i - 1 11 . nr i uTrn rcutlC Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Word to the LIB) No ad takes for leu thaa two line. CASH WITH ORDER Ho per line 1 time 7c per line..! or roor consecutive Insertion. CHARGE o per line tlm- kc per liner. 3 or more consecutiv Insertion. ;o per Hue SO coneecutlve Insertion. SITUATIONS WANTED tio per line Pr we,k- CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES !0c per line each Insertion. (Minimum charge, to cents) Foreign Rate ;h With Order. (Count Six Word to Lin.) Help Wonted f 120 per line 1 time. Axente Wanted J f , , raor. Business. Chaacea t'iiianclal I conseculrv Insertion. ( to per lino 1 time. V" .hV. . to per line t or more (.coneecutlve Ineertioni CSS THE TELEPHONE If ou cannot con vonlently bring or Band In your want eda. A.w fnr a Want Ad Taker and you will rresfve (no same good eervlce aa when 06- liiurtug your want ad at tale omce. PHONE TYLER 1000 u-Avr aii roi.tiSlNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS v.. 11:0 M. HORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Rates en Application Movie Program Downtown. "pRINCCSR. 1317 DGUGLA3 RUTH ROLAND in No. 12 "THE NEGLECTED WIFE" North. ALAMO. 24TH AND FORT "SOLDIERS Ob THE LEGION "SIGN OF THE CUCUMBER" . ' AND COMEDY ALHAMBRA. 34TH AND PARKER RESSIE BARRISCALE m 'BAWLS OF THE BLUE RIDGE" ' AND COMEDY UHAND, 1TH A.u iiir,z FLORENCE LA BADIE in "WHEN LOVE WAS BLIND LOTH R OP, 24TH AND LOTHROP PEGGY HYLAND IN "CASTE" South. VPOLLO, -59TH AND LEAVENWORTH MAE MURRAY in 'THE PRIMROSE RING" UOCLEVARDHwO AND LEAVENWORTH DOUOLAH FAIRBANKS IN "MANHATTAN MADNESS." 3 shows tonight starting at 7 o clock. Admission 5c and 10c, KOHLFF, TfrH AND LEAVENWORTH rHAKLES RAY in "THE MILLIONAIRE VAGRANT" West. DUNDEE, 61ST AND UNDERWOOD HOLBROOK BLINN in "THE EMPRESS" South Side. MAGIC, 24TH AND N TATR MULHALL in "THE MIDNIGHT MAN" ATTRACTIONS WANTED First-class amusement conces sion, for Shady Lake, Columbus, Neb., Wednesday, August 2. Occasion, big dls f..mw union nlcnlc. No gambling ri.vlnea Admission free. Write Harold Kramer, Columbus. Neb. DEATHS at FUNERAL NOTICES JACOBBERBER Hubert, aged 77, August ' 19 1917 Funeral from family residence. 4731 North Thlrly.seventh .treet. Tuesday, 1:20 a, m. to St. Mary Magdalene church at 9 a. m. Interment, German Cathollo oeme tery. Auto service. LA VI DUE Leonard A., Sunday morning. Funeral at Berwyn, 111. FLORISTS. TtP.TNa a member of th. National Florist' Telegraph Deliver association, w ere hi position to deliver flower at hort notice anywhere in the unuea bisim or Hess Ai Rwonoos. rionsis. FoiUenelle Florists, LEE L LARMON 1914 Poilgls. St Dougla. $344, LARGEST assortment of fresh flower. L. HENDERSON, 151V MKWAM, PARKER FLOWER SHOP. 411 B. 16. P. $103. THE FERNERY. 601 S. 18th Bt Doug. 2986. BATH, National Florist. 1804 Farnam St. A. DONAGIIUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ICOTALCONER Independent Undertakers, 24 Har. P.88T, v. r. nnnnER CO.. Funeral Director. r. B. Foro. Mir., SSd and Cuming Bts., Phone Dougla til. Antoamouianu-. HULSE RIEPEN. undertaker and era- balm er. 701 B. ltn. uougiss u JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and mbalmer. $62 Leavenworth. Doug. 166. BIRTHS AND DEATHS u nlrharrln J. and Beulah B. Miller, $70 North Twenty-fourth, girl! Ellsworth W. and Mart Davis, 70 norm i weniy. fourth, eirl: Timothy R. and Beulah B, whiiinr. Iif flouth Twenty-eighth, girl r,,v K and Idella NlDoert. 1417 Vinton girl; John A. and Anna Fruhwlrth, 861 South Twenty-fourth, boy; Anton end Anna ifilc. 1439 South Ninth, boy: Anton and Llsbath Kuti, 411 North Eighteenth, girl and Aanea Rock. 4213 South Thirty ninth boy; Walter and Anni Drelecha., 4133 South Twenty-eighth, girl: Edwin L ..j riannah. 176 Webster, girl; nniurt H and Gretchen Daucherty. 423 South Twenty-second, girl; Burton, and Veda Heianson. 401 Kensaa avenue, boy: Guitav 4 .-a M.rv A. Newstroni. 291$ Parker, -irl. Koatantvn and Etefaula Judpck, 491 inutH Thirtv-aaventh. iclrl. Deaths Lena F. Johnson, 79, 164$ Dodge Roea Pi Maure, 1. 41 WUIIarai Barah John a. wax ninn.,' .laanar A. Stone. 64 ... II, ww, iivw ' " . . - ' - - 212 North Nineteenth avenue; Emma New. strom. 3913 Parker, MARRIAGE LICENSES. The folluwliig pertnlU to wed have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Herbert Bochlel. Dodge. Neb 20 i;ila Bojar, Beemer, Neb....... 11 Henry A. Lamphear. Plattsmouth, Neb.. 53 Eva P. Ftckca, lanaton, o. v Wlll.ur 3. Holtxmsn, Omaha.. Lillian M. Carson, Omaha,... William H. Farmer, Omaha.. Eudora Root, Ida Grove, la., .lnhn W. Chase. Omaha...... 27 21 Susan Manternack, Omaha Wlnfleld O. BDrum. Omaha ..over 21 Mildred Lee Gardner. Omaha over 18 BUILDING PERMITS. E A. Benson. 4666 Douglas, frame dwell ing. $3,150; Berka A Musll, 14 William, frame dwelling, $3.600. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAUA & COUNCIL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. -.r.nna havinc lost som article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha v. ..r,Mi Riuffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In '".'...TVtlr.les each day are turned and the company is anxious to restore them to the ngimui own-r, IK YOU lose anything and will dvertlae It here you will surely recover It If found ' br an honest person. It you find enyth g ,,t value the honest way U to edverU foe the owner. i.oKT An Indian head charm er watch Reward. Bouth $91 or Red 3LM. H. 4573- - . ' ' " FOR SALE Miscellaneous "Furniture and Household Goods. -Ai r-TiriMI AUCTION I Watch Wednesday1, paper for r'l " . - ..- h..t furniture eeettone ineni oi one ,v.r conauct.djij4 goDH JJgT ; n-w..v Ana. 23d. at 1 P. M. JAMES L. POWD. ,AuMo,n,,Vs For auction sales call Red 28 . . nirij-iiv CO. Feather mattresses Mde from your own feather Bummer Itir .idea. Warm In winter: cool In summer. Coet less and last WjJ cotton. Phone us for ample. 10J Cum i.. n t47. . KUSH right down and get your shai . rniiura at sacrifice. IN. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. Ai;rmN. AUCTION. c.ttifiii near furniture of 6-room bouse at 429 Capitol Ave., Tuesday, August 21. Sale etarta at 1 p. m. Consisting of 4 good room sired nips, library table. 2 large rorkers, beautiful round dining table, chairs and buffet to match, one three quarter sised massive white enameled bed. springs and extra good mattress, one full elsed white square enameled bed. springs snd extra good mattress. Hwo dressers, chiffonier. Ire box. gas range, kitchen table, tent, step ladder, dishes, cooking utensils, linens, and many '!' too numerous to mention. This furniture Is practically brand new. was bought from Havdrn Bros, new about 7 weeks ago. fwner leaving town, this Is a chance to get new up-to-daM furniture at your own price. Take Dundee car, get off et 47th r. .,- hln,.k nnrlh James L. DOWd, aiiciinncer. For auction sales call Red 3283 or Harney 45. a. FURNISH-YOUR HOME AT PRACTICAL . . . 'Tk v. at-DDI1!? . 5c Hundreds of people nave . a.n "-" 1U . ,h rnmarkabla orlce WlUWiuno i we have been making for the past several months on a big 2S.oow warenmi. tnd .w" VVo'.d.t. furniture that we r. forced to close out. Such money- saving possibilities could not be equaled anywhere else in me "h"f have discovered this and profited by It. Furniture for every room In the home ts included In this M w."h-ou 'lock. OUT-OF-TOWN' ORDERS OIv EN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Act today. STATE FURNITURE CO., hit nth and Dodse Sts., Omaha boxes, gss i cit:ui in furniture, tee - ...- nr.- Rrift mnA kitchen cabi- I nets tables, cnairs. iuuei, ... trunks, sultca.ee. Full line of poultry net ifn, .creen. 1833-47 N. 24th. Web. 1807. 7ZttTzrrs-XYXaDtt. fur., chair., retrlg.. gard, hoe porch fur.. V.ctro.a. p.ano Loyal rur. vo . 107 B. 14. LEAVING CITY. fairnlLlira. beds. niana case, organ, rug ri. etc., at sacrinr. :., at prices. Phone Webster Charles Bt. - j 3097. 2726 Cameras and Kodaks. V,. ,,. a i t ir i.Trh Kodak film tank, com plete, very little used and In best condl u.k. m.in offer. Box 618 Bee. Mske me-an offer. Box ' Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES W. rent, repair, sell needle, and part. of all .owing machine.. MICKEL'S NEBRACKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney St.. Vouk. Typewriters and Supplig -.'..nrx.1 . 1 1 t ? ita .aM rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver lyprwniw . $6. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1905 Farnam. CENTRAL T1PEWRITEK EALnAnuc., 1905 Farnem. uouitisa . Guaranteed Typewriters " "R- lor list Miuianu I y Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE Armatrong arming iu.u.... agreement of partners. Address Box 272, in. .a tim iracior; iai Weeping Water, iNeo. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE moved to new location. W. buy, sell and make de.k, .afe., .howca.e.. .helving, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 8. W Cor. 11th and Doug. Phon. P. 3734. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME HOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1I3L FOR SALE McCsskey Register Computing J Scale. Phone Webster 1148, SWAPPERS COLUMN r LM8 developed, lOo a roll: one-day .erT lc" Kae Kodak Studio. Neville Blk lth and Harney. DIAMONDS and Jewelry to trade for rifle and shotgun.. Friedman, izn vuf. N. E. corner lot at 42d end Wirt In exch. for auto. Aborlotea, D. 6200. 1618 Harney. WANTED To .ell or trade t pas.. Over land ear. can warney Bee Want Ads produce results. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS Nsvr desk., used desk., bought, oia eno raded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. P. 1. OLD CLOTHING waen?a8yhth8h HIGHEST PRICES. POUGLAB 03t. ENKINST clothes, shoes, trunxs, etn. Pour. 881. ties., Doug. 802. WANTED On. new or aecond-hami hoist ing maohln at once, jveeie vonairuv- Co., Rsnaoipn, wen. DOTONDS SOL BERGMAN 'at" CO. WANTED TO BUY Slightly ued 1917 Ford touring car. south 43n. rXait nald for diamonds. Estate ap praised. Reese Jewelry co., u n. WANTED Miller' kettle vulcanlaer. Oma ha Garage, 1018 Hamey. BOOKS bought Kle.er, Loyal Hotel Bldg. BOOKS bought, 610 S. 16th. Tyler $82. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, !de, knlf., .unburet, box Dleatlng. covered pulton., an sixes anu style.; bemitltohlng, ploot edging, eye let out work, buttonhole., pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., Opposite Brand! Store. 00-0 Brown Bldg. Dougla 1938. TAN ARMAN Pres. Pleating and Button Co,, 838-T Paxton Blk. Dougis io. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., $3 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 11. Baths. Ei.KfiTRlC treatment: bathe: Swedish mas sage. Central Institute narney Pouglas 7097. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring, physical cult Miss Walker, 334 Neville ma. v. mi. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 328 Nevlll Block. 16th and "1' Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltuhell Co., 17th and Martha Sts. Bakeries i HITMAN'S KIV WMrlT.AKn RAKERT. 1J N. 16TH. RHANCHltS PUBLIC MARKET AND I tiavniNr BBOTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED qOOPB." Carpenters and Contractors LESSARD SON, 1021 Cuming. Ty. 163. Chiropodist Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk.. R. 4687. Dancing Academy. ir irsro n.ni, A.iil.mv. 2424 Farnam. 2434 ir.ll nlaaaea now form 1MT. mone 1'. Detectives 8 33 23 21 tt I TXT I i V ntt ive Association (Ino.), "We net Results." (II woria-tieraio .nmi.i Pu! Button, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 00 1st. Nat Bk. Bldg. rnone tyier amv. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Nevlll Blk. Evidence secured In .11 esse.. Tyler im. D. JOLLY, 61S Paxton. Red 7401. Dressmaking TERRY Dressmaking CoJOth and Farjxm. DRESSMAKING, work suar. D. 4160. Fixtures and Wiring. nTtnTrrvi h'.u..trin waahlna macnines, UUiVlVliN eiectrlo Irons and reading lamps. 2221 Cuming St. Doug. a'.' Furs Stored ' cleaned and remodeled. th In ""-. -"'" -. a ..t.-... nnif roniOileiea. price. Fur. dyed. H. rtoinnoia, " Harney .tbj. ,l i,rvrnwuiw.. Kat Cleaners HATS cleaned and reblocked, 1320 Harney. Household Spec alltieS jmtei. W ,..;,' TT-zr-Tl-.V.Tr jTWLCANIZINO CO.. 151 Davenport JhJ& rrit'i"M Second-hand tire, and tubes. fob. Tour credit ts good. Agenjs wanted. Insurance BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN 13-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Poug. 281. t .r. Rnililinor Materials ' SAVE-HALF on beams, columns, brick H. TIRES at half price. n i k-. . vh.Ii Co. Web. S884. 1 and tubes. KA1MANS 1 IK ? "f' ' XMW. , .A Fnairie. FOfTsALE-At . VgaTnTTotaiTlij drauiio unTNTEDoiriPOT cash. io used UundryjmdDay Work. well drill, or will trad tor small kerosene tractor. Box Y 96. Bee. or or Massueres MASSAGli, chiropody. Alta Head. 208 BI'YlThd U." JJII gaira . I . n vTKB TIRE AND VULCAM41'V Central Bath Inst 1606 Harney. Doug. MISS HOLLAND. 223- Neville Block. Osteopaths j p. MuaScK. eiiiphur, steam and euca lypti bth. 0-8 Ro.. Bldg. Ty. X56. I ol aU iin. THE rT: ANNOUNCEMENTS Oxy-Acctylene Welding Expert Weiding on All Metals H. W. LEVERING. 309 S. 12th St. P. 3671. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits . for rent, id N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 3128. Patent Attorneys PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Intej -natlonsl Patent Co.. 63 Brsndels. P 691- ST URGES at STURGES. U. 8. and foreign pRtents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent per mo. A. Hoepe Co.. 1513 Douglas. Printing and Office Supplies Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co. 624 B. 13th 8t. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. SHINE 5c WHITE SHOES A SPECIALTY -IvlN pat0R. 1504 Harney Bt .- ........ , - Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement, and printing, ougla. Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 044. Trunks and Traveling iJags WE make them ourselves; why pay two profits for inferior goods when you can get nlgn grsae goons si t- Mfrs. of Harness. Saddles and Traveling Goods, 121Q Farnam hi. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Huppiy. . . . -- S. 11th. D. 628. Trusses. -CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSEST perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W. G. Cleveland Co.. 1410-1. Barney Bt. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE. ' Old, well etabllshed hardware, harness and Implement bi lness. In city of 8,000 people. In state of Mon tana. Located In the beat farming valley In the etate. Very attractive opening for parties with aufflcicnt capital. vA traAmm will considered. Excentlonal price, and terra, will be made, to responsible parties. Fuli particulars on application. Address COLLETT BROS. Boseman. Montsna. CHANCE for a man with aome money to get In business for himself. Havo a busi ness paying me $16 to $25 a day, but must sell, a. I am drafted. If you went to make some real money, let me hear from you at once, as the first man gets, It. Address J. S. K lock hoi oi, xju gsn. Is FOR SALE Hardware and harness business established thirty-two years; uou """" for selling: Invoice $12,000 to sid.uuu; lo cated In Broken Bow, Custer county, cen tral Nebraska. Traders need not apply. - .,r a . . m nr.ctlcallv new. Your choice at $165. other machine, from I SECONDHAND Indian motorcycle; thor $26 up; two Fort Wayne Coropensares at oughly overhauled. Price $55. Plott Bro.., 136 Come oulcK II you want iv. s. 210 Bromley Bldg.. Omaha Neb. HOTEL business for sale, only hotel and no rostnurant In town of 360 inhabitants $500 will buy fixture, and business. If Interested write or see Loul. Kudsk, Elba, Neb. . FOR SALE My one-half Interest In garage doing a $100,000 yearly business. Must sell at sacrifice on account of .elective draft. Box Y 161, Bee. FOR g ALE Second-hand store In railroad shop town doing splendid business. Poor hoalth: must .on. Aaaross -ecuiiu-n-uu Reliable Store, Falrbury, Neb FOR SALE Bowling and billiard parlor In live town of BO.obo, in first Clans niiac-, best reason for selling. Address Box Y 187, I cure Bee, von hat.it Half Interest or all of a pay- lnc arocery anrt oakery ousmess. jesi i reasons for .elllng. Box 491. Onawa. la. WILL rent for cash 400 acres lst-class wheat and corn land; eastern Neb.; every ft, worked by tractor. 1311 W. O. W. Bldg. vnn pe-jt Well eoulnned cafe: good bust- w" -. . - : , . . i.i ness: best location in jfremoni.; ur wn. sell fixtures. J. F. Roth, Fremont, neo. MOTION picture machine (new and re built); theater uppiiea. uiiiim Exchange, 10 B, 14th Bt. MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built all make: supplies, western our ply Co.. 201 Nat Bldg. TO GET in or out of business call on GANGESTAD, Z4s Be iog. ." TOUR business or real estate bandied for sale. F. V, Kniest, nee Bins., dowd bale au aui.uu w. W. O, W. Bldg. Red 3285. FOR SALE Bicycle shop. 2518 N. 20th. Rooming Houses for Sale. GOOD frame hotel and furnishing., always full, county seat; win sen or nauo good land; bargain. Mert Morse, Jlolyoke, Colo. AUTOMOBILES. WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR USED CARS to and have some exceptional value. offer a. follow.: . 3 Hun Touring, electrlo light, and tartar. In fine condition, 32 Hun Coupe, Just th car for the coming ran. 8-cyl. Scrlpp Booth. 8-cyl. 7-paasenger Locomohll.. . 1914 Mitchell Roadster. Model 80 Overland, Al shape. 1917 Hupp Touring. McSHANE MOTOR CO. ... 262 Farnam. Thon Poug. 8486. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Our used csr department must close ouVU..l used cir. I. iioci tifcrV Sept 1. out .1 ueo ,' .. ,...,.- i, at wnicn. urn. our -... , .v.. ... k. -av.iI ! la tAnr aln. Come In an,4 .ee our line of Overland, Maxwells. Paiges, iiriscoea, nuuai, - hnrna. Annersona and Fords. Terms to responsible parties. Price. rang from $135.00 to $660.00. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., $047 farnam St, P. 8292-L. FOR SALE. 117 Studebaker. $.pssengr roadster. In flrst-clasa condition throughout Must sell at once. Prlc $460. Bee Hitchcock, 2562 Leavenworth. Call Tyler 886. . T4 . nt,cu TIRES AND TUBi3 PON'T YOU T ALL RIGHT. WR DO THE BEST WORK W '1UH n, . , TRT CS. THE TIRE SHOP, 261 FARNAM. POUGLAB 4878. ' AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. - 120 Farnam. 1(lu,"i?,1,?; SerlppB-Booth roadster at a .acrtflce. 1 Chevrolet JJ! ,a i.v-.ll Moon Six .S-.crlflc i . lid I'l'IR HIRE. Will rent you a car. with or without driver. Best service. Better ratea. Also best tube repairing In city. See C .... 41 1 91. a imh St. iei. i'. - i .p.ng FOR SALE CKOSiJ"r. i 3l6 ou. jun a i. Good business, fine location, cheap rent, complete equipment Meter air comp. . irlll. emory weld outui. omai. Second-hand care and auto parts. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. . Vsed Car Dept. .... si Dousla. 853. Almost sny mane .i " tl timing " CARS; quick action; no del"''Aut0.Slx-" MISS HARRIS wants washing. Ironing nhanse Co.. S1J remain . I CUT down your tire xpens by having them iDpi,.A0 ED woman wants day ' repaired at Q. G. Ttre and Vulc. Co. hor. Mrs. B. Walker. Dougl tT.- In used tires. 3415 Leav. T. 1361-W. ?n, !. i-.ra. . ranslrina wort CO.. all kinds of ttre rep. ring -wora anteed. noyaias .;. .u...q TELL A B1NKLEV arm R1TT AND SELL USED FORDS. $311 Harney 8 Pou. let. v OMAHA. . . AUGUST : 191f. AUTOMOBILES. OAKLAND light six, 1916 model. INDUSTRIAL UABAue. i.k.. Jlth and Harney. Douglas 6351. A POWERFUL. 2-ton truca. first class shape; for sale at a trnn.o. Apply Dodce hotel. Douglas 1171. BARGAINS in used cars. 40lh and Farnam. Harney 414. CUT you tire cost In half by using Maxo tires. T. J. Garvey's Vucanlzing and Maxo tlre Station, 2910 Leavenworth. H. 1609. JOS. MATHE. patent vulcanlaer manufac turer, expert tire repairing. 285 Far nam. Phone Harney 4380. SEVERAL used cars at bargain prices. Call Carl Changstrom. Standard Motor Car Co.. Douglas 1705. FORD Sedan, used 1 months, on account oi larlng town. Call Harney zia ior in formation. FORDS, any model, new and used. New 1917 Ford touring bodies. 2620 B St. South 3t. 1 FORD roadster, 1 Ford touring car, 2 Studebakers and 1 Klsselcar. Colfax 8. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everyready Battery station, iau arnam. HIS MAXWELL TOURING CAR; good condition; $360.00. Phone Walnut 041. BERTSCHt "Kan-Flx-It," Southeast cor. ner 20fh and Hamey Bts. Douglas 3653. NEW and slightly ved tires. Trawver Aulo Salvage and Exchange, no a. inn. FOR SALE 1315 Ford touring car. Harney 4155, 335t 8. 85th Ave. Call FOR SALE Two Ford trucks; good con dition. Harney 2343. GOOD bagains In used Fords. 4001 S. 24th. Tel. South 4380. . Wanted. WANTRD Ford chassis. 175 down, 2 a month. 2733 8. Hth St. Jacobsen. be tween and I p. n. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Coll. repaired; Baysdorfer. zip w. itn. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Service Coc (Former Strahle & Anderson). 316 S. 19th St Dougla. 6488. , "ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO.. "Omaha'. Reliable Starter Repair anop." 3230 Farnam St. Dougla. 9377. Tires and Supplies. TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 3 in 1 tiro. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 1108H Jackson. AgU. wanted. Omaha, Neb, i BUY Lee Punctureproof Pneumatic Tires and eliminate your tire troubles, roweii Supply Co.. 2051 Farnam St Auto Bodies. gpg;ciAL FORD SEDAN BODIES, WM PFEIFFER AUTO & CARRIAGE WKS. 26th Ave, and Leavenwortn nt. itict in. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Rara-aina in used machines. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle. Man." 27th end Leavenworth, 3259 Farnam. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, UO BEE BLDG , PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry enree piles, fistula and othe rectal disease without surgical rp. ration. Cur. guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal dlsesse and testlmonl.ls WHT giFFERT Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for all Diseases Dr. Charle. fnTOnsn f?e":. H.'i ti sands. WHY NOT YOU 7 Delay ere dan. gerous. It you can't call, write. Hour, 9 a. m. to p. m.; 7:30 to 9:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated Without a surglci.'. operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 308 Be Bldg, Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. $1 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rme. 308 Rose Bldg. D. 3186. Chiropractors. Dr. Johnston. 1325 W, O. W. Bldg. P. 6529. Dr. J. C Lawrence. Baird Bldg. D. 46L PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home .0 licit, your old clothing, furniture, mag, sine. We collect. Wo distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-111-1114 bodge St. A""8HOWER bath, cool refreshing ; special -rtn.. snc Central Bath In.. summer price, 60c Central Bath In., 150 Harney. P. 7Pt. I MANICURING, massage and scalp treat ment 702 B. Zttn, Det IV ana tor appi. Tyler 1038. MISS FISHER, sulphur, .team bath, ana massage, 37 Bran. Tnea. oiag. u. ioo. MAE BRUGMAN, identlflo mamium ini oatns. i" itrn;ii- mi. ..... . i n A . V. .k Till. D TV MtSS SMITH, massulat Rtttenhouse sanl tartum aiu-aii uaira im. a. i a 1 1 LUELLA WEBSTER. maw.g. .ndmanl- curing. 118 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. BATH massage. 1803 Farnam SU I . ... . .1 I-LI Room t. Phone Douglas 8781. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Best care. 2605 Bristol ' Wen. o. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 441 N. 88th Bt Phone Colfax 2042 SCIENTIFIC massage. (20 Be Bide. Phone Pouglas 6373. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 1. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 310 N. 17th. E. BROTT. mass.. 703 S. 18th. D, 9526. . SITUATIONS WANTED Male. U MAN 35 year. old. 6 year, a teacher of hookkeenlna. 15 mo. clerking experience in i general .tore, would like a position do- I Ina- hookkeenlna or combination book- 1 GENTLEMAN, 61 yeara old. plenty of pep, good reference. Night or day clerk In noiei. minaKoiueni iuvu iwmiui anv noaltlnn suitable for man Of expert- noa and fair business ability. Address T, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. Mk'.rHANlii worklna- in saraae for the last five years wishes outside position ariving iniri- rnarrted.man: a No. 1 reference. Box 6638, Bee. . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanta work evenings and Saturday afternoon.. Best of references. Harney 2604. Call after ( p. m. ENERGETIC man. aged 33. retail expert- ence, want, position as cleric or collector. References. John Martin, 1518 Spring Bt. EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position in nrivate family In city or country; ref. Mike Lento, 10 N. 20th Bt IwiNTRn Position to do bookkeeping Sat- ,rrt.7 aftrnoon and week day evenings! Experience. Box it4. nee. COLORED man, cook, wants a joo in or out of city. Address Box 6ot. oee. FOR GOOD FURNITURE PACKING CALL WEBSTER 3396. J COLORED chauffeur wants truck or fam- tly Job. Perry. Douglas . Female. waktkiw. l'naitlon In strict Catholic fam. n ttttnp or nurse ior ennurea. uavo had high school nd normal training and have aome knowledge of music. Can give heat of reference, as to character and qualifications. Box Y 151. Bee. YOUNG lady pianist wan htaa nr motion clclure nlngs and Sundays: references given. Box 6549 or call Tyir loi'i sner v. vin-Kii la.lv with aenerat office experi ence wn cum iv. . h"-""" " - - office where chances for aavancemeni evident Phone Douglas 357. ' YOUNG girl of refinement and intelligence lo wwk for room and board f -g.V.m, ..hool. Box 6464. Bee. i. oil .n. .Tnerlenced. b &S.7. Omsha Bee. rr: .- Wh;o ?. to or""out of"c.ry. Colfax S776. 612S N. 39th St WOMAN with two children , desires position on farm as housekeeper, expenenc.u. drees Box Y-160. Bee. 683: Dress king wantejlJOdoJome. Web.5M i houaekeeDlng. Tyier iJi. work as 70,2. SPLENDID laundry work by ex whlt Prlres reasonable. W ebster ,.d 1316, Try me. guar. laundress wants work to ----- -- -narmntoed. Web. 430. WANTED Small bundle washing; day work. $222 Ixard, i-'OUUH , siti T A I if ins wan if ii n r.i.r- WAniLU rx.nitu. i jimniwnw . - . . M ( . Laundry and Day Work. LACE curtains afnd bundles laundered. Har ney 1130. 2614 Dodge St. WHITE woman Webter 1833. wishes bundle washing. WANTED Day work and bundle Web. 2531. wash. WANTED Laundry work for Wed. or Thurs. Call early In morning. Wal. 3176. WANTED Day work, bundle -wash. W. 6546. Reliable col. lady wants day work. D. 7253. DAT work and bundle washing. Webt 330. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale, $100. Bookkeeper, good futuse, $75 to $85. Stenographer, wholesale, $75. Ledger clerk, $60, Typist, $65. Office boys. $25. $30, $35. WATTS REF. CO., 1136 1st Nat l Bank. WHT PAY for a position? Stenographers, register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 20 South lth St. CASHIER and bookkeeper, $85. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N, 73 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR a high class commercial position see us. More calls than we can fill. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. CALL on the Co-Operative Reference) Co.. for drug and commercial positions. 1014 City Nat. Bank Bldg. STENOS SEE THE CANO AGCY, 600 BEE BLDG, Professions and Trades. .WANTED CARPENTERS Wages 0o per hour. Bonus of 1 extra hour on 19 hour, daily. Long job. Apply Witherstone Engler Co.. Chicago ft N, W. Elevator Co., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Six mechanic) draftsmen. Apply at American Smelting and Refining Co. WANTED Flrst-clas. tire repair man. Call between 10 and 12 Sunday morning. 1403 Jack.on. TEN boiler makers for general boiler .hop work on locomotive boilers and. tanks; no, labor trouble; ateady work and good wage, for competent men. DAVENPORT LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, - Davenport, la- 'TWENTY-FIVE first-class machinists to operate planer, lathes, Doring mine; no labor trouoie; .teaay worn u se wages for competent men. DAVENPORT LOCOMUTlvn, nunaa, Davenport, la. I WANTED Hard candy maker; must be good on Satin flnlsn worK; sieaay worn the year around. Give full particular. In first letter. .Johnson uiscun vumv-"?, Sioux City, la. WANTED Experienced grocery man; one who has the ability to lane cnarge oi grocery department In town of 2,600, near Columbus. Aggress cox i jop BARBER wanted at once. Steady Job for good man, IB guarantee, ou, p-r wn, v.c. tv 70 na- rent Wlrl Hlnee. Coin, la. - .--.- - to deliver Ice. Apply ?mah. Ice and Co.d Storage Co.. Bth and Jones. ' LEARN barber trade: low rates now. Call or write Barber college, line uougias ow WANTED A barber to take charge of shop. Rome Hotel. UNION carpenter for Wyoming, 60o per hr. Emerald. Labor Agency. z p. TWO young men for factory work, uman Box Company, nasi urr iana. WANTBD Housemen. Apply housekeeper, Hotel Fontenelle.. Salesmen and Solicitors'. 1 WANTED Permanent sales booster; mar- Tied, over 28, to lighten president uuueo. Retail or milk delivery and selling or packing bouse experience, vaiuamo. seu .,.M. win an advancement. Investment opportunity, bat not essential, xtwa bom. Bee. WANTED Two neat appearing men; must be able to meet the puoiic. sieaay posi tion and advancement to right party, $24 per week to start for those who qual ify. Call berore . m. aim nt t. at 'Jl 2, Baird Blk SALESMEN We want good elemen and aaents: our 1 big, easy seller, it live man who can snow resuua, "- "v oortunlty. International Commercial Co., 1 Madtson Ave., new icra. SALESMAN calling on gatagee or druggists. ciiA. 1 1 n a- rnmm M no. nu b-ijidi-. a-- dres. Northwestern Distilled Water Co., Minneapolis, Minn. kr.ns,k salesman. Address 101 . . ontr-i Blk.. Pueblo, COlo, Teamsters -nd ChauSeura.. I -'., .niltiiinri iaeii4s- xarkrr anil TEAMS i "XrTd irZ C. w... Yrd: 4Jd and Hard Street. South larn: auin ana ruM..j ' , LwiNTED Driver for grocery wagon; good wages. E. Buftett nvvi unniiw - Tratie Schools. uni.M HiRRER COLLEGE. . um Mmam learn th barber trade; nletes: pay while learning. r.tainrii free. Rates now on. v. write. 110 South 14th St, Omaha, both Men and women to' learn the barber trade. Special rates, van or -- TRI-CITY BARBER COLLSGE, j . . "AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 407 S. SOtn anrt zo Boys. BOY wanted; fine chance to learn gooa trade; elghtn graao icmmims Apply Bee composing room after p. m . Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. gHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the I o.i-ri.r,rt Rms. Co. a-non nar anu atoauj nw.. . - v.-tu VaM "4ih and Taylor street., South Yard 30th and Hickory streets. West Yard 42d and izarq street. -Aa;x;r) married man, rename ana ex 1 . work on farm: with separ . .t, house. Address H. A. Haack. R. F. D, 4, Blair, Neb. ATTENTION, farmersl If you want lielp . - ...nnw v,i muff city Employ n,,r.aii si 6 u W. Broadway. P. 481 unnoifB!! nunted: steady work; good i - ----- . . r- wages. Apply ssunaeriana, ora- ysrd, 42d and ttara bis. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men and women all-over the country to sell tne Tweniiem Reformation, a new book, the greatest -i, .r ita character In existence. Send .... .. anil aalllna- rlan. Liberal com mission paid. The Twentieth Century Book Pub. Co., 29 . Lssane St., oune a... u csgo, III. i- v-Tt. n immerilatelv. names men-women wishing to become government month. Address Box T-120. car of this office Help wanted female Stores and Offices. . . M.pnoar.oliers. register with us FREE OF CHARGE and REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 20 So. I9tn St.. my. - . . .,nh-r. than w sic u. "-..vi-o u. """f can T,ltlr. . THE MARTI IP. BOOKKEEPER, some . WESTERN REFERE 1 11 M.rvii w., .... .-. stenography. EFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, t Bank Bldg. An - WR NEED stenographers, bookkeepers ana office clerks. Co-Unerative neierrnvn i.rv.Mnirni'lH 175. 165. $60. 50. WATS "REFrcO.. 11381st XaflBank Professions and Trades. - .u - tt- . x-n-f T, Carina, slrll! MWCf machines government work; top wsges. app ... lady. 3d floor. Kcou-uranni Ing Co.. 15tn ana tiowaru. . . and i-ivTin a rAiiiMitnt alrl for ireneral A,..nAik: small family ' a by 1. t .1 o-fonuor. 1022 S. 29th St Harney 3456. WANTED. mz .1.1. fAr at.u.lv nnslttons: good Pay Uke clean work, lten Biscuit Co.. lith Capitol Ave WANTED Experienced mllliii'-ry makers. Apply Ti F. Lynd, Hsyden Eros. Professions and Trades. WANTED Seamstress. Apply keeper. Hotel Fontenelle. house- W ANTED A Hotel. cigar girt. Apply Rome LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St Household and Domestic. GIRL wanted for general housework in a small family: no washing. Apply morn ings. Mrs. Creigb. 113 N. 32d Ave. Har ney 738. YOUNG whits girl for general housework and assist with care of children, no cook ing nor washing. Apply 6014 Webster. WANTED An experienced eook; reference, required; good wages. Mrs. O. C. Redlck, 104 S. 39th St. Tel. Harney 131. WANTED A competent girl for general housework .In e suburban home with all modern convenience.. Walnut 3073. MAID for general housework, good wages, no heaVy work. Bohemian or Danish pre ferred. Wal. 88. 4909 California. WANTED Agreeable, elderly lady for com panion to traveling man's wife; light housework. Phone Harney 6339. Middle-aged lady housekeeper, 5 days each week; go home nights; references re quired. Box 6501. Bee. WANTED Middle aged lady as housekeeper In widower's family with children. Leslie Edwards, Albion, Neb. WANTED Reliable white girl to care for baby; one with experience preferred. Room 605, Sanford hotel. WANTED A girl for general housework; three In family. Phone Harney 36. A GOOD girl for general housework with out washing. 610 S. 25t;h Ave. WANTED Experienced 2d glrL Mrs. L. C Nash, Florence 223. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY BCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day I enrollment day. Book keeping, .horthand. .tenotypy, tyewrit lng, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGIA, Dougla. 1585. 18th and Rnrney St.. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Business Administration. Advertising. Finance and Investments. Banking. A ten weeks' course in above subjects, bv nrofessors from th University of Ne braska, begins June 18th. Day sessions for women. Evening sessions for men and women. Two forty-flve-mlnute lectures each week In each subject. Take any one or all. Tuition $12.50 per course, each anhiec.t The business world needs women. Enter any Monday for Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and other courses of train ing far business. Daf claeaes meet between I and 1. Evening classes between 6:30 and S. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. THE KELLOGG. "Welcome" Merchant Week visitors'. A quiet up-to-date hotel. Just outside the business section; walking distance, or one block south of Farnam car. 2451 Harney St. Doug. 4470. HARLEY HOTEL 20T AND FARNAM. Special low rate, to permanent guests. COOL rooms for summer, $2 week; Apts. with kltchenett. OGDEN HOTEL. Coun ell Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. "ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! ,Tf yon fall to find the room you dcslrs among these ads call at The Tina office for Room List Gives complete description of vacant room. In all part. of. th. cuy. rew iu wsubo every week, LARGE front room on bath floor, newly furnished, newly paperea, nas large ciuio. strtctlv modern, lean ana nomeims-pnc", only $8 to respectable, permanent gen tleman. 713 N. 32d Bt , TWO large rms. and kitchenette, 2d floor, fur. or unfur., mod, nome. aoumw Web. 105. MODERN, aanltary furnished rooms, ior men only, at the sunamn pt. v 17th. $2.60 per week. LARGS, Cool, nicely fur.; adj. bath; well ...itH fn- entle i an. Near car. Har. .627. in j .rACKSON--Modern. private family. m-aiuino distance, reierences. n. . . . coq Two nicely fur. froht rms.: mod. home; gen tlemen, well ventuateo. it a. ' S020 CASS 1 nioely fur. ,rms. in modern home hot water neat. arney 1CBLY furnliihed front rooms. modern. 703 S. 29th St fill Howard,, .nicely furnished rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. ANTED A competent middle-aged lady for housekeeper In modern home. Latest conveniences. Must be saving and good to children: four in family. Wages, $7 per week, including room and board. W, A. Green, Columous. iep, 1K20 R- 24TH Cosy front room for light housekeeping. Gas, eicctnc ugnis. wawr furnished. On car line. Walking distance, Price $3.6. ' NICE housekeeping rooms to suitable par ties. Very cheap rates lr taaen si onuc, a. Owner 1. leaving city, Webster 7816. SUITE of clean nicely furnished rooms, no objection, to small onnoren. ivvi vow. TWO and three housekeeping rooms. 410 N. 25d. Apply aoia enjeago, 2006 VINTON ST. Modern furnished room. Douglas 9383. 1 ROOMS, modern, with private family. 1909 Cass. - 1611 HOWARD, nice housekep. rms. Reas. Unfurnished Rooms, FIVE partly modern, good yard, hade, Webster 6178. FIVE partly modern, good yard, shade. Webster 5178. Rooms Wanted. LADY wishes room, furnished or unfur nished, where small cnua can stay uuam day. Address Box 6615, Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. The Hyland, 18th and Nicholas Steam heat and electric light., newiy rurnisnea apts., $3.50 to $7 per week. Including light water, fceat, Janitor ana maia service. Webster 407. wii.i. sublet seven-room apartment, tnree rooms will pay rent; will sell lurnisnings. Harney 2953. FOR RENT HOUSES West. WALKING DISTANCE 2644 Dodge; 8-rm, mod. .house; a bargain at $25. Call owner, Webster 4875. . -ROOM house within one blk. of Black. tone. 116 M. 36th St. A. Edholm, uougia. 1963 HOUSE, 2614 Dewey Ave., even rooms, mod. Moyer Sta. Co., 1611 rarnam nt, 8117 BURT ST., & rms.. all modern. $25.00. E. H. Benner Co Douglas mu. SIX-ROOM modern cottsge. West Farnam, $27.50. Phone Walnut 24z. 129 N. 37TH ST. 5-room house, modern but heat. 1S. P. zsuz. in-ROOM hoose. modern. Harney 647. North. 6-R. FLAT, 2704 Lake, water pa., moueru ex. furnace, nice large rooms, porcn, m OMAHA'S LARGEST KK-niau auv-i.. Hastings & Heyden. 1614 Har. Ty. 60. FOR RENT FINE HOME. 29th and Fowler Ave.: 8 rooms. mod v ern, not water, neat, oaa Call owner, Benson 4ji-j. iwk r.f th nrettlest 8-room houses Omaha; strictly moaern, corner "- man Ave., and spencer. nwr 1516 SHERMAN AVE., 12 rooms, $33.00. JOHN N. FRENZER Pougla 664. 3-R. house, nice lawn, close to car line, reas, rood neighborhood. Colfax 1040. SIX-ROOM cottage for rent at 4219 Docatur. Tel. Walnut 113. South. 172 8. 2Stb St., rms., mod. ex. ht $: E. H. BENIN BK vv-'.. "" 7-ROOll, all modern, hot water beat $i 1147 Park Ave. Harney 1829 vnrirpx 7-mom house. 115 S. 42d St O. P. Stebblns, mo mica go 5-ROOM modern cottage 110 S. 30th St. Har ney 43ul FIVE rooms, modern except neii, cii-iv lights. 15. 1714 South 10tn Bt. Miscellaneous. and HOrSES end .U kind. -of rental Property, r r AiiaV'U TAR r.EST RENTAL AGENCT, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 16U Har. Tyler 50. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R., o03 Martha St 4- R., 255 Pierce St 6- R., 530 S. C4th Ave 9-R.. 1909 California STRICTLY MODERN. 5- R., 4S03 N. "9iti Pt 5- R., Z-i i Corby t ' t-R., MS S, 30th St C-R., !01 liewcy Ave C-R., 4324 Franklin St 6- R., 1302 X. 4r.li SI 7- R.. si!07 x. ::oih st 5- R... 3!01 X. 17th St 8- R., J9 Park Ave 8- R.. 525 S. 26th St 9- R., 1910 Chicago St 9-R., 1004 S, 37th St 10-R., S. 28th St 10- R., 2"21 DoiIkc St 11- R., 2621 liarucy Si FLATS STRICTLY MODERN'. 6- R., 207 8. ;0Ui Si. . . . C-R., 241! S0n aril St MODERN EXCEPT HliAT. 10-R.. 70a S. 12th Si . .$t: .; . . li.00 .. 1500 .. 30.00 ..$18.00 .. 25.00 .. 27.50 .. 37.5i) ,. 23.00 . , 23.00 .. 23 00 ,, 30.00 .. 22.50 .. 40.00- .. 35.00 .. 45.0.1 .. 30.00 . . 40.00 .. 60.00 .?2G.0 . 20.00 $45.00 APARTMENTS. STOECKER, 823 . " S.. 3-U No. 13 ' . Apt. ill Si') PORTER & SlIOTttKl.L. 205 S. 17th St. D""1? .-.rill! EXCELLENT HOMES FOR KENT AT 652 South 26th avenue. 0 rooms, cusi front corner, brick. $37 50 064 South 26th avenue. 6 rooms. S"j.00. 2120 Emmet street. 10 rooms and w'arage. $45.00. . ,. 6-room nil modern bungalow. so. 37th St.. $30. All of these In A -No. 1 condition. T RAVER BROTHERS, Douglas 6886. SI 9 First Nat. BU. Bldg. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six-room mod ern up-to-dale apartments? Preference will be given to those In better districts of the city. Want to deal direct with own ers; no agents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016. Houses in air parts of the city. CREIGH. SONS & CO.. 608 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. THE BOSWORTH, 2217-19 HOWARD. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED The most modern and complete close-in apartments in the city. Largfc living room, with disappearing bed; bath, dress ing room, kitchenette. See us for further particulars. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. . Tyler 1326. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. MAEWOOD APT. 23th and "Harney, 1 rooms and bath; hi?li-class, $30.00. GLOVER & SPAINADoug3 39B2. 7-R. APARTMENT, $25; winter rate $35; steam heat. -Others $18 and up. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. ESTABROOK apt. or office facing 16th St., $25 month. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. APARTMENTS, ail sizes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. u itit. FIVE-ROOM modern spt.; heat furnished. $25 per mo. Phone Harney 11)1)9. MOD. 4-r .Apt. Har. 4141 or Harney 1730.. North. ERY nice 4-room flat, furnace heat, elec tric light white enamel batn ana prac tically walking distance, on N. 18th St., only ?20: no children and lease required. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS qO., Realtors, 803-4 Om. Nat'I Bk. Bldff. Doug. 420. -r., Jill N. IblH Aparinini, neai, "aivi and Janitor service, 82o sum., J4,dp winier ASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler 50. ONE elegant 4 and 6-ro. m spt. Phone Webster 7211 snd Webster 4.)2. South. R, FLAT, 2614 Woolworth, modern, excel lent cond.: water paid. $23.50. OMAHA'S LARGEST. RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Tyler 50. peters Trust company Specialists in Apartment Management. Miscellaneous. MILTON. New 3-r. Apt. with 6-rr accommodation, having two built-in beds and small dress ing room, close-in, no carfare. $37.60. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler 60. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. SUITABLE FOR BAKERY. Good corner store. 29th and Dupont. bake oven already in, also shelving and counters, ready to commence business st once, with 4 nice living room upstairs, mod. ex. furnace, all for $25. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Tyler 50. DESIRABLE store room! modern front, metal celling, steam heat 6-4-bs 60. 16th St.; size 32x60: can bo subdivided; low rent. Conrad Younev 322 Brandei Theater Bldgi Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED modern offices, fcarnam Bldg.. 13th and Fslrnara, turn irst ixat Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 600, NEW, modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 25th sts. low rent. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM. STOREROOM for rent. Sun Theater BICa. WORLD REAVTY COMPANY (Realtors), Douglas 6342. Sun Theater jaing. SMALL' modern store room, steam heat. 1615 Capitol Ave. Conrad xoung, til Brsndels Theater, uougias ioi. TWO-STORY brick building. 2709 Leaven worth. Reasonable rent. Douglas ( TWO-STORY brick building. 1709 Leaven worth. Reasonable rent uougias umi. MODERN store, cor. 16th and Cass. Choice location. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. MODERN store 16th St., near postofflce. $75. i J. if. stepoina, ipio v.nicsso. H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. 4718 S. 24TH ST., So. Side; near P. O. B. H. Benner Co. D. 8408 . Office and Desk Room. PARTY with live auto accessory wants desk pace: Farnam preferred. Aaaress verioe, 116 S. 17th. Phone Douglas 3234. CLOSE In rooms, suitable for studio, office. dentist, dressmaker, etc., wun living rme. adjoining. T. F. Hall, 434 Ramge. P. T406. CHOICE office space, Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague lnv. CO. MOVING AND STORAGE "GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St Phon Doug las 394. Metropolitan van and storage co., Expert service; prompt attention. Teur moving, your packing, your storage. . Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 778S. FIDELITY"" RENTAL SERVICE FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 809 S. 16th St Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real ervice in moving, packing ane storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. t s iTTTiTv Express Co, Moving J. Li. XXCjCjU Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug, eies. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. ALLEN BARRET-A. can una a kmui your house, uoug. i .. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans. Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5, 6 H and 6 per cent Also first mort cages on farms and Omaha real estate foe fall J H. Dumont A Co.. 416-418 Keelln Bldg., I7tn ana iiarne?. EiTY and farm loana pormptly made. Ratea S, (V and per cent Reasonable com- UNITED STATES TRUST CO. S1 j South 17th. Omaha. Neb. FARM and city loan, running from five to twenty year. Interet i per cent ttt , cZ Tand per cent PETERS TRUST CO.. 1623 r arnam pi... v. i'l '00 MT'GH bearing 6 pet. .eml annually. bv property valued at $3,400. TaTmae-Loomlstfnv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg, H. W. BINDER. Monev on hand for mortgage wan. City National Bank Bldg. 1 i . . . ..no.,. a.i lirpd bV -t SIX per cent j ' lne. 18 Keelln Bldg. i 2L