Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 11

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3 B
Council Bluffs
Social Activities
Airs. Thomas Metcalf entertained
the members of the Garden club at her
home, Elmridge, Tuesday afternoon.
The picnic lunch was followed by the
regular club work. A paper on "Prep
arations for Winter," by Mrs. F.
Meyers was found exceedingly inter
esting and practical. Each member
of the club then told of the flowers in
her own garden which could be
classed as autumn annuals. August
23 Mrs. Meyers will entertain the
club at her home on Park avenue.
Miss Jennie B. Carter and Mr. Mar
ion F. Riche, both of this city were
quietly married at 1 o'clock Monday
afternoon by Rev. A. Overton.
Announcement has , been made of
the marriage of Miss Clara Peterson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. b. reter
son, 213 Logan street, and Mr. George
I. Hackl at rremont Monday after
noon, Mr. and Mrs. Hackl will make
their home in Omaha, where M
Hackl is employed by the Cadillac
The Central chapter of St. Paul'
guild met at the lake Tuesday after
noon. The regular work of the guild
was taken up and most of the after
noon was spent with Red Cross work.
Mrs. Grover DeBar entertained the
.members of the J. K. club Wednesday
afternoon. 1 he. first prize at SUO
was won by Mrs. J. G. McMahon and
the consolation by Mrs. Ed Williams,
The club guests were Mrs. W. R.
Thomas of Malvern and Mrs. Stephen
Conner. After the game a two-course
luncheon was served on the porch.
Mrs.-Wade Smith will entertain the
club on August 28.
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Brunt
entertained twelve guests at dinner
at the Country club Wednesday eye
ning in honor of Miss Dorothy Head
ley of New Bedtord, Mass., who is tn
sruest of Miss Clara Hart.
The Misses Gertrude and Elsie
Tinley entertained at luncheon at th
boat club Thursday for Miss Dorothv
Meadiey. me luncneon wos louowea
bv a Tnittinjr party.
Members of the Women's Golf club
played a handicap match Wednesday
morning in which Mrs. Gage won the
orize offered bv Miss Shirley Moore
The putting match was won by Miss
Mildred Morris. Hereafter the play
will begin at 10 instead of at
Thursday morning Miss Lillian
Kuhl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Math
K.uhl, 129 Glen avenue, and Mr. J. L,.
R. Lawton were quietly married at St,
r-rancis Xavier s church. Ihe cere
monv was performed by Rev. F. P.
McManus. Miss babena bhomers ot
Harlan was bridesmaid and Mrs. P,
M. Kuhl, brother of the bride was best
man, Atter the ceremony Mr. ana
Mrs. Lawton left for an automobile
trip and expect to visit Mr. Lawton's
people at Jefferson. After a two
weeks' trip they will be at home in
this citv.
Mrs. B. Darnell entertained about
twenty members of the.mother' and
teachers club lhursday atternoon.
No business was transacted, the aft
ernoon being portly social and the
time was spent with kensington work.
The Women s auxiliary ot the Let
ter Carriers association held a picnic
at the lake Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Brandt Crocker, Mrs. Harry Allen"
a"nd Mrs. Fred De Groat won prizes
in the games played. Supper was
served at 6 o'clock in Shady Grove
and the husbands were invited to be
present September 19 the auxiliary
will hold its regular meeting at the
home of Mrs. A. B. Klein on Damon
Mrs. W.'E. Dawson and daughter,
Mrs. Arthur Mayne, left Friday eve
ning for Denver for a months visit
with friends. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Dawson's sister, Mrs. A. Roy
Moore, and her daughter.
The Misses Ann and Hazel Walker
left Monday evening for California.
Miss Ann will visit her sister, Mrs.
G. O. Voeeler. in Santa Rftsa for the
winter and Miss Hazel will return to
the California School for the Deaf in
Berkeley, where she is teaching.
Miss Emma Devries, m. ;s been
visiting Mrs. Samuel Comer, returned
last week to her home in Washing
ton. D. C.
Rev. Harrv Foster is spending his
vacation of a few weeks in Estes
nark. Colorado.
A daughter was born last week
to Mr. and Mrs. George M. Tunison,
oils Webster street.
A son was born last week to Mr,
a-d Mrs. Arthur Cooley, 5200
Webster street.
Misses Ida Roberts of Cedar
Falls, la., and Miss Margaret Condit
of Atlantic, la., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Rov A. Ralph.
Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Lampe, their
sons, Rev. Henry Lampe, Rev. Wil
liam B. Lampe, and Kev. Willard
Lampe, a nephew, Rev. George Winn,
and a brother-in-law, Rev. Walter
Eckman, with their families, are hold
ing a reunion at Bellevue college.
Other relatives from different parts of
the country will join thenv this week.
Mr. C. C. George has returned
from a trip to Wegnetousing and
other Lake Michigan resorts.
Mrs. C. S. Ely and son and daugh
ter left Tuesday to visit relatives on
farm near Neola, Ja.
Mrs. J. B. Archer left Tuesday with
her three children to spend the re
mainder of the summer in Denver,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Orange have
moved to a cottage at Forty-fifth and
Cuming streets.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C." Pancoast and
children have returned from a motori
trip to Minnesota. . . '
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby left Mon
day for Chicago.
Mrs. W. S. Robinson returned Mon
day from a trip to St. Louis and other
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Blair have
bought and moved into the house re
cently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Ralph at 4905 Davenport street
The Ladies' Aid society of the Bun
dee Presbyterian church spent Thurs
day working at the Red Cross rooms
in the army building.
Mrs. MaryE. Van Gieson enter
tained five guests at luncheon Tues
day at Happy Hollow club.
Miss Calista Kerr entertained a few
young women at her rooms Monday
, Mr. T. L. Combs has returned from
a ten days' business trip to Chicago.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Bacon left
Thursday evening for the east with
the remains of Dr. Bacon's mother,!
Mrs. Mary Bacon, who died at her
son's home, after a long illness. The
deceased was a member of an old
i ii
I I ocrcty mies I
New England family, and had been
prominent in many women's organi
zations. Burial will be in the old fam
ily home at Beddeford, Me
Mr. Laurence Dodds is in Chicago.
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Johnston .have"
gone to Nebraska City before return
ing to their home in Goodland, la.
Mr. D. L. Johnston left for the
east on business during the week.
Mr. and Mrs., J. M. Opper and
Miss Edna Opper have taken the
house at 4917 Chicago street and are
moving into it.
Mesdames J. F.' Anson and H. G
Anson entertained at luncheon at the
rBlackstone Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bell motored
to Lincoln and back the last week.
Miss Pearl Minftick entertained at
a luncheon at her home Tuesday in
honor of Miss Eunice Ensor of De
troit and Miss Mabel Swingley of
Neligh, Neb. Covers were laid for
Miss Evelyn Born of Plattsmouth
is a guest at the home of Miss Edna
Mrs. R. L. Robinson has returned
from a few days' visit in Central City.
L. P. ,Byars has gone on a trip to
San Diego, Cal.
Mrs. John Herbst is in Bethany,
Mo., where she was called by the
death of her father.
The Presbyterian Christian En
deavor society will hold its picnic
next Wednesday in Elmwood park.
Mrs. Fred McVicker has returned
from North Bend, where she was
called by the death of a brother. ,
Mrs. William Coryell and son are
spending a couple of weeks with rela
tives in Chicago.
Mrs. Henry Wester, Misses Caro
line and Olive Lawrence and Helen
Edgerton, who have been guests at
the Earl Deane home, have gone to
Central City for a visit before re
turning to their home in South Da
kota. Mrs. Joe Wranch was hostess for
the Good Times club at her home
last Thursday.
Mrs. Ed Yarton has gone for a
month's visit in Kansas.
Mrs. A. Slagle, Tekamah, is a guest
at the home ot her son, Kichard
Roy Young.- son of Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Young, has passed his examina
tion for the engineering corps to go
into training at Fort Riley in the
next encampment.
The Methodist Sunday school held
its annual picnic in Riverview park
Saturday afternoon. Two cars were
chartered to take the children.
MisS Edith Calvert is home from
the hospital and recovering from an
operation for appedicitis.
Miss Jessie Kellis returned batur-
day from St. Paul, Minn., where she
spent a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Maud Pearson ana daughter,
Irene, have returned home from Ce
dar Rapids, la., where they spent the
The Order of Viking will hold a
picnic today at Carlson s tarm, on
west Main street.
Miss Cecelia Jacobberger was host
ess for the Wide Awake club at her
home Thursday evening.
Mrs. M. Marhuser, who has been
visiting her daughter, leaves today
for her home in Lo AngeleB.
Mrs. Henry Johnson wui entertain
the English Lutheran Missionary
circle at her home next Thursday. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paddock have
returned from a motor trip to Sioux
Citv. Miss Veda Paddock, who has
spent some time there, accompanied
Miss Bernice Dunn entertained a
house party for the week-end. The
guests: Misses Arlene Smith of De
Sot a; Vera Holt, Lincoln, Neb., and
Hazel Mowzer, Red Oak,, la.
Mrs. L. A. Simons entertained at
lunch Wednesday. Covers were laid
for Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Green, Fresno,
Cal., and Mrs. C. W. Childs and Miss
Henry Thomas.
Mrs. G. W. iredale entertained at a
theater party in honor of Misses Lu
cille and Mildred Smith of Lincoln.
The guests were: Mesdames E. I.
Rogers, N. H. Tyson, H. O. Wulff,
E. A. Mason. H. V. Jeffrey and W. A.
Daughter of Jesse James
. Secures License to Wed
Edgar Woodruff, 46 years old, who
ays claim to coast-to-coast pedestrian
championships, and Lillie M. Owncs,
44 years old, who says she is a daugh
ter of Jesse James, notorious Mis
souri bandit, obtained a license to
wed in county court Saturday morn
ing. Mrs. Ownes lives at 1116 North
Seventeenth street. Both of them
said they loved to walk and had
walked to love.
This method for removing superfluous
hair is totally different from pastes and
rub-on preparations, which merely remove
hair from the surface of the skin, just like
The only common-sense way to remove
hair is to attack it under the skin. De
Miracle, the original sanitary liquid, op
erates on this principle. It alone contains
certain ingredients which give it the power
to rob hair of its vitality. It does this by
DeMiracle works equally well for removins
air from face. neck. arms, under arms or
limbs to prevent it from showing through
Insist on the genuine DeMiracle. It Is the
only depilatory that has a money-back guar
antee in each package. In 60c. SI and S2 bot
tles at all toilet counters, or direct from us
in plain wrapper on receipt of price.
itttlS booklet mailed in Plain sealed en
velope on request Write for it today and
read it before you make another application
of any depilatory. DeMiracle Chemical Co.,
Dept. D, Park Ae. and 129th St, New York.
We find you can brine out the
beauty of your hair to its very best
advantage by washing it with can-
throx. It makes a very simple, in
expensive shampoo, which cleanses
the hair and scalp thoroughly of all
the dandruff, dirt and excess oil,
leaving a wonderfully clean, whole
some feeling. After its use you will
find that the hair dries quickly and
evenly, is never streaked in appear
ance' and is always bright, soft and
fluffy; so fluffy in fact that it looks
more abundant than it is, and so soft
that arranging it becomes a pleasure.
Just use a teaspoonful of canthrox
which you can get from any good
druggist, dissolve it in a cup of hot
water, this makes a full cup of sham
poo liquid, enough so it is easy to
apply it to' all the hair instead of
Social Gossip
just the top of the head. Adv. ,
West Ambler v
Social Activities
Mrs. Alice Smith of Kearney is
with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Pittman.
Mrs. R. Benden and children of
Council Bluffs, who leaves for Cali
fornia soon, is making a farewell
visit to her sister, Mrs. Frank Potter
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Holland have
taken the J. W. Berger bungalow
home on West Poppleton for the
rest of the year.
Jule Jackson returned Thursday to
the hospital for treatment.
Master Perry Smith is the guest of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Smith in West Side during the
absence of his mother, Mrs. Charles
smith, in Chicago.
Mrs. Claude Stewart, Galesburg,
111., arrived Tuesday to be the guest
of her cousin, Mrs. Hans Skow and
Mrs. John Blake returned Wednes
day to her home in Eckerman, after
spending the summer in Friend, Neb.
Miss Martha Garman returned Fri
day from Blanchard, la., and will
spend the rest of the month with Mrs.
A. Slater in South Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodgers and
family - have gone to visit relatives
in Akron and Brush, Colo.
Virl King left Saturday to spend
his vacation with relatives in Super
ior, Neb.
J. snd L, Tracy arrived Friday
from St. Louis to be week-end guests
of their mother, Mrs. C. B. Tracy.
The homes of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Oleson, Fortieth and Arbor streets,
and that of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.
Potter on South Fifty-sixth street,
have been brightened by the arrival
of sons.
Miss Clara Carsten is spending the
A Piano in
To Mothers-
Have you been worrying about keeping the
young folks at home?
Analyze it a little. Almost invariably
when the youngsters go out evenings you
will find they go where there is music
that's what draws them.
Keep them at home by putting a real at
traction in your home. An APOLLO player-piano
will not only furnish music for the
older children to dance and sing, but will
be an inspiration to the little tots inter
est them in music at the most receptive age.
Just as a child will learn French more rap
idly with a French governess in the home,
a player-piano in your home will hasten the
musical progress of your children and en
able them to learn more rapidly.
We would like to talk this over with you.
Your old piano is as good as cash in pur
chasing a player. A visit to us entails
absolutely no obligation. Come in.
Our lines of pianos and player-pianos represent
trie finest, most dependable makes in the world.
Piano, $225 up
Grand, $465 up
Term If
1513-1515 DOUGLAS ST,
summer at the farm home of her
brother, A. Carsten, west of South
Miss Evelyn Rossig spent the week
with Jormer nest bide friends prior
to accompanying her father to their
new farm home north of Florence.
Charles Barnes arrived Friday
from Cleveland, O., to accompany his
wife, nee Miss Myrtle Blake, to their
new home in Cincinnati, O.
Carl Long, wife and sons. Carl, jr.,
and Ralph, and sister, Miss Elsie
Weisenberg, went to Gretna the first
of the week.
Mrs. William McMurray left Wed
nesday noon to spend a few weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B.
Rogers, in Waverly, Neb.
Louis Barr left Friday evening to
spend his vacation with his family at
the old home in Dansville, Mich.
He will return about September 1.
Lewis Bruce and family have re
turned to Ashland after spending a
few weeks with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Bruce.
Mrs. George Snell and two sons
left Thursday to spend a few weeks
with relatives in Albion and Haskins.
Mrs. Julia Fay gave a party Wed
nesday afternoon in honor of her
daughter, Miss Isabel's birthday.
Mrs. Otto Wreith will entertain the
West Side Woman's Christian Tem
perance union at her home, Fifty-first
and Mason streets, Thursday after
noon. Mrs. P. D. Hartman, Atchinson,
Kan., who has been the guest of her
son, James, and sister, Mrs. A. M.
Pittman, for two weeks, went to Mil
lard Thursday and will then return
to her southern home with her son,
P. Hartman and family in their auto.
Mrs. George Baldwin entertained
the West Side Kensington at her
home on" South Fjfty-sixth street
Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Gwenoldine Wolfe returned
Wednesday from Chicago, where she
Every Home I
Player-Piano, $375 up
Player Grand, $950 up
hi la
rryft n
attended the-summcr school special
izing in kindergarten work.
Miss Margery Walker and twin
sister, Grace, who have been spend
ing the summer with relatives in Lin
coln and Genng, have returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gerkin and
son. Glen, jr., returned Thursday
from their two weeks' auto trip to
South Dakota.
Miss Oma Smith, formerly of West
Ambler, was married recently in Sid
ney, Neb., to Claude Urling. They
have gone to Wray, Colo., where Mr.
Urling owns and operates a grain
Mrs. Hans Nielson entertained ttie
following guests Friday in honor of
her daughter, Miss Jane's birthday:
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielson, sr., Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Nielson, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Christiansen: Messrs. Robert
Wahlstrom, Bert McManeal, Donald
Schaff, Richard and Robert Nielson
and Miss'Sadie Christianson.
.. 2sm With our picnic supplies we took along i I I'Vj-jt'lri , n ""vSCirel f1 1 Jl
JRVI BUTTER-NUT Coffee. This made our cup ffe2 f j I Til i I1ViVHIB U I i$lHl
7wJ v i of Rood cheer, which completed each meal 1 1 4r fi 1?eniiiflT All wr IFiI WiiTi'irT Df JBi"
sVifWflCl - ' of our Jerfect days ot outin- .EbII jPv!!$ : '
v J aljt j i ' An essential to any picnic or outing, or to IjR wa &$k v. 0, MBWw I 1 t
1 I your every day meal is coffee. Let that cof- r 0jna vL (Olflr l!r(c2v (CS MMm ll i
III fee be BUTTER-NUT. A good way to make IJJ.f Wa , lU t?&.. fwirfflji.
Al, I coffee at the camp, Is to put BUTTER-NUT J -V Wf ' D eRci O VWjQw
Ail I Pnfffifi. efound. in a small cloth baa:, (about OiI-.j.t5 GAS RftA;TFD BV wVC .
M half a pound to a gallon of water), leaving &XT0K A(lALIAGHER CO.- tii
V HI ' plenty of space in the bag to allow the cof- 'faajjk '. Omaha neb. iO&aJJlj
s II fee to swell. Have the water boiling, drop
A . In the bag of ground coffee and allow to BvBWH CO frprrl ' ' rft N " ' A
' lS boil further for a few minutes. You will then aKt tl
IwW have not only a delicious, but a clear cup jtgjilM
I . """Coffee
PI - Delicious1
' ' i 1 1 gsissaBa.
t i mm i
trimming collars I J
and cuff. " "
Lieutenant Greevy Leaves
for Service in France
Jules 'Greevy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Greevy, 2914 Hickory
street, departed Friday night for
France, where he will engage in sig
nal service work for this govern
ment. He is the first Omaha boy
with a commission to be ordered to
foreign service. He is first lieuten
ant in the signal corps.
J. Ervine Brandeis Goes to
Ranch; Is Ready for Call
J. Ervine Brandeis, young Omaha
millionaire and head of the Brandeis
interests here, left yesterday with
his wife for his ranch at Jackson Hole.
yo.. where lie will remain until he
is called to take his place in Uncle
Sam's army. He was one of the first
men drafted and the second man to
take his physical examination.
"Of course. I will ko." said votine
Brandeis. "I will go like any other
man. Mrs. brandeis and 1 will rus
ticate on the ranch until I am called
which will by probably September
is or JU.
Says Roads Will Be Able
To Handle the Troops
General Passenger Agent Hollcn
beck o the Missouri Pacific, with
headquarters in St. Louis, is in the
city assisting it the lining up of a
troop movement. Mr. Hollenbcck
sees an immense passenger movement
in the near future, saying that in the
main it is going to be the transporta
tion of soldiers.
"While it is going to tax the rail
roads to move the troops within the
time required by the government, 1
think they will be able to do so."
Crude Oil Advances
Ten Cents Per Barrel
The L. V. Nicholas Oil company
has received notice that crude oil-has
advanced 10 cents per barrel, mak
ing a barrel now cost $2.
So far the price of gasoline has
not been affected by this rise, but
an upturn would not be unexpected,
the oil men declare.
The List Kopt (Ironing.
"I suppna people ask you a treat many
foolish quxstlons In th courxu of a day," '
Furs Reach
of Popularity
25 to 33 Discount During August
The feministic vogue of the past season
for fur capes, coats and short wraps is one
of the most interesting repetitions-in the
Fashion World for autumn and winter. We
have made a host of charming designs from
Kolinsky, Mink, Hudson Seal, Siberian
Squirrel, Taupe Nutria and other popular
furs at prices ranging from $45 to $600 for
coats; neckpieces, $5 up.
We have refurnished and enlarged our
retail showroom and are displaying the
most exclusive models and largest stock
of furs in the city. -
National Fur Tanning
SSrtg Omaha .
remarked the traveler.
"Oh. yes, replied the young man In chars
of an Information b!inau. v
"What are you Jottliitr down In jrou
book ?"
".lust a numliiT. You're Iho eishly-sev-ntli
pet-aon who Iimh asktd me a foolish
question today." Hlrmliichiim Age-Herald.
art A
a dash or lemon
quenches tlw
most irritating tkirst!
. Sanatorium
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings, situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted; the other Kest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treat
ment of select mental eases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and spqcial. nursing. Adv.
The Pinnacle
Nebraska '" 1
DM6 h