THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 19. 1917. 3 C FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. Two nicely fur. front mil.; mod. home; gen tlemen. Well ventilated. 1519 S. !5th. Hill Howard, nicely furnished rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. U20 6. 24TH Coxy front room for light housekeeping. Gas, electric light, water miuiiniu. vu car une. aiaiug aistance Price $3.59. NICE AIRY cool front room with porch . ror two young men or ladlea employed. ivesi rarnam district. 5516 podge. NICK housekeeping rooms to suitable par ties. Very cheap rates If taken at once, ns owner is leaving city. Webster 7616. SL'lTfc: of clean nicely furnished rooms, no opjectton to small children. 2903 Podge. S025 CALIF., 2-rm.. apt., south front; 4 large windows. Gas range and Ice box. :oo VINTON ST. Modern furnished room" Douglas 382. TWO and three housekeeping rooms, 410 n! '.'3d. Apply 301 3 Chicago. f 313 DOUGLAS ST. Nicely furnished house- Keeping room, modern. Hill HOWARD, nice housekep. rma. Reas. Unfurnished Rooms. DOWN TOWN; steam heat; good references required. j IX. I". UULHiB & CO. FIVE partly modern, good yard, shade. Webster 6178. Rooms Wanted. LADY wishes room, furnished or unfur nished, where small child can stay during day. Address Box 8515. Bee.- FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. The Hyland, lath and Nicholas. Steam heat and electric lights, newly furnished apts., $3.50 to (7 per week, including light, water, heat, janitor and maid service. Webster 4067. UNIQUE 4-r. Apts, furnished, complete, $30.00; walking distance. 645 S. 31st. H. 4330. WAYNE 3. rooms and bath $30.00 See Janitor, 603 8. 28th Street. GARVIN BROS.. 345 Om. Nat. Bldg. 4 FURNISHED rooms, bath, gas, heat, light nuu water, ao. u' ;. 33H at. MODERN 7-room house, 115 S. 42d St. O. P. Stebbinn, 1610 Chicago street. Houses. 7 OR 8-ROOM furnished house In Windsor or Field club district; references. Tele phone Harney 2154, Sunday afternoon. FOR RENT HOUSES West WEST FARNAM. DISTRICT HOME FOR RENT. Large modern house with six bed rooms; full lot and garage; on Farnam and Cuming Hues. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 416-41$ Keellne Bldg. Doug. 690. FOR R ISN'T This dandy 6-room, complete ly modern 2-story house, with a fine sleeping porch, at 4105 Dodge St.; will be vacant September 1st. Owner will give from one to throe-year lease. For runlal tall Crcigh, Sons & Company. Douglas 200. WRST FA R.VA.M We have an unusually attractive home In thls"xeluslve district; i rooina.strictly modern; garage; 150; 305 with, sarcge. . ULOVER & SPAIN, (RrjALTOKSl Douglas S02. 913-20 City National. Nine rooms and gurage. West Farnam $61 Eight rms. and garage, West Farnain, $60. Seven rooms and garage, West Harney $00 ALLEN' ft BARRETT 513 Boc. ' Doug. 7768. S-ROOM houiie within one blk. of Black stone, 116 8. 36th St. A. Edholm, Douglas 19iJ. , ' WALKING DISTANCE 2644 Dodge; 8-rm. mod. house: a bargain at $25. Call owner. Webster 4876. FOR RENT 622 8. 27th St., 6 rooms, hot ' water heat, all modern. William McCune, 124, B. 24th St., Telephone Douglas 8162. SIX rooms modern, hot water heat. 116 S. 36th St. $45. ALLEN & BARRETT, 513 Bee, Doutrlas 77HR. 128 8. 36TJI ST.r-J50. Sun parlor and sleep ing porch. Phono owner, Douglas 2221. 3117 BURT ST., ,'nns., all modern, $25.00. 13. H. Benner Co., Douglas M0G. 12-9 N. 37TH ST. 0-room house, modern but heat. $18. D. 2802. SIX rooms, all modern, walking distance, adults. Harney 2049. HOUSE. 2614 Dewey Ave, seven, rooms, mod. Mover Sta. Co., 1611 Farnam St. 10-RuOM house, modern. Harney 647. North. RENT Houee. s. e. cor. Jones and 26th 6t. Perfect condition: nine rooms, laundry, hot water heating, everything fine. Rent $50. Wll not rent for rooming house. Call for key. J. I. KEMP. No. 2412 Jones St. . S-R. FLAT, 2704 Lake, water pd., modern ex. furnace, nice large rooms, porch, $16. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOCT.. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. ' FOR RENT FINE-HOM E. 29th and Fowler Ave.; 8 rooms, mod ern, hot water heat, oak finish. Call owner, Benson 427. ROOM cottage. .modern except heat; first class condition; ten minutes' walk from postofflce. 1147 N., 17th St, 5nE of the prettiest 8 -room houses In Omaha; strictly modern, $35, corner Sher man Are., and Spencer. Webster 2657. 2854 BINNEY ST., 5 rms.. all mod., $26.00. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. 3117 BURT ST. 6 rms., mod., $22.60. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. 1616 SHERMAN AVE., 12 rooms, $33.00. JOHN N. FRF.NZER Douglas 664. SIX-ROOM cottsge for rent at 4219 Decatur. Tel. Walnut 1888. South. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. 2966-70 Woolworth, 4 -room flats, south front on park; newly papered and painted; modern except heat, $12. Tel. Web. 6039. D. C. BUCK. 3202 N. 24th. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, 3208 Poppleton Ave.; $31.50 per month: pos session Sept. 1. J. B. Blanchard. Phone Walnut $748. 1729 S. 28th St.. 6 rms., mod. ex. hL. $20. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. 7-ROOM, all modern, hot water beat, $JJ. 1147 Park Ave. Harney 1829. 8-ROOM Two baths, West Farnam dis trict, $45. Phone Douglas 2947. 1729 8. 28TH ST. 6 rms., mod., $25. E. H. BENNER CO.. P. 8406. MODERN 7-room house. 115 S. 42d St. . O. P. Stebblns. 1110 Chicago street. 1 6-ROOM modern cottage 810 8. 30th St. Har- ney 4351. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN" PARTLY MODERN. 5 rooms. 2811 Douglas St., newly deco rated. Urge yard, good barn, walking dis tance, $16.50. - MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6 rooms. 2618 North 20th St., splendid repair, $19.50. 6 rooms. 2520 North 20th St., good re pair, electrlo lights. $20.50. 6 rooms, 2112 California, very close In, $20.00. 7 rooms, 810 South 25th Ave.,v splendid condition, close In, $15.00. 7 rooms, 626 South 20th St., newly deco rated, no carfare. $25.00. ALL MODERN. 6 rooms, 2638 Seward St., newly deco rated throughout, $18.00. 6 rooms. 554 South 26th St.. good con dition, close In. large yard, $30.00. '6 rooms, 4313 Burdette St., newly dec orated," large yard, south front, close to car, $30.00. 6 rooms. 4232 Douglas St., positively a bargain. $32.60. 8 roams, 816 S. 35th Ave., 4 bedrooms, splendid location, bargain at $25.00. 8 rooms, 816 8. 36th Ave., 4 bedroom, splendid location, bargain at $26.00. 8 rooms, 2669 Douglas St., newly dec orated throughout, good place to rent out rooms. $35.00. 8 rooms. 1823 North 18th St., 45 bed rooms, splendid location, $36.00. DOUBLE HOUSES & TERRACES. 5 rooms, all modern, 609 V South 19th St., 2d floor, dandy flat, special built-in features, front porch, $32.50. FLATS. I rooms. 7141 South 16th St., splen did condition, right down town, $27.60. 4 rooms. 2418 Leavenworth fit., newly decorated, really a bargain at $10.00. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors. 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1016. ilCR 6-r. house, furnace heat, 25th and Chicago. 7-r. house, mod. ex. heat, 25th and Chicago 7- r. house, mod. ex. heat, 28th Capital Ave. 9-r. mod. home, a garage, 28th Capitol Ave 8- r. mod. home, 21st and Webster . JOSEPH O DOHERTY ft SON, 711 Keellne B!df FOR RENTHOUSES. Miscellaneous. HOISES AND COTTAGES MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R.. 601 Martha St $12.50 4- R., 1505 Pierce St 15 00 6- R.. 630 S. 24th Ave 16.09 l-R.. 1909 California SO.OO STRICTLY "MODERN. 5- R., 4803 N. 29tb 6t 118.00 5- R, 3214 Corby St 26.00 6- R.. 642 S. JOtb St 27.60 6-R., 3016 Dewey Ave 37.50 6-R., 4324 Franklin St. 25.00 6- R 132 N. 46th St 25.00 7- R., 36U7 N. 10th St 25.00 S R., 3901 N. 17th St 30C09 S R.. 219 Park Ave 22.60 8- R., 525 S. 26th St 40.00 9- R., 191 Chicago St 35.00 9-R 1004 S. 37th Bt 45.00 10-B., 566 S. 2th St 30.00 10- R., 2221 Dodge St 40.00 11- R., 2621 Harney St.... 60.00 FLATS STRICTLY MODERN 6-R.. "07 S. Joth St 115.00 6-R., 241S Seward St 20.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 10-R.. 706 S. 13th St $45.00 APARTMENTS. STOECKER, , 823 S. 24th St., S-R.. Apt. No. 15 IU and $20 PORTER & SHOTWELL. 202 Sj. 17th St. Doug. 6013. HOUSES ALL MODERN. 918 S. 31st St., 6 rms., $30.00. 1113 N. 23d St., i rms.. $20.00. 3527 Charles St., 10 rms., $25.00. 2604 Templeton, $ rms., $30.00. 291$ Dodge St., $ rms., $35 00. 117 S. 29th St.. 6 rms.. $35.00. 2511 Farnam St., 7 rms.. $47.50. 6147 Davenport, S rms.. $75.00. 924 N. 36th St., S rms., $55.00. 317 Jf. 26th St.. rms.. $27.60. 1610 S. 36th St., 8 rms., $47.50. 1103 Park Ave., 8 rms.. $30.00. HOUSES PARTLY MODERN. 5723 N. 36th St., 6 rms.. $10.00. 1822 N. 20th St., t rms., $17.00. 4140 N. 48th St., S rms., $16.00. 1817 Davenport, S rms., $35.00. FLATS MOD. AND PARTLY MOD. 3021 Sherman Ave., 6 rms., $15.00. 1064 S. 20th St., 6 rms., $15.00. 1056 S. 20th St., 6 rms., $17.00. 1611 N. 24th St., rms., $15.00. 3315 Cuming St., 6 rms., $35.00. 1466 S. 16th St., 7 rms.. $20.00. 2623 Cass St.. 6 rms., $15.00. 1466-68 S. 16th St., 7 rms., $20.00. 1609 N. 24th St., 6 rms., $15.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., REALTORS, Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. HOUSES-MODERN. 5- R. Paxton Court, new, close in, no car tare, $32.60. 6- R. 1911 Spencer, good tocatlon, will be redecorated this week, $30. 7- R. 1011 N. 33, Bemls park, hot water heat, $27.50. 7- R. 3303 Howard, good condition, with or without garage. 8- R., 2218 Binney, light, hot water heat, garage, $26. 8-R. 4604 N. 20, on Prettiest Mile, $35. 8-R. 1114 N. 40, good location, newly decorated throughout. $27.60. HOUSES MODERN EXCEPT FURNACE. 4-R. 2876 Maple, practically new, $18. 6-R. 1409 Parke Wilde, wat. pd. $17. 6-R. 1713 Dorcas, good repair, $16. HOUSES PART MODERN. 3-R. 1203H 3. 11 St., close In, $10. 3- R. 219 Frances, gas, water, $5. 4- R. 1621 N. 34, gas water, $10. 4- R. 2018 N. 35, water, gas, $7. 5- R. 2320 S. 29th St., water, gas, $10. 6- R. 1320 S. 11th, gas, water, $18. 6-R. 2217 S. 18th St., water, gas, lights, $15. SEND FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGC'Y. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney street. Tyler 60. FOR RENT. 3024 Corby St.. 6-r. mod. ex. heat.. $18.00 3109 Pacific St., 7-r. mod. house. .. .$42.50 2621 Capitol Ave., 8-r. mod. house. ,$26.00 201 J Grace St., 8-r. mod. house. .. .$25.00 706 N. 18th St., 6-r. upstairs, mod. except heat $12.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 205 South 18th Street. Douglas 722. REALTORS. FOR RENT. FOR COLORED 6-room comfortable cottage, close In. 2117 Izard Street. $15 per month. FIRST MONTH'S RENT FREE. A good rooming house proposition. 15 room modern house, near Ames Avenue car barn, where several hundred men are employed. Located at 4219 N. 24th St. See J. B. ROBINSON, REALTOR, 442 Bee Bldg. Deug. 8097. 1318 8. 29th Ave. 10-rnis. all mod. $56.00 207 S. 24th St. 16 rms. all mod... 60.00 315 N. 17th St. 10-rms. all mod.. 45.00 2712 Caldwell St. 8-rms. all mod, ex. hPat 22.60 2901 Farnam St. 8-rms. mod ex. heat 27.60 '2011 Sherman Ave. S-rms all mod.. 30.00 645 S. 24th Ave. Srma. all mod.... 30.00 116 N. 24 St. 6-rms. all mod 32.60 3566 Leavenworth, 6-rms. mod. ex. h 22.60 4206 N. 24th St. 6-rms. mod, ex. heat 13.00 543 8. 24th Ave. 6-rms. mod. ex. h. 20.00 648 8. 24th St. 4-rms. gas and wat. 12.60 F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18th St. D. 171. $25.002673 POPPLETON AVE., J rms., modern. $27.60 3723 Spauldlng St., S rms., mod, $36.001123 S. 28th St.. I rms., mod. $40.00 704 8, 24th St., 7 rms., mod. $45.00 3621 Lafayette Ave., 8 rms., far. $50.00 33d and Harney Sts., I rms., very good. $85.00 FARNAM STREET, CLOSE IN, 20 rooms, excellent rooming house. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 3962. . 919-20 'City National. FOR RENT. $25.00 7-R., Mod., 2507 St. Mary's Ave. $27.60 6-R Mod.,.house, 117 S. 27th St. $30.00 8-R Mod. house, i 2122 Wlrf St., garage, W. IV GATES, . i 647 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1292. REALTOR. Web. 2688. EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 662 South 26th avenue, 6 rooms, east front corner, brick, $37 50. 664 South 26th avenue, rooms, $35.00. 2120 Emmet street, 10 rooms and garage, $45.00. S-room all modern bungalow, 2335 Bo. 17th St., $30. All of these In A-No. 1 condition. TRAVER BROTHERS, Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. BMg, 1817 N. 17 1 K St., i rms., gas and bath..$l2 2420 Caldwell St., 7-r., modern 21 2817 Douglas St., 5-r., for colored.... 18 207 8. 28th Ave., 7-r for colored.... 20 2412 Cass St., 10-r., modern 40 2660 Pierce St., 6-r., modern 22 3103 Marcy St., 7-r.. partly modern... 17 BEN80N MYERS CO.. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 746. 1714 Manderson St., 7-r., modern. ., .$26.00 1703 Castelaf 8t., 6-r., mod. ex. heat 16.00 209 8. 27th St., 6-r., part mod 15.00 2014 Bancroft St., 6-r., city water.. 13.00 1909 Castelar, 6-r., city water..... 10.(0 3033 S. 16th St.. 4-r., city water.... $.60 CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. Realtors. ONE 6-rm. Apt., Sterling, 19th and St. Mary's Ave $38.60 2420 Caldwell St., 7-rm., mod., elec. lights 23.50 102 N. 36th Ave., mod., 7-rm 60.00 1807 St. Mary's Ave., 6-rm ,18.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors, 400 1st Nst'l Bank Bldg. T. 600. 1113 8. 30th Ave., 9-r., modern $35.00 706 N. 30th St., 8-r., modern $25.00 1341 S. 27th St., 6-r., modern $22.60 4307 Burdette St., -r., c. w., bath.. $16.00 2632 N. 18th St., 7-r., c. w., bath $16.00 3317 Dewey Ave., 5-r., c. w $13.60 GARVIN BROS.. 345 Om. Nat. Bldg. WE want more bouses And apartments to renU The fact that we- have practically cleaned out our big list la conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Pavne It Slater Co.. "Omaha's Rental Men." 616 Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. 1016, $362026 ST. MARY'S, 1 rooms, mod. $26 zzzo Chicago, 8 rooms, mod. $181660 N. 20th, f rooms, bath. $13.501505 N. 20th, 4 rooms, toilet. Slli 1558 N. 20th, 4 rooms, water paid. ' $10 109 8. 28th, 5 rooms, water paid. RINOWALT. Brandels Theater BMg. CLOSE IN, strictly modern 6-room bunga low, with garage and sereened-ln porch, vacant Aug. 27th, $30 per month; one year's lease, required. EDWARD T. WILIAMS CO.', Realtors, 803-4 Omaha Nst. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 42. 1006 8. 22D ST., $ rms., all mod $32.60 209 8. 13th M., 10 rms., mod. ex. ht 30.00 815 8. 25th St., 3 rms, for colored.. 8.06 BIRKETT COMPANY. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. HOU8E8 and all kinds of rental property, at OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS 4k HEYDEN, 1914 Har. Tyler 10. Houses In all parts of the city. CREIGH, SON 8 CO. 60S Be Bldf. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. 20-ROOM HOTEL. 514 S. 13th St., 4 baths, gas. electric lights and steam heat In bldg.; all outside rooms, (75 THOS. W. HAZEN, 507 McCague Bldg. 52-ROOM hotel, partly furnished, steam heated, $203. GRAND hotel. 13th and Jackson, the fur niture being for sale by present tenant. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Bldg. SIX-ROOM modern bungalow. West Far nam, $27.50. Four larco room apartment, Shermsn Ave. and Binney St. Phone Walnut 243. 8-ROOM modern house. In fine repair, 2544 Davenport street $25 Nine 7-room flat. 1907 Cuming 26 JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. WANTED House for rent. 5 or 6 room?, modern, good local!!'. Reply Ijo Box 647U. Bee, giving particulars. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West WE ARE NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS IN The . "Elwood" OMAHA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. LOCATION Forty-ninth ave nue and Dodge street; the choicest site in beautiful Dundee. THE BUILDING is of the latest type of re-enforced concrete con struction, fireproof and soundproof to the last degree; faced with rich cream-colored pressed brick and elegantly trimmed with white terra cotta. THE INTERIOR is'divided into eighteen units of five rooms each. Every apartment is equipped with incinerators, delivery lockers, out side fill ice boxes, vacuum cleaning service, wall safes and in fact every convenience that will tend towards producing comfort and refinement. The walls and woodwork will be specially and beautifully treated. The SERVICE will be "DRAKE SERVICE," which, of course, means perfection. See Us , Immediately Drake Realty Const. Co. 919 W. O. W. Bldg. Tyler 671. BEAUTIFUL new five room flat, Paxton Court, between Twenty-fifth avenue and Twenty-sixth, Douglss and Farnam, close In, gas range, refrigerator furnished, $32.60. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGCY., HA8TINGS & HEYDEN. 1014 Harney street. Tyler 50. MAE WOOD APT. 26th , and Harney, rooms and batb: high-class, $30.00. OLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 7-R. APARTMENT. $26; winter rate $36; steam heat. Others $18 and up. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 7-R. APARTMENT. $26; winter rate $36 steam heat. Others $18 and up. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. APARTMENTS', all sizes and prices, splen - did locstlon. 24th and Farnam. D 1472. FIVE-ROOM modern apt.; heat furnished, $25 per mo. Phone Harney 1569. MOD. 4-r .Apt. Har! 4141 or Harney 1780. North. 6-r., 3U7 N. 16TH Apartment, heat, water and janitor service, $2$ sum., $33.60 winter HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler 60. 2633 DAVENPORT ST. 4 rms.; hot water heat, $18.00. E. H. Benner Co., D. 8406. ONE elegant 4 and 6-room apt. Phone Webster 7211 and Webster 4328, 909 N. 17th. 6-r., all mod. Apt $27.60 RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. South. The ; Brandon 709 SOUTH 18TH ST. October 1 we will have ready for occupancy twenty-four kitchenette apartment.6 in this beautiful re enforced concrete building. The building is of the latest fire proof and sound proof construction, located within an easy ten minutes' walk of Sixteenth and Farnam streets, and is designed to meet the demand for a small, close-in, con venient unit where housework is ' reduced -to a minimum without the sacrifice of. refinement or comfort. Rates range from $25 to $.32.50 according to location. Regardless of these low rates the Brandon apartments will be run as a first class apartment' house - should be run.' j ,Make Your Reservations Immediately Drake Realty Const. Co. 919 W. O. W. Bldg. Tyler 671. 6-R. FLAT, 2614 W.olworth, modern, excel lent oond.; water paid, $23.50, OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOENCY. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Hsr. Tyler 60, WAYNE 2-rooms and bath $27.00 See Janitor. 603 8. 28th street. GARVIN' BROS.. 345 Om. Nat. Bldg. PETERS TRUST COMPANY . Specialists In Apartment Management. "Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, "OMAHA'S RENTAL' MEN." APARTMENTS. " The Lafayette, 17th Ave., and Jackson St.. Apt. No. 35, I rooms and tile bath, esst exposure, very desirable, $28.50 nm mer. Ekard Court, 31st and Jones sts.. Apt No. 5, 4 rooms and tile bath, splendid condition, beautiful surroundings, $32.60 summer. , " The Portland. Park Ave. and Leaven worth at, Apt. No. 1. ( rooms, and bath, first floor, south and east ex nosure. very desirable, ready September 1st, $45 and $50. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, REALTORS. 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1016. MILTON. New S-r. Apt. with S-r. accommodation, having two built-in beds snd snisll dress ing room, close-in, no carfare, $37.50. OM A HA'8 LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS St HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Tyler 10. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Miscellaneous. 4-R. house, 1408 Ohio St $10.00 4-r. flat. 416 Webster, mod $16.00 6-r. flat. 967 N. 8th St $12.50-$l6.OO 4-r. flat. 867 N. 26th St $ 6.00 4- r. apartment, 2431 Cuming St $12 00 5- r. apartment, "08 S. 16th.. $10. 00-914.00 2-r. apartment, 709 S. 17 th St $ 8.00 X. T. DODGE & CO., Realtors. 15th and Harney. FLATS $19 00, S-r., 1904 S. 10th St., newly dec $12.50, .r., 818 N. 16th St., 'all mod. $10.00, 4-r., 2212 N. 21st St. H. A. WOLF. 514 Ware Block. Tyler S3. 216 N. 2;Mh St., 7-r., modern i4o .00 61 1 S. 35th St., 6-r.. modern $30 00 417 N. 18th St.. 5-r., modern $30 00 2522 Patrick Ave., 6-r., modern , ...$:t.50 1214 S. 17th St., 6-r., c. w $12.00 623 S. 29th St.. 4-r., c. w $12.00 2609 Lake St.. 5-r., c. w $10.00 GARVIN BROS., 345 Om. Nat. Bldg. BERKELUY. " Apartment 1. consisting of largo living room with disappearing bed and small dressing room, kitchen and bath. NEW, renting for $30 summer. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGC'Y. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney street. Tyler 60. STEAM HEATED FLATS. 4 rooms each, every Improvement, ,1an Itor service, gas ranges, to only small fam ilies. 2550-2568 Cuming St. $14 to $18 esch; winter rates $6 extra for heat. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Bldg. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. BUILDING FOR RENT Three-story on a per manent transfer corner manent transfer corner in Omaha. Will rent all or part. Box 6461, Bee. BRAND NEW STORE ROOM , 5823 NORTH 84TU ST. Brand new brick building, with fine store room. 26x50 ft., modern wlndeV's, electrlo light. This Is a splendid oppor tunity for a druggist. In charge of PAYNE & SLATER CO., REALTORS, 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D.1016. Q1MT i ni 1." PAD a AVE-15 V Good corner store, 29th and DilponfV bake oven already In, also shelving and counters, ready to commence business at once, with 4 nice living rooms upstairs, mod. ex. furnace, all for $25. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOeSNCY. HASTINGS A- HBYDKN. 1614Har. Tyler 60. 1411 HARNEYS"TsTor:H of Omaha's bost retail district. 2100 Cuming Street, modern pressed brick store building, corner room, In good location. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 16th and Harney St. rhone Doug. 789. 1728 St. Mary's Ave., 2 fronts. 21x60. .$70.00 1726 St. Mary's Ave.. 18x40 40,00 1219 Fafnam St., 18x47 75.00 311 8. 13th St., 2d XL, 2,300 sq. ft. 85.00 415 S. 11th 8t 65.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. 400 1st Nst'l Bank Bldg. T. 600. LARGE store, 748 S. 16th St., $50.00. Large barn and sheds, suitable for good coal yard or feed barn, on N. ,24th St X.. P. DODGE & CO., DESIRABLE slure room, modern front, metal celling, steam beat, 624-626 So. 16th St.; size 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. STORE ROOMS. 317 NORTH lSth St $26.00 1806 North 10th .'. .$26.00 THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Bldg. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old First Nat Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 600 1620 Cuming St., store room, 2-stury press brick building, plate glass front. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. STOREROOM for rent. Sun Theater Bldg. WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtors). Douglas 6342.' Sim Theater Bldg. 1324 N. 40th St $30.00 1912 Lake St $15.00 GARVIN PROS. 345 Om. Nat. Bldg. SMALL modern store roam, steam heat, 1613 Capitol Ave. Conrnd Young. 3:1 Brandels Theater. Douglss 1671 TWO-STORY brick building. 1J0 Leaven- worth. Reasonable rent. Douglas S4. MODERN 'store, cor. 16th and Cass. Choice location. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 ChlctfSo H. A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk! Specialist In downtown business property. Ill SOUTH 16th Street; steam heal. John N. Frenzer; Dnuitlns 654. N BRICK building, 3 floors, Dodge St., 30,000 sq. ft. E. H. Benner Co,. Doug. 8406. 4718 8. 24TH 8T., So. Side; near P. O. E. H. Benner Co. v. 8400. MODERN store, cor, 16lh and Cass. Choice location. G; P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. MODERN store 16th St., nesr postofflce, $75. a. P. Htebbins, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. PARTY wlfh live auto accessory wants desk space; Farnam preferred. Address Everloe, CLOSE in rooms, suitable for studio, office, dentist, dressmaker, etc., with living rms. adjoining. T. F. Hall, 484 Ramge. D. 7406. CHOICE office space, Batrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. McCague luv. Co. Miscellaneous. i FLOORS and basement, eavh 22x120, facing on Farnam St., for rent aboct September 1, modern, freight elevator; $100 per month. FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors, 400 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. T. 500. WANTED TO RENT Business Properety. WE WANT TO RENT About 4,500 square feet, one floor preferred, must have good light and heat. This is for a light manu facturing concern, but with some heavy machinery. Want location convenient to wholesale and retail, but not in high rent district. Write what you have, stating location and rent in. first letter. Want possession . about Sept. 1st. xddress Box 5201, Bee. Miscellaneous. 8KK 18 ABOUT YOUR RENTAL PROrBRTY. WE GET RESULTS. And we MANAGE property, not sim ply collect renls, and let' the property take care of Itself that's not managing property. ' It's tool what you pay us that count? It's what we pay you and the condition of your property that you should consider. Our rent collection department Is the best In the city snd we cater only to the best class of tenants. Place your renting property In our hands to manage. Call or write us and let us explain ue methods. . OMAHA'S LARGEST 'RENTAL AGCY., HASTINGS t HBYDEN, 1614 Jtar. Ty. 60. REALTORS. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. lift St. Phone Doug- ' laa 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. I7th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 77$5. FIDELITY S FREE Phone Douglas 2S8 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage moving, 16th and Jackson Sts. , FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate loeked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 B. 16th St. Douglas 41 6 8. Globe Van antl Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 210 or Douglas 433$. MOVING AND STORAGE f P RhTfl Express Co., Moving J. J. IW-iUU Packing and Storsfts. 1207 Farnam St Web. 274S. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. West. Beauty and a Bargain Field Club District Owner drafted and must sacrifice ne 5 room stucco bung.nlow. Beautiful oak Irving room and dlnlnv room fire ptaip. hnok cnes. buffet. pl. etc.. Iilroom white enamel, mahogany flntsh'l door-, glaM knobs. Kitchen white enamel, built In features, Bricked linomPnt. furnace, oil burner; $,250. Sec u& at oiu-o as tills will go. 33d and Creighton Ave. 7-room. two story houne. Oak finish down-pine up. Full bnement. hot water heat. A well built house; $.S0O. A splendid bungalow, hard wood, tip-to-dale fpsutres, fine location near 24th and Brown street; $3,400. MODERN bungalow, nice condition, lx rooms, hot water hent, garuge, nour Sher man Ave and Emmet street; $3,650, W. T. GRAHAM, Douglas 1533. Bee l.lulMmg , WEST FARNAM South front on Harney street near Forty-first, a new two story frame snd stucco house. Just finished; dining room, living room, kitchen, combination break fast room and pantry on first floor, three bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch (heated! on second floor: oak floors throughout; osk finish downstairs snd pine finish upstatis. Fine plumbing and heating tlant; (Vo blocks from car line. Will decorate to suit purchaser. This is PR1CE1 RIGHT, BUILT RIGHT AND .LOCATED RIGHT. This surely Is a bar gain; see me about It at once. C. A. GRIMMEL, Realtor 149 Om. Nat'l Dk. B!g. rhone D. 161$. 36TH STREET EIGHT ROOMS One of the finest homes we have ever been able to offer at anywhere near the price. Large rooms splendidly arranged. Modern to the minute. Hardwood finish. Expensive fixtures. Canvassed and artist ically hand painted walla and ceilings In every room In the house. Hot water heat ing plant. Rudd Instantaneoua heater. Screened-ln porch. Beautiful east front lot $0x198 ft. with fine old trees. Price $6, $00. Owner leaving city makes this low figure for quick sale. Call us at once for further particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Company REALTORS. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. SIX ROOMS AND BATH $4,300. Owner is getting ready to move to Cal ifornia, so Is offering you this good, full two-fitory house for $1,000 less than It Is really worth. On the first floor are reception hall, living room, good-slied dining room and kitchen. Upstairs are three good-sized bedrooms and bath, also stairs leading to a floored attic. House hss brick foundation, full-sised basement and first-class hot water heating plant; nice yard, plenty of ahade and shrubbery, and a few fruit trees. Property la located In a good district on Davenport, Just oft 341 h St., and la In first-class condition, and a bargain at the above price. If you would like to Inspect this properly 1 would be glad to show you at any time. JOHN J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Ph. Doug. 96. BUY THIS HOME. Thla Is a completely modern S-room house, with a fine sleeping porch, good fireplace and plenty of good closet apsce. It Is at 4105 Dodge St. and Is on the Dundee car line. Possession rsn be given September 1st. From $300.00 to $500.00 cash and the bnlance monthly. This Is the place to buy If you are looking for a real home. CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 60S Bee Bldg. ' Realtors. FOR RENT Elegant $-room house, on car line and paved street; In west psrt of clly; $06 a month with garage, $60 without. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Realtors 64! Paxton Blk. Douglas 17!:. THE MODEL BUNGALOW OF MINNE LUSA, i 28S6 Newport, built, decorated and furnished complete by Orchsrd & Wllhelm Co. This beautiful little home has fulfilled Its purpose ah au advertisement and Is now to be sold at slightly under cost price. For full details and terms apply Orchard & Wilhclm Co., advertising department. OWNER LEAVING CITY PRICE $3,850 Carpenter leaving city and will sell his beautiful six-room modern home, buffet, flreplsce, speclsl plumbing, etc., choice oak finish, screened porch, comer lot with magnificent view, one and one-half blocks to car. This Is located In one of the new additions northwest. It sure Is a quality home. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. West Farnam District Residence, seven-rooms, three on first floor oak, four on second whit enamel, hot water heat, tiled vestibule and bath, Reasonable terms If desired. ALFRED THOMAS. J06 Farnam Bldg. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Eight-room modern house with sleep lng porch, hsrd wood finish, fine shade, large lot, 60x169, paved street, all paid, one black to car, five minute's walk to Field club, owner leaving city and has made very low price of $6,000; can show property any time. 8. P. BOST WICK A SON, Tyler 1506. 31)0 lle Building. BIG CLOSE-iN SNAP $300 Do.wn, $25 Per Month Seven rooms and bath, xtrlctly modern, lot 33x120, AND THE PRICE IS ONLY $2,400. Don't wait, call, OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'lBkHldg. !?l'i.r 48s- $2,760. 1300 cash. Clear, 6-room modern, artistic house on Franklin snd 43d St. South front. Shade and fruit trees, hot water heat, paved St., half block to car; gas. elec. light, garage. For vnraiit lot or land. You will spprerlnle tills home. . J. Cnnan,3I0Mc'aKUeBlilg. CHOICE West Farnam residence rienr 40th and Dewey Ave. Built and occupier! l,y owner. Best rensons for selling. F. D. JJiLJL.!-8 1 " JL FOR SALE Beautiful bungalow, hot water heat. Call Owner. Walnut 3K94. North. NEW BUNGALOWS 27th and Grand Avenue Have just completed five new and at tractive bungalows at Twenty-seventh street and Grand avenue, strictly modern, osk finish, enameled bathroom, nicely decorated, beautifully fixtures; best of plumbing, kitchen with built-in features, refrigerator room, etc. Have Just sold three of these bungalows to satisfied clients and have two left. Price $3,750, 1-10 cash, balance like rent. This Is your opportunity to secure a new and up-to-date bungalow on exceptionally easy terms. HIATT COMPANY 266-T-9Omsha Nat'lBk Bldg. Tyler 60. TWO MINNE ."LVSA" BARGAINS? Look at the 2 places on Newport Ave. with my for sale signs; look thuiu over thoroughly Inside snd out; then sea mo for price and terms. P. J. T EBB INS (Realtor), D. il3!. 605 Omaha Nat. Lk. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED North. NORTH SIDE BARGAIN New. S-story, 7-room Iioumc, finished be fore the Increased cost of material, on paved street; built for a home by day labor; reception hall with coat clo&el and large mirror; large living room and din ing room with beam ceilings; down stairs Ifinshed In uuar.-sawed oak and beauti fully decoraW in high grade paper; built In buffet and bookcases; butler's pantry and refrigerator room; full cement base ment with floor drsln and stationary tubs: three bed rooms upKlalrs finished in white enamel and binh; mahoitany doors; large closets and linen closet; clothes chute; bed rooms haxe 4 windows each, equal to sleeping porch; larite garden spot with fruit trees and grape arbor; must be seen to be appreciated: small amount cash: balance S" monthly. Colfax tost. ' 3-R00M BUNGALOW 4-ROOM ACCOMMODA TIONS $100 CASH $17 A MONTH 3S.15 Binney street, new, large living room, kitchen, bedroom, bed-closet with Murphy door bed In living room. Cement cellar. Flower boxes, full lot. Price $1,700. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. 1614 Harney St. Phone, Tyler 50. 6 SHERMAN AVENUE 52-FOOT LOT $300 CASH, $32 A MO. This horn should appesl to you. It Is close In anil Is built right. The owner has made a very fair price. Fine shade. Three rooms downstairs and three rooms up stairs. All specials paid. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. MILLER PARK. $300 DOWN, $35 A MONTH. "3-rooni, strictly modern bungalow, oak finish and oak floors; full cement base ment, furnace heat; large corner lot, I block from carllne and 2 blocks from school. Price $3,600. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 1791. 7-ROOM STUCCO HOME OWNER ASKING $6,000 Nearly new, choice oak finish, (taa beau, tlful sun room, large living and dining rooms, Butler's pantry and kitchen oh first floor, three large bedrooms and hath sec ond floor; special plumbing throughout, all the built In features. This home reslly must bo seen to be appreciated. Dandy corner lot facing aoutb and east. Only one block to car. Call . OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. KOUNTZE PLACE. 6-room. strictly modern bungalow. Lo cated 1 block north uf Kounlin park. 3 nico rooms on first, floor and 2 bedrooms and bath on second. Fufnac heat, esst front. Owner willing to sacrifice thla place tor $2,600 to get cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., ' REALTORS. 637 Omaha Nat, Dk. Bldg. 17S1. "SPECIAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN Five rooms and bath, new and up-te-date, strictly modern, oak finish, built In r features, walls all ilecorated, full base. ment Willi Isumlry connectlpna, lot 40x 180, near Miller pari:, Price only $2,950, cash or on terms to lull, or good lot or late model auto taken In exchange. . RASP BROS., Realtors 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 7!1. 1811 EVANS ST. MUST BE SOLD This Is a dandy 6-rnom, strictly all modern homo, nearly now, In excellent cnndlllou; hns giirjigc. Owner has left the city; price cut to $4,000; terms very ensy. Will take a good auto as part pay ment. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglss 3962. 919-20 City jsllonal. ' DANDY" NEW BUNGALOW. ' $100 DOWN. Balunre terms, 0 rooms, all on one floor, nicely decorated, osk finish In living rooms, bedrooms, stairway to floored attic, furnace, all modern, full cement basement, exterior frame and stucco, east front lot, nicely sodded, permanent walks, located west of Fnntenelle Blvd. on 47th Ave., Just south of Bedford. Price $3,900, $100 down, balance mnnthlr. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. 310-311 Brandels Theater Bldg. WE WANT AN OFFER. On a good 5-room cottage, modern ex cept turners, near 26th and Decslur. . Rented at $16 per month. Asking $1,700, 'but don't be afraid to moke us an offer, EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., REALTORS, 303-4 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 420. KOUNTZE PLACE A fine two-story, strictly modern, six room residence, finished In osk and beau tifully decorated. Located 2121 Pratt St. Price $4,000, Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Building. Phono Doug. 4 27ft. BARGAIN COTTAGE A very pretty five room cottage, all modern except hest, largo lot with plenty of trees. Located 4107 North Twenly nlrjth street. Price $2,350. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. A SNAP Modern except hest, 6-rm. house, nice cemented cellar, east front paved street, cement walks; located In the eleven hun dred block on N. 26th St., rented for $29 per month, tenant has been In said prop erty for about 2 years; price $1,760; sea me at once. S. 0. NORDQUIST ' 322 Neville Block. -310-312 Brandels TIiestr Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME Owner forced to sell his new bungalow, of 7-r and bath, strictly mod., tine place, bookcases, sun room, hss a number of special features, built for a home, beautl full lol, 1 blk. to car, street paved, located In Miiino Lush. Owner must leave In u short time, for the east, house cost I'.VIO. Owner Is willing to sll at a Inns and will take $5,000. Hero Is a real bargain. RASP BROS.. Realtors,. 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. SACRIFICE SALE $850 BUYS EQUITY Owner leaving for New York, will sacri fice Ills almost new six room, strictly modern story and half bungalow, six rooms and bath, oak finish, new garage, full lot, one block to car, two blocks to school. Price only $2,660. This Is at least $1,000 cheap. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. CLAREMONT ADDITION, $200 DOWN, $25 A MONTH. S-room, modern except bath, cottage. Located In prettiest part of Claremont ad dition; 1 blocks from carllne,. 3 blocks from school. Price $2,400. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 17S1. NIFTY BUNGALOW Easy Terms. Price $3,300 Flvo Vrioms and bath, strictly modern, all the built In features, nicely decorated lot 42-,xl20, one hlnek to school, two blockx to car. This la brand new and a bargain. OSBORNE LEALTY CO. 70 1 Om. Nat'l Bk. Illdg Tjler490. !020 CASS 2 nicely fur, rms. In modern home; hot water heat. Harney 2576. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. $1,400. Neat 4-r. house In fine condition, on north 35th Ave and Sprague St., block from 24th St. cars, walking distance, close to school snd church, sll homo owners, Inside property and outside price or less, owner going west. $300 and a Ford auto for equity. Investigate. C. J. Canan, Sit) McCague Bldg. FINE 5-r, home. Kirnuce heat, large lot, nice shade, close to two car lines, hand some home for a small family. !5th and Chicago. JOSEPH O'DOHF.RTY & SON, 711 Keellne Bldg. BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 6-rm. house, 2 lots all fenced, largo chicken house ldxSO; a dandy place to raise, chlcksns. Some fruit. Colfax 346. $3,500 6 Rooms snd bath, modern house, barn and chicken house. Lot 65x396. 5911 N. 30th Street. Tel. Col. 4196. South. HANSCOM PARK The Genera) Manderson estate houses are the best bargains we have ever been able to get hold of In the Park district. They are full 2 story houses, with t large rooms, besides hall, bath and full base ment; they have hardwood floors through out, birch doors (that can hardly be bought at all now), equipped with com plete storm, windows, screens; hot water heater, separate fruit room, with helves, and extra toilet In basement; there are large shade' trees, streets all paved and paid In full: only a block from East or West Side park car, one block from the park, and S blocks from the new Parte school. Priced to aell quickly at SS.SOO. on any reasonable terms. Only two left now, 3004 and 3006 Poppleton Ave. HARRISON & MORTON, ' REALTORS, tit Omaha Nat. Flank Bldg. ' DID YOU KNOW IT That the Rosewater achool la the aee ond best In Omaha and eornera with the New Muller Home. Addition. The only case of lta kind In the city el Omaha. It la located Just In the center between Omaha and South Omaha, and only one block to street ear. Paving, walks, shade trees, water, gss and sewer all In and paid for. Price low. Hernia: Long payments, essy. C. B. Schleicher, S146 8. 16th St. Tyler 0t. DON'T YOU WANT A HOME? Six-room, modern house for ale. Hanacom Park district. Block from ' street car. Owner must sell, leaving city. Harney 7160. FIELD CLUB BUNGALOW New six-room bungalow, all rooms on first floor. Oak finish, full basement. .'floored attic, large 46x175 ft. lot. Price m.iju. ai.stiu casii. HIATT COMPANY 245-7- Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldf. Tyler t0. CREIGHTON'S 1ST ADD. 6 rooms, large living room, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor, two nice bed rooms and bath on Id, plenty of closet room, nicely decorated, oak finish In liv ing rooms, bouse but year old, all modem, esst front lot, paved street, close to school: price $3,300, $300 down, balance $30 per month. Located 2363 S. 35th Ave. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. S10-S13 Brandela Theater Bldg. $2,760. WILL you buy a snap If It Is a snap? The lot alone Is worth $3,000. A 6-room house on So. 30th St., between Mason and : Pacific Sts. $300 cash, bal. monthly. Hanscom Park Place, All public Improve ments. Best residence district In city, C. T. 'Canan, 310 McCague Bldg. ONE' 6-room and oue 4 -room cottage, both on one lot; fin condition; live In one and rent the other. Price for both, 13.750. Very essy terms. No. 2488 8. 20th St. '' NORRIS NORHIS. 400 Bee Bldg, Phone Douglas 4270. 127 S. -34TH ST. (Turner Blvd.) S rooms, modern, 13,600.00. AU clear. 'Will sell on terms to suit. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 929-30 City Nat. , D. $63. $1,100 BUYS house and lot renting at IU on S. 15th St, Owner leaving city. F. D, Weed 310 S 18th 'St. R. 8. TRUMBULL, lit Vat. Bk. Bldg. 1306 D. 1734. Miscellaneous. BRAND NEW CLASSY. . BUNGALOW Six-room classy bungalow; paved streetj near oaf; all specials paid,. Price $4,000; reasonable terms, terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Realtors 642 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1733. 10-ROOM modern house for only $2,900.00; hsrdwood floors throughout; arranged for two families with two bath rooms; lot 60 xl24 with a garage, at 2115 Emmett St. $-ROOM i mdern house, oak finish; four sleeping . nms, finely decorated, east front lotj 62x13 '"It'i a good garage. Owner-leaving- the .!:. u:.d will aell on very easy terms. ,W. H. GATES 4T Omasa National Bank Bldg. ' D. 1294. REALTOR. Web. 268S. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE At tractive 1 5-room house, 4 tile bath rooms; high location; beau tiful lawn; splendid large gar age; walking distance; fine resi dence for large family or fash ionable rooming house. Box 6459. Bee. BARGAIN Five rooms, paved stret. neir',car; Una neighborhood. Prito $3,250; reasonaba BENSON & CARMICHAEL Realtors . 642" Paxton Blk. ' Douglss 1722. BARGAIN Wo liavo two cottages, one" five room and ono four-room, oth In good condi tion und a bargain at the price, $,2,769. You can live in one of these cottages and make the property pay tor Itself. ( NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Building. Phone Doug. 4370.' $5,000 BUYS FINE ACREAGE HOME Seven-room modern house, one acre ground, about two blocka from street car; high, sightly location; plenty fruits, gar dru space, chicken house, steei laws fence; easy terniit, B. 8. & R. K. MONTGOMERY. 627 City National Bldg. FIVE-ROOM house, all modern, oak finish in living room and dining room. Walks In, shades und electric fixtures and water meter Installed; In fact, ready to move In". This is new; never been lived In. Seld six in this location. Will sell at a bar gain. This Is located so that It Is an ldeat homo for anyone working out from the Vinton street ham or the Plerco street barn. For further Information ace Traver llr.ttlterM. SIS Vlret Vnrlnnul Unnlr HI, lor IIO.MKS foH, men of -moderate mcuna all pur, a of city. Kasy terms. U. T. STEBBINS. 16 1 Chicaao.y t