Y-t- T; Omaha Daily THE WEATHER . Unsettled VOL. XLVII. NO. 54. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1917. TEN PAGES. O Train t Hotsli. Hm Sttssi. tts . SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. GERMANS HOLD LIFE CHEAP IN FRENZY TO SAVE LENS: ALLIES FACE 400,000,000 BUSHEL WHEAT SHORTAGE; MCADOO ASKS TWEL VE BILLIONS MORE WAR BONDS r i i, f- X Bee 4 ' l : I NEEDS OF WAR NECESSITATE CALL TO SUBSCRIBE LARGEST LOAN IN HISTORY OF NATION Treasury Head Formulates Bill to Float Immense Project; Small Investors Want to Be Cared for in Liberal Installment Payment Provision; To Safe guard Government Needs. (By Associated Press.) , Washington, Aug. 19. Authorization to issue bonds and certificates totalling $11,538,945,460 at one time,vis provided in the new war budget bill embodying recommendations of Secre tary McAdoo, which came from ways ana means committee. MORE POWER ASKED. Q In . addition to authority to float a $7,568,945,460 4 per cent 'bond issue to care for a previous $3,000,000,000 and a future $4,000,000,000 allied loan au thorization, the secretary desires pow er to issue additional certificates of in debtedness to the amount of $2,000, 000,000 and an equal mount of war savings certificates in a form available to small investors. Lives of the certificates of indebt edness and war savings certificates would be limited to one and five years, respectively, and they would be sub ject to discount tn payment in the discretion of the secretary. He also would fix the interest rates and regulate interest payments. They, like the bonds, would be subject only to super tax war profits and excess profits taxes. Will Safeguard Treasury. Inclusion of the two additional cer tificate proposals, not mentioned here tofore by administration leaders in connection, with the bill is understood to be principally for the purpose of providing against a sudden demand for mouey which the treasury might . 1 1 i A - A. not be able to meet As congressional leaders under stood the situation, it may not be necessary to issue many of the certi ficates, but they would 4 prove the means of getting moneyquckly if it we re needed; Authorization to issue the certifi cates would prove particularly valu ble, it is pointed out, if congress should not increase the revenue bill now under discussion, by $500,000,000, as proposed by McAdoo. It is by no means certain that this proposed in crease will be secured. ' hi the war savings certificates pro posal, administration leaders think they have discovered a means of appealing to the patriotic man of small means. In Small Denominations. Purchases of these certificates would ..he limited to $100 worth at a time and no individual would be permitted io hold more than $1,000 worth of them. Plans also are being made to accept very small payments on them, the bill providing the secretary may, if he deems advisble, issue stamps to evidence payments. Under such an arrangement pay ment of such amounts as $1 or less might be made and noted as are postal savings bank deposits. Ko feature of the entire loan scheme will receive greater or more careful attention than this one. Leaders feel it is'cssential to the success of the war that every one be- made to feel that he is doing his bit, particularly in a financial way. Interest 'Not Determined. y Although the interest rate has not been determined, it doubtless will be ample to attract investors. In general respects the bill is simi lar to the budget of last April, which authorized $5,000,000,000 worth of bonds and $2,000,000,000 in certificates of indebtedness. The new 4 per cent bonds could not be sold for less than par. and the secretary would be au thorized to purchase allied bonds at par, but their rates of interest must not be less than the ' highest rates paid by the United States bonds. Convertible at Higher Rate The new bonds also would be con vertible if later the United States should issue other bonds at a higher rate of interest. None of the bonds would bear the circulation privilege. Indications tonight are that the bill will not be taken up for passage unitl ifter the revenue bill passes the senate lrobablv late next week. The Weather fur Xebraska Unsettled. . Temperatures at Omthi Yesterday. Hour. ComparattTe Local Beeord. ' HI?. H16. HIS. 1114. Highest yesterday.... 87 95 76 84 I.oweat yesterday 67 76 60 75 .Mean temperature.... 77 86 63 80 ?rectpitation 78 .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures Trom the normal: Normal temperature 74 Kices for the day S Total deficiency since March 1 188 Normal precipitation 11 inch Excess for the day... 67 inch Total rainfall since March 1 11.27 inches Deficiency slnca March 1 1.24 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1916,. 1.19 Inches Excess for cor. period, 1915..... .88 Inch T Indicates trace of precipitation. M3a;8 :jt S:::::::::: SS jFM i IF' 8 a. m 71 f fcl a. m 73 MT-VV 1 ' m 83 C&uo 3 p- m 8J y3J v 4 p. m 73 t&P- t p. m 74 -jLcV 8 P- m 75 g32s5gegS 1 P- m 76 the printer today to the house 0. S. AND ALLIES FACE ENORMOUS WHEAUHORTAGE Hoover Appeals to All Persons to Save One Pound of Flour Per Week in Effort to Meet Grave Emergency. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 19. Declaring the United States and its allies face a wheat deficit of 400,000,000 unless new economies are introduced, Herbert Hoover tonight appealed again to the American people to eliminate waste and to conserve wheat by substituting other cereals. A saving of one- pound of wheat flour a week by every person, he de-J clared, would go far toward solving entirely the food question. . "The allies," said Mr. Hoover in a formal statement, "are isolated from those markets, ether than Canada and the United States, on which- they tare accustomed to fely befors the war.i -"The Russian supply cannot be got out. Bulgarian and Roumanian sup plies are in the hands of the central empires. The voyage from Australia and India is three times iks long and therefore requires three times as much shipping as is required from North Atlantic ports.. There has been a large failure in the South American countries. Difficulties in Way. "AH the allied countries are riiror- ously administering and economizing their foo(d. But the allies are unable to use other cereals alone for bread. They can use them only as added to wheat flour to make tlje war bread now in universal use in European countries. "The deficit of 400,000.000 bushels can be at least partially overcome if we can increase' our exports from 88,000,000 to 220,000,000. This can be accomplished if we will substitute one pound of other cereals for one pound of wheat flour weekly per person; that ts, it we reduce our consumption of wheat flour from five pounds per week to four pounds per week per person. f , "It will be no privation to us and will reduce the , privation of our al lies." France. Italy, the United Kinedotn and Belgium, Mr. Hoover estimated, must import during the next twelve months 577,000,000 bushels of wheat and 674,000,000 bushels of other ce reals to meet normal consumption re quirements. Against this is balanced an estimated wheat surplus of 88,000, 000,000 bushe)s in the United States 120,000,000 bushels in Canada and a surplus of other cereals totaling 829, 000 bushels in the United States and 119,000,000 bushels in Canada. Face Grave Responsibility. These figures alone represent a wheat deficit of . 369,000,000 bushels, but in addition it is pointed out that the United States must reserve a part of her supply for neutrals furnishing this country vital supplies and must also protect its reserve stocks, bring ing the total deficit up to about 400, 000,000 bushels. "While this situation is one of great difficulty and concern," said the food administrator, "it must be met and met by elimination of waste and re duction in wheat consumption and proper substitution on the part of the allied people and ourselves; in one word, by an effective administration of the available supply." . -x Denison Tells of Work Preparing for Troops Army Y. M. C. A. Headquarters, Deming, N. M., Aug. 19. We are working along as fast as it is possible for us to do, getting ready for the troops. We are already working with 900 colored troops who are here on guard. One building for the Y. M. C. A. is practically completed and we are to open this for the men immediately. There are five other buildings to com plete. - We are finding the - heartiest co operation here on the part of the town people and officers at the camp, and Captain Sharp is doing every thing possible on work with the quar termaster's department. ' E. F. DENISON, Camp General Secretary. Nine Arch Plotters, Led by Kaiser, Plunge World Into Bloodiest War at ' Fateful Pottsdam Meeting, July 5, '14 NEW BRITISH GRIP ON LENS Heavy black line ahowa the present battle line, which has been advanced by the Canadians north of Lens over a two-mile front to a depth of a mile. Arrow points to the famous hill 70, the key to the German defenses uuth?-?,rea, which was captured together wth severaU'- . suburbs of Lens. WILSON FAVORS EXEMPTION OF ALL MARRIED MEN v .. . . , Congress Has Spoken Other wise and Regulations Pro mulgated Will Be Carried Out to the Letter. (By Associated Fress.) Washington, Aug. 19. Renewed discussion of the status of married men under the selective service law has been aroused by publication of President Wilson's reply to .Senator Weeks' inquiry dealing with this and other subjects. In many quarters the president's statement that he had no doubt Sena tor Weeks' point as to the exemption of married men was well taken, was interpreted as an indication that he approved exemption of any man of family who had not married merely to escape military duty. The president has full power to di rect that the regulations governing selection be amended to this effect. A proposal specifically to exempt all married men was made when the bill was in the senate, an amendment to that effect by Senator Smith of Geor gia being lost by a wide margin. This fact, together with the regula tion later promulgated by the presi dent . aking exemption possible only in case of actual dependency, are taken as indications that no general exemption of married men, as a class, will be given now! Care With Last 10 Per Cent. In cautioning local boards today against attempting to fill quotas by selecting an inequitable number of men who have waived exemption and are, therefore, practically volunteers, General Crowder said that the great est :are must be exercised in sending forward the last 10 per ce-1 of any quota. 1 "The lust 10 per cent," he says, "must be selected with great care to be sure that no one in tnc whole quota .., r.nt for military duty while a selected person with an earlier order of obIig;tion for military service is allowed to remain at home." Slackers Are Deserters. Renewed instructions that drafted men who fail to report for service will be classed and punished as de serters, were sent to United States district attorneys and agents of the Department of Justice tonight by At torney General Gregory. Provost Marshal General Crowder has ruled that persons who neglect to appear for examination will be ac cepted automatically and that the privilege of claiming exemption will be denied. It was to help carry this policy into effect that the attorney general acted. His instructions fol low: ' "It has been determined by the (Continued en Page Two, Column One.) Arrest I. W. W. Members As Military Prisoners Spokane, Wash, Aug. 19. James Rowan, district Secretary of the In dustrial Workers of the World and twenty-five other alleged members of the organization, were arrested at local Industrial Workers of the World headquarters here this after noon by a comanpy of Idaho Na tional Guardsmen and placed in the county jail as military prisoner UNCLE SAM SOON TOREMOVEHEAVY COAL COST LOAD . ( President's Session With Fed eral Commission Indicates Definite Steps Toward Price Reduction. (Br Associated Press.) Washington, Aug; 19. Indications that the government, is preparing to take control of the coal industry strengthened today when President Wilson paid a visit to the federal trade commission and went over with its members estimates of coal produc tion costs and recommendations for dealing with the situation completed by the commission last night after months of investigation. Definite ac tion to reduce prices to the consumer and to bring about a better distribu tion, it was learned, will be taken early next week. , i Before going to the trade commis sion the president called on Herbert Hoover, named to administer the food act, in which are provisions for con trol of coal. Attorney General Greg ory and Judge Robert S. Lovett of the war industries board, it is under stood, will be given powers invested in the executive in a recent law gov erning priority of railroad shipments. Complaints Pour In. The president is deeply concerned over the coal situation. Even repre sentatives of the operatives admit that parts of the country face a short age this winter and from the public complaints are pouring in that prices are out of all reason. The fact that several governors are threatening to take over the industry in their states is prompting early federal action.' Three courses are open to the presi dent. He may fix prices at the mines and to consumers. He may direct some government agency to requisition the output of all mines, selling it to the public. The third course would contem plate a voluntary agreement by op erators to sell at a fair price, with the government directing distribu tion. Officials who have followed the sit uation most closely believe the presi dent will direct the requisitioning of all coal mined. This, it is understood, is the recom mendation of the trade commission, which has worked out a plan of pro cedure. Under the provision of the food bill he government would con trol shipment, distribution and appor tionment. Price Fixing Plan. The trade commission, it. is under stood, has worked out a complete plan for price fixing, in the event the president does not believe the situa tion requires commandeering. This program provides for government op eration of mines refusing to sell their output at the prices fixed. The requisitioning plan, if adopted, (Continued on Pate Two, Column One.) Capt. Guynemer Bags Two More German Planes British Front in France and Bel guim, Aug. 19. From a section of the French front comes the word that the renowned aviator, Captain George Guynemer, brought down two more German machines, making fifty-two he has accounted for, Hollweg, Tirpitz, Falkenhein von Stumm, Archduke Fred erick, Count Bechtold, Count Tisza and Gen. Hortzendorf Present. (r Staff Correspondent London Times.) In the report of Herr Haase's speech in the Reischtag, which ap pears in the Leipziger Volkszeitung of July 20, there isa reference to "the meeting of July 5, 1914," as one of the matters which will have to be ex plained before the origin of the war is fully understood. This is the first public reference to a date which will probably become the most famous of the fateful month of July. 1914. I have it on authority which it is difficult, if not impossible, to doubt that the. meeting referred to was a meeting which was held at Potsdam on the date named. There were present the kaiser, Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg, Admiral von Tirpitz, General von Falkenhayn, Herr von Stumm, the Archduke Fred erick, Count Berchtold, Count Tiza and General Conrad von Hoetzen dorf. It appears that Herr von Jagow and Count Moltke were not present. Decided Upon War. The meeting discussed and decided upon all the principal points in the Austrian ultimatum which was to be dispatched to Serbia eighteen days later. It was recognized that Russia would probably refuse to submit to such a direct humiliation, and that war would result. That consequence the meeting defi nitely decided to accept. It is prob able, but not certain, that the date of mobilization was fixed at the same time. The kaiser, as is well known, then left for Norway with the object of throwing dust in the eyes of the French and Kussian governments. Three weeks later, when it became knowiv that England would not re main neutral, Herr von Bethmanh Hollweg wished to withdraw, but it was too late. The decision of July S was irrevocable. July 5 Fatal Date, . "The peculiar way, or rather ways, in which these facts have become known cannot as yet be told. But it is certain that most of Herr Haase's hearers were fully aware of the. mean ing of his reference to July S. For the subject appears to have been more fully and explicitly raised in secret session of the budget com mittee of the Reichstag eight weeks ago by the socialist deputy, Herr Cohn. He challenged a certain minister to deny the facts. To the astonish ment of the other deputies, the minis ter did not deny the facts, but de clined to make any statement. The incident created an immense sensation in the Reichstag committee and was possibly one of the factors underlying the recent political crisis. The fact that Herr Haase has now raised the matter in public seems to indicate that he and his fr'ends con sider that the time has come to bring the full truth to light. Some Pertinent Dates. (By correspondent of the London Times, formerly In Berlin.) It may be well to recall some facts and dates.. It was on'June 28, 1914, that the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were murdered at Sara jevo. The kaiser, who was at Kiel, re turned at once, and, although he had abandoned his hope of attending the funeral at Vienna, remained at Ber lin until July 6, when he traveled to Kiel and left for the north in the im perial yacht. July 26 Sir Horace Rumgold .charge de affaires at Berlin, telegraphed to Sir EH ward Grey: "Emperor returns suddenly tonight, and under secretary of state says that foreign office regret this step, which was taken on his majesty's own initi ative. They fear that his majesty's sudden return may cause speculation and excitement." The Austrian ultimatum to Serbia had been presented at Belgrade on the evening of July 23. Von Jagow Predicted Sensation. As regards the German personages named in our correspondent's com munication, Herr von Jagow, then for eign secretary, repeatedly denied that he was aware of the contents of the Austrian ultimatum before it was pub lished; to me, among many others, he pledged his word on this point. If the late Count Moltke, then chief (Continued on Faca Two, Column Two.) Cupid Not to Be. Denied, Young Lovers Have Military Wedding (From a Staff Correspondent) Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special.) The Auditorium at the fair grounds today was the scene of a military wedding, when in the presence of 600 soldiers and many citizens, Miss Julia Zimmerman of Jeanette, Pa., was united in marriage to Private George A. Wright of the First Field Hospital company of Lricoln. With the regimental bands of the Fifth and Sixth regiments playing the wedding march, the bridal party en tered the Auditorium and with the groom's company occupying the front of the sfage, thz.ttxcmofy was per- A. .. ' COLD STEEL TURNS GERMAN LINES A T BLOODY Canadians Holding Captured Positions Commanding Lens Meet Teuton's Flaming Machines and Gas Shells With Withering Shot and Bayonet Thrusts; Sanguinary Hand to Hand Struggle. (Br an Associated l'res Correspondent.) British Front in France and Belguim, Aug. 19. Late re ports regarding the German counter attack this morning against the Canadian positions northwest of Lens show it was a des perate attempt to regain territory lost by the invader in the great British assault of Wednesday. RUSS FIRE PUTS STOP TO GERMAN BLOWSAT VILNA Teutons Repelled in Roumania and Slanic Region; Violent Battle Continues on West Front. , . p - Petrograd. Aug. 19, German troops yesterday attacked Russian positions near tSakhovcy, on the Vilna front, but, according to the Petrograd war ogee, the attack broke down under the Russian fire. On the Roumanian from! Austro Germans several times assaulted the Russo-Roumanian 1inf snutli nf Cm. zecnii in soutnwestern Moldavia, but were repelled. , The battle in the Slanic region lasted all day, the Teu tons being repulsed. Germans Renew Attacks. Parrs. Aug. 19. After violently bombarding the French positions German troops last night made con secutive attacks on the French trenches in the Priest wood west of the Muerthe and Moselle river 'and in the Vpsges mountains to the east of Badonviller and north of Celles-Sur-PIains. 'The French official re port issued today says all the Ger man assault were rrniilsorl onrt that , .. . .. . the Teutons suffered heavy casualties. uerman surprise attacks on theAisne front, it is announced, also failed. Britons Storm Trenches. London, Aug. 19. British troops this morn in C etnrmril th Crmm trenches in the neighborhood of Gil- leniont tarm, between the towns of Lemrjire and Bonv. front in France. On this same front British raiding parties last night en tered German positions southwest of Havrincourt. Field Marshal Haig re Dorts that heavv rasnallips wnr. 'in. Aided on the Teuton garrisons. Hand Book of Service Brought Out by Federal Government Washington, Aug. 18. A "national service hand book designed to point the way to opportunities for serving the nation during the war was pub lished today by the committee on pub lic information. The volume contains about 250 pages and includes an ex haustive compilation of data about the government, army and navy and the many semi-official and independ ent committees and organizations which are helping to fight the war. Persons of every occupation and trade are shown where they can best apply their abilitities and energies for thejpiiblic welfare. Launch $250,000,000 Treasury Certificates Washington, Aug. 19. Another issue of treasury certificates of in debtedness totalling $250,000,000 and payable November 30, was launched today in furtherance of the prepara tions for financing the second Liber ty loan. A $300,000,000 issue of cer tificates for that purpose recently was offered and largely over-subscribed. Subscriptions are to close at noon next Saturday, August 25, and the certificates will bear interest at V per cent like those of the last issue. The proceeds will be redeposited in the banks, treasury officials an nounced, so far as practicable. formed by Chaplain Jean Cobby of the Fifth regiment. Officers of the regiments and bri gade, were also present and extended congratulations after the ceremony. Mrs. Wright will stay in Lincoln until her husband leaves for the front, at an early day. It-is said that the wedding was in the nature of an elopement, and neither the parents of the groom or the bride knew that the marriage was to take place. As soon as Private Wright knew that he was to leave soon he sent for Miss Zimmerman and she left her home on the first "HILL 70 1 German prisoners say word had been passed to them that they must retake Hill 70 at any cost, and the fierceness of the German counter at tacks, since this hill was wrested from them and British position established in front of it, Indicate that this state ment is true. The Germans yesterday afternoon launched infantry attacks against this northwest section of the Canadian de fense, accompanied by flaming ma chines and a hurricane of gas shells. They were hurled back with cold steel after suffering heavy losses. They again advanced during the evening against the suburb of St. Emilie and at Hugo wood to the northwest," and the second time thev were forced to fall back. Heavy Fighting Follows. . This morning at 1:30 the heavy ac tion began along the entire line north of Lens, the Germans supporting their infantry with a concentrated artillery fire. In the fierce hand-to-hand fight ing that ensued the Germajis sepeat edly hurled themselves against the Canadians, but the defenders held like a stone wall and the attackers finally fell ' back, exhausted and with their numbers greatly reduced. Many bodies lying in frout of the Canadian trenches indicated how severe had been the German losses. . The Canadians had been engaged in many sanguinary fights befot this, but the battle that has raged about Lens since the capt..e of Hill 70 i the most bitter these troops ever ex perienced. Moreover, never had they used the bayonet so much-as in this present encounter. Much of the fighting has been of a hand-to-hand nature in a maze of concerted cellars and deep dugouts from which the German poured streams of machine gun bul-' lets. Lens and the numerous colliery suburbs about it virtually iur a city of cement. Nearly all the buildings have been destroyed by the Germans and the ruins turned into fortified ma chine gun emplacements. Human Life Cheap. Dugouts were found on Hill 70 ex tending to a dept. of twenty-five feet and similar honey-combed under ground structures were found in the stil urbs, through whictMhe Canadians had to battle their way to their pres ent positions. The Germans, according to prison ers' ttatenie..;g, were disniaved at the loss of Hill 70, which dominates the city of Lens and the territory to the north. The cost of life apparently meant nothing to them in their at tempts to regain this important emi nence. , U'his was evident on the first day of the battle when an entire division of Pruissian guards was sent against the Canadians in successive waves until virtually the entire division lay dead in front of the defenders' machine guns. Time and time again they duplicated that ill-fated attack by the guards, but in all their attempts they did not gain a foot of ground and nave lost still further positions to the Canadians. The German artillery fire in the Lens sector has been incessant ever since they were pushed back and every available enemy gun is apparently be ing brought to bear on the British defenses. E. B. Slosson, Widely Known ' Union Pacific Man, Dead (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special. E. B. Slosson, widely known raili road m;i and for years general pa senger agent at Lincoln for th Union Pacific road, died at a local hospital last night. Mr. Slosson was, 66 years of age. He was taken ill only last Monday. Acute Bright'sy disease was tlie causa of his death. f The funeral services will be held tomorrow under the direction of the local Elks' lodge, of which hejhad been . for years one of the trustees. The burial will be at Burlington, t his former home. Date Set When Nebraska v Women Are to Register Governor Neville 'has designated September as the date for the regis tration of Nebraska women. They are not to register in order that they may vote, but to place themselves in a position where they may be called upon to perform patriotic duties in the event their services should be re quired. The plan of women registering ia being adopted in all of the states in order that an army of united work ers may be gotten together to assist the country in other ways than goin io ine jmng line,