertson. Stolen baae: Her nog. Burn, Kauff. Double play: Kllduff and Duel; Zimmerman and Holke. Baaea on ball: orr Dougla. l. struck out: By Douglas, 3. Umpire: Rlgler and Branstleld. Score, second game: . CHICAGO. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E. -. AB.H.O.A.B. Flack, rf 4 8 3 0 0Btima,lf 3 3 4 0 0 0 1 OHereog.Sb 4 1 I I OKautr.cC... 4 ,1 OZ'm n.3b - 3 0!,obert,3b 0 OFlfch'r, 4 OR'bta'n.rf 4 OHolko.lb 4 ORarld'n.O 8 4 3 3 4 6 1 1 1 OAnd'r'an.p 0 Thorpe 1 Total. .31 IT 87 T ODemare.p 3 Murray, c 3 f 4 1 2 0 8tock.3b 3 0 10 0 Chaae.lb 4 2 U 0 Crav'th.rf 3 1 1 0 0 i .....i.rf 4 2 10 Ot.nd'us.lb 3 1 0.0 0 NoaKlf 3 0 10 OVVhltttd.lf 3 8 3 0 0 Shcan.2b 2 0 13 O.Vieh'f.Sb 4 2 13 0 McK'ie.lb 1 I 0 t OAdams.c 4 1 .C 0 Wingro.o 4 14 3 lOtKh'r.pM 2 0 10 Regan. p 2 1 i) 1 OKixey.p 16 0 10 Rtng.p. 0 0 0 0 0 :' Kuether 0 0 0 0 0 Totals . 31 K 2T 12 0 Schn'der 0 0 0 0 0 Mitchell 0 0 0 0 0 Clrk 1 0 0 K0' Magee 1 0 0 0 0 Total. .33 10 24 13 1 Batted for 8hean In eevenili. Ran for Reuther In aeventh. Batted for Regan in seventh. Batted for Mitchell In seventh. . ' Batted fur Neale In ninth. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 05 Philadelphia 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 6 Two-base hits: Griffith, Paekert, Adams. Whltted. Three-base hit: Cravath. Double playi: ,WcpefnMf t"5Lojfr to' C7ias. Kopf to Shealltt (TiasrBeE,to Kopf tOChase, Rixey to" Bancroft to Luderus. Bares c,n ball: Off Qti . Rlnr. 1 : off Oetchger. 2;': 'Hltav AM lie Man. 10 in six Inning': off -fVi&'V SZ2l? 'J on third innlncn, Jifjcli, oiX:Pt Rp?in, ::; by King. 1; b-Oeru h gw, -2 ; by Rixey, 3. t'rr.plres: Klopi arfrl l;in$lif. Score, second game:, ., PHILA DELPH I A. "Ai IXCIN.V ATI. AB;H.O.A.B. '-''AB.H.O.A.B. Paskert.cf 4 13 0 OGroh.Sb 4 4 0 0 0 3 6 OKopt.ss b 1 0 1 ORoush.cf 4 1 0 0 0Chen.-,lb 5 0 0 OOrlfflth.rf 5 2 S OJMatJc,!! i .X 3 3 2Ahii.2b. ..X. 0 4 2 0 McK'le,2b 0 0 3 0 OWIngox 3 1 0 3 OEUcr.p 3 0 0 2 Ollitchell.p 0 0 0 O 0'Rutli?r 1 0 Banc'ft.as 5 Stock. 3b 3 Crav'th.rf 4 I.ud'us.lb 4 Whltted. ir 4 Meh'T.Sb 8 Klllifer.o Adams. c Rlxey.p Bcndcr.p nugry 2 2 1 0 3 1 i 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Is 0 3 2 4 1 3 4 4' 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 0 Schulte 110 0 Clarke 0 0 0 0 0 I - Schn'der 0 0 0 0 0 i Totals.. 34 13 27 14 3 - Totals. . 37 1I33 11 1 Batted for Shean Ui eighth. "Battel for Eller in eighth. Ren for Clarke. liv eighth, "Nlehoff out. hit. by 'hatted ball. Ran for Kllllfer In eeventh. ; Batted for Rixey In seventh.'. . Cincinnati 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 t Philadelphia 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 7 Two-base hit: Griffith. Magee, Stock, Nlehoff, Kllllfer. Three-bae hits: Cravath, 2. Double play: Kopf to Shean to Chase, Nlehoff to Bancroft to Luderus. Bases on balls: Off Mitchell, li off Bender, 2. Hits: Off Eller, 13 in aeven innings; off Rixey, 9 lu seven Innings; Struck out: By KUer, 2; by Rixey, 3; by Bender, 3. Umpires:- Klem and Einslle. A'lctory for Flrates. Boston, Aug. 24 Frank Miller pitched Pittsburgh to a l-to-0 victory over Boston today. Barns was hit for three double nd t-svo singles. Blgbee made ten putouta In left field. Score: PITTSBURGH. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. . AB.U.O.A.JS. .Tack'n.rf 4 10 0 OKelley.lf 3 BlRbee.lf .4 1 10 0 Mar'lle,s 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 7 4 3 1 0 OFon-ell.ss 4 1 ORehs.rf.. 4 3 IKone'y.lb 3 1 OSmlth.Sb. 3 1 0Raw'gs,2b 3 3 ORIco.c. 3 1 OBarnes.p. 3 Carey.ef. 4 Boock'i,!ib 4 1 Ward.s. '4 0 R.Mll'r.tb 3 0 Pltler,2b. 1 0 W.Wag'r.c 3 1 F.MIller.p 3 1 Totals 32 5 27 10 1 Total 30 5 i Pittsburgh ....0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Boston ...v. ..0.0 0 0 0 0 0 . Two-bae hits: Jacobs, Blgbee, W. Wag ner . Base on balls: Off F. Miller 1. 8trucW out: By F. Miller 1, by Barnes 2. Umplresl Qulgley and Byron. 0 2 0 2 0 7 1 0 3 0 4 3 3 14 61 1 0 0 14 0 0 4 4 0 4 0 mi 27 IS 1 0 0 o 04 Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Total.. 33 8 2718 3 Batted rfor Anderson In ninth. Chicago 00,103070 2 It New York. .......... 0 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Two-ba hit: Wolter. Thraa-baaa hit: Vaughn, Flack. Stolen ba: Robertson. Double play: Lobtrt and Holke; Lobert and Hersog. Base on ball: Off Vauhn, 3; oft Demaree, 1. Hit: Oft Demre, 14 In seven Inning. Struck out; By Vaughn, ; by Demaree, 3; by Anderson, 1. Umpire: Rlg ler and Branfleld. Phllllea fiet Becon From Reds. Philadelphia. Aug. 14. Hard hitting gave Philadelphia two victories over Cincinnati today, 4 to 4 and 7 to 0, Both Oeschger and Regan were hit hard in th first gam. Rixey took Oeschger' place In th (eventh inning and got credit for tha victory In thla contest aa wall as in th aecond, when he wa taken out for a pinch, hluer In th eventh Inning, during which th horn team put enough runa over th plat to win. Score, first game: CINCINNATI PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. Groh.Sb 4 3 10 OPaakert.cf 4 13 0 0 Kopf, 3 0 3 1 OBanc'ft. a 0 3 8 Standing oj 'Teams WEST. LEAOUB. NAT. LEAGUE. W.L.Pet.l W.L.Pct Lincoln ....13 11 .ttllNew York... 73 40 .443 Omaha .. . .18 14 J03 Phlla 43 4 .544 Wichita ....18 14.443i8t. Louis. ...41 11 .(30 Hutchinson. It 14 .(43 Chicago ....41(1.113 St Joeeph.-lS 14 .400 Cincinnati ..43 40.412 Joplin 13 If ,404Brooklyn .,.(4(4 .473 Denver 13 11 .404 Boeton ......44 CI .440 Dea Molnea.. 13 20. .jailPittsburgh ,.37 78.333 AMER. LEAGUE. AMER. ASSN. W.L.Pct.1 ' W.L.PcL Chicago ....78 44 .430 Indianapolis 74 44 .43 Boston 71 44 .407iLoulvill ...73 (4.475 Cleveland ..47 (( .(5iSt. Paul 41(3 .S4 r... i. . . . a , . . . . . . . New ?ork..(5 40.47i;Kansa Ctty.(4 43 .471 Washington (4 43 .4(l'. Minneapolis Si 71 .437 St. Loul....4S 74. SSl! Milwaukee ..(8 44.444 Phlla. r..",.,43 71 .877!Tolelo ......41 73.3(3 Yesterday's Result. WESTERN; LEAGUE. Omaha. 4: Wichita, 10. Denver, 0; Llnceln, 14. i St. Joe, S; Hutchlnaon. 8. Joplin, 1; Dea Moines. 3. NATIONAL LB AGUE. I Pittsburgh. 1; Boiton, 0. Sit. Loul. Brooklyn, rain. ": , Chicago, 1-13; New York. 8-3. Cincinnati, 4-4; Philadelphia, 4-7. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 8; Detroit. 4. ' ' . AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. 8t. Paul. S; Columbus, 4. ' Minneapolis. 1; Toledo. 0. Indianapolis. 10; Milwaukee, 3. , Kanaaa City, 8 Loulrvllle, 3. - - Game Today. Western League Lincoln at Omaha, Denver at Hutchlnaon,' Wichita at Joplin. Dea Molne at St. Joseph. National League Pittsburgh at Boeton. St. Loul at Brooklyn, Chicago at Naw York. Cincinnati at Philadelphia. American League Washington at Chi cago, Boaton at St. Louis PhUdelphla at Detroit, New York at Cleveland. When the Skin Seems Ablaze With Itching and Burning There' just one thing to do. ' If your skin seems ablate with the fiery burning and itching fEcrema, real and lasting relief can only come from treatment that goes below the surface that reaches down to the very source of the trouble. So-called, skin-diseases come from a disordered condition of the blood, and the proper treatment is through the blood. Search far and near, and you can ' . ' - Vj .' . . not find a blood remedy that ap- roachea S. S. S. for reAl efficiency, t has been on the market for fifty years, during which time it has been giving uniform satisfaction for all manner of blood disorders. If you want prompt and lasting relief,' you can rely upon S. S. S. For expert ad vice aa to the treatment of your own individual case, write today to Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept. M-150, Atlanta, Ga. , is iiamnl r asWlh, POSITIVELY LAST WEEK With every Suit (C. & P.) tailored to your order. Free means free. No price changed. We with you to bear in mind tht you get the extra $7.00 Trousers absolutely free. Further more, you get the same good service now and dtveys. Just Think of it, Men! A REGULAR $25 and $30 Sgli? Tailored to Your Measure HIS And Extra $7.00 PAIR OF PANTS FREE Mail Orders Not Filled During This Sale, Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Open Saturday Until 10 P. M. 1 IP 13 IRI E" STLItl JOE 1 OF DODGE VS. 9 MARIN PI UUUVJ OF OMAHA A Labor Day Might D B a ISeats now on sale at Auditorium, Merchants Hotel, Carlton Hotel, Merritt's Pharmacy, Pete Loch's and Ernie Holmes' Billiard Parlors. Prices $1- $2, $04, and $5 for Ringside Seats i - I h : "5 I r v Joe Stecher ' i- -. . , r!, - . - I 1 V ' i ? raj"- Jack Lewis, Promoter Marin Plestlna mm aaMaaBsaajaaaMaiaiis ss '