1HE' OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 19, 1917. LINCOLN HIGHWAY HAS FINE STRETCHES New Packard Twin Six is Model of Beauty GAS BIKE DEALERS TO MEOTIN OMAHA Victor Roos, Distributor of Harley Davidsons, Lands Dis trict Convention for Five States. CUT PR Secretary Smythe of Omaha Auto Club Reports on Con ditions as He Finds Them. - D IE The roads in the vicinity of Schuy ler and Central City are among the best in jrebraska, according to the report of S. E. Smythe of the Omaha Automobile club, who recently made the trip west with H. C. Osterman, field secretary of the Lincoln High way, in the Lincoln Highway car. The farmers there are making use of the five oilers donated to the as- sociation and the results are worthy of the efforts expended. As a whole the roads between Omaha and Chcyenn. are only fair, hut the stretch of all-weather road from Sutherland into" Cheyenne is excellent. This is a distance of 209 miles and the compressed all-gravel roadbed is like a newly-laid city pavement. The worst place that was -truck was at Big Springs, where tour miles of sand-washes proved detriment to easy travel. Mr. Smythe says that Kimball county, which has one-twentieth of the population of Douglas county, also has an all-gravel road, while the sand and dust in r.utoniobilist experiences on the highwy here is known to everyone. Sees Doug Fairbanks. At Cheyenne Douglas Fairbanks with his company of fifty people were making up a picture entitled "Fancy Jim Sherwood," which he promised would app:ar in Omaha shortly. In cidentally, while there Douglas signed up Sam Browne!!, champion rough rider of the world, who participated in Frontier Days at Cheyenne. The Yellowstone road from Chey enne through is in fair condition, but at Lost Cabin a detour is necessary through Nowood and Ten Sleet, thence to Basin. Another detour is also necessary between Cheyenne and Rawlins. From Cheyenne it is advisable to go to Tie Siding, then to Saratoga and, fol lowing this road, back to the main highway, While traveling along this detour the two observers sighted Carbon, which is the nearest ghost city of the west, formerly a large mining town, but now absolutely de void of life. Saxon Dealers to Start Harvest Campaign Soon Instead of bting the stack months for the retail automobile business, July and August, this year are prov insr lo be the big selling months. v The fall has been shoved back into summer so fair as motor car Belling is concerned. This fact has been brought home so forcibly to Saxon dealers in all parts of the country that they are now starting a-sales program to be known as the harvest campaign 1 Reports from the Saxon retail or ganization dwelt mainly upon two points with respect to business. They say that all over the country people who hesitated to purchase cars' last spring are now seeking them in mid summer; and also that, the ' present crop outlook and the general speed ing: tip of all kinds of business have opened new sales fields for the au tomobile. I L, I fcLN! I I . ;."" . I CfcjfV I A fe lit 'rmmmmmmmmmmmm Lines that carry more of beauty while yet retaining those hall marks which long have, distinguished Pack ard cars are the first appeal of the new series Twin-Six just announced. In both open and enclosed carriages of the new model the lojig and low effect is drikingly apparent. The top of the higher, narrower radiator breaks crisply into the bev eled shoulders familiar in Packard radiator design. The free-flowing fuselage line of the new car follows the plan of th narrowing bevels, mer ging gradually into the cap molding of the car. A form-fitting windshield intersects at a smart angle. First cars of the new series are now being shown. Each of these first cars has been finished fn derby red. Those who have seen a typical tar of the new lint speak of it as a new creation. Changes in the Twin-Six motor are refinements of detail. The full power, MACHINE MARVELS LOWERCAR COSTS Aid in Reducing; Expense of Manufacturing Motor Cars by the Maxwell Com pany. "Mechanical marvels are frequently produced by great scientists working to further the efficiency in manufac turing goods," asserts C. C. May. Perhaps the most modern thought of scientists in the mechanical field is expressed in a unique machine that has been installed in the Detroit plant of the Maxwell Motor company, Inc. "The Mechanical marvel is one of a battery of eleven of its kind used in the giant machine shops of the coun try. It is one of the reasons for the big production of the Maxwell plant. Rapid Working DrilL "Forty-eight holes are bored at one time in a motor casting by the ma chine. The entire drilling job is per formed in one minute and forty-eight seconds. "Each of these machines reoresents an investment of $50,000 by the Max well company. Its automatic work operates to save money for the ulti mate motor car buyer. "The drills are to he seen nroieet ing through the holes in the walli qf this hungry metal worker. They pro trude downward , from the top, up through the bottom, and forward from the back and side-parts of the monster machine. Work Is Automatic. "When ia use the main motor cast ing is placed on the base of the drill ing machine and made fast. It fits tight on the base and when the power is applied. the drjlls automatically bore into the casting. In less than two min utes thereafter all the valve stem holes and other drill holes required in the efficient and standardized power plant are drilled to a fraction of a thousandth of an inch. "The capacity of these super-dread-riaught drillers is 500 motors daily. Operators of this battery of costry machines must bring skill and me chanical knowledge to their tasks. They are paid from $9 to $11 a day for their work. "It is because of this and similar improved factory methods that the Maxwell production reaches the 100, 000 car figure a year." Grant Motor Car Concern Builds Immense Addition Though the Grant Motor Car cor poration moved into a big, new fac tory only eight months ago the pro duction of the Grant Six has grown so rapidly that the company is already compelled to increase its facilities by the building of an $80)00 addition. "With building material prices as high as they are now and labor as scarce as it is," says George S. Waite, sales manager of the Grant company, "it is a safe bet that we wouldn't be adding to our factory if we could get along without it. When we occupied the present plant last January ye thought we should be able to take care of production for a year or two. We expected to grow, but like the man in the song, we didn't expect it so soon "The additional factory space will be in use before the first of the year, and will enable us to increase the out put of Grant Sixes for early spring delivery by 25 per cent. "Events have greatly expanded the market of the Grant Six and. we are looking forward to t continuance of higher price levels for several years. While we are not ready to announce our 1918 plans, we can say that they will contain some genuinely surpris ing details. "Right now the farm field is occu pying most of our attention. Sales al ready indicate that the farmers are buying cars on a scale that eclipses all former records. Both in the farm ing territory and in the cities ;the Grant Six is enjoying phenomenal popularity. There is nO gloom in the urant six organization. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinti ?j,!iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii:iiift:iii:i itatAta.iattnwiiniaiiBiwiiniBiiaiiBitaai . '.a 1 w "V i.,1riimii.i.i.i.,.Mi.ii..,.,:.....,..,........,...................... . ....... - - - H H H m H B !. ra.iBMi.V:.MM.M.n.M.1 IIBIlBliai IB II. E fmiiwiiHiwimiiiiiiiiiiiwiimiimimmmimi':! ?llllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII!lllllll!lllllll!llllllll!Mlllir 5 a ?J;iiiililiiii!ilM'iiili:liut:ili:l ili'li.inlMiijiitiiiiiiuiiitniiniiiiiiiift. :m:iiiiiiimi!i!inii!i:iiii!iimmimiii!t!iuiiE!ir . s ?'liiiiiliiliiliiliiliiliiiiiiuiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS r . ... m REO liiiiinniiiitiiiiMiiiiKniiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiii? 4 I. ill This Is America's s. , 7k m mm . ? mm m :si Hi vISl Si 23 i; 55 z, r m S3 i .21 m s? - mm m IE! mm - - mm m W mm z: mm m at mm z IN A DOUBtE SENSE the new R.o Six h en. titled to that distinction. 1 IN BEAUTVOF LINE and cur,, thik Rao V peals to persons of refinement and good Uit. IN FINISH and appointments it is a car for the elect. IN PRICE it U well within the reach of those who demand a car of sterling quality and hendsomo appearance, but who do net depend on an au tomobile alone to lend them social dittinction. THIS SIX IS GENUINE throughout. Nothing shoddy no imitations no substitute!. -j, AND ITS BEAUTY is not merely ikin d.en . internally Reos are even more carefully made. THAT'S WHY WE SAY this R.o Six Amer ica's most refined car. REFINEMENT OF DETAIli-Little improve- ments made wheravar and whenaver the nead or the opportunity appeared, over a period of years, have resulted in an highly perfected product. 1 JONES-OPPERCO. ' 2043-48 Farnen St," Omaha, N.k. DUtributora Eaitera and Northwn Ntbruka ana Western Iowa. JVIost Refined Six II! NO NEW SIX no "one year" model could poa- 5 sibly give the same service as this Reo that has t!i pasted through the severest of all tests ev V -J - S B i eral seasons of actual use in hands of owners E everywhere and under all kinds of conditions. E 1 ,most Makers chance model, from year to is; year. This year's model is radically different . 15 from that of last year. m s i WE REO FOLK do set do that. Wo begin with - 1 5 1 m . . !5i a soua roundaiion the chassis design that is "g- the Result of long years of successful building 1 5 1 of 'good automobiles. - THEN WE STRIVE from day to day to improve en that' standard model till it is as nearly par feet as is humanly possible. THE LOW UPKEEP, the few repair., the won derful dependability, and the small deprecia- tion In valua after years of usa are the result of that policy. , . . DEMAND it in leaping with the quality the value. And that is unprecedented. A. H. JONES Haitinft. N.b. DUtrlbutor South. and West.ni N.br.ska and North. ..' Kama. v . Six-Cylinder Reo 7 Passenger Touring , $1385 2 1 X2iZrj, . 4-CYLINDER RErt g&Z? .WOO ( ss : St s " ss "S . 'Si , 4-CYLINDER REO , 5-Passenger Touring . , Price b f. o. b. Lansing and b aubject to increate without notice. fSf I i. i: a. a-'tii.a, ........... J. k smooth action and economical per formance of the Twin-Six have estab lished the twelve-cylindeT engine in the 'favor of the motoring public, la the new series,' the channeling of the gas passages in the cylinder head has been improved, to insure an ever bet e'er distribution of fuel to the cylin ders and thus to attain to even more marked economy, especially in hand ling loV-gravity gasoline. The new motor is notable for its clean design. The control has been simplified. A clean steering column is achieved by removal of the control board and placing of ignition, lighting and fuel mixture controls in a convenient set ting on the instrument board. The gear shift lever is in the central posi tion. The wheel base of the 3-35 is 13d inches and that of the 3-25 is 128 inches. There are seventeen different body styles in the new line, each1 of them suited to a purpose and expressive of the best taste in the coach builder's art. All bodies are roomy and com fortable. The open cars are uphol stered in straight-grain, hand-buffed leather, plaited. Interiors of enclosed carriages are tailored in soft textures, patterns of which may be selected from a wide variety of weaves. Lus trous finish and perfect appointments give the final touch of elegance to the new series cars. f Victor Roos, who recently returned from Milwaukee, home of the Harley- Davidson cycle products, succeeded in having the western convention held in this city for Harley-Davidson deal ers from Nebraska, Iowa, South Da kota, Kansas and Colorado. In place of holding a national show at Chicago in the fall of the year, as in former years, there will be several conventions held in different sections of the United States, Omaha being chosen for the middle west, lhe con vention will be held during the early part of September. Four more three-speed single-cyl inder Harley-Davidsons have rust been delivered by Victor H. Roos io the Nebraska Power company for use in its service department. While at the Harley-Davidson fac tory last week Mr. Roos learned prices are to be given a boost on both motorcycles and bicycles, and as a consequence another floor of the building he is now in had to be ap propriated to house the stock pur chased while there. Mammoth Forge Shop is Willys-Overland Marvel One of the many individual mar vels at the Toledo factory of the Willys-Overland company is the mammoth forge shop. Here are used eighty-five steam hammers and fifty seven forging and "upsetting' ma chines, the latter being for flanges, hinges and heads of various parts. Over 2,000,000,000 cubic feet of artifi cial' gas are used annually by the forge furnaces. Seven billions of cas- oline, or 1,000 tank cars, are consumed yearly in the forge shop. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Here is a golden opportunity for you to purchase fully guaranteed auto tires at less than factory cost EACH. 5 32x3 Clincher plain $8.50 4 30x3 Dunlop plain $9.00 l 30x3 Ms Dunlop non-skid. .$9.50 13 31x3 Clincher plain.. $9.50 7 31x34 Clincher non-skid, $9.90, 7 34x3 Clincher plain. '.$11.50 2 34x3 Dunlop plain. .$11.50 3 34x3 Dunlop non-skid. $12.25 2 34x3 Clincher non-skid, $12.25 30x4 Clincher plain $15.25 30x4 Clincher non-skid, $16.10 31x3 Clincher plain $13.50 32x4 Dunlop non-skid, $14.50 32x4 Clincher non-skid, $14.50 13 32x4 Clincher plain. . .$13.75 15 33x4 Clincher plain. .$14.25 4 33x4 Clincher .on-skid, $15.00 EACH. 9 33x4 Dunlop non-skid, $15.00 3 34x4 Clincher non-skid, $15.25: 3 34x4 Clincher plain. . . . $14.50 7 35x4 Clincher non-skid, $15.75 5 34x4 Dunlop non-skid, $15.75 10 35x4 Dunlop plain $15.25 1 36x4 Clincher plain $16.00 2 36x4 Dunlop plain. .. .$16.00 3 36x4 Dunlop non-skid. . $16.50 1 36x4 Clincher non-skid, $16.50 6 35x4 Dunlop plain. . .$20.00, 6 35x4 Clincher plain. .$20.00 3 35x4 Clincher non-skid, ' $21.00 2 36x4 Dunlop plain. . .$20.25 3 36x4 Dunlop non-skid, $21.50 3 37x4 Dunlop non-skid, $22.50 M 111.. J iy 1 ant nf l taw viincner main, .ezi.za These prices are made to dispose of same at once. Terms cash. Lininger Implement Co. Sixth and Pacific Sts., Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglas 109. Qaa&trfuaf TOURING CAR, 5 -PASSENGER $1259 TOURING CAR, 7 -PASSENGER $135 STANDARD ROADSTER - - - $1250 TOURING SEDAN - - $1850 . CABRIOLET, 3 PASSENGER - $1623 TOWN CAR, 7 -PASSENGER - $2925 TOWN CAR, LANDAULET $3025 LIMOUSINE, 7-PASSENGER $2925 LIMOUSINE LANDAULET $3025 RECORD SPEEDSTER $2500 DUPLEX, 4 -PASSENGER - - $1475 ALL PRICES F.O.B. DETROIT AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE WESTERN MOTOR CAR COMPANY Western Dutributort Omaha, Neb. I S4 A K NAIMIM AIM 10 D I J a WALTER S. JOHNSON, Saeratary and Salas Manager. E. V. ABBOTT, Vice President and General Manager. """"'"i nooper, naiungc, i.e&raska, and Wichita, Kansas. 2054 Fa mam Street. Phone Douglas 4904. THRIFTY AND BEAUTIFUL -WHERE CAN YOU MATCH ONE OF THESE TEN AUTUMN CHALMERS They are all from thirty to ninety days ahead of the time, for they are the advanced autumn and winter styles. So, in buying a car now you will find that the newest devices, the latest improvements and the most recent developments in motor car building are right here in a Chalmers. And there are ten of these Chalmers. You will find among them a full range of types from an eighty mile an hour (guaranteed) 1 speedster to a sedate limousine, or a sensible, thrifty touring car to a decidedly smart town car, etc., etc. They are without a question the best looking cars that Chalmers ever built. But more important they are the most thrifty cars that Chalmers ever built. Picture all the car you want, all the room you can use, all the speed you ever dare use, all the power you can ever wish for, all the "hang to the road" quality you could desire. And then bear in mind that these Chalmers are not large cars but light cars, that they have less thaji a thirty horse power engine (which means much every time you fill the gas tank) thafa new tire does not cost a small fortune and that one tire lasts many and many a day. ? Good pointy to stick in your mind and pleasing to ponder over after you have once seen how striking in beauty the ten new Chalmers really are. See them at once. You can buy now and save. . i ihi; n iii n .. .. .:. . : -ss