Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1917, Image 11

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    BriejCity News
Have Kiwi Print It Ntw tiucon Prate
Metal dies, pressw'k. Jubilee Mfg. Co.
t'lec, Vhih. '..50 -Burgess-Grandm.
riatiauiu Wedding ainss Edholra.
Try the noonday 35-cent luncheon
at th Empress Garden, amidst pleas
ant surroundings, music and entertainmentAdvertisement-
Injured in Auto Crash H. Kaplan,
1128 North Twentieth street, a ped
dler, was badly injured Monday near
Millard when an auto crashed into his
wagon. He was brought home Tues
day. Drug Store Kohbrd The Vandos
pharniacy was entered by burglars
Tuesday night, they fordns a rear
door. From the place they carried
away S5Q cigars, half a dozen safety
raxors, jewelry and a quantity of toi
let articles. The loss is placed at $100.
John T. Boll's reminiscent book
about Omaha and Omaha men is out
and on sale at local bookstores. An
advance copy has been received by The
Bee. The author explains that his
publication is: One booklet. $1.00
$1.00, one booklet, and to those inter
ested, it is fully worth the money.
Loses His Suitcase William Can- re
ports to the police that Tuesday after
noon while walking along South Six
teenth street at the mouth of the allev
near the Orpheum theater he depos
ited his suitcase, containing most of his
winter underwear. He went half a
block away to buy a cinar and when
he returned suitcase and contents had
St. Paul's Lawn Social The women
of St. Paul's Episcopal church will
give an ice cream social on tho lawn
of T. P. Isitt, 2825 California street,
Thursday evening. The social is for
the benefit of the stucco fund. The
church at Thirty-second and California
has recently been stuccoed and painted
and it is to clear off indebtedness that
the social is. given.
Auto Man a Bankrupt--William C.
Katzenstein, 1615 Pratt street, an em
ploye of the Ford Motor Car company,
filed a petition in bankruptcy in fed
eral court. His liabilities are $2,752
and his assets $2,85S. He claims ex
emption on all his assets, which are
comprised chiefly of his home, which
he is paying for through a building
and loan association.
Arrangements for the National
Swine Exposition Rapidly
Being Perfected; Many rA
New Features.
Chicago Exemption Board
Figures Show Good Progress
Chicago, Aug. fS. Reports of forty-seven
' of the eighty-six draft ex
emption boards in Chicago showed
that 8,994 registrants had been ex
amined up to today, of whom 6,558
were regarded as physically fit. In
the forty-seven districts 4,507 regis
trants nave1 made exemption claims.
Arrangements for the second an
nual -Vational Swine show; to he
held in the new horse and mule ban?!
at the stock yards, are rapidly being
perfected. The premium list offering
over $15,000 in cash and trophies is
going to the printer, and over 10.000
of the lists will be mailed to inter
ested hog raisers throughout the
United States.
Exceptional interest is being mani
fested by a great number of thor
oughbred hog raisers who have de
cidedly good herds, but who did -.not
exhibit at the National Swine, show
last year. Early reports indicate the
second show will far surpass last
year's show in both numbers shown
and in quality. ' v
It was a distinctive feature of the
1916 show that never before was so
great an amount of hog value ever
gotten together under one roof, and
from present prospect, the 1917 Na
tional Swine show bids, fair to dis
tance the former show in this respect.
Breeders Are Enthusiastic.
Additional interest in the show is
being shown by hog raisers through
out the country, due to their. desire
to produce the greatest amount of
pork per animal possible to meet the
greatly increased demand, account of
war conditions.'- Farmers, who
through experience having learned
that the quality blood in hogs lias
the tendency toward producing a
larger marketable animaf in less time
than the ordinary every day stock,
will be in attendance at the swiue
show in increased numbers, to secure
quauiy nog, as wen as aaoing new
stock to their established herds.
A new feature will be added to the
1917 show in the way of a hog judg
ing contest between various state
agricultural college student teams in
the corn 'e't. Already six "colleges
have signified their intention of en
tering the contest. Cash prizes will
i be offered. The prize fund is being
, subscribed by the various breed and
i agricultural papers throughout the
i country.
In order to accommodate the peo
ple, of Omaha who are unable to at
tend the show during the day. a num-
, ber of evening shows will be held, for
j which some added attractions are be-
ing arranged.
i ,
' Intexicated Man Says
He Never Touched Liquor
Mike Amskororki, Twenty-seventh
and 1 streets, who claims that- he
never tasted a drop of liquor in his
: life, va fcned $10 and costs by Police
J Judge Madden in Soutfi Side, police
! court this morning. ,
! "What do you dor Inhale it?"
i asked the - judge.
i AV. 1'. Marqiiart. Twenty-second'
j and V streets, drank two bottles of
"(bitters and Officer Robey testified:
j "fie was as, drunk as any rnan I
! c er saw " t
The label oh tiie bottle
' the contents contain 25
aiconoi. . - , - . v .
! lie was lined $10 and costs.. .
! Detectives Leninski and Sullivan
arrested Robert Peikins, colored,
who gave his addVess as Perry, la.,
at .Twenty-sixth and '-O streets this
lrtoVning. He hada quart bottle f
vhik wrapped-.'.4ii soine overall,
lie said he paidflUcV If. ' Police offi
cers say ihaf is cheaft compared with
most "cu bstone prices." ' i
"No, sir", T didn't get this; in tlii,s
here town. -1. got it in Chicago." in
sisted onehegrc who was picked up
on the street with a flask of hisky
"on him.'"
Police officers grinned t his ex
planation land one of thetVt Said:
"I guess be doesn't' -understand that
'illegal c possession' is a whole lot
softer th; .illegal transporting."'
First Man Drafted Given
Commission in Cavalry j
Washington, Aug. 8. Harry C. I
Gilbert of this city, the first drafted 1
man to qualify in the national army, i
has : beer, appointed by President
Wilson as a provisional second lieu
tenant of cavalry and confirmed
by the senate.
i'uU. fre (loner for tho ladir. free mxtMr
unit a chanc ti win nire pris. B sura
K I'lDiie. David I'uJa I'rejuuory Co., itil
I S :Mih St., South Side,
j Bi Bargain Sav Rent Two-story, S-
room otUm In fine rcs) til8trlcL Tin
condition; completely mode-rn: S lvrooin
I '.id sl.-oplni parch: first fioor In oa. On
hlk. fr,.m car line. B. & I., mortttaga It.SOO.
' Will t;il( 7M for niint- Thi In actually
I Sl.oo .haw ht) v)u. Act nuii k. South 71.
; Junk: Dealers to Meet K. Vakes,
president- of tha. Jnnk .Dealers' asso
ciation.- has called a meeting: ror 10
niKht in order to give any junk deal
ers who arc not members an oppor
tunity to join. The meeting will be
hMd at the Ancient Order of TniUwi
i 1 HI RUIPH ll II, A Cin.i nil il win, i
sliwts, Soiith Ride.
South Omaha Brevities
Wanted A pood 'vomin In work In
kitchen. Apply at :711 Q,
A band concert will b Riven at Morion
park at 1:3? o'clock this eianlng.
I.adle of tha Christian church will meet
with Mm. Frank Klnea, 2717 K street, thia
afternoon ' '
Mleiing Sunday : my epottil Kasllnh Bet
ter dog; white, uunhy tall: odd eara. Frank
A. Agnew. Pouth Side. Omaha.
Uike Kalamja, 32S South Twenty-fourth
atro'it, hae returned from a throe weeka'
vacation In Denver and other western points.
Telephone South 100 and order a case of
Oma or Iactonad. tho healthful, refreshing
Home Beverages delivered to your residence.
Omaha novcrag? Co.
The Ladles Aid society of Ft. Luke's
Lutheran church will meet at the home
of airs. J. 41. Jacobcvn, Fort Crook boule
vard, at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Today la the day for the free Idlewllde
Creamed Buttermilk, free Sunshine bis-
Italian Feud Results in
Fatal Shooting at Oes Moines
Des Moines, Aug.' 8. Frank Oli
verio. aged 25. anMtalian, and Tena
Kend. a 15-year-old girl, also an Ital
ian, were attacked near the Fifth
street bridge this morning as they
were on their way to the Shuerman
woolen : mills', where they were em
ployed. "
Olit crio was killed and the girl was
slightly Injured. Two men, whom
the girl says were Italians, came up
ojut of a clump of weeds and passed
them op the bridge. When some dis
tance behind the pair the two tneu
opened fire with revolvers. One struck
dliverio" in the abdomen and when
he fell the assailants fled. Police be
lieve the 'shooting is the result of a
Body of Murdered Woman
Found in La Crosse Cellar
1 "l.a Crosse. Wis.. Auir. 8. The dis
covery of the body of Mrs. Cora Mil-
I Icr, buried jn quicklime, in an ttn
j used -cellar of the hoine of Edward
Haughe, farmer, today cleared ap the
mystery surrounding the disappear
ance of the woman. She disappeared
on February 24 last. Haughe has not
been found, but a warrant for his
arrest has been issued.
Mrs. Miller was wealthy, among the
farms she owned being that on which
her body was found. She had rented
this property to Haughe. When Mrs.
Miller disappeared a letter was re
ceived by friends intimating that she
had eloped. It is now believed that
this was forged by the slayer.
( r-
See Nebraska's Orceti Ttraftir
at the Fremont
Don't fail to'see the "Square Turn" Tractor at the Fremont Show. See it in the .tent -where con
tinuous demonstrations are given. See it give the most remarkable exhibition of f lexibilty in handling
ever made by any tractor. See it in the fields where it will pull 3' plows in full view of the operator.
See it make the famous "Square Turn" at the corners of the field in less than five seconds. Follow the
crowd and you will see the :;; ' " " v ;
"mmv:-- " . -I, S- . m, .it. i r ..iii.ii - -rufi .ai - E 1 i-IV nrni umiiii nana mm I
With this tractor you can go anywhere and do anything 'ou can with horses. 51 It is as easily driven as a
team, goes ahead, backs or turns at the touch of the hand. There is no foot work to do, no clutch to throw in
or out, no gears to shift, no bother at all. Two lever conveniently located, one for each hand, control the
machine and perform every operation desired. It has fewer working parts than any other tractor.
Steers by Its Own Power. ;
Turns in Its Own Length
With the Square Turn Tractor you can plow as close to the
fence corners as you can with a team, and you can clean up .at
the finish just as well. The plows are lifted by power to turn
corners and to back instantly to clear out trash. The plows
and other tools are in plain view of the operator. It is easier
to run both Square Turn Tractor and plows than it is to drive
an ordinary gang plow with team. It will Work in any kind
of soil and in wet place3 and on side hills too steep for a binder
without danger of tipping over.
Burns Kerosene or Gasoline
The Square Turn Tractor has a two-fuel burning carburetor
for using either kerosene or gasoline, and carries two 15-gallon
fuel tanlts. It is the only tractor that is permitted to use th
patented Giant Grip Drive the greatest improvement made in
the tractor industry.
We guarantee the Square Turn Tractor to operate success
fully on your farm or there is no sale. Write for free catalog if you
can'tWme to the Fremont show.
. Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000
Work of Examining Guardsmen
Before Drafting Into Federal
Service is Concluded at
, Midnight.
ArmytVicrTs last night at midnight
completed the work or examining men
of the Sixth Nebraska preparatory to
the format drafting of the regiment
into federal service, . .The examina
tions were1 conducted at. the Audi
torium.' '
Most of the examining ts now over,
but there is much recording- and such
work to be done before the army
officers in charge of the,, work can
A force of, secretaries and alt the
officers of the companies are working
nearly twenty-four hours a day this
week to get alt done before the order
to proceed to Denting comes. The
next thing after the drafting in will
be innoculation for typhoid and vac
cination. The men face the prospect of much
discomfort if they are Sent' south a
week or so after tlii,, especially as
no sleeping cats are provided for the
private soldiers, - j - .
' Slep ! in Auditorium.
Fort members of Company A of
the "Dandy Sixth." who have been
sleeping at the Hotel Castle, have at
last found 'a plare to "lay their
heads." The -cots requisitioned for
the company by Sergeant Mr! f ugh
arrived yesterday and members of
the company who wished had a cot
and two blankets, likewise cot-room,
in the Auditorium.
IVobably a finer or mure worth
while bunch of men than, the "Dandy
Sixth" boasts has never been gotten
together in the guards. Here arc a
few taken at random from jut" one
company, A :
Captain Clinton Rrotue U an
Omaha lawyer. His father,' H. C.
Bronte, is a former president of the
Barristers' club. Captain Brome -saw
sen-ice in the old Second Nebraska.
Lieutenant McHugh of Company
A attended Culver Military academy
for two years and there he got his
first liking for military affains. lie
saw service last year on the border
and became interested, with other
Omaha men. this year, in the organiz
ing of an. Omaha battalion for the
new Sixth regiment. He is the son
of Judge McHugh of Omaha.
Sergeant O. Farrand, of A. is a
veteran army man. having served
nine years in theregnlar army. He
was in the Philippines some, years, be
fore returning to civil life. He re
aigiied a position as motorcycle po
liceman in South Omaha to get back
into the harness again.
Martin Brown, the quartermaster
sergeant of company A, was for years
chief clerk of the Burlington freight
depot. He had 150 men under his
jdirriiiiiii aiid fur ycMrs lie . bou.4'!t v1'
j t he supplies of tho Burlington.
Captain Briggs Now
In Federal Service;
'Coppers' Changed
I'olui' Captain John Brfjjiis is now
a-United States soldier. He has been
enrolled in the federal ,ser'ice and
last night saw new' faces in.' re
positions in the South' Side statlonr.
Sergeant Carey has replaced Cap
tain Briggs and has in turn been suc
ceeded by . Detective Allen, wliose
place is taken by Desk Officer France
from the Central station.
When Captain Briggs returns from
France .he will resume his-duties '.in
the police department.
Woman Suffers Broken Letf
When Struck by Motor Car
Miss' Louise Shepherd, waitress at
the House of Hope, while crossing
Sixteenth and Douglas streets.' was
struck by a passing automobile Tues
day afternoon. ''.Mrs. John B. Potts,
the driver of the car, picked her up
and took her to the police station,
where her injuries were attended by
Doctor Callaghan. Later she was
taken to the C'arkson hospital. She
suffered a fractured leg and a sprained
Wadnasday, August , 1917. STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY. Phona PouaUs V37.
Announcement of
Important Sales
Now in Progress:-
Annual Augutt Sale of Fut?
y Closing-out-iale of Furnitufe
Annual sale of Glassware
August Sal$ of Household Linens?
Beginning Monday:-- ,
Fourth' Annual Sale of Blankets
The Hat of the Hour
T T ia the desire; of every t
woman to be up-to
date in everything and
she realizei that a smart,
new hat add tha crown
ing touch to her costume.
' This model, which is
extremely new, is crisp,
fresh, light and airy, and
has: ;
Panne velvet crown
Black malinebrim
'Burnt pheasant feathers atid ,'
Corded ribbon trimming
Many other Mats copied from higher priced models and ex
ceptionally low priced, Thursday, at $5.00.
Burfs-Nash Co. Sscena Fleer . ' i
Women's Muslin
AN assortment of muslin'uh
derwear, including combi
nations, corset covers, open
drawers and Elsee Modesty
drawers, specially priced, at
59c each.
Such an offering as " this
means a plentiful supply of
these lovely, as well as pactical
undergarments, to tha economy-wise
Burfass-Naah Co.. Sacond Floor.
75c and 85c
AVERY fortunate purchasa
of Mina Taylor aprons en
ables' us to offer them Thurs
day at a very special price.
Cool, comfortable and -easy to
launder, made of pink and
blue chambray, your choice, at
75c and 85c.
Burf ast-Nash Co. Sacond Floor
WHEN in our store, 'visit the
Burgess-Nash workshop,
Auxiliary to the American Red
Cross, which we hae estab
lished on the .third floor. Here
you may
Utilize Your Spare
Moments "
by helping our boys in France.
The workshop is under the di
rection of the Omaha Chapter
of the American Red Cross,
where women, tired from shop
ping or waiting for a friend,
may do their "bit" by making
bandage's, hemming towels,
sheets, pillow slips and the like,
under the supervision of com
petent instructors fr f
charge. The materials are all
ready cut, and thimbles, needles
and thread are at hand.
Bui'cess-Nash Co. Third Fleer
Extra Values in Sewing Machines
Eaiy Term. $2 Down and $1 a Week ,
WE are offering for Thursday, some exceptionally
good values in Sewing Machines. A splendid
cnance to get a good machine at a
very low-price.
A Few Special Bargains:
Domestic sewing machine, box top,
good condition, $7.00.
Coronet sewing machine, drop head
(used), $4.00.
Wizard sewing machine, four-drawer,
drop head (new), $16.50.
"Standard" rotary sewing machine,
latest model, $35.00.
Clark's rotary sewing machine (used), $25.00.
Paragon sewing machine, with auto lift, $27.50.
Repairs for all makes of machines.. .
Bursss-Nash Co. Fourth Floor
August Clearance Sale of Women's, Misses7 and
Children's Pumps, Slippers and Oxfords at $1.00
LL the broken lines and small lots,
but the kinds to finish out the
summer season. At less than the cost ot making.
Thursday in the. Down Stairs Store
. Mil. D -i t nn
j it uuicii i i limp, ai f tivv
Women's patent and dull kid pumps, some with
straps, sizes ZV to 1, at $1.00.
i Women's Oxfords, at $1.00
Women's kid and patent colt oxfords, sizes 2
to 4Vi, at $1.00.
Children's Pumps, at $1.00
Children's and misses' white canvas pumps,
sizes from 8 in child's to 2 in misses", at $1.00
Children's Slippers, at $1.00
Children's and misses' .white, bronze and black
slippers, 3 to 8 children's, at $1.00.
12 Big Bargain Tables of Shoes for Men, Women and Children.
Women's Pumps, at $2.95
SEVERAL' hundred pairs of new, splendid fit
ting pumps, at a fraction of former selling
price, includes patent colt, bronz kid, cham
pagne kid, special, at $2.95.
; Mary Jane Pumps, $2.45 ..;
LARGE assortment, transferred from our Sec
ond 'Floor, including gun metal and patent
colt, with-welted soles, tow school heels.- 'Very
special, at $2.45. -
turfsa-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store ''