i THE -BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1917. Briei City News flu Boot Print lfc New "Uaacon Preaa Metal dies, pn-ssw'k. Jubilee Mtg. Co. EJeo. Fan ..60- Burgess-Granden. Platinum Wedding Rl tujs Edholra. Try the noonday 35-cent luncheon tt the Empress Garden, amidst pleas ant surroundings, music and entertain ment Advertisement. x Allesres Desertion Ella Taska, suing Fred Taska for divorce in district court, alleges desertion. They were married at Plattsmouth, Neb., July 21, 1902. Two Divorces dranted Judge Day, Bitting in divorce t court, freed Vir ginia Crippen from Jack Crlppen and granted a decree to Nettie Shafer from James L. Shafer. Two Couples Freed William A. Pierce was freed from Nina S. Pierce and Clara Kent was granted a decree from Arthur Kent by Judge Leslie, sitting in divorce court Says Wife Is Cruel James T. Saw yer is suing Fannie M. Sawyer for divorce in district court on grounds of aHeged cruelty. They were married at Grand Island, Neb., November 21, 1911. Says Hubby Scolded Too Much Essie. I. Smith is suing Obed W. Smith for divorce in district court on grounds . . . . i -i . i . i. 1 1 mi. . mai ne scoiaea ner ioo mucn. iiicy were married at Rockport, Mo., March 11, 1911. Ice Cream Social The Phileapha class of the Trinity Methodist Sun day school will hold an ice cream so cial on Friday on the church lawn at Twenty-second and Blnney streets. Home-made cakes will be served with the ice cream. Keenan Changes Positions H. J. Keenan, for several years local freight soliciting agent for the Northwestern, has resigned to go With the Western Paper company. He is succeeded by George Remington, promoted from the office force. OMAHA RAILROAD BOARDORGANIZES Ballard Dunn of Union Pacific Elected Chairman of the Local Branch of Rail ro'ad War Board. The Omaha branch of the railroad war board of the Council on National Defense has perfected its temporary organization by the election of Bal lard Dunn of the Union Pacific as chainman. Committees to take up the work will be named by the chairman it a meeting to be held soon. The meeting at which the local branch of the railroad war board or ganized was held this morning and was attended by representatives of all roads centering in Omaha. There was no delay in getting busy and it was decided to get in line to co-operate with the parent board in every way. While the Omaha branch of the board will originate from time to time, its principal aim will be to assist the Council on National Defense in work ing out transportation problems, both freight and passenger. The board also . vjll co-operate with the Nebraska public welfare commission in conser vation in the handling of grain, food stuffsjand fuel, offering, and accepting suggestions on all matters coming within the scope of its powers. Members of the local board will immediately inaugurate a campaign that will have for its purpose the con servation of railroad equipment, espe cially freight and coal cars. It will get in touch with shippers of Ne braska and will urge upon them the necessity of loading cars to capac ity in the shipment of all commodities. It will also urge that there be as little delay as possible in handling cars and impress the importance of preventing accumulation at points where they ere not needed. Ask Anyone Who Has Used It. There are families who always aim to keep a bottle of Chamberlain's - Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house for use in case it is needed and find that it is not only a good invest ment, but saves them no end of suf fering. As to its reliability, ask any one who has used it. Advertisement. Bee Want Ads produce results. DRAFT BOARDS GET SET FORBIG RUSH Sundblad Finds Bulk of Men Caught in Lottery Are Mar ried and Have Dependents. PHYSICAL SXAM TO DATE. Dis- Exam trict. ined. First 19 Second ... 0 Third 0 Fourth ... 55 Fifth 34 Sixth 25 Totals ....133 Pass- Re-ex- ed. amined. 12 7 0 0 0 0 47 8 29 5 18 7 106 27 Exemption boards urge drafted men notified to appear for examination on the first jll to come early and avoid the rush. Men who appear voluntarily before any of the boards before examination days will be given the physical test, board chairmen announce. The last of the week and the first few Says of next week are expected to witness a rush that will tax the facilities of the six exemption boards in Douglas county. All exemption boards would rather have drafted men appear for exami nations as early as possible instead of waiting until the last minute, when physicians will be required to work day and night in order Jo keep up with the rush. - Figures of the six exemption boards show the bulk of men examined thus far are married. Only a few single men have ap peared. Most married men havi announced they will file claims for exemption. Nearly All Married. "From the talk of the men exam ined in our district it would appear as if most Omahans between 21 and 31 years old are married and have large families," declared Acting County Judge Sundblad, chairman of the Fourth district board. "I've heard so much about 'poor, dependent wives,' that I've begun to thing a lot of the young married wo men are cripples. "From the talk of some of these young married 'bucks' one would de duct they are burning both ends of the candle and toiling constantly in an effort to keep a few crusts of bread in the family larders. "It looks as if, should one of these married men cease work for even a day, their wives would be thrown into a cold world to starve." In the Fourth district, however, several men were exahiined today who said they would not claim ex emption. All types of men appear before boards for examination. Huskies, who look as if they could eat three Ger mans every morning before break fast, announce they will claim ex emption, while human wrecks, who look as if a stiff Flanders wind would blow them away, seen anxious to fight. ! Heavyweight Examined. A 350-pound man was examined by the Fourth district physician Wednes day. He is six feet, two 'inches tall and towers over the man of ordinary size. This individual is an ex-navy man and was intensely pleased when he was drafted. He had failed to ob tain entrance to the navy or army, but had a "hunch" maybe the draft boards would take him. "He would make good material, in my opinion," said Acting County Judge Sunblad, "but his weight will keep him out of the draft army. I felt sorry for the fellow. He wanted to get in so badly." The Sixth, taking in most of the men from the rural districts, although. handicapped with only one doctor, is working hard and examining the men as fast as they come in. Most of the men from this district are in fine physical condition, but a good share will claim exemption be cause of marriage. The slacker found in the Benson district was registered Wednesday COMMANDER OF FIFTH REGIMENT. LTCOLAA.HQLLimSWOR77i jous: photo and will be put in the place of the first exempted man. Dr. Reed, chairman of the district said,: "We will find a place for this man if we have to form a new regiment to accommodate him." Third Starts Late. The Third district is probably the' largest district and no examinations have been given here at all. A re quest has been filed with the governor for four additional doctors so that the work can be put through faster, as about 170 men must be examined each day. "The statement is not true," said W. G. Ure of the First district, that the men are claiming exemptions as a general thing. "A large number of the men in this district are anxious to fight." "One fellow was rejected because he had only two teeth in his upper jaw. Why, the fellow was nearly heart broken." Another remarked: "I want to get into this quick. No one is dependent on me and if the United States won't let me fight I am going to join the Canadians." About 60 per cent of the men ex amined in the Fifth district will ask exemption, according to C. W. Fos tei chairman of the district. At least they have asked for papers to file. "We will examine men tonight at the army building," said Mr. Foster. "They can get in touch with me at the court house or by calling Doug las 1267. "We find many things to encourage us as the examinations proceed. 1 received a letter today from an Oma ha man who has moved to Idaho. He says he will not claim exemption on any ground, but is anxious to fight. He writes to find how he may be transferred to the Idaho district that he may get in without delay." Master Bakers to Stage Real Old-Fashioned Picnic The Master Bakers club will hold their annual picnic at Eltnwood park Thursday afternoon, August 23 It will be an old fashioned picnic with all kinds of events for the women and children, a fat man's race, a ball game between the master bakers and the helpers. Families and friends of the master bakers will attend this old time basket picnic where ice cream and lemonade will be served free. The committee in charge of arrangements are F. B. Martin, Charles Ortman and Charles Frenzer. EVERYBODYS STORE Thursday, August 2, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY, . Phone D. 137. OF Our Third Annual August ALE Affords Saving Possibilities of 20 to 33 Under Prices Later This Fall THE sole reason for a great fur sale in August is the possibility of large econo mies and that reason justifies this very extraordinary offering. Months of planning and preparation have been given to this sale co-operation with leading furriers familiar with the large disposal of fine furs which we have made through previous summer sales. We commend the offering as an exhibition of particu larly high grade, fashionable furs, as well as an oppor tunity for economy. , ' , Every piece represented had to be proved worthy of the Burgess-Nash guarantee of quality, to insure the en tire satisfaction of every customer. ; Therefore, you may be sure that every fur piece sold will be exactly as rep resented, and - ' Back of Every Piece of Fur Sold Is the Burgess-Nash Guarantee of Quality, Authenticity of Style, and Thor oughly Satisfactory Wear. Furs Stored Till Nov. 1 Should you desire, you may make your selection and we will . carefully store them for you until November 1, upon payment of only 25 per cent of their value. You thus not only secure first choice from our large stocks, but take advantage of these -extraordinarily low prices, without the necessity of making full payment for the furs until they are actually needed. , ' ' Burfcss-Naah Co. Second Floor. STOP FUTURE TRADE IN SEPTEMBER CORN Speculators Given Ten Days to Close Deals at Price of $1.03 Per Bushel. The Clearing House association of the Omaha Grain exchange has elimi nated all future speculation in Sep tember corn. It has ruled that hence forth no trades will be accepted ex cept to close existing contracts. By resolution ttie Clearing House association has held that all members of the Omaha Grain exchange with short open trades in September corn are given until the close of business August 10 to settle at $1.03 a bushel, providing they signify their intention to do so. If they fail to so signify the failure will be construed to mean that delivery is contemplated. Fail ure to make delivery as provided for by the rules of the exchange will re sult in a settlement of the September trades at $1.63 cents a bushel, the maximum price. Wheat receipts today were six car loads and prices were up 2 cents a bushel, the grade, stuff selling to $2.80. Corn was up 12 cents, going to $2.272.38, with the receipts at sixty seven carloads. Oats advanced a cent to a cent and a half, selling at 727S cents a bushel. Receipts were twenty-four carloads. Entire Fourth Expected -To Gather at Fort Crook The entire regiment of the Fourth Nebraska will be in Fort Crook, it is expected, by the last of this week. Companies G, D and K, the supply company, sanitary detachment, ma chine gun and headquarters compa nies have been at the fort for some time now, several since spring. The remainder have been on guard duty over the state, where it was thought elevators and bridges might be in danger. As soon as the whole regi ment is assembled it will be selrt to Deming, N. M, probably for train ing. The men hope to get into action in Europe before winter. "We want to be doing something." they all say. "We can't stand this waiting much longer. We would far rather be out on the battle line fight ing for Uncle Sam." At Grand Island, Ashland, Rulo, Columbus and Belmont the troops are expecting orders to report to Fort Crook any time. ' Harry Collins is Pinched Again by Federal Officers Harry Collins, colored, proprietor of a pool hall at Thirteenth and Dav enport streets, was arrested by Dep uty United States Marshal Quinley on the charge of selling morphine. Col lins was out on bond awaiting action by the federa'. grand jury on another similar charge. On this second charge he waived preliminary hearing and was bound over to the grand jury un der $1,000 bond, in lieu of which he went to jail. Minnesota's Lakes and Woods Your Nearest Vacation Land Bright, sunshiny days, cool nights, 10,000 lakes to choose from. Ideal places to rest and rusticate, and to fish, tramp, camp and canoe. Good hotels and ooarding houses board and room $10.00 per week upward. Low fares via the Chicago Great Western. Call or write for free fold ers and let us help you find a desir able place. E. P. Kretz, G. P. & T. A., C. G. W. R. R., 1522 Farnam Street, Omaha. Advertisement. Store Opens 8:30 A. M. Store Closes 5 P. M. -EVERYBODY STORE" Thursday, August 2, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone D. 137. Let Nothing Keep You From Sharing in These Wonderful Values Friday in the Do wmi Sftsdirs Store The Coolest Salesroom in the City in Which to Shop But of Course Early Morning Honrs Are Best Extraordinary Clearaway Friday of Women's, Misses' and Children's Summer Footwear at $1.00 Sixes for Misses and Children, 8 to 2, bit; girls, 2tf to 7. Six for children, 3 to 8 only very special. V V x. m V t-iyti) a ftpniMAPV in overv rpsnppt. thii anlendid ranee of selection the iact they are Hi shoes for present wear and,, best of all the extreme values offered. The cost of making alone would be more than the sale price Friday to say nothing of the cost of the material. Women's, Misses' and Children's Pumps, Reduced to $1.00 They include white canvas, Mary Jane pumps, with strap, rubber soles and heels, sizes 8 to 2, for misses and children, sizes 2i2 to 7 for big girls and women, at $1.00. $00 Burgess-Naah Co. Down Stair Store Women's Summer Pumps and Oxfords, $1.00 Odd pairs and small sizes, including blacks, in gun metal and patent kid, reduced for the clear away to $1.00 a pair. Much less than one-half the regular price. Corset Covers, 15c Made of fine quality long cloth with embroidery trim mings, come in all "I E sizes, Friday at kJ (Down Stairs Store.) Corset Covers 19c4 r Crepe corset covers, trim med with embroidery edging, sizes 36 to 44, splendid 1 wearing quality, Friday e7fc (Down Stairs Store.) - Gingham Dresses, 85c An odd lot of dresses, made of very fine quality of gingham, in sizes 2 to 6, spe- OC. cial at OiJC (Down Stair Stors.) Jar Holders, 10c Handy fruit Jar. holders for holding individual jars, with handle to lift jars in j A and out of water, each J VfC (Down Stairs Store.) Combination Suits, 69c A lot of women's combination suits, made of nainsook and crepe and trimmed with em broidery or edging and CCkg insertion, all sizes, at w7v (Down Stairs Store.) Canning Outfit, $1.65 Made of heavy galvanized iron, consisting of large kettle with tight fitting cover, wire rack and jar lifter; d1 CC Friday the outfit V 1 OU (Down Stairs Store.) 40-inch Batiste, lOVsjc A splendid fabric for sum mer wear, in beautiful striped effect, in all the wanted shades, special for Friday, fj fiJL J.VZ s (Down Stairs Store.) at Gabardine, Yard, 19c 36-inch sport skirting in striped and lavender, pink and blue, also black and white plaids, for Friday, a 1 Q yard .....,.. e (Down Stairs Stors.) Tissue Ginghams, 15c Large assortment of tissue, ginghams, choice patterns from which to select, Friday 1C at, a yard 1 ej I (Down Stairs Store.) Reception Voiles, 15c Friday we place on sale our entire stock of beautiful 40 inch reception voile at, 1 a yard IOC (Down Stairs Store.) Wash Goods, 5c Yards and yards of voiles, dimities, batistes, etc., in a va riety of colors and pat terns, a yard C (Down Stairs Store.) Sport Skirts, 79c A snort skirt of tan colored khaki, in sizes 22 to 26 waist, just a few left "7Qt (Down Stairs Store.) at Men's Belts, 15c Another lo't of men's sample belts, direct from the factory, on sale Friday C AftVls (Down Stairs Store.) at Men's Collars, 12V2c A clearaway of men's rubber collars, broken lots and sizes, specially priced for 1 OJL Friday, each, at l&2l (Down Stairs Store.) Union Suits, 47c A final clean-up in men's union suits, balbriggan and ath letic style, broken 17i sizes, each " C (Down Stairs Stort.) Men's Underwear, 25c Your choice of the entire Down Stairs Store stock of men's two-piece underwear, Friday, each garment, OE ttUw (Down Stairs Stora.) at Men's Pajamas, 49c Odds and ends of men's pa jamas, some soiled and others a trifle mussed or mismatched, very special "Value, AQf -Xe (Down Stairs Store.) at Seamless Sheets, $1.00 81x99 or 72x99-inch seamless sheets, good weight, soft sheet ing, hemmed and ironed ready for use, greatly under priced for Friday, each, P A (Down Stalra Store.) Lace Samples, 5c , Sample pieces of laces, em broideries and net, specially priced for Friday, each, C uu at (Down Staire Store.) ' Summer Corsets, 69c A large lot of net corsets, medium low bust, 2 pairs hose supporters, long hip, fiQ sizes 19 to 30, special, UsVl (Down Stairs Store.) Pillow Cases, 22c 42 or 4 5x3 6-inch of good weight soft material, hemmed and ironed, special for OO Friday &a&C (Down Stairs Stors.) Lunch Cloths,- 39c Heavy mercerized damask lunch cloths, a yard square, hemmed ready for use, OQ special at OJC (Down Stsirs Stors.) Auto Hats, at 25c Women's auto hats and bon nets, some with veils, wonder ful values, Friday OP- tVUU at (Down Stairs Stors.) Trimmed Hats, $1.93 In milan and milan hemp, small or large shapes, all pret tily trimmed, clear- d 1 QQ ing price Friday. . . P elO (Down Stairs Store.) , Children's Dresses, 45c Linen colored dresses, also dresses of plaid gingham, sizes 2 to 6 years, splendid ICf values at tJC (Down Stairs Store.) Children's Dresses, 59c Choice selection of children's dresses, in ginghams and plain chambrays, sizes 2 to CQ 6, very special at.... OJJC (Down Stairs Stors.) White Goods, 9c 27-inch check and stripe, dim ity, good assortment of checks, white only, your choice Q Friday, a yard 7C (Down Stairs Stora.) Specials in Notions Children's hose supporters, a pair, 10c. Rick-rack braids, all widths, bolt, 10c. Silk finish crochet cotton, a spool, 4c. Buttons of all kinds, doz., Sc. Bone hair pins, box, 5c Dust caps, each, 10c Elastic, all widths, yard, 5c Skirt belting, yard, 5c Hair brushes, each, 10c. Linen tape, 6 bolts, 10c Bias tape, bolt, 5c Beeswax, cone, 2c. Drinking cups, each, 5c. Darning cotton, card, lc. 60-in. tape measures, ea., lc. Kid curlers, dozen, 10c Wire hair pins, paper, 2c. Silk thread, spool, 3c. Shirt bands, 2 for 5c. Burg.aa-Na.h Co. Down Stairs Stora Corset Covers, 29c Nainsook corset covers, lace trimmed and all over embroid ery, also pink mulled trimmed, prettily trimmed with lace and insertions, all sizes, OQ Friday at aGUC (Down Staire Store.) Women's Hose, 15c Gauze lisle finished seamless hosiery, wide hem tops, double soles, heels and toes, black and white, seconds of the better quality, but so light as not to affect the wear, spe- 1 C cially priced, pair. .. . IOC (Down Stain Stora.) Banded Sailors, 49c In white only, with gros-grain ribbon band, very special val ues for Friday, A Q -TaSW (Down Stairs Store.) at Bath Towels, 14c Bleached turkish towels, good weight soft and absorbent, generous size, Friday only 14c each, or per dozen, JJ gg (Down Stalra Store.) Ribbed Hose, 19c Misses' and children's fine ribbed lisle finished, seamless hosiery, double heels and toes, black only, sizes from 7 Vt to 9, slightly imperfect, spe- 1Q. cially priced at, pair.. 1JC (Down Stairs Stors.) Drying Frames, 45c' Very specially priced drying frames for drying A.Kf fruits and vegetables. . "eJC Down-Stairs Stors. Vegetable Slicers, $3.45 Slicer for cutting vegetables for drying purposes. Adjustable to cut any thick- dJ A (? ness, at VOttO Down-Stairs Store. Drug Specials l-qt household ammonia, 13c 1-gal. household ammonia 49c Rubber gloves, extra heavy, pair, 39c Peroxide soap, 7c Peacock, a good drink, 2 pint bottles, 25c. Excel floating soap, cake, 4c. 1-lb. talcum powder, good quality, 15c. Cold cream, special, 10e. Vanishing cream, special, 10c Sloan's liniment, 16c. Mi -pint bay rum, 35c. Whiz, special, 9c. Porslyn sanitary brush, 49c 1-lb. hospital cotton, 48c Lilac rose soap, 7c. . - -Tar soap, cake, 4c Pumice soap, cake, 4c Toilet water, 15c. ? A lot of other toilet goods at 10c Burr-N.h Co. Down Staire Stora