Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1917, AUTOMOBILE, Image 37

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7 D
Ideas and Their Execution Are
Paramount in Business;
Good Nature Grest
est Asset.
King Motor Car Company, Distrib
utor Anybody can make good, when
business is good and they have a good
proposition. But the man who makes
good today is the man who grasps
the opportunities lost by the fellow
who sleeps. No matter how dark the
times may look there are always cus
tomers for automobiles and other
An artificial backbone is better than
no backbone at all. You can't make
red lood by drinking claret. Auto
mobiles today can't be sold with sev
en dollar Stetsons kicked up on a
roll top desk or with one foot resting
comfortably on a brass rail. Ideas
and their execution are paramount in
business. If you follow somebody
else's idea be sure and impjove it.
Don't take all the vitality out of it
s and then expect the unexpected to
happen. It has never been done and
never will be.
Do something. Don't let anybody
sit around idle. The man who
sits still all the time is apt to
get curvature of the spine. The one
best bet in life is cheerfulness. Good
nature is your greatest asset. Learn
to smile even if some competitor has
given you a solar-plexus and you find
it difficult tc breathe. The man who
smiles and has a good story to tell
and there is always one in the King
lives longer than the pessimist who
sees business going on the rocks.
Cole Prices Are to
, Advance September 1
Announcement has just been re
ceived from Indianapolis that the price
on all models of Cole cars to be
advanced September 1.
The obvious reason for this is the
increased cost of materials.
J. J. Cole, president of the Cole
Motor Car company, adds: "Ours is
the option of sacrificing quality or
maintaining the highest Cole stand
ard through this increase in price. We
choose the latter, giving the public
ample notice that there is an oppor-
tunny to save money between now
and September."
developed and expanded since its es
tablishment, eight years ago, until it
now stands as one of the recognized
leaders of the industry.
For the third consecutive season
this Indianapolis firm is building
eight-cylinder models in fact, devot
ing its entire production to the build
ing of one eight-cylinder chassis.
Auto Great Help to U. S.
In Preparing for War
General Sales Manager John D.
Mansfield of the Dort Motor Car
company, while visiting the Toozer
Gerspacher Motor company, offered
a concrete instance of how import
antly the automobile is figuring in
the preparations for national defense.
Itr. Mansfield was on the Pacific
cujst and has noted there the aston
ishing progress made in building up
Uncle Sam's merchant marine. Every
available man can get plenty of em
ployment in the ship yards. It is
just now the dominating industry of
the coast.
"And the automobile bobs up as a
real factor in this work," said Mr.
Mansfield. "The hundreds of little
incidental duties that require messen
ger and haulage service are being
taken care of in a way that sets,
rather than follows, the pace of the
entire enterprise. It is safe to say
that no such progress as is being
made would be possible without the
motor car and motor truck."
Mootorcycle News
Evidence of the value of the mo
torcycle and sidecar in special work
connected with the mounted sheriff's
force is revealed in the following in
cident that occurred at Milwaukee:
"We had a warrant for the arrest
of a man and were satisfied that he
would give us a great deal of work
in trying to locate him," says Patrick
McManus, sheriff. "We had a hunch
that he would put in an appearance
at the house of correction at an
early date to visit a brother prisoner
who was being held there,. We noti
fied the warden of the house of cor
rection to advise this office as soon
as he came in.
''It was not long before we re
ceived word from the warden that
the man we were looking for was
at the office of the house of correc
tion and desired to visit with his
brother. I immediately detailed a
deputy with the Harley-Davidson
motorcycle and instructed the tinder
sheriff to go with him in the sidecar.
The man was arrested and lodged in
jail in the short time of twenty-four
"We find that motorcycles with
the sidecar attachment are very
handy in performing efficient police
work and we are of the opinion that
an office of this kind is handicapped
by not having more motorcyles with
Famous Two-Power-Range
E. i B
Now Distributed in Omaha and Vicinity
by the Noyes-Killy Auto Co.
The students of Swarthmore col
lege who owned motorcycles and
sidecars did great work in getting
those injured at the recent explosion
in the Eddystone munitions plant to
the Chester hospital in record time.
Even before the Philadelphia, Ches
ter or Eddystone ambulances arrived
the students were helping in the
rescue work. Doctors say their
quick work saved several lives.
To strengthen the guard about
President Wilson, two secret service
officers, riding motorcycles, have
been designated to attend the presi
dent on his auto runs about Wash
ington. During the Taft administra
tion it was the custom for motor
cycle men to accompany the presi
dent on his excursions about the city,
but President Wilson decided that
this was not necessary in his regime.
The present war crisis is responsible
for the reinstatement of the two
motorcycle guards, it being realized
that the mobility of the two-wheeler
made guards mounted on them doub
ly effective.
In its "loafing" range the
Peerless Eight will drift with
the zephyr.
Like a feather on a fitful
summer breeze it will pause
and drift or dart this way or
that with the changing cur
rent of city traffic.
Its "loafing" range suffices
for all ordinary driving.
And in its "loafing" range
it consumes fuel so sparingly
as to shame many a six of
much less power even many
a four.
Eighty horsepower yes
but with real economy.
VSTELL-NIGH unbelievable contrasts in
performance give the Peerless Eight its
distinctive charm.
i It will drift with the zephyr or race with
the gale.
Two power ranges make it at once an eco
nomical, ideally soft, smooth, lively car for
ordinary driving
or a brute of a car for power and speed
when you "have the road" and the need or
desire "to burn it."
Let us show you why the Peerless Eight
has come to be the choice of tfye country's
most exacting motor car buyers.
Seven Passenger Touring
2066-68 Farnam Street.
Roadster $2090 Sporting Roadster $2250 Coupe $2750
Sedan $2890 Limousine $3590
Prices J. o. b. ClevelandSubject to change without notice
See Car in Tent Near Terry Hotel, Fremont Tractor Show
The Peerless Motor Car Company, Cleveland, Ohio
But- in the open stretches
you can race with the gale in
this same soft, smooth Peer
less Eight. '
You have only to open your
throttle wider to utterly
change the character of your
To see her perform in her
"sporting" range, you would
think she was built for tre
mendous speed and prodigious
feats of power without regard
for the gentler virtues which
so distinguish the "loafing"
range performance of this
same car.
Omaha, Neb.
aifltow Motto
Make Good In Every Line 0! Business
A Size and Style For Every Use
The Wise Truck Buyer Will Not Decide Until He Has Investigated
Every SANDOW TRUCK is built with wheel base determined by length of body
desired. Features important to any particular use may be incorporated in the
The design and conception of the SANDOW TRUCK worked out by expert engi
neers, and the result of much study, tests and experiments, and a comparison of
other makes is the basis of the merit of the SANDOW. To this design are fitted
the standard parts made by concerns specializing in those lines, and also many
exclusive features worked out by SANDOW engineers.
The result is a truck that is a perfect working unit, and not merely a number of
parts assembled.
Occasionally a truck buyer hesitates to buy a good truck because its initial cost
may be a few hundred dollars more than a more cheaply constructed car. But
when you consider the proved fact that the upkeep of the SANDOW is always at
the lowest figure, it is shown to be by far the most economical investment.
When you are spending REAL MONEY for a motor truck it is important to know
you are dealing with a concern that can stand back of the car and meet every pos
sible requirement. Every SANDOW TRUCK is backed by our guarantee.
We replace any defective parts in any of the trucks we sell without any charge
for parts or labor during the'life of the factory guarantee.
MOTOR Continental.
IGNITION Bosch Magneto.
CLUTCH Brown-Lipe Mul
ple Disc.
TRANSMISSION Brown-Lipe, extra large.
BEARINGS All Timken.
Also-Twenty Exclusive Features
Oil No Other Truck Manufactured
Built in sizes one to five-ton capacity.
A Live Business Man Needs A "SANDOW" Every Day
SAMUEL ORLOFF, Sales Mamager
1313 Cily National Bank Bunding or 2010-12-16 Harney Sired
An Excellent Proposition for Live Dealers. , K