Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages.
CITY anil farm loans pormitiy made. Rales
5. and 6 per cent. Reasonable com-
mission, i
11 1 South 17th. Omaha. Neb. .. !
$1,800 MTUK.. bearing 6 per cent seiui-ali- .
nually, Secured by property valued at i
34,250. Talmage-Loomis Inv. Co.. W. O. j
b'ARM and city loans, running from five
to twenty years. Interest t per cent, 6ty
per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST
CO.. 1622 Farnara St.. Omaha. Neb.
MONEY to loan ou Improved fanm ana
ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha.
Money on hand (or mortgage loans.
City National Bank Bldg.
SIX per cent first mortgages secured by
Omaha real estate. E. 11. Lougee. Inc..
533 Keeline Bldg.
?ARM and city loans, 6, 6H and 6 per cent
W. H. Thomas'. Kecllne Bldg. Doug. 1648
dels Theater Bldf. D. 686.
O' K EEFE R. E. CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat.
MO TO 110.000 MADE promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sis.
W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg.
O ,0 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
Om. Nat Bk. Bldg.
O ,0
Stocks and Bonds.
LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment
securities, Industrial stocks.
860 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
represent prompt pay insurance companies.
610 Brandcls Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.
Minnesota Lyids.
240 ACHES 4 MILES from Minneapolis,
near two good railroad towns; one-half
under cultivation; balance used tor pas
ture and bay; can practically all be cul
tivated; good soli; good set buildings, this
land will produce 60 bushels of corn per
acre: country Is thickly settled; complete
set of machinery; 27 head of stock, con
sisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2 year
olds: 4 good horses. I' 5 hogs, chickens and
everything on tlia farm goes at $65 per
acre: 16.000 cash; tmmedite possession
ran be Had. Schwab Bros.. IOCS Plymouth
Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Michigan Lands.
mr. farm Renter.
Farm Hand or Wage Earner, do you
Intend to work lor someone else all your
life? What do you think you will do
when you get old? Right now is the time
for you to prepare for your future. Get
a good piece of land of your own, where
jou will be independent of a boss. 1 will
sell you a good 10. 20, 40 or 80-acre tract
at $15 to 135 per acre, on easy terms.
These lands are located in Michigan, near
good tewns, schools, and are within a
short distance by lake or rail of Chicago,
Milwaukee. Grand Rapids, Detroit. Write
for my free llterauro describing the lands
fully, and my easy purchase plan. George
W. Swlgart owner. J1252 First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.. Chicago. 111.
Idaho Lands.
LEFT Few choice homesteads for farming
in Idaho. Hall. 203 Sonna Bldg., Boise,
lrliiho. -
Nebraska Lands,
S . S 1 0 Acres. Lincoln county, all fenced,
solid body, good Improvements. 4 miles
loading station, main line Union Pacific.
400 acres corn, 300 acres small grain. Bal
ance hav and pasture. Price $12.50, terms.
A. A. PATZMAN. 628 Securities Bldg.
400-ACBE stork farm, located 1 mile from
town, $10,000 improvements. Would take
in stock of goods as part payment AV. II.
Harding, Meadow Grove, Neb.
320 Al'llES, Holt Co., Neb.: black loam soil,
' all level, 100 acres "tuler plow; $12,800;
mortgage $4,400; trude equity for Omaha
property, clear.
A. . PERRY. 602 Baxton Blk.
SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments
b acres up. We farm the farm we sell
vou. The Hungerford Potato Growers'
association, 15th and Howard Sts.. Omaha.
Douglas 8371.
There has been listed with us for sale
some of the choicest Indliin fnrms In Knf
county. Inqulro Santee State Bank, Ban
tee, Neb. '
SEE us fn- western Nebraska wheat lands.
You will save money by buying through
usv White ft Hoover, Omaha 'Nat'l T.
ItiO ACRES Improved, two miles from town;
a bargain at $115. Wnto Box 206, oaKlana,
Oregon Lands.
Of the northwtst and Jordan Valley
r.xcurainn Aueust 28th. Free sleeper.
A farm home and business combined
that will enhance yearly in value.
Learn your rishts under the different
M0 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb,
PROPERTY Thirty miles from Portland,
Oregon, for Nebrarka land, or good busi
ness. Box 150. Bee.
Texas Lands.
FOR SALE 40,000 acres agricultural land
sixty miles San Antonio, colonization prop
osition, $15 per acre, Mates, ine cam
more. Houston.- Texas.
GOOD corn land, east Texas, $25 an acre.
Get my free book,
W. S. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha.
WANT TO BUY Improved 80-acre farm
within 20 miles of Omaha. .dox biiS,
Bee. '
New Seven-Room House
Beautifully finished seven-room, strict
ly modern home; four bed rooms one of
which is a sleeping porch; fireplace. Book
cases, uto. ; full deep basement, splendid
lot on one of highest sections of the city,
lose i" new Henry Yates school and
Presbyterian church, Farnam car. This is
a snap for quick sale.
701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496.
Country Club Sacrifice !
Six Rooms Modern, Garage
Full lot, new house; owner moves to
New York this week and says cut price
from $3,750 to $2,750; $950 cash will han
dle; only one block to car, two blocks to
school. Call
701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496.
West Farnam District
Residence, seven-rooms, three on first
floor oak, four on second white enamel,
hot water heat, tiled vestibule and bath.
Reasonable terms if desired.
SOS Farnam Bldg.
Working Man's Chance
$150 Down, $20 Per Month
1 Good seven-room house, nice lot 50x99,
.near 44th and Davenport, only two blocks
to Farnam tar. Price for quick sale $2,000.
701 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler. 496.
Owner Leaving City Must Sell.
6-room, strictly modern, full 2-story house.
Three rooms on first floor finished In oak.
Three bedrooms on second floor; 200-bar-rel
cistern, soft water. Less than one
block from good car line. One block from
Miller Park school. Lies high and. dry.
Would consider good automobile or lot
ihd some cash.
Payne Investment Company
ifmaha Nut Bk. Bldg. D. 17M.
4-ROOM bungalow, neurfy new. for sale.
Will take cheap auto as part of first
payment; house has fireplace, buffet
kitchen cabinet, cement basement fur
nace and electric lights. Will sell cheap
if taken at once. Phone Walnut 2014.
, Write Box 6522, Bee.
2SS6 Newport,
built, decorated and furnished complete
by Orchard & Wtlhelrn Co. This beautiful
little home has fulfilled Its purpose as an
advertisement and Is now to be sold at
slightly under cost price. For full details
and terms apply Orcharl& Wllhelm Co.,
advertising department.
27th and Grand Avenue.
Have Just completed S new and attrac
tive bungalows at ITth Street and .Grand
Avenue, strictly modern, oak flntsh, enam
eled bath room, nlcel- decorated, beau
tiful fixtures, best of plumbing, kitchen
with built-in features, refrigerator room,
etc. Have , Just sold 3 of these bungalows
to satisfied clients and have I left. Price
' $3,450 to $3,760. One-tenth cash, balance
like rent. This Is your opportunity to se
cure a new and up-to-dat bungalow on
exceptionally easy terms.
145-7-9 Oman 'Kat. Bank. , Tyler CO.
2418 Larimore "
$50 CASH
Monthly payments Include Interest.
House has six rooms, modern except heat,
in good rcpHir, on- full south front lot
close to car line. Some fruit. Price (2,400.
1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50.
Beautiful Stucco Home
Seven larira rooms and bath including
fine sun room, all the built-in features,
exceptional plumbing, finest of materials
and workmanship, all built by day labor.
Located on choice corner lot, south and
east exposure, one block to car, close to
schools and churches and Kountze park.
For appointment to see. call
701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496.
New North Side Home
Price Only $3,300
Five nice rooms and bath, strictly mod
ern, oak finish, attractively decorated,
bookcases, fireplaces, ohlna cupboards,
cy.; double closets off each bedroom;
full cement basement; guaranteed fur
nace: only one block to school, two blocks
to parks and car. This home is a dandy
for the price.
701 Cm. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496.
Have 6-room house, -modern except heat,
nice cemented cellar, east front, paved
street, cement walk; located In the eleven
hundred block on N. 28th St.; rented for
$20 per month; tenant has been In said
property for about 2 years; price $1,750;
see me at once.
. 322 Neville Blk.
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
NEW 6-r. bungalow, strictly mod., built-in
buffet hnd cupboards, oak finish, high
grade plumbing, furnace heat, dandy lot,
1 block to car and school. Price for quick
sale, $2,959; easy terms or would consider
Ford ear or some other light car as first
RASP BROS.. 210 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721.
6-rm. house, 2 lots all fenced, large
chicken house 30x30: a dandy place to
raise chickens. Some fruit. Colfax 346.
1516 SHERMAN avenue, 12 rooms, $13.00.
Hanscom Park District
Price Only $5,750
Splendid sevep-room modern home, built
by owner, oak finish, nicely decorated,
has sleeping porch and all modern con
veniences, full brick and tile foundation,
choice 60x140 east front lot on boulevard.
This Is a -snap.
701 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 496.
Large living room, dining room and
, kitchen first floor, 2 bedrooms and bath
on second floor, plenty of -closet room-,
decorated, house but 1 year old, paved
street, close to school, located at 352 S.
S5th Ave. Price-$3,300, $300 down, balance
$30 per month. Here is a chance to buv
.- a Dome easy.
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
TRACT, 132x264, minus 16-foot alley; Im
provements cannot bo duplicated for less
than $15,000; on Martha street between
33th and 14th streets. House, 14 rooms,
In excellent condition. Will sell for $10.-
000 cash, because family now consisitlng
or only live persons
1305 1st Nat Bk. Bldg.
D. 1734.
Stucco construction, 6 large light rooms;
oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price
$3,800. Easy terms. Another new build
ing for $3,650. Call Douglas 1722 days.
Walnut 1580 evenings.
ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both
on one lot; fine condition; live-In one and
rent the other. Price for both, $2,750.
Very easy terms. No. 2433 S. 20th at
400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270.
A TRACT of ground laying Ideal for poultry
raising: 260-ft. frontage; price $810; $50
cash. $12.60 monthly. Call D. 8598.
SPLENDID brick residence to trade for im
proved farm near Omaha. G. P. Steb
bins, 1610 Chicago.'
Real Estate and Insurance,
1320 Farnam St D. 1064.
REAL ESTATE Investment.
620 First National Bank Bldg.
TRACKAGE Fine site on B. M. R. R. Size
. 96x165, en be bought cheap. C. A. Grim
mel. Phone Douglas 1615.
WILL exchange for clear city property. In
one or all, 160 acres near Fullerton, Neb.,
improved, at $150 per acre; 160 acres
- near Beatrice, Neb., at $130 per acre;
110 acres Irrigated land near Garden City,
Kan., at $125 per acre. Phone Owner,
Harney 927.
SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rock and Dundy Co
Improved ranches, clear, for sale or ex
change. S. S. & R. B. MONTGOMERY,
Douglas 4810. 527 City Nat Bank Bldg.
$50 AN acre buys ISO-acre farm 15 miles
from Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel.
Doug. 4212. Residence phone Doug. 6778.
WANTED A lot or a used Ford for equity
of $500 In 60 acres of unimproved Wiscon
sin land. Mrs. Lawson. $809 Wirt St
ACRES 160 Well Improved; value $12,000;
loan value, xd.uuu; trade for mdse.,
Stephen Merc. Co., Garnett, Kan.
INVESTIGATE my system; Omaha Realty
Trading Co., 18 Patterson Blk. Tyler 255.
REAL ESTATE Unimproved.
Great Bargain
6 lots. 44th and Harney,' $2,500.
me quick.
G. P. 8TEBBINS, 1610 Chicago.
AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 300 dif
ferent buyers decided that It was the best
proposition ' on the market and they
backed their judgment by buying lota.
IF YOU will come out today you will
understand why the others are buying.
742 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187.
DUNDEE $5,750
Have Just, listed a very well built home,
with sun room, living room, dining room,
kitchen and den on the first floor: fonr
nice bedrooma on the. 2d floor; all oak
finish and nicely decoratud. Full lot with
garage and driveway. Extra gnnd value.
Douglas 39C2,
919-20 City National,
Lot Taken as First Payment
On New Dundee House
Hers Is a chance to convert your lot
Into m brand new, attrsotivt, T-roorn
home and pay the balance monthly.
The price of the property Is way be
low present cost prices.
We will show this place at your con
venience. GEORGE & COMPANY
Douglsi. -76S. city Nat. Bk. Bldg.. -
Well located lots on easy terms. Mod.
ern. attractive homes. Before buying be
sure and see
GEORGE & CO.. . .
HOMES and horns sites to Dundee. ,
SHULEU ft CART. tfl4, Ksetlne. P. BftTa.
DON'T list your farm with us it you want
to keep It
Don't list your farm with us If you will
not sell at a BARGAIN. We have buyers
who want to buy and pay spot cash.
If you want their cash list your farm
with us at a price, we can sell to them.
Doug. 93TL 423 8. 15th St.
MODERN ffome on Plnkney or Evans 8t.,
west of boulevard, nearly new, not over
$4,000 cash.
Dougv 8862. 938-50 City Nat. Bank.
WE have several good reliable buyers for
6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with
$200 to 3509 down. Call Osborne Realty
Co.. Tjicr 496. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank
LISTING houses to. rent oi sell on small cash
payments; bave parties waiting. Westers
Real Estate. 418 Ksrbaoh Blk. D. 3607.
IF you want quick action on your prop
erty, list it with nic.
LIST yuur u and 6-room houses with Ed
ward K Williams Co., 101-103 Omaha
Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420.
LET us sell or rent your property. Tern
pleton Olson Co., 603 Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020.
ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you.
Laird St. Wabste 20S9.
Samuel Zlotky to Mary Zlotky. Thir
tieth street, 199 feet south of PraU
street, east side. 49.76x120 $
Bedford P. Thieband and ' wife to
Elisabeth Erlewlne, Eighteon street.
SO feet south of Grand avenue, ea.t
slue, 40x128 60
uisaoein nrlewlnc and husband to
John J. Leahy, Eighteenth street.
80 feet south of Grand avenue, east
side. 40xl2S 400
Michael Clark, sheriff, to Peter
Grangrasso, northwest corner Reed
and Halcyon avenue, 125x128...... 100
Harriet I. (ilpe and husband to Victor
H. Baring, Twenty-ninth street, 80
feet south of Woolworth avenue,
west side, 50x102 1,400
Victor H. Baring and wife to Ben D.
Seeiey, Twenty-ninth street, 60 feet
south of Woolworth avenue, west
side, 60x102 1,500
Walter L. Selby and wife to Andrew
Hartm, Fiftieth avenue, 100 feet
south of Izard street, west side.
50x63 .i 3,760
Lewis F. Pierson and wife to Elmer
A. Glass, Haskell 'street, 200 feet
west of Thirty-first street, south
side, 50x128 3,200
Denis Behan and wife to Anna Spel
lecy, Popplcton avenue, 63 feet east
of Twenty-sixth street, north side.
31x100 1,000
Elinors 31, Mayo and husband to Mark
A. Schwerln, Twentieth street, 100
feet south of Laird street, west side.
' 60x144 650
Marlon L. Ward to George G. Gulnter,
California street, 100 feet west of
Fifty-first street, north side, 60x1 28 1,600
Edllh C. Baxter et al to Anna J. Ben-
fett, Twenty-seventh avenue,, 124
'et south of Chicago utreet, east
side, 28x66 1,600
Albert J. England and wife' to Carl A.
Larson, northeast corner Thirty-first
and Castelar streets. 47x126 1
John F. Flack and wife to Lynn Hancock,-
Forty-fifth street, 137 feet
south of Buggies street, east tide,
Ht. Louis Live 8twk Market.
St Louis. Aug. 14. Cattle Receipts, 6,!00
head; native cattle, higher; southerns.
Strong: fla.tfv beef Btferf, ' $7.60H.T5;
venrllnas steers anil heifers, $8.6014.OO;
cows $6.00!gil0,00; stockers and feeders, $0.60
9.50; southern steers, $6.0012.25; beef
cows and heifers, $6.60'9.fi0; prime yearling
steers and heifers, $T.5010.00; native
calves. $S.OO18.00.
Hogi Receipts. 4.700 head; market.
higher; lights. $17.25fil7.B5; pigs. $11.25
16.26; mixed and butchers, $17.20 17.75 ;
good heavy, $17.70 17. SO; bulk of sales,
Sheep and Lambs1 Receipts, 8,100 head;
market, Steady; la'nvbs. higher; $10.60
15.35; clipped ewes, $8.008M.OO.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 14. Cattle Re
celpts, 16,000 head; market steady: prime
led steers, f 1 3.75 14. 60 ; dressed beef
steers. $11.00i913.50; western steers, $9.50
12.70: southern steers, $7.25rtpll.60; cows,
$5.75(3)10.00; heifers. $7. 5012,60; Blockers
and feeders, $7.0012.0Q; bulls, $6.258.50
calves, $6.50(812.00.
Hogs Receipts, 6,500 head; market
higher: bulk of sales, $16 6(ft l7.50; heavy.
$17.00 17.60; packers and butchers. $16,766)
17.60; light, $16.00(317.26; pigs, $12.60
12.76. ,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,600 head;
market higher; lambs, $15.00016.25: year
lings, $10.0012.00; wethers, $9.00011.00;
ewes, $8.6010.00; stockers and feeders,
Chicago Lire Stock Market.
Chicago, Aug. 14. Cattle Receipts. 5,000
head; market strong; native beef, $8.00
14.60; western steer, $7.00(g12.60; stockers
and feeders, $6.009-25; cows and heifers,
$4.60(&12.25: calves, $9.5014.B0.
Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head; market
strong, with $17.75 a new high price record
for one small lrtt ; bulk of sales, 16.70ffl(
17.60; light, I18.OO017.6O; mixed, $16.00
17.70; heavy. $15.9"8.17.65; rough, $15.90
16.15; pftfs, $11.75(&15.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head;
market strong; wethers, 7.76(ff 11.25; ewes.
$7,003 9.75; lambs, $10. 5O016.2O. V
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis, Aug. 14. Flour Fancy pat
ents and first clears, declined 27c ; quoted
at $13.50 and $11.60, respectively. Other
grades unchanged. t
Barley $1.15?M.40.
Rye $1.94W1.95.
Bran $33.0035.00.
Wheat September. $2.04i; cash: No. t
northern, $2.852.90; No. 2 northern, $3.80
2.$0; No. 2 hard Montana, $2.70$f2.80.
Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.731.75
Oats No. 3 white. 59(g) 60c.
Flaxseed $3.403.46.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City, Aug. 4. Cattle Receipts, 700
head; market strong; beef steers, $7. 50
13.75: fat cows and heifers, $6.60'5,11.00;
canners. $5.256.50; stockers and feeders.
$7. 00 ft 9-. 00: caves. 18.OOD12.50; bulls.
stags, etc., $6.0013)9.00; feeding cows and
heifers, $0.007.00.
Hogs Receipts, 8,500 neaci: market io(!
16c higher; light $l.S0'g)H.88; mixed,
$18.55(8)17.00; heavy, l.t5l.80; pigs,
$13.0018.50; bulk of Bales,- $16.40016.80.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head;
market 1525c higher. ''..,
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
St. .Tosenh. Aug. 14. Cattle Receipts. 2.-
000 head; market strong at 10(15c higher;
steers, $8.O014.OO; ' cows and heifers, $5.50
13.00; calves, $a.ooPll.ut.
Hogs Receipts. 5,000 head:' markst 15c
to 25c higher; top, $17.60; bulk of sales.
$16.7517.25. - - , : ... , .
Sheep and Lambs Receipt, head;
market 25(a)50c higher;, lambs, .$9.70J)15. 75;
owes, $G.O09.4f). - - ,
" I'
Kansas City Grain Market.
Kansas City, Aug. 14-Wheal No, 2
hard, $2.252,7i; No. 2 red, i'iJtb; Septem
ber, $2.16. ,
ComNo. 2 mixed, t,745l.?7: No. 2
white, $1.85; No. 2 yellow, $1.771.10; Sep
tember, $1.62; December, ' $1.16;' May,
Oats No. 2 white, 63 64c; No. 2 mixed,
60g2c. v -
New York Produce Market.
New York, Aug. 1. Butter Market
steady; receipts, 4.721 tubs; creamery, 40
41c; firsts, 39jH0c; seconds, 3738Hc.-
Eggs Market firm; receipts, 12,302 cases;
fresh gathered extras. 42c; extra firsts, 40
41c; firsts, 37 39c; seconds, 34 638c.
Cheese Market firm; receipts, 3.518':
state fresh specials, 23 14 c; state average
mn, 22'4 1)23 '4c;
Poultry Dressed: market irnt; chlckenn,
19026c; fowls, 'ii2;V4s; turkeys, HfgSSc.
Kansas City Produce .Market.
Kansas City-, Aug. 14. -Rutyer 'reanierv,
38c; firsts. 36c; seconds, Stic; packing. Ho.
Eggs Firsts. 53c: seconds, 26o.
Poultry He.ns, I7c; rooster, 12c; tiroll-
(era, is J 2 2c.
Light Run of Oornfed Beeves
Drives Prices Up 15 Cents;
Hogs Jump Up Quarter
to 30 Cents.
. Omaha, August 14, 191T.
Receipts werer Cattle.- Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday ...... 8.881 .fc97 9,087
Estimate Tuesday .600 1.560 7,800
Two days this week. .14,481
Same days lt wek..lf,878
Same ilays 3 week afol,MS
Same days 3 weeks Sgoll.HS
Same days 4 weeks age-9. 024
Same d.ays last year.. 19. 971
Rscelpts and disposition of live stock at
the t'nlon stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for
twenty-fojir boars ending at 8 o'clock p.
ra yesterday:
Cattl Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C M. St. P 3 6
Wabash . A ; . .....'. .. 1 - ...
Missouri Pacific ... $ i
Union Paclfto 43 19 26
C. t N, V east.. 2
a & N. W weV.. (4 "' 7 l 1
C, St P.. M. & O... 1 7
C, B. & Q., east ..7 t
C B. A Q., west ..lit 25
C, R. I. P., east. $
C. R. I. ft P., west. 1
Illinois Central
Chi. Gt. West 1
Cattle. Hogs.
.. S37 839
' 759
Morris & Co
Swift & Co ,
Cudahy Pack. Co.
Armour 4 Co. . .
Schwarts & Co. .,
.. 737
. .1,386
98 0
J. W. Murphy:
Lincoln Pack. Co
S. O. Pack. Co. S
Cudahy, K. C.
W. B. Vansant Co...
Benton, Vansant & L.
Hill & Son
F. B. Lewis
J. B. Root & Co.....
J. H. Bulla
Rosenstork Bros
F. O. Kollogg '.
Werthelmer A Degen
H. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
Rothschild & Krebs..
Baker, Jones & Smith
Banner Bros
John Harvey
Dennis & Francis ....
Jensen & Lungren . . .
Other buyers
Totals 7,00$ 6,881 8,31
Cattle Receipts of cattle were not as
liberal as dealers expected, about 6,600 head,
and the two days' supply in fully 6,600
sh.-rt of the same two days a year ago
Offerings included scarcely any cornfed
beeves, but the few that were here sold
rapWly at higher prices. On the grass beeves
market was active and fully 1015o higher
than yesterday, best grassers selling up
around ,
Cows and heifers were also In active re
quest and lS(P26o higher than Monday. Sup
piles were moderate and the demand very
keen, both from killers and feeder buyers.
Veal calves, bulls, etc., were just about
steady. t
Business In stockers and feeders was de
cidedly active. Both yard traders and
country buyers had liberal orders to fill
and the very moderate offerings forced tham
to pay stiff prices for anything they wanted
In general stock cattle and feeding steers
are selling $1.0061.10 higher than ten days
or two weeks ago.
Quotations on rattle: Good to choice
"beeves. $1326 14.16; fair to good beeves.
$1 1 Bo iff 18.00 ; common to fair beeves, $9.80
Cll.OO; good to choice yearlings, $12.6061)
13.60; fair to good yearlings. $11.00 12.00;
common to fair yearlings, $9.0011.00; good
to choice grass beeves, $10.00912.60; fair
to good grass beeves. $8,004x9.60; common to
fair graBS beeves, $4.75 a 7.75 ; good to choice
heifers. 63.00iff9.50; good to choice cows,
$7.6013)8.60; fair to good cows, $6.7607.60;
common to fair cows. $5.0006.60; good to
choice feeders, $8.2699.26; fair to good
feeders, $7.0098.00; common to fair feeders,
$5.7597.00; good to choice stockers, $7.80
98.50: stock heifers, $6.6097.75; stock
cows, $5.6097.26; stock calves, $8.509.60;
veal calves, $8.00012.00; bulls, stags, etc,
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
32 663 $6 60 1...,.,.. 900 $7 00
17 686 7 40 10., 934 7 80
10 738 8 26 9 780 6 60
2........ 800 9 25 8 104$ ( 60
HT. E. Frybetaer Wyoming.
3 steers.. 1080 10 25 6 cows. . ..1104 8 25
John G, Davison South Dakota.
7 steers.. 956 8 26 4 cows.... 977 T SB
The Brock Co. Wyoming,
10 cows.... 983 6 10
H. A. Wolf Wvomlns.
7 heifers. 691 .8 00 8 steers.. 648 7 60
C. Morgan Nebraska.
29 steers.. 1214 10 10
C. EJ. Wright Nebrs ska.
28 steers.. 726 7 50
R. V. Pflster Wyoming.
32 steers.. 864 8 00 11 steers. . 1670 1 40
F. G. Hesse Wyoming.
15 steers... mo 10 60 4 cows. . ..1062 t 10
E. Burnett Wyoming.
38 steers.. 1097 10 60
Smith Bros. Wyoming.
7 cows.... 902 6 60 3 calves.. 123 9 00
J. R. Taylor Nebraska.
2 steers. .1050 8 60 20 steers. .1091 2 35
49 steers.. 1221 10 65 S calves.. 413 t 00
(cows.... 910 7 25
17 cows.... 962 7 76 30 steers. .1025 I (0
18 steers.. 1101 10 oo
8 cows... .1076 8 00 3 heifers. 906 7 26
4 heifers. 952 8 50
Hogs The hog run was still very mod
erate, though receipts were somewhat heav
ie rthan yesterday. Prices again advanced
sharply, being quoted anywhere from 10c to
30c higher. Shipper grades showed the
short end of the advance, while packer hogs
were In many cases as-much as 25c to 30c
up. The bulk sold from $16.40 to $16.70,
and the top reached $17.10, a new record.
Everything was cleaned up In gotid season.
jieprcsemauve sales; g
No. A v. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr.
76. .190 40 16 26 66. .175 ... 16 85
76. .321 400 16 40 60. .230 40 16 45
79. .211 40 16 60 69. .233 70 16 65
76. .215 150 16 60 85. .336 200 16 65
64. .212 ... 16 70 65. .310 ... 16 76
58. .180 ... 16 80 76. .192 ... 16 85
60. .254 ... 16 90 63. .302 110 17 00
72. .247 ...17 05 64. .256 60 17 10
Sheep Packers were entirely shut out In
the lamb trado today and a few head of
natives were all they were able to get. These
cost $16.25, and the trade was nominally
ooc higher. Practically every range lamb
here went to the feeders, who paid prices
that were generally 4075o higher than
yesterday, bulk of the offerings selling from
$16.15 to $16.76, the latter price breaking all
records. Sheep were lacking.
Quotations on sheep and Iambi: Lambs.
fair to choice, $15.76916.25: lambs, culls.
$12.00915.00; lambs, feeders, $16,759
16.76; yearlings, fair to choice, $10,009
11.60 : yearlings, feeders. 1 $10.00912.00:
wethers, fair to choice, $10.00911.00; ewes.
fair to choice, $8.6099.60; ewes, nulls and
feeders, $s.608.00; ewes, breeders, all
ages, $8.60916,00.
Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin.
Temp. Rain-
9,567 1(,87
14.87(1 14,8(1
19,779 22.I8S
17.614 19.K10
23,571 9,814
1M93 29.SS4
High. Low. fall.
. 83 66 .02
.. 80 6S .00
. 78 60 .00
.. 87 65 .00
. 68 49 .87
. 89 50 .00
. 85 69 .00
.. 84 62 .04
.. !6 53 .00
.. 82 Hi .11
.. 71 60 .25
.. 83 60 .00
. 84 55 .00
.. 72 68 .10
,. 81 63 .00
.. 81 62 .00
.. 78 68 .00
. 83 62 .07
,. 88 66 .00
.. 80 64 .00
Ashland ....
Auburn . . . .
Broken Bow
Columbus ..
Culbertson ..
Falrbury . . .
Fairmont ...
Grand Islnnd
Hartlngton .
Hastings ...
Holdrege ..
ilncoln ....
North LOup ,
North Platte
Oakdale ....
Omaha '
Red Claud
Valentine .
Summary of the corn and wheat region:
Showers "occurred , In Oklahoma, Kansas,
Ohio, northern and eastern Indiana, easlfn
Kentucky, southern Nebraska and central
South Dakota; the ..amounts exceeding one
Inch at three stations in central and south
western Kansas, at two stations In Ohio,
nd one . each In Indiana, Oklahoma and
Kentucky, being moderate to light else
where. There was little change In temper-
ture. and maxima were belovr to. except
In southeastern Montana., and, portions of
North Dakota.
, iL. A. WESIL Meteorologist
St. Lonls Grain Market.
Ht. l.ouis, Aug. 14 Wheat No. 2 red,
82 2.38;. No. 2 hard, $2.83; September,
$2.0f. - - i
Corn No. S. $l.73'4; No. 1 yellow. $1.77:
September. $1.61;. December, $1.1314 1.15U.
Oats No. 2. SI'iSJSV; No. -2 whit,-12Vj
White Corn Scores Sharp Ad
vance of Five to Nine Cents
After Two Days of To
Omaha, August 14, 1917.
Wheat arrivals continued extremely light
today with prices quoted Several cents be
low the market of the previous day while
corn arrivals were moderately heavy and
prices en this cereal scored rather sharp
advance, me market ruling generally from
6o to 9c above yesterday's prices with the
bulk of the offerings selling around 9o high
er. The demand for corn seemed to be very
good and sellers had very little difficulty
in disposing of their offerings on the ad
White corn continued to sell at premium
prices over the yellow while the yellow In
turn sola at a fair premium over the ordi
nary run of mixed corn.
The sales of the better grades of white
corn were msde at $1.8f1.84H while the
yetiow ranged from ii.7itfi.77 and the
mixed sold generally at $1.7191.74. The
trade In oats was not very active, although
receipts were moderately heavy and the
market mm with prices quoted from steady
to Ho higher.
Rye was fairly active with prices quoted
several cents uower while barley was dull
with no arrivals and prices on this cereal
were quoted nominally unchanged.
Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to
63.000 bushels; oats. 150,000 bushels.
Primary whest receipts were 939,000 bu,
and shipments of 615,000 bu.. against re
ceipts of 1.971.009 bu. and shipments of
l, 888.00 bu. last year.
Primary corn receipts were 476.000 bu.
and shipments of $25,000 bu.. against re
celpts of 409,000 bu. and shipments of
i3,iH'o ou. last year.
Primary oats receipts wre 1.185.000 bu.
and shipments of $49,000 bu.. against re
ceipts of 3,292.000 bu. and shipments of bu. last year.
Wheat. Corn.
Chicago 137 204
Minneapolis 213
Duluth 1
Omaha 3 t; 36
Kansas City 108 to 47
St. Louis 115 46 62
Winnipeg 214
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $2.66;
5 cars, $2.60. No. $ hard winter: 1 car,
$2.61; 1 car, $3.60. Sample hard winter:
1 car (poor), $1.85.
Rye No. 3: 1 car. $1.80.
Corn No. 3 white: $ cars, $1,844; 1
car, $1.84; 1 car, $1.82. No. 4 while: 1
car, $1.8314. No. I yellow: 1 ear, $1.76.
No. 3 yellnwi 1 car. $1.77; cars. $1.78;
3 cars, $1.76: 1 1-6 cars, $1.74; 1 car, $1.71.
No. 3 yellow: 3 cars, $1.76. No. 6 yellow:
1 car, $1.75. No. 3 mixed: '3-6 car, $1.80;
1 car (near white). $1.78: 5 cars. $1.74; $-5
car (near white). $1,74; 7 cars, $1.73; 6 8-6
cars, $1.72. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near
white), $1.80; 1 car, $1.74; 3 cars, $1.73;
2 cars, $1.72; 3 cars. $1.71. No. 4 mixed:
1 car (near white). $1.7$; 1 car, $t.7S4; 1
oar, $1.73; 1 car, $1.7014, No. 6 mixed: 3-5
car, $1.72. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.71 H;
1 car. $1.71; 3 cars. $1.70.
Oats No. 1 white: 1 car, 63c. No. 2
white: 1 car, 6314c; 1 ear, 68H0. Standard:
3 cars. 62c. No. ,8 white: 14 cars. 6114c
No. 4 white: 1 car. 61tc: 1 car, 61c. Sam
ple White: 1 car, 61c; 1 car, 60 He; 10 cars,
Omaha Cash Prices Whest: No. 2 hard,
$3.6892 6$; No. $ hard, $2.6092.61. Corn:
No. white, $1.8291. $414; No. 3 white, $1.82
91.83H: No. 4 white, $1.81 H 91.83H ( No.
3 yellow, $1.7191.17; No. $ yellow, $1,709
1.76; No. 4 yOUoW, $1.7091.75; No. 2 mixed.
$1.7191-74; No. 3 mixed, $1.7091.74; No.
4 mixed, $1.6991.7814. Oats: No. 2 white;
62i9624c; standard. 61H962o; No. 3
white, 6196114c; No. i white,. 60 14 961 Vie.
Barley: malting. $1.361.40; Nb. 1 fed,
tl.3KWl.30. Rye: No. 2, $1.7891.80; No. I,
Local range of optional
Ai t I Open. High, Low. Close. Yes.
Wht. I
Sep. t 13 I 13 20$ t 03 203
Doc. 1 15 1 IS 116 1 IS 11$
May 1 14 1 14 114 1 16 114
Sep. 6814 69 til 6814 $H H
Dec. I 60 I 6 ml 69 6914 $1s
Chicago closing prices, furnished Tbs Bee
by Logan & Bryan, slock and grain brokers,
315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha!
Art. Open, High. Low.) Clos. Yes."
Wht 1 j i '
Sep. 2 0$ t 06 30314 . 2 04 204
Dec 1 16 1 11 114H 1 UK mm
May 113 1 1314 11214 113113
Oats. '
Sep. 1744 6314 0714 67 57 4
Deo. S7T4 $li 67 $7T4 6714
May' 61 6114 t)'i 1 60ft
Sep. 43 10 43. 10 43 60 42 90 43 45
Oct. 43 80 43 30 42 60 43 80 48 30
Sep. 33 60 23 7314 23 83 23 67 H 21 70
Oct 22 8214 22 86 22 47 32 8314 21 83
Sep. 23 70 23 70 23 63 28 TO 23 46
Oct. 22 4214 23 45 23 26 2.1 60 23 90
Peace Proposals lead to Much Belling, but
Supplies Fads Awayi Market Closes Nervous,
Chicago, Aug. 14. Notwlthstsnlng that
peace proposals led to much selling today In
the corn market, the rapid fading away or
immediately available supplies proved much
more than an offset. As a result, prices
closed nervous, 14 1140 net higher, at
$1.16 for December and $1.18149113 for
May. Wheat finished steady at unchanged
figures, $2.04 for September. Oats gained
'4c to U90 net and provisions varied from
the same as yesterday's close to 660 down.
Word of the new peace move led Imme
diately to something ot a sotback In prices,
but the ascent of prices Was not long In
terrupted at any time, and the attention of
traders appeared to be centered chiefly on
the readiness with which all offerings were
absorbed, whether for Immediate or future
delivery, in this connection, tne rsct was
noted that with feeding demand on the In
crease, total stocks In sight had shrunk
646,000 bushels within a week and now
aggregated but little In excess ot a third
of the total a year ago.
Wheat trading was at a complete stand
still the greater part of the session, as far
as futures were concerned. Appearances In
dicated that In accord with government
policy, all outstanding deals soon would be
settled. Price changes were too slight to
ave any special significance.
' Talk ot export business at the seaboard
tended to lift the oats market Corn
strength was also a bullish influence.
Provisions broke sharply, despite an ad
vance In hog quotations. Free offerings of
lard from Important sources were respon
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
$3. 252.26; No. 8 red, $2.2092.26: No. 2
hard, $2.4592.61; No. 3 hard, $2.3092.45.
Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.8691.84; no. I yel
low, $1.80; No. 4 yellow, nominal.
Oats No. i white, 6414 966c; standard,
Rye No. 2. $1.8591,88.
Barley $1.1091-42.
Seeds Timothy, $4.0097.50; clover, $12.00
Provisions Pork. $42.90; lard, isz.&onr-
22.65: ribs, $23.45922.95.
Chicago, Aug. 14. Buttor ingner;
creamery, 86939e.
Essrs HlKher: receipts. 11,687 cases;
firsts, 3298314c; ordinary firsts. 2803014c;
at mark, cases Included, 2TA933c.
Potatoes Lower: receipts, 60 cars; Vir
ginia, barrels, $4.2694.86; Jersey and Mary-
and. 81.50&1.60: Minnesota umos, si.iuip
1.45; home grown, 31.4091.10.
Poultry Alive, nigner; iowis,
20 c; springs, 20925c.
Coffee Market.
New York, Aug. 14. An early decline in
coffee futures was followed by rallies on
firmer late cables from Brazil and scat-
ered buying which seemed to be encouraged
by the revival of peace rumors.
Small offerings were absorbed at the de
cline, with December selling up to 7. 880 and
May to 8.20c in the later trading. Cloning
prices were within 2 or 3 points of the best,
net 2 points lower to 8 points higher. Sales,
including exchanges. 24,600 bags; August,
7.60c; September, 7.66c; October, 7.72c; No
vember. 7.78c; December, 7.85o; January,
7.92c; February, 7.99c; March, 8.06c; April,
8.11c; May, 8.16c; June 822c; July, 8.28c.
Spot, quiet: Rio 7s, 9 'Ac; Bantoa 4s, 1014 ;
sn easier tendency was sgaln reported In
he freight and cost market, with rumors
that a Jlock ot Santos 4s had sold at 9.3714c,
London credits.
The early cables reported a decline of 125
rels at Rio, with Santos spots unchanged
and futureH 25 rels lower to 25 rels higher.
Later cables reported an advance yf 76 to 100
rels in eantos futures. '
New York Cotton Market.
New York, Aug. 14. Cotton Futures
opened steady; October, 24.92c; December,
24.58c; January, 24.60c; March. 24.69c; May,
Cotton closed wllh December firm at
25. '.'no and the general list firm at a net
ndvancc of 50 to 77 points.
Dry ionds Market. '
New York. Aug. 14. Pry Goodn t'otton
goods and yarns were steadier here today.
Men's wear was In moderate demand. Silks
were high, snd in light demand. Burlaps
were firm.
Active Trading Promised at
Outset Gives Way to Re
verses Upon Peace
New Tork, Aug. 11. Tha stock market
gave promise at the outset of today's more
active trading of continuing Its Irregular
rise of the previous sessfbn, but reversed Its
course on extensive selling prompted by the
peace proposals from Rome.
Additional reason for concern was fur
nished by the gyrations of various special
ties under pool control. General Motors
was a typical Instance, opening at an ad
vance of 614 points and driving the shorts
In thai and other speculative Issues to
hasty retreat.
War shares were steadily liquidated after
petoa reports gained currency. United States
Steel fell to 113V. finishing a slight frac
tion above Its minimum. Sugars yielded
1 to 3 points, with leathers and secondary
equipments. In general, final prices were
only slightly over lowest quotations. Total
sales. 601,000 shares.
Liberty bonds were again In demand, the
activity In that Issue at 99.91 to par. at
which thty closed, making up a considerable
part of the enlarged dealings In that divi
sion. Total sales of bonds, par value, $
United States fold Issues) were unchanged
on call.
Number ot sales snd quotations on lead
ing stocks: Sales. High. Low. Close.
Ath. Beet Sugar... 29,000 9514 94
American Can 6.000 47 464 4614
Am. Car F'dry.. 15,600 7H4 7614 78
Am. Locomotive. . 3,000 701 7014 70
Am. Smelt A Ref. 10.000 103 10114 1014
Ara. Sugar Ret.... 18.000 13314 121 13l4,
Am. Tel. Jt Tel... 7,000 130 11914 10
Am. Z. L, A S 2S4
AnacoivJa Copper.. 31.000 7614 T54 H
Atchison 13.000 100 9H 9S
A. G. W. I. 8. L. 6.090 10614 1054 106
Baltimore ft Ohio. 6,000 6984 Ills 6$tt
B. A S, Copper
Cal. Petroleum....
Canadian Pac...
Central Leather...
Chesapeake A O..
C, M. A St P....
C. A Northwestern
160 159V4
9214 $ W
60 60 U
6,000 160
78,900 94
66 4
38 44
C.. R. I. A P. ctfs. 18,000
Chlno Copper
C. F. A Iron
Corn Products Rof
Crucible Steel
Cuba Cane Sugar,,
Distiller's Sec...
General Klectrlc.
General Motors...
S3 1
88 i
11.000 1641s 16! Mi 1I!S
34,100 117 113H 1164
8,000 107i 106i 106
Ot. Northern Pfd
Ot. North. Ore Ctfs 27,000 34 83 H 84
Illinois Central 101
Inspiration Copptr 66 14 66 654i
Int. M. M. Pfd 93
Internat'l Nickel.. 16.000 40S 404 404
Internet 1 Paper.. 6,000 36 35 UK
K. C. Southern 2114
Kennecott Copper. 6,000 434 43 43
L. & N...i
33 H
Maxwell Motors.
Mexican Tet
Miami Copper....
6,000 196
3,000 87
25,000 81 It
Missouri Pacific.
Montana Power..
Nevada Copper...
3,000 33 V
N. Y. Central 88
N. T N. If. A H. . 17,000 8514 3414 H
Norfolk & W 2,000 1214 1311i 190U
Northern Pacific... 41,000 10444 10314 10314
racirto Mail , 28
Pactflo T. A T... 2,000 3414 2414 3414
Pennsylvania 9,000
'9 4 '4
IPttsburgh Coal... 39,000
Ray Con. Copper.. 8,000
Reading 6.000
Rep. Iron A Steel. 43.000
Shut. Aril. Copper
Southern Pacific. , 10,000
Southern Railway, 26,000
Studebaker Cor... 48,000
28 14
Texas Company... 18,000 1884 196i 1844
Union Tacltlo 10,000 137 137 136
IT. S. In. Alcohol.. 16214
TT. S. Steel 93,809 128 12314 123
U. 8. Steel Pfd ..... 1174
Utah Copper 11,006 10614 10414 104"4
Wabash Pfd. "B 26
Western Union 93
West. Electrlo 4,000 4144 4844 4$ 14
Total sales for ths day, 1,606 sharss,
New York Money Market.
New YorA, Aug. It. Mercantile Paper
1 98 per jent
Sterling Exchange 60-day bills, $4.72:
commercial 60-day bills on hanks, $1.7114;
commercial 60-dsy bills, $1.7144; demand,
$4.76 9-16; cables, $4.76 7-1.
Sliver Bar, $$c; Mexican dollars, 660.
Bonds Govsrnment steady; railroad Ir
regular. Tims Loans Firm: 60 days. 49411 per
cent; -90 days, 4 9414 per cent; sit
months, 4 96 per tf ,t.
Call Money Steady ; high, 8 14 per oent;
low, 2 per oent; ruling fates, 214 per cent;
las loan, 3 per oent; closing bid, 1 per
cent; offered at 3 per oent.
V. S. U, reg... 96 I. M. M. 6s 1414
V. 8. 3s coupon 46 K. C. S. ref, 6s. 38
tr. 8. 8s, reg... 96 L. Av N. un. 4s.. 90
IT. 8. 2s. ooupon 99 M. K. A T. 1st 4s 61
IT. 8. 4s, reg... 10511 M. P. gen. 4s.. 6914
V, 8. 4s, coupon 106 M. P. 6s 49
Pan. 8s coupon 85 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 101
Attn. T. 8. 6s... 8614V. P. 4s 81
A. T. A T. Clt 6s 91 N. P. 8s 63
A. -G. 6s 9314 O. 8. L. ref. 4s.. 88
Arm. A Co. 4S 90 P. T. A T. 6s... 96
Atch. gen. 4s... $7 Pa. con, 4s...l00
B. A O. 4s 86 Pa. (sn. 4s... 94
Cen. Leath. 6s.. 99 Rsad. gn. 4s... 90
Cen. Pao. 1st... 8$HBt.L.AS.r.adJ. 6s 66
0. A O. ev. 6s.. 86 8. P. cv. 6 99
C. B.AQ., joint 4s 95 8, P. ref. 4s.... $6
CM&SPgen. 4s938. R. 6s 97
CRIAPR ref 4s69T. and P. 1st., 94
C. A 8. ref. 4s 77 U, P. 4s 91
D. AR.O. ref, 5s. 1$ U. P. cv. 4s.... 88
D. or C. 6s 1918 94 U. 8. Rub. 6s.. 83
Erie gen. 4s... 89U. 8. Steel 8s. ..104
Gen. Elec. 6s.. 100 'Wabash 1st.... 100
Ot. Nor. 1st 4s 95W. U. 4 92
1. C. ref. 4s.... 94 'Bid.
Metal Market.
New York. Aug. 14. Metals Lead, quiet;
spot, 810.76911 00. Spelter, dull spot East
8t. Louis delivery, $8.1798.12. Copper,
dull; electrolytic, spot and nearby, nomi
nal; September and fourth quarter, $26.50
927.00. Iron, firm and unchanged. Metal
exchange quotes tin steady; spot, $62.60 bid,
At London: Copper: Spolt, f 126 ; futures,
1124 10s; electrolytic 1187. Tin: Spot, 1243
6s; futures, 121$ 16s. Lead: Spot, 30 10s;
futures, 129 10s. Spelter: Spot, 154; futures,
Omaha Ilay Market.
Receipts continue light. Demand good;
market firm and higher on all grades of
hay and alfalfa. Choice upland prairie
hay. $20.00921.00: No. 1, $18.00920.00: No.
2, $14.00917.00: No. 3, $8.00912.00; No. 1
midland, $17.00919.00; No. 3, $13.00918.00;
No. 1 lowland, $10.00913.00; No. 2, $7,009
00; . .0. 2, $5.0006.00. Choice alfalfa.
$22.00923.00; No. 1, $20.00921.00; stand
ard, $17.00919 00; No. 8, $15.00917.00; No.
3, $lt. 00913. 00. Oat straw, $8.00321.50;
wheat straw, $7.00 7. 50.
New York Sugar Market.
New York, Aug. 14. Sugar Raw. nom
Inal; centrifugal, 7.6697.77c; molasses, 6.77
96.89c; refined, steady: tine granulated,
Fear that sugar would be Included In the
food control bill led to heavy liquidation In
futures with prices at ons time 20 to 81
points lower. Later the market rallied' on
short covering and buying by trade Inter
ests and at noon prices were 7 to 12 points
Closed steady and unchanged to 2 points
lower) sales. 33,950 tons; September, 6.09c;
Decemher, 6.33c; January, 4.91c; March,
Oil and Rosin.
Savannah, Aug. 14.T-Turpentlne Klrm:
874c; sales. 246 bbls.; receipts. 666 bbls.;
shipments. 296 bbls.; stock, 32.468 bbls.
Rosin Firm; sales, 1.462 bbls.; receipts,
1,441; shipments, 4,290 bbls.; stock. 90,661
bbls. Quote: B, D. E, F, 35.20: 0. H. 35.25;
15.80; K, 95.36; M, 36.75; ?f, 16.60; WO,
37.00; WW, 7.10.
Liverpool Cotton Market.
Liverpool, Aug. 14. Cotton Spot in mod
erate request, prices 10, points lower; Amer
ican middling, fair, 20.39d; good middling.
19.96d; middling, I9.65d; low middling,
19.103; good ordinary, 18.16d; ordinary,
L London Silver Market.
London, Aug. 14. Sliver Bar, 43V4d per
Money 8 per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills. 4i per cent:
three months' bills. 4 8-16 per cent.
Omaha Men to Be Internal
Revenue Inspectors Here
Washington, Aug. 14. Special Tel
egram.) William F. Chambers.
George C. Clark and Thomas Mills of
Omaha having passed successful ex
amination for deputy inspectors of
internal revenue will be appointed to
the field force of the Nebraska in
ternal revenue service with head
quarters in Omaha, according to a
Treasury department announcement
Yon Mackenzen's Troops Force
Russians and Roumanians
to Sereth River; Capture '
Railroad Center.
(By Associated Tress.)
The Russians and Roumanians, hav
ing been forced to give up the Fok-shani-Marasecliti
line and retire to the
Sereth river, Field Marshal von Mack
enzen has been enabled to capture
Pantziu, a railway town west of
Marasechti. By taking the town the
Teutons probably have cut the rail
way line north, imperilling the Rus
sians and Roumanians, fighting in
western Moldavia around Ocna, as
the railroad north from Marasechti
was one of their two means of obtain
ing supplies and reinforcements.
Infantry Attacks Weak.
Infantry fighting on the western
front, especially in Flanders, has not
been marked during the last twenty
four hours. In southern Moldavia,
the Teuton drive against the Russians
and Roumanians progresses.
In Flanders the Anglo-French and
German troops apparently are resting
in preparation for further infantry
activity. The Germans can hardly
permit the British to hold the im
portant salient east of Ypres and be
tween Pilkem and Hollebeke without
first making additional efforts to
straighten out their front. By widen
ing the salient, Field Marshal Haig
adds to the insecurity of the German
line from Dixmude north to the coast,
as well as the front southward toward
French troops again have repulsed
German efforts a1ong the Aisne front
Sunday night und on Monday the
Teutons tried to recapture the ground
lost to the French south of Ailles. The
French threw back all the attacks.
East of the positions the French took
the offensive and succeeded in mak
ing a small advance. F.lsewhere on
the French front the artillery fighting
continues violent i
Lens Center of Fighting.
British Front in France and Bel
gium, Aug. 13. Lens was the center
of the main activity on the British
front last night. The Germans con
tinued to exhibit signs of apprehen
sion in a heavy bombardment of the
back approaches near Vimy and to tin
west and northwest of the city.
The Canadian lines have been
gradually tightening about this im
portant French mining center and the
Canadians now hold strong positions
in the western environs. This appar
ently has been disturbing to the
Germans, who have placed a high
value on the retention of Lens, be
r : . ...... 1 1. 1 .... .:,:.. .. : .. '
lAUSC Ul 119 CllVldMIC JU9IUUU 111 111V
Tas De Calais coal fields,
Yesterday was another big day for
the British aviators. A large number of
battles were fought over this front,
with the honors decidedly in favor of
the British. At least six enemy air
planes were destroyed and nine other
machines were brought down out of
In the course of last week's air
fighting one brilliant young Britisher
accounted for his i jrtieth machine. ,
Seamen's Conference Will
Consider German Brutality
London, Aug. 13. The attitude, of
entente allied and neutral seamen to
ward German seamen because of the
brutality and inhumanity shown by
the Germans during the war will be
considered here at a meeting Friday
of the Seamen's International con
ference, lelegates will be present
from Norway, Sweden, Denmark
Holland, France, Italy and probably
San Francisco Strikers.
Block Traffic With Parade
San Francisco, Aug. 13. Approxi
mately 300 striking street carmen,
bearing signs calling attention to
their demands, paraded through the
business district early tonight The
parade tied utj traffic on Market
street, the main artery, by maintain
ing an unbroken line across the
tracks. There was no police interfer
ence. Approximately 100 car were
tied up today.
Russian Minister Says
His Days Are Numbered
London, Aug. 14. Russian circles
in Switzerland, a dispatch to the Daily
express trom oeneva savs, learn
from Petrograd that Premier Keren
sky in talking with personal friends
recently concerning his health, said:
X have not long to live. Heredity
and disease have numbered my days.
i must hasten the work of liberatintr
Russia and do the greatest good I can
before I depart. Peace now would
make us future vassals of the kaiser,
which would be worse than beinsr vas
sals of the Russian emperor."
Sealed proposals fur the furnishing of
equipment, material and labor for a Munici
pal electrical distributing system will be
received by the Village ot Beaver Crossing,
Neb., at Its council room until 8 p. m.
Sept. th, 1917. at which time all bids will!
be publicly opened and read.
Bids will bo received on:
206 Northern white cedar poles F. O. B.
Beaver Crossing, Neb.
8,233 lbs.. TBWP copper wire F O. B.
Beaver Crossing, Neb.
I Quantity pole line material less poles,
less copper wire and less transformers, F,
O. B. Beaver Crossing, Nob.
9 high efficiency distributing transform,
ers, 2,100 volt lo 110-220 volt as specified,
F. O. B. Beaver Crossing, Neb.
1 30 KVA 22. 000-2, 200-volt transformers
F. O. B. Beaver Crossing, Neb.
1 6-KVA 5.6 amp. constant current regu
lating transformer with control panel, F.
O. B. Beaver Crossing, Neb.
10 6-llght electroliers complete with globes,
sockets snd foundation bolts, xl5 Inches,
F. O. B. Besver Crossing, Neb.
COO feet suburban cable, 600-v. service,
1x4 and 2x6 solid copper conductors.
360 feet suburban cable, 600-volt service.
IxS and 2x10 solid copper conductors, F.
O. B. Beaver Crossing, Neb.
1 brick building. 8x8 feet.
Labor and tools required to build dlstrU
buttng system, white, way and Install the
constant current regulating transformer.
Will also receive bids on ths complete plant.
Engineer's estimate, 88,359,
Bids will be received only upon the type
written form furnished by the Village Cleric
of Beaver Crossing, Neb., or by ths engi
neers. Each proposal must be accompanied by
erly certlfed upon a responsible bank and
mads payable to the Village Treasurer of
Beaver Crossing, Neb., In a sum equal to i
per cent of the amount of the proposal.
Plans and specifications are on file with,
the Village Clerk of Beaver Crossing, Neb.,
and the Hennlngson Engineering Company
Engineers, Omaha, Neb.
Contractors desiring a copy of plana anal
specifications for their own personal use
can secure a copy from the engineers by
depositing 110 for same. This deposit will
return the plans and specifications In first
class condition within ten days from the
date of the letting.
The village of Beaver Crossing reserves
the right to reject any and all bids..
a. L. hewett. Chairman, .
R. A. DAN SKIN, Clerk. '
XlO-Auf.16-1 '