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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1917)
THE KEE: OMAITA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1917. tr FOR RENT Business Prop'tyjREAL ESTATE IMPROVED Stores. l-i Is & 87TU ST.. t. Side: near P. O.. E. II. K. Benner Co.. Doug. 34U6 TWO-STORY brick building. 270s) Loaveu worth. Reasonable rent. Douglas 947. MODERN store, cor. 16ta and Cans. Cholc location. Q. P. Stcbblno, 1610 Chicago HODERN store 16th St., near postofflce. 875. i. p. Stebhlns, 1610 Chicago. Ill 60UTH loth St.. stesju heat, Joha N Frenxer, Douglas 654. Office and Desk Room. CLOSE: in rooms, suitable (or studio, office, dentist, dressmaker, etc., with living rmi adjoining. T. F. Mall, 4)4 Ramg. D. 7 4 OS CHOICE office apace. Batrd Bids.. 17th and Douglas. McCague In v. Co. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving-. 219 N. 11th St. Phons Doug las 194. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Export service; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIDELITY RKNTAL PT?l7T? SERVICE XwHilj Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and4 apart mtnta. Also for storage, moving, ltth and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, paokirtg and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. SO S. 16th St. Douglas 41 . Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service. In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 433 J. C REED pJckfig an CO. Moving ind Storage. 1207 Farnsm St Wab 2748. Doug. 6143 WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. ALLEN & BARRETT can find a tenant for your house. Doug. 7768. Bee Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 14 and 6 per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-418 Keellne Bldg.. 17th and Harney. CITY, and farm loans pormptly made. Rates I, 6 4 and ( per cent. Reasonable com mission, UNITED STATES TRUST CO 212 South 17th. Omaha. Neb. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years. Interest 5 per cent, 64 per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1632 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. 17,500 ilTG., bearing 64 pet. semi-annually, secured by property valued at 124,500. Tal-msge-Loomts Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. E. H. Louses, Ino. 538 Keellne Bldg. 8HOPEN ft CO., PRIVATE MONET. MONEtf to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha FARM and city loans, S, 64 and per cent W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg Doug. 1648 OMAHA HOMES. EAST, NEB. -FARMS O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. 112 Bran dels Theater Bldg D. 685. S100 TO 110.000 MADE promptly F. D Wead, Wead Bldg.. 28th and Farnam Sts NO DELAY IN CLOSING LDA.NS W T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg money Harrison & morton. tit Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS.. Om Nat Bk Bldg O O Stocks and Bonds. ' OIL STOCKS. A. L. WRIGHT, Flatiron Hotel. Doug. 278T. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. FOR SALE. My 640-acre homestead, northeast CoIo rado. For particulars address Y 158, Bee. Nebraska Lands. AN EXCEPTIONAL FARM. 400 acres in best utalo of cultivation, 40 acres in tame grass pasture, large grove, small orchard, 6-room house, good barn for 8 head horses, granary, corncrib. ma chine shed, all well fenced and cross fenced. It Is leased for 1918 to good renters.' 2-5 of crop delivered in town. 4 miles to Clarks. 1200 cash for pasturo and hay ground. Price only 2125 per acre. Will carry 3-5 ot purchase price for 10 year. A. A. PATZMAN, 528 Securities Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers association. 15th and Howard Sts.. Omaha Douglas 9371 INDIAN FARMS FOR SALE. There has been listed with us for sale soma of the choicest Indian farms In Knox county. Inquire fiantee State Bank. San tee, Neb, 6EE us for western Nebraska wheat lands. - Too will save money by buying through vs. Whtte & Hoover. Omaha Nat'l 'g 160 ACRES Improved, two miles from town, a bargain at 1145. Writ Box 206, Oakland. Neb. - - ' - LIST your lands for quick results with C . J. Canan, 810 McCague Bldg.. Omaha. Oregon Lands. . ..The atock growing Industry.' la Ideal In the . 3drdah -?Vsilley- Project,.' "Heart of the Bansfe'ti-44.000 acres-ca. t. taken ' la 40-acre. units.; i . " ...Excellent "graxlhg land, surrounding. Send for maps and particulars. Excursion August 28tji. , HARLEY J. HOOKER, tit 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas. 126 an acre Get my "free boos:. W 8. FRANK. 201 NeTlllo Block. Omaha' Wyoming Lands. WEU HAVE, for quick, sale at 162,60 per acre the best 160-acre field of alfalfa In Wyoming, ait lft- alifalfa except building spot; well fencgd; small farm buildings: ...'all under irrigation; level; in famous Wlwatland colony, 4H miles from Wheat '. land, county Seat of Platte county; half 'mUe from Yellowstone National highway ' .and rural mail route; good neighbors, fine roads, good schools and market; splendid dairy stocjt- farm. . Wheatland Creamery Co. py'mJ 0 r butter fat Splendid cBniate.' ' Beautiful view-of mountains. Terms half cash, balance 5 years, 8 per cent- Wheatland' Creamery Co.. Wheat- . land, Wyo. . 1 ' Miscellaneous. . FARM LAND NEWS ! Here's good news for the man who wants to get his own farm home. I hav a splendid tract of land In Michigan's best counties and while it lasts I will sell you 10, 20, 40, 80 acres or more at 11-5 to 135 per acre on easy payments over a period ef seven years. Live on your own ' land and give your children a better start In life than you had. Good schools, towns, roads, markets. A few hours' ride from Chicago. Healthful climate; pure soft water;" plenty of rainfall. Stock, dairying, peultry, vegetables and fruits all do well and earn good money here. Write - for full Information free. George W. Swl gart. Owner. J-1252 First Nat Bank Bldg.. Chicago. 111. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. VVest. West Famam District Residence, seven-rooms, three on first floor osk, four on second white enamel, hot water heat tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable terms If desired. , ALFRED THOMAS. . 303 Farnam Bldg. BE A HOME. OWNER. s m - . Huniralnw- with ElalrWST to floored attic; brand new. nicely decorated. ! oak finish in living rooms; full cement basement; east front; located high and sightly; on 47th Ave., one block west of Fontenelle Blvd. Price 13.200; S100 down, balonce terms. 210-312 BrandelB Theater Bldg. j "ROOM house, 50 ft. lot in walking din- I Un tat (2,100. 2J79 Capitol Ave. 1 North. A NEW HOUSE $50 CASH 3835 Binney Street, 3-rooru new bun galow, with 4-room accommodations. Hat large living room, kitchen, bedroom, bed closet with Murphy door bed in living room; oement cellar; flower boxes; full lot. Price, 11,700; $60,00 cash, 117.50 per month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. 1350 CASH, 127.50 per month, will buy a dandy new bungalow, oak finish, buffett, cupboards. In fact Just the kind of a home you have been looking for. Price only 13.950, one block to car and school. Rasp Bros. 210 Keellne Bldg.. Tyler 721. South FIVE-ROOM house, all modern, oak finish In living room and dining room. Walks - In, shades and electric fixtures and water meter Installed; In fact, ready to move In. This is new; never .been lived tn. Sold six In this location. Will sell at a bar gain. This Is located so that it Is an Ideal home for anyone' working out from the Vinton street barn or the Pierce street barn. For further Information, see TRAVER BROTHERS SIS First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ONE 6-rooru and one 4 -room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition: live In one and rent the other. Price for both, 13.760 Very easy terms. No. 248$ 8. 20th BU NORR1S & NORRIS. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. It. S. TRUMBULL, 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg, D. 1734. Miscellaneous. A TRACT of (round laying Ideal for poultry raising; 850-ft. frontage; price 2810: S50 cash. 113 60 monthly. Call D. 2596. t W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO.. Real Estate and Insurance, 1320 Farnam Si D. 1064. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN Benson. FINE FOR POULTRY 4 ACRES, $2,400 ' WEST OF BENSON This. Is a ,-fine location for a poultry farm. Slopes right south and west. About 20 good fruit trees 2 years old. In a new and growing settlement, Easy monthly payments. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. Realtors. 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. 20 ACRES, west Elmwood park, the finest piece of ground In Douglas county; suit able for country home. Phone Douglas 2596. H. H. Harper & Co., 1013 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Dundee. DUNDEE-$500 DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY. 8-room, strictly modern, full 2-story house. Beautifully located. Living room, dining room, kitchen and butler's pantry on first floor, finished In oak. Three nice bedrooms and bath on second. Large lot, 60x130. On paved street and paved alley. Owner has authorised us to sell this for quick sale at 24,260. A good bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 527 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1761. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod. em. attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO.. HOMES and home sites In Dundee. 8HULER A CARV 204 Keellne. D. 1076. Morris Apartment Hotel 1 Shares Conservative - Remunerative Backed, as they are, by Omaha's newest and finest Apartment Hotel, these shares are one of the best in vestments of the year. Being cumu lative and participating they not only pay the guaranteed 7 per cent, but share in all the surplus profits . of, the company. Based on the pres- ; nt'rehtiakplan of the.apailment the shares will pay a dividend of 9 to 11 fer cent. M; "The i Mmm Apartment Hotel is located on the corner of Eighteenth and Dodge streets. On a corner that is rapidly advancing in ; price and surrounded by some of Omaha's,; : finest and most expensive strictu'rfesv the. '- Morris Apartment, convenient to theaters, business houses, street car lines, etc.','-will ever be in demand as an ideal downtown ; residence building. .... ' To anybody that is not receiving 7- per cent .......... ... '.i f ' on the money that they have invested, we wish to submit our plan. Backed, as it is, by one of Omaha's best real estate propositions, in a location that will continue to increase in value, those shares cannot but secure the attention of all those that have their money out at the present time at low rates of interest. For further information write or call Porter & Shotwell 202 South 17th REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE Six room, strictly modern, living room with fireplace, beamed ceilings, dining room, sun room, kitchen, first floor; three large bed rooms and bath second floer; full basement, oak floors through "out; a nice south front, near Fifty-first ana iJurt streets, price M50. $i, coo cash. HIATT COMPANY 245-7-9 Omaha s's't. Bk. Bldg, Tyler . Miscellaneous. FIXU vacant lot on Emmet St. near 22d very cheap; will exchange for auto. INTERSTATE BKALTT CO., ' 229:39 City Natrona!. " ' Uoufcias Sis. REAL ESTATE Investment. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A, IV TL'KEY & SON. REALTORS. SCO First National Bank Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE Unimproved. North. AFTER looking tit MINNS LCSA 800 ulf ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understood .why the others sre buvlng. i CHARLES W. 'MARTIN & CO.. 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. Miscellaneous BEAUTIFUL, 60-ioot lots Price 1220, only 3- cash and 50 cents per week. Doug. S3P3. REAL' ESTATE To Exchange SHERIDAN, Da wen, Rock and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear, for sale or ex change. S. 8, A R. E. MONTGOMERY, Douglas 4810, &J7 City Nut. Hunk Bids. EQUITY, two nww modern houses Omaha, fur Dawes county, Nebraska land. Ad dress J. L. . Xennant, 215. Flynn Bldg. Dos Moines, la. 250 AN acre buys 130-acra farm-15 miles from Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel. Doug. 4212. R?lrteiics phons Doug, 6775. INVESTIGATE my system; Omaha Realty Tracing Co.. 18 Patterson Blk. Tyler 266. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with 2200 to 1500 down. Call Osborne Reslty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.- . WANTED Attractive five or six room houso. In desirable neighborhood. F. D. Wead, 310 S. Eighteenth street LISTING houses to rent oi sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting Western Real Estate, 412 Ksrbach Blk D 2607. IF you want quick action on your prop erty, list It with me. LUND, 420 ROSE BLDO. TYLER 753 WISH to buy 1 to 3 five-room cottages for cash; will consider houses needing re pairs. Box 6614, Bee. WE have a customer for a handsome brick residence In ileslrable district F. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th St. AKNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1S2& Laird St WebiH' 8039 LET us sell or rent your property. Tom- , pleton-Olson Co.. 603 Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020 REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property Bee Want Ads Produce Results. St., Omaha, Neb. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. TVO wagons with express body to sell very reasonable; capacity one and two tons, both In good order. Groceries Specially Co., Corner ISth and Oss. FOR SALE Freeh cows aniionis "toTeresh! Lewis Jensen, 40th snd Valley. H. 4401. Call bet. 12 and 3 p. m., snd after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Team, wagon Phone Walnut 1027, and harne POULTRY AND PET STOCK THIRTY White Rock hens and three roo ters Will sacrifice for Immediate sate. Colfa X 3752. FOR SALE White Leghorn chicken, all sties. 1708 South 60th St. Wal. !9i9. FOUR thoroughbred white Persian king ritTt. House broke. 2220 Pierce, Tyler 2660. TWO briuuMe Bostou bull pups at 15 each. 2502 S. S3d St. . MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omahv Furniture, plants and notes as security. HO, 0 mo. H. Roods, total cost, 13.60. Smaller or larger am't proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg, 16th and Farnam. Ty. . LEGAL RATES LOANS :.uu -, 1240.00 or more Easy paymaat. Utmost prlvscy 3(0 Paxton Bldg. TelADogg. 2291 ' OMAHA LOAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Katie Cabalan to Joseph Meagher. Twenty-third street. 278 feet south of Leavenworth street, east side, 83x138 12,200 arms is. tiiimore and husband to Lo renso F. Van Valkenberg, southwest . corner Thirty-first street and Lart more avenue, 46x136 1 Charles W. Martin ami wife to Ethel M. Van Valkenberg, Vfhltemoro street, 84 feet east of Twenty-eighth .avenue, north side. 84x114 1 Scott 4 Hill company to Elsa K. Pfelffer et al. Thirty-second avenue. 280 feet north of Leavenworth Street, eastslde, 40x130 4,100 Mitchell Marks and wife to Myer Lip- ' ofsky, MtulRum street, 120 l'eet east of Thirty-fifth street, south side, 80x134 470 Elso Tliorson and husband to Roy H Norrls, Forty-seventh street, 240 feet south f Wtrt street, eaet side, 40x125 1,500 William C. Norrls to Mattle 8. I'helps. Walnut street. 100 feet west ef Thirty-third street, south side, 50x138.. 6,000 Edward Callahan and wife to Callahan Realty company, Jackson street, 6 fuet west of Thirteenth streot, north side, 132x133, undivided H 6,200 Ellen Danlhcr to Ed F. Grimes et al, Thlrty-flfth street, 144 feet south of Lincoln avenue, east side, 60x136,... 115 Joseph Bonfante to Samuel Mancuso. Nineteenth street. 360 feet south of Leavenworth street, west side, 60x 144: Twentieth street, 373 feet north of Pierce street, west aide, 60x132. I Earn Recotta to Samuel Mancuso. Hickory street, 140 feet east of Twenty-fourth street, north side, 28x 132 1 New York General Market. Nw York. Aug. !4. Flour Market un settled; spring patents. $11.900 13.1 5; win ter patents and winter straights, nominal; Kansas straights, 1 1.90 jr 1 2 C'ornmeal Easier; fino white and yel low, 86.25W6.II6: coarse. $5. 16(86.25: kiln dried, 10.05(ft 10.16. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 12.26 and No. 3 hard, 12.27, c. I. f., New York, ex port. Corn Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow, 11.97: No. 2 mixed, 11.03, c. I. f.. New York. Oats Spot, barely steady; standard, 09c, nominal. Feed Easier: city bran. 100.1b sacks 135.00; western bran, 100-lb. sacks. $81.60: standard middlings, 100-lb sacks, 138.000, Hops Firm: state, medium to choice. 1910. nominal; 1915, 17c; Paclflo coast, 1916, 20?:gc: 1915. is$pi9c Hides Market, nulet; Bogota, 84Hc: Central America, 42Hc. . Leather Market, firm; hemlock firsts, 57o: seconds, 66c. Provisions Pork, unsettled; mess, 240.00 i(246.60; family, 146.00; short clears, 140.00 rj4.60. Lard, firm; middle west. 123.20Q 23.30. v Tallow Market, easy; city special, loose, 164c. Cottonseed OH Market steady; prime summer yellow, spot, 113.00; September, 115.48; October, 115.33; December, 114 S. Wool Market, firm; domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 66c. Hay Market firm; No. 1, $1.CU.20 No. 3, $1.051.10; No. 1, 90095c; shipping, 809 85c. Rice Market, steady: fancy head, 89 me: blue rose, 7HSe. Butter Market steady; rcolp1s. 13,193 tubs; cheamery, higher than extras, 4314 43Vc; extras (92 score), 42 Vic, firsts, 4101 42Hc; seconds, SS'4ff 4c. Hks Murkct steady; receipts, 9.287 caeos; fresh gathered extras. 4oS4$u; extra firsts, 4344c; firsts, 4042c; seconds, 30 39e. Cheese Msrket firm: receipts, 3.436 boxes; state fresh specials, 23t24c; slate average run, 2323Ho. Poultry Alive, Irregular; no prices settled. Dressed, firm; chickens, 21 28o; fowls, 18 26c; turkeys, lfiSj 32c. . Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Aug. 24. Cattle Receipts, 2,600 head; native beef cattle, $8.2613 15.50; west ern steers, $7.00 12.40; stockers snd feeders, 16.10Si9.25; cows and helferl, $4.65 313.00; calves. $11 60416 00. Hogs Receipts, 8,600 head; market weak and $1 lower than yesterday's average; early top, $18.00; bulk ot sales, 116. 35f 17.30; lights 115.7617.36; mixed. 115.90 17.60; heavy, 116.7517.35; rough, $15.75 16.96; plirs, Hl.00fiil4.0O. Sheep and "Lambs Rece1pts, 6,000 head; market weak; wothers, $7i76$ 11.10; ewes, $7.25010.00; lambs, $10.5016.76. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City. Aug. 24. Cattle Receipts. 700 head; market slow; beef steers, 17.60 14.00; cows and heifers, !6.009.00; run ners, $5.008'6,00; stockers and feeders. 17.00 (ft)9.60; calves, IS.OOifJi 13.00; bulls, stags, etc.. J6.009J8.OO; feeding cows and helfsrs, $5.50 8.0.0. . . Hogs Receipts, 4,000 head: market 60c to 7e lower; lights. , $16. 4OlT.0Qj ' rnjxed, $16.50048.75; ireavy. 1. 5 16.75 : r pigs, IH OOlOO; built, of sales. $lfl.40l. 76. No sllcep. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts light, demand good, market firm and steady on all grades of prairie hay and alfalfa. Prairie Hay Choice upland, $20.00 21.00; No. 1, $18,006)20.00; No. 2, 114.00 17.00; No. 3, 18.O01J12.00. No. 1 midland, 117.0019.00'; No. 2 midland, $13.00H.0O. No. 1 lowland, $10.0012.00: No. 2 lowland, $7,0089.00; No. .1 lowland, 13.00fl.00. AlfalfaChoice, ' 122.OOfi23.00: No. 1, 12O.00i8f21.OO'; standard, 117. 00019.00; No. 2, $15.O0l7.O; No. 3, 1 1 .00 13.00. Straw Oat, $8.00$. 60; wheat, $7.00 7.50. St. Joseph Live Mtork Market. : St. -Joseph; Mo., Aug, 24. -Cattle Receipts 1,600 head;- market steady; steers, 18.00 14,00; cows and heifers, $5.ift13.00; calves, 16.00 J 12. 60. Hogs Receipts, 5,500 hesd; market 76o to' 11 lower: top, 118.15; bulk of sales, 116.00 ST17.75I heavy packers, tl.60l7.00; mixed packers, !14.601.60. (iheep and Lambs Receipts, 800 head; msrket steady; lambs, !10.0016.D0; ewes. 15.0o10.-00. ... ' ' . Minneapolis, (iraln Market. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 24. Flour Mar ket unchanged. Rye 11.74 1.76. Barley 97o 11.23. Brap 126.6027.60. Wheat September, 12.19; cash, No. 1 northern, 12.60ifJ2.65; No. 2 northern,, 13.55 et2.0; No. 4 northern, $2.452.t6; No. 2 hard Montana, " $!.50 Porn-rNo. 3 yellowr $1.78 1.80. lists No. 3 while, 63636. Klnxieed .& 3.85. Kanoas City (iraln Market. Kansas City.'Aug. 24. Wheat No. 2 hard, $2.38 8 2.56; No. 2 red, 12.28 2.30; Septem ber. 13 30. Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.71 1.74; No. 2 white, $1.85; No. 2 yellow, $1.77l. 80; De cember, 11. ION; May, $1.07 iy l.07. Onts No; 2 white, 68j58Hc; No. 2 mixed, f75c. , i lry Uoods Market. New YorU. Aug 24. Cotton goods were steady here today on finished lines and easy on, gray goods. Sheetings were steady. Gov ernment demands for duck and other cot tons were maintained. Wool markets were unsettled by price agreements and govern ment control of part of the Imports used for government work. Hllks were quiet and Jobbing was very moderate. New York Piugar Market. New Tork, Aug. 24. Sugar Raw: market steady; centrifugal, 7.40c; molasses, 0.62c; refined, steady; fine granulated, 8.4039o. tondon Silver Market. London, Aug. 24. Silver Bar, 4474" Pr ounce; money, 8i per cent; discount rates, short bills, 44 pur cent: three months bills, 4 13-16 per cent. Kansas City Provision Market. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 24. Butter, eggs and poultry market unchanged. LIVE STOCK MARKET Car of Cornfed Steers Sells for the Highest Price Ever Paid on Any Market in Country. Omaha. August 24. 1917. Receipts were: Cattle. Hs. Sheep. Official Monday 20.10U 2.2(15 16.128 Official Tuesday ...... 10.37 7.470 9,781 Official Wednesday ,. 7.797 8.501 13,038 Official Thursday .... 4.067 7.68 7.44? Estimate Friday 600 6.900 Five days this week, . .43,841 Same days last week .12.640 Sams days 3 wks. ago. 12.733 Same days Skwks. ag. 23,705 Same days 4 wgs. ago. 22.953 Same days last year.. 29. 638 Receipts and disposition 'of live stock at the Vnlon Slock Yrd. Omsk tour hours ending at $ nVtook a, for twenty - yesterday. RECEIPTS CARLO Cattle. C. W. ft St. P., 1 Wabash u 1 Missouri Paclflo.'. Union Pacific,.....,,,.., jj C. & N. W., east.,,.,. ., C. ft N W., west 13 C., St. P., M. A O C. B. ft Q . east C, B. & Q., west 5 C, R. I. ft P., east 1 C. R. I. A p.. west Illinois Cintral Chicago Great Western. .. ADS. liar. Sheep. 4 11 4 30 10 11 Total recelnts 23 90 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hons ,sh Morris 4 Co 113 i.os Swift and Company., 65 mu; 1 Cudahy Packing Co. . . 217 1,931 Armour A Co.; 24i 1.273 Schwarts ft Co 193 30 .r. 499 ,191 500 S96 J. W. Murphy rr 37 Lincoln Packing Co 620 .... So. Omaha Pack. Co ' in .... St. Clair 1'Sck Co 74 .... Corr Packing Co u6 .... W. R. Vausant Co,,,, 23 ,,,, F. H. T.ewls 5t J. H. Root ft Co...... 01 .... .... J. H. Uulla 14 L. F. Hust Wiggins 5 John Harvey 15 .... .... Dennis ft Francis. .... 7 .... .... Other buyers 39S .... 6,986 Totals 1,179 6,186 8,771 Cattle Receipts of cattle were very mod erate as usual on Friday and made up largely ot an Indifferent class of stock. .Re ceipts so far this week have been approxi mately 43.090 hesd, which Is a record as far as the month of August Is concerned. The demand for choice cornfed beoves has been keen all week and a bunch of fancy 1,174 pound stoera sold today at $16.66, which Is not only the highest prloe ever raid In Omaha, but the hi-'iest figure ever puld for cattle at any western market and 16o hither than season's top In Chicago. Aside from the top cattle, howeVer, the general market for the week on both beef steers and cow stuff Is all of 60o to $1.00 lower than It was a week ago and slow at that. Business In stockers snd feeders hss been dull all week as the demand lias been very disappointing. Prices are all the way from 75c to $1.60 lower than they were a week or ten days ago and stocks In the yards In traders hands are heavier than they have been at any time this season. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, lli.60lB.6&; fair to good beeves. 110. 26013. 26; common to fair be-oves, 19.U0 12.00; good to choice yearlings, 112. 76 13.75; fair to good yearlings, 111.60(J12.50; common to fair yearlings, 19.00A11.00; goad to chotoe grass beeves. $ 1 0. if. 13.60) fair to good grass beeves, 19.004V 10.00; common fix fslr grass beeves, 1T,608.76; good to choice heifers. $7.609.00; good to choice cows, $7 258.2i; fair (0 good cows, $8. 6i W7.00; common to fair cows, $5.006.60; good t choice feeders, $.00.OO; fair to good feeders. $7.269.95; commos to fair feeders, $5.766.76; good to choice stock srs. 17.76 8 76; stook heifers. t.609 00; stock cows, $6.007.66: stock Calves, $6.60 9.00; veal calves, $l.o412.60; bulls, stags, etc., $6,756 1.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEER. 16 1674 $16 66 COWS. 2 694 6 36 31 86H $ 40 3 640 6 $0 4 645 6 16 4 790 00 3. ...... 140 6 63 10 980 6 86 - STOCK HEIFERS. 2....... 903 $ 60 . 6 770 7 15 CALVES. '" - '" ' '; 444 10 9 ST S 75 3 INK 20 00 3 178 11 00 1 110 IJ 60 11 If 12 00 WESTERN CATTLE NEBRASKA, 3 steers.. 017 $6 26 6 rows. . .1000 $0 76 3 calves. 240 9 25 I calf.... 19 10 60 10 cows... 1063 6 99 WYOM1NS. 24 steers., 903 7 76 1 steer... 1310 13 60 2 steers.. 920 9 00 12 caws... 735 7 60 MONTANA. ' Kclsey ft Strong. 2 steers.. 1105 9 75 4 rows... Ill TS WTOMINO. L, M. Johnson. 13 steers.. $69 3 00 '49 steers.. Ill 1 15 Jacke Mills. 1 cows... 1033 76 41 steers. .1033 10 00 WYOMING. John Borgreen. 2 cows. .. 825 70 Roy McClaln. 3 steers.. 734 7 00 2 steers.. 680 6 75 Harry Wrhlte. 4 cows... 11J5 7 60 3 cows... 940 I 15 MONTANA. ' Kelsey ft Strong. cows... 976 6 75 12 steers. .1060 8 0 WYOMING. Alfred Johnson. 3 steers.. 1055 9 10 2 steers.. 785 8 10 NEBRASKA. J. A. Nelson. 3 cows... 1016 7 13 2 heifers.. 745 7 25 3 heifers.. 710 7 25 2 cows... 1155 6 60 Alfred Johnson. 11 bulls... 373 25 3 cows... 760 6 50 Hogs Receipts were smaller todoy, but the market duplicated yesterday's decline, the bulk of the offering elUug60c$1 00 lower. By the close the decline seemed to have reached -Its limit and' there was-' slightly stronger tone to the Usde. Bulk sold aroqnd $1.4016.7$, the. tops on up to $17.75. - . Representative salts: No. Av. fih. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Tl'. 60. ,2Q1 70 $16 40 60. .268 .40 $1 60 12. .242 ... 1 55 74. .188 120 16 60 61. .226 ... 16 6 68,. 239 ... 16 70 10. .238 340 16 75 81. .217 240 16 80 67. .282 ... 16 86 71. .208 ...17 00 86. .179 .... 17 60. 42. .260 40. 17 .60 74.. 190 ... 17 76 Sheep- and Lambs Ths lamb market-was much the same ss yesterday, a pretty. fslr peroentago of the offerings being sold by 10 o'clock at prtces tbat were strong to as much as 1015c higher. Feeders paid up to 117.00 for several loads. Packers had to wait until the feeders were through and only a fow fat lambs changed hands. It wus probably the top . would tie oeuer man 116.75 end might reach H7.00. Old sheep wsre to scarce to make a; market. Quotations and sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, 16.t617.00; yearlings, fair to choice, 310.60&12.00; wethers, fair to Choice, 10.0011.60; ewes, fair to choice, $9.0010.26; feeder lambs. $1.0017.00; feeder yearlings, 110.6012.60; feeder ewes, $6.00(5.9.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 99 Idaho fat lambs 62 $16 25 175 Idatlo feeding lambs 57 16 90 202 Idaho feeding ewes 88 10 00 36 Idaho feeding ewes 92 7 75 119 native fat lambs 75 10 70 M. Iouls 1.1 ve 8tork Market. St. Louis, Aug. 24. Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady ; native beef steers, 17.60314.60; yearling steers and heifers, !s.6014.00; $6.69l0.00: stockers and f.-eders, 16.50ji 9.60; prime southern beef steirs, 8.00ai3.60; beef cows and heifers, f6.3o C 9.00 ; prime yearling sti-ers and heif ers. $7. 60310.00; native calves, 15.76 14.2!.. Hogs Receipts, 6,200 head; itiark't low er; lights, 115.7611 17.25; pigs, 112.0016 00; mixed and butchers, $17.70 17.76: good heavy, $17.75S18.25; bulk of sales, $17.26 18.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,300 head; market, sheep steady; lumbs, 26c hiither; lambK, $H.(I01.40; ewes. $8.60(89.60; wethers, $10.6011.50; canners and chop pers, $4.606.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Aug. 34. Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers. $14.0015.00; drrseed beef steers, $11.00 11.35; western steers, $9.0012.60; cows, $5.7610.00: heifers, $7.5013.00; stockers and feeders' $6.5O12.00; bulls, $6.258.25; calves, $7,006)12.60. Hogs Receipts, 1,800 head; market low er; bulk of sales, 116.76 17.60; heavy, 116.75 11.16; packers and butchers, $17 00 17.76; lights, $16.7617.261 pigs, $14 00W 16.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head: market steady; lambs, $1 6.75 16.75; year ling, It0.u0l2 0: wethers, $9.0011.00; ewes, $8.60)' St. - - market. St. Louis, Aug. 24. Wheat No. 2 rod, $2.26; No. 2 hard, $2.30: September, $2.07. Corn No. 2, $1.85; No. 2 white, $1.87 1.90: September. $1.62: December, $1.10t. Oats No. 2, 66Vi57c; No. 2 white, !8c, 22.424 M.1M 23.U6 43.659 42,336 42.SII1 65.663 43.834 09.48 S6.X23 34,050 99.534 I GRAIN AND PRODUCE Trading in Wheat and Corn is Dull, While Oats Remain Active ; All Cereals Sell Higher. Omaha. August 14, 1917. The local cash wheat market was very dull sgatn today, with prices on all the different grades quoted unchangrtf to 6c higher Receipts were heavier, with six teen cars, hut during the early hours of trading very little Interest was shown for this cereal. The sit corn scored s shsrp advance today, but trade In this msrket also was veiy slow. Buyers and sellers could not get together on prices and up to late noon nly a few cars were reported sold. Receipts were much llsMer, with thirty three cars, and quotations on this cereal range. from 4c to tc higher. Preference was shown strain today for the yellow grade, which sold at the hleher prices The No. 2 grade of yellow, which sold yes terday at $1.1071 .814, commanded a much higher price today and sales were made at $1 87. a 7o premium over tlis mixed. Sales of No. 3 white were miide at $1.84. 3o under the yellow, Tho oat:i market was fairly active, with contnued heavier arrivals, There was a fair rtemur.d for this cereal at unchanged I-rirea. Itye was Quoted at unchanged prices, only cm car being on the floor. Arrivals of barley wsre also light. Four cars of this cereal were reported In snd there was only t fair demand at unchanged prices. Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal tn 600,000 huaaela; corn, 8.000 bushels; oats, 731,000 bushels. Primary Wheat receipts wr 801,006 bush els and shipment 563,000 bushels, sgalnst rwcelpts of 1,779,000 bushels and shipments of 1.103.000 bushels last yar. els and shipments S05.000 bushels, sgalnst i.v.-i.xn .,1 ,ai,iii uusneis ana snipments of 422.000 bushels lsst year. Primary eats receipts wre 1,641,000 bush els and Milpments 1,031,000 bushels, against rscelpie of 2,081,000 bushels and shipments of 901,000 liuthels Inst year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Chicago 117 Minneapolis ,,,.U7 Duluth Omaha , 16 Kansas City ...., 96 St. Louis 106 Winnipeg 41 Coin. 199 Oats. 291 83 29 24 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 2-6 car (yl lowl, $3.40; 1 ear ired), $8.34. No. I hard winter: 1 car (dark). $2.36; 1 par, 13,10. Sample hard winter: 1 car (yellow). $2.00; 1 car, $1.90. No. 3 spring (northern): 1 cur, $2.43; 1 car (red), $8.48; 1 csr (damp). $3 28. No. 1 northern spring: 8-6 car. $3.46. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (herd and red spring), $3.35. No. 3 mixed: t far, $2.10; 1 car (hard red and spring), $1.36. Rye No, 4: 1 csr. $1.67. Harle No. 3: 1 rsr, 11.13. No: 4: 1 car. $1.36; 2-5 csr. 91.1b. Corn No. 3 whito: 10 cars, $1.84. Sampl white: 1 csr, $l.8. No. 2 yellow: 4 cars, 117. No. 4 yellow: 1 rar. $1.17; 1 car, 11.86'j. No. 2 mixed: 5 cars (near white), $1.82; 1 car (near while), $1.80; 4 cars, $1.80. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (near jellow), 11.S2H; 1 car, (near whits), $1.80; 1 car, $1.29. oats No. 3 whltei 11 cars, 6S'-4e; 1 car, 564e. No. 4 white: 1 car, 65Vc: 8 cars, 65c. Sample white; 3 cars, He; 1 car, 04c. Oniahii Caeh Prices When t: No, 3 harfl. 82..15: No. 3 hard. $3.8013.46; N. 2 sprint. $3.403.66; No. 8 sprint;, 12.SSfJI.46, Corn: No. 2 white, $186V,ti 1.96: No. 3 white, t.86t4trl.Kit No. 2 yellow, $l.lH1.87i No. 3 yellow, 11.1'41.841 N 3 mixed, 11.79 '1 4M. 80; No. S mixed, ll.If 1.79S. oats: No. I white, 65i6e; standard, 66V4 jn6e; No. 3 Whtte, 66 '4 (? 84 4c; No. 4 white, 66nS4c. Barley: Malting, $1 llfll I. 22; No. I feed, $1.00f 1.12. Rye! No .2, II. !'1.71; Ne. 3, $1.691.70. Loral ange of options Art. Tip High. I Low. Close. Yea Wht Sep. Corn. Dec. May O- S- Dee, I 3 20 I 10 1 1 04 212 104 104 i 13 1 04 1 04 IIH 111 04 04 56 1DI 104 61 H 66U 5514 Chicago closing prices, turnlahsd The Be by Logan ft Bryan, atoek and grain brokers 115 south Sixteenth street. Omsha;, Art. Opyo. High, ' Low.) Close. Yes Wht. ' ' i Sep, 2 10 3 13 201 1 II $07 Com, ' . i Dec. J tit 1 104, 108. 1 10 109U May 1 0J 1014 10OH 13 107 Oota. - Sep. 64 r44 634 58 54 Den. 64 64 644 644, May 61 ll'ji 67S SJ14 IT Pork. Bnp.. 43 26 . 41 26 43 90 41 OS 43 It Got. 42 65 43 76 41 62 41 0 43 8 Lard, Sen. 23 03 23 10 23 IT 1$ 10 23 1 Oct. 2$ 01 21 07 23 99 31 07 13 01 Ribs. Sep. 23 33 13 37 it 611 31 47 128 61 Oct. 33 60 23 83 23 49 21 60 23 H CHICAGO GRAIN ANT) PROVISIONS. Corn Price Flortnste; Karly Advance Due To the Weather Conditions. Chicago, Aug. 24. The course of cor prtres was erratic today, on early advanr on local demand falling before Increased of ferings only to be followed by a still sharper advance which was accentuated by short covering and lick prior to higher levels. The close, was strong snd well toward the top for the day. Final figures were to 14c not higher with December at $1,104 to 1.104 and May at II. 0714)11. 08. Wheat finished at the top, 3c higher with. Septem ber the only trading option it $2.13. Oats wers easier and finished a shade to 4c lower. Provision, after early weakness ral lied and closed not fur from yesterday's lev-els. Somo ot the early advance In corn Was credited to the weather report which showed 37 degrees In the northwest and car. rletj. t(ie .suggestion of possible damage to fields tioiyet garnered. The fact that frost dangrruls .not yet over also flg'ure! In the .lata, session rally In which shorts coveted unprutenrwl lines, though no Indication ot anusl threat of frost Injury appeared on the map. Loral cash sales aggregated 30 000 bushel. 1 September wheat, the only remaining op tion to engage trading, ranged higher on evening up transactions, closing s.t the top price,- 6c above yestorday's flnsl figures. Tomorrpw trsdlng In wheat comes to an etvd snd official action by tho board of trade la -expected fixing the price at which September contracts ehsll be settled. - Oats reflected the action of corn. Country offerings were light. Provisions showed sctlon In sympathy with the hog market, which declined about $1, but buying credited to packers took prices oway from the low levels to shout yesterday's- finishing figures, srd was an active product through much of the session. Butter Higher; ceamery, 3"414c. Eggs Receipts, 7,820 cases; market higher; firsts, 36 37c; ordinary ilrsts, 32 34c; at-mark, cases Included, 3236e, Potatoes Market steady; receipts, 60 ears; Virginia, barrels. $4.164.10j Jersey, bulk, $1.401.45; Minnesota, bulk, 11.25 1.80. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls. !iHl2c; springs, 28 5 24c. Ifcnton Wool Market. Boston. Aug. 24. The Commercial Bulle tin tomorrow will say: "Demand for wool was comparatively light during the Inst week although prices were firm. Doubtless the fact thath the govern ment has reached the purchasing point has had a quieting effect, although It probably 1. triii. that the mills generally ore well covered agdlnst current needs. "Tho mills report a fair DUHiness on ngni weight Initial ordfirs and this business bus been reflec ted more or less In tho yarn and tops markcl. Huying in the went has been both scattered and limited." Scoured basis: Texas, fine, 12 months, 11 66(91.70; fine, 8 months. 11.451. 60. California: Northern, 11.70 1.76: middle county, $l.4nJ1.45; southern, $1.151.20. Oregon: Eastern No. I staple, $1.7C1.80; eaftern clothing. $1.60 1.60; Valley No. 1, $1.66 1.30.- Territory; Fine staple, $1.80; half blood combing, 11.70 & 1.75; 4 Mood combing, 1 in fine clothing. U.J01.65; fine me dium clothing. $1.461.65. Pulled: Extra, -si.sui.i; . 1.80; A super, $1.461. 60. New York Metal Market. New York, Aug. 24. The metal exchange fluotcs lead steady; spot. $lo.6010.874. Spelter, steady ;'spot East St. Louis delivery, $7.87.124. Copper Market dull; electrolytic, spot nearby, nominal; September and " fourth quarter, $26.0093100. Metal exchange quotes tin, quiet; spot, $62.00. At London: Lesd: Spot, 30 10s; futures, 129 10s. Spelter: Spot, 64; futures, 54. At London Copper, spot, 120; futures, 119; electrolytio, 37. Tin, spot, 1241 ls; futures, 1139 10. Kvaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New yoik, Aug. 24 Kvaporated Apples Market dull. Dried Fruits Prunes, market steady. Apricots, firm. Peaches, steady. Raisins, flrip HEW YORK STOCKS Betterment in Russian Affairs Suggested by New Credit Offer Allays Pes-simism. New York. Aug. 24 Further upward readjustment ot prices was registered by today's stock market, traders regarding the governments hard coal schedules as alto gether quttable. Sharp rallies In oils and shares of other commodities seemed to re sult from the belief that additional price fixing would be on ths some basis. Pro nounced betterment In Russian affairs, as suggested by the new oredlt of $100,000,000 to that country went far to allay the pes simism of recent days. All classes of rails participated In ths advance, the movement embracing numerous low grade Hsues. notably Rock Islands, Mis souri Pacific, Wheeling and Lake Erie, Wabash and Kansas City southern at ex treme gains of 1 to 4 points. Bethlehem Steel wss ths only prominent Industrial to lag on ths continued uncer tainty attending the company's proposed fi nancing. Culled States Steel advanced 1 to 1211k, placing It 3 4 over Its low quota tion of yesterday, and crucible and Lackawanna Steels averaged 1 point gains, with 3i for Grvat Northern Ore and 14 for Rdpubllc. Iron. Texas company regained almost half Its 12 4 point loss of the previous day and Mexican Petroleum made a gross gain of 14. Other senil-war shares, Including cop pers, sugars snd tobaccos, rsnged from 1 to 84 points higher, shippings and motors faring similarly. Final prlqea were Irregular under the best, the market reacting On profit taking. Much of the day's trading, aggregating 400, 000 shares, consisted of short covering, Bonds were easier with sustained firmness In the Ltbsrty Issues at 19 91 to 99 98. Total salAs (par value) IS. 976,000. United States bonda (old Issues) were unchanged en call. Number of sales and range of prices of the leading stocks: Pales. ITIgh. Low. Close. Am. Be Sugar.. 1,300 194 874 984 American Can ... 1,000 444 K si Anier. C. ft F 1.300 734 884 7S4 Amer. Locomotive. 1,600 674 14 47 Amer. 8. A It 10,600 1004 99V. Amor. tHugar Ret.. 1.400 II84 1l 117". Amer. T. ft T 200 IIS 4 111H H8i Amer. T. ft L. 8 2(1 Anaconda Copper.. 6,400 76 - 73i 74, Atchison . 700 93 98. 98 A.. II. A W. I, S... 890 107 3fl'i 1064 Bat. ft Ohio 1,100 68V 67 684 Butts ft Sup. Cop. 200 154 35 !1 35', f'al. Tetroleuni 18 4 Canadian Pacific . 400 1624 162-4 161', Central .Leather... 4.600 814 67 88 Ches. ft Ohio 800 594 38 i U C, M. A St. P.... 1.600 684 $H 674 C. A N. W....,. 300 108 107 US C, R. I. ft P. ctfs. 6.000 304 23 29 Chlno Copper .... 700 I64 64'.4 64i Colo. F. ft 1 400 47 ' 46 44 Corn Product. Ref. 4,60Q 82 33 12 Crucible Steel .... 14.400 714 774 71', Cuba Cane Sugar.. 3,906 36 324 Dlatlllers' Sec 1.600 27 M 27 27 , K.rle , . 3.000 14 33 234 General Kloetrlo 1614 Ocnerat Motor.... 1,500 112 4 t11i 1114 Of. No. pfd 700 1S64 104VJ. 106 Ot. No. Oroctfs... It, I0O 16 4 31 4 34 lltlnol Central..,. 20O1O1H 1014 101 4 Copper, t.900 64 S 62 4 Int. M. M. pfd 894 Inter. Ntckel 1.30 $!4 87 37 Inter. Paper IM 314 SIS 31 4 K. C. Southern . .. 600 24 194 20 i Kennecott CoppeK 5,200 42 41 414 Louis. ft Nash.... 400 1S14 JI24 1J24 Maxwell Motors ., 20(1 824 324 "3S Max. Petroleum.... 7.900 944 9'V 95 Miami Copper .... 1,700 36 36' 363, Missouri Pacific... 4,410 31 C9 30 Montana Power .... .... 86 Nevada Copper 1,000 82 81 ' 124 N. V. Central .... 1.600 91 i 884 N. Y., N. It ft It.. $00 32 11 ' 11 Norfolk A Western .... H34 Northern Pacific. 0 103. 1Q1H1014 Paclflo Mall ..... 264 Pacific T. A T 22 Pennsylvania ,. .... 124 Pittsburgh Coal .. 1.900 4 466, 474 Rsy Cons. Copper, 8.400 37 J : l Reeding 14,100 894 IT 98 Repuhllo I. ft n... 3,000 174 16 96 Shsttuck Art. Cop. , 300 24 24 '234 Southern Pacific... 900 94 14 914 Southern Ry 3,100 Is Sl 874 Studebaker Corp.. 2,700 82 4 13 62 Tesas Co 4,900 133 1764 177 Union Paolflo ..... 136 . II. S. Ind. Alcohol. 1.300 I404 1384 119 V. S. Steel. ....... .110,400 111 1204 111 V. S. Steel pfd .... 1174 . I'leh Copper ....... 3,100 102ft 100W 10W Wabash pfd "B" 364 Wsstsrn Union..., ..... .... .... 924 Westlnghoue Kite. lot) 47 47 47 ' Total sales for the day. 400,000 shares. New York Money Market. "New York, Aug. 24. Prims Mercantile Paper 4!itrl Pr cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills. $4.73; commercial sixty-day bills on bank. ' $4,714; commercial sixty-day bin.i, 64.71-4, demand, 14.71 1-16; cables, $4.71 7-14. Silver Bar, $8 4. Bonds Government, steady; railroad, ir regular.' ' Tim Loans Easier; sixty days, .4044 per cent; ninety days, 444V per cnt; six months, 44 5 per cent. Call Money Steady; highest, S per cent: lowest, 24 per cent! ruling rate, 3 per cent; closing bid, 24 per cent; offered at 24 per cent; last loan, 24 per cent, U. H. 2s reg.... I74MI1. Cen, r. 4s.. 84 do coupon .. 94Int M. M. 6a.. 924 U. S. 3s reg.... 99 4K. C. 8. r. Is.. 8n do coupon ,. 99 4 U ft N. un. 4s.. I U. & 4s reg.. ..101 M K ft T 1st 4s 674 do coupon ..106 Mo. Paclflo g. 4s 674 Pan. 8s coupon 60 Mont. Power 1st 3V Am. F. 8. Is.'. I54N. Y. C d. .I004 A. T. A T. c, 6s. 16 4 Mo. Pc. 8s.... 114 Anglo-French 5s 3Or. 8. L. r. 4s.. 174 Arm. ft Co. 44a I94P. T. ft T. Is.. 364 Atchison gen. 4s 864'Penh. con. 44el0i, B. ft O. 4 84 4Penn. eon. 44s 92 Cen. Leath. Is 98VRsdmg gen. 4s 89 Cen. Pac, 1st., 82 S L ft 8 F a Is 64 C. & O. c. 5s. . II 80. Pac. o. Is 97 C. B. ft Q. J. 4s 14 do ref. 4a.... $44 CMSPg44s. 40 4BO. Ry, ,.-,.... 97 C R I ft P r 4s 63 Tex. ft Pae. 1st.. 944 C. A 8.1 4 44s 71. Union Paolflo 4s 99 D. &.R. O. r. 6s 67H"do CV.---4S.. ... 8 Dom. of Can. 6s 95 C 8. Rubber 6s 63 Erie gen. 4a. i.. .6$ tl. '. S-Jheel-8. .104 Oen. Bleu.. 6s, .100 -fWiMt. Un.44a 33 Gt. No. 1st 44 984' 'Bid. PI N'S REVIEW OF TRADE, Regulation of Commodity Trices Dominates In Many Industries Recession Appear. New York, Aug. "34.-Dun's Review to morrow will say: ' . . -1 Antual and prospective regulation of com modity prices has - been., the- dominating factor In many Industries and -In. securities markets and In certain raw materials and manufactured products', deeurtve.readlust ment has resulted from other than official action. In contrast to the former rapid snd practically general upturn, more reces sions than advances now appear In whole sale quotations and the possibilities of further downward revisions .enter largely into calculations. Where continued yielding is foreshadowed, either- because of accumula tions ot supplies or .tor different reasons, buyers are not disposed to operate except at concessions by sellers, and -where there Is uncertainty as to the change to bo effected, as tn stoel and Iron, new business is still waiting. Increasing caution In entering upon forward engagements ha become a more conspicuous feature; yet the abatement of the rush to contract ahead, at almost any flgura . has made the situation more wholesome., and It is an Indication of confi dence In the future lhat comparatively few cancellations of orders are reported. Weekly bank clearings were $4,661,331,191. Coffee Market. New York, Aug. 24. Early Irregularity wte followed by an easier turn In tho mar ket for coffee futures today. Renewed eve ning up of September contract was about the only features at the start, but later there eemcd to be scattering liquidation, partly from cotton trade sources, and sell ing .was encouraged by talk' of lower cost and freight offers from flraxil. . Ths market opened quiet, net t point lower 'to 1 point higher, later selling off to 7.45c for Sep tember snd 8.10 for May, wltn the close showing a net loss of 3 to 6 points. Sales, Including exchanges were 64,100 bags. Au gust and September, 7.43c; October, 7.53c: December, 7.73c; January, 7.S0c; March, 7.96c: May. 8.09c; July, 8.23c. Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7s, 94c; Santog 4s, 104c. Offers of Santos 4s were reported in the cost and freight market at .25o London credits. The official cables reported a decline of 100 rets In the Rle market with Santos spots unchanged and futures 25 to 76 rei higher. New York Cotton Market New York. Aug. 24. Cotton Futures opened barely steady; October, 83.07o; De cember, tic; January. 23c; March, 23.20a. Cotton futures closed' easy; October, 32.S5o; December, 23,3c; January,, 32.88c; March, 33.61c; May, 21.44c. Spot, market quiet; middling, 21.40c;' - The cotton market todav closed steady at a net loss of 78 to SS polnls. - . v Swift & Company Union Stock Ysrds, Chicago, -. 25, '17. Dividend No. 125 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) per shar on the capital stock of Swift ft Company, will be paid on October 1, 1917, to stockholders of record, September 10, 1117, as shown on ths book of Ub Company. . . F. S. HAYWAJU), Seerttafv , " '