w THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1917. K ' " ' " " DANIEL AT FRONT WITHSGOUT SHIP Former Reporter on The Bee Ensign on U. S. S. Harvard, Now in European Waters, Writes Experiences. Hawthorne Daniel, of this city, brother of Herbert Daniel, attorney, former reporter for The Beef has writ ten a most interesting letter home to hi mother, from "somewhere near Europe." He is an -ensign on board the United States scout patrol boat Harvard. Following is his letter in part: "Dear Mother: was on the bridge, and all the other officers were at din ner, when we sighted a big Meamer going across our course, about eight miles ahead. Shortly after wc sighted it, it changed its course until it headed directly for us, and it seemed to be under forced draft, as great clouds of smoke poured from its fun nel and it steered a zigzag course. It seemed as if it was trying to get away from something that was chas ing it. It approached to within about 4,(XX), yards, and then we saw quite plainly several splashes in the water near it, as if shells were fall ing close by it. Liy this time I had called the captain, and he was on the bridge. General quarters was sound ed .and we all went to our battle sta tions. I am in charge of the gun that was bearing on the ship, and I took my post up the rigging, about ten feet over my gun. I gave the range, and the gun crew stood by, ready to load. Suddenly something black rose to the surface of the water directly between us and the steamer. nd immediately submerged again. Then in a minute it came to the surface again, a little astern of the steamer. Once again it came up,and this time it was headed directly for us. The gun was loaded, 1 shortened the range and again the . thing came up. Wc fired, and the shell struck almost on the spot where th thing had submerged.- It was thrilling, and I was just hoping for it to come to the surface again, so that we could get another shot when it did come to the surface, to lie rolling in the sun. We trained our glasses on it, and the darned thing was a great big whale. Why the steamer was try. ing to get away I do not know, unless if, too, was fooled, but the splashes i that looked like shells falling were made by the whale blowing. It was very realistic, and we got all the sen sations of being actually firing on a submarine. , Seems Like Hunting. "It made me feel just as I do when I am hunting. I have always been anxious to know how I would feel in a position of that kind, and now I know. J t seemed to me that we were out to bag some big game, and that's what we are. If I were hunting elephants I imagine I should feel about thifsame, only less safe. I be lieve that we have the advantage over the submarine. Sometimes, of course, he mar get the drop on one, but takinsr it all in all he is at a great dis advantage. If we feel a bit anxious as to whether or not he will get us, iust think how anxious he must feel a in whether or not some one will get him. There are at the worse only a counle of hundred submarine probably a great deal less than that whereas there are tnousanus ana thousands of natrol ships, each one looking out for nothing better than a chance to shoot at a submarine, or to run hint down. He never knows, when he eomes to the surface, whether or not he will find a patrol boat waiting for him. He can't nide unless he gets where he can't see. and when he can sre, we can. too, although of course, his periscope makes a very small ol iect to tick up at a distance. But to offset that we have good, dear glasses, while his periscope doesn't show a dear linage, and look only one way at a time. Taking it alto gether I believe that life on the roving German submarine must be a very joyless existence. Little Time to Sleep. "Three of us are standing watches on the bridsre. but for two days one of my reliefs was sick very sick with stomach trouble and so two of us had to stand watch and watch. Four hours on and four off, with meals to eat. and drills to ro through while oil watch, pretty nearly put me on the retired list; but everything is going all right now, and I have caught up on my sleep. I even get a chance to read some, but there are too man; things to learn to read a great dea And. besides, sleep interests me too much. "Last night while I was on watch everything seems to happen while am on watch we got a radio mes sage from some ship which said it was sinking, and it ave a position that was so close to where we were that we should have been able to see it but the radio operator said Bounded as if the message had been tent from some considerable dis tance. It sounded so suspicious that we paid very little attention to it, inasmuch as we were already as near to the position as we could get, but after we had kept on our course for about four hours the ship that was with us got an order from the nag ship to go back and look into the matter. It hasn't showed up yet, to w don't know whether it has found a sinking ship or whether it ran into a trap, although we would have heard Si !L J 1 ' L irom ii u ii naa jouna anyining suspicious. ' . Evidence of War. "For two days we have been sailing through all sorts of driftwood, spars, barrels, a dresser drawer, life observ ers, planks, a life raft, a couple of swamped lifeboats and a lot of other No Trouble to Remove Superfluous Hair (Toilet .TiDs) It is an easy matter to rid the akin of objectionable hair or fuzz, if you proceed as follows: Mix a paste with some water and a litle powered del atnoe, apply to hairy surface and In 2 or 3 minutes rub off. wash the skin and the hair are gone. This method of banishing hairy growths is pain less and does not mar the skin, bnt to avoid disappointment, be certain to get real delatone. Advertisement. Nebraska's Most: Patriotic Bovine Has Map of North America on Its Side rr - y i$ 'iz-i'i oh a I h i s " 4j Iff I ' Vi Animal with distinctive markings stuff. There must have been lots of destruction around here in the last year. lie weatner continues nnc, anu we have made the whole ..rip, so tar, without a minute of bad weather. I am afraid that this continued stretch, during which our friends the elements have not tried their strength, will give some of these newly made sailors a wrong impression of the sea. "It is now July 5. shortly after I Cinished writing what just precedes we IOOK tiic oisauiea snip in tow, ana made port in about two hours. We are now tied up at a buoy, and "yester day all the (hips were decorated tor the Fourth. The foreign ships in the harbor had American flags up, too. I mentioned one of the ships ot our fllotilla going back to answer an U.S. It proved not to be a fake, and all of us on the Harvard are sick over not being allowed to go back. It was the Orleans the first American ship to run '-.e bio Vi.de th..t Germany told us it wa9 going to enforce. Three Men Lost. Thirty-seven men were picked up pi 7'-. " VC.v 'n;' is owned by Carl Loranz, Ewing, in lifeboats, three men having been lost. According to the story as it is told us by the Sultana, which is the ship that went after the Orleans, they found two lifeboats crowded with men. After the ship had been sunk, the submarine came to the surface alongside the lifeboats, and asked for the captain. It was at night, and the mate told them he had been drowned. The submarine said they were sorry for there was a prize, of 20,000 marks on his head, if he was brought to Germany dead or aliye also that ap plies to the captain of the Rochester. Then the submarine disappeared, and later the lifeboats located the cap tain and the gunnery officer, both of whom had been swimming around in the water, trying to locate the life boats by using a pocket flashlight, which they had with them, and which they had managed to keep dry. I cer tainly wish we had been sent after them. "Patrol boats and mine sweepers are thick and we see observation balloons and aeroplanes almost any time. I In our $5,000 dealers' gasoline economy contest in May, 1917, 1092 Maxwells aver aged 27.15 miles on one gallon each. In our $50,000 owners' contest in June, 1917, 2040 Maxwells averaged 29.04 on one gallon eachuC And every car used was an owner's car in everyday service. , This great mileage showing proves one fact absolutely. Jhe Maxwell IS mechanically right' in its wonderful motor; in its wear-proof, efficient clutch, running in oil; in its simple, trouble-proof transmissions; in its mighty axles, and in every mechanical detail. Toaring Car $665 RdMtr $650t Town Car $915 s I Son $935. A3 prkn f. : h. Detroit Midwest Motor & Supply Co. k Distributors 2216-18 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler 2462 vM 4 fV'S- 4 . . M5 Neb. It is called "America." wish I could tell you aboul everything I sec, but my letter would probably never get through if I did. We are told, by the way, that an American destroyer sank aGemian submarine they caught attacking one of our transports. I don't know any of the details and am not sure that it is true; but it is generally accepted as true around here. , Hopes to Bag Subsea. "I was officer of the deck yesterday, so that I didn't get ashore after we tied up, but J shall probably go ashore today and get some more piggoty money' to add to what I already carry around in my jeans. I have been rather unfortunate in get ting rid of most of the coins I have picked up so far. I believe that we .will be here for sonic time, and wheth- 'lit - ,1 J i . M - I er we win ue atiowea 10 ten wncre here' is, or whether we will be forced to call it merely by that unsatisfactory cognomen, I cannot say. At any rate 'here' is interesting, and I am de lighted with the prospect. I only It VI Ml I m W I I hone we can bag a nice fat German submarine, the hide of which 1 would like to have tanned and painted with the story of the hunt, like path's elk j hide. That would make quite a troph-', but one would need ancestral j halls of greater magnitude in order ! to properly drape it on the walls. j "I do not know yet what the town looks like. I am told by the officers ! who have been ashore that almost ev- J ery woman is in black and that j wounded soldiers are everywhere, j However, the sailors look healthy, as! the only danger they have to face is an occasional unpremeditated bath in the cool, cool water of this part of the ocean. However, we wear life preservers while we are on duty, and I swim pretty well. Besides I under-; stand that when we are finally jjiven ! our work to do, we will not get tar from land at any time." John Banks Killed By Lightning While ; TTT , 1 Ct 1 - ! w atoning storm While standing in the doorway of his barn yesterday, arm in arm with his brother, Jeff, John Banks, 3305' North Thirty-sixth street, was struck by lightning and instantly killed, while his brother was only stunned. Both were looking out over their j little farm, discussing the value of! the rain to them and their crops,' when the flash broke upon them, I killing John and a horse; which stood , hve feet behind him. John Banks for 46 years old and was unmarried. His brother Jeff, is the father of a large family. The body was turned over to Undertaker Crosby for burial. Bee Want Ads produce results. FREE WAISTS AT JULIUS ORKIN'S 3,200 Blouses to B Given Away Absolutely FREE A dainty, exquisite waist free absolutely free at Julius Orkin's! Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, it is good. Of course, there's another side to the announcement, but it ciertainly is a reasonable one. ' Julius Orkin's waist business has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years, which necessitates carrying a tremendous stock. He keeps a standing order with some of the best manufacturers to ship him a few of each new style brought out. Naturally waists accumulate, and at the present time he has about 6,500 waists on hand, where but one, two or three of a kind remain of a certain lot, color or style. Rather j than fill in on these styles, he an nounces this novel sale, in order to give every lady a chance i,o person ally see and advertise his extensive and moderately-priced stock. .therefore, he will, to every lady buying a waist during this sale, pre sent one FRBE, thereby enabling the purchaser to get two waists of the same quality for the price of one. niL. i j i i i i no large aaverusemens in to day's paper gives full particulars and prices. JULIUS ORKIN, 1508-1510 Douglas. lOwcrs Knabe U flSf Pianos i- 1 u iii Closing Out Surplus Stock Pianos, Player Tianos, Sheet Music and. Musical Mer chandise One-Quarter, One-Third, One Half Saving on Every Article. Sheet Music 2,500 different selections, Popu lar and Classics, at 5c and 10c per copy Special Offers on Teaching Materials Music teachers should buy next season's supply now. Take ad vantage of these low prices. Talking Machines ' Special bargains in used instru ments taken in exchange for new Columbia Grafonolas and Bruns wick Phonographs. Closing Out Victor Off For Your Vacation UKELELES, UKELELE BANJOS, STEEL GUITARS Regular $15 styles $8.75 Others as low as..... ;. .$3.85 Here's a long-planned-for sales event that has anticipated every need of those whowish music in the home. Over 100 Pianos and Player Pianos to be closed out at once to make .room for annual fall shipments, and will be sacrificed at about half price. OUR BIG SHOE SALE proves to my satisfaction that the people of Omaha know the difference between good shoe values of real leather" and the junk that has been offered them in some shoe sales at the same prices we offer good leather shoes. I am sorry we could not wait on everyone fast enough we did not expect such a rush. If you have not been waited on, come back again. Please conic in the morning, when we can give you more attention. We are so well satisfied that we have added several other lots to the others, especially the $1.95 table. Girls' Campfire Shoes and Oxfords, $3.50 and $4.00 values, that were left from the $1.95 table yesterday we put on the $1 table. Any woman with a foot from 2 to 6 can get enough shoes for $1.00 to last her a lifetime. We cannot tell you any more in this limited space. See our windows for the balance. ' All men who want WORK SHOES, get busy they are go ing fast THE SALE IS ON ALL WEEK. DOUGLAS SHOE STORE 117 North 16th Opposite Postoff ice Mention Seeing PEN THE CASH STORE Good Pianos At $100 Each WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? ESTEY UPRIGHT, Used STEINWAY & SONS, Used Upright CHECKERING BROS, Used by teacher... , PRICE & TEEPLE, Used STEGER & SONS, Nearly new WEGMAN, Used upright. . . . . SOHMER, Used upright HAMILTON, Upright, Nearly new $100 .$100 .$100 .$100 .$100 .$100 .$100 .$100 8 Exceptional Piano Bargains Good for practice and suit able for schools, picture shows, theaters, etc., at $50 Each Every instrument fully guaranteed, and can be exchanged later if desired, on new ones. 1 1 On. A it in The Bee V 1IS1C Player Pianos MILTON PLAYER, EMERSON ANGELUS, (jg EBERSOLE PLAYER, M Qr for ,pJ PRICE & TEEPLE, for BRINK ERHOFF PLAYER CHASE & BAKER PLAYER .$350 .$350 KNABE ANGELUS "....$650 for........... BRINKERHOFP PLAYER RADDISON PLAYER ...$275 ,.-.$260 A Few Special Bar gains in Slightly Used BABY GRANDS Including KNABES, EVERETTS, SOHMER, LINDEMAN and oth ers, at $250, $350, $456, $550 NEW PIANOS TO RENT FREE TUNING. S Angelus Players TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Si 1