Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1917, AUTOMOBILE, Image 29

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Town Marshals Throughout
State Stimulate Trade in
Lens Required by State
Evidence is coming in from various
quarters throughout the state which'
seems to indicate that the police offi
cerstare in sympathy with the recent
law enacted by the state legislatures
regarding the blinding headlights.
, Dealers report a brisk trade and a
large demand for the various types of
lens. . "
Several irate inhabitants of the
. larger cities have reported cases ot
insomnia. among the town marshals
' in the rural districts which would
lead one to believe these "sturdy
limbs of the law" rather enjoy pick
ing off the "joy riders," who don't
care whose eyes their headlights
blind, and they are willing to sit up
nights to do it
Let the good work continue and
may we hope that all the law enforc
ing nnits work together in compelling
motorists to observe this very wise
'and considerate law. .
One hardly realizes the danger of
blinding lights until he has been
forced to stop his car ai the edge of
a steep grade or perhaps experience
a serious accident because the fellow
coming in the opposite direction was
thoughtless and careless.
The cost of a lens, which will regu
late the rayrof light and deflect them
to a proper height from the ground,
is so small compaied with othej ac
cessories. that it is only a humane act
on the part of motorists to equip
their cars with a lens which meets
the requirements of the law.
Firestone Tires Aid in
Making New World's Record
Eight world's records shattered
within the space of four days is the
remarkable feat accomplished by Bar
ney Oldfield, veteran "speed demon"
of auto racing"and the most poptrte:
driveF on the track. All eight records
w ere made in St. Louis on a circular
dirt track, five of them against time
and three of them against Ralph De
'.Oldfield drove bis "Gold Bug,"
equipped with Firestone super . cord
tires, in all the events without a mis
hap. In Jiis fifty-mile exhibition' run
against time he broke five records in
succession. ', ,
Oldfield gives due credit for his
victories to the power-saving of his
Firestone Super Cords. In Jjt. Louis
he reiterated his statement made on a
recent visit ta the Firestone factory
that speedway records now depend
as much upon the tire makers as the
automobile manufacturers.
Marmnn PmccM fiKntinpnt 1
Without Engine Trouble
Interesting sidelights on the path
finding trip of the Pike's Peak Ocean-
to-Ocean Highway association con
tained the information that the M.t
mon 54 pathfinding car came across
the continent without engine or tire
trouble vith the exception ot one
puncture,-when a nail was picked up
in Colorado. .
Charles Adams, son of C F. Adams
of Chillicothe, ' Mo., president of the
association, piloted the -pathfinding
car on the long cross-countr; trip.
The journey throughout was a
pleasant one; and the route followed
try the motorists most feasible for a
second national ocean-to-oean high
way, according to Mr. Adams.
Franklin Cars to Advance
In Price September First
. "September' 1," asserts H Pelton of
the Franklin Motor Car company,
"marks the date of an advance of
$150 in 'the price of Franklin models
and we were very much surprised
when we learned that the advance
was so small as compared with our
competitors, who have advanced from
$250 to $500 during the last ninety
"The smallness of the advance on
the Franklin is due to some Extent
to its simple construction. The elim
ination of numerous parts through the
Franklin system of air cooling, ' of
course eliminates the need of buying
' ' ' '"''" " '
Six Cylinders
QJucJip Cylinders
National Motor Car. &
Vehicle Corporation
Seventeenth Successful Year
Almost no touring situation
can be conceived which this
new twelve -cylinder Na
tional cannot master. The
experience of our users in
variably confirms the state
ment. (fOur own tests have
convinced us that this new
National will outperform
any genuinely "stock" car
in the world.
The T. G. Northwall Company
, ' OMAHA, NEB. " '
LUTE MORSE, Lincoln, Neb. S. R. NELSON, Atlantic, la. DEAN BROS., York, Neb.
( ' iis
S -
TN ORDER to furnish motorists of Omaha and vi
cinity with Better Tire Service than they have
heretofore been able to secure, we have made a
careful investigation of the merits of all high grade
tires. :
As 'a result we have selected "Stronghold" tires, i
and secured the retail and distributing agency for
this territory. , , , ' '
ALL "Stronghold" tires and tubes fire made the careful way
by hand under the personal supervision of experts trained v
for 18 years in producing wear-resisting rubber.
manufactured by The Rubber Products Company Barberton.
Ohio, famous for 18 years as the maker of "No-Seam" and other -
high quality rubber goods. '
The Wheeler Rubber Co. x
. 2064 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
v 4 ' Phono Doujr. 7848.
many parts used in water cooled
motor cars and enables the manufac
turers to lessen the cost to that ex
tent. "We ha.e been advised by the fac
tory that the price will be the only
change in -the present model. The
Franklin manufacturers discontinued
the yearly models in 1912 and since
then have distinguished the different
models by series numbers.
"The serjes No. 9, .which is the
present model, will be continued in
definitely, we are advised by the fac
tory. Of course, minor changes will
be made from time to time, but theJ
present design is proving highly sat
isfactory in all respects.-
Announcement of New Car
Expected on Auto Row Soon
The purchase of the Jeffery factory
by C W. Nash last August immediate
ly gave rise to persistent rumors that
the Nash Motors company would un
doubtedly bring out a new Nash car
which would reflect the ideals of Mr.
Nash and his organization of auto
mobile experts.
Recent developments at Kenosha
have combined to verify the truth of
that rumor and it is now an open
secret that a new Nash car has been
designed and built and that its speci
fications and price will soon be an
nounced to the general public.
It is known that a convention of
thirty Nash distributors who will be
responsible for the Nash motors
wholesale distribution throughout" the
coming year was recently held at the
Nash plant, and that the delegates
were shown the new car. But so jar
the buying public has been kept in
the dark in regard to the new product,
although it is practically certain that
the veil of mystery is to be swept
aside within the very near future.
Opper Reports Prosperity
In Cities of.iVest Visited
J. M. Opper of the Jones-Opper
company returned last week from a
two weeks' vacation trip, which took
him to several western cities, such as
Denver, Salt Lake City, and several
Wyoming towns.
Mr. Opper asserts that prosperity
was evident in all of the towns which
he visited and that automobile dealers
are enjoying the same brisk demand
as the Nebraska dealers are exper
iencing. The Reo dealers who Mr.
Opper took particular pains to visit
were all asking for more cars.
Peerless Co. Warns Dealers
To Get Orders In Promptly
Judging from instructions to deal
ers which have just been issued by
the Peerless Motor Car company of
Cleveland, the builders of the widely
known Peerless Eight are among
those not experiencing and letup in
business as result of the war.
The following notice has been sent
to all Peerless Eight dealers:
"Specifications that call for delivery
of model 56 cars during August
should be placed with the factory at
once. In spite of full swing manu
facturing in the new factory build
ings, the demand for the Peerless
Eight is still greater than' the output.
Distributors are warned to file speci
fications promptly and to "urge pros
pects to conclude their orders as far
in advance of desired delivery dates
as possible."
The Peerless officials credit the un
usually good showing made by the
sales department to the splendid per
formance of the two power range
Peerless Eight motor.
Connrlly la Marnat.
Jo.y Connolly has blosaomrd out Into a
baaeball magnate. Th former Brav la the
hlKh "Yea, Sir," ot th Attleboro, llaji.,
Government Buys Indian
Motorcycles and Sidecars
On top of the order placed last
month for .1,500 Indian motorcycles,
the United States army, quarter mas
ter's corps, have placed an additional
order for 1,000 Indian Power Plus
machines, complete with sidecar, for
deliver, to the Chicago depot.'
The machines ordered are the regu
lar stock model, the same being used
by the genera.1 public all over the
The government has made exten
sive tests on motorcycle for army
use and it is expected that the motor
cycle factories will be required to
furnish at least 10,000 motorcycles
within the next year for army service.
Mr. Boord of the Omaha Bicycle
company said his firm has experienced
the biggest business so far this
August by 50 per cent, than any year
in the history of the business, which
proves that people are beginning to
realize the usefulness and economy of
the two and three-wheeled machines.
White Sox 'Pay Roll is $120,000.
Comiskey's payees are drawing
$120,000 in salaries, and he says they
are earning' the money.
A Motor Car
Watlh "S
In developing the two-power-range
idea it was the Peerless aim
to give the ideally soft, smooth
Eight the added charm of rugged
resistless power for rough hard
work and greater speed.
The result, now-firmly estab
lished, is the remarkably success
ful Peerless Two-Power Range
Eight with its "loafing" range for
ordinary driving and its "sporting";
range for great power and speed.
For all ordinary driv
ing you will use its
loafing" range
j Among the finer
Among the finer
cars of the day, there
are a few whi6h pre
tend no compromise
with the demand for
the gentler virtues of
soft, smooth flexibility.
Such cars are out
and out exponents of
the more rugged vir
tues of brute power and
speed. .
In this range it per
forms all those feats of
smoothness which dis
tinguish the really fine
from -the ordinary oar
in the every day' ser
vice of an exacting
And in this range it
is on half rations, con
suming fuel so sparing
ly as to shame many
a -
a lesser powered
six even many
a four.
Seven Passenger Touring
Roadster $2090 Sporting Roadster $2250 Coupe $2750
Sedan $2890 Limousine $3590
(Until increase becomes effective)
Prices f. o. b. Cleveland Subject to change without notice
2066-68 Farnam Street Factory Diatributora. . . Omaha, Neb.
Jin its "sporting" I
range the Peerless is wfa.
ready to vie with
such cars in' their jr $
own chosen JT
t -