Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Deliberate Efflbrt Made to
Cripple Water Supply; Two
Men Seen Running After
- ' " i " ' , , J
f I
San Diego, Cal., Aug. 18. More
than twenty feet of the forty-inch
water main connecting the San Diego
city water impounding system with
the distributing system was blown
out by an explosion at 11 o'clock last
iiignt, according to announccmen
shortly before noon today bv City
Manager F. M. Lockwood. That a de
liberate effort was made to cripple the
.ian iJiego water supply system was
the announced belief of Manager
LOCKwooa, who said that shortly
after. the explosion two men were
seen running from the scene.
For several months a larce set-lion
of the water supply system, including
me aanis, nave been under guard and
have been patroled at night, but no
guards were within a considerable
distance of the scene of last night's
explosion. Efforts to obtain some clue
to the identity of the dynamiters have
already been started by city officials,
but as yet, it was said, no evidence
other than that an explosive was used
nas been uncovered.
London Saves Sugar
For Famine in Sweets
London, Aug. H Diners out in
London are regularly engaged just
now in a practice which popularly is
known as "pocketing the sugar." The
idea is to lay up a supply of sweeten
ing for a day when it may be harder
to obtain or, on the part of non-sugar
eating individuals, tor tnends who like
more than they are allowed. The cus
tom is practiced all over the city and
in all classes of places where tea and
food are served.
German submarines lately seem to
have been especially active against
ships that happened to be carrying
sugar, with the result that, while there
is enough to go around, the supplies
for the distant future are none too
large. .Tea and coffee are served with
just the allowed weight of sugar,
usually set alongside the cups in sep
arate containers and usually consist
ing of halves or thirds of lumps. It
is these pieces of lumps that most
often are seen disappearing into the
gold, silver and leather handbags of
the women and the waistcoat pockets
of the men.
Medics to Meet.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. .(Spe
cialsSecretary C. VV. Fassett of the
Missouri Valley Medical association
has announced the annual meeting of
the organization to be held at Lincoln,
Thursday and Friday, September 20
and 21.
Public Has Asked to Be Put on
Rations, But Government
Has Found it Un
(Corrpsiondeni'e of The Associated Tress.)
Christiani., Norway, July 31. As
far as the food problem is concerned,
Norway has been in a better condition
than the other two Scandinavian
countries and, although the public
more than a year ago asked that it
be put on rations of sti.uar, flour and
potatoes, the government has not vet
touud it necessary. At nresent everv
body can obtain all he needs of food
stuff if he is able to pay the high
prices. I lie government and the niu
nicipalities arc trying to help by pav
nig a certain part of the excess prices
so that the laborer, for instance, has
been able to buy milk, bread, fuel,
pork and some other articles of food
at prices not much higher than under
normal circumstances. As his wages
have been raised from 40 to 100 per
cent in trie last three years the high
cost of living is felt less bv the
laborer than by people working on
a fixed salary in the service of the
state or cities. These nublic em
ployers have not made the' salaries
follow the increased cost of livincr.
I. .1 . . . CT
xiic result is mar ir. nas come to a
crisis for the civil service: vountr well
fitted men resign their positions for
better places with private emolovers
ana the work in the governmental de
partments is crippled.
All railroad employes, from station
agents to the laborers, have resigned
their places and will walk out Sen
tember 1, declaring their wages are
too low for a decent living. If the
government does not yield to the de
mand tor better salaries a reouest
unanimously supported by almost the
whole press ot the country, the rail
road service over the wholt country
win be stopped iseptember 1.
rts iorwav. excent in some
branches, is unable to produce food
enough for the use of its own people,
an embargo has been placed on most
kinds of food. Hardly a pound of
butter is exported now, no potatoes,
nor flour, imported articles like
sugar and coffee, under an agreement
with the seller, are not exported
Smuggling or the exportation of em
bargoed goods has been punished to
the full extent o the laws. It is
claimed here that very little, if any.
of the groceries or provisions bought
trom England, r ranee or the United
States is reaching Germany through
N or way.
In view of the fact that the United
States has joined the belligerents, a
governmental committee has been col
lecting information as to Norway's
need of food and how to regulate the
consumption of it. The committee
found the country has a supply suf
Second Shipment Of 1
m yfflli!
They, arrivedJate Saturday-fromSkmxtCity and .will
be placed on- sale Monday morning'. Every garment is fresh
and new andtwill afford 'another-opportunity to those who
failed to obtain goods ifromlmyiflrst shipment.
Silk Suits from the Sioux City stock, val
ues $25.00 to $50.00, on sale at
Silk Coats
Coats from the Sioux City stock, Silk
Coats, Evening Coats and Wool Coats,
values $10.00 to $40.00, on sale at
HI and $1
Net and Voile Dresses
$10.00 and $12.50 White Net and Voile
Dresses, also Evening Dresses, some
slightly soiled
3 Waists For sl
All the $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Lingerie and Middy
Waists from Sioux City Stock all on sale at three for
$1.00. Limited to six Waists to a customer.
Wash Skirts from $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Dresses from the
Sioux City stock. Lingerie Waists from Sionx City stock,
Gabardine, pique and the Sioux City stock, Satin, Taffeta, Jersey
poplin, Talues $3.95 all go on sale at one Silks, etc. Values of
and $4.95, on sale at price $15.00 to $25 M; on
Wash Skirts from Silk Georgette Crepe
Sioux City stock. Tal- Waists from Sioux All the new Jfayy
nes $1, $1.50, $1.75, all City stock, were up Blue Taffeta Dresses
In one lot on sale at to $&50, on sale at included, at
00c S3J ISr
' 9tf'VMV.'W!!
16th and Douglas Streets
Nineteen-Dollar Hog is Here;
And the East Will Pay More
Ninetecn-dollar hogs have arrived.
The extreme top price paid on the Omaha live stock market today
was $19 a hundred. The run was light. Most of the buying, especially
the early buying, was done by shippers, or, in other words, speculators
who intend to ship them on and get the advantage of a still higher market
in the east by Monday.
Packers held back and allowed the shippers to grab off the cream of
the offerings. The packers did very little bidding.
The price of hogs was fully $2.25 higher than last week.
ficient for three months, even if all
importation is stopped, without plac
ing the people on rations.
1'ublic opinion seems to be pre
pared for a voluntary or forced em
bargo on all trade or commercial rela
tions with Germany. Germany has
itself prepare ! the way for such a
course by its treatment of Norway.
Therefore, the messages from Wash
ington regarding the America control
of exports to neutral countries have
created no anxiety here.
The nationl pride ami self-respect
are hurt and humiliated because Nor
way continues to show a friendly face
to and to trade with Germany, which
has treated Norway, in many ways,
as a hostile country. As a whole, the
Norwegian people, having lost all
sympathy with Germany and needing
all foodstuffs and provisions for their
own use, gladly will submit to a strict
embargo on all articles of food, and
ion any other supplies, provided it
would help to shorten the war.
Hotel Furnishes Sea
Pleasure Sans Danger
(i"(rr-sionli-neo of Th AocUtort Trfss 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands, July ot.
Vacations may be enjoyed in Hol
land on board a liner without the
present day perils. This privilege is
conferred by the use as a floating
hotel of the 12,000-ton steamship Jan
rietcrszoon Com, one of the Nether
land Steamship company's colonial
liners. In normal times this ship runs
between here and the Dutch Kast
Indies, but since the unrestricted sub
marine war its owners have laid it up
for safety in Amsterdam harbor.
The steamer was anchored at an at
tractive spot on the North Sea canal,
between Velsen and Ymuiden, and
opened as a hotel. Remunerative
patronage was easily secured at prices
according with those of first-class
hotels at Holland's seaside resorts,
and there was a big run on this inno
vation in Kuropean holiday facilities.
Police to Enroll All
New Zealand Men in
Expeditionary Force
(Cnrrcupondfiiet of The Associated I'm.)
Wellington. New Zealand, July 31.
The New Zealand police hereafter
will enforce that section of the New
Zealand military service law which
aims at the enrollment of every man
of military age in the dominion in the
expeditionary force reserve. Police
men may accost citizens ami make in
quiries accordingly. Eligible men not
enrolled will be liable to a tine of $250
or three months' imprisonment. It
is hoped by this step not only to in
sure that I ho name of every fit man
is on the roll, but to detect men who
have failed to comply with the mili
tary ballot (drafting by means of
numbered marbles and card indexes)
That is. every man who is not in mili
tary uniform will have to have either
an enrollment certificate or a "leave
pass" showing that he has been medi
cally rejected. It is expected that the
powers thus given the police will lead
to many incidents.
Another change under the military
service ' act which took effect this
month is relative to the classification,
of the men of the second reserve di
visionthe married men. Originally
this division was to have been classi
fied according to the men's depend
ents, but lately the government de
cided that the basis shall be children
only. Thus married men without
children will be called tip first, those
with one child next and so on. Mar
ried men without children are esti
mated to number about 15,000. The
first of the married men will be draft
ed in September or October.
Leather Goods
A sample line of La
dies' Belts in white kid
and all colors. Some with
girdles. These belts are
worth to $1.00; priced for
Monday's selling
At 25c Each
A lot of the latest new
Fall Bags, Strap Purse;
very good quality leather.
A wonderful value
At $i.00Each
Free Knitting Lessons Taught by an Expert
We have secured the services of a competent instructor to teach wool
knitting. "Do your bit" by knitting for our Boys in the Army, or, if you like,
knit a sweater or anything you wish for yourself or someone else. A large
space has been devoted to this purpose on our Third Floor. These lessons
start Monday morning, from 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. and continue for several
weeks. Be sure to attend.
Turkish Towel
Turkish Towels, 15c
Tlain white Turkish Towels,
large fluffy kind,. 20x45 inches,
200 dozen in this lot, very spe
cial, at 15c each.
Turkish Towels, 23c
Tlain and fancy Turkish
Towels with fancy borders, a
very good value, for one day
only, at 23c each.
59c Turkish Towels, 39c
Extra size Plain and Fancy
Turkish Towels in Rood quali
ties mercerized yarns, a very
special offering at 39c each.
Main Floor
New Autumn Modes in Women's Apparel
Ushering in the new season's Fashions as established by the foremost style
The New Tailored Suits for
Fashionable Autumn Wear
Long skirted coats are preferred in both
plain tailored and novel designs. The new snug
fitting sleeves trimmed to the elbow with braid
and buttons are a distinguishing feature. Skirta
are slightly narrower than last season.
Silverton, suede, plain velour, tricotine,
duvetys, broadcloth, burella and jerseys are the
fabrics most favored.
Taupe, brown, oxiorcl, navy and gray
the chosen colors.
Street and Afternoon Frocks
New Ultra Smart Styles
Poriet Twill, Serge and Jersey Cloth are fa
vored for tailored frocks while Satin Charmeuse
and Georgettes combined with satins are used
in costumes for afternoon and informal occa
sions. The Navy Serge Dress as illustrated shows
the extremely long lines that are in favor and
the new high collar and vestee of white satin
combined with novel wide girdle.
Prices Begin at $25.00
Price, $25.00
Second Floor
White and Colored Wash Goods
45-inch White Organdy for Dresses and Collars, regular 50c qual
ity, the yard, at 29c
40-inch Soft Finish Nainsook for Underwear, etc., 12-yard bolts,
special, at $2.89
12-yard bolts Long Cloth, free from filling; a splendid quality;
12-yard bolts, at $1.98
Dimities in stripes and plaids, nice for children's dressc3 and
aprons, special, at, the yard 15c
36-inch Cotton and Silk Jacquards, for Sport Skirts and Dresses,
regular 75c values, at 49c
Printed voiles in new patterns and colors, 38 inches wide, regular
25c values, at 14c
36-inch Silk and Cotton Mixtures in pretty patterns and colors, a
wide assortment to choose from, at 49c
Jap Crepe in all colors, printed and plain colors, 30 inches wide, a
good value, at 35c
Wall Papers
At Decided Reduc
tions An exceptional assortment of
bright and dark papers, borders
and ceilings to match, suitable
for all rooms, in two lots, worth
to 10c, at 44c and 7ic
Bed Room Papers, new selec
tions, cut borders to match,
Monday, roll 12!$c
Gilt Fapors in the newest de
signs, suitable for living and
dining rooms and halls, special,
per roll 16c
Third Floor
Domestics, Dress Prints, Etc.
Fine quality Dress Gingham, 27 inches wide, medium and dark
checks, plaids and stripes, Monday, yard 15c
Fine quality Dress lengths to 15 yards, light and dark grounds,
at, per yard 15c
Genuine "Soisette," highly mercerized, all the wanted colors,
Monday, the yard .....25c
36-inch unbleached Muslin, extra fine quality, remnants to 15
yards, the yard, at . 10H
Plain shades Kindergarten cloth, fine quality, washable fabric, off
the bolt, the yard 19c
36-inch Pajama Cloths and checked Nansook, soft finish, very
slightly water stained, Monday special, the yard 10c
36-inch Fancy Silkoline for comforter coverings and drapery, spe
cial, the yard. . . . '. 15c
27-inch Fancy Robe Comforter, covering neat styles, off the bolt,
yard 9Hc
Arrivals of the
New Velvets
Velvets promise to be one of
the leading dress fabrics of the
season. The beautiful, soft, all
silk chiffon finish is also very
appropriate. We have just re
ceived a lot of those exquisite
fabrics in all of the newest and
most wanted colorings, includ
ing the new purples, orchids,
taupes, grays, burgandy, beet
root, currant, etc. . All 42
inches wide. Very specially
Main Floor.
Hair Dressing
You feel a high regard for
service obtained in our Hair
Dressing Parlors, notable, too,
the thorough proficiency of our
skilled attendants, , who do
shampooing, manicuring, mas
saging. Expert Marcel waving
a specialty. Appointments
made by phone.
Switches and transforma
tions made from hair combings.
24-inch Switches, three sep
arate strands of natural hair,
the saving about one-third, at
20-inch Switches of natural
wavy hair, priced at $1.25.
Transformation Switches, all
shades, priced at $2.95.
Children's Hair Cutting a
Make appointments now.
Second Floor
v A Final Clearing of
Summer Rugs, Hammocks Etc.
To make room for our new stock, which is coming daily, we are
offering all summer Rugs, Hammocks, etc., at a considerable reduction.
This is your opportunity to buy at the lowest prices of the year. Every--thing
must go now.
Rugs Suitable for Dining Room or Living Room
Fiber Rugs in the following
Crex Rugs in the Following
New Fall Models in
Silk Blouses
arriving daily. Georgettes in
Flesh and White with very
pretty frills, edged with Venice
and Val Lace. Some of these
frills have scallops bound in
Then there are Georgettes
with frills in front, with cross
tucking, which forms the large
sailor collar, ,
$5.00 to $6.50
Second Floor
6x9, regular price $7.00, at $5.00
8x10, regular price $10.50, at. . .$7.50
9x12, regular price $12.00, at. . .89.00
3x6, regular price $2.50, at $1.75
zxo4, regular price $1.50, at 98?
6x9, regular price $6.75, at.... $5.00
7- 6x9, regular price $7.50, at. . .$5.50
8- 3x10-6, regular price $10.50, at $7.50
9x12, regular price $12.00, at. . .$9.00
Some of These Are Slightly Soiled
SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUG, 9x12 feet, regular $30.00 value, at. . .$21.98
SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUG, 9x12 feet, slightly imperfect, at $27.50
SEAMLESS BRUSSELS RUG, 9x12 feet, a very good value, at $17.50
SEAMLESS BRUSSELS RUG, 8 feet 3-inch by 10 feet 6-inch, at $1575
Porch Shades, Awnings, Hammocks, Etc.
Waterproof Stained Wood Porch Shades at Less Than Half Price:
4 feet wide, special, at $1.29
5 feet wide, special, at $1.59
7 feet wide, special, at $1.98
8 feet wide, special, at $2.50
10 feet wide, special, at $2.98
Blue and White Canvas Window Awnings, ready to hang, special, at. -98d each
A Small Lot of Tree Hammocks, in various shades, offered at less than ' price, to
close, at ". $1.00
Cretonnes, for fancy work, hangings, cushions, etc., a wide assortment to choose
from, values to 50c. special, at, per yard j . . . 29
Third Floor
"The Free"
When you huy "The Free"
Sewing Machine the first cost is
the only cost. "The Free" is
the only sewing machine in the
world guaranteed by the manu
facturers for the purchaser's
lifetime, and with this is given
you an insurance for five years
against the loss or destruction
of your machine from any acci
dental cause.
Sewing Machine
is the latest and best of all sew
ing machines. "The Free" runs
lighter and sews faster than
any other machine. It is the
only machine that has an abso
lutely perfect feed.
$1.00 per week pays for this '
wonderful machine. We sell all
makes of Sewing Machines and
Third Floor
.. UK ,