HE Ol PART TWO SOCIETY , PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PART TWO AMUSEMENTS PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLVII NO. 10. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1917." SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. TTVirtr Sunday LARA News of the Week in Social: Circles : Activities in Woman's Realm - i : : v i Social World Agog Over Army ; V News of Training Camps and Ra nk OMAHA is extending its good wishes to the second quota of ' men to fill the officers' reserve training camps. Among those booked for the second camps are Arthur Scribner, Paul Cooley, George S Metcalf, Roland Jones.Dana Van Du sen, Nye Morehouse, Lyle Hubbard of the Northwestern road, C. D. Me Laughlin, Casper Offutt and Arthur Trimble, all of whom go to Snelling, Robert Stout, who has just returned from New York, goes to the Flatts burg camp and Fred W. Clarke, jr. to the camp at the Presidio at .San Francisco.' Beside these men a num ber of the younger boys who were at the first camp have been desig ' nated from Washington to take the second camp training before they get their commissions, among these being Morton Wakeley, Henry Hart of Council Bluffs and Charles Gorgas. They all have to report at camp by August Zo. Dr. H. M. Fitzgibbon left Tuesday for Fort Riley to enter the medical officers' reserve corps training camp. Robert Connell left Wednesday for St. Louis to take his examination for the balloon school. Kurdette Xirkendall, who came 4omc Thursday from Snelling, left Saturday for Hollywood, Cal., to see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kir- ' kendall, before he is ordered to one of the aviation fields to begin his training as an aviator. Robert Stout arrived, home Monday from New York, where he has been in business for some months. He goes to the 6econd training camp at Flatts birrg and is home for a visit before the camp opens Not all the men' who received com missions in the first .camps have ar rived home as yet Virgil Rector, who got a commission as second lieu tenant of infantry at Snelling, stopped at Okoboji on his. way home and. will probably not reach here until" Mdn day. His brother, Voyle, now Captain Rector, went to Minnesota on his way ' home from Madison barracks and will also be home this week. -Lieutenant Cuthbert Potter and Lieutenant : Cedric Potler motored down- from Snelling, - leaving there Thursday.. Lieutenants Ray Low, Jack Bald win and Newman ' Benson ' got in Thursday ''night from Fort Logan H. Root.! Lieutenant Low has been as signed to duly at Fort Pike, Ark., wiiere he will help train the men of the drafted- army. s- . ' Mrs. J. J. Hanighen, who has. been, at-," Fortress Monroe. Va., for six , eeks, left' there-with her son, Jpbn, at the close of the training ca;p this week to make the trip by boat to New York and is expected home" ' tomor row.' I. W. Carpenter, jr., and Ber nard Smyth, who were also at Fort ress .'Monroe; ar"eTtrootchome ' by way of the east. ' ' Lieutenant and Mrs.' Harold Priteh- ctt and littledaughtenreturned Fri day from Minnetonka. . , Mrs. W. F. Milroy and her -daughters, Miss Isabelle and Mrs. Mel UhJ,. jr., motored down from Minneapolis. reachtng here Wednesday'. . .Lieuten ant Mel Uhl, jr., arrived' from duell ing Thursday. - - , . , Manv officers formerly stationed in Omaha were included in the list of J0O 'officers to become major generate and -. brigadier generals, nominated lr.st week by President Wilson: . Soine of the.m were only lieutenants when tlicv were on dutv here. "Billy" Wrielit. for instance,' was -a lieuten ant when he first served at Fort Omaha, over twenty 'years ago, and Julius Penn was a lieutenant in the Twenty-second infantry at Fort .r. .1 - I umatia. ay me new urucr uc ucwnim a brigadier general and Wright a major general. Among the other of ficers to become major generals are Chase W.' Kennedy, Harry C. Hale, Peyton ,C. March and Omar. Bundy, all of whom have been in Omaha or one' of the posts, - Crook- or Fort Omaha, in recent years, and were pro moted scarcely a month ago to be brigadier generals. Among the col onels promoted to be brigadier gen erals tt"'s week were R. C. Van liet, James E. Erwin, William Allaire, William PBurnham, Grote Hutche son,' Daniel Devore, Julius Perm,' R. E. L. Michie, James T. Dean and Wil liam JLassiter. All of these, men served in Omaha at different times. Their, new commissions are for the duratfon; of the war only. Lieutenant Thomas J. Hayes, jr., has received his captaincy and is with the ordnance department at San An tonio, where his We and children are What Society Has In Prospect The-Friday Night Dancing club an nounces its plans for the coming sea son. This club,, organized last season as a north side club, has outgrown its original limits and a more central location became necessary. The danc ing parties for the, coming season will be heldyt Metropolitan hall, the opening party on Friday evening, Oc tober 12, followed by parties on Oc tober 19, October 26 and Novem ber 2. , .. The Scrmo club will hold a 1 o'clock luncheon, followed by a mat inee party, Tuesday-. Women of Holy Angels' parish will give a card party Tuesday afternoon in their club rooms. Twenty-eighth street and Fowler, avenue. Le Mars club will give a dancing party in honor of the boys who are going to France at Keep's academy Thursday evening. Miss Catherine Hastings is plan ning a luncheon at the Blackstone Monday in honor of several visitors. Mr. and Mrsv Luther L. Kountze will entertain eight guests in their box the opening night of the Ruth Chatterton engagement in the Bran deis. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye will have a line party of eight; Lieuten ant and Mrs. Hal Brady, six; Robert McClelland, seven, and Miss Claire McGovern, eleven. Smaller parties will be entertained by Will Schnorr, Charles Garvey. A. M. Pinto, Frank Judson, J. G. Martin. Ross Towle, F. H. Davis, Miss Helen Hibbard, W. A. Redick, W. H. Wheeler, F, A. firogan and u C Qmnn. with him. Mrs. Hayes was Miss Mafy Ringwalt of this city. Major Charles M. Bundcll, who married Miss, Enid Valentine, of this city, has been promoted to be lieu tenant colonel. . Albert Sibbenisen and Victor Cald well, as well as Burdette Kirkendall, were, at Snelling, but have gone into the aviation , corps and will receive no commissions until they have had a course of training in aviation. After their leave, prpbably ten or twelve days, they, expect to be ordered to some of the,, aviation, fields. . William B.. Peterson was at Snell ing also; but was transferred to Princeton, NiJ., for aviation training three weeks ago. For those who do not understand the distinction between officers ap pointed to the infantry in. the na tional afny and those appointed in the infantry" section of the officers' reserve corps, the following explana tion issued by the War department may be enlightening: - "Officers graduated from the train ing camps are appointed to the offi cers reserve corps because they will thus become available for call into service after the present war. They will be detailed from the reserve corps to ' command units in the: na tional army . or . regular, army, but- at the conclusion of hostilities will be retained in the reserve corps and returned to the inactive list. Those officers appointed directly from the training camps to the national army will be mustered out after the war and will not be automatically avail able in the event of any subsequent need "The War department has, there fore, adopted the policy of appoint ing lo the .officers reserve corps all men whose age permits and who are otherwise satisfactory, j,ne maximum age limits for appointment to the of ficers' reserve corps are: For major, 45: for captain; 40; for first lieutenant, 36; for second lieutenant, 32. There is no age limit . ior appointment ot officers to the national army;" Amonghe Visitors. Miss Miriam Reed of Portland, Ore., the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters, has returned to her home. Mr. Donald Mct-erron, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart Sin Council Blurts, has re turned to Hoopeston, Tll. Mrs. Mc- Ferron wju remain with her parents for another week or two. . ' Mrs J. C. Leisenring, of Chariton, la., who spent three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' I, J. Copen- harve, returned to her home rnday. Mrs. W. H. Michael of Waterloo, la., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. JS. Hall. ,Mr; Michael will-join her here for the week-end,.! '-",' ... Mrs. John T.; Meacltam. and three childrnf of St. Louis are visiting Mrs, Meacham's parents, Dr. and Mts. j. M. Keys. . , Mrs. Joseph . PKkh6k$" and small daughter, Lorine Alice, - arrKe'd Sat urday. tos be 'the attests-' .of- Miss Min- ervaQuinby,, .daughter ' of Mr.' and Mrs. Laurie -Quinbv. Mrs. Prochas- ka, who w'-j Miss Alice Rice of Oma ha, spent- several years in rortiand, ure.. Dut is now living ,m : ceoar Rapids. Ia. Mr. and .Mrs. C. H. Saw'yer of Jop lin, Mo., who were here visiting with Mrs. Sawyer's mother, Mrs. E. Kleiner.-and sisters. ,Mrs. Bert B. Booth and Mrs. H. H. LSufenburg, left Monday evening for Chicago. ' From there they will go to Boston , and Providence, -R. I., on a visit. ; ; Miss Marie Ericson of Chicago is the guest. of Miss Jessie Steers. Many affairs are planned in "honor of the Chicago visitor. Social Gossip, f Mr. and Mrs.. Glen Wharton leave today for New York and Wianno, Mass. ' . ' ' Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Goodel with Miss' Dorothy Kiplinger and Judson Gardner, returned to Burlington, la., this week to visit Mrs. Goodel's par ents and to attend the fair held' there. Sanr Bams and Ralph - Peters went to Prior , Lake Friday evening to spend: the' week-end with their fam ilies. l 'Mrs. T.'iF. Kennedy and children returned Wednesday from Atlantic City. '','-'' Mrs. Frank B. Johnson and .her daughters, Mrs. Harry Montgomery, and" Miss-Jeanette Johnson, and-Miss Adelaide Spratien; have returned from the east, where they toured the: Berk shires, and spent two weeks at Ogun quit, Me.' Mrs. Johns jn and Miss.Jea nette, are now motoring to Denver and Esters Park. , s 'Mr.and Mrs. C. T. -Taylor leave today for Lead, S. D., for six weeks. Miss Helen, Hibbard has returned from a month or six weeks in the east. v ' - ' Miss Elsie Storz , is visiting .Mrs. Charles Kountze at Minnetonka for two weeks. C. T. Kountze returned Monday from Minnetonka, but went up again Friday for the week-end. " . C. M. Wilhelm left .Wednesday to join' his wife and daughter in .Estes park, and will returnr.with them in about ten days. Clarence and Douglas Peters went to Estes park this week to join their mother, Mrt. M. C. Peters, and Miss Glodys Peters. Mrs. Frank Judson and Miss, Dor othy Judson returned Monday -from Minneapolis, where they visited Mrs. Judson's father and sister for sev eral weeks.' Mr-' Judson "went up Saturday to accompany them home. Ward Burgess left Friday for Wian no to join his family. . Mrs. A. M. Jaquith and her daugh ter, Mrs. Elias Vail, arrived Tuesday from Minneapolis, where they, spent the week-end to see Captain Arthur Jaquith at the training camp.: Mrs. Jaquith has been east since June with her daughter, and the latter ac companied her home to see. Captain Jaquith during his leave. They are in Mrs. Jaquith's house, 111 South Thirty-eighth street. . Mrs. Wilson Low' returned Friday from Eaton's ranch.. ' -T Miss Marion Weller and Miss Mar garet Gambol who have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Richie and Miss Bess Richie of Idaho Falls and with V (Continued on Fact Two, Column One.) S even Charming and J if i1,- V vlirk i 'ls . k n"x Q0O Photoby Osato OIEVEN sisters are we' Ruth, Florence, Anne. Katherine Margaret l and Mary Louise and Alice (Mrs. Leo J. Wickham) English, daugh--V ters of the late James P. English. In the accompanying photograph of seven English daughters The Bee shows one of the most unique group photographs .taken in this city. ' "The English girls" are well known and popular in the younger se Ruth and Anne are both graduates of last year's class at Central. High school. Florence attends St. Berchman's academy, specializing in-music, while her sister, Katherine, finished at this school in 1915. Margaret' and Mary Louise are at home with their mother, Mrs. James P. English, while Alice who is a Sacred Heart alumnae, was married last year, to Leo-J. Wickham. Groups of seven sisters, and even more are quite general in Omaha, where several Rooseveltian families may be found.. Among them are the daughters of Dr. W. J. McCrann; John R. Rush and J. H. McShanc . Newly Commissioned Officers in Uncle r, Army w AR-TIME brides, especially the brides of the newly com missioned officers home,, on furlough, are paramount in interest at the present moment. En gagements that caught even Dame Gossip unawares are .revealed: bv wedding announcements of the last few days. Some of the orettv little brides will accompany their soldier husbands to Des Moines, as most of the men are ordered to Camp Dodge J others will remain at Kbme with their parents when the bugte calls the men to duty. Lieutenant Robert N. Proudfit of Friend, Neb., ws the first of the Fort Snelling officers to wed. Only Thursday morning the men arrived, but Thursday afternoon Lieutenant Proudfit's' bride, Miss Margharita Carpenter,' was ready for the cere mony, which -the Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks performed at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.' Frank W. Car penter. . ' 1 .. , One is not surprised at ihe almost military precision and dispatch w hich characterized this wedding, for the bride,, a graduate of the University of Omaha last June, comes of a mili tary family, vfter father is now in Manila, for he is department governor of the Philippines. Her : brother, Frank W. Carpenter, jr.; also" won a lieutenant's comnfission at Fort Snell ing, and arrived 'home in time to be present at the wedding. The cere mony was performed beneath a large American nag, flags also being used throughout the rooms. Both the groom and his best man wore their new khaki uniforms. " i The young couple wiU spend Lieu tenant Proudfit's twelve days of leave between Omaha and Friend, Neb., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proudfit. " ' ' , Lieutenant Proudfit, who Is a Uni versity of Nebraska man and aTDelta -4 ' - Take Brides While Home on Chi, has been called to service-at Camp Dodge, in Iowa, as has also Lieutenant Carpenter. Mrs. Carpenter expects to spend part of the fall with her children at Camp Dodge. Lieutenant Oldham Paisley of the officers' reserve camp at Fort Sher idan, 111,, was the second bridegroom of the newly-commissioned men. His marriage to Miss Annetta Nourse took place Saturday evening at the home of the bride's brother and sister, Robert F. Nourse and Miss Myra Nourse. Lieutenant Paisley has been assigned to the training camp of the draft army at Rockford, III., at which post'tlie young couple will probably make their home for the present. Lieutenant Paisley is -an Omaha boy, a graduate of the Omaha High school, though for the last few years he and his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. W. O Paisley, have been -Hying at Mar ion, 111., where the young army offi cer, was city editor of the Daily Re publican. , i ' Still another interesting wedding of early Saturday morning, was the cer emony which united Lieutenant Don ald J. Burke, who received his com mission at. Plattsmquth last year, and Miss Ivy May Lee, daughter of Mr. and .'Mrs.,. George H. Lee. Rev. Father Hugh Gately performed the ceremony at St. Cecelia's cathedral at 6 o'clock. Lieutenant Burke's brother and Sister Paul and Maragret Burke, were the only attendants., '.The bride wore an oyster white silk suit with large, black picture hat and a corsage of Ophelia roses. After the ceremony there was a breakfast at the bride's home for members of the fam ilies. Lieutenant Burke, who is the son of Mrs. Finley Burke, is an honor grad uate of Creighton university in the law. department.- After receiving his commission ,at Plattsmouth he - was assigned to duty at Fort ' Snelling. Talented - tjfargaee. Whether . his bride will accompany him to Camp Dodge is not definite. Friday -morning at a breakfast to which Miss Anna McConnell of Council Bluffs invited some twenty of her young girl friends, announce ment was made of her approaching marriage on Thursday to Lieutenant Harry Jennings, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. .Jennings, who received his commission at Fort Snelling. The wedding will take place at the First Methodist church, at 8:30 o'clock and will be followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McConnell,1 making this, perhaps, the most pretentious of the war-time weddings. Announcement of Miss McCon nell's wedding date was made in the most ' chaining manner. The break fast was a pink one with bowls ; of pink flowers decorating the one large table and two smallet. Ones at which the guests were seated. At each place was a heart-shaped pink card .tied with pink tulle, bearing the pho- F. 1 . t . 1. . . . 1 . lograpns or me iwo young people and below it their wedding date. Guests at the luncheon were the Misses Mary Mitchell, Mary Stillman, Elsie, Gertrude and Beatrice Tinley, Grace McGee, Helen McJ.nerny, Mar ion Saunders, Gertrud Wheeler, Madge and Fern Clark, Clara Hart and her guest, Miss Dorothy Headley of. New Bedford, Mass.; Lorine Campbell. Angela Shukert, Mrs. Ber nard Beno and Mrs. Earl Baird. A pretty feature of the wedding is the fact that the bride's grandfather, the Rev. Dr. Stephen L. Phelps of Bellevue. Neb., will perform the cere mony. Two of the bridesmaids are Council Bluffs girls, Miss Mary Still-man-and Miss Mary Mitchell. The other two, who arrive Monday, are School friends of the bride at Beech wood, near Philadelphia; Miss Anne Harcount of Chillicothe, O., and Miss 1 ' A ''",,t;x f - ' i'i'h'- ' - - U ' English Sisters SamU Brief Furlough Virginia Stubbs of Des Moines, Lieu tenant Jennings is having difficulty in securing the presence of the men in his wedding party, al most of them are 1 commissioned men, training in different officery. camps all over the country. Lieutenant Jennings ' at tended Culver Military academy and later Ames college. v Young friends of the bridal couple plan to fill he intervening days until the wedding with many entertain ments for them. There will b i a din ner party Monday evening and Wed nesday afternoon Miss Mary Mitchell will give a matinee party and tea for the bride. Others who have asked for a date to entertain are Miss Fer Clark, Miss Grace McGee and Mr. Robert Turner. This couple will go to Des Moines after their brief honeymoon. Thursday will, also witness the marriage of Miss Rachel Hager, to Lieutenant John Robel, a Fort Snelr ing officer. The wedding will take place that evening ( at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spender E. Hager, after which Lieu tenant Robel and his bride will go to Des Moines, where he has been or dered to report to Camp Dodge, the draft cantonment of this divisbn. Miss Lucile .Hager, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor, and the groom's sister, Miss Grace Robel, will be bridesmaid. Charles Robel,' broth er of the groom, will be best man. Only relatives and a few close friends will be present. Society is inclined1 to believe that there will be still one more interest ing weddlng before the officers re port for duty at Camp Dodge. The marriage or Miss Gertrude Owen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. F. S- Owen, and Major Amos Thomas, wl;o re ceived the highest office at Fort Snelling, is the one anticipated. ' - - ' i Social Calendar Monday - : ' '-' Society night -at Blackstone roof gardens. i , . Automobile picnic for Mrsi. J M. Hamilton- and .Miss, Irene Ham ilton of Oklahoma City, 'guests ' of Miss Gertrude Young. ' Tuesday Luncheon at Blackstone fori Mrs. Sadie Thiele of Indianapolis, fol ' lowed by bridge , at , Field club, given by Mrs. J.' F. Anson and " Mrs. H. G." Anson. , ' - ' -'Matinee and "dinner-dance at ' Hap- py.Hollow club. ; i, Women's 'luncheon and 'dinner dance at Carter Lake club. Woman's luncheon and bridge tournament at Field club. Luncheon for , Miss Lula Dixon of Washington, D. C, at Country' club, Mrs. E. S. Westbrook, hostess. . Card party of Holy Angels' parish in club rooms. Parties at Benson horse race. One o'clock luncheon and rhatinto party of Sermo club. Wednesday Mid-week dinner-dance at Coun try and Field -clubs.. Bihler-Dickman wedding. Cottagers' luncheon at Carter Lake club. Bowling club meets at Happy Hoi ' low. Matinee party and tea for Miss Anna McConnell Miss Mary Mitchell, hostess. Buffet luncheon for "visiting mer chants at Field club. Box party at Brandeis - theater gixen by Mr. and Mrsi Luther L. Kountze; line parties by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye, Lieutenant Hal Brady. Mr. Robert " McCelland and Miss Claire McGovern. Thursday Women's luncheons at Happy Hol low and Seymour Lake Country club. Le Mars club dance, Keep's academy. Robel-Hager wedding. s Jennings-McConnell ; wedding. Original Cooking club, Mrs. Moshier Colpetzer, hostess. ; Friday ' .- Seymour Lake Country club dinner-dance. Matinee dance at Field club Cottagers' Bowling club at Carter Lake. Field. Happy . Hollow, Carter Lake and Prettiest Mile club, week-end dinner-dances. ; ' ' ' '