Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 7
PTK-rr Oma Sunday Bee PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO EIGHT A PART TWO AMUSEMENTS PAGES ONE TO EIGHT OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 12, 1917. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. News of the Week in Social Circles : Activities in Woman's Realm VOL. ALV1I NO. 9. Society Enjoys Cool Days While Excitement Over DON'T you suppose that the poor Omaha people who are swel tering on the seashore wish that they had srent The last week here? They left us in search of cool hreczes. which, truth to tell, they sad ly needed a short time ago. Now, while we shiver at night and morning, with only a brief thawing-olit time at noon-dav, they are having the sad dest warm season of their lives. When the very warm weather came week before last you couldn't have counted the tourists who scurried out of town, but now travelers are less outgoing, more incoming town, and motor trips arc far from' being so popular as they . ere. Those who are away show no disposition to return lor at least another moon. Then it will be time for young people to re turn to school and Ak-Sar-Ben to come again. Society will all be back in town for the short season before it is time for winter tours. Fewer of these than usual will be planned this year because of war conditions and the need for war relief work. In connection with preparations for war, the conclusion of the training camps at Fort Snelling and elsewhere has a highly interesting significance for some Omaha society people. Many flTrrT ffW' - 'iv mtv- -r . v sCVferK 7 r: n'Y(Vx1 :-wr "J;r Summer Haunts Attract Vacation !k Seekers of the Declining Season !.' i UGUST witnesses the exodus of o'- the last group of summer Npleasure seeker before cool er Septemhercstroys the inclination to seek otherliaimts. Mountain, lake - and seaside- resorts share in popular ity with the late vacationists. Mrs. E. M. Fairfield left Tuescfay for Sheridan, Wyo., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Slierinaii Canfield. Mr. Fairfield has gone to spend the week-end with his two daughters, Miss Betty"and Miss Wynne Fairfield, at Old Camp Meemahga) Fish Creek, Wis. Mr; and Mrs. George E. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, jr.. and Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank T. B. Mar tin and children are at Elkhorn Lodge is Estes Park. Mr. Martin, Mr. Barker and George Barker, jr., motored to the park, leaving here Wednesday of last week and reach ing Elkhorn Lodge Friday. Miss Margaret Bruce leaves next ' Tuesday for Elkhorn Lodge, in Estes Park, accompanied by Miss Clara and Miss Margharitc Schneider of Fre mont. They will remain at the lodge through August. Mr. Floyd M. Smith and son, Floyd, ir leave 'Wednesday for a month's "hunting and fishing trip in Wyoming. Mr. Adolplf Storz has gone to Glenwood Springs to join his family, which is spending the summer there. The Misses Margaret and Madeline Mulvihill leave this evening for an ex tended visit with their sister. Mrs. Thomas S. Piper, who has taken a cottage at Oce-m City, N. J. They rill visit in Nqv York and Phila delphia before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz. Miss Gertrude Metz, Mrs. Anna Peycke and daughters arc at the Metz ranch npai- CnAv fis Hplrn Eastman troes to the Metz ranch Tuesday to spend I a week with Miss Gertrude Metz. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Updike- left Fri day for Lake Superior. Mrs. Up dike and Miss Hazel Updike, with Mrs. W. J. Hayncs and son, William, jr., returned a week ago from a trip through the Yellowstone. Mrs. Newell Jones and little daughter, Frances, have gone to Cali fornia for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Griffith. Mrs. James "A. Griffith and Miss Vivian Griffith left Saturday for Mackinac island, where they expect to remain two months. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Rogers and children have gone to Teal Lake, Wis., for a month. Mrs. W. K. McKecn and Mrs. M. V. Morse leave today for Boston, the latter to join her daughters, Mrs. Palmer and Miss Morse, whp have been at Dennis, Mass.. all summer. Mrs. McKeen may g to West Har wich, Mass., and Mr. McKeen will go fast to join her later. Mrs. James McKinley and children , leave today for Black Mountain, N. C for the remainder of the summer. Major McKinley, whose fecent pro motions takes him te the Eleventh , cavalry, which is at Fort Oglcthrope, ria., is awaiting order- to go. Major ilcKinley have been here Army Plans Reign of the newly commissioned officers will be at home on furloughs before, as it is now supposed, they go to southern camps for a month or two of experience ptior to being sent abroad. Since women in other cities are planning to tcte these furloughed officers, it is only reasonable to sup pose that Omaha mothers and friends will do likewise. At least one of these young officers comes home on his furlough with a deliberate intention to take unto him self a wife. The young woman has made some changes in her summer plans in order to make the meeting possible. It may be that they are planning to spring a surprise on their friends, but all reports of an early wedding are denied. Considerable stir U manifested at l ome'at the thought of our own little army being transferred from the Audi torium and Fort Crook to New Mex ico in a few days. Everyone who has any claim of friendship on a member of the regiments stationed here thinks to herself, I must give my friend some token of my esteem to wish him well before he leaves. Such pies and such eatables as have been prepared for the soldiers ! Surely they will realize that the feeling of Omaha people for them takes a substantial form. about eight months and in that time have made a host of friends. Miss Mary Munchhoff,. who has been visiting Miss Frances Nash at Heath, Mass., is now with Mrs. Arthur- C. Smith at Cohasset. Mrs. Robert C. Druesedow and children are in Chicago for a little vacation on the lake. They have taken an apartment on the north side along the lake front. Casper Offutt was in town several days last week from Christmas Lake, but-returned there Wednesday eve ning. . Miss. Helen Loftman left Wednes day for Chicago where she will visit for two weeks before going to Lake Geneva, Wis., as a delegate from the Young Women's Christian association of the state university to the national conference, August 21. She will return to Omaha after September 1. Godard-Morey Wedding. The marriage of Miss Helen Morey. to Mr. V alentinc Godard was pert formed Saturday at high noon by the Rev. Titus Lowe at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.' Morey. Only the immediate family were present at the service and at the wedding breakfast which follow ed. The bride wore a simple white dress and her going-away suit was green. With it she wore a white satin hat. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Godard of To peka. the bridegroom's parents, were present at the ceremony. Mr. God ard and his bride left immediately after the wedding breakfast for To peka. From there they' will go to Galveston. Tex., and take boat there for Florida. They will make their home in Miami, Fla. Oberlin College Romance. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lincoln Patrick announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor, and Mr. Edwin Ells of Tecoma, Wash., the wedding to take place early in September. Both young people are Oberlin graduates of the class of 1915 and both arc members of Phi Beta Kappa. At the Country Club. Mr. and. Mrs. George B. Prinz en tertained at dinner at the Country club' Saturday ni?ht for Mrs. Fred erick Grant and Miss Grant, who are staying at the Blackstone. Two Fort Omaha- men, Mr. Allan McFarland and Mr. Reed were also. members of the party which included Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crnfoot, Mrs. Luther Kountze and Mr. C. W. Hull. Late reservations at the Country club were made by Mr. J. E. Rich ardson, Mr. W. A. Gilbert, Miss Grace Allison, Judge W. A. Redick, Mr. E. A. Bryan and Mr. E. W. Hart. At Seymour Lake Country Club. A number of private parties were entertained at the card party Saturday evening, both men and women partici pating. Auction and whist were played and a number of handsome prizes won. Howard Douglas entertained at a dancing party Friday, having with him Misses Marjoric Guild and Grace I Photographic Art Exhibit Local interest is being aroused in behalf of an art exhibit such as Omaha has yet to see first an exhibit of photographic art. Paintings and works of sculpture, from the brush or chiseled by world-famed artists or those in our own midst, have been shown with increased frequency in the last few years, but a display of really artistic camera art not cinematograph there has not been. There is a quiet movement on the part of those interested to include an exhibit of beautiful photographs at the next showing of the Omaha Art Gild, if it can be arranged. Should these plans mature, one of the first photographs to be hung would undoubtedly be the remarkably beautiful photograph of Mrs. 0. S. Goodrich, a most attractive matron of the younger set, which The Bee shows on this page. This likeness of Mrs. Goodrich, enlarged and done in water color, is the work of, Shaji Osato, Omaha's Japanese photographer. ' Another handsome photograph, by the same artist is one of Mrs. Luther L. Kountze in Japanese costume, taken in her Japanese garden This pho tograph, too, would be a beautiful addition to the proposed photographic art collection. Social Calendar Monday Society night at the Blackstone roof gardens. Tea for Mrs. James Reed of Cleve land, Mrs. Doane Powell, host ess. Tuesday Luncheon for guests of Mrs. Karl F. Adams; Mrs. R. M. Jones, hostess. Weekly bridge tournament at Field club. Dinner and matinee dances at Happy Hollow club. Women's luncheon and dinner dance at Carter Lake club. Luncheon for Miss Lillian Dick man, Mrs. Gottlieb Storz, hostess, at Field club. Dinner for Mrs. James Reed of Cleveland, Mrs. Thilip Horan, hostess. Wednesday Dinner-dances at Country and Field clubs. Cottagers' dinner at Carter Iike club. luncheons at Field, Hap py Hollow and Seymour Lake Country clubs. Bridge tournament at Happy Hol low club. Friday Matinee dance at Field club. Dinner-dances at Seymour Lake Coujitry club and Council Bluffs Rowing association. Cottagers' Bowling club at Carter Lake club. Evening affair for Miss Hopkins, Miss Florence hostess. Saturday Dinner-dances at Country, Betty Long. Field Happy Hollow and Carter Lake Country clubs. Yardley, of Chicago, and R. R. Bene dict. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Moore, of Kan sas City, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Litz Friday evening. Another party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Brance Curtis, and L. A. Mctzel. of Butte, Mont. Dr. M. L. Kh.g entertained at a dancing party Friday evening, when his guests included the Misses L. Hunter, V. Williams, M. King,- and the Messrs. Ralph King, Leo Lowry and Harry Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Yollmer had Mrs. Lehmcr as their house guest last week. At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Tyson enter- ! tained at cinncr at Happy Hollow (Continued on Fe Two, Column One.) Scan Roll of the Charming Debutante Season for Possible Queen of Ak - w AR, with its deprivations, has not yet robbed us of one htkge pleasure the annual Ak-Sar- JBen festival. A military parade and a patriotic electrical pageant, with prehaps special exhibitions at the bal loon school, make the prospect of this year's carnival and week of celebra tion unsually attractive. The masquerade ball, which proved such a source of mirth last year, is to be repeated this year on Saturday, October 6. On the evening preced ing it will be the great coronation ball for the knights and ladies of Ak-Sar-Ben. Speculation is rife in re gard to the nature of the queen's cos tume and the garb of her attendants. Will she carry out the war-time scheme of conservation and patriot ism by foregoing an elaborate gown and appearing in patriotic robe? Who that queen is to be is the an nual riddle which perplexes society. Each year it seems that the riddle is harder to solve, but surely no season has it been harder than this. The sfnall group of dclnitantes for the last winter has left such a list of eligible debutante queens as you could hardly believe possible. Girls in the cast have been introduced from time to time this summer at large summer dancing parties and receptions, but in Omaha not a single summer debufantc has come out. This leaves the field open tor an tne attractive young misses who have finished school and are ready to begin their social careers. Miss Elizabeth Reed, Miss Emilv Keller, Miss Margarctha Grimmtl, Miss Grace Allison and Miss Ruth Kinsler did not choose to make thei. formal debuts this year, although home from school. They head the list of possible debutantes and queens. Miss Helen Eastman and Miss Naomi Towle are girls whose am bitions to do worth-while things con tinually deprive us of two popular buds. The former has spent the last Jtwo winters in Chicago at the Art institute and the latter elected to re turn to Mrs. Hartman's school after the holidays last year, for further work in languages. Both of these girls will be in the prospective queen list if they decide to play in society for a while this winter. Among the girjs who, having fin ished school, will be home this sea son and are entitled to make their debuts are Miss Virginia Offutt and Miss Esther Wilhelin, graduates of Miss Spencc's school in New York. Both are only daughters, but Miss Offutt has two brothers, both of whom have been accepted by Uncle Sam for ) service, one in the aviation and the other in the diplomatic corps. Mijs Florence Neville comes home today from a delightful summer in the east after finishing at the Coats-Weaver school in New York and will be at home this winter. She has also had two years at Agontz, near Philadel phia. Miss Hazel Updike, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Updike, re lumed in June from the Bennett school at Millbrook, N. Y., and Miss Elsie Storz from Miss Finch's in New York, both through with school. Miss Gertrude Stout and Miss Mildred . Todd 'went to school in Mid-Summer Guests Inspiration For Many Social Festivities Mrs. Walter KIopp and little daugh ter, who have been visiting the for mer's parents, Mr. add Mrs. Charles Burke, have returned th Kansas City, accompanied by Mrs. Burke. Mrs. Donlan of New Haven, Conn., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley enroute to Redlands to meet her son, Harold. They expect to re turn for Ak-Sar-Ben festivities and to renew acquaintances with old friends. Mrs. Leonard Spalding and daugh ter. Miss Nan Spalding, and two sons arrived Wednesday from Louisville, Ky., where they have been visiting, and are at the Colonial for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Spalding and their family left Omaha several months ago to make Baltimore their home. Mrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer is spending a few- weeks in Washington, D. C, visiting her son, Captain F. R. Van Rensselaer and his wife's par ents, Colonel and Herbert M. Lord, at Chevy Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFcrren of Hoopeston, 111., are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Stew art, in Council Bluffs. Miss Ruth Hays of Elgin, Nebi, is the guest of Miss Ethel Bynura. Many social functions have been planned in her honor. Miss Elizabeth Shilley, for many years a public school teacher of this city, but" now of Los Angeles, is visit ing Mrs. J. K. Hazzard, 150.1 Ohio street. Miss Shilley will receive old friends at the Hazzard residence. Mrs. Robert Foreran relumed to Chicago Saturday after several weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Coiigdon. Mrs. G. H. Bicknell and daughter, iiclcn, are the guests of Mrs, G. V. jF y,,4 v N nM vJkji t$x . Av x , j A Set of Winter Sar - Ben This Year Washington, the former at Mrs. Som ers' and the latter at the Bristol school, after graduating from Brown ell Hall. They plan to remain at home this year. Miss Gertrude Porter completed her course at The Castle, Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson, in June and will spend her first winter at home. A Council Bluffs girl. Miss Clara Hart, may be considered as an Omaha debu tant since she has as many friends on 'this side of the river as on the other and is a Country club member. She graduated from Dana Hall in June. Noble, enroute from Boulder to Kan kakee. Mrs. Arthur Remington leaves to day to visit her cousin, Mrs. Perkins, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Social Gossip. Mrs. G. A. Whiting, formerly Miss Elizabeth Sweet of this 'city, is at Fort Snelling, where her husband, Captain Whiting, is one of the in structors at Ihe camp of regulars which is in training there beside the reserve officers camp. Mr. ana Airs. v.. i. I alvin Have taken one of the apartments at the new St. Regis on Thirty-seventh street, which will be completed this autumn. John L. Kennedy has gone to Min neapolis to join his wife and children, who have been at the Hotel Radis son. Mr. Thomas Wakcley returned Sun day from Chicago, where he has been employed this summer, lie had his tonsils removed Monday and is recov ering rapidly at the l.larkstbne. E. H. Callanan left Thursday for Toledo, to be gone two weeks. Will Burns has returned from a western business trip. Mr. W. E. Chambers leaves Wednesday for New York, where he is on the-program for instruction at the meetings of two dancing Associa tions, "The Inner Circle," which will be held at the Hotel McAlpin and the "American National," at the Hotel As tot". He will remain in the east until September 10. Stork Special. A son and a daughter were born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kocher, Tues day, at the Stewart hospital. Trail Leads Home For the Travelers Mr, and Mrs. Dan W. Gaines havfl returned from a month's trip through the east, going via the Great Lakes to Detroit, spending considerable time in New York and returning via Virginia and Kentucky. Miss Euthe- , mia Tallman of Brooklyn, cousin of Mrs. Gaines, has returned with them and probably will spend the winter as their guest. , ' ' Mr. Arthur C. Smith is enrtA back this week from Wyoming, where, he has been on a ranch with his sous, Huntington and Arthur, jr. Miss Elizabeth Davis and Miss Betty Bruce are expected home from Miiinetonka Monday morning. Mrs. Harold Pritchctt, whom they have been visiting, will give up her cottage at the lake next iweek probably, de pending upon Mr. Pritchctt's ordent at the close of the Snelling camp. Miss Florence Neville; who ha been visiting school friends in Pitts burgh and for past three weeks at the Muskota lakes, Canada, will be home today. Her brother, Mr. Eugene Ne ville, leaves Wednesday for New Haven, where he will be a freshman in Yale this year. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Grecnleaf havt returned from a two weeks' trip tc the Pacific coast. Miss Mary Louise La tenser re turned Friday from New York, where she has been studying at Columbia university for the last year. She was accompanied from New York by Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan, who will be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Latenser for several weeks. Mr. Joseph Barker 2d has returned from Montreal, Canada, where his wife and child arc vsiting until Sep tember. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Foster returned this week from a month in the east, where they motored from Boston to New York and Atlantic City. ' "C. C. George returned last week from his fishing trip in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy are occupying the old Kennedy home at 2224 Dodpe street, having taken it tor a year. Mrs. W. W. Grigor, for merly Miss Winifred Kennedy, has been the occupant for two or three years past, but is now at Minnetonka and expects to spend her winters south. Rev. Lloyd Holsapple and Mrs. Holsapple are expected home this week. L. F. Crofoot and his daughter, Vir ginia, and sons, Lodovic and David, returned Wednesday from a week in, Dubuque with Mr. and Mrs.' George Myers. Miss Adele Cullen has returned from a three months' visit in Chicago and Detroit. , Motoring Trips. - ' Harkness Kountze, acconipanied by Donald Hall, motored to Prior Lake last week in his car and expects to return about Wednesday. Robert Connell returned Sunday from a motor trip to Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart. 2d. and children motored to Prior Lake last wee, w 7