Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1917, Fremont Tractor Section, Page 16, Image 16
6 THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917. KEROSENE TRACTOR AT FREMONT SHOW Irte?national Harvester Com pany to Have Every Type of Modern Farm Power Machinery on Hand. As in former years, the Interna tional Harvester company, pioneers in the tractor field and one of the largest exhibitors at each of the four previous Fremont demonstrations, will be capably represented in the Fremont national power farming demonstration this year. Two weeks ahead of the demonstra tion, F. W. Lewis, branch manager ui the Omaha house, working in con junction with C E. Haynie of the Lincoln house, L. L. Lease of the Crawford house and V. E. Flynn of the Council Bluffs house, was on hand at Fremont personally directing the work of making the International ex hibit the biggest and best ever. "From every indication," said Mr. Lewis, "there can be no doubt but what Fremont will more, than justify the confidence of those who saw fit to restore to Fremont the honor of having the one national power farm ing demonstration." In the face of the urgent need of adequate power machinery the interest in the demon stration is bound to be given added impetus; the attendance of 100,000 last year will be easily doubled and with existing market conditions every tractor available will be called on to assist patriotic Nebraska farmers in doing their bit. At last year's demon stration 125 International tractors were sold during the week and fiftjd international tractors, every one available, on hand at the Fremont demonstration field for immediate de livery will prove entirely inadequate to meet this year's demand. , Kerosene Tractors. The full line of International Har vester kerosene tractors to be shown at Fremont this year includes the Mogul 8-16, 10-20 and 12-25 horse power sizes and the Titan 10-20 and 15-30 horse power sizes. The Mogul 10-20, a later development of the Mo sul 8-16, the two-plow kerosene out fit which made the hit of the year in 1916, and the Titan 15-30, a four-plow tractor, much improved on last year's model, represent additions to the In ternational line since last year's dem onstration. One of the innovations of the dem onstration will be. the new Interna tional motor cultivator to be shown for the first time. This cultivator is an entirely new departure. It con sists of a motor attached to the frame of a two-row pivot axle cultivator. While cultivating the operator does not have to watch the engine, which is placed behind him, thus doing away with the heat of the engine in ths operator's face. The engine is steered by the movement of the operator's feet in the ordinary cultivation of the corn. The motor drive wheels at the rear of the gangs are locked in a straight-ahead position, while the ma chine is going down the field. At the snd of the row the driver disengages the lock turns the motor wheels to right or left, as desired, and the entire machine pivots on one cultivator wheel, turning within its own length, to resume its course down the next two rows. By raising the cultivator shovels, the machine can be used as a power plant for most field work re quiring not more than four good horses. Tractors Supplant .Torse. Thousands of tractors in use on American farms every day are fast supplanting the horse, and with the entry of efficient power machinery for the cultivation of corn Dobbin is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. The tractor has fast developed a general purpose machine and will be demonstrated pulling harrows, drills, spreaders, etc. The International exhibit is pro vided with every comfort for visitors; ice water at the service of all, 15,000 International Harvester company ruled canes, and representatives from the Omaha, Lincoln. Council - Bluffs, Crawford and St. Joseph houses to take care of the wants of visitors. A timely display of corn pickers and corn binders, tractor parts, etc will be included in the, big tent, and the International Harvester Company Express, a titan 10-20 tractor, pulling three wagons, will haul spectators from the headquarters to the demon stration field. J. A. Everson. R. C Flodin and J. E. Waggoner of the Chicago office of the harvester company, as well as other Chicago representatives, will be present during the demonstration. Watermelon Feast a Feature of the Show True Tractor Tales I have shredded for twenty years and have never used any power equal to my tractor. The result was the engine never got away from my place. I put in my entire crop of oats with it, pulling three eight-foot discs loaded to good work, aiter which I cross-dragged it with a forty-foot drag. The engine did its work with apparent ease, traveling much faster than horses would have done. I next did my spring plowing for corn, using a three-bottom fourteen-inch plow. I chose three in place of four, believ ing the engine would travel faster and I could plow deeper. My last stunt of importance was when I shipped a load of hogs. My neighbors were planting corn and did not like to stop, but said I could have their wagons. I put six wagons be hind my tractor, pulling thirty big hogs to Pioneer, running in high all the way. I believe I could , have j pulled the other five loads, which were pulled with teams, without any trouble. , j I am now using it on my hay loader and hoisting the hay into the barn. I expect to pull two eight-foot binders through harvest. Am trying to study out a hitch. My boys are 12 and 17 years old. They have become quite expert as engineers. The only trouble I have is in deciding which shall stand at the wheel. W. B. Weir, Pocahontas County, Iowa. I recently bought a tractor which I like very well, Last fall I plowed my ground, then harrowed, disced ' and drilled it to wheat. You can do any kind of work with my tractor that you can do with horses if prop erly operated. Everyone can operr ate It who can operate an automo bile. The acreage and fuel expense will depend on the depth of plowing and kind of soil. I plowed about one acre per hour five or six inches deep in heavy black soil. I also dragged one section of harrow behind the plow. In breaking sod four or five inches deep I made three-quarters of an acre per houi The machine works nicely in plowed ground, har rowing or drilling. I pulled two foflrteen-inch discs, wheat drills, and can drill about, lour and one-half acres per hour. A. W. Phipps, Cass County, Missouri tl f?J-:V. -V"-"-i '' tt I Jti ' 'k J.: --r V . t,i' ' . . , I It ' . V i t rs. i w - i ' V-A, !mii Hi . , iiLjU.V-' L OLIYER MEN COME ;. IN SPECIAL CARS ':, " ' Sixty Men From This Factory ; Will Be on Hand at Fre 1 mont to Demonstrate ' ; Their Plows. The Oliver Chilled Plow works have made far-reaching preparations to do their share toward demonstrating the use 6f modern tractor plows and other tractor implements during the Fre mont Tractor Show next week. They will 6how between thirty and forty Oliver tractor plows in field work, also several tractor -disc har rows, tractor drills and pulverizers. Special demonstrations will be made in preparing seed bed and seed ing in one operation,, thus v saving valuable time. The big Oliver tent will be an in teresting exhibit in itself. The actual plow used by Daniel Webster will be shown and a large art gallery of mod ern methods in farming. Fanners are invited to visit the Oli ver tent and investigate new methods of modern tractor farming. Experts will be on hand at all times to explain these matters of general interest. New things in tractor machinery will be shown in detail at the Oliver tent. mm IS New International Harvester Products to be seen at the 4917 Fremont Tractor Demonstration Intemfiona Motor Cultivator ,--SS-tf'--- MogBllO-20-H.P. A REMARKABLY efficient new motor cultivator , and two new kerosene tractors, Mogul IQ-20 , and Titan 15-30, make up the International Harvester showing of 1917 models at the Fremont demonstration this year. ', The International Motor Cultivator is art entirely new departure.; It consists of a motor attached to the frame of a two-row pivot axle cultivator. While cultivating, the operator does not have to watch the engine. The machine is steered by the movement of the operator's feet in the ordinary cultivation of the corn. The motor drive wheels at the rear of the gangs are locked in a-straight-ahead position while the machine is going down the field. At the end of the row the driver disengages the lock, rums the motor wheels to right or left, as desired, and the entire machine pivots on ode cultivator wheel, turn ing within its own length, to resume its course down the next two rows. . , , By raising the cultivator teeth, this machine can be used as a power plant for moat field work requiring not more than four good horses. To see the International motor cultivator in action is worth a trip to Fremont Don't miss it : ' ; Tftra 1S30-H. P. The Mogul 1 0-20 is a later development of Mogul 8-16, the two-plow kerosene outfit which made the hit of the year in 19 1 6. The 10-20 is the three-plow size of this model and has two plowing speeds. TheTiten 15-30, a four-plow tractor much improved on last year's model, is the size and type for farms where the fields are large and the belt work consists of running good sized machines, such as threshers and huskers and ahxeddera. This tractor is a desirable threshing engine because it runs so steadily on variable loads. The full line of International Harvester kerosene tractors to be shown at Fremont this year includes the Mogul in 8-16, 10-20 and 12-25-H. P. sizes, and the Titan 10-20 and I5-30-H. P. sizes. Other International Harvester products which will he on exhibition at headquarters or in t the field are the International motor cultivator, Peering and McCormick com pickers. Low Corn King, Low Qoverieaf. and Low 20th Century manure spreaders, and a very complete line of efficient tillage implements. ' Every farmer who attends this demonstration is cordially invited to visit the International ' headquarters tent Representatives will answer all your questions and see that you get full information about any machine in which you may be interested. Intern Harvester Company of America (bcarpenUj) - 'i Omait Concordia Council BluSs Crawford Lincoln Sioux City St Joseph Topeka THE RELIABLE m n on m gum LOOK FOB OUR TEfJT 1 S K EB i 1 mm LJL G2!iiSi Holloway & Fowler 6th and Park "Everything in Hardware" t I i,im iT!S.t: .1.1 :l l .l I I I !iiniiv!il.,l 4.iS:ifiiSiiS:iS'iliiSi:l.iS:W.liiliiISiS!4iilt!li rii;lnintniiW!iv:iNi!i;'!!Ht!!irw i ' i Farmers Union I I I Co-Operative Creamery j I Fremont, Neb. i Are Manufacturers of Pure Creamery Butter I known as the f - -I 1 Platte Valley ! ----------- I I Butter f Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Daily Clarified I and Pasteurized Milk and Cream I 1 . for sale at ' ! ALL LEADING MERCHANTS Afildea : ri . . J THE "Power-Farm America" idea, which has developed in to such a gigantic national movement of recent years originated and was promoted within the or ganization of the TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER of Omaha. Neb. ( ( Tractor farming was practically unknown until the TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, with . keen foresight concentrated its strength and influence behind the tractor-farming idea several years ago, and with unrelenting vigor held its ideals before the public un Jil a successful reality was achieved and the tractor became probably the most talked of farm machine. The world's first public tractor demonstration was helc1 at Omaha in 1911 in connection with the Omaha Land Show, which was con ducted by the TWENTIETH CEN TURY FARMER. Even this first small event was a success and show ed some of the strength and origin ality of the organization back of it. In 1913 the TWENTIETH CEN TURY FARMER decided the time was ripe to conduct a more compre hensive demonstration, and the Na tional Tractor Farminsr Demonstra tion was promoted and held at Fre mont, Neb. Success in big measure crowned this effort although un paralleled situations were met and serious obstacles encountered. But they were resourcefully met and overcome. The 1914 event showed by its in creased size, attendance and inter est that the "Power-Farm America'' idea had taken deep root in the central west. Many new tractors were demonstrated and big sales were made. Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow The 1915 demonstration was still larger and more successful. Organ izations in many other states, that year, were caught in the rapidly growing wave of , power-farming, and many tractor demonstrations were conducted in many states. Na tional magazines began to give con siderable attention to tractors. Prac tically every farm paper in the country had followed the lead of the TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and talked and boosted tractors. A few publications even changed their name and policy to meet the changing conditions brought about by the development of this "Power-Farm America" idea. , In 1916 this idea had developed into a gigantic, national proposition with more v thought and publicity given to the tractor than any other single farm machine. A mammoth circuit of eight national tractor dem onstrations in eight different states was conducted. Each was a tre mendous success, with Fremont, Neb., leading by a big margin. 60,000 people in one day visited the Fremont demonstration I Remark able sales were made. Interest was intense. ' For 1917 all .of Tractordom will gather at Fremont, Neb., in the one, great, national tractor demonstra tion for the year. It will be -the world's greatest tractor event -far surpassing all former tractor shows. 250,000 people will likely come to ee this spectacular exhibition. Where, among the farm papers of America, is there a greater ex ample of foresight, strength, orig inality, sincerity and organization than recounted above? Where has another farm paper so successfully i merchandised an idea nationally? Twentieth Century Farmer "The Power-Fanning Demonstration Paper" , OMAHA, NEB. i.