THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11. 1917. Briej City News Uut Kutil Print' l New tuwcon Praaa Metal dk-6, prcsstt'k. Jubilee Mtg. Co Elec. Fan. . 5t-Hurgcss-Grau(1tD. 1 Platinum Wedding Uiu -EUlioIra. y Try the mximluy 35-ci'iit lum'licon t at the Empress Garden, amidst ileas j ant surrnuiidiriK's. music and entertain mentsAdvertisement. Services at Old Prople"s Home Rev. D. E. Cleveland of Central Park church will conduct services at the Old People's home Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Sajs Hut)))) Threatened Her Anna I-ewis, suing Charles L. Lewis for di- voree in district court, alleges he threatened her. , They were married in Omaha March 22, 19 U. Rablil Taxon to . Speak Kabbi Mor ris Taxon of Colunibuti, O., will deliver a sermon at U na! Israel synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets, Satur day morning at 10 o'clock. He lec tures in the same place Sunday even ing at 8. Articles by Prof, (.l umniann A se ries of articles, "Ibsen in His Matur ity." from the pen of Prof. Paul H. Grummam, University of Nebraska, is appearing in Poet Lore. The sub ject matter of these articles was pre sented in Omaha lectures given by the proiessor m tne last year or two. John T. Bell's reminiscent book about Omaha and Omaha men is out and on sale at local bookstores. An advance copy has been received by The Bee. The author explains that his publication is: One booklet. $1.00 $1.00, on booklet, and to those inter ested, It is fully worth the money. Two Allege Nonsupport Melvina Bell is suing Jess W. Bell for divorce in district court on grounds of alleged nonsupport. They were married in Omaha July 4. 1910. Elsie M. Weaver, suing Lewis E. Weaver for divorce in district court, alleges nonsupport. They were married in Omaha January 12, 1917. ' Modern Woodmen Picnic Omaha camp No. 120, Modern Woodmen of America, will hold its. annual picnic and outing at Manawa park Saturday afternoon and evening, when a feature of the evening will be an exhibition drill by the" camp's team at 8 o'clock. This team has won prizes all over the United States for its fancy drill ing. Between 400 and 500 Woodmen and their families plan to attend the picnic Plenty of Yarn Now Five hundred pounds of gray yarn, the regulation kind for navy knitting, has just been received from Lincoln at the head quarters of the National League for Woman's Service in the First National bank building. Women knitters who have been unable to secure their yarn on account of its scarcity for the last several days are assured that their wants can now be supplied if they will call up the league rooms. Major Lahm Goes East For Recuperation Trip Major Frank Lahm, commander of the army balloon school at . Fort Omaha, left Omaha Thursday even ing for Akron, O. Major Lahm broke his leg two months ago and his con valescence has been very slow. While his visit in Ohio, his former home, is intended mainly as' a rest from ac tive duties, he will spend a part of the time at Akron, the famous rubber town, supervising the making "of the new and greatly improved variety of balloons being manufactured for the school at Fort Omaha. ' Major Hersey, who has had such ;.;reat success in the management of the rapidly-growing balloon school for the .-last wo months, ..will continue as acting commander. - Captain Eugene Lazar is now ad jutant &f the post and Captain Bower, the former adjutant, is now supervi sor of all the balloon work on the grounds. ! YOUNG MEN FACE SERIOUS CHARGE Frank Long Bound Over on Charge of Attempt Assault; Companion is Held on Same Charge. Frank Long, 5212 South Twenty- iuumi sircei, was nciq lor ine aisirici court under $1,000 bonds Friday on a charge of attempt to assault Miss Helen Meillinger, 1927 'South Eight eenth street. - s Robert Toner, South Sixteenth street, was placed under $1,000 bonds for appearance August 16 to answer to the same charge against Miss Anna Alderman, 1909 South 'Eighteenth street. Miss Alderman is confined to her bed suffering from nervous pros tration as a ijesult of the attack and was unable to appear in court. Fearing publicity, the young ladies did not report the outrage to the po lice. William Helen, a salesman for the Murphy-O'Brien Auto company, reported that he had brought twjo young women to the business section of town Wednesday night after hear ing their cries for help from a lonely spot near Fortieth and Lake streets. He did not learn the names of the women nor the names of the men they charged with the assault. Detectives Dunn and Jolly armed with these meager facts, found the young women and later apprehended the alleged assailants. Both young men are out on bond charged with petty larceny. It is al leged that they robbed a filling sta tion on Fortieth and Cuming streets or gasoline. Long is also charged with stealing cream cans from a local creamery. They will have a hearing on the petty larceny charges Saturday. The young women's version of the affair as tijld by Miss Meillinger is that they accepted .an invitation for a short auto ride with the two men. They soon became lost, according to Long, and he insisted on driving toward Florence. The girls became frightened and insisted upon return ing as the men commenced making advances to them. The machine then stopped and the girls got out to see what was the matter when they were struck and forced to the side of the road. Their screams attracted the at tion of Helen and the men fled. Use All Cars to Carry Soldiers to Barbecue In carrying the soldiers Saturday from Fort Crook to Riverview park, where a barbecue will be' given for the boys, the Omaha Street Railway company expects to press all its available cars into the service. From Fort Crook the service will be in creased by a number of the large open cars used on the Omuia and Council Bluffs line. These cars will work between the fort and Valley street. The Omaha crowds will be car ried on the standard cars on the Sottth Thirteenth street line switch ing at Valley street. Extra cars will be used and, if necessary, a one minute service will be inaugurated during the rush hours of the after noon and evening. The ;stimate of the street railway people is that 1,200 soldiers will be carried between Fort Crook and the park. y The men from Fort Omaha will be entrainuu at Thirtieth and Fort streets, and special cars' will be run direct to VaWey street, on the South Thirteenth street line. Burgess-Nash Gompamy 'EVERYBODY STORK u . . Friday, August 10, 1917 Store News for Saturday Phone D. 137 Men from everywhere are in search of opportunities Here's a Big One Li aJ For Men and Young Men $6.75, $9.75 and $13.75 JUST at a time when tli n v ere most needed we offer you suits at prices you cannot auora 10 miss, Made of such mate rials as Palm Beach Crash Cool Cloth in the latest styles and pat terns and tailored through out by the best makers pos sible. Large - variety of styles, including pinch backs belt or belt all around; also plain sack models in gray, tan, brown, fancy stripes, checks and mixtures, all sizes in regular, stubs, slims and stouts. Three big lots specially priced Saturday at $6.75, $9.75 and $13.75. For Be t Choice ' Come Early Extra Special Men's iff Straw Hats At $1.00 I SURELY, a man should -be able to find what he wants In such a collection, shouldn't he? There are Split Braids, Sennits and Portoricans Shapes including: Sailors, Alpines and Drop Brims All put into one big lot and priced for Saturday at $1.00j MEN'S STRAW HATS AT $2.95 i Your choice of panamas, bangkoks, milans and mackinaw straws, in' the newest shapes, including optomo, alpines, , tele scope, square crowns, with pencil or turn-down brims, with plain or fancy bands, special Saturday at $2.95. '' ; BOYS' STRAW HATS, 50c Boys' straw hats, in milan and split braids, 'new shapes, light, black and blue colors; for a final cleanup, Saturday we have marked them all at 50c. - ' BurfMt-Nuh Co. Fenrui .Floor Spend An Hour's Time In Our Workshop Auxiliary To The American Red Cros Burtcaa-Naah Co. Third Floor S) lUf HI EVERYBODY STORE Qssm. Melt Something For The Boy In France. Competent Instruc tion Free of Charge. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Third Floor Friday, August 10, 1917.- -STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -Phone Douglas 137 Amazingly Smart Are The New Fall Hats At $5.00 ODELS , which include. the most successful types for morning, after noon, club and street wear. Small, medium and large shapes, in great profusfbn are 'Shown, pre senting wide varieties in ma terials, colors and embellishments all noteworthy for smart indi viduality and becomingness. The low price at which we offer them was made possible by a spe cial purchase. The offering in cludes the most remarkable values we have as -yet offered at $5.00. Burgsis-Nkfh Co. Second Floor Decisive Clearaway of White Tub Skirts In All the Late and Popular Styles At $1.95 SMARTLY tailored modeis of bedfprcl cords and poplins have been reduced for a final clearance and in order to make this a decisive clearayyjay, we marked them at a price that is ridicu- lniialv lnu Snmp. are slichtlv mussed from stock handling. Your choice. Sat- Linen Auto Coats $1.00 Your choice of a large selection of linen dust coats at an extremely low price. All of these coats are greatly reduced in price in order to make a clearance. Special, Saturdayat $1.00. Silk Jersey Coats Half Price Our entire stock of silk jersey coats have been reduced to 12 the original price. These, coats are in the very lat est styles and colors and a large assortment awaits your approval at y the former price. , Burgts-Nah Co. Second Floor Clearaway of Women's Summer Blouses At 75c, $1.25, $1.95 and $2.95 rpHOUSAND.S of beautiful, JL fresh,' new style blouses every one a wonderful value. An opportunity to replenish your wardrobe at a great savins' as the prices at which we are offering these blouses are ex tremely low. - The Material Include: Voiles Batistes Organdies Linens The Styles Include: Tailored! Fancy Semi'Tditored Sports Burfass-Nash Co. Second Floor The Last Chance for Big Savings; On This Season's Pumps and Oxfords At $3.85; S UMMER shoes, 1,500 pairs of them all greatly underpriced. Patent and dull kid pumps with light welted soles, leather Louis Cuban heels, all new patterns and lasts. AH sizes and widths. There is wonderful saving possi bilities in these shoes at $3.85 a pair. All infant s, children s, misses and big girls' pumps and Mary Jane strap slippers. Burieks-Naah Co. Second Floor 15 OFF ON- Picnic Supplies YOU are sure to need some of these items for that pic nic you're giving. Wax Paper, 6 rolls, 25c 6 rolls of wax paper, special for Saturday, at, 25c. ' Drinking Cups. 5c V Sanitary drinking cups for Saturday, at, c ricnic sew, Sc. Salad or ice cream sets, very handy for all picnics, 5c Paper Napkins, 20c I 100 white crepe paper nap kins, special for Saturday, at, 20c. Burgeaa-Nath Co. Maia Floor Saturday Is Caramel Day 29c Pound FRESH, wholesome, tooth some caramels, assorted flavors, the kind that taste like more, 29c per lb. Burf ass-Naah Co. M.ln Floor Drug Specials Pebeco tooth paste, 29e. Pinaud's lilas vegetal, 69c. Woodbury's soap, 18c Cudahy's talcum, 1-lb. can, 19c. Sweet pea talcum, 2 cans, 25c ' Ise Bell's face powder, 39c. Aubry beautifier, 18c. Nonspi, 39ct 1 Prophylactic tooth brushes, 29c Pond's vanishing cream, 17c. Free with each 50c purchase of Palm Olive toilet goods, we will give you a week-end package FREE. Burgess-Nash vanishing cream, 16c . Burgess-Nash cold cream, 16c . Toilet chamois, 10c. White ivory combs, 25c. White, ivory combs, very heavy, 49c. French ivory powder boxes, 75c French ivory hair receivers, 75c French ivory manicure pieces, 75c. Burfeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor Continuing Throughout August ,Our Annual Sale of Furs AN event of unusual interest presenting a noteworthy opportunity to save 20 ft to 3313 on the finest furs the market affords. Women who buy their furs now enjoy the advantages of having their choice of our very complete stock of fashionable furs. And, remember that they will only be sold at these prices during the month of August. By buying your fura now you will save 20 to 33V3 per cent Under September Prices Directing Your Attention to Our Special Fur-Selling Plan Ask the salesperson about the terms we are offering to fur purchasers for this month only, with the privilege of storage until November 1st without cost. A few specials in , NEW FUR COATS Marmot Coat, $79.00 to $90.00. River Mink Coats, $125.00 to $172.00. Nutria Fur Coat, $165.00 to $239.00. Hudson Seel Fur Coat. $172.00 to $350.00. v Natural Squirrel Coat, at $275.00. x Leopard . Coat, beaver trimming, $300.00. NEW MUFFS AND SCARFS Crou Fox Scarf, $50.00 to $85.00. Croti Fox Muff., et $85.00. Red Fox Scarfs, $15.00 to $80.00. Red Fox Muffs, $17.50 to $40.00. Black Fox Scarfs, $15.50 to $58.50. Black Fox Muffs, $19.50 to $58.50. White r ox Scarfs, $55.0ato $90.00. Wfcite Fox Muffs, $45.00 to $50.00. Silver Tip Fox Scarfs, at $85.00. Silver Tip Fox Muffs, $67.50 to $95.00. . BurftsNuk Co. S.cond Floor Beginning Next Monday fourth Annual August Sale of BLANKETS 25 to 33 J Under September Prices See windows and Sunday pa pers for full particulars. Cleanup Sale SILK GLOVES 39c WOMEN'S 2-clasp pure silk gloves, with double finger tips, white and black, '39c. Women's 2-clasp fine quality vehetian lisle gloves, also cham oisette gloves, at 59c. Kayser 2-clasp, pure silk f loves with double finger tips, lack embroidered backs, 79c Bur(it-Naab Co. Maia Floor Bring Your Films To Us ANEW time schedule for de J veloping films and print ing of pictures of amateur pho tography has been put into ef fect. Orders Left Before 12:30 P. M. Ready for Delivery Next Day, U30 A. M. Orders Left Before 4:00 P, M. Ready for Delivery Next Day, 3:30 P. M. SATISFACTION ASSURED. Bursest.Naah Co. Main Floor Men, Attention! Extra Special MEN'S SHIRTS At $1.15 SATURDAY we place on sale a most varied assortment of men's shirts, including those of madras cloth, cords and percales. Neckband and collar attached, French and stiff cuffs. An oppor tunity that comes but seldom We do not hesitate to say that we have never teen such shirts at a price as low at $1.15. SuggesHori" oon'r you ere here, the better " i. opportunity you'll have to profit in " " this specie! sale for men. Extraordinary Sale of Men's Neckwear at 29c IN the season's clearaay of a large neckwear factory we were offered their entire stock at u ridiculously low price, "If we would take the entire stock." Wc bought .them and the quantity was so great that we in turn hive marked them according to the low price at which we received them from the factory. They consist of silk" failles and foulards, wash de-joinvilles, in fact every style and Hr-d of a scarf worn this season. Come prepared to buy all you need for the entire season at the low price of 29c each. , , , - Burt ess-Nath Co. Main Fl i DOWN STAI RS STORE Choice of Hats At $1.00 YOU will be surprised at the vafaes offered here. Your choice of any trimmed or untrimmed women's straw hat in ,our entire stock, Sat urday, at. $1.00. Burgtn.Niih C. 3ow Stain Star Wash Goods 9V2c SPORT striped skirting, 9'4c, choice of entire stock of sport skirting in fancy and plain stripes, for Saturday, 9ac. Choice selection of pretty French voiles, 40 inches wide, lengths from 3 to 10 yards, for Saturday, 14c yard. Batiste in splendid range of patterns, for Saturday, 10c yard. Madras shirting, 36 inches wide, in plain and fancy stripes, for Saturday,' 19c. Burjeu-Niih Co. Dowa Stain Star. SALE OF GLASSWARE A FEW items out of the hundreds we have in our very complete stock: bamtary glass butter jars with glass covers; 1-lb. size; at, 20c ; 2-lb. size at 35c. High . or low foot sherbets, large size, colonial patterns, 6 f 0? 50c ;? ; . Floral cut 'handled baskets, pretty shapes, special at 75c. V, n assortment of vases, sugar bowls, creamers, footed jellies, footed compotiers, handled nap pies, etc., choice; 39c. Ice tea jugs with cover, grape cuttings, special at 75c Thin blown table tumblers, splendid value at 6 for 25c. Thin blown of heavy colonial ice tea glasses, special at 6 for 50c Cut glass vases with pretty rose patterns, special at 65c. Thin lead blown sherbet glasses, tall ' shapes, pretty grape cuttings, assorted shapes, 6 for $1.00. Colonial sherbet glasses, on special sale at 6 for 40c. Ice tea glasses with pretty grape cutting, optic patterns, 6 for $1.25. Glass lemon squeezers, spe cially priced at; 10c. Colonial glass table tumblers, specially priced at 6 for 40c. Burfasa-Nath Co. Down Staira Store 4b KJ Clearaway Men's Straw Ua.- WE are closing out our entire Down Stairs Store stock of men's straw bats, Saturday at a great reduction of the former price, your choice of the en tire lot at 19c. 8urii.Mih Co Doa r trt Final Price Reduction on Refrigerators TOP-ICING sfyle, white" enameled provision cham ber, retinned wire shelves, 90-lb. size, special, $15. Porcelain Lined Refrigerator, $29.50 Vitrified porcelain lined, solid ash, side icer, 150-lb. size, $39.00. Same style 90-lb. size, $29.50. . Automatic Refrigerators Automatic refrigerators, 8-wall construc tion, mineral wool Insulated side-icing style, white enameled provision chambers: 75-lb. size, $29. .00. 60-lb. size, with built-in water cooler, $29.00. 150-lb. siae, $39.00. 120-lb. size, with built-in water cooler, $37.50. Biiriefs.Naah Co.-t-Down Stairs Stera IraP