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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1917)
Abt-rUol lyiv. J; ! . Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Word to ins Lint) No mi aken for lett than two line. CASH WITH ORDER o per lint 1 tlms 5c per line.. J or more consecutive Insertions, CHARGE lo per Una 1 time. so per line.. 8 or more consecutive Insertions 1c per tine SO consecutlvs Insertions SITUATIONS WANTED Ua per line per week. CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES mo per line eich Insertion. (Minimum charge, 60 cents) Foreign Rata ;h With Order. (Count Six Words to Line.) Help Wsnted f n0 per line 1 time. A Rente Wanted J - .. , . Muslnees Cbsncesi r lln or m0! financial I consecutive Insertion re Insertions. I to per line 1 time. 8c per line t or more (.consecutive Insertions All Other Classifications. t KG THE TELEPHONE It you cannot con leniently bring or eent in your want ads. Auk for Went Ad Taker and you will receive the same good service as when de livering your want sd st this office. ' PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE KVKKINQ EDITIONS 18:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Rates en Application Movie Program Downtown. PRINCESS. 151. DOUGLAS DONNA DREW in "THE LAIR OF THE WOLF" North. ALAMO, 24TH AND FORT DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "THE FLASHLIGHT GIRL" ALHAMBRA, 24TH AND PARKER IRENE FENWICK in ' "THE CHILD OF DESTINY" ORAND, 1STH AND BINNET PEARL WHITE in No. 6 "THE FATAL RING" LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP " MABEL TALIAFERRO in "THE BARRICADE" South. APOLLO, 29TH AND LEAVENWORTH LILLIAN WALKER in "THE KID" BOULEVARD. I3D AND" LEAVENWORTH FRANK KEEN AN and CHARLES RAT ' ithe"""c6ward" f ROHLFF. 2651 LEAVENWORTH TACK DEVEREAUX in "AMERICAN. THAT'S ALL" West. DUNDEE. SIST AND UNDERWOOD , , JEAN SOTHERN in "MUTE APPEAL" South Side. MAGIC. 24TH AND N ARTHUR HOTT and PRISCILLA DEAN "MR. OPP" ' T,TnnrTfiriM'iiiHintTHff'"ifl DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES MARKS Ines 11., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Marks, at their residence, toil Maple, Thursday. Aug. 2a, 1917. Funeral from residence Saturday morn ing. Aug. ,16, 1117, at 19 o'clock. Inter ment Alliance, Neb. WAZELL Reginald T died at residence, Thursday. August tl, aged It years. Funeral services Saturday, f o'clock at residence, tilt B Bts., South Side. Inter ment Laurel Hill cemetery. Friends wel come. ' 1 1 FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Deliver association, we are In position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere In the United States or Canada. Hess A Bwoboda, Florists. l-'ontenelle Plerltte. LEE L. LARMON lilt Douglas St Douglas 1244. LARGEST assortment of freeh flowers. L. .HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER' FLOWER SHOP, 411 S. It. D. 1101. THft FERNERY, 101 B. ltth St Doug: 1184 UATH, National Florist, 104 Farnam Bt" ATDONToS!;!. i3a Harney. Doug. 1001. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "Stack & falconer Independent Undertekers, 24 Hsr. D.I8T. E. L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director. , E. Foro, Mgr., 28d and Cuming 8ta Pnent Douglas 477 Auto afnbulsnoe, HULSG A P.LEPEN, undertakers and 'ra. btlmers. T01 S. ltth. Douglas 122. JOHN A. QRNTLKMAN. undsrtsker end i embelmer, 2S24 Leavenworth. Doug. It6t, BIRTHS AND DEATHS trthe Carl Jenhlnge Bryan and Lillian treat Andrews, 2301 North Twenty-fourth, hoy; Wllllem and Myrtle MoQtll, 1407 Sew ard, girl; William R. and Pearl Toung, 1611 CamdeA, avenue, girl; Leslie and Sylvia Dlercks, 4302 North Thirty-third, boy; Wil liam and Laura MeDonall, 2447 South Twenty-fourth, boy; Charles and Emma Swan so. 4011 W, girl; Morris and Anna Nlsl an, .3T North Tweaty-flfth avenue, boy; Ellsworth and Ltla B. Pryor. 1414 North Twenty-fifth, firli Glen and Margaret DII ilk, lilt Ksnsst avenue, girl; Frank and Agnes Week. 1769 Arbor, hoy. Deaths frank J. Sutoliffa. II, 1711 Lear. enworth; Darby C Vosler, IS, Omaha t Iaa bel U enagh, 1 1. Omaha. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been. Issued to the following: t Name and Residence. Age. Leonard Patterson, Tabor, la 11 Nettle MoClure, Silver City, la. it John' C Cretoty, Omaha.-. I Minnie t4 Hoffman, 8rpy eoonty, Neb.. 23 Oscar Rtsmnsesn. Omaha tl Gladys Austerholta, Omaha Jos Curry. Waterloo Neb 4 Alio Rloker, Lancaster. K H 47 Peter Damleos, Omaha.'. 11 Louisa Rocenol, Omaha II H. Kelson Brockway, Omaha 1 Helen J. Ward. Los Angeles, Cal , 21 John H. Rohel, Omaha 11 Rachel R, Hager, Omaha 21 5 BUILDING PERMITS. pirmlte to build have been luued to the fojsawingi i Carl Johnson.. .'2221-1 California, brick s part rht house. MMSJ LOSTFOUNDREWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFF6 STREET , t RAILWAT COMPANT. ' Pertons having leet some article would do Well to call Up the office of the Omaha tt Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many articles each dsy are turned In and the company Is anxious to reetore them . to the rightful wn t. rn WArf .nv, will here you will surely recover It If found by an honest pereon. If you find anything of value the honeet way it to advertise Tor ins ownwr, Lake Manswa, Saturday. Most likely on roller . coaeter. Reward. . Leelle miner Tylr 102. ' - . FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods, rTRNltfr VOVR HOME AT PRACTICAL ' I.V VOLR OWN rRiCE. Hu- i of people havs taken advan tege ii the remarkable pries reductions M bin been making for the pact several months on a big 115,400 warehoues stock of brand new, up-to-data furniture that we were forced to close out such money avln possibilities could not be equaled anywhere else in the city-alert buyers have discovered this and profited by it. Furniture for every room in the home is included In this big. warehouse stork. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Act today. , " STATE FURNITURE CO., " . -Dtog. HIT. 14th and Dodge Bts., Omaha. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses mad from your own feathers. Summer and winter sidee. Warm In winter; cool In summer. Cost lees and last longer than cotton. Phone us for sampls. 1107 Cum ing. D. !47. BARGAINS in furniture... Ice boxee. giie Steves, rugs. beds, china and kitchen cabi nets. tables, chairs, buffets, dressers, (ranks, suitcases- Full Una of poultry net tjac screen. 1811-47 N. 14th. Web. 1407. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. SEWING MACHINE SALE SATURDAY 20 Wonderful Values Slightly Used, But Guaranteed Singers t Whites New Homes Wheeler-Wilson DO TOUR OWN SEWING AND SAVE MONET. New Home, a remarkable value...! 5.00 While Here la a dandy, only.... 1.00 White Flno case, automatic drop, a f 52 value for 19.00 Wheeler-Wlleon Nice dark oak, good as new, ball bearing, a 140 value for , 11.00 Household A fine drop-bead, only 1.00 Standard Rotary drop-head, only.. 15.00 F.ldredge A beautiful drop-head, only , , 12.00 Jew Home Drop-head, for ...... 11. SO Remember, we have 13 others! 100 new White machines for rent. We repair alt maker . MICKELS D. li!. Open Sat, night. 15th Harney. 1 "AtCTlON! AUCTION, Extra High Grade Furniture at 208 South 41st Street. Saturday, Aug. 25th, sale starts at 1:30 p. m. Good furniture, from a West Farnara horns, consisting of 4 large parlor rock ers, three t by 12 rugs, like new; two S-I by 10-1 rugs, about I food small rugs, stair carpet, almost nsw; fumed oak sectional bookoase, dining table, buf fet and t leather bottom chairs to match; large, masslvs davenport, solid funded oak library table, smoking sat, beautiful pictures, S good dressers, 1 princess dreeser, t Vernloe Martin beds, springs and mattresses, extra food springs and mattresses, 1 single bedprlng and mat tress, chiffonier, large mirror, porch fur niture, almost new gat range, coat 1t few weeks ago; Hoosler cabinet, china closet. Ice box, vseuum carpet sweeper, boiler, tubs, lronboard, garden, tools, dishes, linens, cooking ntenslls and hun dreds of articles too numerous to men tion. Don't fall to attend this sal It you want good furniture. ' JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. For Auction Sales esll Red 1281 or H, 4571, i1lii"rCBiU Ma Aff np Ahulre. refrlv garo. nose, porcn rur., viciruia,, pienue. Loyal Fur. Co., 322 24. 11 City Furn. Co., 1 A7 14th OAK buffet, old style desk, library table, eieoinv ie.ii, iui ii ,. wu. viuui Iron bed. Douglas I Ml. RUSH tight down and get your share of all ktnd furniture at saorince. o w. eu- HARD coal burner for sale. S. Sanford, 164 N. 21th St. Harney 611. GAS HANOI., S, in good condition; gas lamp, 14. Red 7488. i Pianos and Musical Instruments. FIRST clues piano, cheap for fash; leaving town. Webster 4!. 1821 N. '17t Bt Cameras and Kodaks. FOR SALE 6-inch Kodak film tank, com plete, very little used ana in oem conat tton. Meke me an offer. Bot 18, Bee. Sewing Machines. 1NG 'MACHINES, rvs rtnu repair, sen nevaiwj ,nv vbim Of ail sewing macnines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE) CO., 18th and Harney Bts. Doug. 18.62. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, sold, rented and repaired Rent an Oliver typewriter s montns tor II. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1101 Farnam. Guaranteed Typewriters, II if and up. Writs tr list Midland Typ. Co., 14 uooge: Miscellaneous. WE HAVE moved to new location, Ws buy. sell and make deeka, safes, showcases. shelving, etc Omaha Fixture Bupply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Doug, rnons a. iti ELECTRIC waehlng machine, latest vacuum ml m a nnr Ail m,i,i. un finr,n , Tou may try It before buying. Address hoi omana nee. DRT KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPAUT. Harney 1817. SWAPPERS COLUMN MODEL 21 Buick. want to trade for any lsts model. Hght car and pay difference. M. O. Dodson, at carnival, Douglas County fair grounds. LUBIN moving picture machine and 15 reels of film to trade for saxapnone. Bel- shaw Pharmacy. Tabls Rocit. Neb. two shares of stook. Pries Merchants Syn dlcate. for sale or trade. ,nat nave you 7 Writs Box 6104, Bee. FILMS developed, lOo 4 roll; one-day serv ice. Kase Kodak Studto, Neville uik., 16th and Harney. WILL trade for vlelble typewriter, stand ard mass, oupneauns ovvil-e Hinera. Tvler 1. N. E. corner lot at 42d and Wirt In exch. for auto. Steve Aoonoiea. u. aivv, iois nar- ny. riiiui-iKn) nd tewalrv to trade for rifles and shotguns, men man. mi uoug. eu ,, ,,. . iiiii' WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used draks, bought sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. u. ei4, 7f"T -1TrTTTTTn AND SHOES. KJUU UUUIIIUIU WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES. ' DOUGLAS 4021. T1?TTTMC1 Pays higheet prices for UJUHiYAnkJ clothee. shoes, trunks, etc. Doug. 4881. Doug. 8031.' TAT A HjrrvXTTAO 401 s. nth St UlViUllA-OsOL BERGMAN A CO, WANTED TO BUY Slightly ued 1117 Ford touring csr. ' 8outh 4160. CASH paid tor diamonds. Estates sp prelaed. Reeae Jewelry Co.' 401 8. 14th BOOKS boiishi. Kleaer, Loyal Hotel Bldg BOOKS bouaht. 610 8 14th. Tyler J826. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accor.iofon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating? covered buttons, all sties and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.; 100-248 Brown Bldg. Douglas llltl. VAN ARM AN Dreas Pleating and Button Co.. 134-7 Teuton Blk. Douglas 3101 Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 131 Rsmge Bldg. Phone Doug. 1161. Baths ELECTRIC treatment: baths: Swedlah niaa ssge. Central Institute, lioi Harhey Douglas 7017. ' , MASSEUSE, baths, menlcelng. phyaltal cult Mlas Walker. 224 Neville Blk. D. 4217 OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 221 Neville Block, ltth and Harney Bts. Doug. 7111 Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. 37ih and Martha 8ta Bakeries riRTMAN'S Tiriw rwdUKn R1KERT. "IS V. ISTtr BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND mvriFN T1ROTHER8 OUR MOTTO "BETTEB BAKED OOODS " ANNOUNCEMENTS Carpejitersjand Contractors LksSARbsc SON, 32'i"Cuming Ty. 14)2. Chiropodist Carrie J. Hurford. 6l'j Paxion Elk., R. 4587. Dancing Academy KREP Dancing Academy, 1424 Farnam. . Full claeees now forming. Photie D. 7850. Detectives SUTTON Detective Ancy (inc.), "We Get Results." 62 World-Herald Bldg., PauL Sutton. M ftr. OMAhV DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 100 let Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 1610. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all caaes. Tylr 1134. S. D. JOLLY, 613 Paxton. Red 1136. Dressmaking EXPERIENCED seamless will sew In hoVnes and rellne coats fur 11.50 per day. iv.h-o f box 4.10. 'luiui urttKiiinenking Co., 20th and Farnam. DRESSMAKING, work guar. D. 4H0. Fixtures and Wiring FiTTRIfTM Electric washing maclnee, L'UXVXVXl euctrlc Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 2511. Furs Stored FURS stored, cleaned, and remodeled, H price. Furs dyed. It Rothhols, Furrier. Harney 2761. 2818 lavonworth. Hat Cleaners. HATS cleaned and reblooked. 1520 Harney. Household Specialties C. F. ADAMS, 422 S. 16th. D. 2007. Under new management We want to see old friends and meet new. Open Sat eves. Your credit Is good. Agents wanted. Insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN, 113-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. SS1I. Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on bearncnlumns, brick. H. Groas Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 2884. Massueres II AS3AOE, chiropody. Alta Head, 208-14 Balrd Bid g 17th and Douglas. D. 3468. Central Bath Inst, 1606 Harney. Doug. 70f MISS HOLLAND, 2'JS Neville Block. Osteopaths Mrs. J. R. Mustek, sulphur, steam and euca lyptns baths. 402-8 Rose Bldg. Ty. 2383. Oxy-Acctylene Welding Expert Weiding on All Metals a. W. LEVERING. S(l 8. I2th fit. D. 3678. Theatrical Costumes. . THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent. 206 N 17th. John Feldmsn. D 2128. Patent Attorneys PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inte. national Patent Co. 688 Brandels. D 16(1 8TURGES ft ST URGES, U S. and forelga patents and trademarks. 380 Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent 13.60 'per mo. A.' Hoepe Co. 1613 Douglas. Printing and Office Supplies Waters-Barn hart Ptg Co. 624 8. 13th St Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. 5c SHINE 5c WHITE SHOES A SPECIALTY AMER. SHINING PAILOR. 1604 Harney St Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing Douglas printing Co. Tel. Douglas 144. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Bupply. 207 S. 11th. D. 138. Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W O Cleveland Co.. 1410-11 Harney 8t ii i in a i ,ii ii i nil,, cam BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED A young phyalolan with drug gist's certificate to take charge of drug store In a well located community. Drug store located In an apartment where 60 families are living. A good opportunity for the right man. Nathan So m barg, 1IQ6 let isat Tyler ids, A FIRST CLASS RENDERING PLANT? 'd- JNU UOOU BUSINESS, FOR BALB AT A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONC10, FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND REASON FOR BELLING ADDRESS THE CHERO KEE RENDERING WORKS, CHERO KEE, 1A. FOR SALE One of the beet saloons In Kansas City, located to heart of alty, doing a business of 1100 per day; ivlll stand Inspection; will sell all or half in terest. 1111 Wyandotte St and 302 W. 12th St., Kansas City, M FOR SALE or raut, garage dqijig good busi ness, on Lincoln Highway, only one in towm good surrounding country, must be able to buy stock and tools. Will sell or rent building. Must movs out on home stead. Anawer J. R. Sullivan, Crook, Colo. FOR SALE Hardware and harness business established thirty-two years; good resson tor selling: invoice 112,000 to 116,000: lor cated in Broken Bow, Custer county, cen tral Nebraska. Tradera need not apply. Address. Box Y-172, Bee. iOWERS. I-A machines, practically new. Your choice at 1166. other machines from 131 up; two Fort Wsyns Compensarca at 131. Coma quick If you want It Mgr., 110 Bromley Bldg., Omaha Neb. HOTEL business for sale, only hotel and no restaurant In town of 350 Inhabitants. 1600 will buy fixtures and' business. If Interested writ or see Louis Kudak, Elba, Neb. FOR SALWWI1I sell my cafe and Ice cream parlor cheap. If taken by the 10th of September, Doing a good bnsinees; have reason for selling. Frank H. Conrad, Grafton, Neb. DOCTOR Good practice in N. E. Neb, for price of drugs. Residence, auto, team and other property optional. Will rent residence. Box Y 177, Bee. FOR BALE Half lntereat or all of a nay ing grocery ana oeery business. Best of reasons for selling. Box 411, Onawa, la. FOR SALE Restaurant In good town In Neb.i good reason for selling. Bos Y 17, Bee. - FOR RENT Well equipped cafe; good busi- ness: best location In Fremont; or will sell fixtures. J. F. Roth, Fremont, Neb. MOTION picture machine (new and re built); theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S. 14th St FOR SALE One large popcorn wagon; uunuar mute; Bargain; easy terms. H. M Alien. S7 w. tin et,, Fremont, Neb. FOR SALE Good hardware stock,, $7,000 pnseu rifrni tor viin, Aaorfis J30X X 171 Bee. MOVING PICTURE rn.ohTn.. mn r bunt an makes; supplies. Western Sup- piy co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. FOR SALE Popcorn and peanut stand doing good business. Benaop 373. TO GET In or out of business call on GANG EST AD. 241 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. TOUR business or real estate handled far ssle. F V. KOjest, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DOWD -SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1124 w w w mag itea izsB. POOL HALL AND BARBER SHOP for sale cheap. Box 4637 Bee. FOR SALE Bicycle ahop, 2516 N. 2tb. AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. ' Our used car department must cloae out all used csrs in stock before Sept 1, at which time our annual Inventory Is made. . We have forty cars tirat must be moved In the next thirty days. Our loss Is your gain. ' Come In and see our line of Overlands, Maxwells, Paiges. Brlsroea. Hudsons, Au burn. Appersons and Fords. Terms to responsible parties. Prices range from 1126.04 to 8650.00. WILLTS-OVERLAND, INC., i 2047 Farnam St. D. 3212-L. .. YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T YOU 7 ALL RIfHT. VVE DO THE BEST, WORK IN TOWN, i TRY US. THE TIRE SHOP, 2611 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4878. ALTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2201 Farnam. Douglas 3S10. HLMicna-Booth roadster at a sacrifice. 14 Chevrolet I33S 14 Maxwell 1826 Moon Six Sacrifice CARS FOR HIRE. Will rent you a "-ear. with or without -driver. Best service. Better rates. Also best tube repairing In elty. See Us. Ill S. 11th St. -, Tel. D. 7110. "OR SALE CRlSSTOWN OARAGE. w . in uri eiTH RT Good business, fine location, cheap rent ....Ru,, ... ul T.m.t Uaiap tr eamn. drill. emery weld outfit, hoist, eta Reason tor eiung, arartea AUTOMOBILES. 2-IN-l VULCANIZING CO.. 1516 Davenport Herond-hand tires and tubes. Tire and tubej-epairlng. Second-hand cars and auto parts. Doug. 2114. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. ''sed Car Dept. 2212-14 Harney St Douglas 153. Almost any make st ressonaoie prices TIRES at half price. Jobbers in new tires ana tuDes. , kaiman b tikb unur. iii repair your tires tbs best Nebraska Tire end Vulcanising Co.. 1721 Cuming. D. 1811 A BARGAIN. 917 MAXWELL sedan for ssle at a bargain in A-l shape. Tyler 785. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED .n.V. .JUIV y ' - change Co.. 2107 Farnam St Dougti'35 OWING to death of owner. H1. sell 1700 car for 1460; good aa pew; run oniy two months. Call Douglas 4604. ' CUT down your tire expense by having them repaired at O. ft G. Tire and ,Vulc. co Barg. in used tires. 24U Leav. T. 1361-w. BRAND NEW 1917 MAXWELL. Never run a mile, will sacrifice 1160 from Hat price. Owner leaving city, Douglas 8108. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing work guar anteed. Douglas 7452. 1101 Douglas 8t. OAKLAND light elx. 1116 model. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. Jlth and Harney. Douglas 52M. TELL ft BINKLEY. v K HI'V AND SELL USED FORDS. 2311 Harney St Doug. 1540. SEVERAL used cars at bargain prices., Call Carl Clmnirstrom, Standard Motor Car Co., Douglas 1705. 1 BARGAINS in used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. CUT you tire cost In half by using Maao- tires T J. Garvey s Vucanizing and Maxo tire Station, 2110 Leavenworth. H. 1408. JOS. MATHE, patent vulcanlzor manufac turer, expert tire repairing. 2859 Far? nam. Pbone Harney 4380. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everyready Battery Station, 1206 Farnam FOR SALE Hudaon Roadster, 1150. Ab- ' 4'atternoB Blk. Doug. 4818,. WcitTeiCH V 'Kan-FIx-It," Southeast cor ner ivin ana narney pre I'ougias zoda IF TAIvEN at once, will aell 6-paas touring car tor 150. Tel. Douglas 9855. NEW and slightly used tires. Trawver Auto Salvage and Exchange, 110 S. 17th. GOOD bargains In used Fords. 4001 S. 24th. Tel. South 4360. GOOD used Overland cheap. Caau or terms. Box 6602. Bee. 1117 MAXWELL jdstr., cash or terms. Box 6603, Bee; MY 1917 Maxwell cheap cash or terms. Box 604, Bee. Auto Repairing and Painting. 1100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Tolls repaired. Bayedorfer, 210 N. 12th. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Service Co. i rormer siranie Anaeraon, sib B. latn St. Douglas 6488. JCtoui CTRl ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO.. -umana-a Kellable Starter Repair -Shop." 8830 Farnam St. Douglas 937T. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO & CARRIAGE WK8 lata Avo. and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701. Tires and Supplies- TIRO price wreckers. This Is no 2 in 1 tire. combination. TiHE rirrniiv llOlty Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee Punctureproof Pneumatic Tires and ellraluate your tire troubles. Powell Supply Co.. 2061 Farnam St. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L B Y-DAVlDSOJf MOTORCYCLES. bargains in need Machines. , Victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 27th and Leavenworth. SECONDHAND Indian motorcytfiei thor- ougoiy overnaulea. Price S5. Plott Bros., 1251 Farnam. MEDICAL - DR. E. R. TARRY, 340 BEE BLDG. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pit, fistula and other roots! diseases without surgical op erations. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for took on rec tal disease) and testimonials. ' WHY BUFFER T Latest and Host goientlflft iTeatmeni jor an Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 613-624 Rosa Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He to curing thou sands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays are dan gerous. If you ogn't call, write. Hours, la. m. to 8 p. m.; 7:J to 9:80 evenings. Sunday ' br appointment RUPTURE successfully treated without a -u, vpaiauun. aii or write JL)P. Frank H, Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rme 308 Roue Bldg. D. 186. Chiropractors. Pre. Johnston, 1326 W. Q. W. Bldg. D. 6621. Dr. J. "ft gawrence, fralrd Bldg. D. ,8461, PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so- uuiia four via doming, lurmiure, maga llnes Wa collect. WO distribute. Phone Doug. 4128 and our wagon Will calk Call and Inspect our new home, 1H9-1U2-1114 Dodge Bt. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, wit Bran. Tpea. Bldg. B. 1559, MAE BRUGMAN, scientific maseeusa and eatna. XQl Karbach Blk. Red 2727, MISS SMITH, massulst Rlttenhouse sanl- tannra, sio-an Balrd Blk. D. 246! LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing, en raxion' tsK. Bed 2400. BATH and massage, 1802 Farnam St. noom a. rnone uongiaa 8761, ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Best oars, anus Bristol, weoster 1908. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N. asm est. mens coirax 1042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone UOUglSS SSfS, TOUPES cleaned and dressed. Brsndels mores. v Manicuring and maes. 1622 Farnam. R. 19. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th. E. EROTT. Mass. 703 S. 18th, D. 4626. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. RELIABLB colored man and wife want po sition as maia ana cutler or chauffeur, in or out of city Phone Webster 8327, or write M. M. Bell. 1424 N. 26th St EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, wanta work i evenings ana Saturday afternoons. Beat of references. Harney i604. Call aftes 4 p. m. WANTED 2 or 1 office rooms to clean after p. m.; can give references as to hon esty end ahllltv. Box 4560. Re WANTED Position aa switchboard operator rrom i until 10 o clock evenings by Boylea louegg riunem. hox 6in. Bee, NORTH DAKOTA, aasiatant cashier, wishes 10 mane a cnanre to a bank In milder cumaie. nox T 178, Bee WANTED Position to do bookkeeping Sat- uruay anernoon ana week day evenings F.xperlence. Box 6493. Bee. COLORED chauffeur wants truck or, family jno. uougias Robert perry . COLORED chauffeur wants truck or fam ily job. Ferry. Douglas 8686. - HOUSE and lawn man wanta work. Delaney. L'ougias pea. v Female. YOUNG lady Mth general office experl . enre wants clerics! position In large, busy -office where chances for advancement are evident. Phoni Douglns 3i"9. EXTRA fine teacher In crochet and tatting, fine needleworfcuyokee for aale, $l.i0 and up. Webster 4616. POSITION wanted In general store: 8 years' experience. Best of references. Box Y 176, Bee. Hotel and Rooming House. LADY, with S years' experience, wishes posi tion as housekeeper In hotel or ToomtnR house; can furnish reference. ' Douglaa 6789. Call after 3 p ni. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING and Ironing neatly done; ca-Urd for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone poutn 3i3. SrucM.'lD laundry work by ex. whits lady ai nomr. itj m. rurw ream, iveo. ISIS WANTED Laundry work for Wed. or Thurs. Call earl. In morning. Wal. 2176. LACE curtains and bundles laundered. Har- f- ney lilt. 1614 Dodge St MISS HARRIS wants wsehtrig. Ironing and hauseKeeping. xyiep- zssr. LAUNDKi wort warned oy iirat class col- I ore lady. Webster lilt SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work aiu bundle weah. Web. 2531. LAUNDRY jday work wanted. Web. 3734. Col, lady wants day wk., any kind. Ty. 2668. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 930. Exp. col. lady wants daywork. Red 6689. Washing and laoe curtains done. Ty. 1144. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, Cheyenne. Wyo.. . I108-H25 Bookkeeper, A-l office 185 Bookkeeper, good future 10 Ledger clerk, wholesale 176' Office clerk, railroad 75 Typist, wholesale 65 Stenographer, Cheyenne, Wyo. $85 to 1100 i WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. BOOKKEEPER, (auto), 125; bkpr., 875; ateno., 190; steno., ISO; office elk., J80; office elk, railroad exp., 175 i office elk.). 176; hardware elk., 175. THE MARTI CO., 1317.W. O. W. Bldg. WHY PAY for a position? Stenographere. register w"H us FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. (REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANT, i 209 South 19th St . BOOKKEEPER, to take charge, 1100. , . WESTERN REFERENCE 4.BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. CALL on . the Co-Operative Reference Co. for drug and commercial positions. 1015 C I ty National Bank Bldg. WANTED Bank clerk, 17 to 21. Apply, giving address telephone number and ref erences. Box 6607, Bee. WANTED Three men for shoe store. Apply Panor Shoe Store. Professions and Trades. WANTED. ; An efficient, sausage maker one that can deliver the goods. Don't answer unless you can qualify. Basket Stores Office, 108 N. 9th St . TEN boiler makers for general boiler shop work on locomotive boilers and tanks; no labor trouble; steady work and good wages for competent men. DAVENPORT LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Davenport, la. WANTED A competent bookkeeper, male, with ampl 'experience, a true knowledge and correct knowledge of accounts. A permanent position and good salary if proficient Council Bluffs Remedy Co. TWENTY-FIVE first-class machinists to operate planers, lathes, boring mills: no ' labor trouble; steady work and good wages for Competent men. davenport; locomotive works, ' Dfcvenport, la. DRAFTSMAN, structural steel or ornamental Iron preferred; only experienced drafts man need apply. Permanent position for right man. Otli Elevator Co., 1200 Jack son. WANTED Barber; first class workman; 118 guaranteed; half over 121. Over money for good workman. Married man preferred.. F, A. Powers, Chamberlain, S. D. WANTED 4 experienced film inspectors. CAN HAVE STEADY EMPLOYMENT. Good wages, must have recommendation. Laemmle Mllm Service, 1112 Farnam. WANTED Young man 21 to 26 to drive car. One familiar with business concern prefer able. Box 346. South Bide. WANTED First class wash man, 118 per week; also wanted wringer boy. Adams Laundry, ISIS California. . WANTED First class prescription druggist, Sherman ft MoConnell Drug Co., Sixteenth and Dodge streets WANTED Boys attending college to work after college hours. Apply to T. F. Lynd. Hayden Bros. WANTED Men to deliver ice. Apply Omaha tea and Cold Storage Co.. 5th and Jones. . WANTED An experienced grocery clurk, Washington Market, ,1407 Douglas ' street CYLINDER feeder wanted"; Bteady"Job. M F, Shafer A Co., 12th and Farnam 8ts. LEARN barber trade; low rates now Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglas 8t UNION. carpenters for Wyoming, tOo per br. Emerald Labor Agency. I22$ S. 10th WANTED An experienced grocery drlvar. S. H. Buffet ft Son. Ill S. 14th. Doug. Ill TWO young men for factory Box Company, East Omaha. tVork. Omaha FIRST-CLASS union plumber wanted. The O'Connor Co., Muskogee, Okl. Salesmen and Solicitors. ' , . NOTICE. We . want three men who are at present employed as salesmen; must be of highest type, and prove same by reference. We have the oppor tunity of a lifetime for the right kind of men. Only those with ab solutely approver! ability need ap ply. Call at 1217 W. O. W. Bldg., Friday, after 9:30. WANTED AT ONCE-J-PlanO salesman. Havs proposition whereby - good hustler can make from 1200 to 1500 monthly. When answering furnish reference as td experience and ability. J. C. Baxter Piano company. Davenport, la. CITY salesman, 1100, s WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. "736 First -National Bank Bldg. WANTED Stock talesman. Address 101 - Oentrsl Blk., Pueblo. Colo. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED For hotel In small town, One man and wife as cooks, colored or whits, $76 a month, room and board: colored por ter, $50, room and board. White hell boy, $16, room and board. Apply North Ameri can Hotel Company. 230 Sooth 17th St WANTED- At onoe. good, strong, rsllable boys aa bus boys; permanent positions). Apply Mr. Smftholg, between 10 and 1 a. m., Blaekstons Hotel. WANTED Silver men and dish washers. Apply to stewsrd, Hotel Fontenslle. Teamsters nd Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply Sunderland . Bros. Co. South Yard: 20tb and Hickory Streets. West Yard- 4 2d and Izard Streets. WANTED Thoroughly experienced driver for general delivery work. Must know the city. Apply to superintendent, Benaon Thome Co. Tf-Je Schools. m6LR BARBER COLLEGE; Men, women. learn the barber trade: few wteks completes; pay while learning Catalogue free. Rates now on. Call or rite. 110 South 14th Bt. Omaha. BOTH-e-Men and women to learn the barber traas. special rates lsu or write, ito: Dodge. " " TRI-CITY BARBER COLL2GE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 40TS. 20th and 2059 Farnam. Boys. WANTED At once, good atrong boy aa bus boy... Permanent posit lorn Mr. Small holx, Blackstone Hotel. 1 WANTED A boy to deliver groceries. 1337 Park Ave. Julius Newman, i OFFICE boy wanted, must be over 16. Na tional Kenning in. Miscellaneous. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the tun: good pay and steady work. - Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North' Yard 24th and Taylor aitreets South Yard 20th and Hickory streets. West Yard 42d and Ixard streets. GOOD appearing married man between 31 and 40, with some selling ability. Steady work; 115 per week. Call 120! Howard street, between 8 and t a. m. Mornn. ' HOTEL timekeeper. Man between 40 and CO ' years of age. Man with office experience preferred. Apply to kudltor Hotel Fou- tenelle, ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help we ran supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 9144 W. Broadway P 431 LABORERS wanted: steady work; good wages Apply Sunderland Bros Co.. west yard. 4td and Ilard Bts 10 MEN or A-l proposition, $40 to 150 a week. Scientific American, 315 Neville Block. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and umcts. WHY PAY for a position Stenographers, register with lis FREE OF CHARGE trnd ws will plaes you I, REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. "BOOKKEEPER ,....$ll9 iTroiipiPvri '.. 76 TYPISTS , .....I 64 HTOrtf CLERK 15 Sea the CANO AGENCY, 401 Bee Building HELP WANTED v FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO.. 165; bkpr., 175; typist, 60; office clerk. 150: ateno., 875. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Girl for offlcs work at once. 2614' Leavenworth. i WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer; bring references. John Has sle Hdw. Co:, 2407 Cuming St. CASHIER and clerk, 150. WESTERN REFER E.N UE BUU ASo .1. 736 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED A stenographer, beginner; good education; permanent position, Henry R. Oering Co., 701 8. 13th St STENOGRAPHERS, 1100. S5. 176, 165. 40. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. BanK. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks. Co-Operatlve Reference Co. WANTED Two salesladies to sell shoes, at Panor's Big Shoe Store. Professions and -Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunitv to young ladles to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions; opportun ities for advancement, good wages. A sal ary is paid while learning Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are especially Invited to accompany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert 1107 Douglas street. i WANTED, Ilrst-claas milliner-maker; steady po sition; good pay.. F. M. Schadell Co., 1532 Douglas St. , , WANTED Sewing girls; power 'machines; government work; top wages. Apply fore lady, 3d floor. Scott-Omaha Tent & Awn ing Co., 15th and Howard. WANTED Experienced millinery saleslady. Apply to T. F. Lynd. Hayden Bros LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St. Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent middle-aged lady for housekeeper In modern home; latest 'conveniences; must be saving and good to children; -four In family; wages 27 per week, Including fbom and board. W. A. Green, Columbus, Neb. WANTED An experienced girl for upstairs work; one who will assist with care of the children. Mrs. L. C. Nash, Florence 223. ' WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family; $30 a month. Mrs. J. J O'Connor. 1023 S. 29th St. Harney 8455. . WANTED A girl for general housework. Reference required. Good wages. Mrs. E. M. Wellman, 2110 8. 33d St., Har. 3289. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family, .good wages. Ap ply at onoe. 109 S. 36th St. GIRL for general housework, good references required; only competent eirl need apply, Harney 2498. WANTED An experienced second girl; ref crences required. Mrs. H. Gifford, 420 S. 36th St Phone Harney 844. WANTED Middle aged lady as housekeeper In' widower's family with children. Leslie Edwards, Albion, Neb. WANTED Girl for housework. Two in family. Small house). Call at 114 N. 30ih St Do not phone. , WANTED Competent nurse girl with ref erences; no other need apply. 701 S. 37th St Harney 1620, WAN'fED At once, an experienced white cook. ' Mrs. N. B. Updike, 8614 Jackson. Harney 2934. WANTED Experienced white c)ok., Mrs. John L. Webster 61g 8. 26th Ave. Call Douglas 217. WANTED Woman for housework, small family: no laundry. Tel. Walnut 3461. Hotels and Restaurants. GOOD strong girl to wait on first offices; steady position; good wages. Applp Mr. GIRL to clen and prepare vegetables. Steady position. Good wages. Apply chef. Hotel Blackstone. , HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Immediately, namue men-women, wishing to become government clerks, 175 month. Address Box Y-120, care- of this of flea. - EDUCATIONAL J- FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY 6CHOOL TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4.. ' NIGHT SCHOOL WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 5. ' . Bookkeeping, Buslnase Administration, Banking, Shorthafid, Stenotypy, Civil Service, Telegraphy ami English, Cata logue free. , , BOYLES COLLEGE, . Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas lSSG. 18th and Harney gts. VAN BANT SCHOOL OFN BUSINESS. Day and Evening Schools. Munson-Pltman and 'Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, Office Methods. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, .Spelling, Civil Service subjects, courses by profes sors from the University School of Com merce, and Domestic Science. Ask for bulletin. 220, Omaha Nat . Bank Bldg., Omaha. Douglas 6S90. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 20TH AND. FARNAM Special low rates to permanent guests. HOTEL COOL rooms for summer, $2 week; Apts.' wilfl Kitcneneiie. wvd.i jiuicu, luuu- cii Biurra. .. - - Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The . Boo office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of .the city. . New . lists Issued every week. LARGE, airy, clean rooms, with 2 large windows. Far above the average furn ished rooms. Prefer 1 or 2 refined gentle men. Fine neighborhood. 334 N. 41st St. Walnut 3679. ' LARGE front room, newly fumlahed, newly papered, large closets,' strictly modern, clean, homelike place. Only 18 to respect able, permanent gentleman. ,712 N. 22d. FURNISHED room for refined young lady; block from 2 car lines; break fie t If de sired; home privileges: $10 .month. 4611 N. 26th Ave. Phone Colfax 2688. TWO newly furnished sleeping rooms, priv ate family, exgellent location, fifteen -minutes' walk from town. 2416 Jones. D. 9269. 566 S. 26TH AVE. Large, cool, nicely furn.., adj. .bath. -Well suited, for gentlemen. Walking distance. Phoae Hartley 2627. FURNISHED rooms, can use kitchen and dining room: also front room for rent. 272"0 Buggies Colfax .8666, MODERN,-sanitary7 furnished rooms,, for men only, at the Sunshine Apt, 608 N. 17th. $2.50 per week TWO Urge rms. and kttehiehette. 2d floor, fur, or unfur., mod. home. 'Kountze Place. THE SCRANTON Sweetwood Ave., Opp. 2573 Harney; elegant furhilhed rooms. 2713 JACKSON Modern.' . private family. walking distance; references. . H. 3522. NICELY furnished aouth front room, for gentleman. .4006 Harney. Harney 4867. NICELY, furnished rooms in Pftvlte home; business men only. Phone Harney 2672. Two nicely fur. front rms. i mod. home; gen tlemen. Well ventilated. 1611 B. :3th. THE GRAYSTONE. 25th and Cass, reopened. , . ... . M..nn.i.l. 11 9Qtti LARGE south rootnTT beautiful furniture, excellent ooaru. riarney tug, NICELY furnished .from rooitia, modern. 702 S. 29th S'. 1 PARK Ave. aiisTPacific., t car Jlnes, choice room, private, reasonuble. H. ""S3, 1611 Howard, .irleely furntsh'd rooms Housekeeping Rooms. NEWLY furnished - housekeeping rooms, house neivly decorated throughout: walk ing distance; no lyldron. 5S3 S. 22d St. NlCE housekeeping' rooms to shltoble par ties. Very cheap rales 'if taken at once, ss owner iajeavlng city. Webater. 7814. 641 S. 37TH ST. Two large rms. and klteh enette, 1st flour; private famllyHt 11 5 7. Board and EJoorns. J 656 8. 28TH Beautifully furnished rooms. Single or en suite. Awnings, screens, porches, plenty hot water. Excellent board, also table board. Harney 4404. WANTED, by private, family, young couple or two gentlemen, with board and room- Webster 1379. 144 . 23D ST. Room and "board, $7 per week. Good location - - . FOR RENTROOMS Unfurnished Rooms. FIVE partly modern. good yard. shads Webster 617. Rooms Wanted. LADY wishes room, furnished or unfur nished, where small child can stay during; day. Address Box 4515. Bee. YOUNG business man desires room in pri vata family: prefer close-in or fear min utes car ride, box eoa. pee. WANTED By young business man boar and room. In private, refined home. Ad dress box 6636, Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED f Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 1 The Hyland. 18th and Nicholas. Steam heat and electric lights, newly furnlshe apts.. 13.50 to 17 per week. Including; light, water, heat, janitor and maid service. Webater 4067. AT 115 S. 29th St. may be seen furnished or unfurnished apartments; very reason able. Harney 6810. . Houses. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished S-room bungalow with sleeping porch, built last year, oak finished throughout 1 block from Miller park, leaving city; reference required. No children. Call Colfax S14t. FURNISHED cottage for rent Walnut 1888, Forty-second and Decatur. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 7-R. house, all mod., 609 So. 36th St.. close to two car lines, 140. Joseph O'Doherty & Son, 711 Keeltne Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE 2644 Dodge; l-ntu mod. house; a ha.rga.ln at 125. Call owner, Webster 4875. SIX-ROOM modern cottage. West Farnam? 27.8i). Phone Walnut 2482, 129 X. S7TH ST. 6-room house, modoru but heat. 118. D. 2802. 128 S. 35TH ST. 160. Sun parlor and eleepT jug porch. Phone owner. Douglas 2221. lO-ROOM house, modern. Harney 647. North. 6-R. FLAT. 2704 Lake, water pd... modern, ox. furnace, nice large rooms, porch, 1C." OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGCY., . . Hastings ft Heyden. 1614 Har. Ty. 60. ' FOR, RENT FINE HOME. 1 29th and Fowler Ave.; 8 rooms, mod ern, hot water heat, oak finish. Call owmer, Benson 427J. ONE of the prettiest 8-room houses in Omaha, strictly modern, 135; corner Sher nian Ave, and Spencer. PhoneWeb. 2667. SPLENDID Sftven rooms, fully modern, rnaBonable, in the best condition. Wal nut 3917. - 3-R. house, nice lawn, close to car line, reas.. good neighborhood. Colfax 1040. 2884 BINNEY ST., 6 rms., all mod., 223.00. TE.-H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. South. 208 S, 13th St. 10 rms. mod. ex. ht.. $30.00 813 S. 23th St. 3 rms. for colored.... 8,00 BIRKETT & COMPANY. , 280 Bee Bldg.- . Douglaa 633. SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. 2705 South Twentieth street, 119 per months Red 3143. ' NINE-ROOM modern "nous?, 614 S. 20th St. $45. E. H. Lougee Inc. 538 KeeUne Bide. 1147 PARK AVE. 7 rooms, mbdern,good location. 835, Harney 1829. 1729 S. 2STH ST. 6 rms.. mod., $S6. E. H. BENNER CO.. D. 8406. 1729 S. 28th St., 6 rrnn, mod. ex., ht, 120. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 840S. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 60S Martha street .$12.6 6-R. 4-R 2o0o Pierce St 15.011 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-R. 530 S. 24tfr Ave. 15.00 t-R. 1909 California St .... 30.00 STRICTLY MODERN. I-R. 3214 Corby St 23.00 t-R. 2412 Seward St 20.00 6-R 4535 Franklin 8t... 25. 0 6-R. 4824 Franklin St ,..... 26.00 ' fi-R. U02 N. 45th St....-...,. 26.00 6- R. S010 Dewey Ave 37.60 7- R. 3007 N. 30th St 25.90 8- R. 5L'o S. 28th St , 40.00 8-R. '219 Park Ave 23.50 8-R. 3901 N. 17th St ; 30.00 9-R. 1919 Chicago St..... 55.00 lff-R 566 S. 38th St.... 30.00 10-R. 2221 Dodge St 0.00 , 16-R. 4219 N. 24th St 80.01 FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. ' ' o-R. .207 H. JOth St 5.ft fiO-R 705 S.MSth St-. , 45.00 PORTER & SHOTWELL. 202 P. ITth-'ttt. ' Douglas 6018, $30. 0u u aud S nils., brick flats, all mod. every convenience. 140.00 704 S. 24th St., 1 rms., mod. $46.00 3621 Lafeyette Ave., 8 rms., mod., ..garage. $46.00 312 Davenport St, rms., gar. $50.00 3020 DaVenport St., 8 rms., gar. $0.O0 34th and Harney, 9 rms., very good. $50.00 WEST ' FARNAM, 6 rms., ex ceptlonally rood. $86 jOO CLOSE-IN. in walking distanca. on Farnam; 20 rms., good condi tion, fine for rooming house. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors), ' , Douglas 3962. ' 819-20 Clry National. EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT " 652 South 26th avenue, 6 rooms, east front oofner, brick, $37 60. 664 South 26th avenue. 6 rooms, 185.00. 2120 Emmet street. 10 rooms and garage, $46.00. 6-room All modern bungalow, 1336 So. 17th St., $30. ' ,1 1 All of these In A-No. 1 condition. TRAVER BROTHERS. Douglas 6886. 819 Flrst'Nat, Bk. Bldg. WE want more bouses and apartments to rent.- The- fact that we have practically ' , cleaned out our. big list Is conclusive proof of tbs efficiency of our rental service. Ii -you want td keep your places rented jsea Fsyne & Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men," 616 Om. "Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong. 10 It, FOR RENT Strictly modern: . . 8 rms.. near Hanscom park....,..,.40.O 7rms., 42d, near Dodge 137.6ft 8 rms., garage. 8336 Harney;, $46.04) 6 ims.. 4811 Burdette ....880.04) 9 rms. and garage. West Farnam... IS5.0S ALLEN 4 BARRETT, 6H Bee. Dg. 77I&. ' THIRTY DAYS FREE RENT. 7-rooma modern, 8044, Stone avenue; lit per month. First 30 days free. Address J. L. Tehnant, 215 Flynn Bldg. Deg Moines, la. HOUSES and all kirtds of rental property, a OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS. 4 HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Tyler 60. v Houses in all parts of the city. CREIGH. SONS ft CO.. 60S Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. THE BOSWORTH, 2217-19. HOWARD, FURNISHED QR, UNFURNISHED The most modern and complete close-la apartments in the city. Larga living room, with disappearing bed; bath, dress ing room, kitchenette. See us for further particular. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1624. -Realtors. 338 Securities Bldg. MAEWOOD APT. 25th andx Harney, rooms and bath; hlgh-clasS, $30jOO. GLOVER ft SPAIN. Douglas 3962. 7-R. APARTMENT. $25; wlijter rata 121; . steam -heat Others 118 and up. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. ESTABROOK apt or office facing 16th St, 126 month. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. APARTMENTS., all sires and prices, splen- did: location. 24th and Farnam. D 1472. MOD.: 4-r. Apt.- Har. 4141 or Harney 1731. ... North. VERY nice 4-room flat, furnace heat, elec- trio light; while, enamel bath and praax ' tlcslly walking. distance, on N. 18th St., only 20r no" children" and lease required. EDWARD, F. WILLIAMS CO., Realtors. 803-4 OmNat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug - 420. THE SHERMAN -Elegant 6-room apartment, steam heated, and very complete, good Janitor service, oome out and look it over. 2501 Sherman Ave. 2533 DAVENPORT ST. 4 ems.; hot water hpat, $18.0t. K. H. Benner Co., D. 840. South, PETERS TRUST COMPANY Specialists In, A;partmont' Management FOR RENT Business Prop'ty " . Stores. - DESIRABLE store room, modem front, metsl ceiling.: steam, beat 624-626 So. 16th Bt: size 22x60: can -be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young. 322 Brandsia Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. LOW-PRICED modern, offices. Farnam Bldg.. 13th. and Farnam. (Old First Nat Bank Bldg.l ' V FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler 600. 6TOREROOM for rent Sun Theater Bldg WORLD REALTY COMPANY Realtors). Douglas 6841. Sun Theater Bidg. SMALL modern torv' ruoui team heat, 1811 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young. ISt Bran dels Ti neater, vougias mi. ' t V 1 i 7