Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1917, Image 1

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On Train, at Hotnli.
New, Stmnd. Etc., Sc.
' : r ; 1 1 I
VUU .ALV1I u. 5o. . OMAHA,
TrT Tr XT TT TTrijTT TT T7 Tinffl TJ
U rf-fc 111 iMfl V V sf-fc st-i s-V J V J
Uncle Sam's Distinguished
Guests From Nippon' Go
Through Gate City on Way
to Washington.
The Japanese mission to the United
States stopped in Omaha last night
for half an hour. The special train
on which the dstinguished gentlemen
of Japan are traveling to Washington
arrived at the Union station at 6:30
p. m. A little man in a blue serge
suit and straw hat met the newspaper
men. He was M. Naigai, secretary of
the foieign department of the Japan
ese mission. He speaks very good
"It is entirely impossible to see Vis
count Ishii. who heads the mission,
he said. ''Because of the nature of
the mission the viscount has declined
to talk to newspaper men anywhere.
He does not feel free to do this until
after he has seen the president in
Washington. ,
Mr. Naigai was asked about the
feeling between the Japanese and
Amerisan people.
"It could not be better," he replied.
"Everywhere we have been received
most kindly. In the past there may
have been small things which have
caused some of the 'ye"ow' newspa
pers to try to stir up trouble. But
this was only a magnifying of mole
hills into mountains. There are 'yel
low' newspapers in Japan as well as
in America. Shortly before we ft
Tokyo .Admiral Knight cainc to
Yokohoma with the Asiatic fleet and,
although it was at a date when the
emperor is usually at his summer
home, the emperor put off his outing
in order to greet Admiral Knight."
Mr. Naigai was asked why Japan
has not sent troops to Europe as it
would seem an easy thing to send
them across Siberia or through the
Suez canal.
Transportation7 Lacking.
"Ah. but that is not so,", h&said.
"The Trans-Siberian railroad is one
track and in very poor condition now,
utterly inadequate to transport
troops. As for the' water route, ships
are lacking to send trocps to Europe
that way. But we have supplied Rus
sia -with immense quantities of muni
tions and many Japanese officers are
teaching theRussion troop to use
the weapons which we supplied to
them. The feeling between Japan
vand Russia is very friendly today.
"We have been amazed and de
lighted at the great patriotism and
war enthusiasm shown in San Fran
cisco and at other places in the
United States where we have had op
portunity to se it. Japan epxects
America to do great things in this
Mar. Our people are glad to have
America as an ally. In Honolulu we
were phased to learn that a regiment
of Japanese had been raised and
' would be sent to France under the
American flag. Such things will help
to-cement forever the friendly rela
tions of the great republic of Amer
ica with Japan. "It is very pleasing
to the intelligent people in both
Is Self-Made Man. .
Viscount Ishii who heads the mis
sion s a self-made man. He was
plain "Mr." at the beginning of his
career. After the Russo-Japaiese
war he was made Baron Ishii and,
after further distinguishing service,
was created viscount. With him on
the mission are Admiral Takishita,
General Sugano, Consul General
Hanihara of San Francisco, Com
mander Ando of the Japanese navy,
Colonel Tanikawa of the Jarjanesc
(Continued on Tage Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska b air: not muc
change in temperature.
Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday, .
Hour. Ufg
5 a.
6 a.
7 a.
8 a.
p. in .
! p. m 83
p. m 85
4 p. ill 86
') p. m ; . . 87
J p. ni 84
7 p.' m . , H
8 p. m 7
, , ConiparstW e Loral Record. .
1HT. 1916. 1IJ. 1914.
Highest yesterday ..87 6 75 ' 87
Lowest yesterday ..65 75 Bo 67
Mean temperature .. 76 86 65 77
Prepicltation 00 .03 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 74
Excess tor. the day 2
Total deficiency since March 1 186
Normal precipitation J finch
Deficiency for the day IS Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. . ..19. 27 Inches
Peficlency since March 1... 1.24 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1916.. 9.1 inches
Excess for cor. period, 1916 86 liu;li
Reports from fetation at 1 V. SI.
Gtatlon and State Temp. Hfgh
of Weather. 7 p. m. est.
fall. ,
Cheyenne, cloudy ...... 66
72 .
Davenport, cloudy
, 86 '
Denver, cloudy 76 7 .00
Des Moines, cloudy .... 82 88 .00
Dodge City, dear .....- 82 86 .00
Lander, clear 8'J 82 .01
North Platte, clear .... 80 84 .S4
Omaha, clear 78 87 .m
Pueblo, clear 78 86 .00
'hx:so. cloudy 7n 84 .00
Salt Leko City, xleiir. . . 84 S .08
Santa Fo. pt. cloudy.,. 78 Si .00
Sheridan, clear i , li - 84 .00
SiouK City. pt. cloudy.. 84 90 .00
Valtutlrie. pt, cloudy.... 74 86 .10
T Indicate trace of precipitation. y
L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist,
Says He Is Daniels1 Son ;
Collects Money; Fades
Washington, Aug. 20. A mys
terious "stranger, passing himself off
on naval officers and others as a son
of Secretary Daniels, has obtained
considerable money and to date has
eluded capture.
Reports Current at National
Guard Headquarters Indicate
Cornhusker Brigade Will
Entrain in 48 Hours. ,
Reports current at National Guard
headquarters in both Omaha and Lin
coin last night indicated that all com
panics of the Nebraska brigade still
in the state would entrain at their
home stations Wednesday for the first
lap of their journey to the training
camp at Deming. N. M.
The Omaha battalion of the "Dandy
Sixth yesterday received orders to
prepare for entrainment within forty-
eight hours. Members of Company
u, located at tlie Auditorium, were
insfructd to have their baggage packed
and be prepared for departure upon a
moment s notice. f
Take Phone Numbers.
Guardsman who live at their homes
were ordered to keep in close touch
with headquarters and officers tabu
lated the telephone numbers of a.Il
surh troopers in rase the rail to get
under way conies when they are ab
General Harries, commander of the
Nebraska brigade, left for Dcming
last night.
At Lincoln last night, it was re
ported the troops would all leave
Wednesday for Kansas City where
they would assemble as a unit for the
journey to Deming.
Mobilization of the
Second -and Third
Draft Men Delayed
Washington. Aug. 20. Mobiliza
tion of the second increment of draft
troops was today changed from Sep
tember 15 to19 and the third incre
ment from September 30 to October
3. Mobilization of the first increment
will be as previously announced, Sep
tember 5.
The postponements are said to be
due to delays in local boards getting
their quotas ready for service.
Food Administration to
Stablize Sugar Prices
Washington, Aug. 20. Measures to
stabilize sugar prices were discussed
today by Herbert C. Hoover with a
committee from the New York coffee
and sugar exchange. Prices have ad
vanced sharply recently.
The food administration plan's to
control sugar dealings as soon as it
has completed a program for super
vising wheat, flour and bread.
Found Dead in Explosion in
King Mills, 0:, Powder Mill
- Cincinnati, O., Aug. 20. Three ex
polositions along what is called the
"powder line," a series of small de
ta'ched buildings at a powder plant
at King Mills, O., today caused four
deaths and injured two workmen. The
niain buildings of the plant were not
harmed. Fouj tons of blasting pow
der let go.
Iowa Brigadier General to
Command Men at Deming
Des Moines, la., Aug. 20. Briga
dier General Hubert F. Allen of Cedar
Rapids, Iai., was ordered today to re
port at Camp Cody, near Deming, N.
M., August 25 to assume command
of the Sixty-seventh infantry brigade.
Two Omaha Women Each Adopt
Two Nebraska Soldiers to Look After
The motherless boys in the Fifth
regiment machine gun company are
to have a real mother at last.
One day last week two sweet-facerf
women appeared in the headquarters
at the armory.
"We want to adopt two boys
apiece," they told Lieutenant Rouse.
"Two boys that have no home audi
no mother. We want to be good to
them during the remainder of their
stay in Omaha and keep in touch
with them all the time they are at the
"They will be our boys until they
are mustered out. We want to give
them chicken dinners and automobile
rides while they stay. And be sure
wr'll be on' hand to tell them 'good
by at the train; We want to write
them often and send them papers and
nice mysterious little packages of
goodies and such things very often
at the front"
"Can you find us four such boys?"
Lieutenant - Rouse could and he
did, in a moment. Four fine young
lads fled in, a little embarrassed at
the call,J)ut all that vanished as they
met the anxious motherly eyes of the
two visitors.
The two kind-hearted women were
Mrs. A. S. Williams, 4816 Douglas
street, and Mrs. William G. Fuller,
708 North Forty-ninth street. The
Come "Earlier Than' Ever to
Take Advantage of the
Omaha Market Week
During no previous Merchants'
Market cek helc in Omaha did so
many merchants arrive on the first
day as came today to , buy their
stocks of goods on the .Omaha
By 11 o'clock merchants were on
the market from fifty miles south of
Kansas City, from Montana. Iowa.
Nebraska, South Dakota and Mis
souri"". Wives and daughters accom
panied many of them, for more and
more the merchants throughout the
Omaha trade territory are depending
upon the' judgment and taste of their
wives and daughters in the matter of
laying in stocks of goods, especially
in the line of women's apparel.
Come to Buy.
The mc chants are a buying crowd.
They feel that crop conditions are
good throughout most of the terri
tory they, will serve, and that conse
quently business will be exceptionally
good this fall and winter.
Those who arrived early got to the
big wholesale houses as fast as possi
ble iind evinced a keen desire to get a
lot of their stock laid in before the
big rush of merchants arrives Tues
day and W'ednesday. The result was
the business was exceptionally brisk
at tne wholesale Houses. Extra help
was employed to show goods and
help take orders.
Kansas Merchants Optimistic.
Kansas merchants, despite the re
ports ot failure of corn crop in parts
of the state,. are optimistic for a good
fall and winter business, and they in
sist that the talk of corn failure hi
their state has been exaggerated.
They point out that Kansas is more
of a s wheat state than a corn state,
anyway,- and that the wheat yield was
good, and. also that there will be much
good corn in Kansas despite the fact
that there are spots where the corn
was damaged by the dry weather
which, prevailed there some "weeks
I he bouth Dakota fellows arevcrv
optimistic also, saying that the small
grain yield was excellent and that
there will be much corn m the state
despite the fact that some of it is a
litle late.
General Strike of I. W.W. in
Northwest Is Not Called
San Francisco, Aug. 20. Peace and
quiet prevailed today throughout the
northwest states of Washington, Ore
gon, Idaho and Montana, where a
strike of thousands of Industrial
Workers of the World in the con
struction, harvesting and fruit indus
tries was scheduled to take nlace
under orders of the organization lead
A survey of the situation earlv to
night showed that ever- line of indus
try to be affected by the proposed
strike pursued its normal, orderly
way and so far as could be asserted
no attempt was made by any I. W.
W. leader to carry into effect the
strike order issued recently by James
Rowman, district secretary, with
headquarters at Spokane, who ad
vised farm workers to "let fruit rot
on the ground" and calling on con
struction workers to lay down their,
Wattles to Washington
On First of September
Washington. Aug. 20. CSoecial
Telegram.) Word has reached
Washington that Gurdon W. Wat
tles of Omaha will be in Washington
on September 1 to hold a conference
with Food Administrator Hoover,
when it is thought the entire food
control situation will be gone over
with several administrative councils
and state boards. '
lucky men who now have a mother to
think of them were Sergeant William
Jones and Privates Sweeney, Schatz
lcy and Dingman.
"How did I come to think of it?"
said Mrs. Fuller. "Why, my heart has
just ached whenever I passed the
armory on the car. I felt that in
that company were surely some boys
without a mother. I have no son my
self; but if I had, I would be so proud
if he were a soldier.
"My friend, Mrs. Williams, has one
little boy of 7 who is a boy scout.
It is because she knows how he would
feel if he were in the army and had
no mother to care about him. that
she wants to look afterrome of those
"They are so fine and so brave.
They are protecting us and giving
their lives, it may be, that we may
be safe. The little we can do to make
their stay in Omaha and their life at
the front happy can but slightly re
pay their great sacrifice."
Mrs. Fuller is tremendously inter
ested in her boysv She is not a great
worker in clubs, fdr she feels she can
tio so much more for individuals than
"I wanted to make sweaters and
pack comfort kits for my own. boys
boys I knew. I wanted to know their
(Continued on Fags Two, Column One.)
rj5 T iT (always a peasure
Former Treasurer of the Vil
lage is 'Given Until Satur
day to Tut Back' $2,500
Still Missing.
Demand has been made upon Ellery
II. Westerfield, treasurer of the vil
lage of Dundee prior to annexation
with Greater Omaha, for $2,500 addi
tional shortage.
The demand has been made hv the
department of public accounts and fi
nance and Mr. Westerfield has been
granted until next'Saturday to pay in,
the amounh
This additional shortage came to
light when interest coupons of district
improvement bonds were checked
back by John Fead, bond clerk in the
city comptroller's office.
Records Show Shortage.
The $2,500 was nart nf an issue nf
$7,500 improvement bonds sold by the
village ot uundee on June 5, 1915, two
weeks before annexation. The bonds
were dated May 1. 1915. la the rec
ords of Dundee finances as turned
over by Mr. Westerfield, there ap
peared a memorandum showing dis
tribution of only $5,000 of the $7,500
Chief Clerk Charles Stenica of the
department of public accounts and fi
nance 'in, the absence of Superintend
ent Butler states that the shortage
efcists and that Mr. Westerfield docs
not question it and has promised to
settle this week.
Shortly after the annexation of
Dundee with Greater Omaha the city
comptroller discovered that Mr. Wcs
terfield's books could npt be recon
ciled. The more the books were
checkoa the more evident is became
that a shortage existed. An exhaus
tive check disclosed a lax system of
accounting and a long, list of items
which went to make up a total short
age of $25,000, which was finally paid
into the city treasury and prosecu
tion abandoned.
When the shortage was made pub
lic Mr. Westerfield left Omaha and
his friends reported that he had
sought a "much needed rest;" that he
had suffered a nervous breakdown.
Friends Come to the Rescue.
Relatives and friends went to his
rescue and when a settlement of the
Shortage? was arranged, he returned
(Continued on Fag Two. Column Four.)
Plenty of Buckwheat Cakes
For Nation's Breakfast
Harrisburg,' Pa., - Aug. 20.-Buck-wheat
cakes will be .' plentiful this
winter, according to predictions made
today by state officials. Pennsyl
vania has led the nation in buck
wheat production for years, and this
season there was an increase of 15
per cent in acreage. Consequently,
it is stated that last year's crop of
4,250,000 bushels may be increased to
6,200,000 bushels in .1917. ,
Bar Silver Up Another -
Cent on New York Market j
New York, Aug. 20. Bar silver,
which has been maintaining the high- !
est prices in more than a generation j
tor some time, went a cent higher to
day, being quoted at 87 cents an
Market Week
Corn Prospects Better in East
ern Section; Hail Does
Heavy Damage in Cen
tral Portion.
The Nebraska crop report of the
Burlington road for the week ending
lastSaturday indicates that the small
grain raised in the state is all secure
in the stack or threshed. Everywhere
the yield was satisfactory and the
quality unexcelled. The same report
conveys the information that all over
the state farmers are plowing the
stubble fields, preparing to put out the
largest acreage of winter wheat in
the history of the state.
Relative to corn, weather condition's
last week were excellent, there bcThg
plenty of moisture, accompanied by
fairly high temperatures, causing the
plant to grow rapidly.
With the Burlington people who
gather data for the report, it is con
tended that the only thing that will
prevent a bumper corn crop will be
an unusually early frost.
Corn Bst'. . in East Part.
The Burlington estimate on the
corn crop at the end f last week, as
compared with the condition at the
end of the previous week, on the basis
of 100 per cent, is: Previous
Division. Wk. Week.
Omaha 9 05
Lineal .76 78
Wymore r. 75 75
McCook 73 66
'It is said that a hailstorm that cov
ered quite a large area is responsible
for the falling off on the Lincoln di
vision. The long spell of dry weather did
some damage to the potatoes, but the
indications are the former estimate
of 12,590,000 bushels will not be far
from correct.
Pastures have freshened up since
the rain set in and all through the
range country the condition is up to
the average for this season of the
Crude Oil Advances to New
Mark for Quarter Century
Pittsburgh, Pa.. Aug. (.--Pennsylvania
crude oil advanced 25 cents to
day to $3.50, the highest in i quarter
of a century. Other new prices posted
were: Corning, $2.60; Cabell, $2.57?
Somerset, $2.40, each price represent
ing an advance of 10 cents.
Lovett to Administer
New Transportation Law
Washington. Aug. ' 20. Appoint
ment of Robert S. Lovett chairman
of the Union Pacific, to administer
the iiew priority Iransportatiorr-law,
was announced laic today at the
White House.
Remember the
When through reading this copy
of Th Bee, by placing a 1-cent
tamp on it and depositing it in a
mail box, it will be delivered with
"out address to some soldier in field
or camp. If you wish a particular
soldier to have The Bee sent to
him in person every day, subscribe
for him. .Special price of $1.50 to
next January 1. Just phone or
write The Bee.
PetaivL S Troops
Hammer 11-Mile
Sector On Meuse
Armies of Tri-Color Make Big Drive Along Line Where
One oi Greatest Struggles of World War Rages;
German Military Chiefs Concede 'Retirement
of Forces Without Resistance.
French Drive Teutons from Talou
Without Struggle, Berlin Admits
Berlin, Aug. 20. (Via London.)The war office announces that the
French, without fighting, have occupied the Talou ridge, on the Verdun
front east of the Meuse.
At all other places over a front of more than fourteen and three
.eighths miles, the German general staff reports fighting is in full swing.
The German high command says that Talou ridge was given up be
cause this line of defense since last March had been occupied only by
Daniels in Conference With
Shipbuilders With View to
Gigantic Increase in
the Navy.
Washington, Aug. 20. Immediate
expansion of building facilities of the
United States to double or treble the
output of destroyers in the next
eighteen months was the object of a
conference today between Secretary
Daniels aird representatives of twenty-five
or more ship and engine build
er. ,
"If we get what we want,'' the sec
retary said, "the Unlfed State will
have more destroyers than any other
power. They are the one thing that
a submarine fears."
The secretary indicated that all de
stroyers the builders could produce
would be ordered. Every effort ot
the department will be laid upon
speeding up the many contracts now
Engines Are Scarce.
Every aspect of ship building that
bears upon destroyer production was
taken up at' the conference. There
is no, shortage of material or plant
facilities, but a difficulty in obtaining
high-power engines, boilers and re
duction gear.
Secretary Daniels said no additional
submarine chasers would be ordered
at present. The chasers are valuable
as harbor and shore patrols; but de
stroyers are superior even for these
duties and have in addition sea-going
qualities which make them of far
greater value in all other ways.
Every suggestion that the ship ana
engine builders had to make as to
additional motive power for destroy
ers was given close attention. Equip
ping some of the new vessels with
oil engines was among the sugges
tions. To Expand Plants.
As to the plants at which the new
destroyers will be laid down, Secre
tary Daniels said he favored expan
sion of the plants already building
destroyers as the most efficient means
of speeding up. Experience gained
in previous building will enable such
plants to turn out ships more quickly
than would be possible for a plant
new to the work.
Another aspect is the problem of
furnishing convoys to troops and sup
ply ships, which will .grow as more
Americans go to France. Many of
ficers believe that destroyer convoys
guarantee a large -degree of security
from --submarine attack.
No figures have ever been made
public as to the number of destroy
ers under construction. Secretary
Daniels said today, however, that they
represent the maximum present ca
pacity of the country.
Government Loses Valuable
Oil Lands by Court Decision
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 20. The
government lost title to hundreds of
acres of California oil lands in the
Midway fields held by the Consoli
dated Mutual and the North Ameri
can Consolidated Oil companies and
others, in an opinion handed down
today by the United States circuit
court of appeals, reversing judgment
of the lower court.
The opinion, written by United
States Circuit Judge E. M. Ross,
will affect other suits brought by the
government in its so-called "billion
dollar" oil cases to recover title to
these lands, it was said. The opinion
held that those in possession of the
lands have legal right to the oil con
tained. Allies to Confer Before
Answering Peacd Proposals
,London. Aug. 20. Lord Robert
Cecil, minister of blockade and under
secretary for foreign affairs, an
nounced in the House of Commons
this afternoon that the entente al
lied governments would confer be
fore replying to the pope's, peace
Paris, Aug1. 20. A smashinf
French victory on the Verdun front
is recorded in the .official report
issued by the war office tonight.
The French have captured the
enemy defenses on both sides of
the Meuse over a front of more
than! eleven miles, pentrating the
German line at divers points to a
depth of a mile and a quarter. More
than 4,000 unwounded German
prisoners have been taken.
(By Associated Press.) y
The French took the offensive this
morning on the Verdun front, strik
ing along a sector of eleven mjles on
both banks of the Meuse. Early of
ficial reports from Tar:; say the battle
has developed to the advantage of the
French and that prisoners are com
ing in.
The first reports do not show
whether the French have inaugurated
a. major ollensive. although the indi
cations are that the operation is un
usually important. There has been
,,sharp fighting recently near Verdun.
Scene of Former Defeat.
It was in this sector fiat the Ger
man crown prince early last year at
tempted to break the French line, los
ing several hundred thousand men
without gaining any material advan
tages. Last week the Germans made
a sharp local attack there, possibly
hoping to break up the French prepa
rations. In the north the Germans counter
attacked on the positions taken yes
terday by the British near Epehy.
London reports the assault as re
pulsed completely. The British line
on the Ypres front has been advanced
slightly. '
Fight on the Italian Front
Heavy fighting is in progress on the
Italian front. The Austrian war of
fice announced yesterday that anftal
ian offensive has been inaugurated on
a thirty-seven-mile, front, from the
region of Tolmino to a point near the
Adriatic. The Italian official state
ment of yesterday did not mention the
attack, but press dispatches from
Rome today speak of the new ad
vance. Another great aerial raid over Bel
gium was made by British airplanes
Saturday night. The British planes
returned safely. ' i
Canadians Establish Posts.
Canadian Headquarters in France,
Aug. 20. (By Canadian Press, Ltd.)
Northwest of Lens, amidst ' the
trenches and railway cuttings, which
form the last line o German defense
in that quarter, the' Canadians have
established strong posts in a special
trench which was 'the scene of des
perate and indecisive fighting two
day ago.
These new posts give command of
the last bit of ground from which de
fenders of the city could overlook the
advance from the w st. The v are now
in a hollow all around 'ptu 'front,
(Continued on Fate Two, Column One.)
Senate Confirms Nominations
Of Many New Army Officers
Washington, Aug. 20. Without op
position the senate today confirmed
nominations of former Representative
Victor Mitrdock of Kansas to the
Federal Trade commission, and all
except of nearly 200 major-generals
and brigadier generah recently
named by President AVilson.
The Sunday Score
Advertising in The Bee
(Warfield Agency Measurements)
Another Big Gain
Sunday, August 19, 1917.
Inches: .
Local Display......... 924
' Foreign Display 71
Automobile . . , 971
Classified .692
Total ..A... 2,660 ,
Same Sunday Last Year: N
Local Display.... ..... 726
Foreign Display. ...... 64 ,
Automobile 510
Classified . 544 )
Total ...1,844
Keep Your Eye on The Bee
tafVoving Erejrx VSOL
J ..