Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1917, Image 14
. .( : v.; v 1917. Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Words to th Line) No ad taken for let than two line. CASH WITH ORDER per line T time 7 c per line. . S or mora consecutive Insertions. CHARGE 9 per tins 1 time. fe per line..! or more consecutive Insertions. To per line it consecutive Insertions. SITUATIONS WANTED :i per line per week. CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES lc per line each Insertion. ' (Minimum charge, SO cents) Foreign Rate Cash With Order. (Count Six Words to Line.) Helo Wanted ( j;c per nn, i time. BussJ P " rinancial L consecutive Insertions. I 9e per line 1 time. edifications lln " mor Lconsecutlv Insertions USE THE TELEPHONE if you cannot con veniently bring or send in your want ads. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the same good service as when de livering your want ad at this office. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVE VINO EDITIONS UM M. MORNING EDITIONS 10.00 P. M. Contract Rates on Application Movie Program Downtown. PRINCESS 1317 DOUGLAS PEARL WHITE in NO. 5. "THE FATAL RING." North ALAMO 4TH AND FORT IRENE FENWICK in A CHILD OF DESTINY." A LH AM BR A, I4TH AND PARKER. BARNEY in "A PRINCK IN A PAWNSHOP" AND COMEDY. .' .1 lTTtANT BINNKY DOROTHY DALTON in "WILD WINSHIP'S WIDOW." LUTIIROP 24TII AND I.OTHKOP EARLE WILLIAMS in "THE MAELSTROM."' South. APOLLO S9T1I A LEAVEN WORTH FANNY WARD in "TH E UNCO N QUE R ED." BOULEVARD SSD A LEAVEN WORTH BESSIE BARRISCALE in "THE GO LD ENCL A W." ROHLFF 25TH & LEAVENWORTH . GEORGE WALSH in "HIGH FINANCE." West DUNDEE 61ST ANJ) UNDERWOOD ENID BENNETT in "HAPPINESS." South Side. MAGIC 24TH AND N GOOD FEATURE PICTURE AND COMEDY TODAY. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES liOYCE Jsines Harvey, illed August 6th at family residence, 2204 Wirt street. Serv ices at Hoffman Funeral home, Tuesday S:30 p. m. Interment Cassvllle, Wis., leav ing Omaha via Illinois Central, 6 p. m. Survived by his widow, Lsta M.. Omaha, and enns and daughters: James Archi bald, 8esttle, Wash., Mrs. W. L. ZustTa Crosse, Wis., and Charles E., Clarence G Roy W. and Lucille E.. all of Omaha. win in hi i i i gmtmasat mu 111 in in in in niii ii nj CARD OP THANKS WE wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during our lata bereavement, the loss of our daughter, Pearl Penn Brand alo for their beautiful flower offerings. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Penn, FLORISTS. BEING a member of (ha National Florists' Telegraph Deliver association, we are In position to deliver flowers at short notice aoywhere In the United States or Caiada, Hess Bwoboda, Florists. Fnnlenells x Florists, LEE L. LARMON 1914 Douglss m Douglas 9244. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 8. 1. D. 103. THE FERNERY, 601 8, lth St. Doug. 298. BATH, National Florist, 1804 Farnam St. A. DONAGIIUE. 1623 Harney. Doug. 1001. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER "Independent Undertakers.' $324 Harney a. L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director, i P. E. Foro, Mgr.. 23d and Cuming tit., Phone Douglas 3,77, Auto ambulance. HULSE & R1EPEN, undertaker and m bslmers, 701 8. lth. Dougla 1262. JOHN A. QENTLEMAN, Undertaker and mbalmer, 2624 Leavenworth. Doug. 16(9. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS. ATTENTION! Ivy camp No. 1 will be Invited guests t a plonlo Saturday afternoon at Lake Manawa, given by camp 120, M. W. A. All member Invited. Bring well filled baskets, Mr. Alice Bratachnelder, Oracle; Mrs. 8adl Edmundson, Recorder. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Peter and Rathena Bonaekl. 1019 South Twenty-aeventh street, boyi John and Botena Masur, 4624 South Thirty-third street, girl; Marek and Katherln Borovac, 3433 V street, twin boy; Rtohard M. and Grace B. Jones,- 2614 Mapl street, girl Joseph L. and Marguerite Bustard, Dunsany apartment, girl; William H. and Flora M. Ferryman, bll William street, boy; Laur ence J, and Minnie M. Sorenson, 3174 Mere dlth avenue, girl; (Joseph and Wladlstava Sumlelk. Thirty-fourth and B street, girl Anton and Wllhelmlna Rentes, 1(31 South Twentieth street, boy; Joseph and Magda " lene Boulensky, 3915 R street girl; Michael and Mary Olbanle. 2113 X street, girl: Frank and Barbara Novak, 3433 Madison street, ooy; joeepn m. ana Aiiiarea Mahar, 419 North Thirtieth street, girl; A. 8. and Rosa Olson. 1114 V street, boy; B. B. and Vera . Taylor, , 90S South Thirty-first street, boy; Thomas J. and La vena M. Banks, 330$ North Twenty-sixth street. girl; Charles and Louis Anderson, 271 North Sixtieth aveaue, girl; .James and Florence Mase, 113 North Nineteenth street, boy; Patrick J. and Anna McMahon, 6137 South Thirty-ninth treet, boy. Deaths Prof. J. S. Brown, 73. hospital; John Alfred sparks, i months, 9403 Jack son street; Fred C. Shields. 70, 4917 Davcn port street; Martin Pugner. (2, 1254 South Fifteenth street; Rachel W. Hlggtn.. 31 2769 Cuming street; Hannah N. Graves, 76. (202 Military avenue: Earl H. Codman, 65. 1121 North Nineteenth street; Robert Mo ''ormsck. 71. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tbe following licensee to wed were Issued today: Name and Address. Age. Otto Petersen, Council Bluffs, la. 23 Bertha Vols, Council Bluffs, la. IS Clyde W. Parker, Omaha 30 Emma Parker, Omaha 29 Loren J. Bingham. Hot Springs, 8. D 22 Josephine William. Hot Springs, S. D. ..21 August Laurlnat Omaha ...34 Ansa Clark, St. Paul. Neb 31 Paul R. Morgan, Council Bluffs, la 25 Clara M. Ayers, Council Bluffs, la. 24 Don Johnson. Omaha ...'f. ...31 May Mllisams. Omaha 34 Antonio Fanculllo, Omaha ...............24 Glusepplna Basso, Omaha ....,,...,...20 Joseph Dawson. Omaha 38 Olga Janes, Omaha it John E. Duschl, Mapleton. la. ,. over 21 Lottie Craln, Mapleton. la ..,. over 18 BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permits were issued today: , Dr. O. " W. Todd. 341 Farnam street, j-am dwelling, $9,000; W. H. Comstock 1701 North Forty-eighth street, frame iwelllng, 3L9. . LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some article would do welt to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company ' te ascertain whether they left It In the street car. - " Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious Jo restore ihera to the rightful ownor. LOStFOUNDREWARDS LOST Strayed. Saturday Eve., brown and white Scotch rollle; full grown; answers to name of "Sandy." Call Douglas 9142 between I and 11, mornings. IK YOU lose anything and will advertise it here you will surely recover it if found by an honest person. If you find anything of value the honest way la to advertise for the owner. LOST One light yellow Jersey cow, one glaes colored eye. For return of ssme to Mrs. Bargo, 14:9 No. 19th St, will pay $5.00 reward. LOST A bay pony, weighs 900 lLs., age 9 years. Reward. Notify E. C. Wltte, Ben nington. Neb. A BL'NCRof keys between 19th and Binny and Municipal Reward. beach. Webster 1756. LOST A pocketbook at Burgess-Nask Store In notion department. Reward. Web. 8564. A BUNCH of keys between 19th and Blnney and Municipal Beach. Weh. 1756. Reward. PURSE containing about $37 Saturday. Helga Norlgaard. Colfax 2850. Reward. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods, ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, ruga or stoves until you have seer, us first. We offer you a $26,000 STOCK OK HIGH-GRADE FUR NITURE, RUGS. STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS for practically your own price. We are fared to vacate our four-story warehouse, and its entire contents must lie sold at once. Hale takes place at our sales room at the corner of 14th and Dodge streets. Do not fall to attend. It la an opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan tage of this wonderful opportunity. Why don't ;nu? STATE FURNITURE CO., D. 1317. Cor. 14th and Doiitfe Sts., Omaha. BARGAINS In furniture, lie boxes, gas stoves, rugs, beds, china nnd kitchen cabi nets, tallies, chair, buffets, dressers, trunks, sultf-aws. rull line ut poultry net ting, screen. 1M9-47 N. 24th. Web. 1607. ICE CltEAM tallies, off. fur., chairs, refrlg., lie coolers, garden hose, porch furniture, Vlctrola anil pianos. Loyal Furn. Co., 213 N. lfith. City Furn. Co., 1 07 8. 14th. FURNITURE and 9-room house for sale: everything up-to-date; will sell In lot only, reasonable. ' Call at 3319 Harney. F0TtHALE Eclipse gua range used two years, or will trade for combination coal and gas range. Colfax 3357. ItUHH right down and get, your share of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. 509 N. ) 6th. Sewing Machines. SEWING M ACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICKEL'a KEBRACKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts. . Doug. 16G2. Typewriters and Suppliers. TYPEWRITER!, sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter 3 months fnr 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1901 Farnam. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, lDtlg Farnam. Douglas 4121. All niskes. Guaranteed Typewriters, $1(1 and up. Writs fur list. Midland Typ. Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE At greatly reduced prices; di mension lumber and finish maple and pina flooring, bricks, windows, doors, bath tubs, plumbing, steam pipes, man tles, tiles, one J-rm. house, one sleeping porch, 1 steam and 1 hot water plant, dining mi. cabinets, bookcases, German sliver Sink, toilets and 12,000 worth of electrlo light fixtures. Chamber & CNell Wrecking Co., 2101 Leavenworth. Tyler 1411. FOR BALE Cox Duplex web perfecting newspaper press; prints, cuts and fokls 4, t and I pages. Speed 6.000 per hour. i Hag handled effectively 10,000 dally cir culation; guaranteed in good .condition; with or without motor and flat stereo typing outfit. Termi to right party. Her 1 a real bargain at $2,000. Write Y 131, cars Bea. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and mad up In fresh ticks cost half the price of new pillows. Call us for samples of ticking and prices. 1907 Cum ing. Douglas I47. WIS HAVE moved to new location. We buy. sell and make desks, safes, showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture ft (Jupply Co., 8. W Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone D. 2724. DRY KINDL1NL WOD. ACME HARNEY 1887. BOX COMPANY. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FILMS developed, lOo a roll; one-day serv ice. Kas Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., 16ts and Harney, POPE twin cylinder, 3-apeed, ll-horseper motorcycle; fin condition. What hav you in exchange? Box 1431, Omaha Bee. MISCELLANEOUS article to trad for mu sical instruments. Friedman, 1211 Douglas. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. (164. OLD CLOTHING wTpaTthI HIGHEST PRICES. DOUG LA 8 $021. TT?Ml7TrIQ pW hlheat price for tJCirtlYlVNO clothes, shoes, trunks. to. Red 3297. Reg., Doug. 1033. DIAMONDS 409 S. 16th St. SOL BERGMAN ft CO, WANTED TO BUY Slightly used 1917 Ford touring car. South 43C0. CASH paid for diamonds. , Estate ' ap- praised, Reese' Jewelry Co., 40$ 8. 16th. BOOKS bought. Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. BOOKS bought, 910 8. ltth. Tyler 2826. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, (unburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all die and styles; hemstitching, ptcot edging, aye let out work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., Opposite Brandels Store. 800-303 Brown Bldg. Dougla 1933. VAN ARMAN Dross Pleating and Button Co., 336-7 Paxton Blk. Dougla 3109. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 638 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 2169. Baths. ELECTRIC treatment: baths; Swedish mas sage. Central Institute 1606 Harney Douglas it97. MASSKl'SK. baths, manicuring. physical f tM. Miss Walker, 224 Neville Blk. D. 4297, OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE, 228 Neville Block, Itith and Harney St. Doug. 7381 Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 2,Tlh and Martha Sts. Bakeries ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. 213 N. 14TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOODS Carpenters and Contractors LKSSARD ft SON. 2031 Cuming, Ty. 1632. Chiropodist Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxtoti Hlk., H. 4687. . Detectives OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 900 1st. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 2il0. JAMES ALLEN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all esses. TyVr 1136. S. P. JOLLY. 61S Phxtim. Red 7401. Dressmaking TERRY Dressmaking Co.. 20th and Earns in. DRESSMAKING, work guar. D. 4180. Fixtpres and Wiring DURKIN Electrlo washing machtnea, efcctrlo Irons and reading lamps. JI23 Cuming St, Doug. 3519. Furs Stored FURS stored, clcani-d and remodeled, price. Furs dyed. H. Rothholis. Furrier. Harney 2763. 2818 Iavenworth. Hat Cleaners HATS cleaned and reblocked. 1520 Harney. Household Specialities, C. F. ADAMS, 423 8. 16th. D 2007. Under new management. We want to see old friends and meet new., Open Sat. eves. Your credit is good. Agents wanted. Insurance BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN 913-14 City Nat. Hk. Bldg. Doug. J819. Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on benm's. columns, brick. R. Gross Lumber snd Wreck Co. Web, 28S4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Machinery and Engines FOR SALE At a bargain, rotary hydraulic j well drill, or will trade for small kerosene tractor. Box Y 96. Bee. ' Massueres MASSAGE, chiropody. Alta Head, 209-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. D. 3459. Central Bath Inst. 1506 Harney. Doug. 7097. MIW8 HOLLAND, 222-8 Neville Block. Osteopaths Mrs. J. R. Muslck, sulphur, steam and euca lyptus baths. 402-3 Rose Bldg. Tv. 2363. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Expert Welding on All Metals rf. W. LEVERING, 309 8. 12th St. D. 2578. Patent Attorneys PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 683 Brandels. D 6691. Patent Attorneys. ST URGES A STURGES, U. 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent $3.50 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglss. Printing? and Office Supplies Watera-Barnhart Ptg. Co. 624 S. 13th Bt. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. ,T. .T. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. 5SHINE 5c TCMZSf? AMER. SHINING PARLOR, 1504 Harney St. 5c SHINE 5c The V. 8. Shining Tarlor. 307 8. 15 St. "The coolest place In town Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rnnt. 206 N. 17th. John Fcldman, D. 312S. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Trunks and Traveling Bags. WE make them ourselves; why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at cost. ALFRED CORNISH CO., Mfrs. of Harness. Saddles and Traveling Ooorts, 1210 Farnam St. TowelSupplies. Trussed. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W. (I, Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney St. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1806 FARNAM. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE. Up-to-date cafe and Ice cream parlor, everything new in connection with lead ing hotel In town of 3,000 In Nebraska. Address Box Y 138, Oinnha Bee. 8 POWERS, 6-A machines, practically new. Your choice at $165, other machine from $2ii up; two Fort Wayne Compensarcs at $.'1S. Come quick If you want It. lgr 210 Bromley Bklg., Omaha Neb. A N oTTR E 8 TA U R A NT7or sale or trad. Good town 4,000; 6 bedroom In connec tion; all well furnished; reason for selling other business. Will sell cheap. Address Box 226, Missouri Valley, la. HOTEL business for sale. Good opportu nity for someone Industrious to make big money. $500 wilt turn the deal. If In terested see 8. Kudxk, Elba, Neb. MOTORCYCLE business for sale; big bar gain; no reasonable offer refused. Good business. Brush Motorcycle Co., Nebraska City, Neb. FOR SALE Must sell this week, two chair shop, bath, electrlo lights, city water paid. Price $190. E. C. Morgan, Mllford, Neb. GROCERY, meat market for sale; beat op portunity to make money In Omaha. 3862 Leavenworth. Write Box 3438, Omaha Bee. GROCERY, MEAT MARKET for sale, best location for small store In Omaha; will stand Investigation. 3852 Leavenworth. MOTION picture machine (new and re built); theaters supplied. Omaha' Film Exchange, 108 S. 14th St. MOVING PICTURE machines, Miew anil rs K v. . . 1 1 . .11 1, . M . a.. ply Co., 201 Nat. Bldg. DRUO STORE Small suburban store, doing good business. Addres P. O, Box 493, Lincoln, Neb. TO OET in or out of business call on ' OANGESTAD, 248 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. YOl'R business or real estate , handled for sale. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1123 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 8286. Rooming Houses for Sale. 10-ROOM rooming house; all modern; for sale cheap, Douglas 8879. AUTOMOBILES. SAVE a whole year' cost of operation by Buying Now Fifty makers of motor car hav al ready advanced price. Packard new cars price go up this month. Instead of boosting iprlces on renewed Packard Twin Sixes we shall continue to ell them at present big reduction from actual per-formance-and-pleasure value. If now car prices hold high and go higher, any used car listed below should bring, next season, approximately a much a you pay for It now. In other words. you ought to save a whole season' cost by buying now. PACKARD 1-35 Twin Six touring car, 7-passenger, This i our long wheel bass model and will carry you over the hills and rough roads as smoothly and easily a over level boulevards. We will back this oar with our liberal guarantee, $3,360. PACKARD 2-35 Twin Six touring 7 passenger car. We are now using thl car a a demonstrator. It la the current model car and we will put it In it origi nal mechanical condition, repaint and equip- with new tires all around. We will be In a position to deliver thl car Sep. 1, 32,950. APPERSON, 1917 Roadplan -cylinder touring. This car has been used three week and Is brand new. Painted light brown with dark brown striping, A chanc to save $550 on the price of a new Ap. person, 11,800, NATIONAL 1912 4.passenger speedster. Overhauled and repainted and equipped with cord tires. An exceptional car, $850. ST12VENS.DURYEA 7passenger touring Northeast starter: paint and mechanical condttloo excellent. A high grade automo bll that originally sold tor $5,000. 3500. CADILLAC, 1913 7-passenger touring. In good shspe; seat covers, $500. HUDSON 8UPER-S1X 7-passenger tour. Ing. Run i,500 miles. New Firestone non- skid tire all round,- Bumper and apot light, $1,200. P1ERCE-ARROW converted speedster wttn bucket seetk and tank, $4d0. CHALMERS 1915 6-cyllnder touring. A car with lots of power, good wearing qualities. In fine mechanical condition and a good buy at 3500. Packard Used Car Dept. Fortieth and Farnam Streets. Telephone Harney 414, A postcard will bring any ear to your house. - YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T 'TOP? ALL RIGHT, WE DO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN. ' TRY US. THE TIRE SHOP, , 3513 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4878. THREE Ford Form-A-Trucks In good con dition, $400 to $500. U. M. C. 3-ton, good condition. $400. International 1-ton, late model, 5350. Slightly used Republic 1 tea express body. Sacrifice price. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, Tyler 222. 1410 Jackson. SOME REAL SNAPS IN ODD-SIZE TUBES. 34x$H :i3',... $13 each 310 each 31x4. $14 each Also several odd all tube at balf price. 8TANDARD MOTOR CAR CO , 3020 Farnsm. CARS FOR HIRE. Will rent you a car. with or without ' driver. Best service. Better rate. Also best tube repairing tn city. See Vs. I R. 19lh' St. Tel. D. 7590. t WANT modern six auto for clear Brownell I Halt district lota Csnsn. atcCagu Bldg. j AUTOMOBILES. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2209 Farnam. Douglas 3310. ISIS Moon $960 1913 Maxwell $350 19i; Maxwell $250 1916 Chevrolet $350 2-IN-l VULCANIZING CO., J 516 Davenport, j Second-hand tires and tubes. Tlra and tube repairing. . t Second-hand cars and auto parts. ; Doug. 2914. 1912 METZ ROADSTER. Engine and car in absolutely ftrst class condition. Owner going east and must sacrifice for Immedi ate sale to best offer. Inquire Omaha Garage. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2212-16 Harney St. Douglas 853. Almost any make at reasonable price. NEW FORD SEDAN, electric starter and lights. Special white wheeled; a bar gain If called for today. Omaha Chandler Co., 2520 Farnam. Douglas 3867 CUT down your tire expense by having them repaired at G. ft O. Tire and Vulc. Co. Also bargains in used tires. 2415 Leav. T. 1261-W. MAKE your tiree trouble-proof by using Maxatlres. T. J. Garvey s Vulcanizing and Maxallre Station, 2910 Leav. Har. 1608. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing work guar an'tecd. Douglas 7652. 1109 Douglas St. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delsy. Auto Fix change Co., 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. FOR SALE Flve-paseiiger Studebaker, first-class condition; good tires. For quick sale T. L. Lewis, 2416 S. 17th St. MY 1915 Mitchell touring car, electric lights and starler; juit overhauled; new tires; a bargain at $375. Phone Harney 1901. CROS8TOWN OARAGE. 316 S. 24th. D. 4442. Carbon burning 60c per cyl. Careful re pairing 75c per hour. TELL & BINKLEY. WE BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 2319 Harney St. Doug. 1540. Used Car Dept. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 2047 Farnam St. . D. 8292-L. , 1917 FORD and 1917 Bulck. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas B261. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO ft CARRIAGE WKS. 25th Ave. and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701. FOR SALE WIllis-Knlght touring car. Just overhauled. Will take light car In trade. D. 9415. FORD roadster, 1 Ford touring car, 2 Sturtelmkers and 1 Klsselcar. Colfax 986. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everyready Battery Station, 1206 Farnam. BEliTSCHY "Kan-FIx-It," Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2552. NEW and slightly used tires. Trawver Auto Salvuge and Exchange, 110 S. 17th, SEE the new Sandow truck at the Omaha garage. 2010 Harney. GOOD bargains In used Fords. 4001 S. 24th. Tel. South 4360. NEW Maxwells for sale cheap. Omaha Gar age. 2010 Harney. Wanted. WANTED Ford chussls, $76 down, 325 a month. 2733 S. 16th St. Jacobsen, be tween 3, and 8 p. m. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Service Co. (Former Strahle & Anderson), 316 S. 19th St Douglas 6488. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO., "Omaha's Reliable Starter Repair Shop." 3230 Farnam St. Douglas 9377. Tires and Supplies. TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2 In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 1103 H Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb, BUY Lee Punctureproot Pneumatic Tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Supply Co.. 2061 Farnam St. Auto Repairing and Painting. 100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Coll repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 27th and Leavenworth. WE want to show you the simplest and most reliable motorcycle on the market, Plott Bros., 3259 Farnam. FOR SALE CHEAP Twin Excelsior motor- cycie, odis i-narics di. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PRIVATE licensed maternity horn. 441 N. 38th St. Phone Colfax 2042 , SHOWER bath, cool refreshing; special summer price, too. Central Bath In., 1606 Harney. D. 7097. MANICURING, massage and eealp treat ment. T03 8. 24th, bet. 10 and 6 tut appL Tyler 1038. MISS FISHER, sulphur, iteam bath and massage, 879 Bran. Thea, Bldg. D. 1569. MAB BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and bath. 203 Karbsch Blk. Red 3727. MISS SMITH, massulst. Rittenhouse sani tarium 210-214 Balrd Blk. D. 3468. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. 618 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. BATH and massage. 1802 Farnam St. Room 3. Phone Dougla 3731. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Beat care. 2605 Bristol ' Web. 2908. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6272. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th. E BROTT, Mas., 2120 Harney. Dg. 9526. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, S40 BEE BLDG PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. .E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and olhe rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease and testimonials. WHY SUFFER T Latest and Most Scientific Treatment tor all Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 613-524 Rose-Bldg. Examination and Consultation tree. He 1 curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU 7 Delay are dan gerous, K you can't call, write. Hour, 9 a. m. to t p. tn.; 7:30 to 9:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surglcU operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray. 308 Bee Bldg. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 931 W. O. W. Bldg. Taff Dent. Rms., SOS Rose Bldg. D. rT86, Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERG, SANITARIUM. Lady attendant 2566 Harney. D. 7395. Drs. Johnston, 1326 W. O. W. Bldg. P. 8529. Dr. J. C Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. REGISTERED PHARMACIST desires to change from Idaho to city or town in Nebraska. Aged 25 aears, alngle, exempt from draft; 12 years' experience tn retail drug business. Good window and show case man. A-No. 1 references. Address Box Y 124. Bee. POSITION by experienced salesman and of iice mgr. witn good local bouse; now employed, but have good reason tor ehsnglng: married and best of reference. Address Box 6044. Bee. YOUNG nun wants job driving car. private inmuy preferred, will work year round, Good reference. Douglas 7658. CHAUFFEUR, white, want permanent po sition. Good references. Now employed. uox sou, nee. BY CHAUFFEUR, private family preferred. Reference furnished, 1303 N. 26th. Web eter 1284. - COLORED man. cook, wants a Job In or out ot city. Address box 5596, Bee. WANTED Position as chauffeur, family. Box 6189 Bee. Private WANTED H first-class carpenter, work hy the lay or Job. Douglas 4379. TWO experienced house and lawn men want work. D. 8694. Delaney or Baker, Female. WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper, Call Doug. 8684 or write 1906 Capitol Ave. WANTED, washing, sweeping & dusting In small family. Call or 10 p. m. Red 7164. COLORED girl wants general housework. Douglss 9j1. WANTED Position on private switchboard. Experienced operator. Boa 6170 Bee, SITUATIONS WANTED 1 Laundry and Day Work. LADY wishes pos. as companion to laily; will assist with light housework. H. 6075. RELIABLE laundress wants washing to tKe home. Work guaranteed. Web. 4309. WANTED Washing, sweeping- dusting in small family. Call 9 or 10 p. m. Red 71S4. SITUATION, wanted by an exp. colored laun dress, laundry or cleaning. Web. .2533. WANTED Small bundle washing; day work. 2222 Izard. . Douglas 9121. WANTED Day work, any kfnd. Har. 2669". BUNDLE washing and day work. Web. 1727. WASHING and ironing at home. Har. 4508. Wanted, laundry and day work. Ty. 2013-W. WANTED Day work, bundle wa-h. W. 5646. EXP. laundress, fine clothes specialty. H. 1904 Bun. wash., men's clothes specialty. Co. 3492. WANTED Day work. Call Webster 930. BUNDLE washing. Call Webster 1391. EXP. lady wants day work. Web. 5627. BUNDLE washing. Call Webster 1391. DAY work wanted. Webster 232 Hotels and Restaurants. A poWldn aa a working housekeeper In a small hotel, or in rooming house. D. 7659. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED First class accountant, com ptent to take charge of accounting de partment for wholesale automobile busi ness. First class references required. Write box 3351 Bee, giving references, experience, age and salary received In past or pres ent. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER $75.00 Bookkeeper, grain exp 76.00 Shipping clerk and typist 65.00 SEE! SEE! US AT ONCE. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. WHY PAY for a position? Stenographers, register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 209 South 19th St. BOOKKEEPER, lumber firm, $100. Shipping clerk, grain firm, $70, Office clerks (four), f 50-370. Thirty-six more openings. TH E MARTI CO., 1317 W, O. W. Bldg. WANTED Experience general mdse. clerk, German speaking, married man preferred or young man not eligible to army, draft. McGrew Merc. Co., McGrew, Neb. WE' need bookkeepers, stenographers and office help at A-l salaries. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat. Bank. GENERAL office clerk, 375 to $85. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N., 736 First National Bank Bldg. Professions and' Trades. WANTED First class accountant. Man not subject to draft. Two thousand per year to start. No one out of a Job or who hao not held present position at least one year need apply. Must give bank and business references and bond. Willys-Overland Inc., 20th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. PLASTERERS WANTED. 6 men; 77c per hour. Apply 18th and Dodge St., Omaha, Neb, CAR carpentera and repairers; steady work on all wood box cars; good piece work schedule; material delivered at cars. Shef field Car and Equipment Co., Kansas City, Mo. FIRST CLASS man for cleaning and press ing. Must be able to alter and repair. State wage wanted. Address Sanitary Cleaners and Fressers, Lexington, Neb, LINEMEN wanted for telegraph gangs on u. 1'. it. ii.; good pay and accommoda tions. P. F. Frenzer, 4(J U. P. Bldg.i Omaha, Neb. WANTED A ttrst-iclass sausag maker and meat cutter. Top wages to right party. Apply Washington Market, 11407 Douglas. WANTED Men to deliver Ice. Apply Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co., 5th and Jones. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Dougla St. UNION carpenter for Wyoming, 60o per nr. Emerald Labor Agency, 822 8. 10th. TWO young men for factory work, Omaha nox company. East Omaha. WANTED A good, all. around butcher. Geo. Roman, Winner. S. D. Sales men and Solicitors. WANTED Completing the organisation of a state-wide sales force. I need two stock salesmen. Mudt be live wires and bacon getters. Easy selling proposition, per manency and big earning power assured. See O. L. Wright, Flatlron Hotel, before 10 a. m. x WANTED A young aggressive man, who has had some shot experience, to solicit the shoemaker trade in Omaha and Council Bluffs with a line of sole leather and shoe finding. Address Bog Y 104, Bee. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. South Yard: 20th and Hickory Street. West Yard: 42d and Izard Streets. WANTED Driver for grocery wagon; good wages. E. Buffett, 6001 Underwood Ave -Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women, learn the barber trade: few weeks completes; pay while learnl 9r. Catalogue free. Rates now on. Call or write. 110 South 14th St., Omaha. BOTH Men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or write, 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S. 20th and 2069 Farnam. Hotels and Restaurants. CAMP COOKS (man and wife) wanted tor R. R. boarding outfit service, $70 and up; also flunkeys, $30 and up. Call or writ J. F. Dawson, Room 3, U. P. Commissary, 11th and Leavenworth Sts. WANTED A middle aged man for yard work around hotel. Must be able to milk cow and willing to work. Wage $40 per month with board and room. Address Geo. E. Stevens, car tbe Hotel Stevens, Bone steel, 8. D. Miscellaneous. WANTED One hundred laborers. Long paving job. WESTERN. CONSTRUCTION CO., Marshalltown, la. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the ton: good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co.' North Yard 24tli and Taylor streets. South Yard 20th and Hickory streets,. West Yard 42d and Izard streets. LABORERS wanted; work In coal and building material yards. Apply Sunder land Brothers Company, 24th and Taylot Sts. ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help wa can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 916H W. Broadway. P. 431. LABORERS wanted: steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros.' Co., west yard, 4Id and Izard Sts. STEAM shovel laborers, 46th and Leaven worth Sts., 32.50 per day; board $6.00. List A Gltford Const. Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WHY PAY for a position? Stenographers, register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 509 So. 19th St.. City. WANTED Bright young girl for office work who can do stenographic work; $10 per week; steady position. Wrjte Box 3411. Be . j WANTED Young lady with some office cx perlence to work on books. Steady em ployment. Hartman Furniture Co., 415 So. 16th. STENOGRAPHER ami bookkeeper, 375 WESTERN REFERENCE : BOND ASS N., 736 First National Bank BMg. WE need stenographer, bookkeepers and reneral office heln at A-l salaries. WATTS REF. CO.. 11SS 1st Nat. Bank WE NEED stenographers, bookkeeper and office rlerks. Co-Operativo Reference Co. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls, colored preferred. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Harney, WANTED Starch and shirt machine glrl Truai Laundry, 1513 Cass. Doug. 6484. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED white girl for general house work. Highest wage for competent neip oniy. neasaui room wnu winn. bath. 420 N. 48th St. Walnut 892. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy home for the right girl. Good treatment Phone Harney 4286. Address 823 South 29in St. HELP WANTED FEMALE : Household and Domestic. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family; good wages; no washing. Call Harney 4S62. WANTED An experienced cook and a com petent second maid. Apply 206 8. 32d Ave. Phone Harney 206. WANTED A white girl for general house work: three In family; falgh wages. Cool fax 2460. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. Harney 6305. WANTED Lady to care for children in her own home. Box 3443, Bee. COMPETENT girl for general housework. B. H. Ledwlcn, S517 Harney. WANTED Girl for general housework. Go home nights. Harney 6428. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Doug. 8989. WANTED A dish washer; good wages and good home. Red 8649. Hotels ayd Restaurants. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Club Cafe. HELP WANTED Male and Female. AGENTS Make from $5 to $10 a day handling our latest office and house hold necessities. Let us show YOU how. Call at Room 610 World-Herald Bldg., or write to Box 6121, Bee. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY 8CHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. tyewrlt ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 20TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent guests. HOTEL COOL rooms for summer, $3 week; Apta. with kitchenette. OGDEN HOTEL, Coun cil Bluffs. burnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Give complete description, of vacant rooms In all parts of the ctly. New lists Issued every week. LARGE, pleaoant cast front room In Hans- com park district; cool In summer; warm In winter; reasonable rent; block to car line; 26-mlnute walk to 16th and Far nam Sts.; reasonable rent. Harney 1461. BROWN'S BACHELOR APTS 51? Ii. 21ST ST. 2, 3 & 4 FURNISHED APT. SINGLE ROOMS FOR BACHELORS: RUNNING WATER & ELEC. FAN IN EVERY RM. FURNISHED room with private family; ex cellent location, on car line; refined mar ried couple or gent; use living room and home prlv.; meal next door, Web. 900. TWO connecting rooms, with bath, splen didly lurnisneo, suitable lor one or two, In modern apartment; private family: gen tlemen only. Harney 4594 or Tyler 1413. 1520 S. 24TH Nicely furnished southeast room. Must be seen to be appreciated. Everything fur. On car line. D." 7658. To 3 nurses, large attractive front room, ex cellent furn., mod. conveniences; home privileges; walking distance. Har. 3198. T. SCIANTON, 412 Sweet Wood Ave., oppo site 2572 Harney; exceptionally clean, cool room. ROOM for rent, large enough for two, with use of living room and home comforts Included, board If desired. Harney 4012. MODERN, -sanitary furnished rooms, for men only, at the Sunshine Apt. 60S N. 17th. 32.60 per week. 313 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished, small room, modern home, reasonable; walking distance. Harney 4953. 566 S. 26TH AVE. Large, cool room, ad joining nam, ror gentleman. Harney 2627. FURNISHED room in private family, 1H blocks to 24th St. car line. Douglss 9037. NICELY furnished modern room, In private home. Reasonable. Harney 6236. Housekeeping Rooms. 3501 FARNAM Large front room, first floor; just decorated; cool and strictly modern. Harney 3705. THREE light housekeeping rooms; quiet, modern home on car line. Call 8. 1385. TWO and three housekeeping rooms, 410 N. 3Zd. Apply 2013 Chicago. Housekeeping and sleeping rms. Red 8298. 1611 HOWARD, nice housekep. rms. Reas. Board and Rooms. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for l or 2 gentlemen; private home. Har ney 2076. BOARD AND ROOM Individual service. The Misses Herold, 124 S. 24th. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED. Large east front room on first floor. In modern house; Hanscom park district; easy walking distance; block to ear line; terms reasonable. Harney 146L FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. The Hyland at 18th and Nicholas Sts. Modern, newly furnished apartments, 33.60 to 37 per jveek. Including light, water. heat. Janitor and maid service. Phone Webster 4067. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOR RENT Modern house 2552 Harney St. Fine location. For full Information call on Wm. H. Calhoun, 2562 Harney St. 8117 BURT ST., 6 rms.. all modern, 325.00. E. H. Benner Co., Douglas 8406. 128 S. 35TH ST. 360. 130 S. 35th St., $40. Phone Owner, Douglas 2221. FLAT, 2305 Leavenworth: 5-rms., $20. John N. Frenser, Douglas 654. ONE eight-room house for rent, all mod ern. 2513 'Chicago St. 10-ROOM house, modern. Harney 647. North. 330, new ftrst class 5room mod. bungalow. 3806 North Twenty-seventh St. col. 5-ROOM modern house, with garage, $25, a month, 2921 Fowler Ave. Colfax 1923 2884 BINNEY ST.. 5 mis., all mod., $25.00, E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. 6-ROOM house, modern, new decorated, $15, 2704 Seward St. Red 1SS1. South. COOL SUMMERS. WARM WINTERS. 812 3-r.. one story brick flats. $15 3-r.. brick cottage, all oak, grain finish, varnished floors: sink, toilet, gas ranee. Outside Janitor service. Paved street, desirable neighborhood. No chil dren. Water paid. Two blocks south of Vinton on 18th. A. E. Woodman. Phone Red 4902. SIX rooms, on 2d floor, mod. except fur. nace. 813 s. :2ct ft. i:au uougias im, 1729 S. 28th St.. 6 rms., mod. ex. ht., 320. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. 6-ROOM modorir house, with sleeping porch. 2556 Jones. Red 4789. 6-ROO.M cottage, part modern, $15. -60: Pierce St. Red 1881. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. - 603 Martha 8t $12.50 5-R 6-R. 530 S. 24th Aver 15.00 4-R. -R.- -2505 Pierce St , i.0 -1909 California 30.00 STRICTLY MODERN. . 586 S. 2Sth St 33O.O0 .3214 Corby St 25.00 .3016 Dewey Ave....... 37.50 . j02 N. 45th St 20.00 !9 Park Ave 22.50 6-R 6-R 6- R. 7- R. 8- R. 8-R .3901 N. 17th St 30.00 8-R. 116 S. 25th Ave..... 46.00 (-R, 1004 S. 37th St 45.00 10-R.- .2231 Dodge St 40.00 .2621 Harney St 60.00 11-R. FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. 2412 Seward St $20.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. , 705 South 13th St $45.00 PORTER & SHOT WELL. S. 17th Sv, Doff. 5013. in 10-R. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 652 South 20th aveue. g rooms, east trati corner, brick, $37.50. 664 South 26th avenue, 6 rooms, $35.00. 1811 North 32d street, a-room bungalow, $30.00. 21J0 Emmet street, 10 rooms and garags, $45.00. All of these In A. No. 1 condition. TRAVER BROTHERS, Dougla 68S6. 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. 918 SO. 31ST. 6-r., $20. 621 So. 24th Ave., 6-r.. i:i.KO. 1461 Plnkney, 6-r $27.50. 2913 Dodge. 6-r $35. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO, Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. Houses In all parts of the city. . CREIGH, SONS & CO., 608 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. THE HELEN, 2464 HARNEY ST. Beautiful apartments in fireproof build ing, walking distance. Irving Sorenson. Douglas 679" FOR RENT 5-room lower St. Louis flat. 638 So. 26th Ave., $30. East front and very desirable. Tel. Walnut 2377. APARTMENTS, all sizes and price, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. D 1472. ONE elegant 4 and 5-room apt. walking dlst. Phone Webster 7211 or 4328. IOD. 4-r. Apt. Har. 4141 orWal. 2257. North. STEAM heated Apt. near P. O., $18 up. Sum mer rates. O. P. Stebblns, 16 to Chlesgo. South. FIREPROOF APARTMENTS TRAVERTON, 24TH AND LANDON COURT Close In, every convenience, best ser vice completely furnished. Catering only to people of refined taste. W. T. GRAHAM f DOUGLAS 1533 PETERS TRUST COMPANY RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE Store room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat, 624-626 6o. 16th St.; size 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 322 Brandel Theater Bldg. Dougla 1671. CONFECTIONERY AND DELICATESSEN. Good paying business, located on West Farnam St. Will bear close Inspection. NATHAN SOMBERG, 1305 First Nat'I Bank. Tyler 785. STORK for rent. WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be. tween 24th and 25th St. Low rent JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1803 FARNAM ST, LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnant Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old First Nat. Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 600, SMALL modern store room, team 3V 1513 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, 121 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671. MODERN store 16th St., near postoffloei $76. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses, WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list la conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental aervlce. If you want to keep your place rented see Payne & Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men, 616-Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. Miscellaneous. LIST your homes with us for rent. The demand I' good and wa hav a waiting list J. H. DUMONT CO. (Realtors), 418 Keellno Bldg. Phono D. 690. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug- las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., TCxpert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIDELITY RENTAL SERVICE FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 S. 16th St. Dougla 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. J. C. REED Packing Co., Moving g and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug.' 6146, FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans pormptly made. Rate 6. 64 and t per cent Beasonabl com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, 212 South 17th. Omaha. Neb. FARM and olty loan, running from five to twenty year. Interest 6 per cent &H per cent and I per cent PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. $5,000 MTG.a bearing 6 pet. semiannually secured by property valued at $16,600. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farm and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loin. City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgage secured by Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 538Keellne Bldg. , SHOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONET. FARM and city loans, 5, 5H and 6 per cent W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERO, 313 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1U16 Omaha Nat $100 TO $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bts. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Be Bldg. 5 MONEY HARRISON ft MORTON. 918 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. KCf, CITY LOANS GARVIN BR09., Om.Nat. Bk. Bldg. O Stock and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment securities, industrlsl stock. ROBERT C DRUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insurance companies. 610 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, planoi and notes as security. $40. 0 mo.. H. goods, total cost, $3.60. $40. mo. endorsed notes, total cost, $2 69 Smaller, large am is proportionate rati. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 66. LEGAL RATES LOANS $24.1)0 $210.00 or more. Easy payments. Utmost privacy $40 Puxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2:95. DM AHA LOAN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyer for i and 6 -room houses and bungalows with $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. LISTING houses to rent 01 sell on small caasi . payments: hsve cartle waiting. Westers Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 8607. - IF you want quick action on your prop erty, list ft with me.- LI'NP. 420 ROBE BLDG. TYLER 753 LIST your 5 and 6-rooiu houses with Ed ward V. Williams Co.. m-8nj Omsha Nat. Bnnk Bldg. I. 420. - ARNDT i TAYLOR csn assist you. 182i" Laird St Weuste' 2059. J A