THK BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. AUGUST 25. 1917. ri MISSION WILL VISIT OMAHA Commercial Club Will Entertain Commissioners Enrojate to California to Lafayette Birthday Exercises, will The French high commission visit Omaha. " Gccrge Cred of Washington, chair man ol the committee on public in tormaticn, has telegraphed the Com mercial club that the commission will visit'Omaha arriving at 7:30 on the morning of September 1. They will arrive on the Overland Limited and remain until the following morning. The commission .-will Ibe headed bv Deputy High Commissioner Edouard Debilly. He will be accompanied by three army officers lately from the French front. The commission will visit Omaha on its way to San Fran cisco, where on September 6, Lafay ette's birthday, it will dedicate the La fayette room at the University of Cali fornia. M. Debilly lived for two years in the United States several years ago, speaks English fluently and is an elo quent orator. lie is a graduate of the Ecole Poly technique and of the Ecple of Mines. Me was a member of the council of administration of various maritime and mining companies and vice pres ident of the Paris. Underground rail road. When the war broke out he was a reserve officer and was as signed by the ' French government with the rank of captain to the Eng lish army in Belgium. He was nomi nated respectively major and lieuten ant colonel and the French govern ment appointed him afterwards to the office of s director of "Travaux Publics" in Morocco. M. Debilly was then charged with a special mission by the French government to Lon don, where he organized the intcr- 'allied bureau of munitions. Since May 25 he has been deputy high com missioner of France in the United States, and in conjunction with M. . Andre Tardieu has direction of the 'French missions which have their headquarters in this country, mili tary, naval, financial, and those , charged with purchases of munitions and food supplies. The telegram from Creel comes in response to the invitation sent the commission through Creel, by Mayor IJahlman and the Commercial club. The club will entertain the commis- Asion at a public, affairs luncheon on September 1. V 1 Omaha Men Gain Their. Promotions in the Army The latest list of promotions in the ' army as nominated by President Wil son insludes two Omaha men. Captain William G. Doane, son of the late Judge Doane, has been pro moted to be a major of infantry. Captain William B. Cowin, son of General John C. Cowin, has been pn moted ,to be a major of infantry. V Colonel F. G. Stritzinger, formerly a commandant of the high school ifadet regiment, while stationed at Fort Omaha and ranking as a major, has been assigned to a command in s the new national army', Colonel Strit . zinger was in command of troops, here at the time of the tornado. Vniforms for Machine Gun Corps , Arrive; Means Men to Move Soon Captain Gardner of the Fifth ma chine gun company at the armory, has received word from Captain H. C. Stein, supply officer of the Fifth, that uniforms are now ready for the com pany at Lincoln. This means that the Fifth will leave soon. General Harries has always on- posed the sending of troops away until tlicy were uniformed. "The fact that the uniforms were sent to Lincoln instead of directly tothe machine srun" comoanv in Omaha probably means that enough for the whole Fifth regiment were sent there in one lot." taid Captain Gardner. "I should judge, from this, that the entire Fifth regiment will move .together." shake the dust of Fort Crook from their boots immediately after the de parture of the Fighting Fourth. It is said they will be sent to Fort Des Moines for service in the quarermas ter's corps there. 'Light Frosts Reported In Wyoming and Montana Thursday there were numerous places in Nebraska where there were light to heavy showers, according to the morning reports to the railroads. The weather cleared during the night and temperatures dropped, to 45 to 60 degrees above zero. . Light frosts were reported in Wyoming and Montana, but Nebraska ..escaped. Out in the state, say the rail road reports, there is a decided rise in temperature. Not a Car of Grain, is ' ., Sold on Omaha Market With sixteen cars of wheat, thirty three of corn and forty-one of oats on the market, there was no sale for any of it. There were some bids and generally they indicated bjgher prices, but no one seemed to want the actual grain. One report has it that twenty-four civilians have been hired to guard Fort Crook. These civilians are ex army men and understand the im portance of their new duties. They will each be paid $75 a month while at the fort and wilk be divided into shifts, one shift always to be on guard to protect the grounds and buildings. In a few days Fort Crook will Up practically an abandoned post. By the first of the week all the companies of the Fourth Nebraska that have filled the barracks since war was de clared will have. left for Deming. Before the coming of these guards men a few regular army men were at the post to guard it and assist the quartermaster in his duties. But rumor says these "regulars" will also Members of Company D of the Fourth Nebraska to the number of over 100 were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dinnuzo '. Thursday night at their store at Twenty-fourth and Poppleton avenue. The soldiers were served with retreshments, the band was there and the young women of the neighborhood turned out to dance with the soldier boys. A splen did time was reported by all and the soldiers gave three mousing cheers for tlietr hosts. The regimental band of the Sixth Nebraska arrived at noon and marched froii the Burlington station to the Auditorium. Th band will re main in Omamv attached to the Omaha battalion, till the departure for Deming., Since the .drafting jft p the Sixth the band, has been in Lincoln, at the headquarters of the regiment. But at Lincoln the barid of the "Dandy Sixth'-' was a stranger in a strange land. Most of its members are from Omaha, including its director, Robert Webb;. nd assistant director, Jess Ratchford,.: well-known Omaha attor neys. The- band of the Fifth Ne braska has' been at Lincoln for a long time. Movie Producer Makes Short Visit to Omaha Carl Laemmle, president of the Uni versal Film Manufacturing company, was a visitor in the city for about an hour yesterday between trains. He is on his way from-New York to Uni versal City, Cal., where he will per sonally see to some new announce ments for fall. He was met at the de pot by local manager F. A. Van Hu sah, assistant manager J. Mitchell of the Laemmle exchange, and Manager C. H. Calvert of the Bluebird photo plays. Mr. Laemmle says that motion pic ture conditions were never better than at the present time, and the war is not stopping them at least from put ting the money into and producing pholoplays the equal of which has never before been attained. N Reports show that this company has expended in studio improvements since the first of the year $20,000 at their, Hollywood studios and $40,000 at Universal City. So far on his trip, Mr. Laemmle has made a number of visits and reports that business is great all along the line. Denies McCarthy Was Bonnie Walters' Husband Mrs. W. J. Carey, 508 Poppleton avenue, mother of Louis McCarthy, 27 years old, killed last Friday in the house at 815 South Seventh street, ; denies that Bonnie Walters was her son's common law wife. She said her son frequented the home of the Walt- j ers womjfl,; but did not represent t6 ! any 'person, so far as she knows, that the relation of husband and wife ex isted. N Mrs. Carey assents that her son, , Louis McCarthy, ; lived at her home, 508 Poppleton avenue, and con tributed to the support of the family. " ' Muny Judge Sits in Police x Court for the First Time For the first time in the history of Om?ha a municipal judge is acting in he capacity of police judge. Judge George Holmes, municipal judged is temporarily taking the place of Judge James M. Fitzgerald. A law was passed in the last session of the state legislature providing that in the ab sence of the regular police judge the. municipal judge duties. was to assume his Date is Set for the Elks Annual Clambake The annual clam bake of the Omaha Elks will be held Friday. September 14, atjvrug park. Clams, Rhode Island style, and roasting ears of corn, Penn sylvania style, will form the backbone of the feast. MEDICAL EXAMS FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN Inspection of All Public 'School Students to Be Made Be fore the Fall Term Starts. Dr. E.' T. Manning and Charlotte Towhsend, in charge of the public, school medical inspection work, are busy getting their machinery in readi ness for the inspection vhich will be held at the schools next week, in ad vance of the opening of schools. The school nurses are stamping 35,000 cards which will be issued to boys and girls who are examined. These cards will be required for ad mittance to school on or after Sep tember 4. Dr. Manning will begin next Tues day to observe office hoyrs from 4 to 5 eaclrday at school headquarters on the fifth floor of the city hall There are eighteen nurses now on the public school medical inspection staff. Comfort Kits Are Given To Fort Crook Soldiers Fort Crook men Thursday received 350 comfort kits made by Woman's Christian Temperance Union wonien over the state, Mrs. M. M. Claflin of Lincoln, state president, came down to' Omaha to" make the presentation. Mrs. Flora Hoffman, state' superin tendent for soldiers and sailor work, and Mrs. William Berry, president of the South Side union, filled their cars with the comfort kits and drove out to the fort. Use women had expected Colonel. Baehr to make a formal presentation but when the men saw the comfort kits they made a grand rush for the needy articles and they were given out by Miss Doris Berry. There were not nearly enough kits to go around so the- women took names and addresses of other soldier boys to whom they will send the next supply of kits. FOB AS ACHING HEAD ? Take Itorsford'n Acid Phosphate .Healthful, and moet agreeable to the tasto. Refreshes and Invigorates. Use It In piace of lemons. Ad ver.iaome.nt. HAIR BALSAM 1 toilet preparatfoa"of marts. Vx to eradlcat daadrnS. i For Restoring Color um) ' Botr toGraror Fadad Hair, It OMAHA DRUG MARKET Saturday, August 25th, 1917 At The 5 Sherman & lYIcConnell Drug Stores Notwithstanding the general market stringency, we have been most fortunate during the entire year in receiving prompt and full shipments of goods from both manufacturers and importers. We purchase goods from about 1,000 finms with locations from Portland, Me., to Portland, Ore.; from St Albans, Vt., to Atlanta, Ga., and Wacd, Tex., and nearly every principal city located between these points. Five busy drug stores fully warrant "Kound Quantity" Purchases, and in thus obtaining our supplies we are in a position to furnish goods that are fresh and genuine, and, of course, obtain the very best prices and these are some more of the reasons why you can "save time and money by trading at the 5 good Rexall Stores." :an cut the high cost of living by getting the habit of trading at one of our stores. Saturday is pecial day with us. Don't' wait for an invitation come anyway. ' ' V ! r : . J. ; You can always a s Cigars Over 100 standard Brand at money-saving prices. Toilet Goods Prices Four kinds Standard 50c Perfumes Saturday, at, pe oz 34c Five iJmds Colgate's Talcum Pow der, per can ......15c Big, long, green bottle Violet Toi let Water, per bottle 19c Mosquito Talcum (scares 'em away ) , per can 25c Si Thermos and Universal Bottles , A Large Assortment at Lowest Prices Eagle Brand Con densed Milk, can. . 19c All Lazell's 25c Talcums, pkg. .Mel 25c Hays', Hair Health for... 14c $100 'White Cross Cold Cream for 69c $1.00 Mme. Yale's Toilet and Medidnal Articles (all kinds), 69c All Yantine's $1.00 Toilet Waters, at, per bottle 74c Dorothy Vernon Raineau Bath Powder," at. 19c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, at. . .34c Any 50c Palmolive Preparation with 15c Palmolive Soap both for .-, . . . ,49c Prescriptions First Prescription compounding re ceives - first attention at our store. - No prescription too "hard' for our chemist none so easy that it does not receive careful attention. ASPIRIN TABLETS One dozen' for. .. . . ,20c Bottle of 100 for 89c Proprietary Medicines at , Cut Prices. . Bromo Seltzer. ,. 19c, 39c and 79c Listerine .'. .15c, ,19c, 43c and 79c 75c Jad Salts, for. . . . . , .54c 35c Limestone Phosphate for. .24c 50c Pane's Diapepsin, for....34e $1.00 Horlick's -Malted Milk.. 69c Surphur and Cream Tartar Tab lets, 2 boxes f or.. ..'. V. . I . .'25c Allcock's Porous Plasters, ea. .l2o Sal Hepatica. . . .23c, 48c and 94c $1.00 Pinkham's Compound. . .74c Kilmer's Swamp Root. 48c and 98c ' Fresh Candies Liggett's Chocolates Nut assort ment, -lb. for 65c 1 lb., $1.25 Dainty Dutch Delights, -lb. for 35c. 1 lb. for..' 65c Guth's Chocolates and Bon-Bons -!b. for 40c. 1 lb. for. ... . .80d 1 lb. Guth's Chocolate Covered Conserved Fruits and Nuts. .$1.00 Liggett's Fruit Cordials -lb. for 50c. 1 lb. for... $1.00 mum & McDOtJNELL DRUG GO. 16th and Dodge (Original.) ' Corner 16th and Farnam (The Owl.) Corner 19th and Farnam (Handsome, Commodious.) Comer 24th and Farnam (Harvard Pharmacy.) Corner 49th and Dodge, New Pearl Cray and Old Roue West-End Pharmacy., Saturday Night TV 1 C J Knitting Taught Free in vTs:. DMidos Stores School-Day Sales on Saturday Prepare the Children With Proper Outfits ' : - 1 s f School Dresses for Girls Very Pretty Fall Styles The preparation for school may be easily accomplished by those who come to this Second Floor Girls' Store, for we are showing excellent assortments of stocks of Dresses, not only for the younger girls, but for the growing girls who are hard to fit. - New Fall Tub Dresses Of fine Chambray, pretty pluids, striped Ginghams, etc.. with long sleeves, trimmed with buttons, high waisted effects and with pockets. Deep hems. All fast colors. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Vices, $!tS0, $1.95, $2.50 1 $2.95 to $3.95 New Fall Wool and Silk Dresses In smart styles. Taffetas, Crepe de Chines, Satins, Wool Serges, black and white checks, etc., in high-waisted and straight line effects, some with patent leather belts. Classy pockets trim med with braid and buttons. Sizes 6 to 14 yeaw. Prices $8.50 to $22.50 , Flapper Dresses for Growing Girls, especially made for girls who have attained to that age when they are hard to fit With youthful lines accentuated. Large assortment of Taf feta, Satin, Crepe de Chine and Wool Serge. Prices $10 to $25. Sizes 12, 14 to 16 years. A. Second Floor Boyp' Two-Pair-Pant Suits With Double Knees and Seat Healthy boys give their clothes hard wear- and especially now, when the school season is ' about to open, .moth ers desire their boys to look well in their' clothes and try to ob tain the most durable, ( as well as the most likeable they can find. These Double Knee and Seat Pants bear wear and tear better than any others we know of, and for that reason recommend themselves as the best that any mother can buy for school and playtime wear. , The New Fall Stocks Are Here Ready for Your Approval The Prices of These Suits Range from $5.00 to $15.00 The newest, snappiest models, nobbiest patterns and best fabrics. Every Suit has two pair of pants, reinforced on seat and knees, with two thicknesses of material, interwoven on the inside, giving double the wear. Sizes 6 to 18 years. , , - Clean-Up of Suits at $3.50 That Were Selling Here at $5.00 i I Palm Beach and Kool Kloth Suits; a variety still here and sizes 7 to 16 years. They Stand Hard Wear For the Boy's School Wardrobe We Suggest These Items: Raincoats, Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Neckwear and every thing he needs, in complete assortment. Third Floor Hosiery Offerings Compare the prices we quote with those offered elsewhere. We leave the verdict to you. Women'sPure Silk Thread Boot Hosiery, in black and colors, lisle, tops and double soles, the Black Cat brand, n tf at Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery, lisle garter tofls, doublp soles, itt black, white ; and col- CQ ors, at Ov C Women's Fine Pure Silk Thread Hosiery, in fancy stripes and designs, lisle garter tops, 'dou ble soles, heels and toes, worth $1.39, at. .. Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery, lisle tops, double soles, in black. white and colors, seconds of the 59c quality, for . .v For School Wear Children's Fin Lisle ' Hose', in black and white, double knees, double soles, heels and OP toes, at . . . OC $1 35c V Main Floor School Supplies Ready! Pencil Boxes, at. . .5c and lOe Pencil Outfits, at 25c to $1.25 Rubber Erasers, at. . .le to 10c Blackboard Erasers, each... So Art Gum, at 5c and 10c Eagle Compass, each 35c Book Straps, at 5c to 25c Slates, at. . 10c to 50c Composition Books, at 2 for 5c Note Books, at;... 5c and 10c Hintory Covers, each, at... 15c History Paper, 100 8heets..l5c Hitorj Rings, at. . , , 5c Pencil Tablets, each, aj. , . ,5e Ink Tablets, at 5c and 10c Spelling Tablets, at........ 5c Main Floor, 1 Drawing Tablets, at 5c and 10c School Paints, at 25c Rulers, at ,.lc and 5c Pan Holders, at 3c and 5c Lead Pencils, at 1c to 5e Fountain Pens at $1.00 to $5.00 Pencil Sharpeners . . 5c to $1.00 School Dictionary, at. , .'. .,35c 8-inch Globes, at... .49c Crayola Outfits, at v25c Crayolas, at 10c to 15c White Chalk, dozen ; pieces, at . 2iBc and 5c Colored Chalk, box, at. 1c Colored Inkbottle, at 5c Mucilage, bottle, at. . ..... .5c Paste, bottle, at... 5c Book Store " ' Men's Wear Serge Dresses, $25 1 Extremely long lines that find favor right now, the new high collar and vestee of white satin, combined with novel wide girdle. 1 Celebrated "Klosfit" Jersey Top Petticoats All Colors of the Rainbow, $5.00 Also-offered here in extra sizes, at $6.68 Second Floor 0 ' Drugs And Toilet Needs S. S. S.k $1.00 size, at 79c Nujol, special, at... 59c Hays' Hair Health, $1.00 ire, at 69c Epsom Salts, 1-lb. package, at Sc Witch Haiel, full quart bot tle, ,at . . , ; . .36c , Mb. Bottle Peroxide of Hy drogen, at .....23c Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 25c size, at- ...16c Lysol, 50c size, at. .... . . ,29c Mentholatum, 50c size, at.' ,29c Jap Rose Cold Cream, spe cial, at ....19c Djer Kiss Face Powder, at ,45c Java Rice Powder, special, " at 33c Graves' Tooth Powder, 25c aiae, at ................ 16c Hospital Cotton, 1-lb. roll, 33 Lilac Rose Soap, special, at 7c Sempra Giovine, special, at 37c Hughes' Ideal Hair Brush, waterproof, special, at....98e 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, special, at. . ....... 14c Lilac Rose Talcum, 1-lb. can, special, at. ....... . .Ctde Palmolive Shampoo, special, at 37c 1-lb. bar Castile Soap, spe cial, at .......'...,., 14c Main Floor ' WeB t ought From S. Steinfeld & Co 43-45-47 West 23d St., New York City 2,000 Silk' Undergarments We purchased this fine lot of Silk Undergarments from this well known job bing houpe . At About 60c on the Dollar making it possible for us to offer some of the best values in dainty Jap Satin, Crepe de Chine and Radium Underearments we have had to tell about in nmv mnth. v.vm woman has a desire to obtain a supply of this luxurious wear and here is the oppor- J buj w uu dv o w'- au iiic: came tyiiiic uc cvuuuiu.ual. . v There Are Bloomers, Envelopes and Camisoles. In Jan Satin, Crepe de Chine, Radium-Scores of Dainty Styles Envelopes of Crepe de Chine, ' Camisoles of Crepe de Chine, plain and satiri striped effect Ra- Radium and Jap Satin, beautifully aium i wen Known ior its line wear ing qualities). Plain tailored or fan cy lace effects. Sizes good and full, and all well cut. The Bloomers are of Jap Satin, trimmed with rows of hemstitching and dainty soft chiffon rosebuds and lace edging. Cut full and generous andoffered in many dainty shades of pink. Price $1.95 Price $2.95 trimmed with dtointy laces and rib bon effects with sleeve or pretty ribbon, strap effects and elastic waist. line. ' ' Price 95c Second Floor i Remarkable Sale of Leather Bags In Beautiful Paisley Designs, at We bought these at very much under their real worth, and so we are able to offer to you Bags that are new and choice and extremely stylish, at a price that does not begin to measure up to their daintiness, style and beauty. There are scores of different styles in the lot from the . triangular triple purse with the big bow handle and leather fringe tassels to the dia . mond-shape Bag with mirror, purse and beautiful bead trimming and tassel. All the Bags are lined with beautiful silk and finished in the best manner Anyone of them any woman would ie proud to carry. There are flat Bags as well, with foijr compartments. We show pictures of just two Bags from this fine stock. ' . f Your Choice on Saturday, at $2.98 Each. Main Floor