4 " THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR RQSEWATER. EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING , COM PAN Y, . PROPRIETOR. EnUrtd at Omaha postotfiee as second-elsss matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION lt Osrrtw. Bt Mall anO fcundir. ........ per avmlh. Vi ttr tttr. tt 00 0a aubout 8u4J.... " IJe " J W eveeteg sad RunHj " "s " I0J nwiDi without Sunday S " Si Sunday Bet Ml? " , " " Sead aetice of chinn of sddrees or lmtuUriU' la dets to Omaha Bea, Cliwilauoa t jfwat. REMITTANCE Pmrt tt draft, ets or vntal order. ('T Kent Kemps " iKjnent M anil I srwunu. i'eiKoal sfcec. swept a Otuba and oaatera exekaata. cot aooantad. OFFICES. Omaha Tba Bet Bulldlns. Chtrsp-PeoeH's tin R-Jildla. Bmitt OiMtiei-TlST i. Ml W. r Yors-:M Klfts Ate. Council Bleffs-H H. Matt 8U gt. Loui-f. B f- ttD''r' biacoln LUUe Bslldlnt. Wssbinston !U 1Mb St. K. v... CORRESPONDENCE Addras em jBoakatloa reliunt to otwi sod editorial aattar to Otaaha Bee. Editorial Dspsrunent, JULY CIRCULATION 57,229 Daily Sunday, 51,153 Ateriia etrcu'allon for the month eutieurtBed aod ewers to of Dwit Wulisna. Orenlatloa Uuipt. Subscribers leaving the city should have The Be mailed to them. Address changed SS often as requested. Some rain ! Now watch King Corn go it. The Rum Demon certainly is having a rum time. But how did George Creel ever let that report of Admiral Gleaves get out again without "elab orating',' on it? "Extended debate is expected in the senate," sayi the news dispatch, and here is one expecta tion sure to be realized. 1- ' Pity our poor, overworked city commissioner who draws but $4,500 a year and only takes three or four months' vacation out of twelve 1 Of course, our rain in Nebraska is providen tial, but that rain in Flanders just at the height of the Allied drive is altogether different. House democrats are willing to let the prohibi tion amendment resolution lie over till next win ter. Yes, a lot of things can happen between now and then. Rain stopped the game in Flanders with the core 10 to 0 in favor of the Allies. Rain checks were issued and will be honored as sootrj as the mud will let the men move, ;'- Vr X ' Nevertheless and notwithstanding, it is open to question whether the onslaught by two U-boats at a time constitutes "an attack in force," even- in the language of "elaboration." . The kaiser would, make a good captain for a tailend team in a. base ball league, for he can ex tract a lot of inspiration from what to other folks looks. like a jolly good beating.' " Norway makes bitter complaint against the German practice of sinking Norwegian ships, but keeps right on furnishing cargo for German ships that slip in and out through Norwegian waters. Senator Hitchcock is on the list as voting "no" on submission of the national prohibition Amendment Well, at any rate, that is better than his usual ducking and being recorded "not voting.". ' 11 ' "" " " .". "" ' '' The kaiser now proclaims; "We shall be vic torious! The Lord God will be with us 1" Then the reason that for three years German expecta tions have not been, met must be that so far the Lord God has not been with us. Challengers , for the , government will add a, further touch of interest to the" proceedings of the exemption boards. Uncle Sam is in dead earnest this time and does not propose. to be hornswoggled if he can prevent it. , Drafting our old "Bill" Park from the Illinois Central to be put in charge of the general war freight bureau brings, another big man into touch with a big job. If this process could be carried a little higher up the country would be gainer. The emperor's congratulations to Prince Rup precht recall what John Paul Jones said when he learned that the captain of the Serapis had been knighted after losing his ship to the doughty American. "If he'll come out again," said Jones, "I'll give him another such a beating they'll make hr peer of the realm." , This long-delayed explanation that Germany is fighting "a war of defense" fits in rather badly with 'all those early jubilations about Germany overrunning the enemy's territory before the in habitants could rally against the invaders. If .Germany has been fighting "a war of defense," what kind of a war has little Belgium been fight ing? Yes, and what kind of a war has over, powered Serbia been fighting? Percentage Against U-Boat -Fltinhargh Post- When the statement was made some time ago that none of the inventions thus far submitted gave promise of decisively defeating the U-boat, it was accepted by many persons as reflecting a hopeless state of affairs for allied shipping and conceding ultimate victory to the undersea ter rors. , This is far from the truth. What the naval authority: quoted in the statement did say was that no invention thus far submitted would be able to eliminate .the submarines. But while no means have yet been found of driving the U-boa;i from the seas, certain methods have been formulated which reduce the effectiveness of their work very materially and these means are being actively em ployed and to good purpose. To defeat the aims of the U-boat warfare it is by no means essential that a way be found to sweep the pests from the ocean highways entirely. All that is needed is to render the' percentage of their successful at tacks small enough and the undersea campaign is a failure. This the Allies are doing, little by little, b7 various means, tome of a defensive, others of an aggressive nature. One of the most effective means is now de clared, by chipping authorities to be the simple expedient of extreme speed. Vessels Capable of making twenty knots an hour, they declare, are virtually immune from U-boat attack and tne can ger incrtascs in exact proportion as the speed of the ship diminishes. Tabulations of the sinkings of merchantmen during the campaign bear this out It is) obvious, then that if the Allies can provide sufficient very swift carriers this means alone will, solve the problem. But when it is re : membered that various other safeguards, such "as submarine chasers, chain nets and steel rod pro tectors applied to hulls, armed carriers and con voys, constantly increasing patrols and a host of other means, all axe nibbling away at the per centage of sinkings, saving a ship here, sinking a U-boat there,-its is a eertainty that as time'goes on the percentage of gain must increasingly favor the Allies.. The U-bbat menace may be safelv said hajre "shot its bolt" Boastful William. Emperor William observes the beginning of the fourth year of the war by addressing hi- war riors, both land and sea, and his people in gen eral in self-confident terms. Lcs could hot have been looked for, because none expect the kaiser to admit even the possibility of ultimate defeat, but some of his phrases. have a spurious ring. "As our problems multiply, so doe9 our strength in crease. We are invincible," would be boastful even in a monarch victorious in battle. Coming from one who has been checked and thwarted on all sides, and who is now facing conditions that threaten defeat, words so ' vainglorious are strangely out of place. The kaiser continues to talk of the war being forced upon Germany. Only as it relates to the last fifteen months, since the Allies have taken over the offensive, is this true; but not as to its inception, His praise for the navy must refer to the U-boat, for that is the only branch of the floating establishment showing activity. The end of this campaign of destruction, which has so stirred the world against tthe empire, will termi nate German plans ptit world-dorrjinion, now weakly supported by imperial praise and the empty promise of "a strong, free empire." Freedom can have no place where might alone is supposed to make right. The kaiser's boasts are as futile as his hopes were vain. The world will be free, but only when the Hohenzollern scheme of empire is forever demolished. Clearing the Decks. Without regard to other considerations, the passage by the senate of a resolution asking that the federal constitution be amended to prohibit the liquor traffic;should remove one serious ob stacle to Hie transaction of public business. 1 From the beginning of the present session every impor tant move has been clogged or checked by the interjection of debate on prohibition. The senate has finally put the subject back onto the house, which in turn may refer it to the states, although the democratic caucus has agreed to consider nothing but war legislation for the present. If the house acts on the resolution prohibition will be shelved and matters of more vital importance in connection with the war may claim congres sional attention. Dry forces will quite naturally feel elated and the wets correspondingly will be stirred to new efforts by the senate's action. Sub mission of the amendment with a time limit of six years for ratification would start the biggest battle between these forces ever pulled off. Facing the Fire of the Doctors. ' Thousands of young Americans are undergoing a most important and to some extent a nerve racking experience just now. They are being examined byt the doctors to determine their physi cal fitness to serve in the army. In a sense it is a gratification to any man to know that he is ma terially and organically sound, that his several members are serviceable, .that his functions are normally performed and that in all ways he is fit. When he wins such a verdict in quest of insur ance he goes about boasting of it to his friends. Uncle Sam is even more particular than the insur ance company, for defects that will not affect a policy render a man useless to the army. There fore, he who gets his "physical" with the army surgeon has a state of perfection of which any one might be proud. But some of the candidates are going with a secret hope that the surgeon's eye will detect some defect and will come away rejected as unsound and contented because of the fact that the discard grfOo stay at home. Against these may be set thousands who have-sought en trance to the army -jn- spite; of some handicap that puts them out of the quest These latter are the ones who get the high respect of their fellow men. Facing the fire of the; doctor is a serious business just now, for it means much to the youth who are taking the tests and quite as much to the country that expects great service from them. Weakness of the Creel Censorship. The publication of the full text of Admiral Gleaves' report on the passage of the flotilla bear ing American troops to France discloses the amaiing weakness of the Creel censorship. The report is a plain, straightforward recital of facts ml contains nothing full knowledge of which could materially affect the military situation one way or the other. Only an exaggerated or aberant conception of the censor's function could lead to the suppression of Admiral Gleaves clear, lucid statement and the substitution therefor of the flapdoodle literature contained in the "elab oration", originally sent out. Nothing transmit ted by the admiral possibly can warrant the asser tion made in the Creel production that an "attack In force" was sustained and defeated by the American ships. That much at least of the ful mination signed by the name of the secretary of navy was pure invention by his censor. Efforts at maintaining an impenetrable and sanctified mystery around the movements of American forces should be abandoned. The pro cess, according to the confession of the authori ties, has not so far baffled the enemy, but it has' sorely tried the patience of the people. Loyal Americans do not want to interfere with anything that rightfully should be kept secret, but when a troop movement has been successfully accom plished they are surely entitled to the whole truth and without embellishment The call sent out to the country o wake up would sound a lot more impressive if someone at Washington were to wake up first. . . , . . ' "Spoofing" the Weather Man. . Jupiter Pluvius again has,' indulged his divine and unquestioned right of laughing at the weather man's predictions. The "rain god met the proph ecy of "fair and warmer'? with a generous down pour of rain and such delightful temperature as Omaha has not had in weeks. In sportive glee the wind and rain gods united, to discomfit the science of man and, upset his prognostications, and, while the elemental disturbance is probably at total variance with the. indications, it is of the sort that is appreciated by all. The thirsty earth, baked by midsummer sun's fervor, gets another good long swig at the contents of the clouds and the moisture goes where it wilt do the most good. Drooping truck patches revive and the corn fields lift up their plumes to catch the drops that mean life and growth, and the harvest is made secure. W'e may, easily. believe that none is less disap pointed at his discomfiture iri this case than the forecaster, whose wisdom is thus made a jest by the elements, but -whose patriotism will' stand a lot of joking when it means "the good a timely rain does the corn belt "'""", '. i ; " "" ' " ' Those Southern Pacific trainmen had better put, off their strike until after tfie. war Let the rail road men follow the example of the Kansas coal miners, who have just called ;off a strike to help out against a shortage of fuel. - , The Beaver Comes Back : By Frederic J .Haskin Washington, July 30. One figure that played a part second to none in the development of Amer ica, and that had apparently gone the way of the trapper, the prairie schooner and the buffalo, has reappeared upon the scene with every indication that he intends to stay. This survivor of pioneer days is the American beaver the furry citizen of woodland rivers that brought the great Hudson Bay company into existence; supported Canada and the northwest for centuries; led Kit Carson and his followers into the southwest; furnished the primary incentive for the exploration and con quest of half of this continent. Ten or .fifteen years ago the beaver was ex tinct over nine-tenths of its normal range, which is almost the entire continent of North America. There were a few scattered colonies of wild beaver, and a few beaver farms, where the ani mals were raised for their pelts. Thn the state legislatures began passing protective laws. The beaver quickly demonstrated that all it needed was a chance. Today it is multiplying at a great rate in many localities scattered from Maine to New Mexico. Ten years ago ancient beaver cut tings in the southwestern Rockies were pointed out wonderingly as evidence that the animals had once existed there. Now in the same sections any tourist can go out a few miles from his hotel and observe a large beaver colony. In fact, a trained eye can see beaver-cut trees and other evidence of the animals' presence from the win dow ot the rullman along the Rio Grande and other western streams. Beaver are living and building their picturesque lodges within two miles of Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico. In this and other vicinities they have occasionally done considerable damage by building their dams so that valuable agricultural lands have been flooded; and it has been necessary for the state government to issue permits to the laniowners to trap them. A ranchman on the Rio Grande who had thus obtained the right to trap beaver, and who had read that'beaver tail is a delicacy, not long ago gave a "beaver dinner." to which he invited all of his friends. Their civilized pal ates, however, were not attuned to such primitive fare. Few of them could eat beaver tail with any relish. The return of the beaver in the southwestern Rockies is especially interesting because it was in this section that the beaver played its last im portant part in the American story. About a cen tury ago New Mexico and Colorado were a little known wilderness, a large part of which belonged to Mexico. It might have remained both a wilder ness and a part of Old Mexico for a long time had it not been for a fashion edict which went out from London. Beaver pelts had already been used to some extent' for the manufacture of hats, but the real popularity of that form of headgear dates from the time when a certain London dandy, who was an arbiter in matters of elegance, made his ap pearance in society wearing a tall beaver hat. Little did this beau imagine that he was sending thousands of brave men half way across a conti nent and deciding the fate of a domain many times as large as the British Isles. But in effect he did all of that The vogue for beaver hats spread went up. Now the upper waters of the Platte, the Rio Grande, the Cimarron, the Canadian and a host of oter western rivers that rise in the Rockies were aswarm with beaver. Much of this territory was owned by Mexico and all of it was infested by Indians. The Apaches, Comanches, Utes, Sioux, Navajo and a number of other tribes roamed all over it. Such considerations as these did not deter brave men. Outfits starting from St Louis and Independence penetrated into the heart of the beaver country. A new class of pio neers sprang into beingthe mountain men, as they called themselves. Kit Carson is the most famous of these, although Jim Bridger, Dick Wootton, Bent and St. Vrain were no less famous in their day. It was these men who first found the trails across the Rockies. They were the first men to cross the continental divide to Cali fornia, the first to see the wonders of the Yellow stone. The official government explorations of these regions came much later and the trappers who acted as guides were merely showing the army officers the streams and mountains that had been known to the mountain men for years. About 1834 another fashion edict was issued in London. Some languid ornament of London so ciety decided that silk was really much nicer material for hats than beaver skin. But the beaver had done its work. It had filled the coun try with white men, who now turned to the soil for a hying. It had decided that this great land should be ruled from Washington and not from Mexico City. The Mexican war, which brought the southwest into the United States, followed as an inevitable consequence of the conquest of this wilderness by the American trapper. In after years trapping became sufficiently profitable so that the beaver was ilmost extinct in this region, but today they are abundant again. In the very canyons where Kit Carson set his traps and reaped his annual harvest of furs the beaver is again building its dams and lodges. It is claiming as its own the land whose destiny it formed. ' Our Fighting Men Malin Craig. Captain Malin Craig, member of the general staff corps of the United States army, is one of the officers assigned to the duty of organizing the reserve officers' training camps, one of the most important steps in the formation of the new na tional army. Captain Craig is z young officer with a brilliant record of service. Born in Missouri forty-two years ago, he was appointed to the United States military academy from Penn sylvania in 1894. His career since his graduation from West Point has been identified almost wholly with the cavalry arm., He graduated with nigh honors from the infantry and cavalry school in 1904 and completed a course at the staff col lege the following year; Robert K. Evans. Brigadier General Robert K. Evans, who was placed on the retired list of the army a short time ago, is back in active service and is reported to be on his way to the Philippines to take charge of a large detachment of the forces stationed there. General Evans is a native of Mississippi, was graduated from West Pont in 1875, and attained the rank of brigadier general in 1915. He has a creditable record with the infantry forces in deal ing with the Indians in the southwest, in the war with Spain, and during the military occupation of the Philippines. At the time of his retirement he was stationed in Hawaii. People and Events ' The belief that Lord Kitchener is alive fairly equals the older and still-going belief that the German crown prince is dead. A Wenatchee man lost a chance to become an army officer because his voice was weak. But he might paraphrase one of the early war jokes and protest that he wants to shoot the Germans, not shout them to death. Benjamin Fowler, a negro of Glen Cove, L. I., whose six sons of military age have all enlisted in the Fifteenth infantry, will not be viewed with admiration by many lukewarm Americans who are seeking every means by which they;- may. aid slacker sons to evade the selective draft. - ' ' In his book, "The Battle of the Wilderness," General Morris Schaff gives the ages of the men in the union army during the civil war. Out of a total of 2,778,000 enlistments no less than 2,150, 798 were under 22 years;'those under 19 were 1,151,438. and those under 17- totaled 844.891 -The young man's army is thus seen to be no new thing. According to all reports, Germany is using large numbers of men under 17. " " rrnnssn Proverb tor the Day. It makes all the difference as to whose ox is gored. One Year Ago Today in the War. French reoccupied village of Fluery, at Verdun. Roger Casement hanged for" high treason at Pentonville pflson. Italian passenger steamer Letlmbro sunk in Mediterranean by submarine. Omaha Thirty Years Ago Today. The main feature of the entertain ment at the African Methodist Episco pal church was the speech of Hon. J. M. Thurston. The Palace saloon has changed hands, Charlie Little retiring and his partner, Billy Thompson, remaining nd going into business with Billy Dohnellly. Mrs. Finnerty, sister of James Bren- nan, contractor, has arrived in Omaha from the east. It is the first time she has seen her brother in many years. W. O. Saunders, John, Booth of the opera house, and Elliott, the plumber, hare in contemplation the erection on Luke Manawa- of a seventy-flve-foot boat on which to produce "Pinafore." with an excellent cast, the amphi theater to be erected on the shore a short distance away. Mr. Saunders will be the admiral: Mrs. Cahn, Josephine; Mr. Brigham. Balph; Mrs. Henry Es tabrook, Buttercup, and Mr. Eata brook, Deadeye. A letter received from Chief Galli gan, who is in Chicago, stated that he will probably have his eye operated on in Chicago, instead of going to Balti more. , The frame structures on the south west corner of Thirteenth and Jones, Were removed and the digging for the foundation of the new brick block for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing company commenced. W. C. Gregory of the Republican, George B. Eddy of the Excelsior, Rob ert Hunter of The Bee, George B. Mllle and Charlie B. Ott. have left for a ten-day trip through Colorado. Tills Day In History. 1492 Columbus sailed from Palos on his first voyage of discovery. 1631 First council of Englishmen In Pennsylvania was held. 1777 Continental congress accepted an offer of the military service of Count Pulaski of Poland. 1797 Sir Jeffrey Amherst, who commanded the British forces in America in the war with France, died. Born January 29, 1717. 1801 British under Nelson attack ed a French flotilla at Boulogne, dis abled ten vessels and sinking five. 1804 First bombardment of Tri poli by the American squadron under Commodore Preble. 1817 Archduke Albrecht, who led the Austrian armies against Italy in 1866, born in Vienna. Died there, February 18, 1895. 1852 In the first intercollegiate boat race In America, Harvard de feated Yale on Lake Winnepesaukee. 1914 Germany declared war on France. 1916 With the passage of tho Dis trict of Columbia bill In the United States senate, appropriations of con gress passed the $1,500,000,000 mark and et a new high record. The Day We Celebrate. O. W. Dunn, secretary of the C. N. Diets Lumber company, is celebrating1 his fortieth birthday today. He was born in Lyons, la King Haakon VII, the present ruler of Norway, born In Copenhagen, Den mark, forty-five years ago today. Ex-King- Constantlne, who recently abdicated the Greek throne, born in Athens forty-nine years ago. Lester Hood Woolsey, solicitor of the State department at Washington, born at Stone Ridge, N. Y., forty years ago today. Prnfennnr Paul Shnrot. r,r th. tti versity of Chicago, born at Davenport, sixiy years ago toaay. Lord Aberdeen, former governor general of Canada and one time lord lieutenant of Ireland, born seventy years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Birthday greetings to King Haakon VII of Norway, 45 years old today. The Russian war mission to the United States Is scheduled to begin a two-day visit In Chicago today. Boston has prepared an enthusiastic reception in honor of the Belgian war commission, which is scheduled to ar rive In that cltv tnrlav. nn th thlril anniversary of the German invasion of Belgium. ROWinr. Which In thn nlrlait n American intercollegiate sports, reaches its sixty-fifth anniversary to day, the first event of its kind having oeen stagea Dy Harvard and Yale on Lake Winnipesaukee on August 3. 1852. Storvette of the Dm. A colored nRtrlnt himself for registration out in Missouri was asKea wnai crancn or the sen-Ice he Preferred. He nenmeri mil hv the courtesy, but presently asked: wnai Drancnes nave you? "There are the cavalry and the in fantry," one of the clerks explained. "What's the difference?" asked the negro. "In the cavalry you ride a horse,7 and in the infantry you walk." "I'll take the infantry." said the black man. Curious to know what prompted his decision, one of his inn iiisirnrn a air Art him: "It's lak dis," the negro explained. 'If ah has tn retrnr ah H rtn'r want - I ""l iv be bothered bv no horse." Kr T.miio Post-Dispatch. NOT UNDERSTOOD. Not understood, wo movs alonf asunder. Our paths grow wider as the seasons creap. Along tha years we' marvel and we wonder ..iij mo im me i Ana men we ran asleep Not understood. Not understood, we gather false, impressions And hug them closer as the years go bv. Till virtue often aeem to as trangresslona. And thus men rise and fall and live and die . Not understood. , Not understood how trifles often thange us. The thoughtless sentence or the fancied slight, . . v . . Destroy long years - ot friendship ' snd es trange us. And on our souls there Jails free sing understood. .. . . How many cheerless. loaely . hearts ore aching For lack of sympathy Ah. day by day Bow many cheerless, lonely hearts are breaking. How many noble spirits pass away Not understood. Oh. Ood I Thst men could see a little clearer Or judge leaa harshly. when they cannot . ee Oh. Ood! That men would draw a little nearer One another, they'd be nearer Thee And understood. Author Unknown. 7 vtr i. Council of Defense and Criticism. Omaha, Aug. 2. To the Editor of The Bee: Frank A. Agnew, in an otherwise unobjectionable letter, speaks rather slightingly of the Coun cil of Defense for "making a moun tain out of a mole hill, as they did in the case of a few Lutherans " This would require no comment if it stood alone. But it does not. The habit of speaking of the Council of Defense in this way seems to be growing. Now there is no excuse for an mis take or ignorance in that mattt-i. The Council of Defense is made up of in telligent patriotic men who would be glad to' be relieved of much of the work they are called, upon to do. They did not act hastily or on insufficient evidences, as anyone can learn by a little investigation. Before they said anything about the Lutheran church they had ample evidence, documentary and otherwise, that there were more than "an isolated Lutheran minister or two" who were saying things not patriotic, to put It very mildly. One really patriotic ' Lutheran minister thought otherwise and was quickly convinced to the contrary by the coun cil and is now actively at work coun teracting and offsetting the work of some or his fellow ministers. Anyone avho will go to the council in the same spirit will be convinced very quickly of both the wisdom and necessi:y for its action. Moreover, its action has had the de sired result. It has advertised broad cast the fact that there Is someone on the job; that nothing short of genu'ne Americanism goes when the country is actually at war. Men who have been thinking and talking loosely have ben brought up standing and started to thinking more closely about the mat ter. Many of them have revised their opinions and those who have not (and Ihere are still entirely too many of them In Nebraska .some of them in official positions of responsibility) have at least become a little more cautious. Men who utter plain Amer ican ideas are still threatened occa sionally with a boycott of their busi ness or worse, and men who ore af flicted with an overweening admira tion for the kaiser and say su in pub lic get approving letters, just as Baltzly says he did; but Patricia New come has been laid at rest (I wonder If the guesses as to his identity were getting too warm), and others of like ilk have moderated, at least in public. More power to the Council of De fense and more vim and greater bold ness to its utterances. I would sugjrest that Mr. Agnew send copies of the treasonable German pa pers to the council and to the Post. office department. The federal gov ernment will have to deal with them eventually and it might as welt go to it dirert The time for wishy-washy Willy-boy consideration is past. Every treasonable or semi-treasonable utter ance should be reported to some fed eral authority and those who abuse our hospitality taught a lesson. It might as well be done now as later on and Mr. Agnew need not wait for the Council of Defense. Go to it direct. H. W. MORROW. never waited with its ear toi the ground for three years before speak ing its opinion on depredations which can be appraised by a common moral sense of right and wrong. Collier's paid Its respects to those who de stroyed Belgium, sunk the Lusltania and murdered Edith Cavcll at the time the atrocities happened. And also paid its respects to those who supinely submitted to the atrocities. Anyone who was as openly pro-German as the World -Herald six months ago cannot expect its grandstand Americanism to be jswallowed Dy In telligent people now. Those who Jus tified the German atrocities before our entrance into the war now do so se cretly. For two years the Herald flattered the Germans and the Her ald's Senator Hitchcock pushed a bill which, if enacted, would have stopped all shipping to the allies and won the war for Germany tn a year. At the fame time they denounced England in nearly every issue. Thus it is plain that the long time they claim it took to work up American sentiment the 3rprald was effectively encouraging and creating German sentiment.. For its activity they were r'-.varded by Hitch cock's re-election. The question in not whether Collier's is American or German, but whether the Herald is American or partisan. It is decidedly partisan. The chief purpose of the World-Her-s Id is the promulgation of the ur.think nble project of elevating Hitchcock to thp presitfency. The Bee gave timely warning that Rich a movement was on foot. We can trust such American organs as The Bee and Collier's to put the damper on any such result as the senar tor presumptuously aspires to. H. SAID IN FUN. - A Sunday school teacher had been telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan. When she asked them what the story meant, a little boy nald: "Jt means that when I am tn trouble my, neighbors must help me." Christian Register. She I know a raw reoruit who can go through the drill without scratching his car when a fly tickles It. He Shucks, I know a new gardener who Hnn't Yllll tin V. I .. hanna tn J J . I . . - " -f " "can. w pea , lllBJT have sprouted. Judge. Belle He said he was a millionaire's son, and I find he Is working for $10 a week. Ida That looks suspicious! A millionaire's son couldn't get over $5. Philadelphia But-letin. Calls Down Omaha Hyphenated. Omaha. Aug. 1. To the Erlitnr nf The Bee: The World-Herald, in an editorial of July 21, asks, ''Is Collier's Weekly for America or is It for Ger many?" The point on which the Her ald accuses Collier's of un-Amerlcan-ism is criticism of Secretaries Baker and Daniels. The Worlrl.HprnM . sumes that the kaiser would be ncKiea by reading the criticism. Collier's and millions of Americans Who do not care a ran fnp h nnli4.oi fortunes Of Messrs. Wilsnn. Ttnlrer tnH Daniels, are glvihg moral, physical ana nnanciai simnort tn thA admini stration's prosecution of the war. That we reiuse to acquiesce In the politi cal maneuvering of certain democrats does not detract fmm nn, Amer icanism. The democrat if arlmlnlatrotlnn V,o ......i knowledge of the insidious plots of German-Americans government against our nation. These piuis were ju sun cation ror war; yet they were withheld from thA noio Time has shown that democratic vac cination permitted the a time to prepare for a continued ptrug- ikie against me wnoie civilized world. During this time no definite steps were taken to prepare our country for this iiifviiauie connict. instead or school ing our timid and reealdtrn into a realization of the necessity of the maintenance of American rights the democrats renrespntprt thir side stepping policy as efficient diplomacy wuiuu mm Kepi us our. or war and would continue to do so. During this time those of us wh n a AvfnntAA an Ag gressive American policy were branded -o jiiigDiBis ana traitors. The democrats held up a standard of false idealism, actually declaring their course was su perior to one of armed resistance. They never uttered a word of thanks or praise for the noble achievements or our present allies (whose cause was oure iwo years ago). They now seek to excuse this delay by explaining that it took such a long time to create American sentiment They never tried to work up sentiment for this war un til six months ago, and when they did give the call America responded imme diately. Collier's Weekly never gave the kaiser occasion to laugh, as the World Herald fears, unless the kaiser is crazy. Collier's has never been "neuT tral." It has fearlessly denounced every atrocious act committed by the minions of the Potsdam anointed. It MID SUMMER SALE You've been wanting a fine diamond and a dependable watch to wear on your vaca tion, and perhaps you would like to make a handsome preaent to friend or loved one. It can all be easily arranged by opening a charge account with ua, and par later, in small amounts, after your vacation is ovsr. MILITARY WRIST WATCH $1.50 A MONTH Radium Dial Most useful gift for soldier, sailor and nurse an, swering the call to service 260 Military Wrist Watch, leather strap, unbreakable glass; high grade full J"" movement; illuminated r m mm dial. Specially priced I K $1 JO a Month VP A Your recistratlon certificate will Bonn be soiled and torn if carried loose In your pocKec. lou can get a handsome Holder Free by stepping into our store) and ask ing for one. LOFTIS SEVEN-DIAMOND CLUSTER RING ,,;,,., The pi.mo.ds ar. muuniea so SS to look like en large single stone. H a n d a o mast and most showy ring for the least money. Marvels tf Rjimii.w at 3S0- tlK 41 nn ..J S12P. Credit Terms, $1.2S, $1.85. $2.80 and S3 per week. if EXTRA 11 VALUE Jj .VvWlUl Men's Favorite 43 Men's Diamond Ring. . prong Tooth mounting, 14k soiia sold, at... "S, sis $100 S2J0 a Week Open Daily Till 9 P. M. Saturdays Till 9:30. Call or Writ. f. III.......-J No. 803. Phone Douglas 1444 and sales- mmn will call. THE NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS I0FTIS lsiBRosicar. 409 S. 16th St OMAHA. Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York City Physician and Medical Author ajn "There can be no strong, vigorous, iron men nor beautiful, healthy, rosy cheeked women without Iron Nuxatad Iron taken three timet per day after meals will increase the strength and endurance of wale, nervous, run-down! folks 100 per cent in two week' time in many instance. Avoid tha old form of metallic iron which nay injure the teeth, corrode the stomach, and thereby do more harm than good. Take only organic iron Nuxated Iron." It is dispensed in this city by Sherman Sc. McConnell Drug Store and alt good 'druggists. Advertisement. THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, D. C. f Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send m, entirely free, a copy of The Red, White and Blue Book Name -e-e ' Street Address . City ; State I .Vw - . ' I . . . . . .-. . . .-.-...-.wevinr ....)