8 D it MS Fit? ' s i THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 19, 1917.' IIIJIHIUW1I.,4WJ11JIUI V -TTHT V ' - : , , " '.y 00 .. J. I ii ii t r Willi ii i r Lt u &SKMaZMB V La iJm .t!j- ' 1 L4 w (SI sirs! New Osgood Lens Obeys the Law--and Gives 74 More Road Light Greater Safety On the Road--No Need For Dimming Headlight laws have been passed. ' Right now the lenses you carry may carry you into court. Look to it now. And in doing it provide for more light on the road greater night-driving safety peace of 'mind.. y The New Osgood LensgiVes you 74 more light on the road, compaed with light from a plain lens -910 more road light compared with light from a ground lens, the equivalent of most dimming apd diffusing devices. It is the only lens with this scientific principle the -principle, that obeys the law and gives you ;more -light'; ' And with "all- this compliance with the law, and this much greater efficiency, the New Osgood Lens observes every paramount demand of cour- UT tesv because is waist-hirii beam cannot dare into the eyes of 'other motorists and pedestrians. It is and safety at night. tne neaaiignt 01 a gentleman. JNew usgood Lenses add a last touch of grace to your car. This lens was designedly James R. Cravath, one of America's foremost authorities in illumina tion. It has been fully tested and attested to by ' such eminent authorities as the Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, -Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the American Automobile As sociation itself. ,1 The New Osgood Lens is a one-piece lens with twelve selective prisms that operate as one. They throw all the light forward and downard lighting the nearby roadway while searching out the road a full third-mile ahead -of the car! Mark that all the light on the road. No need for troublesome dimming. x The illustrations above tell the story. Accept no lens that has' not passed exacting Osgood tests. A. few cents difference in price is well worth the assurance that your lenses are right and that they bring to you a new road comfort" prism. o p a r a t o at on, throwing all the light forward and downward no ".Wy" rayi. Made In All Sizes for All Cars. Sizes and Prices: , 7 to 7 inches . .... $2.90 a pair 8 to 8 J inches .... $4.00 a pair 8 to 8 inches ...... $3.75 a pair 9 to 1 1 inches . . . . $4.50 a pair DISTRIBUTED BY Western Auto Supply Company , Powell Supply Company . ... .,-' ' . . Omaha. Neb. Omaha, Neb. -1918 Farnam Street Phone Douglas 5041 J 2051 Farnam Street Phone Douglas 921 SOLD BY ALL DEALERS THE NEW 'Xy CRAVATH ; LONG D I STA N C E TY P E s - In ii "'-1'- mniiiimiiri ihii-m Ft