Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 16
t. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 12. 1917. 8 A f Want Ad Rates ((hunting Six Word to th Line) No ad takes for lest than two lines. CASH WITH ORDER no per tin 1 time Tc per line..! or more consecutive Insertion. CHARGE c per lin 1 time. lie per llne..S or mora consecutive Insertion. 7c per line 30 consecutive Insertion. SITUATIONS WANTED .5 per line per week. CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 10c per line earh Insertion. (Minimum charge, 60 cents) Foreign Rate Cash With Order. (Count Six Words to Line.) Help Wanted f .c per line 1 time. Agents Wanted J , .. , Business Chances ye er 3 or mor Financial iconiecutlve Insertion. t' tc per line 1 tlm. Classifications. I ,ln 1 or mor (.consecutive insertion USE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or send In your want ads. Ask for Want Ad Taker and you will receive the same good service as when de livering your want ad at this office. PHONE TYLER I0OO WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENINO EDITIONS 13:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Rate on Application ATTRACTIONS WANTED First-clans amusement, conces sions for Shady Lake, Columbus, Neb., Wednesday, August 29. Occasion, big dis trict farmers' union picnic. No gambling; devices. Admission free. Write Harold Kramer, Columbus. Neb. i. GA N C'OU'NT r 8 IXTHNNUAL FAIItT SEPTEMBER 19-20-21. Flrst-clas carni val company wanted and other attrac tions, yrlte lr. E. F. Carr, Secretary, Rtspleton, Neb DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES SULLIVAN James W., son of Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan at their residence, 3611 S. 26th St., South 8lde, Omaha. Saturday morn ing, August 11, 117, aged 16 years. Funeral from residence Monday morn ing, August 13, 1917. at 10 o'clock. In terment, west i.awn cemetery. ANDRESEN Thaadore, August 1L 1917. Aged 12 years. Funeral Sunday, August 12, at 3 p, m., from th Danish Norwegian church, 26th and Hamilton streets. Interment Spring well cemetery. FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Deliver association, we are In position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere In the United State or Canada. Hess Swnhnda, Florists. .'ontenuli Florists, LEE L. LARMON 111 4 Douglas At. Douglas S244. LARGEST assortment ot fresh flowers. '-J.1 MPJ RS0 2i J !?r'LA am. i'ARKER FlXWBR SHOP, 411 H. it. D. M2. THE FERjEJT, Mla2tl!LH?!i' HATH. National Florist. 1904 Farnam St. aTTiONAOHUK, g JL- t-V g FJJNERALDIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers, 24 Hsr. D.897. E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director. F. E. Foro, Mgr., 23d and Cumins' St., Phone Dougla 677. Auto ambulance. 11ULSE i RIEPEN. undertaker and ein balrner. 701 S. lth. Dougla 1202. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and emhalmer, 2624 Leavenworth. Doug. ICCj. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ""Births John and MaudWood, 3118 South Fourteenth street, girl; Lester and Bernlc Hlnsle, 4618 Davenport street, boy; Ed ward and Marl Nemecek, (200 South Eight eenth street, boy; John and Mary Oregor, 6834 South Twentieth street, girl; George and Elsie fimollk, Berry avenue, girl; Stephen and Sophia Kaster, 3620 V street, hoy; Martin ind sh'tle Petraslc, 64S7 South Twenty-first street, boy; Charles and Esther Sorenson, 1611 South Twentieth avenue, boy; William A. and Clara Uakemeler, 2)34 .outh Thirty-third street, girl; Vlncenao and Tlrrocella Centemore, 407 Poppleton avenue, boy: Samuel and Tressa Rasa, 4724 Charle street, girl; George and Mary Scates, 365$ Center street, boy; Richard H. and Hattie M. Hlagle, 6026 Rlggs street, boy; Harold and Hertha Hansen, 1021 Lafay ette avenue, girl; T. A. and Anna Miles, .1031 South Twenty-third street, girl: Walter and Queen Duda, 3026 Davenport strent, girl. Deaths Grace Singer, 66, 638' South Twenty-fifth avenue; George Meyer, 68, hospital: Mildred M. Knight, 11 dsys, 3601 Davenport street; Frank Case, 61, 6201 North Thirtieth street,; Edward B. Welsh, 43. hospital; James Duncan, 76, Forty-fifth and Harrison street; Henry lsing. Jr., II, hospital. ,1 . in mi MARRIAGE LICENSES. " Hie following licenses to wed wer issued today: Nam and Address, Ag. t.ulgt Costanso, Omaha 11 Giuseppe Orlando. Omaha,.,. 10 Joseph Pouster, Omaha over 31 : Anna Paney, Omaha... ........over 1.4 Fred Burton, Omsha. ................ .. 1 La Verna Long, Omaha - IT D. Valentin dodard, Miami, Fla !7 Helen Morey, Omaha.,, .. 2' Albert C. Stacker, Bloomlngton, lit 44 Clara Greenwood. Bloomlngton. III. .... .44 BUILDING PERMITS. "Th following building permit wr Issued tody: Nichols Nlgro, 1505 Main street, brick store. $500. Blackston Holding Co., $61$ Farnam treet, $6,000. E. T. Peterson, 3224 Cass street, frame dwelling, $2,600. Joseph Kurtx, 4413 North Thirty-first street, fram dwelling, $2,000 Amos Grant. 1331 North Fortieth e'reet. frir';.JIl, LOSTFOUNDREWARDS OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COMPANY. Person having lost some article would da well to call up th office of th Omaha Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in th street car. Many article each day turned In and th company 1 anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. IK YOU lose anything and will advertise It her you will surely recover it if found bv n honest person. If you find anything of vali the honest way i to advertise for the owner. r HCT I Strayed Sunday eve, July LUOl 1 16th. brown and whits Scotch collie. Full grown. Shedding hair. Ct on hind foot. Address Box 6203, Dee. Reward, LOST Brlndle bull pup, whit markings. answer nam of "Jerry," no tag; ear and tall not clipped. Reward. Lost about a week. Douglas 3963 LOST Envelope containing picture aud letter. Return 2505 Pierce Ht. LOST Pearl crown pin. Liberal reward. Call Douglas 6974. FOUND A Bull dug. Give full description. Dougla 5700. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION. FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, rugs or stoves until you have seen us first We offer you a $25,000 STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR' JCITL'RE, RU,9. STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS for practically yemr own prlee. W are forced to vacate our four-tory warehouse, and It entire content must be sold at once. Sal takes place at our Miles room at th -corner of 14tl and Dodg street. Do not fall to attend. It is an opportunity of a lifetime. ' Hundreds have already taken advan tag of this wonderful opportunity. Why don t your STATE FURNITURE CO.. T. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. AUCTION. AUCTION. Furnltur of a five-room home at 161$ Cumlnr St. Tomorrow morning (Monday). Kale start 10 a. m. Consisting ot t good rugs, 1 good typewriter, several rocking chairs. 2 good beds, spring and mat trease. Sanitary couch and pad, dining table and Chairs, gas range, dressers and chiffonier: bedding, dishes, cooking men sils and hundreds of article too numcr ous to mesxion. Remember this sale is tomorrow mom Ing. James L. Dowd. Auctioneer. For Auction Bale Call Red 321. or H. 463. BARGAINS ki furniture, ico boxes, gas tov.. ruga, beds, china and kitchen cabl ; mlH. table. chain, buffets, drO-sers, trunks, ruitca-eg i Full line of poultry net li iS. screen. 15,3-47 N. 2tlb. Web. 1607, FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. HUSTLERS, get my auto monogram sys tem: an honest money getter write today. Monogram King, 300 N. Broadway, Okla homa City. Okla. ICE CREAM table, off. fur., chairs, refrlg., gard. hoee, porch fur., Vlctrnla. pianos. Loval Fur. Co.. 223 -N. 18. City Furn. Co., 107 R 14. ONE good buffet, porch swing, library table, kitchen tabic, for sale cheap. Harney 3982. RUSH right down and get your share of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. SOI N. 16th. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE tho following high, grade piano in first class condition: One Hardman. One Gabler. One Chlckerlng Sons. One R. 8. Howard Charles H. Thatcher Piano Repair Factory. Douglas 6019. UPRIGHT Stegerplano, mahogany casX sacrifice. $100. Douglas 746 FIRST CLASS piano; good bargain If taken at once. Write Box 620", Omaha Bee. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and parts of all sewing machines. MICKELS NEBRACKA CYCLE CO, 15th and Hjrney Sts. Doug. 1662. Clothing and Furs. FOR SALELadles' genuine Russian Pony coat. Phone Douglas 6684. Cameras and Kodaks. FOR HALE t-Inch Kodak film tank, com plete, very little used and In best condi tion. Make me an offer. Box til 9 Bee. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typowrlter 3 months for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1905 Farnam. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1906 Farnsm. Douglas 4121. All makes. Guaranteed Typewriters, 310 and up. Write for lint. Mtdland Typ. Co., 1404 Dodge. Store and Office Fixtures. A BARGAIN FOR SALE AN "ADDRESSAGRAPH" Addressing machine. In first-class con dition. Communicate with NATIONAL SUPPLY COMVANT, Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE Hlx-inwerNellonal cash reg ister; full cabinet and tip to date. W. II. I.ockwood, Hebron. Neb. Machinery and Engines. NEW Bowser gasoline outside pump and tank; a bargain. Box 6269, Bee. Miscellaneous. i BARGAIN for cash, want to sell my equity in household goods and grand piano. Cost new five months ago, (560 and 1700, re spectively. Kiiulty worth 1315, Will sell for $200. Kent of apartment paid until September 3. Good reason for selling. Call at 1613 Mn pie, after 6 p. m. OMAHA PILLOW CCTFeather te'i.m renovated and made up In fresh tick cost half the price of new pillows. Call us for aamplea of ticking and prices. 1907 Cum ing. Dougla 241.7. i WE HAVE moved to new location. W buy, ell and make desks, safes, showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone D. 2724. Foil SALE Brand new 16-18-Inch Barnes lathe: Acme cylinder grinder and 1.600-lh. Baum safe; slightly used; must sell. J, W. Kennedy, Sheldon, la. ODD pieces of household furniture, nearly new, sacrifice Oriental rugs. Doug. 7466. FOR SALE Stoara cooker. 14-qt. slse, for canning vegetables and fruit, $3. H. 4743. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 18J7. SWAPPERS' COLUMN V LM8 developed, 100 a roll; one-day serv ice. Kase Kodak Btudlo, Neville Blk., 16th and Harney. WILL trecie new dressing table and chair, Ivory finish, for baby buggy or rug. Web. 3669. FOR SALE or exchange. On high grade piano, will exchange for painting and decorating. Box 6311, Bee. MISCELLANEOUS articles to trade for mu sical Instruments. Friedman, 1211 Dougla. A FIVE-PASSENGER 19U Overland for a second-hand Ford roadster. Call D. 1911. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6164. OLD CLOTHING HIGHEST PRICES. DOUGLAS 8021. JENKINS Pays highest price for clothe, shoe, trunk, Re., Doug. 803$. etc. Doug. 6891. DIAMONDS 409 8. 16th St, SOL BERGMAN CO. WANTED TO BUY Slightly used 191. Ford touring oar. South 4360. CASH paid for diamonds. Estate ap praised. Reese Jewelry Co., 401 S. 16th. WILL buy golf club and bag. Call Benson 354-J, evenings. WANTED A 1917 Ford touring body. Ad- tires Box T 147, Bee. BOOKS bought. Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. BOOKS bought, 610 8. 16th. Tyler 2926. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating;. ACCORDEON. side, knife. unburt; bo pleating, covered buttons, all slse and style; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants, IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., Opposlt Brands! Store. 800-30$ Brown Bldg. Douglas 19.16 VAN ARMTN Dreas-Pleating and Button t-o., 936-T raxton Blk. Dougla 8109. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., $38 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. $169. Baths. ELECTRIC treatment; baths; Swedish mas sage. Central Institute 1506 Harney Douglas 7097. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring. physlcnl cult. Miss Walker. 224 Nevlll Blk. D. 4297. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE, 228 Nevlll Block, 16th and Harney Sts. Doug. 7381. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltrhell Co., 27th and Martha St. Bakeries O RTM A MPS NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 21$ N. 16TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS." Carpenters and Contractor! LESSARP A SON. 2H21 Cuming, Ty. 163J. Chiropodist Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk., R. 4687. Detectives OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATES', 900 1st. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler $610. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all eases. Tyler 1136. 8. D. JOLLY. 61$ Paxton. lied 7401. Dressmaking; TERRY Dressmaking Co., 20th anO Farnam. DRESSMAKING, work guar. D. 4160. Fixtpres and Wiring riTTpTTW Electrlo washing machine, LUXVrVIi electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 2519. Furs Stored FURS stored, cleaned and remodeled. ', price. Furs dyed. U. Kothhols, Furrier. Harney 73, 8is Leavenwortn. Hat Cleaners HATS cleaned and rebioeked. 1520 Harney. Household Specialities C. F. ADAMS. 623 8 16th. D 2007. Under new management. We want to ae old friend and meet new. Open Sat. ve. Your credit la good. Agents wanted. Insurance BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN 13-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg, Doug. 281 Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on beams, column, brick. H Ororn Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 2884. Machinery and Engines FOR SALE At a bargain, rotary hydraullo well drill, or will trade for (malt kerosen tractor. Box T 86. Bee. Massueres MASSAGE, chiropody. Alta Head, 209-14 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. D. 3456. Central Bath Inst. 1506 Harney. Doug. 7097. MISS HOLLAND. 222-$ Neville Block. Osteopaths Mrs. J. R. Muelck, sulphur, ktram and cuca lyptus bath. 402-3 Ros DJJg. Ty. 2.63 ANNOUNCEMENTS Oxy-Acetylene Welding Expert Welding on AH Metals rt. W. LEVERING. 20 8 12th St. D. 3671. Patent Attorneys PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter nstlonsl Patent Co.. CS: Brandel. D 6 till. STUROES ac STURUE8, U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent $3.50 per mo. A. Hoepe Co.. 1513 Dougla. Printing and Office Supplies Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co. 624 S. 13th St. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. 5c SHINE 5c a"pbciJltt AMER. SHINING PARLOR. 1504 Harney St. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent. 206 N. 17th. John Feldman, D. 3126. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Trunks and Traveling Bags. WB make them ourselves; why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at cost. ALFRED CORNISH CO., ilfrs. of Harness, Saddles and Traveling Goods. 1210 Farnam St. Towels Supplies. Omaha Towel "8upply;207 S. 11th. T.$H. Trusse.. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W. G. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harnoy fit. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1906 FARNAM. MEALS 6c and 16c, 10.1 S. 12th St. Ameri can Lunch Room. BUSINESS CHANCES IT'S YOURS $300 to $800 per month. Exclujhe con trol given for ten counties on the GREATEST FORD SPECIALTY ever manufactured. One sale a day by uhagents In each county give a profit of $800 PER MONTH Hundreds of inquiries and proapects turned over to the distributor. WE REQUIRE a reliable man with at least a thousand dollars capital; $100,000 cash Invented In this proposition. A chance of a lifetime. Extensively advertised. Write American Steel Supply Co.. Penobscot Bldg., De troll. A $10,000.00 OPPORTUNITY Unusual opportunity for man of busi ness ability to seVure agency for wonder ful farm tractor attachment for Ford ears. $10,000.00 easily made In next six months on small investment. No risk. Write for particulars. FARM TRACTOR CO., Fond du Lac. Wig. LIGHTNING PUNCTURE SEALER. . Startles Automobile World Automati cally and instantly seals all tire punctures. Absolutely guaranteed; 200 per cent profit. Old established half million dol lar company wants sale manager, open branch office; manage sale campaign. Should make $10,000 first year; $600 to $1,600 capital necessary; don't answer unless you have this amount. We pay expenses to Chicago. President, 20 E. Jackson, Suit 900, Chicago. WE! HAVE an opening for several high-class reputable stock aaleimen or salesladies ot oil stock now on a dividend-paying basis of 20 per cent. Have seven producing wells; mor drilling in world-renowned Cuihlng field of Oklahoma. Communicate at one with Midwest Securities Corpora tion, U Campbell Bldg., Oklahoma City, OUI. BUSINESS location for ale at Chiles. Kan., a town of sixty; forty miles south of Kansas City, Mo., on main line Missouri Pacific, store building 30x60; 6-room resi dence, barn and garage combined; five lot all well located in centerot town. Price, $2,200. No merchandise. Btock to mil, building in A-l shape. A-l crops Fin location for live wire In general merchandise with a $1,000 stock or capi tal. Answer Box 1, Chiles. Kan. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAT. BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best result. Promctnes aaaured. Watson E. Coleman lawyer $36 r Bt N. W., WASHINGTON. D. C. MOVIE SHOW SNAP in Nebraska town of 10,000, doing fin business: ha excellent fixture and I well equipped. Seat 450. For qul.k lale. Price $3,000. LUND, 420 Itos Bldg. Tyler 75S. FINE OPPORTUNITY Rental, a big bargain, in the heart of Omaha. A fine corner, on a great transfer point, to remodel for hotel. soft drinks, restaurant and fruit stand. Requires $5,000. Want partner. Box 8101. Bee. FOR SALE. Two bowling alley. In first-class con dition. Now Installed in Elks' club rooms. These alley are a bargain. For Information address George Cow ton, secretary B. P. O. Elk, Grand Is land, Neb. FOR SALE Clean, up-to-date hardware and furniture stock. In a good town In western Iowa. Stock Is all new, no dead stock. Btock will Invoice about $4,000, with fixtures. Thl is one of the best proposition In western Iowa and will bear clos Investigation. Box T 140, Bee. SUBSTANTIAL Manufacturing company want party estaDiisn brancn ornce, manage salesmen. Possibilities unlimited. $300.00 to $500.00 capital neceasary. Tou handle own money. Will pay expense to Chicago as explained. Secretary. 418 South Dearborn, Chicago. ' LARUE manufacturers want few capable men to manage office and salesmen. Ex ceptional chance for right parties; $300 to $700 capital necessary. You handle your own money. Expenses to Chicago paid If accepted. Address Sale Office, suite 463, McCormlck Bldg.. Chicago. WANTED In every town and city, men anxious to organise, paying a-Homobile accessory business; protect 8 tagrltory; close co-operation; new plana; Jeat de mand; quick aalea; large profits; small capital; write now for tr(ory. Orolo Manufacturing i n T minli llli T FOR SALE Leading dry good store and fixtures in good Iowa town of 4.000; an nual business, $40,000; stock ard fixtures. invoice. $12,000, but will sacrifice at 65 cents on dollar for quick cash sale.. Box V .. Y. - - xier. REPRESENTATIVES wanted: Ford ifuel cost reduced 60 per cent: absolute money back; sale guaranteed; retail $7: exclu sive territory: price $4. Kerosene Ga Gen erator Co., Hollywood Boulevard Corner, Chsuenga, Los Angeles. WANTED Reliable middle aged man to represent 'The Youths Companion ateady employment to light man: -with guarantee to start; for an Interview, ad- drees Box (314, Bee. Ftrst-clasa refer ences required. FOR SALE. Up-to-date cafe and -ice cream parlor, everything new In connection with lead ing hotel la town of 3.000 In Nebraska. Address Box T 186, Omaha Bee. 3 POWERS, (-A machine, practically new. Tour choice at $16$. other machine from $36 up: two Fort Wayne Compensarca at $35. Come quick If you want it. Mgr. 10 Bromley Bhlg.. Omaha NcU. BUSINESS CHANCES FURNITURE ami undertaking business lu Nebraska town: last year's business $10, 000. Sell for $2,500. GANG EST AD, Suite 248. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. EXCELLENT locallon for a young man to start a new bank: should have $7,000 to $10,000; banker will take- stock and as- , slst in getting started. Half can be sold ; to farmers. Address P. O. Box 64. Omaha. FOR SALE! MusteiT this weekTlwo chair shop, bath, electric lights, city water paid. Price $190. E. C. Morgan, Xiilford. Neb. SINGLE Drafted In army. Muel sell my moving picture palace. Don't overlook this bargain. Address Box 147, Clay : Center, Neb. j FOR SALE Small drug stock and con- j fectlonery In eastern Nebranka town Ideal location for an M. D. Address Bee. BUSINESS man with uipllal tvtahes to , take active Interest In a profitable busl neiis. Give particulars; confident !. Box j 6322, Bee. 1 FURNITURE and lease of 26-rooni hotel in live Nebraska town, pay well. Write GANGEHTAD, Suite 246. Be Bldg , Omaha. 2-CHAIR barber shop, good Nebraska town, drafted and drawr; must sell. $373. Write OANGESTAD, I Suite 048 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. $1,600 BUYS picture show In county ut : town of 2.000 population: capacity, 250; j rent, $25 per month. Will stand inveatl- j gatlon. Palace Theater, Add, la. i MOTION picture machine (new and re built); theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S. 14th Ht. BAKER V LOCATION In good thriving town, no competition. Write Meade Steele. Coon Rapids, Iowa. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good business; good furniture. Other business. 708H West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE Half Interest state right fea ture film, now playing, salary. Box 6284, Bee. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup- piy Co., zui Nat, mag. SALOON in St. Paul, doing good business; good location; good stock and showing profit. Address Box T 145, Bee TO GET In or out of business call on OA NO EST AD, 248 Bee Bldg. Doug. 8477. MY CIGAR store, for aalo cheap. Leaving city. Douglas 3180. YOUR business or real estate handled for sale. F. V. Knlest. Bee llldg., Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. 112. W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3285. IF YOU want to buy a thriving business in a good small town. Address Bee. No. Rooming; Houses for Sale. CENTRALLY LOCATED, 308 NORTH 22D ST. 10 large comfortable rooms. In good condition, splendid neighborhood and very close-In, brick building, splendid heating plant, a bargain at $40. PAYNE & SLATER, (REALTORS.) 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone Doug. 1016. LUND'S ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. 10 rooms, close In, sacrifice $150 10 rooms, Harney St.. extra fine 600 9 rooms, fine location 325 32 rooms. Douglas St., extra fine.. $3, 200 Rooming house buyers, It will pay you to se me first, I list nothing but clean, money-making rooming houses that will stand best of Investigation.' LUND, 420 Ros? Bldg. Tyler 75.1. 10 ROOMS, Harney St. location; worth $S00. will sacrifice at $400 If taken at once. LUND, 420 Rosa Bldg Tyler 753. ROOMING house, 10 rooms., well furnished, close In: a bargain if taken at once; $350. LUND. 420 Roso Bldg. Tyler 753. 10-ROOM rooming house; all modern; for sale cheap. Dougla 887$. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. REGISTERED PHARMACIST desires to change from Idaho to city or town In Nebraska. Aged 26 years, single, exempt from draft; 13 years' experience In retail drug business. Good window and show case man. A-No, 1 references. Address Box T 124, Bee. YOUNG man wants Job driving car, private family preferred. Will work year round. Good reference. Dougls 7058. EXP. man wants Janitor or housework, 10 years; A-l city reference. Write Box 3446. Bee. WANTED Position as chauffeur, family. Box 6180 Bee. Private COLORED man, cook, want a Job In or out et City. Addres Box 6596, Be. Wanted Odd Jobs for aft, work. Wal. 1674, Female. GRADUATE In Institutional mansgement from an accredited school desire a posi tion a matron or housekeeper In a club, hospital or dormitory. Box Y-143. Bee, WANTED Management of branch house by experienced business woman; competent to take charge correspondence. Box 6305, Fee. WANTED Position as companion by mld- . . WI . 1 , ,maI me-agea woman; no wujov.iuh .,- Box 6294, Bee. WANTED Position as housekeeper, by middle-aged lady, for widower with cnu- dren. Can give good ref. Box 3456. Bee WANTED Position by stenographer, seven . , .. .. 1 n Art years ranroau eapenwut-, oai-i . -tw.w. ttox 6.1UI, nee. WANTED Position by lady, plain sewing or chlldren s sewing. Call Walnut 2328, WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper. I all JJOUg. 3DS1 or write ipuq i.inui WANTED Position oft private switchboard. I'ixperienceo operator. ro- oitu WANTED to care for rooming house, four rooms. .11 rs. rtrany, iwukikm ii. WANTED Position as housekeeper for widower. 1901 Center St. WANTED Place as P. B. X. operator ex perienced. Douglas 6476. Laundry and Day Work. LADY wishes, poa. a companion to lady; will assist with light nouseworK. . Young col. girl. Com. High school grad., de sires position of steno. Box 6288, Bee. SITUATION wanted by an exp. colored laun dress, laundry or cleaning. Web. 3633. WANTEC-Binall bundle washing; dsy work. 2223 Ixard. Dougla 9121. DANISH woman want laundry work. Take two days each week. Walnut 2349, DAY work and bundle washing; will call for and deliver. Webster S8a3. IF YOU want a good woman to work a few hours a day call Colfax 366-. YOUNG colored woman wants day work; no washing. Webster 6546. DAY wk. for Wed. Call 7 p. tn., Wal. 8176. Day wk. col. lady. Mrs. Harrington. Wb. 6443 W ANTED Day work, any kind. Har. 2n69. bTtNDLK washing and day work. Web. 1727, Wanted, laundry and dny work. Ty. 2013-W WANTED Day work, bundle wash. W. 6546. EXP. laundress, fine clothes specialty. II. 1904 Bun. wash., men's clothes specialty. Co. 3492 WANTED Day work! Call Webster 930. BUNDLE washing. Csll Webster 1391. E XP. lady wants day work. Web. 6627. DAY work and laundry. Harney 6093. DAY work wanted. Webster 2327. Hotel- and Restaurants. A position as a working housekeeper in a small hotel, or in rooming house. D. 7653. HELP WANTEP MALE Stores and Offices. BOOOKKEEPER $76.60 Shipping Clerk and Typist $70.00 Steno $56.00 Shipping Clerk $52.00 Office Boy $30-$35. S EE THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. WHY PAY for a position? Stenographers, register with ua FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 209 South lth St FOR POSITIONS AS STENOS. BKPRS., OR CLK, ED RECOMMENDS THE ROGERS REF. BUREAU. 610 PAXXTON BLOCK. NO FILING FEE. CALL on the Co-Operative Reference Co.. for drug and commercial positions. 1015 City Nat. Bank Bldg. CITY SALESMAN, $65 and com. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. ,! r-T"rT b'ni: -rain f-n, C '. 1 7 THE MARTI CO., 1517 W.' O. W. Bldg. ASS'T BOOKKEEPER, good future, $45. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. r ---..- L" C r D L' D Ik .. firm t 1 A A THE M ART I CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. OFFICE manager and accountant, $150; mgr. lumber yard. $76-$100: bkpr., $100; ledger elk., $76; as't bkpr.. $65; ass't bkr., $56; steno. and elk., $85; steno., $100; gn. office elk.,- $96: gen. office elk.. $65: Junior office elk . $40; traveling ,aales man. . hdw. specialties, $100; traveling salesman, grocery specialties, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE 4 BOND ASS'S, Originators of the Reference Business. 1 736 First Nat l Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED 200 s CARPENTERS AT FORT OMAHA Wages 60c per hour. Bonus of 1 extra hour on 10 hours' work; mak ing wage of $6.60 per day. Apply on job. E. M. Wickham, contractor. Fort Omaha, Balloon Field. WANTED Three shirt inspectors and five shirt presaers; steady employment and attractive wages. Apply Mrs. Doobcck, M. E. Smith & Co., 9th and Douglas Sts. entrance. I HAVE an opening for two or three ex perienced salesladies. Nut a house to hotise canvassing, but a dignified busi ness propoaltlon. which pays well. Will be pleased to give details. Please phone for appointment. Doug. 2787 between 9 and 10, Monday and Tuesday. A. L. Wright. AMAZING pVoflts and automobile furnished hustlers introducing greatest household money saver Just invented. Reduces high living costs. Saves its own cost first few minutes. Sells In every house. Samples free. Territory going fast. Write today. Ovee Mfg. Co., Department 182, Louisville, Ky. RAILROAD traffic Inspectors wanted. $125 a month and expenses to start: short hours; travel; three months home study under guarantee. We get you a position No age limit. Ask for booklet c-12. Fron tier Prep, school, Buffalo, N. Y. NvlffElVAT ONCE Bookkeepers, J0, $76, $65, $50. Stenog raphers, $83, $76, $66, $60. Office clerks, $70. $6-, $50, $40. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Xat'l Bank. CAR carpenters and repairers; steady work on all wood box cars; good piece work (schedule; material delivered at cars. Shef field Car and Equipment Co., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Good, common battery switch board installers and maintenance men. Address Engineering Dept., Trl-State Tele phone Co.. Merrlam Park, St. Paul, Mlnp. BE un automobile expert in six weeks; our big book tells you how. Rahe's Automo bile School. 601 E. 11th St.. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED Several meat cutters, top wages to right party. Washington Market, 1107 Douglas. WANTED Tailors and shoemakers; apply at once to Captain Clinton Brome. south- east corner ot Municipal Auditorium. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Dougla bt. WANTED Carpenters, open shop. 57ViiO hr. Phoenix Construction Co., 4th and Leav. BARBER wanted; good Job for good man. (S per. $14 guarantee. J. M. Crane, Red Oak. Is. i WANTED Cabinet makers. Call Saturday and Sunday until noon Room 240, Rome Hotel. WANTED Men to deliver ice. . Apply Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co., 6th and .Tones. UNION carpenter for Wyoming, 60c per hr. Emerald Labor Agency, 322',, s. lutn. TWO young men for factory work, Omaha Box Company. East Omaha. Sales men and Solicitors. Wanted Agents, who can deliver the goods, to assist me in selling 95 improved farms in the corn belt of Minnesota. Level prairie lands, close o railroad towns, where crops are good, big commissions to capable agents. Address N. Halsey, St. Paul, Minne sota. MASTER SALESMAN WANTED Men 30 to 60, good education, collge graduate preferred, of pleasing manner and strong personality, for special diplo matic personal soliciting independent business of your own, where the clientage you build up belongs to yourself. This contract Is worth $25,000, certain profit the first three years and will make one independent for life in five to ten years. Must be financially responsible and able to handle own business under owrr name: $300 per month absolutely guaranteed for first five months' work to right man. No special experience necessary, but char acter, personality and courage essential; state age, education, past experience and earnings, address and 'phone number or no reply. Burnham, 1240 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. A GOOD OPENING EfclR SALESMEN. . Tf you are a worker, have about a $100 capital and possess sales ability, you can earn from $2,000 to $5,000 per year with us, organlxing local agencies In an ex clusive territory. Your earnings start the first day you start to work: you get a profit on all sales made by all agents you appoint. You will tn addition to earning an immediate good sized Income be build ing a business that will yield bigger profits each year. Write for this pros pectus, not an experiment. An honest, serious, dependable, dignified, profitable business. Rex Typewriter company, ISO N. Wabash Ave., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED Highest grade ad vertising line in the country. Exclusive copyrighted designs In calendars and spe cialties. Commission contract backed by weekly expense advances to men of proven sales ability. None other need apply. Big opportunity for liard-worklng, ambitious men. Territory open in some choice sec tions of the mldd e west. Give age, busi ness experience and ref erences in first let ter, please. Fall selling season now open ing. THE AMERICAN ART WORKS, Coshocton. O. v EXPERIENCED paint salesman. We re quire the services of a number of real salesmen who can successfully sell a high grade line of paints, enamels and varnishes, and offer to producers un limited opportunity. Will allow ample ex pense account and large commission to those who quality. Give full details of previous experience In first letter. Sales Manager, Republic Paint & Lead Works, Cleveland,, O. SALESMEN To sell during the balance of this season and next, beginning Imme diately. The noted Shaw line of art and business calendars, fans, ' pencils, signs, leather and other advertising specialties. This Is a high class line and we arc In terested only In men who mean business and seeking a permanent connection. Lib eral compensation to the right men.' For particulars address Shaw Advertising Co., Kansas City. Mo. A HIGH CLASS MAN with plenty business experience and sales ability. Absolute clean records, extensive acquaintance In Nebraska with some money, open for a clean high class position with first class con cern. Box 6231, Bee. WANTED. Stick salesmen for a local organization: liberal commissions. Would also like to meet salesmen in other lines .who want to Increase their earning power. Write or call A. L. Wright, Flatlron Hotel, be tween $ and 10. SALESMAN WANTED Excellent line signs and novelties. Traveling expenses ad vanced. Liberal t emm'srions, exclusive territory. Give s,ge. height, weight, road experience and three late business ref erences. Stanford-Crowelt Co . tthaca. N. T. HELP WANTED MALE ! Salesmen and Solicitors. IF YOU are a hlgh-claas salesman of ability, capable of handling a high grade line of best quality merchandise that sells readily to hardware, furniture and department stores, our proposition will Interest you. We're now making assignment of terri tory for the 1917-1918 distribution. There- fore the opportunity ta exceptional. Must have references. Photograph will help ua In miking decision. Toledo Cooltur Co., Dept. if, Toledo, O. CAN you soli sLoe!; In a company building an oil refinery In Oklahoma? One that Ik ably managed and already endorsed by the big men of the state. We expect to pay 300 per cent dividends tho first year. If you are a producer and can prove to us that yon are absolutely reliable, write us today. Southwestern Oil Corporation, 204-305-30 6 Campbell Bldg. Oklahoma City. SALESMEN, learn about the new Calcula tor Adding Machine. Retails $7. SO. Adds, subtracts, multlpli's. Does work of $200 machine. Guaranteed. Sells on sight. Enormous demand. Carry In your coat pocket Full time or sldo line. Splendid profits. Protected territory. X Dept. 232, Calculator Corporation, Grand Rapids, Mich. NEW Ford carburetor, simple, not a mov ing port, Installed In 30 minutes; I guaranteed to double your mileage and j start In zero weather without priming. Salesman and srvlr men wanted every- where. Fifteen-day free trlcl. Write quick. I yulck. I U. & .1. Cartiutor Co., 829 Plymouth ! street, Chicago, III. SALESMEN for hirgest high grade custom tailoring concern In New York, to sell made-to-mcHsure suits and overcoats, di rect from factory to wearer, to retail a! $16.60. $19.50, $22.50. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Only expe rienced clothing men vlth real selling ability ned apply. Lion Custom Tailor ing Co., 1 B. Eleventh street. New York. PERSONAL Interview to salesman who can qualify in first letter for unusual oppor tunity upon specialty line selling to large and small advertisers. We publish weekly sales plans; offer exclusive terri tory; commission contract with weekly advances; unlimited future for right man. Address fully Genera I Sales Manager. 24CO Jackson Boul. Chicago. SALESMAN for general trade In Nebraska. Strong proposition; staple, moderate priced line: exclusive features; splendid commission contract. $35 weekly for ex penses. Continental Jewelry Co., 13632 Continental Bldir.. Cleveland. Ohio. SALESMEN Excellent permanent position for capable salesman in Nebraska; vacancy August 15; staple line for generrl retail trade. Liberal commissions. $33 weekly advance. Rice Co., 482 Williams Bldg., Detroit. AGENTS WANTED Agents make 500 per cent, profit selling our auto-fnono-grams and Initials, window sign letters, changeable signs, and show cards. 1000 varieties, enormous demand. Sullivan Co.. 1123 Van Buren street, Chicago, HI. LIVE wire salesman can make $.50 net per month selling our well known line of temperance drinks in small country towns; commission contract $35 weekly drawing account. Red Cross company 609 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo Dept. "A". SALESMEN ' WANTED $25.00 to $40.00 weekly to men that are big men or want to be big men In the tailoring or raincoat business. Take charge of our agency in your territory. New proposition per manent, profitable. Nelson, 241 W. Van Buren, Chicago. SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Ne braska. Staple lino on new and excep tional ttrms. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract. $35.00 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., 32132 Car Hn Bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio. SALESMEN Fa-tcst selling nuto tire acces sory made, big economical and emergency features; ideal lde line;, pocket sample; liberal terms; protected territory; write The Specialty Sales Co., Little Rock, Ark. SALESMEN WANTED To sell temperance drink; big demand: 25 per cent comml lon. To successful men, $40.0$ drawing account weekly. Guaranteed non-alcoholic. Write Silk Beverage Co.. St. Louis. Mo. SIDE LINE MEN Do you want a real one that ono order a day will pay you $9.00. No samples to carry. Something new. Write today. CANFIELD MFG. CO., 208 Sigel street, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN We manufacture twenty fast selling advertising specialties. Liberal commission. Part or whole time. Big selling season now on. Newton Mfg. Co., Newton. Ia. SALESMEN Write for list of openings and how to obtain them. City or traveling. Address nearest office. Nafl Salesmen' Tr. Assn. Dept. 439 Chicago, New York, S.m ranclso. Salesmen wanted to sell temperance drinks; big demand; commission 25 pet; to suc cessful men $40 a week drawing account. Herthal Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. EXCELLENT side line for salesman call ' Ing on mglne and boiler room trade C. K. r.arrcli. 812 Chestnut St., SL Louis, Mo. WANTED A young man to act as sales man, who has ambitions for a position as sales manager. Address Box Y 144. Bee. SIDELINE man to carry ,our 12-sheet cal endars and advertising folders. R. C. Smith Co.,-Denver, Colo. MANUFACTURER wants traveling salesman on commission. Box 1728. Litchfield." 111. Agents and Canvassers. ACT quick. Sell Little Wonder manifold for Ford cars, 25 miles on gallon 8c kerosene. Guaranteed. MechanKailyi perfect. Ten days' trial. Big profits. Sell at $f7.60. Commission $5. Territory open. Little Wonder Manifold Co., 102 S. Washington St., Peoria. 111. AGENTS $25 a week for two hours' work a day. A brand new hosiery proposition that fceats them all. Write for terms and free rumples If you mean business. Guar anteed Hosiery Co., 3630 Drew St., Day ton. O. AGENTS make big profits selling our scien tific fortune telling charts. Write today for free sample and big selling plan. Ad dress Northern Supply Co., 4940 Belmont Ave., Chicago, III. AGENTS show our made-to-order guaranteed $16 suits, real $25 values. No experience necessary. Wonderful selling plan. You furnish prospects, we make sale. Chicago Woolen Mills, Dept. 39, Chicago. $125 WEEKLY. Something new, saves 50 per cent of gasoline for automobiles. Nearly every call a sale. Money-back guarantee. Stransky Mfg. Co., Fukwana, S. D. AGENTS wanted; 100 per cent profit selling useful specialty, used In homes, hotels, stores and by auto owners. Good repeater. Sample free. Auburn Specialties Co., Dept. 242, Auburn, N. Y. AGENTSI Free catalogue ,and samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 daily, no experience, world's great est specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. 100 I.IrE agents wanted immediately, ab solutely new proposition: big profits; field unlimited; hurry: particulars free. An thony Nebel Agency, Box 110, Dept 6, Hominy. Okl. AGENTS $30 to $100 a week. Free samples. Gold sign letters for stores and office windows. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago. MEN, women, eurn $5 dally easy. Big sell ers. Guaranteed products. Repeats quickly. Enormous profit. Outfit free. Act quick. Crofts A Reed Co., Dept. G, Chicago. AGENTS wanted. Sell the patriotic honor and unity shield picture. Fast, sellers. . Big profits. Free information. Box 2, 1774. Herman R. Merk, Spokane. Wash. TAILORING agents, sell men's suits made to order. Cheapest and best line made. Can sell every man you see. Large sample outfit free. Leeds Woolen Mills. Chicago. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, male preferred. None but competent need ap ply. Name salary In first letter. Box 298, Bee. SPIRAL spring curtain rods, fit any win dow, put up In minute, tremendous seller, sample, 10c, circular free. Moore Co., 413$ Jerome Ave., Cincinnati. Boys. WANTED Office boy, 17 years of age. Must come well recommended. Answer In own handwriting, giving references. Good chance for advancement. Address 6338, Bee. Teamsters -nd Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Stpply Sunderland Bros. Co. South Yard: 20th and Hickory Streets. West Yard: 42d and Ixard Streets. WANTED Teamsters and laborers, secure steady Job for the wlnfr. Updike Lumber and Coal Co., 45th and Dodge, WANTED Driver for grocery wagon: good wages. E. Buffett. 6001 Underwood Ave Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men. women, learn the barber trade: fw weeks completes; pay while learning. Catalogue free. Rates now on. Call or write. 110 South 14th St., Omaha. rTH Men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or write. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S. 20th and 2069 Farnam. HELP WANTED MALE. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A middle aged man for yard work around hotel. Must be able to milk cows and willing to work. Wage $40 per month with board and room. Address Geo. li Htevens, care the Hotel Stevens, Bone steel. S, I. Miscellaneous. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the ton; good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard 24th and Taylor streets. South Yard 20th and Hickory streets. West Yard 42d and Izaru streets. ANYBODY can make $o a day at hoina, spare time, growlr.s mushrooms In cellars, ' sheds, barns, boxes. Success guaranteed. Free illustrated booklet. Hlrnm Barton, 336 West 48th St., New York. LABORERS wonted; work ir coal and building material yards. Apply Sunder land Brothers Company, 24th and Taylot Sts. ATTENTION, farmers' If you want help we can supply' you. Bluff City Employ- ent Bureau. 916H W. Broadway, r. i. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co., wet yard. 42d and Izard Sts. n STEAM shovel laborers. 46th and Leaven worth Sts., $2.50 per day; board $5.00. List & Glfford Const. CO. WANTED Young men to work on trains. Apply 814 S. 10th St. HELP WANTED Male and Female. MEN and women to sell the latest office and house hold necessities, quick sellers and big commis sion. Call at 610 World Herald Bldg. DO YOU WANT TO TRAVEL AT OUH EXPENSE? We want good men and women for trav eling general agents. Must have fair edu cation and good references. Will tnake contract for three months, six months or year at salary $22.60 per week and nec essary expenses. Can assign most any territory desired. For full particulars ad dress George G. Clows Company, Phila delphia, Pa.. Dept. 121. CIVIL service examinations, Omaha, soon; men and women desiring government clerkships, departmental, postofflce, rail way mail, customs, stenographer, write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (for mer government examiner), 624 Kenois Bldg., Washington. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men. women: government war jobs; $100 month; list free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 237 G. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Immediately, names men-women, fishing to become government clerks, $76 month. Address Box Y-120, care of this office. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE IN 1 OUR SILK, DOMESTIC, WAIST. LADIES' SUITS AND LACE DEPARTMENTS. THESE POSITIONS OFFER A VERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO THOSE WILLING TO WORK. APPLY SUPER INTENDENT BRANDE1S STORES. BKPR. and steno., $76; bkpr. and steno., $65; steno., 875; steno. and elk., $75; steno., bank, $65; -tcno., $66; typist, bank, $u0; typist, insurance office, $40; gen, office elk. and typist, $40. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, 736 First Nr.fl Bank Bldg. WANTED Stenographer or typist; must be rapid on machine and accurate; twu years' experience required. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Doug. 1781. WHY PAY fur a position? Stenographers. register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINpTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 209 So. 19th St.. City. STENOS, bookkeeper, clerks, Ed recommeiifds The Rogers Ref. Bureau. 640 Paxton block. Have several good positions. No "filing fee. STENOU RAPHERS, ATTENTION We have a number of excellent openings at good salaries. See us at once. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nafl Bank. WANTED Two experienced lady stenog raphers at once. Reliable Land & Ab stract Co.. Akron; Colo. WANTED At owe, lady stenographer and bookkeeper in department store. 'Box Y 1.19 Bee. WANTED At once, first-class stenographer, 2 to 3 years' experience required. Box 6120, Bee. WANTED A-l stenogrpalier, out of town. Box 6119, Bee. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks. Co-Operative Reference Co. STENOGRAPHER, splendid firm, $65. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, bright beginner, $35-$4. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and blller, $65. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 V. O W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Sewing machine operators. Piece work. Experience unnecessary. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709 S. 16ih SI, WANTED Several meat salesladies. Ap- ply at Washington Market, 1407 Douglas. WANTED Girls (colored preferred), olna ha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Marcy. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 per week. Railroad fare- paid. Goodrich, Drug Co., Dept. 614. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Lady solicitors; to sell high grade toilet preparations. Good commission and railroad fare paid. Call Hlckell Co., 1614 Chicago. DEMONSTRATORS Two first class for demonstrating a nationally advertised tooth paste. Straight salary. Apply Sun day, Michael Nelson, Fontenelle Hotel. Household and Domestic. WANTED An Intelligent Catholic, young lady aged from 20 to, 25 to assist with housework and act as a companion to young lady; ref. required. -Call H. 1762 or call in pe.rson to 138 N. Slst Ave. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy home for the right girl. Good treatment. Bhone Harney 4285. Address 623 South 29th 8t. WANTED Agreeable, elderly lady for com panion to traveling man's wife; light housework. Phone Harney 5339. GOOD Girl for house work; small home, two in family. Call at 114 N. 30th Bt. Do not phone. GiJtL lor general housework; family of two; no washing or ironing. Phone Walnut 3257. 4817 Douglas St. WANTED Reliable while girl to care for baby; one with experience preferred. Room 605 Sanford Hotel WANTED An elderly lady to take care of baby: good home and wages. Doug. 5249. WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wages. Telephone Doug. 3797. WANTED A girl to assist with house keeper. Good home. 1526 N. 19. Web. 1209. WANTED Girl for general housework; two in family. 3322 Dodge. Harney 3366. WANTED A cook and housemaid. Mrs. A. F. Jonas. 106 S. 31st Ave. Harney 614. WANTED Woman for housework, small family; no laundry. Tel. Walnut 3661. WANTED Lady to care for children in her own home. Box 3413. Bee. GIRL for general housework. 1329 S. 3Slh St Harney 1546. ' WANTED Good laundress on Mondays. Call Harney 4S62. WANTED Girl for general liouauwork. Harney 507. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Woman cook at hotel. A. J. Krueger, Wisner, Neb. Experienced waitress wanted. Club Cafe. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 14(12 Dodge St. Miscellaneous. WOMAN Christian. Protestant, free to travel, good education and personality necessary; excellent income, permanent; state age, references, phone. Address W. A. Pottlnger. Olnn F,ldg.. Chicago. SOLDIERS, saliors, need socks; good money made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We pay4 fixed rates for making the goods. Wheel er, Inc.. 337 Madison. Chicago. WANTED A competent chaperone for woman's fraternity house at the State University, for the coming .school year. Address 84$ E. Sixth, Fremont, X I