Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1917, Page 2, Image 2
'I GERMAN SAILOR WRITES OF AWFUL SCENEONIUTZOW Torpedoed by Germans in Jut land Battle, Warship Took Down Living ancf Dead to Ocean Depths. XCorrsipondenc of Tb Auoclated Pren.) The Hague, Netherlands, July 15. Scenes on board the German flagship Lutzow during the Jutland naval bat tie, when some of the newest and largest of the German battle cruisers were battered or sunk by Admiral Beatty's British squadron in June, 1916, are vividly described by P. 'Krug, one of the Lutzow's survivors, in a pamphlet which has just been pub lished here. It is believed to be the first detailed story of that great battle from the point of view of the German sailor to reach the public eye. Torpedoed by a British warship early in the engagement, the Lutzow, which was tbe flagship of Admiral Hipper, was hammered unmercifully , by the big guns of the Brltlsn ves sels and soon became a complete wreck, a "ship of the dead," as Krug describes it. Trapped Sailors Go Down. According to his story, twenty seven German sailors were trapped hi the Piesel dynamo room before the battle had been long in progress and remained there when the Lutzow, a disabled hulk, was abandoned and sent to the bottom by a torpedo from a German destroyer. Two of these im prisoned men had been driven insane ' and were kept tied by their ship mates. After describing the first part of the battle and telling how the arrival of British battleships turned the ta bles on the Germans, Krug writes. "Suddenly the entire ship is roughly shaken. The colossus heaves far over and everything that is not fixed is up set -The first direct hit 1 The tor pedo pierces the forepart of the ship. Its effects are terrible. Iron, wood, metal, parts of bodies, smashed ship's . implement are' all .intermixed, and the electric, .light, by chance spared, continues to shine upon this sight. Torpedo Boat Disappears. , "Two cfeoJts lower, in iht Diesel dynamo room, there is still life. That compartment lias not been hit, and twenty-seven men in the prime of life have been spared, but the chamber is 6hut off from all others, for the water is rushing into all sections. They are doomed to death. Several 38-centi- , meter shells squarely hit their mark, working terrible havoc. The first hit the : wireless (department, Of the twelve living men who a moment ago were seated before the apparatus there is nothing more to be seen. Nothing is left but a smoking heap of ruins. The second shot again pierced the fore part of the ship. The entire fore part of the vessel, as far as the Diesel motor room, was past saving. "Another broadside meant for the Lutzow -fell short, but a torpedo boat close by disappeared, leaving only few odd pieces of ood and a smashed lueboat witting rotiua. Jt is now half past' 7, and the hostile circle grows ever smaller. The LtiUow and the Seydlitz lie with their hows deep in the water; both are badly mauled. i he tore part ot tue -Lutzow was m flames. Shells burst against the ship's side in rapid succession. A terrible sight js presented on board the Lut zow, and it needs iron nerves to look upon it cooly. Hundreds have lost their lives, while many have lain for hours in torture, and the fight is not yet over. The bow is' now crushed in and is entirely submerged. The four screws are already sticking half out of the. water, so that the Lutzow tan only make eight to ten knots an hour, as aeainst the normal, thirty-two, "The admiral decides -to transfer to the Moltke. He give orders to turn snd get .away from the ccne of the fiffht. hut the Lutzow has not gone a mile before it received a broadside of 38ntirneter shells. The entire ship was filled with the poisonous fumes of the' shells and anyone who tailed to affix his as mask was doomed to se aunocatra. . Shell in Sick Bay. "It was three-quarters of an hour before the lighting installation was restored. Then for, the first time time could the extent pi the damage wrought hy the salvo be seen. One of 4he shells had landed in the sick bav. Here there were three doctors and fifteen attendants, besides 160 to 180 wounded. Of all these only four remained alive. These four were hurled into the next compartment by the air pressure; there they lay un conscious. 'The Lutzow was now a complete wreck. Corpses drifted past. From the bows up to the first 30-centimeter gun-turret the ship. ;lay submerged, The other gun-turrets were com' oletelv disabled, with the guns stick ing out in all direction's. On deck lay the bodies ,of the sailors in their ' torn uniforms, jn the midst 'of the empty shell cases. From the masts Buttered torn nags, xwisteu signal linea anJ nieces of wire of the Wire Irsi installation. Had not the look out man and the three officers on .the commander's bridge given signs of life the Lutzow would nave truiy re rmfcled a shro of the dead. Below, on the battery .deck and in the coal bunkers, there still lay innumerable wounded, but there was no longer a doctor to attend to them. Bulkheads Give Way. "Night came on and hope was en tertained .of .getting away without a further encounter. But at 3 o'clock in the night news of the approach of two British cruisers and five destroy ers was received and just at that critical time the fore and mjddle bulk beads cave wav. "Orders were given to quickly carry the -wounded to the stern. Then the order rines out: 'AH hands muster m division order abaft.' A tumult arises on the lower-deck, for everybody is now bent on Ravine his lite. Jt is im possible ,in that short space of time to bring .up all the wounded, for they are scattered everywhere. Eighteen men had-jthc good fortune to be car ried up, Cut all the rest who could not walk .or crawl had to he left behind. "The twentv-seven mtn .shut up in i the Dies6l dynamo chamber had heard the .order through the speaking-tube,, for many, mad with anguish, scream ed throueh lite tube for heln. and i was learned that two of their num ber aav bound because they had be come insane. Inspired by their sense ls duty, these sealed-up men bad con tinued to carry on their work in or der to provide the ship with light. Living Perish With Ship. "The toroedo boats bow quickly took off the crew of the Lutzow and those left behind were doomed to eath. It was resolved that no piece of the vessel should fall into the ene my's hands. An order was given and toroedo clett the waters. As it exploded, the Lutzow's bow quickly dipped and the stern rose until it stood on end. Then it heeled over and sank, forming a great whirlpool that carried everything within it into the depths. When the roll was caned it ap peared that there were 1,003 surviv ors of the Lutzow; 597 men had per ished in the battle. Ten Belgian Towns Captured in Last Drive of Allies (Continued From Page One.) on the bombardment made by a Ger man officer, who was found badly wounded in a shell hole, where he had crawled for refuge. Addressing a British officer in excellent English and with a quiet smile, he said: "Some Good Shooting." "Good morning: you see you have played the devil with our defenses. Your guns have been doing some good shooting." Many German infantrymen fell vic tims to their own artillery at the out break of the entente attack, for the observers had lost their view of the targets and in a confused, frenzied attemot to stem the onslought the German gunners unwittingly dropped shells among their own men. Again stories are heard of German batteries being withdrawn without the knowl-l dee of infantry, leaving the latter to face attacks without the protection of their artillery. Biggest Battle of War. Paris. Auk. 1. The battle of Flan ders, which began with the French and British advance yesterday, it is believed will be the biggest of the war and may last for weeks or months. The results already achieved lead military observers to say that it is not too much to nope that the Germans may soon be cleared out of French and Belgian Flanders. After the magnificent success ot the French and British, in Belgium yes terday, theentente troops in a tor rential rain storm consolidated the positions which they had captured, the war office announced today. After several days of artillery preparation the Germans this morn-. tng attacked the position on toe ictt bank of the Meuse river, in the Ver dun resrion. which the French had captured from them on July 17. The rench official statement says the Germans were only able to reach cer tain advance elements of the r rench first lins, where thry werje atopped. German Counter Attacks Fail. London. Auk. 1. German counter attacks yesterday afternoon and last nisht asainst the new British posi tions at La Basseeville and north of the Ypres-Comines canal, in Belgium, were repulsed, the war omce an nounced today. Another German counter attack further north, in the neighborhod of the Vpres-Roulers railway, was crushed, by tbe British 'artillery. Heavy rain has been falling fiince earlv vesterday afternoon and the weatner - continues,.., umavurauic vr ., . ,7 - f LI. t Derations. ' " ' t J he ofliual statement tram isntisn headuuarters in 1-ranee last night re borts the capture by the entente al ics of the tollowinR villages: La Basseeville. Steenstraete, Bix- schoote, Verlorenbock, Freezenberg, Saint Julicn, Pilken, Hooge, West hoek and HoUebeke, and more than 3,500 prisoners. According to reports from special correspondents the great majority of British troops engaged in the lateat assault are English, although there are some Scotch, Welsh and Austral ians. It is earn the Germans are em ploying a new scheme of defense which apparently depends principally on organization lor -counter auacK. 1 hey now diminish their garrisons and by the same amount increase tbe 1 strength of their supports and - KAfir, wla tirtlH far 1ini iti Iftre and wiio are organized for immediate attack. As an instance of the terrible pounding by the British artillery, it is said to be known that the crew ot one German battery had to be re placed nine times and the guns there of five times. Great Infantry Attack, Says Berlin. Copenhagen, Auk. L The German semi-official preliminary report oq the British offensive, printed today under the headline; "Before Great Infantry Attack," stated that front positions were converted into shell-hole fields and that battery stations were ringed with shell craters. The German artillerv. desmte the terrific bombardment by shells of all caliber up to fifteen-inch and the lav ish use of gas, had not let up a min ute and was successfully combating the British fire, the statement says. The British batteries were obliged to nause from exhaustion , on the Zvth until midday, when they attempted to escape punishment by smoke screens. The Berlin Lokal Anieieera mi tary critic says the offensive was de laved and weakened by the suomar ine campaign, tngiana consequently is no longer suDerior in artillery and aviators and battalions at the front are on a reduced footing because of the need of workmen in home muni tion factories. , Germans Lose Guns. Petroirrad. Aug. 1. A telegram from lassv says the Russo-Rouman tan advance between the Uasin and Putna valleys resulted in the enemy losuiar between July H and 0, nine tv-eiftht suns and about 4,500 prison ers. The enemy front of about sixty kilometers was broken to a depth of rbetween seventeen and twenty kilo meters. Buss Resistance Stiffens. CoDenhaiten. Aug. 1, A dispatch to the' Berlin Vossische Zeitung, says the Russian resistance for the defense of Cernovitz is increasing. Fresh troops are fighting with great energy and without faltering in strenuously opposing the Austro-German advance on Kirlibaba. Fighting is most sangu inary, but the defenders are unable to prevent the Austro-Germani occupy ing positions favorable for further operations, including Kimpolung. The writer predicts the Russians will he soon forced to abandon t-ernoviu. Allies Leaving Greece. Athens. Monday. July 30. With drawal f the allied forces from old Greece. Thessaly and Epirus, in ac cordance with the decision of the Balkan conference t Paris, is being THE BEE: I. W. W. ORGANIZER IS HAM BY A MOB Frank Little, Who Bef erred to Troops as "Scabs in Uni form," is Lynched at Butte, Mont. i Butte, Mont., Aug. 1. Frank Little, member of the executive board of the Industrial Workers of the World and prominent in labor trouble in Ari zona, was taken from a lodging house early today by masked men and hang ed to a railroad trestle on the out-i skirts of the city. The body was cut down at 8 a. aj by the chief of police, Jerry Murphy, who identified it Little, in a recent i speech here, referred to United States troops as "Uncle Sam's scabs in uni form." Since his arrival in Bytte recently from Globe- Ariz., Little had made a number of speeches to strikers, in all of which he had attacked the govern ment. His record was under inves tigation by the federal authorities, whose attention had been called to his activities. Rumor Little "Was Detective. On the other hand the report was current that Little was in the em ploy of a prominent detective agency and one theory was that he was the victim of the radical element of whom he appeared to be a member. , Little, took a prominent part in recent labor troubles in Arizona. He addressed a letter to Governor Camp hell of Arizona protesting against the deportation of Industrial Work ers of the World members from Bis bee. Governor Campbell replied tell ing Little he resented his interfer ence and his threats. On Little's body was a card bear ing these words: "first and last warn ing. Others take notice. Vigilantes.1' ihe card found on Littles bodv when he was cut down was pinned to the underclothing on his right thigh. it bore in red, crayon letters the in scription: 'Others take notice. First and last warning. i-l-U. U U. U 5. S. W. T." A circle was about the letter L.. The letters were inscribed with a lead pencil. ' ' Ihe figures 3-7-77 are the old sign of the vigilantes in Montana. The custom of the vigilantes was to send two warnings to a marked man, the third and last warning being writ ten in red. I he warnings were usually numbered as "first warning," "second warning," and "last warning." N Six masked men in an automobile drove up to the front of Little's hotel at five minutes after three. One stood upon the sidewalk in front of the rooming house. The others en tered the .house. Everything worked by seeming prcarrangement. Without speaking, the men .quickly broke into room No. 30 on the ground floor. Light rora an electric torch allowed them the room was unoc cupied. Mrs. Nora Byrne, landlady of the hotel, awoke when the door to room No. 30 was broken in. She occupied an adjoining room, at the front of the building. "A mistake somewhere," she heard a voice say. Then she heard the men move tp the door of her room, which they ' pushed slightly open. Mrs. Byrne sprang to the door and held it. "Wait until I get my clothes on," she eaid. Then she asked, who they were and what they wanted.. , "We are officers, and we want Frank Little,' ne of them told her. 1 Mrs. Byrne got into a bathrobe, again went to the door and opened it. The leader of the masked men poked a revolver into the opening. "Where i Frank Little?" he asked. "He is in room No. 32," answered Mrs. Byrne. "; Little Dragged from Room. The men ran down the hall and tried the door to that room. Then one of their number gave it a kick that broke the lock and they entered. Mrs. Byrne said she heard them coming from the room and saw them half lead and half carry Little across the sidewalk and push him into the waiting motor car. Mie said she be- leved them policemen. The car went south in Wyoming street. The body was found hanging on the north side of the railroad trestle. The ties on, the trestle are about fourteen feet above the roadway. Little's feet were about five feet from the ground. On the back of his head was a bloody mark. The coroner at first examina tion could not determine whether the mark was a gunshot wound or an abrasion from a blow. An autopsy was ordered held late today. rapidly carried out. The last Franco British troops left Piraeus today. The withdrawal from Corinth and other occupied points was previously exe cuted. The Italians are similarly prepar ing to Jeave Janina and other sec tions of rtraeus, retaining only a small triangle near Avlona in Al bania. ' Preoarations are under way to call out the classes f 1916 and 1917, ag gregating 60,000 men. YOUR CHIEF OF STAFF S.i J u-l-j.bhimiiiih, n i.iimiaMji.imi-j-Jtai ,1,-TCT W HI I If "Til fl 'l " '.wmM 1IIIMI1 OMAHA, I THURSDAY AUGUST 2, , 1917. CLASS RATES TO IOWA CITIES ARE REVISED Freight to Interior Towns from East to Be No Higher Than to St. Louis for Same Distance. Washington, Aug. 1. Readjustment of rates from points in Central Freight association territory in cities in Iowa and from Iowa cities to east ern points we.e ordered today, effec tive October 15, by the Interstate Commerce commission. The commission decided that on freight originating east of the Indi ana-Illinois state line the Mississippi- Missouri river proportional class scale, whatever its measure may be, shall be equitably prorated across the state of Iowa in constructing class rates to interior Iqwa cities. rrom points in Central rreight as sociation territory we6t of the Pittsburgh-Buffalo line and east of the Indiana-Illinois line the commission has ordered that there should be no difference in rates to Iowa cities and to St. Louis when the distances to Iowa cities are equal to or less than the distances to St Louis. For each twentyfive miles or frac tion thereof that the distances to the Iowa cities exceed the distances to St. Louis, a differential of 1 cent on the first two classes and 54-cent on the remaining four classes may be charged. Pro-Rata From Far East. Rates from Pittsburgh and Buffalo and noints taking the same rates to Dubuque and St. Louis and interme diate cities on the Miscissippi class rates, the commission found, should not exceed (Ayi per cent of the rates between New York City and St. Louis. ' The basis of this finding, the commission ordered, shall apply to shipments both westbound and east bound. ,u...v. Rates' from upper .Mississippi river cities, from Dubvgtie to "Keokuk,: in clusive, to eastern points by jail, lake 1 . ft ''j . ' ana ran -ana occaq' were found to be - unduly discriminatory when compared with corresponding rates from lower, Mississippi -cities, Quincy, 111., to St. Louis, inclusive, to the same points- Readjustment of these rates bringing to a parity was ordered. v--..'." ' Draft Registration is Under'WaV -in Hawaii Honolulu, Aug. 1 Draft registra tions in Hawaii territory proceeded rapidly today, the -date set by the president's proclamation for listing eligibles in the, .islands. Registration officials computed the probable total registration .at 25,000. . Officials esti maed that about 75 per cent of . the total registration would be Japanese and Chinese residents ,of the islands. RIBOT MAKES HOT REPLY TO SPEECH N OF. CHANCELLOR '. : (Continued From Fas On.) of war and conditions whereon it would make peace. He is trying espe cially to -turn aside attention from the terrible responsibility weighing on the conscience of the kaiser and his counsellors." Denial from Russia Also. Petrograd, Aug. li Foreign Min ister lerestchenko denies absolutely the declarations attributed to him by Dr. Michaelis, the German chancellor. He issued a statement saying: , ' "The Russian foreign minister drew up no protests nor. made any special declarations 'to the French govern ment beyond a general declaration by the provisional government respecting war aims, which was generally made known May 18. This declaration, which was sympathetically received, will be thoroughly examined by the mter-allied conference to be held shortly," - , MANY ANNOUNCE THEY WILL CLAIM .THEIR EXEMPTION (Continued From Fs One.) each man must have a aecond given by a different physician ""who knows nothing of the diagnosis made by the first. As far as possible the two ex aminations will be made near together to accommodate the Applicants. One man in the Fifth district had his sec ond examination last eight soon after his first, as the 1 second ' examining physician happened, to be -on hand.. Exams in First Monday. The physical. v examination for TOULD he know Just what W to do if you died tonight? Is he sure to live and retain ' his health until all your affairs are settled? You need an Executor with Qualities like these. Name this Company as your Executor or Trustee. drafted men of the first district will begin Monday morning at 8 o'clock. They will be given in the fire house at Twenty-second and Ames avenue. AU the notices for this district are now out to cajl the men in for ex amination. 'We have already examined sixteen men, said W. u, Ure, chairman ot the board of physical examiners for this district Of these four were re jected, two for bad feet, one deaf and one Jar tuberculosis. "We are willing to make appoint ments for examinations early in case of necessity. We are glad to favor THOMPSON BELDEN &CQ VfoVasfiionCmferorJfcmpn tsiabfishpd M66 First Showing of Chiffon Velvets For Fall 1917 Beautiful, indeed, are the new colors. Concord, Seal, Walnut, Plum, Hunter, Cope, Royal and Navy Blue. These numbers are of the old dye and finish and cannot be duplicated. For this reason we say, "Make your selec tion now." Silk Section. Hundreds of New Silks Are Now Here Patterns and colors that are to predominate the Autumn season are now shown for the first time. Belditigs'; Quality Silks, Char- meuse Satins, etc., are especially desirable. Remnants of Fine Wash Fabrics Hundreds of -choice materials, all new this season, in desirable lengths for dresses and summer skirts. Will be cleared Thursday For About lz Price " Main Floor, Opposite Silks. 11 " '"' """ ' IBammx i . e"'C!""' """" T?HOT0 PllY OFFERINGS MlllllllltPlfl i - A"'"' . - I j V1i3tel 1 iMIFi 1 LSSM ft J llMM I 1 K COOL ALL THE TIME 1 J Today, Friday and j 1 Saturday I JWIFE VALESKA IliillPpiilllllllllllliiililliiilU Symphony BF IT T Orchestra 1VA V TODAY WILLIAM DUNCAN A Super-Feature Extraordinary "GocTs Country and The Woman" From the Book by : James Oliver Curwood A Virile Story of the Greet Northwest, With the Most Beautiful Snow Scenes Ever Filmed. MARY PICKFORD -in- "A ROMANCE OF THE REDWOODS' these boys who are going to fight in any way we possibly can." The examinations were made by Dr. C C. Morris of the BrandeL Theater building. Those making appointments for examination gave business rea sons for so doing mainly. A number were traveling men, who would find it inconvenient to be here next week." Physical examinations in the sixth are proceeding as fast as Dr. Reed can examine the men. At noon about twenty men had been examined with only three doubtful. These were sent to another physician to be re-examined. The men of tbe sixth come mostly Every Summer Dress In Our Entire Stock REDUCED In Price The savings are substan tial. The styles very fashionable. Second Floor The Blouse Shop For summer, attractive new arrivals are receiv ing special attention from discrim i n a t i n g women. Extra values, 95c to $5. Second Floor An Old Man and a Young Wife They are the lives around which revolve this drama that is both gay and tragic Youth breaks its shackles and pays in the end. Enacted by the most beautifully gowned woman in America. SURATT Q ITV Orchestral VJ jLJ Pipe Organ FRIDAY AND NELL SHIPMAN Have You Sent In Your Answer To THE NEGLECTED WIFE , CONTEST? This closes soon. Address: Contest Dept., Pathe Exchange, Inc., 1417 Harney St, Omaha, Neb. from the rural districts and are in fine physical condition. Two hundred and eighteen men are jeauired Iropi this district, but it is hard to tell how many will have to be examined to get this number, as most of the men are married and about 75 per cent will ask for exemption. Five doctors will he on hand fot the examinations in the third district Five hundred men are required from here and Mr. Redwood, the chairman, forecasts some job before they are chosen. Notices were sent out Tuesday to the first third of the men and the second third is being notified today. Cretonnes Look Cool About the Home Scarfs, Table Covers, Pillows of beautifully colored fresh Cre tones that add a .touch of bright ness to the home these hot days. For. porch use. they are particu larly good, or for the bungalow and summer home. - : -Laundry and shoe bags of cre tonne are very serviceable, too. Shown in the Artneedlework sec tion. Third Floor Tea Napkins That Look Like Madeira Hand Work LockstJtcbed, Scalloped and Em broidered Tea Napkins that n appearance and wear am ihe counterparts of real Madeira. With embroidered comers, $3.95 a doeen. With plain scalloped edge, $3.78 a dozen. Linen Section. These 59c Hose Are Extra Values Silk Lisle Hose with garter tops and double soles; in gray, elate 1 and taupe. Thursday, 59c. FOR TpPAV T,,E piiun PHIEHDS MUSIC AND COMEDY GALORE BELL SISTERS Pretty Singers and Dancers D'AMICO Wizard of the Accordeon JOHNSON and WELLS "Watch the Quadrille" She Uphold the innocent, 9weec and Youthful GLADYS HULETTE "The Last of the Carnabys" ' Fire Acts ... From the Story by Samuel Morse George Ovey in Cub Comedy PHOTOPLAYS. TODAY ONLY MARY ANDERSON and WILLIAM DUNCAN, in THE BADGE OF COURAGE" Latest Chapter of Tb Grey Chot" WONDERFUL . WHAT A BEE WANT AD IS CAPABLE OF DOING w Swimmin's fine at Manawa Park