1 THE uaiAnA SUNDAY BEK: AUGUST 19. 1917. 5 C ft 1 V REAL ESTATEIMPROVED Council Bluffs. WEST END BARGAIN Nifty cottage, 6 rooms and bath room, gas, elect., city water, cistern, basement lot 50x130: must a-o this month at 11.451) 1400 down, balance Ilka rent. 16 per momn. A well DUIII Bom near school. Ileal wtt owner. 3314 Avenue E. Dundee. DUNDEE HOUSES AT RIGHT PRICES 15.500 An attractive bungalow, stucco fln- lsn. one year old. built for a home 5 large rooms on the first floor, all finished In oak: fireplace, etc. large attic, with space for two addi tional rooms; full lot, with garage and drivewav. 35,750 50th and Chicago Sts. Attractive home, with large living room, din ing room, kltcht'fl and den on the first floor: four nice bedrooms on I'd floor; full size front lot; handy to car. a. i on nearly new nouse. with sun room living room, 'dining room, kitchen and den on the first floor; three bedrooms and large enclosed sleep Ing porch 2d floor; oak finish throughout; fireplace; nicely deco rated; high and sightly lot with garage and driveway. M.OOO Overlooking Happy Hollow. A well built home, with sun room, living v room, dining room and kitchen first floor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch 2d floor; full south front lot, with garage. These houses are being offered for sale at before-the-war prices. Terms can be arranged. GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS) nouglas 398!. 919-20 City National. GOOD DUNDEE HOME AT RIGHT PRICE This Is a 2-story 7-room, modern, square house, having full basement, with laun ilry connections, furnace heat. Reception hall, living room, dining room, butler's pantry, convenient kitchen and rear ves tibule on first floor: 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; stairway to floored attic. Located on fine corner lot, on car line, with 11 fine shade trees In front; good garage, room for 2 cars. Building In ex cellent condition. This corner will In crease In value and become very desirable for anpartment house site. Price for quick tale only Ij.000. Reasonable terms, terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, (REALTORS) 902 City National Bank Btdg. Douglas 756. Fine Dundee Residence . Double Corner, 100x135 8. E. corner 62d and Davenport. No better or more sightly location In the en tire district. Paving on both streets paid in full. House was erected by an archi tect for his own home and Is splendidly ar ranged and extremely well built. Hard wood finish, combination heating ' plant. Eight rooms and dandy sleeping porch. Now being painted outside and completely redecorated inside by Orchard-Wllhelm Co. See us for price and particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Company REALTORS. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. DUNDEE LOT SPECIALS 3 650 N. E. cor. 60th and Nicholas. 1,200 Nicholas St., south front, near 51st. 1,450 Izard St., south front, near G2d. 1,500 Each 2 lots, 52d Ave. & Farnam. 7,750 53d and Harney, corner, 70x135. 3,500 51st and California, corner, 75x140. 4.250 53d and Chicago, double corner, 100x135. 4400 49th and Davenport, corner, lOOx 136.. 4,600 52d Ave. and Dodge St., S. W. corner, 90x135. Armstrong-Walsh Company, intALiunaj Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. DUNDEE Slx room, strictly modern, living room with fireplace, beamed ceilings, dining room, sun room, kitchen, first floor; three largs bed rooms and bath second floor: full basement, oak floors through, a nice south front, near Fifty-first and Burt streets. Price 35,650, $1,500 cash. . HIATT COMPANY 246-7-9 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg." Tyler 60. DUNDEE. 6-room, strictly modern bungalow, lo cated near 61st and Davenport; partly oak finish and oak floors; lot 60x135; on paved street one-half block from carllne and ' halt block from school. Price $4,260. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 173!.' DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Wall located lota on easy terms. Mod. arn, attractive home. Before buying bo urt and see GEORGE & CO.. DUNDEE For sale by owner, 6-room house, sleeping porch, fireplace, breakfast room. Phone Walnut 1621. HOMES and home sites tn Dundee. SHULER & CARY. 204 Keeline. D. 6076. Miscellaneous. $1,000.00 EQUITY. The owner of this equity will take a small house or vacant city lots. His property consists of a large corner lot, 110x130, with four 3 -room houses and a 6-room house, as well as a store build ing. On street is paved, the other a dirt road. It is only one block from the car line. The present gross rental is $44, and If you will fix the houses up a bit you can double the Monthly rental. The encumbrance is payable $35 per month, so ysu can see that the property is taking car of this payment. The location la tha northwest corner of 21st and Y Sts. See this property If you "want an investment as well as a home, as it is sure to grow in value. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 60S Be Bldg. Realtors. ABOUT 6 acres west of Elmwood park ; ideally located for a country borne. H. H. Harper & Co.. D. 2596. i REAL ESTATE WANTED DON'T list your farm with us If you want to keep it. Don't list your farm with us If you will not sell at a BARGAIN. We have buyers who want to buy and pay spot cash. If you want their cash list your farm with us at a price we can sell to them, i SNOWDEN & SON. Doug. 9371. 423 S. 15th St. WE have several good reliable buyer for 6 "and (-room house and bungalows with $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Omaha Nat Bank . Bldg. UOOD frame hotel and furnishings, always full, county seat; will sell or trade for good land; bargain. Mert Morse, Holyoke, Colo. WANTED To buy. strictly modern 6-room house; good location, east or south ex posure, preferably the West Side. Abso lutely no agents. Address Box 6474. Bee. LISTING bouse to rent oi sell on small cash payment; have partlea waiting. Western Real Berate, 41$ Karbach Blk. D. 3607. IF you want quick action on your prop erty, list it with me. LUND, 420 ROSE BLDG. TYLER 763 WE have a customer for a handsome brick residence in desirable district. F. D. Wead, oj o. ntn at. WE have customers for atractive 6, 6 and 7-roora houses. F. D. Wead $10 8. 18th street. WE have a customer for a hansome brick residence in desirable district. F. D. Wad. 310 8. 18th St. LET us aeil or rent your property. Tern pleton Olson Co.. 603 Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020. ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1826 Laird 8t Webste' 2039. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loan pormptly made. Rate i. $Vj and per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, tit South 17th. Omaha. Neb. FARM and city loan, running from five to twenty year. Interest 6 par cent, 6i per cant and par cent. PETERS TRUST CO, 1622 Farnam St OOMUa, Neb. FINANCIAL. $2,500 MTGK, bears 5 4 per cent seml-ann., secured by property valued at (10.600. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., V. O. W. Bldg. $1,200 MT'UE, bearing ( pet. semi annually, secured by property valued at $1,400. Talmadge-Loumls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. H. wTBINDEiC '. r Money on band for mortgage loam. City National Bank Bide. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. H. H. Lougea, Inc. 638 Keeline Bldg. 8HOPEN CO PRIVATE VON BY. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. FARM and city loans, 6. 64 and 6 per cent W. H. Thomas. Keell no Bldg. Doug. It 4 8 OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFEJ R. E.'CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat LOW RATES C Q. CARLBERO. lit Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 6S5. $100 TO $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. weaq. wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. . NO DEL AT IN CLOSING LOANS. W T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg A MONEY HARRISON ft MORTON. ' iO 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. CITT GARVIN BROS.. Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. O LOANS FARM AND RANCH LANDS 3,200 ACRES, Kit Carson county, Colorado. Practically all good plow land, $6.50 an acre. Box 617, Omaha. Neb. BEFORE buying or selling farms read Farm Loans and City Bonds, Chicago. Colorado Lands. COLORADO Sunny San Luis Valley Irrigat ed farm: well Improved; on auto road; Vj mile town, 4 mile railroad: some alfalfa and hay, balance farming. Price JS5 acre ash; terms. Box 50, Mirage, Colo. ON account sickness owner will sacrifice 160 acres Monte Vista, Colo.; splendid water right Address J. Zlgmond, 2S01 W. 29th Ave., Denver, Colo. FOR SALE. My 640-acre homestead, northeast Colo rado. For particulars address T 168, Bee. Florida Lands. NOT ONE CENT of purchase money re quired to secure rich productive truck or chicken farm site near Jacksonville. Writs Jacksonville Heights Improvement Co., Jacksonville, Fla. . Idaho Lands. LAND OPENING At Plcabo. Idaho, began July 17, 1917, Over three thousand acres of rich, fertile land will be put upon the market at an average price of JiO.OO per acre (which In eludes paid up water right); $20.00 per acre cash, balance on ten years' time; 6 per cent interest on deferred payments. No additional payments for two years ex cept Interest. This is an exceptional op portunity. Ask us about it TODAY. Authentic information ABSOLUTELY FREE. R. A. Smith, Colonisation and Industrial Agent, Union Pacific System, Room 1219, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Eight hundred-acre ranch, all fenced and cross fenced, under cultivation with good water right. In the best section of southern Idaho, at $75 per acre. A big bargain. Write Chas. F. Dwlght, Twin Falls, Idaho. , Iowa Lands. IOWA FARMS. GOOD level improved 640-acre farm for sale, lv, miles to town, extra good terms. 240-acre farm, improved, $125 per acre, 12 miles to Sioux City; consider nwise. ' GATE CITY LAND CO.. D. 9350. 331-32 Paxton Blk. Minnesota Lands. 240 ACRES 45 MILES from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-half under cultivation; balance used for pas ture and hay; can practically all be cul tivated; good soil; good aet buildings, this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per acre; country la thickly settled: complete set of machinery; 27 head of stock, con sisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and S year olds; 4 good horses, 26 hogs, chickens and everything on ths farm goes at $66 per acre; $6,000 cash; immedlte possession can be had. Schwab Bros., 102$ Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn, Mississippi Lands. SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE. 1,700-acre Yazoo Delta plantation. 1,200 acres in crop; 10-room residence; 40 cab 1 ins, artesian well, gin, store, shop, barns, everything necessary for up-to-date cot ton, grain and live stock farm. Public road, railroad, daily mail, churches, school on place. Nothing better in south. For sale or exchange for southern Iowa or southeastern Nebraska lands. Box G, Eden, Mississippi. Nebraska Lands. FARMS 20-YEAR PAYMENTS We will sell quarters, half sections or sections of good level dark, sandy loam land,' 25 feet to sheet water, in the best farm district of Holt County, Neb., ten miles northeast of Atkinson. Terms 10 per cent cash', balance twenty yearly pay ments, per cent Interest. Unimproved land $35 to $40, Improved halt sections $45. If purchaser Improves the land at ones no cash payment required. We will loan purchasers $1,200 to buy the stock. Energetic farmers wanted, Germans pre ferred. References required. J. O. Pat ' terson ft Co., 1008 Walnut street, Kansas City. Mo. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARMS. I have a good list of Douglas and Sarpy county farms in price from $125 up, in size from 40 to 320 acres. At the prices and proximity to Omaha's great mar kets these are the best buy in the mid dle west. See me either to list or buy before September 1. GEORGE O. WALLACE. REALTOR, 614 Keeline Bldg., Omaha. 6u .i,nn.S good level bottom land, 7 miles from town, Antelope Co. 20 acres culti vated, no bldgs. $50 per acre. Terms. A. A. PATZMAN, 528 Securities Bldg. CLOSING COTTAGES FLATS APARTMENT HOUSES The owner of the following fine properties offers them for immediate sale for whatever they will bring. Here is the opportunity you have been looking for to buy at your price. Every one of these properties will positively be sold Ithis week. : Pretty little 3-room cottage near 24th and Ames, almost new, always Tented for $132 per year. Perpetual ground lease; no taxes. Dandy little Tiome or investment. What will you give for it? Will be sold this week. ; New 5-room bungalow at corner of Sprague and Fontenelle Blvd. ; i strictly modern, rrever occupied; east front corner lot; Building and Loan ;Mortgage f $1,700, payable monthly. What will you give for it? Will be sold this week. New pressed brick building containing three 7-room flats right down town; only six blocks from the postoffice; on car line; east front; splendid 'condition. All rented to good tenants at $1,620 per annum, $.500 cash, Iwill handle this. What will you give for this property?, It will be sold. ;this week. , " ' New apartment house, well located, close in, right on the edge of thej growing business district Built only 3 years; 14 apartments, always filled) with first-class tenants. Gross annual earning capacity, $6,441.50. Only4 $12,000 cash required to handle. The only real apartment house bargain offered in Omaha. What will you give for it? It will positively be sold this week. . Don't fail to act quickly. Tell your neighbor. He may know a good thing when he sees it. For further information call at office of ERNEST SWEET New Hamilton, 24th and Farnam , OrPhone Douglas 1472 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. FARMS NEAR OMAHA 221 acres, well Improved, adjoint town 12 miles from Omaha, 8 miles from stock yards; paved road to Omaha; R. R. depot and trackage 30 rods from buildings; ex tra good corn and alfalfa land. Price $300 per acre; easy terms. 160 acres, with 6-room house, painted and in good condition: barn, cow stable, chicken house, tool house and crib, which need some repairs and painting; 7 acres airaira; sj acres In crops, balance tlm bered pasture with running water; 6 miles to Omaha city limits: close to R. R. depot and switch. Only Ills per acre. 94 acres, with fair Improvements. 10 miles from Q St., South Omaha, 3 miles from R. R. town; 80 acres level land In cultivation, 14 acre In pastor with shade trees and running water. Price, $135 per acre; 35.200 cash, balance at i per cent 10 acres, hah. sightly land, with barn and weU. II aires in fruit; exceptionally line alfalfa land, It mllo from paved road close to Omaha city limits; m miles from street car. Price, $5,000: easy terms. 7V acres with good Improvements, H mile from Omaha city limits and paved road, 1 mile from street car. Price, 313, 00. This land Is at the corner of two good roads and is suitable for subdivision Into acre tracts. Will be marketable for city lots before many years. It Is rented for $22J10 per acre, which beats carrying vacant land. Huy this for a nest egg, It Is suro winner. 40 acres, well Improved, 4 miles from Dodge street paved road. S miles from Omaha city limits; 3 acres In fruit, bal- ance in garden, farm land and pasture. Extra fine land. See use for price and tonus. Will sell 22 acres with the build ings or the other 18 acres separately Owner must change climate. Will sell crop and live stock and give Immediate possession if desired. 184 acres with good Improvements, plenty of shade and fruit; on Dodge street paved road; extra fine land, suitabl for gardening or dairying. Ideally situated for a country homo. Price $16,000. 200 acres bottom land, with good Im provements, 3 miles from R. R. station, 9 miles from Omaha city limits; 130 acres In corn, 45 acres oats, 25 acres alfalfa, 5 to 10 acres potatoes, 35 acres native hay, 1 acre onions, balance In pasture. This Is a great crop producer. Owner thinks It has the best corn on it in eastern Ne braska. Price only $126 per acre. 2 years' crops at present prices will pay for this land. J. H. DUMONT & CO. 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. 690 TWO DOUGLAS COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE AT AUCTION. Will be sold at auction Aug. !5 at 10 a. m. One farm located 14 mile north of Elkhorn, the other 4 miles northwest of Irvington, For particulars see 8: A. HARRIS, 340 Bee Bldg. 640 ACRES 3 miles to gfOd town. Antelope county, ail miaoie, goou gou, gooa fenc ing, modern Improvements, fine condition; owner wishes to retire. Easy terms. Price $56 per acre. A. A. PATZMAN, 628 Securities Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments 5 acre up. w farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 16tb and Howard Sti.. Omaha. Douglas 9371. FOR SALE Custer county, Nebraska ranch, 400 aotes good farm land, balance rolling, pasture. House, barn, well, grove and fenced and cross fenced. $15 an acre. Box 61?, Omaha. Neb. INDIAN FARMS FOR SALE. There has been listed with us for sals some of the choicest Indian farms In Knox county. Inquire Santee State Bank, San tee. Neb. SEE us for western Nebraska wheat lands. You will save money by buying through us. White & Hoover. Omsha Nat'l 'g- 160 ACRES Improved, two miles from town; a oargain at tuo. writ uox JVt. uaaiana Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C. .1. Canan. 310 McCague Bldg.. Omaha. Oregon Lands. Oregon! The stock growing industry is Ideal In the Jordan Valley Project, "Heart of the Range" 44,000 acres can be taken in 40-ac.re units. Excellent grazing land surrounding. . Send for maps and particulars. - x Excursion August 28th. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Texas Lands. FOR SALE 40,000 acres agricultural land sixty miles San Antonio, colonisation prop osition, $15 per acre. Bates. The Balti more. Houston. Texas. GOOD corn land, east Texas. $26 an acre. Get my free book. , W. a. FRANK. 201 yvlll Block. Omah. Wyoming. WESTERN WHEAT LAND. . Mr. Renter, why not own your own farm? Our Golden Prairie farms- In southeastern Wyoming and Kimball coun ties. Neb., on the main line of the U. P. R. R. For sale on easy terms, $500 cash, a quarter down, balance long time pt 6 per cent, agents. Write O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. Realtors, 1016 Omaha Na tlonail Bank Building. Doug. 2715. 482-ACRE Irrigated stock ranch and farm near railroad; owner has original title and perfect water right; has made good money from the place for 15 years, but wishes 'to sell on account of health of wife. Price of $13,500 includes $8,000 In improvements including comfortable home, barns, bunkhouse and machinery. Terms. Address Joshua B. Powers, Laramie. Wyo. Miscellaneous. FARM LAND NEWS! Here's good news for the man who wants to get his own farm home. I have a splendid tract of land in Michigan's best counties and while it lasts I will sell you 10, 20, 40. 80 acres or more at SI to $35 per acre on easy payments over a period of seven years. Live on your own land and give your children a better start In life than you had. Good schools, towns, roads, markets. A few hours' ride from Chicago. Healthful climate; pure soft water; plenty of rainfall. Stock. dairying, poultry, vegetables and fruits all do well and earn good money here. Writ lor full information free. Georite W. 8wl- gart. Owner. J-1263 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. OUT SALE FARM AND RANCH LANDS Miscellaneous. 234-Acre Farm, $4,900 With 20 Cattle and Crop Estimated maple, hemlock and anriu-e enough to pay for this farm. 1.600 sugar maple trees and $1,000 equipment like new. Nail delivered. Near neighbors. Pasture and barn room for 20 cows; 8 room house. Owner, retiring, will, if taken soon. Include 8 good young Holsteln cs. caives. yearling heifer. 3 good horses, flock poultry, brood sow, grain binder, disc drill, mower, rake, hay loader, roller. plow, harrows, corn planter. 2 -wagons, buggy, cutter, harnesses, it acres oats. 3 acres rye, 1 acres potatoes. 2 acres corn 8 acres buckwheat and $ acres turnips. $4,900 takes everything; part cash and easy terms. For details this and a farm of 310 acres far $1,200, shown same trip. see page 15. f trout s Summer Catalogue. Copy mailed free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 3071, 205 S. 18th St., nmana. Neb. BEND your name today. Receive offers from land owners, agents, everywhere. UNITED REALTY ASSOCIATES, Jollet, III. FARM LAND WANTED WANT to buy or rent 100-acr farm about JO miles from Omaha; monthly payments. write I20 Howard St. WANTED To rent by responsible party a farm of about 160 acres by shar rent. Anaress noiiiii, nee. AUTOMOBILES. Overland Used Car Department Honest Values Low Prices Write, phone or call for FREE BULLETIN showing large list. Time Payments. Willys-Overland, Inc. 2047 Farnam. , D. 3292L Open Evenings and Sundays. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. BARGAINS Careful buying is the reason we can sell our used cars to you at such attractive prices. Scores of people have found that , the bargains w offer cannot be dupli cated anywhere else in the city, you benefit yourself by investigating what we offer. Ford roadster with back magneto. .$185 Ford touring, good shape.... .$185 Ford touring, 1916, runs like new. ... $;l0o Chalmers. 1915, touring 1195 Marion Bob Cat, speedster. $200 Monroe roadster, l916r like Hew. . . $260 .Kissel Kar , 6, touring.. $550 'Cadillac, elec. lights and starter. .. .$300 Jerrerles "to," touring, eleo. lights and starter S2US Chandler coupelet , $750 Cole 8, roadster, 3 916 .,..$860 Scrlpps-Booth, roadster 5650 Velle, elec. lights and starter..' $260 Chalmers, roadster, like new $460 Chalmers Six, touring car 3450 Overland, roadster, elec. Ilghls snd starter1 3300 Maxwell, roadster juj (Detrolter, touring, elec. lights and starter $210 1916 Ford chassis , 2w Windshields, all sizes , $4.60 Presto tanks, large size 34.60 Large hand horns 32.25 Open Sundays and Evenings. If you are dissatisfied , with your old tar trade It In and get one you can use. Make small payments each month. We store it for you until you want II. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. Douglas SO;).',. 2107 Farnsm St. USED FORDS We have a large assortment of first class used Fords on hand, which must go at once. Call and look them over. Prices are right., McCaffrey Motor Co. Authorized Ford Agents, 101 h and Howard. Douglas 3500. LOOK TIJEM ALL OVER. . Then look at these quality cars that are cheaper than elsewhere: 1917 Buick light six touring $760 1914 Studebaker touring 310 1912 Cadillac, electrlo starter ami - lights 260 1914 Reo, electric starter and light 176 1912 Model 69 rivarltnH inn WE ARE THE USED FCRD MEN. ii tora tour., like new, electric starter and lights and many other extras, a bargain. 1916 Ford tour., one-man Mohair top. 1285 1910 Ford tour., cheap at 225 1915 Ford touring, extra good shape. 260 1915 Ford touring, worth the money at 236 1913 Ford touring, only run 2,260 miles, has many extras and runs perfect, a bargain at 300 19U Ford chassis 210 1914 Forrl chassis 135 Your money back if not satisfied. New and used tlrex. Onen till nnnn fttiml.v TRAWVER AUTO SALVAGE & r.ALHANOE. Douglas 9070. 110 S. 17th Bt. MAXOTIRES Th greatest invention since tires bo came troublesome. MAXOTIRES are made of the same ma terial a your casings. Semi-cured, will not deteriorate. MAXOTIRKS fit perfectly between the tube and casing, holding the pressure. There Is no friction, no nesting, no chance to wrinkle and Injure the inner tube. Eliminate punctures, blowouts and rim cuts. Come out and see the Maxotlre and our guarantee. F. J. OARVKY'S MAXOTIRE SERVICE STATION. 2910 Leavenworth. Harney 1608. FOR SALE CROSSTOWN GARAGE, JH SO. S4T1I ST. Good business, fine location, cheap rent, complete equipment. Motor air comp. drill, mery weld outfit, hoist, tc Uws f elllng, drafted. AUTOMOBILES. MOST OF THESE USED FROM THE PACKARD SHOP That means that the renewed Packard are tit to carry a new car guarantee, and that some of the overhauled car of other makes are in as good shape as when they were hipped to their original owners. Every car offered is unquestioned FULL-VALUE-AND-MORE, THE WORLD'S FINEST CAR IS THE PACKARD TWIN-SIX AT THESE PRICES EACH DOLLAR DOES THE WORK OK TWO. PACKARD 1-85 Twin-Six touring ear, is very large and roornv. Is now being thoroughly overhauled in our own shops, and will he repainted and returned to Its original condition. This ear will carry our Packard guarantee and cannot be dupli cated in our present model for less than $4,000 $2,450 PACKARD 2-2S Twin-Six seven-passenger ear. Thla is our demonstrating ear, which is now available since the arrival of our new series' demonstrator. This will be re turned to Ha original mechanical condition, repainted and will b guaranteed in every respect $2,950 PACKARD 2-25 Twin-Six touring. This is our smaller seven-passenger. 126-inch wheel base. In excellent condition, with Goodyear Cord tlrss all around and one extra. Equipped with bumper and weed chains; paint good $2,730 APPERSON, 1917, eight-cylinder touring ear. Has been used by the original pur chaser only a few hundred miles: painted light brown, with dark brown striping. Is absolutely as good as a new car, which costs around $2,200 $1,800 Pirc-Arrow "36," six-cylinder chassis, with bucket seat and tank. Can be built into an attractive speedster , ,, 550 Stevens-Duryea, five-passenger touring, equipped with Northeast starting and lighting system , joo Chalmers, 1916, six-cylinder touring car 500 Hudson Super-Six, 1916, Firestone Non-Skid tires, bumper front and roar; spot light. $1,209 Cole Six. 1915 model, 6-16, five passenger; two brand new Firestone cord tires on rear and front fabric tires, in excellent shape, with on xtra; painted dark red with natural wood wheels. A remarkable buy at ' 860 Oakland "8," 1916, seven-passenger car. Goodrich Sllverton cord tires all around. This car will put up as good a demonstration and will give the purchaser good value for TELE PACKARD, USED CAR DEPT. PHONE HARNEY 414. FOR SALE. 1917 Slutlebsker. S-pasenger roadster, In flrst-clsss condition throughout. Must sell at once. Price $450. See Hitchcock, 2562 Leavenworth. Call Tyler 886. used :ars 1 Ford chassis, good running order .,$176 1 Detrolter, touring car 150 Chalmers Truck, good condition 160 Moltn Dreadnought truck 160 Oakland touring car, in good repair.. 160 Auto part H list price. Hec-h. and tires and tube cheap, truck boxes, windshields, Boaclv magnetos. BOYLAW AUTO PARTS CO., Dong. 2914. 1611 Davenport. HUDSON TOURINO $400. Fine tires, paint and general condition excellent. Easy payments. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC.. 2407 Farnam. Open Evening and Sundays. ATT ENT ION !T 1 REREPA IR MEN! We are manufacturing a patent vul ranlzer for all else of tires. Will run for 12c a (lay. Most wonderful Invention In tire repair work. Let us demonstrate JOS. MATHE. 2S59 Farnam. Harney 430 YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T YOU? ALL RICIHT. WB DO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN. TRY US. THE TIRK SHOP, 2518 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4879. AUTO CLEARING HOCHtt. 2201 Farnam. Douglas 3810. Scrlpps-Booth roadster at a sacrifice. 18 Chevrolet SS2S 10 Maxwell 1325 Moon Six Sacrifice OARS FOR HIRE. Will rent yotl a car, with or without driver. Best service. Better rates. Also best tuba repairing In city. See Us. 211 8. 10th St. Tel. D. TStO. AUTOMOBILES on monthly payment of 110 per month if you Join my club. Only, a limited number taken; tS cent tor membership and contract. B. Hiatt, Bel ion. Tes FOR HALE On 1916 Jeffery Four, T-pas-sengor, In flrst-clsss condition. Prln rea sonable. Splendid bargain. Nash Sales company, distributors Jeffery cars. Phone Douglss 2'-'81, Hundaya 9 to 1. MAXWELL. 1917, run less than 100 miles. 1820. Must sacrifice, as I leave for Fort Snelllnn'Wectnetdiiy. W. Burbank, Wal nut 77J FOrTA17i!;--Tw.o 1917 Overland roadsters, new this summer; excellent condition; $4(0 snd liOO. Will demonstrate. Writ H. O. Braden, Council Bluffs, la. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. rsed Car Dept. Harney St. Douglas IKS. Almost any make at reasonable prices' TIRES at Taff'priceT' jobber in new tires and tube. KAIMAN'8 TIRK SHOP. Will repair your tires the best. Nebraska Tlr and Vulcanizing Co., 1721 Cuming. U Oil. FOR SALK Seven passenger Limousine body, plate gla,sa windows, trimmed In leather; fine condition; a bargain at $100. Ensign Transfer Co., Lincoln, Neb, wXrrfEO-'POR SPOT CASH, 100 USL3D OfVRS; quick action; no dolay. Auto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnam Bt. Doug. 6038 CUT down your tire expense by. having tbeni repaired at O. A O. Tlr and Vulo. Co, Bsrg. in uaed tires. 2415 Leav. T. 12S1-W. GUARANTfcB TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all -kinds of tlr repairing work guar anteed. Douglas 7062. 1109 Dougla St, TULL A BIN RLE Y, WB BUT AND SELL USED FORDS. 23 U Harney St. Doug. 1640. OAKLAND light six, 1916 model. INDUSTRIAL OARAOB Co.. 20th and Harney, Dougla 6261. BARGAIN in used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 401 h snd Farnam. Harney 414. SEVERAL used cars at bargain prices. Call Carl ChangHtrom. Standard Motor Car Co., Douglas 1706. CUT you tire cost in half by using Maxo tires. F. J. Garvey'i Vulcanising and Maxo tire Station, 2910 Leavenworth. H. H)0. FORD Sedan, used S months, on account of leaving town. Call Harney 296S for In formation. FORDS, any model, new and used. New 1917 Ford touring bodies. 2620 B St, South 399. 1 FORD roadster, 1 Ford touring car, 2 Studehakers and 1 Klsselcar, Colfsx 996. BATTERIES CHARGED AND RLPAIRdI Everyready Battery Station, 1206 Farnam. 1116 MAXWELL TOURING CAR; good condition; $360.00. Phon Walnut 2041. BERTSCHY "Kan-Flx-lt." Southeast cor- ner 20th and Harney Hts. Douglas 2662. NEW and slightly used tires. Trawver Auto Salvage and Exchange, 110 B. 17th. FOR HALE 1916 Ford touring car. Harney 4166, 2356 H. 36th Ave. Call BUY a Ford on payment plan. Call Harney 64."i2 evenings for particulars. FOR BALE Two Ford trucks; good con dition. Harney 2342. GOOD bargains in used Fords, 4001 8. 24th. Tel. South 4360. Wanted. WANTED Ford chassis, $76 down, 126 a month. 2733 8. 16th EL Jacobsen. be tween t and I p. m. Auto Repairing and Painting. 1100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Coils repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. ISth. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Servlc Co. (Former fitrahle & Anderson). 316 8. 19th St. Douglas 6488. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO., "Omaha's Reliable Starter Repair Shop." 3230 Farnam St, Dougla 9377, Tires and Supplies. TIRE price wreckers, Tht Is no 1 In 1 tlr. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1103H Jackson. Agts, wanted. Omshs. Neb. BUY Lee Punctureproof Pneumatic Tires and eliminate your tlr trouble. Powell Supply Co., 2061 Farnam St. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO & CARRIAGE WKS. 25th Ave, and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701. Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results. AUTOMOBILES. CARS COME FRESH as any new car; has plenty of power 930 A Puat Card Will Bring Any Car to Your Home. Motorcyclci and Bicycles H A R L a Y-DAVIDSON MOTOMCTCLKH Bargain In used machines. Victor II. Roo. 'Th Motorcycle Man." J7lh ir.d Leavenworth. MY $115 contract on a new or uaed moliTr- cycle for sal at a good discount. K. II Laron, Tyler tiii. SMiTriMtcvVheo) and Indlanlicy7lTVt tached, In excellent condition, cheap for quick sale. Call Ilar. 6372. SECONDHAND Ind lain 15otorcyl: "tiwf nughly overhauled. I'rlc $56. Flott Bros., s.'r Farnam. PERSONAL TJ1K Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, magn lines. We collect. W distribute. Phon Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn. UlO-llU'-llIt Dodg St. LUN'O TROUBLK Learn of a remarkable discovery, known s Curbotilo, that was used with wonderful sucoes at Cliff Dale Camp. Convincing proofs free. American Dispensary Co., DeHt. A. Indianapolis, Ind. INFORMATION wanted of Curl Patrick, married Naoma Allen some 2 jears ago W. L. Harper. Sharon. Mas. A SHOW1SR bath, cool refreshing: special urnmer price, 60i. Central Batb In.. 1B06 Harney, p. 7017. MAN iCU R I NO. rnassag auii iTJiTfii treat ment. 701 8. 24th, bet 10 and i tor appt. Tyler 1038. M4SS FIRIliSR, (ulphur, (team uathk and massage. a'.9 Bran. The. Bldg. P. 1669. MAS BRUOMAN, tiieiitlflu masseuse snd hatha. ZX Ksrbt.nh Blk. Red 2727. MISS SMITH, massulst. Rlttenbous aatil tarlum XlO-314 Bnlrd Blk. VI. 84HS. LtlKLLA WKBSTEh. massage and ruanl curjn til psxton'Blk. Red 2400. BATH and massage. 1S0I Farnam St. Room t. Phone Doilgla I7tl. ALL RIGHT private maternity bom. Brsi far. 206 Bristol Web. 2I0. PR1VATB llnensed maternity bom. 44U N. 88th St Phon Colfax 2043, SCIENTIFIC massage. 630 Be Bldg. Phon Dougla (373. MjUourngnjrmsaD13JI Farnam. It. 19. M18S WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th' E. B"fiio"TT. mass., 702 8. ISth. D.952c7 ' MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 BEE BLDO PII.BS. FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula and ollis rectal disease without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrtte for book on rec lal dlsess snd testlmonlels. WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most ticleutlflo Treatment for (II Diseases. Dr. Cburiv Barnes, 613-6:4 Ros Bldg. examination and Consultation free. He t curing thou sand. WHT NOT YOU? Dcluy are dan gurous. If you can't call. writ. Hour. ( a. m. to I p. m. ; 7:.10 10 3 evenings 8'lnda." by appointment. KCPTURH successfully treated without a surglci '. operation. Call of writ Dr. Frank IT. Wrsy, SOS Be Bldg, Dentists. Dr. Brtdhury, No pcln. 911 W. O, W. Bldg. Taft Pent. Rms.. HOD Rose Bldg. D. lilSfl' Chiropractors. t'rs. Johnston. 1326 W. O. W. Bldg, p. 6629, Dr. J. C. Lawrence Bnlrd Bldg O (401. Horse Live Stock Vehicles. For Sale. ON ACCOUNT of quitting- the dairy busi ness. Three fresn cows with or without calves. Four close sprlnirers. Six cows (Ivlng milk, will calve later on. Thee are all 'good mlikera. Come and take your choice or all of them. Robert Knud son, Tel. Walnut 1952. 601 0 Bedford Ave. FOR SALK Team, harness, and dray wag on. Will soli sepsrsta. Telcphons P'lor snce 387. Florence Express and Transfer company. PIGQY sows for sale, weighing between 150 snd 250 lbs. Call S. 66i, Sunday morning. HORSK, bugio, harness and wagon fr sale. rnonecftlfax 3S35. 390 Vernon Ave ONE freali cow for sal-j and one sow with 6 pigs, and 80 shouts. Mouth 357 8. HORjJESjfor Hals. 1713 Webster St POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR BALE Thoroughbred English Setter pups, 10 weeks old; bred to hunt and re trieve; beauties; cheap. Write for photos and description. 1575 Tatea St., Denver, Colo. KITTENS. An(tor-I'erlan. 424 Farnam St. Phone Walnut 2397' Service Kings. FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks, all ages. Phone Florence 21. GUARANTKED singers, 15; Crown birds. i : femsle. 75c, 2022 St. Mary's. Dg. 17. ENGLISH hull dog, will sell or trade on account of nelghhors. Pnuglas 17 MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE!, plane ind notes as security 140, 6 mo.. M. goods, total cost. 13.50. 140. t mo. endorsed notes, total oost, 12.60. Smaller, large am'tt proportionals rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT. 433 Rosa Bldg.. lt h and Farnam. Ty. i'16. LEGAL RATES LOANS 124.00 1240.00 or mora. Easy payments, Utmost privacy. 140 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2284 OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Robert B. Cain and wife to Peter Gil lespie, Thirty-third avenue. 160 feet south of Kansas avenue, west side, 30x127.6 f 300 Mary J. Warren to Chloc Anenath Havens, Thirty-ninth street, 2to feet south of Urand avenue, east sldf, 60x127 1 Huntings & Ileyden to Ivan Mitchell, Thirty-eighth street, 50 feet south of Redlck avenue, esst side, 100 130 400 Anna Doerwalk to Imperial Invest ntent company. Twenty-fifth street, 63.82 feet north of Leavenworth street, west side, 33.4x132 2,000 United Real Estate company to So phie E. Carter, Hpauldlng wtreet. 150 feet east of Thirty-fourth street, north side. 60x128 2,400 Ms bel A. Pettegrew and husband to Frank E. Slnkey, Larlmore avenue, 152 feet west of Thirty-third street, south aide, 47x111 3.000. , . a . v Charges of Fraud Sustained; British Columbia Now Dry Victoria, T. C. Aug. 18. The prov ince of British Columbia becomes pro hibition territory on October 1, on a law passed by the provincial legisla ture last night, and signed by the lieu tenant governor. The bill passed was a re-enactment of a measure introduced a year ago. This was submitted to a referendum and passed in British Columbia by a majority of 5.000. A vote of British Columbia soldiers overseas was taken, however, and the verdict was upset, the final majority being 800 in favor of the wets. , The prohibitionists then contended that frauds had occurred in the taking of the vote among the soldiers. A government commission sent to Eng land and France to investigate found that many soldiers had voted two or three times and that dead and missing men were also entered as having cast ballots. The legislature decided that the charges of fraud had been suffici ently substantiated to cause the bring ing of the measure into effect. Former Statement of Michaelis Brands Him .Anti-Parliament Man Copenhagen, Aug. 18. Interesting light on the political creed jof Dr. George Michaelis, the German chancel lor, is given in an article which he wrote in December. 1914. for an ob scure religious weekly, which has now been resurrected. It condemns parlia mentarism on the one hand and on the other the selfish policy of the conser vative patty. "What democrat, in view of the' miserable fiasco of parliamentarism in England and of the republican con stitution in France, can demand par liamentary rule in Germany?" Dr. Michaelis asked. "Who will dare to touch the emperor's military au thority: j After paying a tribute to the social ists. Dr. Michaelis rebuked the con servatives, saying they opposed fran chise reform and an inheritance tax to protect their own power and pock etbooks. ' Namer Generals to Replace Those Serving With Troops Washington, Aug. 18 General of--liters to command the departments of the regular army, relieving the major generals detailed to service with troops, were announced today as fol lows: Major General Arthur Murray, western department; Major Gen eral W. P. Duvall, southeastern de partment; Brigadier General John Ruckman, southern department; Brig- , adier General John A. Johnson, north eastern department; Major General William H. Carter, central depart ment, and Brigadier General J. F. Wisser, Hawaiian department. Major General Clarence P, Towns Icy has been appointed to command in Panama. Reno, Nev., Loses Mayor As Result of Army Draft 'Reno, Nev,, Aug. 18. Reno is the first city in the west to lose its mayor in the army draft. Roy Frisch, alder man of the" Third ward, during the absence of Mayor Byington has been acting city executive. Today he was summoned from the mayor's office be fore the exemption board for exami nation. Having qualified physically, he was asked if he wished to claim exemption af a civil officer. Frisch expressed the opinion that there would be plenty of men left for al dermen and mayors, but Uncle Sam seems to be in need of soldiers, and declare' he will not claim exemp tion. Hogs Up Another Dollar On the Chicago Market Chicago, Aug. 18. Hogs which sold August 10 at $17.00 a hundredweight; August 15 at $18.00, today brought $19.00. Receipts of 6,000 head had been expected; 2,500 arrived. The British government is .said to have asked packers to offer ham and bacon freelv for September shipment. The packers have responded with quo tations based on hogs at $20.00 a hundredweight. Chicago Coal Price Hearing Adjourns Until Monday Chicago, Aug. 18. The public hear ing on price fixing of coal by Justice O. N. Carler, director of coal for Illi nois, recessed today until next Mon day. Justice Carter has announced that after the hearing he will set a price for fuel at the mine mouth, un less such power has in the meantime been taken from him through federal action. British Recruiters Have Arrived at San Francisco San Francisco. Aug. 18. The Brit ish recruiting mission to the United States, headed by Brigadier General William A. White, arrived here to night. The mission, whose purpose is to stimulate recruiting of British sub jects in this country, was met at the station by high army officials, includ ing Major General Hunter Liggett, commanding the Western depart ment; his staff, civil authorities and an honor escort of a troop of cavalry. The visitors will be entertained to morrow by army officers. Canadian Breeders Pay $25,000 for Holstein Bull Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 18. Canadian breeders from Alberta closed a deal today with Oliver Cabana, jr., for the purchase of Albina Josie King, a son of Albina Josie. for $25,000. They also took two yearling daughters of Rag Apple Homdyke for $5,000 each. The three animals will form the nucleus of a Holstein herd in the northwest. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Walter C. Nelson to Lewis F. Pieraon, Thirty-fifth street. 297 feet south of Martha street, east side. 43x133.. 3,600 Conservative Savings and Loan as sociation to Lena K. Oreen, Daven port street, B0 feet east of Fiftieth street. south slilr, (,0x135 4,301 . E. V. Inncs and wife to J. P. Hess. southwest corner Twenty-seventh and Hamilton streets, 49x137.3 J.S04) Stanlslaw Mwlnlarskl to Rose Wypych. et at.. Twenty-fifth street, 135 feet aouth of Bancroft street, west side, 2Vxl5s 300 John P. Flynn to Antonio R. Rlxxuto. northwest corner Twenty-ninth and Pratt streets, 30x126 3.(60 :'' " ' :'"'! r.l