Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1917, AUTOMOBILE, Image 32

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    6 D
With Prevailing High Prices for
, Products and Provisions,
Renting Bnralists to
Clean Up.
The farm tenant has come into his
own in the last two or three years,
particularly this year. He is making
more money than some landlords,
several times over.
A prominent realtor while in Wayne
a few days ago met a tenant on a farm
which was afterwards sold for $200 an
acre who could show him a bank draft
of $6,000, the proceeds of his corn
crop. He then called attention to the
fact that he had over $1,200 additional,
the proceeds from the sale of hogs.
That was not all for he had his liv
ing and considerable more out of the
place. This man wasvready to buy a
farm, but he culd not quite stand the
high price on the farm which he was
then occupying. The same realtor,
who has probably sold as much land
as anyone in this part of the country,
visited Boone county to look after
some farms owned by an Iowa client
These farms can be bought for $100
an acre and the owner was accepting
$4.50 cash rent, but the tenants were
getting better than $25.00 an acre.
These tenants too were ready to buy
land.1 ....
To Increase in Value.
That farm lands must increase in
value ts the belief of many who look
into the situation. Advance in farm
lands is invariably followed by ad
vance in city property in the com-,
munifr. t
(Jne of the leading realtors of Oma
ha has been thirty years in business
here, has made money, and is known
for his carefulness in making invest
ments. During the past week he
stated to a fellow real estate man at
luncheon that if war continued an
other year, ihere would be following
. several , years of as big business in
real estate as the west has ever seen.
His argument was that high prices
must continue for farm products;
that, in fact all products of the cen-
LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE Down on the old American battlefield of Gettysburg
these days a huge corps of patriotic young nephews of Uncle Sam are learning the kind of
"baking" that counts they are baking bread for their Uncle's fighting men.
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tral west, of the farm or of the fac
tories, will be in demand not
only for the continuation of the war,
but for several years following.
In this conversation the assertion
was made that real estate was just
now the one really satisfactory in
vestment. The argument of this prop
osition was that an investment ''in
vacant property, for instance, can be
made at a low figure, say a bunch of
lots or a piece of unimproved acrea'ge
or a quarter, half or whole section of
ved. The
land, improved or unimprc-
income from such an investment must
be slight and could not be touched
by the income tax which is causing
the careful investor considerable con
cern. Later the chances are all in fa
Vor of an advancement in such prop
erties and the investment would prove
profitable. ,
Commissioner Bedford-
Slightly III at Hospital
County Commissioner Bedford is
ilat Clarkson hospital, where he went
Friday immediately - upon his return
flj IPg
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Announcing the
Arrival of the
In announcing our connection with the Jones
Motor Car Co. of Wichita; Kansas, we take pleas
ure in presenting an automobile which we have in
vestigated thoroughly and have found to be a car
of unusual merit. It is a western-made automo
bile, made by engineers who are familiar with the
requirements of this section.
It is a factactual and undoubtedthat the pro
duction of the Jones Six has not been able to keep
up with the demand since the first car was sent in
to service! .' ;
And the Reason:
You will find if you buy a motor car efficiently'
v . meaning comparative buying that the Jones Six
is a car without a rival in its price class, j"
t The day of experimenting is over f6r the Jones Six
. thre is a certainty of satisfaction when you first take
hold of the wheel of a new Jones.
There is Beauty and then some, . People everywhere
praise the Jones finish. ' ' v
- '
Comfort Long, easy, flexible springs; lengthy wheel
base; and large tires insure the utmost in riding com
fort. . . - v
,.. (1 .
Then there is Power a 3Hx5 (1-8) high efficiency type Lewis
Jonei motor gives the owner of a Jonas Six jcomplete assurance
' of easy and comfortable travel on all road or street conditions.
' There Is a flexibility which makes the negotiation of heavy traffic
a simple matter and combined with this there is a power reserve
which is more than equal to any pull which the car may be called
upon to accomplish.'
Consider everything durability, reliability, power, appearanqe,
beauty, comfort or service, and you will have even more reasons
for proclaiming the Jones as "AxCar Without a Rival in Its Price
; .Class." ... ' ,
Knudsen Auto Co.,
2212 Farnam St.
Harney 1408
Distributors for Nebraska and Western Iowa.
S .... ,r'0
' - - , ". '
from Colorado. He went wfcst to
benefit his health, but found the
mountain air did not agree with him.
Members of his family said his illness
was of a slight nature.
! Wou Innoc Tar Qnnn tn
Appear on Auto Row
Announcement was made this week
to the effect that the Jones "Six
Sixty" will be included among the
tte rings along tne automobile row.
The Knudsen Auto company will con
trol the distribution of this car in Ne
braska and western Iowa. '
The Jones is a western made car.
It is manufactured at Wichita, Kan.,
with a first-hand view of the require
ments of this section.
Much praise is given the Jones by
those familiar with its performance
and the Knudsen Auto company feel
that they have chosen a car which
will be among the favorites in a short
time. '
.ii.ii iiiiiiiiii mmm I.
Model Cities Now Dot
.Map All Over Country
Model cities have become rather
common. Gary, lnd., was one of the
first and best examples, being con
structed by the United States Steel
corporation for one of its great plants
and its employes. A number of small
er towns of the same type have been
built. Marshall Field & Co. of Chi
cago are now building a model cot
ton mill town in Virginia. The new
cantonments being built by the gov
ernment will be in some respects mod
els for manufacturing towns.
' The middle west knows little about
the squalor, crowded conditions and
unhygienic surroundings of the old
time mill and mining towns of the
east. Omaha faces such conditions
in some parts of the South Side. The
Social Settlement association is co
operating with the Public Welfare
board arid the public welfare commit
tee of the Commercial club in an en
deavor to remove some of these un
fortunate surroundings of the packing
house employes' homes. The packers
are much interested in efforts of this
The real estate dealer or promoter
who can plan an addition that will
give the low wage mill man.and la
borer a decent home at a price within
his wage, either to rent or to buy, has
worked out a proposition with good
profit to himself and the benefit of
humanity, i
Omaha will have to tackle, now
since the South Side has been ab
sorbed by the ci'y", such problems as
these. Those who are interested in
the public welfare of their fellows and
especially of the working classes,
might do well to get together with
the Omaha Real Estate board and
talk qver these very important mat
ters. . . -
Two Concerts Scheduled
For Manawa Park Sunday
Green's band will give two concerts
at Manawa patk Sunday, 2 and 7 p. m.
The program: '
March The Naval Reserve. ..I. ... .Sousa
Overture Bohemian Girl Balfe
Medley Selection Popular Melodies.. Remlck
Intermezzo Love'e Toung Dream After
the Ball Ezibulka
Valse La Serenata ! Jaxone
Selection Opera Fantana ,Hubbell
Patriotic Patrol Spirit of America....
, Zamecnik
Two popular melodies:
"Livery Stable Blues. .. .Lopez and Nundei
"Sailin' Awayon the Henry Clay"..... -
i Van Alutyne
Irish Fantasia Humors of Donnabrook..Voltl
Finale Natioprfl airs Lamps
March The Pathfinder of Panama Sousa
Selection Opera. Sweethearts Herbert
Valse Mia Cara Hammersteln
Danse -Hongroise , Vargas
Overture Poet and Peasant Luppe
Idyl The Mill lnthe Forest Ellenberj
Medley . Selection Popular songs Faust
Patrol The Blue and Gray Cox
"Amvrlnda," an Occidental incident....
Lee-Orean Smith
"Star Spangled fanner" Key
Washington Police Prohibit
Suffrage Demonstration
Washington, Aug. 18. Continued
disorders this week in front of the
White House as result of "picket
ing" by militant suffragists today
caused the Washington police to put
into effect an order prohibiting fur
ther demonstrations.
Advance in Saxon Prices
Predicted by Local Agent
Motor car prices are going to in
crease rather than decrease and the
psychological moment to purchase an
automobile is at hand. '
This is the opinion of W. L. Killy
of the Noyes-Killy Motor company,
who has just returned from the Saxon
"The only thing which has enabled
the Saxon manufacturers to main
tain their present prices is an enor
mous supply of material. This used
up and the price must advance. The
probable advance has not been an
nounced yet but I can't 6ee how it
can be less than $100 or $150," de
clares Mr. Killy.
"Everyone in -the industry is ex
pecting an increase in prices," said
Mr. Killy. "It is generally conceded
that the demands of the government
for raw materials will bring a rise in
prices which will necessitate a higher
retail price for motor cars. In the
last year the value of many materials
which are of vital importance in auto
mobile construction-has gone up from
40 to 150 per ce;nt, and these same
materials are also much used in mil
itary operations and the manufacture
of munitions."
Manawa Employes Find
Thirty Pairs of Stockings
Why is it that women bathers wear
stockings into the water and nine
times out of ten, take them off before
they have been in swimming fifteen
This question has troubled, the Man
awa beach employes all season, they
say. Every morning they find many
pairs of ladies' stockings tied to the
ropes enclosing the beach. Friday
morning over thirty pairs of stock
ing were found, left by fair bfftheri
the evening before.
Swimming is ideal for this time ol
the year, tay bathers.
. . '.'.. N"- , ' - ' . "...
Tine best buv in R
mini"- mttti Ll9 p ' S 'i -mwiimmv' 'fi-'wwy&'r
The two-passenger roadster individ
ual form-fitting seats, adjustable to all
leg lengths.
The three-passenger roadster driver
sits ai,utle m advance of others.
The ''straight-seat roadster seats
three groicn people comfortably.
On September 15th, the prices of'
Studebaker Roadsters will advance. The
FOUR from $985 to $1025, the SIX from
$1250 to $1335r ' , Y .
Even at the increased prices they will be the greatest ,
dollar for dollar values on the market. '
At present prices they cannot be equalled. They are
positively the best Roadster "buy" in the world.
for the doctor
who must be ready to answer calls at any hour of the day or night, the
durable, dependable Studebaker Roadster is ideal. It is always ready
for service every part is so easy to get at, that the average owner is
thoroughly competent to take care of it its appearance expresses the
dignity of the doctor's calling.
for the salesman
whose income depends largely upon his ability to coyer his territory
quickly and without ldss of valuable time, the Studebaker Roadster is
a real money-maker. It is big, impressive, powerful. It has plenty
of room for sample cases, personal baggage, etc.
for general business purposes
The Studebaker Roadster has ample power for every emergency of
roads, hills and weather. It will keep on running in the bands of all
sorts of drivers on all sorts of roads at a minimum maintenance and
repair expense. , Its appearance adds prestige to the man who drives it.
One of America's largest public Service corporations, after an exhaus
tive test with several makes of cars, extending' over a period of three
years, has recently installed a fleet of 35 Studebakers, because its fig
ures proved that Studebaker cars actually cost less to operate and main
tain over that period than any other make of car. ,
for the woman
Because of its beauty and luxurious comfort, and because it is an easy
car to handle in crowded city traffic or on the open country road, the
' , , Studebaker Roadster is a very popular car with women.
for youi personal enjoyment
It is the idealcar for the man with a small family, who just wants to
drive, to .get out-of-doors. It is a snappy, service-giving car one of
the handsomest on the market and absolutely the lowest in price for
what it gives. It is guaranteed by Studebaker for twelve months.
Prices advance September 15th order your
Studebaker Roadster now and save money
Farnam Street and 25th Avenue .