Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1917, Page 9, Image 9
THE kitel: OMAHA. TUESDAY. AUliUST 14. lWlT 1 J 1 1 FARM AND RACH LANDS Nebraska Lands. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments ( acre up. W (arm the (arm we all you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' aeeociatlon, 16th tad Howard 8ta Omaha. Douglaa TL FOR SALE Beat large body high grade! madtura prised land U Nebraska; very little money required. C Bradley, Yfol bach. Neb. 8KB us for western Nebraska wheat leads. Toa will aave money by buying through us. White A Hoover. Omaha Nat'l -g. Oregon Lands. FREE MAP Of the northwist and Jordan Valley project. Excursion Aufust tSth. Free sleeper. , A farm home and bualneaa combined that will enhance yearly In value. Learn your rights under the different acta. HARLBT J. HOOKER, MO First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. PROPERTY Thirty miles from Portland. Oregon, tor Nebrarka land, or good bust ness. Box 1(0, Bee.- FARM LAND WANTED WANT TO BUT Improved SD-acre farm within 30 miles of Omasa. . Box 635S, Bee. ' REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. West. PRICE, ONLY $5,500 New Seven-Room House Beautifully finished seven-room, strict ly modern home; four bed rooms one of which is a sleeping porch; fireplace, book case), etc.; full deep basement, splendid lot on one of highest sections of the city, close to new Henry Tates school and Presbyterian church, Farnara car. This Is a snap for quick sale. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 46. Country Club Sacrifice! 1 Six Rooms Modern, Garage Full lot, new house; owner moves to New York this week and says cut price from $3,750 to 12.760; $950 cash will han dle; aeily one block to car, two blocks to school. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO.., 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 49. r Westj Farnam District Residence, seven-rboms. three on first floor oak, four on second white enamel, hot water heat, tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable 4erms If desired. ALFRED THOMAS. t 808 Farnam Bldg. Working Man's Chance $150 Down, $20 Per Month Good seven-room house, nice lot 60x99, near 44th and Davenport, only two blocks to Farnam car. Pajce for quick sale $2,000. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 49. North. MILLER PARK Owner Leaving City Must Sell. , 6-room, strictly modern, full 2-story house. Tfhree rooms on first floor finished in bak. Three bedrooms on second floor; 200-bar-rel cistern, soft water. Less than one block from good car line. One block from Miller Park school: Lies high and dry. Would consider good automobile or lot and some cash. , Payne Investment Company (Realtors.) Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 17S1. THE MDEL BUNGALOW OF MINNS LUSA, 28146 Newport, built, decorated and furnished complete by Orchard & Wllhelm Co. This beautiful little borne has fulfilled Us purpose as an advertisement and Is now to be sold at slightly under cost price. For full details and terms apply Orchard & Wllhelm Co., advertising department. NEW BUNGALOWS 27th and Grand Avenue. Have just completed 6 new and attrac tive bungalows at 27th Street and Grand Avenue, strictly modern, oak finish, enam eled bath room, nicely decorated,, beau tiful fixtures, best of plumbing, kitchen with bullt-ln featurea, refrigerator room, ate. Have jUBt sold 2 of these bungalows to satisfied clients and have 3 left. Price 13.450 to- $3,760. One-tenth cash, . balance like rent. This is your opportunity' to se cure a new and up-to-date bungalow on exceptionally easy terms. HIATT COMPANY S43-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 80. HERE IS A BARGAIN 2418 Larimore $50 CASH BALANCE $25 A MONTH Monthly payments Include Interest, House has six rooms, modern except heat, in good repair, on full south front lot close to car line. Some fruit. Price $2,400, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. IBM Harney St. rnone Tyler 60. owner Asking $6,ooo Beautiful Stucco Home Seven large 'rooms and bath including fine sun room, all the built-in features, exceptional plumbing, finest of materials and workmanship, all built by day labor. Located on choice corner lot, south and east exposure, one block to car, close to schools and churches and Kountze park. For appointment to see, call OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. New North Side Home Price Only $3,300 Five nice rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, osk finish, attractively decorated, bookti-us, fireplaces, china cupboards, etc.; double closets off each bedroom; full cement basement; guaranteed fur nace; only one block to school, two blocks to parks and car. This home Is a dandy for the price. OSBORNE REAVTT CO.. 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. "Tjrand new bungalow. In W'averly park, 6 rooms, all one floor, stairway to floored attic, oak finish in living rooms, nicely decorated, east front lot, located high and sightly. Just one block west of Fontenelle Blvd., on 47th Ave., south ot Bedford. Pries $3,800, $300 down, balance terms. Let us show you this. C. G. CARLE ERG. 310 Brandels Theater Bldg. NEW 6-r. bungalow, strictly mod., built-in buffet and cupboards, oak finish, high grade plumbing, furnace beat, dandy lot, 1 block to car and school. Price for quick sale. $2,950; easy termeror would consider Ford oar or soma other light car as first payment. ' ' RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 4-ROOM bungalow, nearly new, for sale. Will take cheap auto .as part of first payment; house has fireplace, buffet, kitchen cabinet, cement basement, fur nace and electric lights. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Phone Walnut S044. Write Box 6522. Bee. tiARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. -rm. house, 2 lots all fenced, large chicken houso 10x30; a dandy place to raise chickens. Soma fruit. Colfax 846. 161$ SHERMAN avenue. 12 rooms, $33.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. South. Hanscom Park District Price Only $5,750 Splendid seven-room modern home, built by owner, oak finish, nioely decorated, has sleeping porch and all modern con veniences, full (brick and tils foundation, choice 60x140 east front lot on boulevard. This is a snap.1 OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 416. . A BARGAIN! TRACT. 132x264. minus It-foot alley; Im provements cannot be duplicated for less than $15,000; on Martha street between 13th and 14th streets. House, 14 rooms, in excellent condition. Will sell for $10, 000 cash, because family now censislttng of only five persons DOUGLAS' S66. , R. B. TRUMBULL, J . 1106 lit Nat. Bk. Bld. P. 17J4. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. itONTCLAIR BUNOALOW. Stucco construction, t large light rooms; oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 13,100. Easy terms. Another new build lng (or I3.S50. Call Douglas 1722 days. Walnut liSO evenings. ONE 6-room and one 4-rooin cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live in one and rent the other. Price for both, $3,750. Very easy terms. No. 2431 S. 10th St. NORRIS & NORRIS. 409 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4170. Miscellaneous, A TRACT of ground laying Ideal for poultry raising; 150-ft. frontage: price $810; 150 cash. 111.60 monthly. Call D. Hit. SPLENDID brick residence to trade for 1m proved farm near Omaha. O. P. Steb- btns, 1110 Chicago. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1190 Farnam St D. 10S4. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty TWO-STORY brick building. 1709 Leaven worth. Reasonable rent. Douglas 6947. MODERN store, cor. 16th and Cass. Choice location. O. P. Stebblns, J610 Chicago. H. A, WOLF. Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investment '8EE C8 FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY SON, REALTORS. 620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESI' ATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE Fine site on B. 11. R. R. Size 16x165, can be bought cheap. C. A. Orini mel. Phone Douglas 1616. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WILL exchange for clear city property, in one or art, 1(0 acres near Fullerton, Neb., Improved, eU $160 per acre; 1(0 acres hear Beatrice, Neb., at 1130 per acre; 110 acres Irrigated land near Garden City, Kan., at 1125 per acre. Phone Owner, Harney 827. SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rock and Dundy Co improved ranches, clear, for sale or ex change. 9. 8. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, Douglas 4810. 27 City Nat. Bank Bldg. $60 AN acre buys 130-acre farm 16 miles from Omaha. Inquire 433 Ramge Blk. Tel. Doug. 4212. Residence phone Doug. 6776. WANTED-J-A lot or a used Ford for equity of $500 In 60 acres of unimproved Wiscon sin land. Mrs Lawson. 2809 Wirt St. ACRES 160 Well Improved; value $12,000; loan value, $5,000; trade for mdse., Stephen Merc. Co., Garnett, Kan. INVESTIGATE my system; Omaha Realty Trading Co., 18 Patterson Blk. Tyler 255. REAL ESTATE 'Unimproved. West. ' Great Bargain 6 lots. 44th and Harney, $2,600. me quick. O. P. STEBBINS. 1610 Chicago. See North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA $00 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots, IF YOU will come out today you will understsnd'why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. ' DUNDEE, $5,500 HIGH-CLASS BUNGALOW A very attractive well built classy bungalow; planned and built for a home this year; 6 large rooms all In oak finish with a large attic with space for two or three rooms. Full lot with garage. See the house and be convinced of the value Terms can be arranged. GLOVER & SPAIN (REALTORS.) Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lota on easy terms. Mod. rn. attractive homes. Before buying bs sura and see GEORGE & CO.. HOMES and home sites la Dundee. 8HULER ft CARY. 104 Keellee. D. $074. REAL ESTATE WANTED DON'T list your farm with us if you want lo Keep n. Don't list your farm with ua if you will not sell at a BAROAIN. We have buyers Who want to buy and pay spot cash. If you want their cash list your farm with us at a price we can sell , to them. SNOW DEN A -SON. Doug. 9371.' 423 8. 16th St. WE have several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows witn 1200 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. LISTING bouses to rent ot sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estste, 413 Kerbech Blk. D. 1607. IF you want quick action on your prop erty, list it with me. . LUND. 420 ROSE BLDG, TYLER 75S. LIST your 6 and filroora bouses with Ed- ward F. Williams Co.. ih-sih umaua Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. ' LET us sell or reift your property, Tem- pleton Olson Co., 60S Bee Biog. -ryier auz. ARNDT A TAYLOR can assist you. 1825 Laird St- Webste' 2029. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Boston bull pup. Web. 7797, 273 N. 26th St. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale pup. Tyler 1225-J, or Tyler 2298. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Philadelphia Trust Co., trustee, to Clay It. Thomas, Nicholas street, 200 feet east of Fifty-first street, north side, 136x150 $2,850 Minnie C. Oramllch and husband to Joseph P. Magulre, G street, 102 feet west of Twenty-fourth street, south side, 48x100 2,400 Lewis J. Leedef" and wife to Louis Mitchell, Twenty-first street, 198 feet south of Grace street, west side, 4-:140 . 1 Philip Rtidin and wife to Lillian M. Wood, Thirtieth street, fifteen feet south of Crown Point svenue, east side, 45x90 2,600 John Regan and wife to Louis Mar chetti. Eleventh street, sixty-eight feet south of Pierce street, east side. 32x3i......... . . 3.250 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Following couples were issued licenses wed: Name and Address. A Dewltt F. Miller, Omaha Jean M. Fltt, Omaha Guiseppe Trtbolute, Omaha Francesco Sansone, Omaha David Levine, Omaha Rose Friedman, Council Bluffs, la Oliver G. Rosenbaum, Omaha Thelma U. Ehrbardt, Omaha O'rvllle L. Moffet, Fremont. Neb Ruth Strlbbling, Fremont, Neb ,. Henry Robinson, Omaha. ... v Eva B. Miller, Omaha Clarence F. Workman, Omaha..... Orpha Lelana, Omaha Thomas Vanir. Omaha Jessie Branch, Omaha ,....f John Lund. Omaha over Minnie Hart man, Omaha over John Korger, .Omaha ,. Grace Martin, Omaha' - Howard A. Marshall, Atlantic, la...... Imogens Bcerlj. Glltiier, Neb : i , H. H. Baldrige Talks to , Nebraskans at Snelling Howard H. Baldrige made the most stirrijig speech of his life before the boys who wee training at Fort Snell ing, according, to witnesses who re turned today from the Minnesota camp The final maneuvers of the camp were held Friday. The boys of North Dakota were addressed by the governor of their state and the fellows of South Dakota likewise heard from their state executive. In the absence of Governor Neville to talk to the Nebraska men, Mr. Bald rige did the honors due the occasion hv ortvlnir a ra11is 4nn vamnl. sl the oratory, of which an Omahan is capable under the stress of an emergency. LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Beef Active at Strong Prices; Shippers Pay Thirty Cents Higher for Hogs Than Last Week. Omaha. August It, 1117. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday ..... 1,500 1,(00 1,(00 Same days last week . ,714 Sams days 1 wks. sgo. ,991 Same days S wks. ago. 1.967 Sams dsys 4wk. ago. 4,076 1S.S87 11.86 10.116 t,4S9 14.460 Same days last year ..11.126 Receipts and dlsnosltion of live stock at the Union stock yards. Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m, yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, lira 1 I r , m. st. r ss i i Wabash Union Pacific C. & N. W, east.. C. & N. W., west.. C, St. P., M. & O... 4 4 1! I C, B. Q east .. t C., B. A Q, west.. 187 C. R. I. A P., east. 3 ... ... Illinois Central 1 ChU Gt. Western... 3 1 ... Total receipts....?" -!S 13 DISPOSITION HEAD. , Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. -uorns oc I.O.. s , . Swift & Co........ Cudahy Pack. Co. Armour & Co. Schwartz & Co. ...1.166 ...1,411 .. .1.397 .. .1,1115 20$ C46 912 J. W. Murphy S. O. Pack. Co. Johr Pack. Co. Swift & Co. Den Wilson W. B. Vansant Co. , . Benton, Vansant & L. Hill & Son 11 124 $64 133 174 r 77 78 10 192 17 140 16 445 63 3 02 43 6 1 19 K 15 1 1 113 F. B. Lewis J. B. Root & Co, .... J. H. Bulla L. F. Husa Rosenstock Bros F. O. Kellogg Werthelmer & Degen Ellis & Co Sullivan Bros Rothschild Krcbs .. M. & K. Calf Co Christie Higglns Huffman Roth Meyers Glassberg Baker, Jones A Smith Banner Bros .. 41 . . 461 .. 100 .. 15 .. 15 ..1,114 John Harvey Jensen & Lungren ... Dennis A- Son Pat O'Day Other buyers . 9 7,976 Totals 8,839 1,996 11,326 Cattle The week starts out with a fairly liberal run, about 9,500 head, and fully 90 per cent of the arrivals were direct from the western range country. Demand for beef was active from both local packers and ship ping buyers and anything with weight found a ready sale at strong prices, pretty good cornfed steers bringing $13.36, and choice Montana grassera selling up to $12.00. On the general run of both cornfed and grass beef prices were In much the same notches as toward the close of last week. Cows and heifers were in broad demand at fully steady and In some cases a little stronger prices, and bulls and stags, etc., were fully stesdy with the latter part of last week. There was an unusual degree of activity In the stocker and feeder trade, and although quality was hardly up to recent good aver age, prices were stronger for anything at all useful In this line. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $13.2514 15; fair to good beeves. $11.60Q1$. .00; common to fair beeves, $9.60 11.00; good to choice yearlings, $12.6013) 13.60; fair to good yearlings, 1 1.00 12.00 ; common to fair yearlings, $9.OO7l.O0; good to choice grass beeves. $10.0012.60; fair to good grass beeves, J8.09.60; common-to fair grass beeves, $6.767.75; good to oholce heifers, t8.O0SJ9.60; good to choice cows, l7.50gS.60; fair to good cows, $5.76 7.50; common to fair cows, $0.0096.60; good to choice feeders, $8.269.25; fair to good feeders, $7. 00 8. 00; common to fair feeders, $5.767.0O; good to choice stockers, 17.60 8.50; stock heifers, $6.607.75; stock cows, $G.507.26; stock calves. $8.609.60; veal calves, $8.0013.12.00; bulls, stags, etc., $5.608.60. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. NO. 6.... 10. . 29.... 13.... 11.... 6.... 10.... 4.... 3.... 3.... Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. . 806 $6 76 . 661 7 10 1062 $6 80 3 640 7 00 .. 19.. 29.. 14.. 22.. 42.. 3.. 42.. . 702 . 180 .1163 .1066 .1163 7 85 8 80 9 10 9 85 9 85 .1021 7 60 .1031 9 00 .102$) 9 20 .1089 9 65 .1081 10 25 .1320 13 00 .1262 13 1$ ..1225 11 00 ..1013 12 60 ..1240 13 75 STEERS AND HEIFJ5RS. 480 7 76 HEIFERS. 620 615 750 911 6 00 65 7 00 7 80 30.. 8U 806 835 855 3.. 2.. 3. . 15... 240 11 00 COWS, ... 665 ... 835 ... 815 ... 695 ... 940 ... 960 ...1030 ...1220 ...1280 ... 960 ...1413 ... 230 S 25 5 tO . 743 . 960 . 771 .1010 .1120 . 973 . 896 . 910 . 847 ... 3.. 4.. 6.. 2.. 4.. a., i.. 3.. I.. 1.. 7 ,60 2 7 75 3 8 25 7 1 65 BULLS. 00 2 7 25 CALVES, ..1520 00 7 00 1 290 10 no 241 11 00 190 10 60 10. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 660 7 00 R 586 734 7 60 10 668 871 8 00 21 829 890 9 26 7 10 7 65 8 90 15.... NEBRASKA. 13 cows. . ..1026 7 60 56 steers. ,1170 16 steers.. 996 8 50 30 steers . 964 65 feeders.. 698 8 25 9 steers.. 884 Hogs Shippers paid prices that 10 76 8 40 9 $5 were easily 20g 30o higher than last week's close 'for about half of the receipts. Up to a late hour the balance of the offerings was un sold there not being enough left to make a kill for any one of the packers. Such bids as packers had made were reported as only a llttlb batter than steady with Saturday. Not enough sales were made at any one price to warrant quoting a bulk. Shipping hogs were scattered from $16.2517.W, the latter price beng the day's lop and breaking all records for this market. Representative sales: - No. Av. Hh. Pr. No. Av. 78. .224 120 16 15 72. .252 Sh.i Pr. 40 16 20 160 18 30 220 16 40 140 16 50 ... 16 76 40 16 86 229 217 308 258 1 25 45., 71., 86. 33. 74. 286 261 194 207 208 80 16 35 ... 16 45 ... 16 60 ... 16 80 21. .346 70. .231 40 17 00 Sheep and lambs were only fair and the market wan one of the whirlwind variety. There were two or three feeder buyers here for every load of lambs that was on sale, and the packers never had a look In. Feed ers paid from $15.50 it 16.00 for the bulk of the supply their purchases Including quite a few bunches that ordinarty would go to killers. Light lambs were safely quotable to $16.25. Packers got ons or two bunches 25 50c higher, paying as high ss $15.75. The feeder trade waa easily 6075c higher. Old sheep Were lacking. . The prices that are being 'quoted are. sharply higher than ten days ago. '' Quotations ort Sheep and' Lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $!3.2515.75f lambs, culls, $I2.00igl5.00; lambs, lecders. $15.25016.25; yearlings, fair to choice, $10.00 11.00; year lings, feeders. $10.0012.00; wethers, fair to choice, $10.00H. 00; ewes, fair to choice, $8.509.60; ewes, culls and feeders, 3.60' 8.00; ewes, breeders, all ages, $8.50015.00.' Representative sales." No, 78 native ewes 16 native ewes 10 cull ewes 1043 Idaho .feeder lambs 99 Idaho feeder lambs .. 670 Nevada feeders lambs . 991 Nevada feeder lambs. 180 Nevada lambs 25 culls Av. Pr. . 3 .110 . 85 . 59 . 43 . 63 . 67 . 1 . 43 $ 1 00 " 21 6 00 15 75 13 40 16 00 16 81) It 76 13 50 Sionx City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, la.. Aug. 13. Cattle Rsoeipts, 2.500 head; market 10016c higher; beet steers, $8.0O13.75: cows and heifers, $6.60 11.00; csnners, $5.266.2s; stockers snd feeders. $7.008.50; calves, 18.0012.50; bulls, stags, etc.. $6.00 & 9.00; feeding cows and heifers, 16.007.60. Hogs Receipts. 2,500 head; market 20c higher; light, $16.50$) 10.76; mixed, 116.35 16.85; heavy, $16.00616.75; pigs, $13.00 13.60; bulk ot sales. $16.25 16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market lOo higher. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 13. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,600 head; market I016c higher; steers, $8.0013.26; cows and heifers, $5.00 12 26; calves, $6.00011. 00. Hogs Receipts, 4,500 head: market 169 25o higher; top, $17.20; bulk of sales, $16,26 17.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market 2550c higher; Iambs, $9.50015.25; ewes, $5.0003.40. HEW YORK STOCKS Strength Manifested During Day Attributed to Scarcity of Offerings, Showing Serious Position of Shorts. New York. Aug. 1J. Much of the strength manifested by today's stock market Was attributed to the scarcity of offerlnga. an indication of, the more precarious position of the short interest. Rails were more conspicuous than usual, high grade share gatnlsg 1 to 3 points cn further encouraging- crop advlree. The "ex tra" 10 per cent dividend on Chicago, Bur Ington & Qnlm-y slso was a sentimental fac. tor. Great Northern preferred and Northern Pacific, which Jointly control Burlington, being unusually active at gains of 1 points each. niseis ana related equipments were 1 to 3 points higher. United States Steel gained 1'4 st 111',. Shippings, Leathers. Sugars and Vila received support from favoraofe trade conditions and Motors rallied 1 to 1 points. Tobaccos supplemented their steady advances of the past fortnight. Two sales amounten to w.ntio shares. A steady demand for Liberty 3Hs at 99.61 to par, against last week's minimum of ..', lentureil the Irregular bond market. Total sales, per value, $2,960,000. . i nucu ,-viurt registered 4s rose V per ceni nn can. Number of mles and quotations on lead ing stocks: sales. High, Low. Close. Am, Bftel. Sugar... ll.OOO bi 94 954 American Can 8,000 46 4W 46 's Am. Car A Fmlry 56,000 77W 75 764 Attt. Locomotive. . . 19,000 70 M' " 70'i Am, Smelt. & Ret. 16,000 1024 100S 101 Anv Sugar Ref 123 4 Am. Tel. A Tel.... 10,000 110 Am. Z.. L. & S 119' 1!0 224 76, 99 4 105 4 694 17 4 11 159 944 604 674 109 65 44 334 82 89 27 Anaconda Copper.. 17.000 75li 7St4 Atchison , 10,000 994 994 A. U. & W. J. S. S. 1,000 1064 106 Baltimore A Ohio 7, 000 694 694 B. A S. Copper .' Cal. Pejtroleuin Canadian Pacific Central Leather... Chesapeake A Ohio 95,000 94 93 4,000 60 4 60 21,000 674 4 C. M. A St. P Chicago A N. W V.OOO 1094 109 C R. I. A P. ctfs. 60.000 834 32 '4 64 4 4S4 Chtno Copper 50,000 2.000 14.000 60.000' 65 484 S84 82 4 ti" 24 Colo. Fuel A Iron. . Corn Fruducta Rcf 83 4 67 264 Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar.. Distillers' Securities 6.000 4,000 Krle' 34 4 244 General Electric... 4,000 155 1544 1644 General Motors 39,900 11 1 4 108 1114 Great No. pfd Great No. Ore ctfs. i'l.UUU 107 105 1074 33 4 1024 65 4. 934 40 16 214 434 126 12 95 37 324 224 884 Illinois Central Inspiration Copper. Int. M. M. pfd Inter. Nickel 3,000 664 664 10,000 6,000 3,000 7,000 29.000 9,000 2,000 15,300 2.000 15.000 26,000 40 4 85 4 21 43 4 32 4 90 17 4 40 35 2194 43 394 944 87 4 324 234 Inter. Paper K. C. Southern.... Kenneeott Copper.. Louisville A Nash.. Maxwell Motors Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Missouri Pacific... Nevada Copper.... New York Central.. N. T N. H. A H. . Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific... Pacific Mall Paclflo T. A T.... Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal.... Ray Con. Copper.. 33 4 224 88 4 354 344 34 4,000 121 1204 12t 81,000 1034 1024 1034 28 24 624 664 27 944 904 244 94 284 534 188 15,000 16,000 624 664 27 4 94 4 90 4 26 954 284 64 624 664 27 94 894 244 44 28 4 634 9,000 Reading 15,000 Kep. Iron A Steel.. 28.000 Shattuck Aris. Cop. 10,000 Southern Pacific... 10,000 Southern Railway.. lO.OOd Studebaker Corp... 16,000 Texas Compsny... Union Pacific U. 8. Indus. Alcohol United States Steel. U. S. Steel Pfd Utah Copper Wabash Tfd. "B". Western Union,... Westlnghouso Elec. 10,000 1884 1874 17.000 1374 137 1364 8,000 1844 182U 164 6,480 1244 1234 1,24 4 1174 14,000 105 1034 106 26,000 26i 26 264 3,000 94 934 94 48 New York Money Market. New York, Aug. IS. Prims Mercantile Paper 4 4 06 per cent. Sterling Exrliange Sixty-day bills, $4.72; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4,714; commercial sixty-day bills, $4,714; demand, $4.75 9-16; cables, $4.76 7-16 Silver Bar, 82c: Mexican dollars, 644c Bonds Government, firm; railroad, ir regular. Time Loans Firm; sixty days. 4I94M. oer cent; six months, 445 per cent. I Call Money Firm; highest, 14 per cent; I lowest, 34 per cent; ruling rate. 14 per cent; iasc loan. 14 per rent; closing bid, IW per esnt; offered at 14 per cent. Prices mounted to highest levels In the last hour, rails, steels and motors showing extreme gains of 1 to S points. The closing was strong. Liberty bonds were unusually aciive, rising irom .B8 to par. IT. S. 2s, reg... 90 41. M .M. .... 44 U. S. 2s, coupon 964 K. C. B. ref. 6s.. 834 U. 8. Is, reg... 99 4 L. A N. un. 4s.. 89 U. S. 3s, coupon 99HM.,K.AT. 1st 4s 68 U. 8. 49. reg ....1064M. P. gen. 4a .. 694 IT, S. 4s, couponlOS M. P. 6s 944 Pan 3s coupon 8$ N. T. C. deb. 6s. 101 4 Am. F. 8. 5s .. 95 N. P. 4s 87 A. T. A T. clt. (s 97 4 N, P. 3s .. 62 4s 87 .. 97 ..100 .. 144 .. K .. 664 ..98 4 .. 864 .. 974 .. 944 A.-F. 6s 914 'O. 8. L. ref. Ar. A Co. 44s. Atch. gen. 4s . B. A O. 4s Cen. Leath. 6s. Cen. Pao. 1st . C. A O. cv. 6s. 904P. T. A T. 8s 88 Pa. con. 4 4s 85 4 Pa. gen. 44s 98 4 Read. gen. 4s 83 SLASFadj. 6s 86 8. P. cv. 6s .. C. B. A Q. ). 4s 16 4 8. P. ref. 4s , TMABtPg. 4 41 92 48. R. 6s .... CRI&PRref 4s.. 694T. snd P. 1st C. A 8. ref. 44s 74U. P. 4s .... D.AR.O. ref. 6s 68 IT. P. rv. 4s . 97 184 84 D. of C. 5s 1913 944U. 8. Rub. Erie gen. 4 69 4 U. S. Steel Gen. Elec. 5s .. 99 4 Wabash 1st G. N. 1st 4Vis.. 954W. V. 44s I. C. ref. 4s ... 844 Bld. 5s 5s. .104 ....100 .... 924 Coffee Market. New Tork, Aug. 13.A renewal of Sep tember liquidation caused some irregularity in coffee hers today, but the near month tongs seemed to bs replacing In later de liveries, and a good deal of the business was in the way ot switching, the market closing at a net gain of 1 to 8 points. Sep tember sold up from 7.64 to 7.660; while July advanced to 8.82c. Sales, Including exchanges, 16,260 bags; closing: August, 7.60c; September, 7.66c; October, 7.72c; November, 7.78c; December, 7.84o; January, 7.90c; February, 7.97c; March, 8.03c; April 8.09c; May, 8.15c; June, 8.22c; July, 8.20c. Spot dull; Rio 7s, 84c; Santos 4s, 104c. Little or no change Is reported In firm of fers from Santos, but Rio offers were said to he a shade easier with 7s here at 8.46c, while it was said that a bid of 1.40o had been accepted, London credits. The official cables showed a decline of 75 rels at Rio, with Santos futures un changed to 60 rets lower. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo Aug. 13. Csttle Re ceipts, 19.000 head, Including 1,100 south erners; market steady; cows, 15 025c high er; prims fed steers, $13.6014.26; dressed beef steers, $11.00013.25; western steers. $9.00I3.30; southern steers, 17.50011.50; cows, $5.7610,00; heifers. $7.60012.(0; stockers and feeders, $7.00012.20; bulls. $6.008.00; calves, $7.00012.26. Hogs Receipts, 8.000 head: market high er; bulk of sales, $18.25017.25; heavy. $17.00 Q.7.$6; packers and butchers, $16.25617.20; light, $14.26017.00; pigs. $11.00014.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,300 head; market higher; lambs, $14.260 16.76; year lings, $10.000 12.00; wethers, $9.0011.00; ewes, $8.60(610.00; stockers and feeders, $8.50015.50. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. 1 Louis, Aug. '.'IS. Cattle Receipts. 9.200 head; market, steady native beef steers, $7.60013. 7; yearling steers and heif ers, $8.50014.00', cows, $.00'9.50; stock ers and IneStrji, $6.0009.00; Texas quaran tine steers, - 18.0011,00; beef cows and heifers, $5.5009.00; prims yearling steers and heifers, - $7.50010.00; native calves. $6.00013.00. flogs Receipts. $.400 head: market, higher; lights, $17.00017.53; pigs. $10,750 15.75; mixed and butchers, $17.00$ 17.65; good heavy, $17,15 17. CO; bulk, $17,100 17.60, Sheen and Lambs Receipts. 3,600 head: market, higher) lambs, $10.50014.85; clipped ewes, $$.0009.00; canners, $4.$0j$) i.00; choppers, $6.9006.50. 1 Chicago Lire Stock Market. Chicago, Aug, 13. Cattio Receipts, 13,- 000 head; market, llrm: native beef cattle. $8,00114.50; top, $14.60 (a new high price record): western Steers. $7.00012.60: stock ers and feeders, $6.1009.26: cows and heif ers. $4.10912.26; calves. $9.00014.00. Hogs Receipts. 21.000 head: market. unsettled; bulk of sales, $16.60017.2$; light, $16.86017.40; mixed, $16.95017.46; heavy, $16.10017.60; rough, $16.80016.00; pigs, $11 60014.60. Sheep and Lambs Recetnts. 11,000 head: market strong; wethers, $7.60011.10; ewes, $6.8509.60; lambs, $9.90015.66. London Money Market. London, Aug. 11. Silver Bar. 42 l-16d per ounce. Money 34 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills. 4 4 cent: thrss-tnonth bills, 41 1-1$ per cent. GRAIN A1PR0DUCE Corn Continues Sensational Tumble, While Wheat and Oats Also Sell at Lower Prices. Omaha. August 13, 1917. The general tone of the local cash grain market was extremely weak today, wheat being quoted nominally several cents lower, while corn sold from 14o to 16c lower, and oars were quoted from 14c to 1c below the quotations of the- previous day. Only one car of wheat was reported sold luring the entire session, this sale being a oar of No. 3 durum which sold nt $2,85. Tho demand for corn was fairly active, but there was some disposition on the' part of tho sellers to hold on to their Huff, as they did not wish to sell at snch a heavy decline. The white variety of corn continued to sell at premium prices, the No. 3 grade being quoted at $1.75, while tho letter grades of yellow brought $1 06 and the mixed soM generally at $1.6491.66. Oats were In fair demand, but sales of this cereal Wore light In comparison with the receipts, which wr rather heavy. Rye was dull at lower prices and barley was fairly active, with prices quoted un changed. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 89,nnt OU. ; oats,. 405,000 bu Primary wheat receipts were 1.277,000 bu. and shipments $40,000 bu., against re ceipts of 2.866,000 bu. and shipments ot 144.200 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 980.000 bu and shipments 362,000 bu., against receipts or s9,.iHo tu. and shipments or 281,000 bu last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,661,000 bu and shipments 603,000 bu., sgalnst recelpta of 1,487,000 bu. and shipments of 887,000 bu, last year, CARLOT RECEIPTS. AVheat. Chicago 48 Minneapolis 238 Duluth 1 Omaha 9 Kanaas City .....295 St. Louis .184 Winnipeg 84 Corn. 46 Oats. 183 267 65 135 68 117 161 These sales were reported today: Wheat o. 2 durum; 1 car, $2.35. Barley No. 4; 1 car, $1.8S. Corn No. 1 white, 1 car, $1.75; No. 3 white, 11 care. $1.75; .'o. 8 white. 2 cars, $1.74; No. 4 white, 4 ears, $1.73; N. 1 yel low, 1 car, $1.66; 14 8-5 cars, $1,66; No. 8 yellow, 3 rare, $1.65; No. 1 mixed, 1 car, $1.66; No. 1 mixed, 1 car (near white) $1.71; 1 car (near white) 11.614; 1 car, $1.66; 1 car. $1.66; 11 cars, $1.(4; No. $ mixed, 1 $-$ car (near white) (1.694; 1 car, $1.6$; 1 car, $1,644; 10 cars. $(.64; No. 4 mixed, 3 cars. $1.04; 2 cars, $1.63; No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1,624; 1 car, $1.62. Oats No. 1 white, 1 car, 624c; No. 2 white. J' cars, 6!o; standard, 1 car 62c; 4 cars. 6Vc; 1 car, $14; No. $ white, 14 cars, 614c; No. 4 white, 1 car, 624c; 7 cars, 60 4o sampls white, 7 cars, 60c, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat; No ssles. Corn: No. 2 whits, $1.7441.76; No. whits. $1.7341.74; No, 4 whits, $1,734) 1.78; No. 1 yellow, $1.6441.65; No, 1 yel low, 11. 641. 65; No. 4yellow. $1.6301,64; No. 1 mixed, 11.646311.66; No. 1 mixed, $1.6401.66; No. 4 mixed, $1.6301.64. Oats: No. 2 white, 614 062c; standard, tlHO 62o; No. $ white, 61 61 4c Barley: Malt, lng, $1,3591 40; No. 1 'feed, $1.26t1.30. Rye: No. 2, $1.8901.91: No. 3, $1,881. 90. Local range of options Art. Open. High. L0w. Close. 1 TesT WhU ' "1 ' Sep. 1 11 2 H 201 2 03 217 Corn. Dec. 1 IS 1 16 115 1 15 115 Msy 1 14 1 It 114 1 14 114 Oats. Sep. 59 4 5 9 4 69 4 694 (tn'l lee 69 4 69 4 69 4 69 4 60 Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stork and grain brokers, 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. High. I.ow.l Close. BatT WhtTl T Sep. 2 1$ 1 16 204 2 04 216 Corn. Deo. 1 144 1 144 1134 1 144 114 May 1114 113 1114 1124 1124 Oats. Sep. 61 68 57 674 684 Dec. , 67 67 57 674 63 May ; 60 60 60 60 604 Pork. Sep. 43 50 43 60 43 10 43 45 48 17 Oct. 43 25 43, SO 43 26 43 30 41 00 Lard. Sep. 22 86 22 87 22 67 22 70 22 76 Oct. 21 00 23 02 22 72 22 83 22 87 Ribs. I I Sep. 31 68 , 21 70 13 50 23 70 23 46 Oct. 18 40 $3 45 23 25 28 40 23 20 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Announcement of Plana For Government v Control Result In Decline on Wheat. Chicago. Aug. 13 Notwithstanding that at first the wheat market today seemed to bs virtually unaffected by announcement of comprehensive plans of government control to be put In operation September 1, prices fl nally gave way. The outcome was a heavy close at 11 cents a bushel net decline, with September down to $2.04, Corn finished 4 off to 4 up, at $1.14401.144 December and $1.124$1. 124 May. Oats closed at Ho decline to 40 4 advance. Last prljcs of provisions ranged from 60 loss to a rise of 27c. Downward swings of vslues In the wheat market attained unusual force, but not until the day was more than half over. Ap parently, dealers In futures had been -welt ing to see what the result would be on prices paid by mills and other purchasers of wheat available for immediate delivery. As soon os the test of actual spot buying of the commodity to bs put st once Into use was applied, the fact seemed to Decome evident that Instant head would be given to the government notice ot necessity for a material reduction In the cost of wheat, flour and bread, if a sacrifice of national efficiency was to be averted. Holders In the future market have not been numerous cf late and as a rule they did not delay further for official word of the figures at which ths government would take the ownership of wheat. Instead, contracts were closed out ss promptly as possiDia, ana hen the dav ended the market was nut little higher than the minimum price which the food control law; names for next year's crop, $2 a bushel. Corn had a general downwara tendency 10- day. but stesdied when signs were given at tention that hogs and corn nan aooui come together again In value and that corn was near a feeding level. This point, however, was not reached until cash prices had In some cases fallen 20 cents a bushel since Saturrtav. making about 60o decline since the abnormal demand from distilleries was at the apex last week. Export sales at the seaboara neipea 10 rally the oats market from an eariy ae cllne, due to sympathy with the weakness of corn. Old oats have now lost meir premium over new, the latter being of ex ceptional quality on the whole. Hog nrlees. soaring nigner man ivr, lifted provision. On the advance though realising sales grew In volume and there was considerable reaction, chiefly In lard. Chicago Cash Prices wneat: .-no. 1 reu, $2.33; No. 8 red, $2,30&2.32; No. 2 hard. $2.56; No. $ hard, $2.484j2.62. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.7701.80; No. 3 yellow, $1.77; No. 4 yellow, nominal, outs: ,o. 0 wnue, 66c; standard, $S0$74 4c Rye: iso. i, 81.8801,89. Barley: $1.281.44. Seeds: Tlmo- thy, $4.0007.50; clover, $12.0017.00. Pro visions: Lard. $22.254222.65; pork, $14.35; ribs. $21.46023.95. Butter Higher; creamery, 37 0 39 4c. Eggs Higher; receipts, 10,192 cases; firsts, 114033c; ordinary firsts, 27030c; at mark, cases Included, 274 324c. Potatoea Unsettled; receipts, 45 cars; Virginia, barrels, $6.25: Jersey, bulk, $1.00 01.66; Minnesota, hulk, $1.6001.65; Min nesota, bulk, $1.6001.60. Poultry Alive, steady; fowls, 170194c; springs, 20023c. , New York General Market. New York, Aug. ' 13. Flour Unsettled; spring patents, $13.15'?tl2.40; winter pat ents, $10,90011.16; . winter straights, $10.65 010.80; Kansas straights, $13.15fpl3.40. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.48, c. I. t, New York, export; No, 2 hard, $2.68, e. I. f., New York. Corn Spot, Weak; No, 3 yellow. $1.87, and No. 2 mixed, c. I. f., New York. Oats Spot, 'easy; standard, 814962c, nominal, Keed Steady; western brand (100-lh. sscke), $37.00; standard middlings, $49.00; city bran, $40.00. Hay Quiet; No. 1, $1.1.1; No. 2, $1.05; No. 3, 90c; shipping. 751inc. Hops Steady; state .medium to choice, 1916, 87442o; 1916, lltflfic; Pacific coast, 1918. IS tit 2c; 1915, 14 a 17c Hides, quiet; Bogota, 43 4c; Central America, 424 c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec onds, (5c. Pork Firm: mess, $44.00; family, $43.00 044.00; short clear, $40.00042.50. Lard Steady; middle west, $22.(0023.60. Tallow Strong; city special loose, 17 4c asked. Wool Steady; domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 65c. Rice Steady; fancy head, 8084c; blue rose, 8 08 4c. ' New York Cotton Market. New Tork. Aug. 11. Cotton Futures opened steady; October, 24.90024. 62e; De cember, 24.46e; January, $4.49o; March, ,4.66c; May, 14.10c Summer Amusements 'Muse Earle Williams and Corlne Griffith will be the featured stars at this theater today and Wednasdsy in the Greater Vita graph production, "Th Stolen Treaty." It Is a modem story of diplomatic Intrigue, in which a treaty between this country and a foreign one la stolen. It tells thi manner in which it Is finally returned through the efforts of a courageous man and a quick witted girl. There, are said to be many ten Mtuatlon.H throughout. A good comedy Is Also shown on the sams bill, Strand tkt you read Sudden Jim whon It appeared serially In the Saturday Kvnlng Post? If you dtd. you will recall 'hat It h a corking good story one that lends Itseir admirably to picture form. It Is now In fllm-torm, having been screened by the Triangle people with Charles Hsy In the leading role. Ray Is so popular In Omaha that he needs no Introduction. He Is one performer of the masculine gender who can make you ery one minute and laugh the next, "Pangers of the Bride'' Is the name ot the sccompanylng Keystone. Fmpress Seldom does any vaudeville bill create the comment that the program now showing st tho Empress theater for the first half of this week. The headllner. The Fashion Shop," l one of the most novel acts ever produced In vaudeville, with beau tiful scenery, wonderful costumes, clevor comedy, plenty of good song numhers and above all beautiful girls. It pleases the women because of the costumes snd design ing and It awes the men because of the rapidity with which Mr. Burg dresses the models with just tho materials, without an stitches, without cutting the cloth and with only a few pins, and all In a minute snd a half. All the song numbers ars e itchy. Ross Berry, a singing comedienne, his won a warm spot In the hearta of th theater goers of Omaha with her sweet plesstng manner and excellent voice. Van Horn A Ammor are a pair of clever comedy roller sKaiers ana no matter now serious you may he you can t keen from Isuthlna- st Fsrso A Wells, who style their set as "Expressions of Comedy and Music." "By Right of I'ossessien,'" ft gripping drsma of love snd politics In a rough mining camp, with Mary Anderson snd Antonio Moreno In the lead ing roles. Is the film offering at the Em press today snd tomorrow. Also a Fox New York Sugar Market. New Tork, Aug. 13. Sugar Raw easy; centrifugal, 7.6507.77c; molasses, !770 US sc. Refined steady; cubes, . 1509. 90c'; XXXX powdered. 8.609,l6c: powdered. 8.15 Ifr9.30c; fine granulated, 8.4009.15; Diamond "A," 140c; confectioners' "A," 1.80.05o; No. 1, 8.1508.960. There, was a sharp re action in sugar futures, prices at one time being II to 21 points below the close of last week. Wall street wss the leading seller and there was considerable stop. loss llflUt datlon. Before noon there was a psrtlal rally. Closed Isteady and 12030 points lower. Sales, 20.450 tons; September, (14c; De cember, 6.17c January, 4.95c; March, 4.76c. Corn - Wheat Region Bulletin. Showers' occurred. In Oklahoma, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, the greater portions of Kansas snd South Dskots. eastern Nebras ka, south-central North Dakota, southern Minnesota, and northwestern Missouri, and were scattered over northern and central Ohio. The amounts were mostly moderate to light, except over one Inch fell In western snd centrsl Oklshoma, at three ststlons In Minnesota, two In Kansas, and one In Wis consin. Temperatures were generslly near or below the seasonal average during the last rorty-eignt hours. L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. Metal Market. New ork, Aug. 13. Metals Lead, ojulat: spot, $10.76011.00. Spelter, quiet; spot East 8t. Louis delivery, $18.37 4 010.624. Copper, quiet; electrolytic, spot snd nearby, nomi nal; September and fourth quarter, $36,600 i7.o. iron, firm; No. 1 northern. 153.004s 64 00; No. 3, $52.50053.00. No. 1 southern, 1 $49.00050.00; No. 2, $48.0004950. Metal ex. change quotes tin dull; spot, $6250063.00. At London: t:opper: Spot. 1125; futures. 124 10s; electrolytic, f 1 37. Tin:' Spot, 141 10s; futures, (239. Lead: Spot, ISO 10s; fu tures, (29 10s. Spelter: Spot, (64; futures, (60. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts continue light. Demand good; market firm and higher on all grade of hay and alfalfa. Choice upland prairie hay, $20.00(0121.00: No. 1. $18.00020.00: No. 2, $14.00017.00: No. 3. $8.00012.00; No. 1 midland, $17.00019.00; No. 2, $18.000116.00; No. 1 lowland, $10.00012.00; No, 2, $7,000 9.00; . .0. 2, $5.0006 00. Choice alfalfa, $22.00023.00; No. 1, $20.00021.00; stand- ara, H.ouwi.uo; No. 8, $16,00017.00; No, S, $11.00013.00. Oat straw, $8.0008.(0 wheat strsw, $7.0007.50. Minneapolis Grain Market. - Minneapolis, Aug. 15v Wheat September, (3.084. Cash: No. 1 northern, $2.9603.00; No. 1 northern. $3.(003.00; No. 2 hard Mon tana, $2.7602.80. Corn No. 3 yellow, $1,9601 9". Oats No. 3 white, 83 094c, Flaxseed $3.4003.47. Flour Unchanged. Barley $1.1601.41. Rye $1.8601.96. Bran $33.00036.00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New York, Aug. IS. Evsporated Apples- Dull; fancy, 120124o; choice, 114011! prime, 1040 all. Dried Fruits Prunes, dull snd easy; Callfornlas, 90114c; Oregons, 100104c; Apricots, steady; fancy, 20c. Peaches, quiet; standard, 104c; choice, 104o; fancy, 12c. Raisins, steady; loose muscatells, 74 09c: choice to fancy seeded, 7494e; Becdless, 94010c; Lpndon layers, $1.80. New York Cotton Market. New York, Aug. 11. Cotton Future closed steady; October, 24.76c; December, 24.66c; January, 24.43c; March, 14. 65c; May, 24.62c. Spot quiet; middling, 26.10c. Cotton closed steady with October at 24.75o and the general list st a net decline of 10 points on August and of 26 to 40 points lower on other months. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 18. Turpentine Firm; 874c; sales, 402 bbls.; receipts, $20 bbls. ; shipments, none; stock, 83,189 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,614 bbls.; receipts. 1,219 bbls.; shipments, none; stock, (3,40$ bbls. Quote: B, V. E, V, $5.16; G, H, $5.2$; 1, K, $5.30; M, $5.70; N, $6.46; WG. $6.86; WW $6.95. Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City. Augl 13. Wheat: No. .2 hard. $3.6602.80; No. 2 red. $2.3402.86. Corn No. 2 mixed., $1.7201.75; No. 2 white, $1.70; No. 2 yellow, $1.7001.73; Sep tember, $1.62; December, $1,144; May, $1.121.124. Oats No. 3 white, 63064c; No. 3 mixed. 60062c. St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis, Aug. 13 Wheat: No. 2 red. $2.40; No. 2 bard, $2.4202.79; September, $2.11. Corn No. 2, $1,73 4 01.74; No. 2 white. $1.83; September, $1,664; December, $1,484. Gate No. 2, 67 060c; standard white, 624 63c. . Kansas City Produce Market.' Kansas City City, Mo., Aug. 13. Butter- Creamery, 28c; firsts, 36c; seconds, 35c; peeking, 24c. Eggs Firsts, 22c; seconds. 25c. ' Poultry Hens, 134c; roosters, 124c: broilers, 16021c. Liverpool Cottof Market. ; Liverpool, Aug. 13. Cotton Spot, lower: American middling fair, 20.24d; good mid dling, 20.05(1; middling, 19.65d: low mid dling, 19.20(1; good ordinary, 18.26d; ordi nary, 17.75d. New York Dry Goods Market. New Tork, Aug. 13. Cotton - goods and yarns were quiet today with an easing tend ency in second hands. Raw silk was steady. Knit goods were firm. Jobbers re. port a good business for the period. Dress goods were quiet. Being pj Served a With H3 J Made in Omaha " X "7 The Great Teetotaler's Beverage Willow Springs Beverage Company Douglas 1306 or Douglas 210tS. Film comedy, entitled "A Bath Htiuas Tangle" and a Hearst-Pathe News. - Cayety Probably the busiest plae In Omaha Just now Is tho interior of the Oayety theater, where all manner 'f artisans are putting forth helr best efforts to prepare th$ theater for Its opening next. Saturday matinee with Potsr B. Clark's "Oh, Girl!" company, the first of the thirty-eight musical burlesque entertainments to be seen at that houso during the comlr.g season, Thursday morning tho seat sale will open and from the many inquiries msde It may be said that the demand wll! be brisk. Sun Mabel Taliaferro Is the featured player at this theater today and Wednesday in a Metro Wonderplsy, "Peggy, the Will O' the Wisp.'' It Is a play with the romantic Emerald liMe for a background. This picture has pleasant comedy element to It as all good Irish plays should, and de picts tho adventures of a young mad-caa who sympathised with the poor to such an extent that she disguised herself as a high wayman, robbing the rich and giving to the) poor. She Is in love with the captain of the law and In a romantic moment tells li'.m that whon he raptures this bold highway man she will marry him. fn a moment of bravado she decides to rob his home, f but he returns and catches her snd In the tus sell that follows her mask Is torn aside and he reminds her ot her promise. The cap tain Is then falsely accused of murder 'and all turn against him excepting Peggy. She runs down the real murderer and the picture ends happily for all concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew are also on the bill In "Mr. Parker, Hero." Rohlffe Genevieve Hamper, ' Robert Man! tell and Stuart Holmes show here today In the William Fox play '"Tangled Lives." Wednesday and Thursday la Clara Kimball Young In her latest production made under the banner of her own company, "The Price She Paid." It Is tho screen version of , the book by the same name, written by David Graham Phillips. It Is said to be. ' the supreme work ot this star In pictures. Resde.-s pf the story tn book form will be ' surprised that the plcturs goes farther than the book and shows the heroines further life. Princess Pearl White will be the featured player here today In the sixth chapter' ot Pathe's serlsl, "The Fatal Ring." The ani- mated weekly and other good reels will slso be on the hill. Wednesday Is tddy Polo and Prlscella Dean In the fifth chap ter of Cnlversal's serial based en the Sat urday Evening Post story, "Loot" and fllm- laed linrie lh namn nt "TI,, rirew An L-KO comedy, "Rough 8tuff,"a well as a cartoon cometly and other good reels complete the bill. Magic, sooth Bide The progrsm tor this theater today nd Wednesday was not an nounced up to the time of going to .press, but It Is certsln that the offerings will ho decidedly worth while and up to the stsn dard set by this popular plsy house. Spe cial attention Is called to Friday - though. when Myrtle Gonsales will be the stt Tac tion in "The Show Down." . Alhamlira E. H. Rot hern mnA HVIIll, Storey are the featured players at this -theater today in a Greater Vltsgrsph offer Ins1. "An Knimv tst IK. Vlr- rfci. 1- ' the soreen version of Mr. Bothern' famous stage play of the same name and is said - . . -. 1. puwijr form. Wednesday is Trus Boardman In the latent chanter r Vnetk.. of Stlngeree," "The Poison Cup." which Is a uiacK reaiure, a comedy and the ' Hearst-Path News, IlthrAn TOffev will K- k- ei-.f Mh-i- .. of Ethel Barrymore In the Methe special production of "The. Call of Her People." The production was placed In the hands Of John W. NohU. n! I, miia, K- ..u ki. oredlt that he has given to the cren a iur nai can d classed as a super-feature. The settings are nature's own and he Succeeded tn talrln mnmm 1.9 h- - heeutlfut that have ever graced a screen. 1 Wdnesdsy Is the latest chapter of "Secret n.,uRiuin, nms or an oatn" ana "Batty In ths Lion' Dn." w , A nnll ,l.TX. 1 1 - H .1 A . . . r . , . m. . - , .. ,,Viu iiu juji-ij .Bien- man are the Paramount player featured here tndav In "Th. WerM 1 t. 1.. .. play In which this clever palp of star are " urpas any 01 ineir termer work; and ML story that I- ln....,H- ,1 . Wertnesdsy will be Vlstof Moore and Anita, Tin In O Ak. ,... , V- ". "". inis aiso is a raramounr. offering and Is a -.I lng throughout with a comedy element that win ne appreciated. Friday comes "Whom ma uoa s Destroy," with Alice Joyce li th leading role. Houlsvard Lillian Qlsh Is the efatured. player here today lr, "Daphne and th Plratea." It la a bright and breesy play. With a dUtt-et ..m.. ' C .... ---- ' ; -".titi , lUtUUSUUUV. The story is one that permits ot this datntv r 10 am seen ax ner Dear and'ens ths leaves the spectator In a cheerful state o mind at the finish. A good rnmt, win also be shown In connection. Wednesday i- Nano O'Velll In - . IT I n a 1 P,.m..l -,t,k .k.. , . , , -run ilia PIClurssuue OICI- II-, MA - , .. V . . Alamo .DnrAthv rieeen I- 11,. ... . player at this theater today In 1 Metro Wondarnlav. "Th revii at ti- rik.- t-u- story Is a haaw anrf ,e-i the downfsll of a man, and how,' whsn hi' Miaiinoou asserts useir, ne rise again to taka bla r I h , f i.t -.t-.. k - 1- , . justify th confdencs that had been placed In him hv hla iw,.th,.rf v.ji..j.u Pearl Whits tn the fourth chapter of "Th Fatal Ring," a drama and a comedy. Aranit Chaelea Waw l- ,1.- e ..- -r..,.. at tlha the,,- .a-u in ""Ti,. Klin..., , Vagrant," The story Is a olsvsr and lntersst- na un i a young men pampsrea Dy mil linn, hn m,lr m K-, k- ft.- - - , ' . 11 . uo van laiw out Without a rent nt mntiav -nf M- .... $11 per week. He does, but the manner- In which he wins the bet will more then hold your Interest. Wednesday 1 William 8, Hart in his latest nhntnniav nt th. west, "Wolf Vonry." In which a western 'killer" Is reformed by a slip ot a girl. l)nnna .nftrAthv T-ft,m I- I.I.. ... . . . . j --".".. . it v , iuua 111 a. Trlanala nl. u "Ttflt.1 -.ri.i.i... . . This Is a ptoture that It I a pleasura to see. aim n. i noseo met mis company will eon. : tribute many more such oZerlngs In the near flltura It la a um.l.J.. - widow who held her deed husband' mem- 1 w wins an angei, dui wnsn an accl- H-nt-llM IkJIa..- k , -. a- w . 1. . . .-...-, -mv..i, mill nui kU U9 IDS BSint she thought him. things begin to happen. uuw wii w-unesuay, out jnursasy is William 8. Hart In hi latest western classic, "Wolf Lowry." Hipp Ths picture presented st this the. ster today and Wedensday, "Th Destroy ers," starring Lucille Lee Stewart, aister of Anita, Is one replete with human Interest and action. It tells ot a msn who was in' DUblla office and whan nn,t, hv -uilltlA-l enemies departs for the north woods, when he rinds true love and enjoyment awaiting him. The supporting cast of players is said to be exceptionally fine, while the direction s all that could be desired. The settlors In th north woods Is said to be unsurpassed (or sheer scenla beauty and the best ot camera work Is to be noticed throughout. Thursday will be Edd Polo and Prlscella Dean In the fifth chapter of "The Gray Ghost," and ss a special added attraction. Lillian "Dimples" Walker In "Hesper of the Mountains. Nebraska Enlists Third More Than Quota for Army Nebraska furnished 30 per cent more than its quota of -recruits for the regular army and ranked eleventh in the states of the union in the per centages of quota illed, according to detailed data received by "Major James F. McKinley. Nebraska's quota was fixed at 2,384 men last April. Thursday, when the army reached its full war strength, Nebraska had furnished 3,096 men, The states which ranked ahead of Nebraska were California, Idaho, Il linois, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. fll None cLb Xsby I Good