THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 29, 1917. 4 C 4 . t. II REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Sooth. Templetoa-Olsoo Co Bm Bids- Tyler 1020. General real tat. Insurance. Rental. R. 8. TRUMBULL, 130$ Irt Nat Bk. Bldr D. 1711 J. B. ROBIN80N. Real Estate and Insur ance, 443 Be Bldg., Douglaa 3037. REAL ESTATE B'nei Pr'pty H. A. WOLF. Realtor. War Blk, Specialist ta downtown buslnea property. REAL ESTATE Investment HARNEY. STREET INVESTMENT Thla la located near 25d and Harney gta. and U an exceptionally well con atructed two-atory duplex brick of nine mrni each, having hot water heat and flnlahed In oak and birch throughout, lo cated on aouth front lot 41x132 feet to alley. The Income will carry the prop erty at a fair rate of interest The price la attractive and wlU be given upon ap plication. GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS. 1 Phone Doug. 764. "3 City Nat. Bank. T6TH STREET CORNER 66x66 $9,000 Thla fine business corner li located on a good corner lot Just aouth of Cuming treet on 14th. There la an old frame building on the property now which brings In $125 per month. Thla la the beat bar gain on the atreet at the price, but owner haa determined' to aell thla month. We want an offer. Armstrong-Walsh Company, (REALTORS) Tyler 1634. 333 Securities Bldg. (Formerly Roae Bldg.) An Ideal Apartment Site Located In the cholceat Wt Farnam district, where you get 36 per cent more rent from beat of tenants. One abort block from Farnam car. Haa 201 feet east frontage with 166 feet depth. Price t;t,ooo. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. TV 2718. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. FLATS AND COTTAGE CLOSE-IN Practically new brick flats, contain ing two apartments, one of five rooms and one ot six rooms; finished in hard wood; separate hot water heating plants; cottage haa I rooms and bath and hot water heat; total rental 11,00 .per year. Price 1 10.000; 14.000 cash will handle. Armstrong-Walsh Company, REALTORS, Tyler 1S3S. 211 Becurltlea Bldg., (Formerly Rose Bldg.) " "27TITAND j?ARNAM. "0x111 ft Thla fine garage site la a bargain at $10 per ft. Will take clear Omaha property up to $1,100, balance long time. .1 BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS, 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 3322. (EE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE! PROPERTY. A- P. TUKET ft BON. REALTORS. 20 First NaUural haw- Bldg. INCOME for farm or ranch. This piece ot income la located centrally, built of press brick. Annual Income 17.000 yearly. What have yout - : , A. W. TOLANt) ft CO., Doug, (707. 63 Brands! Bldg,. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE " UPTOWN TRACKAGE CORNER, 88x133 Only four blncka from l$thand Far nam; on-half block from (he Cattle hotel, Thla ta a wonderfully fine lot for anyone wishing a combination wholesale and re tall location. The prlc ta right. Bee us for further particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Company, REALTORS, Tyler 163$. 132 Becurltlea Bldg.', (Formerly Rose Bldg.) TE0SE1N TRSCKME 66x132; $15,000 Brick and frame Improvements, well lo cated. Non-resident owner says sell. For mer price, 120,000. GLOVER & SPAIN,, (REALTORS) Douglaa 516$. ll-20 City National. REAL ESTATE To Exchange EXCHANGE. Two its-room modern hooaes, near Be ml park; two stories, corner, 100 feet front, well rented. Price M.760. Will trade for good land and pay cash difference. VV. T. GRAHAM, 4 Bee Flag, yCARTfcft evutlon Minnesota laud, e miles northwest of Wlndomi ISO acres in crops, fenced and cross-fenced I good, black sandy loam, about 20 mile from Iowa line, farm la rented, $-6 delivered. Price $121 per aore. Wants Improved 10 aorea Must be within 0 miles ot Omaha, or good Income Omaha property. l.tJNl). 420 BOSH BLDO. TTLKft 782. "HAVE good Improved farm In South Pa kola near , a good railroad town to ex- . change for a clean stock ot general mer- ('handle; will give particulars on applica tion. R. L. Smith, 3101 S. l$th Street. Omaha, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE Residence property and lot adjoining, altuated In Alhambra, Cel., for small , Improved farm In Nebraska, east ot M meridian. Other property foi larger deal. tlwnent only. Address J. B. Sl Valencia St., Alhambra, Cel. TEN ACRES to exchange for modern, six auto or equity In nlc bungalow. ... Douglas 342. CRANET. 21 Psxton Blk. SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rook and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear, for aal or ex cnang. . ., . , . . 8. B. ft It .B. MONTGOMERY. : Pouglas 4310. $27 City Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXL'HANOBL 1 have 10 acre clear In Wheeler coun ty, Nebraska, valued at $3,600 to trade for equity In residence. Wilson 817 South llth St. - , , , , I MacCARTHT-Wl LSON TAILORING CO, 1KOU 4'lear. nn.haTr .km ln, t uujl "tiu.k Addition, platted -years ago, fine building tie ana rnoice reemeni nieirict. owner ' can't build and will exchange for ' an ' eoulty In a house and lot or auto. Canan, McCegue Bldg. DRUG STORES - South Dakota, for cab or clear land. 8. . uimem, aumieapona, Minn FOR aal er exchange, drug store, small central Neb. town; splendid business. Write the owner. Want clear Neb. land. Box T 16. Care Bee. IMPLEMENTS and hardware, will exchange gooa term tor terra implementa and hard war slock. O, Oeneral Delivery, Fremont, 160 ACRES, wall Imnrnvait. .rv ..... mA land, N. E. Neb., will take eome trade. v. a. it nil. uaKi;na, Neo, $66 AN acre buy 130-acr farm It miles from Omaha. Innulra 111 R - w - - nib (r.l Dong. 4212 Residence phono Doug. $7761 WANTED A lot or a used Ford for eaultv of $60 tn 60 aeree of unimproved Wlscop in una, aire, rawson. 240 Wirt St. STOCK Farm ImDlementa and Hrirk huUrf' Ing, near Fremont, Neb. to exchange for lana. owner, 482 N. 3th St.. Omaha. REAL ESTATE -Unimproved North. VACANT lot 44xUI. north front, on BDen ear atreet Just west of 46th and the car tine, In new addition. Qood building It. 'Will aell tor 170.00 down and $10.04 a menin. Alfred C. Kennedy Company ' REALTORS, TJougles til. i South ltth Street. BEAUTIFUL 0-foot kita. Prlc 1220. only biti - - l - - M mm a.nid naves aa..!. T.. . Y 9 s vmmu ihu w v vvu, )v. REAL ESTATE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALL INVESTORS 7 GUARANTEED MORRIS APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODGE STREETS. . Become ' part owner in the Morris Apartment Hotel by purchasing one or more of the 7 per cent guaranteed Preferred Shares of the Pantel Realty Company, owner. . The Pantel Realty Company is organized for the sole purpose of owning and operating downtown build ings. For a short time only we are authorized to offer the 7 per cent guaranteed Preferred Shaes. An op portunity like this seldom comes to the small investor. Let us give you further information. PORTER & SHOTWELL Sales 202 South 17th St. ' aft 1 : I . ., It! Tf I NEW DUNDEE HOME V LESS THAN COST One of themany features of this house is a large living room finished in oak. The three bed rooms on the second floor have an abundance of air and light. The sleeping porch convertible into a fourth bed room m winter is an, added ad . vantage. The price is $4,750. Terms small cash payment down, balance like rent. - GEORGE AND COMPANY i (REALTORS) Phone Doug. 756. 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. n II pf SM' irsaewaur- w 4 The above bfaUtiful home is TIOW Has hall, parlor, dining room and den on first floor. Four beautiful bedtooms and sleeDinir nnrrh untjilr flak finish nn and down stairs. This house was built for a home, not to sell. The dec orations alone cost almost $1,000, so that the property must be seen to be appreciated, ". , . The owner of this home is positiveJy leaving the city and is also offer ing the furniture for sale. This property is easily worth $1,000 more than it can be bought for, but ' , , , Sell It Must Price $5,750. A pleasure to show it. Call, write or rhone, O'NEIL'S Real Estate and Insurance Agency, Realtors. 632-34-36 Brandeis Theater Building. Tel. Tyler 1024. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN, Benson. ACREAGE, WEST. 40 ACRES, IMPROVED. Close to Dodge Street paved road. Fine spring and running water. Four miles west of Elmwood Park. On West Pacltic, a weU traveled thor oughfare. Land Ilea blgb and sightly, sloping gen tly to weat; small orchard and plenty of g re pea. , ' Improvementa: One-story square house, para, chicken house, corn cribs, A splendid bargain. Prlca and terms reasonable. If you are interested In auburban land, which has a very promising future, come In and aee ue. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS. Douf . tilt. 1011 Onu Nat Bk. B1U. REAL ESTATE Agents Phone Douglas 5013. V-A -'V' -J i Hi BIU-'aN fit i 1 i 5 (- -tl!5 i .1 V 4 : j offprnd for naln nl n anprifi'rn rirn REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. WEST DODGE STREET. $500 CASH. BUY NOW. Thla 1 a dandy completely modern I tory I-room house with aleeolnsr norch and fireplace. On Dodge St., Just weat of usi m, . so makes the first payment, the balance ta be paid In monthly pay menta. For prlca and location call. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, REALTORS. Pouglas 100. I0J Bee Bldg. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. ' " REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 4 ACRES WEST OF BENSON SOME FRUIT This Is a beautiful home site. Lays high in front with a gentle slope to rear. Faces Benson. Buy now for your future homeslte. Price, 12.400; $10 down and $30 per month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 114 Harney St. Phone Tyler tO. Dundee. DUNDEE $5,750 Big living room, fireplace, dining room, with built-in buffet, fine but ler's pantry and kitchen, with cabi net; 3 unusually good-sized bedrooms, enclosed aleeplng porch and bathroom on second floor. Large attic over the entire house, with plenty of room for two more rooms and bath If deatred. The house is practically new, finished In oak on first floor; birch and white enamel above; oak floors throughout; lot 50x135;, close to car line. We be lieve this to be the best buy in Dun dee at the present time. $5,600 Brick and atucco, 7 fine rooms. In cluding enclosed sleeping porch; all the modern conveniences and necessi ties. Including fireplace, buffets, kitchen cabinets, clothes chute, etc. Oak woodwork and oak floors throughout Fins location. Armstrong-Walsh Company, REALTORS, Tyler 153. 333 Securities Bldg., (Formerly Rose Bldg.) JUST SOUTH OF DUNDEE Between 60th atreet and (1st Ave., and Juat east of Lockwood. We have twenty five 60 foot lota at $700 to $900; easy terms. These lots are only restricted to IVi -story frame buildings, and are desir able for th person who wants to be In thla district and avoid the high restric tions of nearby properties. Shuler & Cary, (Realtors) Phone Doug. 6074. Keellne Bldg. DUNDEE STUCCO HOME This la a good 2-story, modern house having S rooms and sleeping porch with living room across the entire front, with brick fireplace and built-in bookcases, attractive dining room and built-in buf fet, convenient kitchen and front and rear vestibule first floor. Finished in oak except kitchen. 3 corner bedrooms, bath and aleeplng porch, second floor. Finished in white enamel with birch mahogany doors and oak floors throughout. This house built only a few years, is in excel lent condition and located on a north front 60 ft. lot, only block from Happy Hol low Circle and 1 blocks from Dundee school. Price, $6,850. Reasonable terms. It will pay you to investigate this proposi tion. GEORGE & COMPANY, Realtors. Phone T. 756. 91)3 City Nat. aBnk Bldg. DUNDEE 7 ROOMS. $4,700 tOli Webster St. Living room, dining room, kitchen on first floor, 1 good bed rooma and dandy aleeplng porch on sec ond. Modern throughout. Oak finish and floor. Both street and alley paved and paving paid In full. Offered for the first time today. Ig sure to sell thla week. Prlre la ..mplra,lw Ins a ... -. . J " oca urn i unce. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 163. 333 Becurltlea Bldg. i rormeny nose mill.) DUNDEE7$5J50,r T rooms, modern. Living room arrange nent with sun room, dining room and kitchen en th ffrat floor, three large bed roome and aleeplng porch on the !d floor. Full basement, practically new, oak floors throughout. Oarage and driveway; con venient to car. GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS) Douglaa 3963. H9-20 City National. IH BLOCKS FROM STREET CAR, I BLOCKS FROM HAPPI HOLLOW CLUB. Eaat front lot, 60x140, modern house with t rooms, aunroom, aleeplng1 porch and garage. Thi house haa oak finish, oak floors, brick mantle In first atory; second floor finished In whit enamel with blroh doors. Full basement, and Is pro tected by building restriction. Prlc $7,600 J. H. DUMONT ft CO., 4K-13 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas (190. IN DUNDEE PRICE ONLY $2,250 For dandy six-room house with $0x 130-foot lot, nice ahade; house haa water, gas, eleo. light and good cistern. Would not cost a great deal to make completely modern. Terms, only $250 down and $20 per month. This is a real chance for someone. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Blc. ttlriar. Tvl.. in FA1RACRE and new Brownell Hall dis trict. 'ive-acr block adjoining J. r Kennedy $20,000 ten acre home site. To be aold regardless of its true valu. Falr acrea originally waa Mayfleld. replatted and called Falracrcs. Owner requires som quick money, $1,000 cash, balance monthly or yearly. Location will apeak for itself. This la a rare opportunity. . finan, OTriftRu Ming. nilNTlF.R PBDPCPTTCC Wall located lota on easy term. Hod. am, attractive homea. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO.. HOMKS and home sites lu Dundee. SHULER aj CAetY. $04 Keellne. D. $074. Florence. 10 Acres Located high, sightly, gently sloping; lt miles west of 30th St. car line at Florence, $H mllea north of orphanage. Will sell chlckena, wagons, harness anil Implements. There la house of 4 rooms up and 1 down, barn, chicken house, well and clatern, 86 apple trees, 60 plum trees, 26 cherry trees, one acre of grapes, H acre raspberries. I acre alfalfa, grove of walnut trees. 6 acres In cultivation. Very rich black soil. Ideal home. Price $4,600. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. P."t715. 10U Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. 16 ACRES Florence district. 6 minutes to car; all in cult.; fruit, aspsragus etc.; $-reom house; fine well: an ideal place; can show fine Income. Owner getting too old to continue; $10,000 or offer consid ered. Let us show you today. Walnut 1(29 Sunday; or Douglaa $363 Monday. t (South Side. GROCERY STOCK, BUILDING AND COTTAGE. Her' a chance to start tn th gro cery business. Nice running stock, build ing, fixture and a cottage on a lot, 0x 160. Tou can open up any day and do a nlc buslnea. a little cash or clear cottage will handle it. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO.. (REALTORS), $03-4 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg! . D. 430. . CORNER ACRE PAVED ROAD, ON CAR LINE $10 DOWN, $10 PER MO. Located at Weat Q atreet Fin rich garden . land. When land 1 partly paid for w will help you build a horn. Call Tyler 60 and aak for Mr. Manvlll. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. (Realtors) lilt Harney Street Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. , ; REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Miscellaneous. A COUNTRT HOME WITH CITT CONVENIENCES. Close to paved road and atreet ear service; Ideal for a family wanting a close-In country home. New S-room modern house with hard wood floors, hot water heat, bathroom wica hot and cold water, electric lights, gas plant; cistern water piped to the house with pressure tank; garage with cement floor, barn, chicken house, shade tree, lawn and all kinds of fruit. Price with 10 acres, $13,000, or i acre with the Improvements, $10,000. 1-3 cash, balance to auit purchaser at ( per cent. J. H. DUMONT A CO., REALTORS. 416-1$ Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. SUBURBAN HOME Ten acres with modern little stucco bungalow, on very sightly ground. Level, but high, near Center street, paved road, overlooking Pappio valley, with Seymour park to the southwest and Elmwood ,park to the northeast. Fruit and shade trees and shrubbery planted two or three years age, when the house was built. Price $7,600. HARRISON MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank. REAL ESTATE Other Cities South Dakota Lands. A LADY, sick, will sacrifice choice of South Dakota land foe sale or trade. Talk to me personally at 2047 Dode St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUY. ' A seven or eight-room, full, two-story residence, located on a full south or east front lot. In the Field Club, Dundee or West Farnam district. The house must be modern throughout, with hard wood 'finish, full brick basement, heated by vapor, hot water or steam preferred, with sleeping porch on second floor; also gar age; er so located that garage can be built without additional grading ot lot. Stat lowest cash price In first letter. Address 6947, care Omaha Bee. WE have cash buyer for good Dundee home; must be 3 stories, well located and gar age; also many calls for rental property which w cannot supply. List with us. TempUton-Olson Co., Tyler 2020. WANTEDAttracttve home, about rooms. In good neighborhood. F.( D. Wead, 310 S. 16th St. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small caah paymenta; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. P. 8607. LIST you 6 and 6-raora houses with Ed ward F. William Co.. $01-303 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your i and e-ioom houses with uT WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 496. ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1&I6 Laird St. Webster 3031. i FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loana pormptly made. Rates 6. 6V4 and. ( per cent Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 213 South 17th. Omaha, Neb. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty year. Interest ( per cent, 6H per cent and per cent PETERS TRUST CU.. ltll rarnam at., umana. run., MONEY to loan on improved farma and ranches. W alao buy good farm mort gages. Ktoke liiv Co.. Omaha. H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg, $1,000 MTG., bearing 6 pet. aeml-annually, secured by property valued at $4,600. Tal-mage-Loomis Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougee. Inc. 638 Keelin Bldg. ' $1,600.00 MT'QE, bearing 6 pet. semi-annaul-lv; aecured by property valued at $6,000. Talyiago-Loomlg Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. 8HOPEN CO.. PRIVATB MONEY. FARM and city loan. 6, 6H and ( per cent W. H. Thomas, Keelin Bldg. Doug. 1648. LOW RATES C. Q. CARLBERO. 313 Bran- del Theater Bldg. D. 686. OMAHA HOMEfl, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 101 Omaha Wat. $100 TO $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam St. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 04 Be Bldg. V1 MONEY HARRISON MORTON, iO 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. OIL AT 300 FEET IN . OKLAHOMA. Th Chelsea oil field of Rogers county, Oklahoma, is the shallowest in the en tire Mid-Continent field. The depth of well in this field is from 290 to 600 feet. Th wells come in with Initial produc. i tion of from five to three hundred bar rels. About 90 per cent of all wells drilled In this field are producing oil or gas in paying quantities. - Several prominent and experienced oil men of Muskogee, Okl., have organized and incorporated a $10,000 syndicate, con sisting ot 1,000 shares ot the par value of $10 each, and have purchased an 80-acre oil and gaa lease In the Chelsea field. One well has been drilled in and is now on the pump. This lease Is well situated in the field and will all drill up. Four wells are drilled to each ten-acre tract, therefore there Is room for 33 wells on this 80-acre leas. The well In the immediate vicinity of this 80 acrea are found at a depth of 300 feet, and cost approximately $800 each to drill and equip; 600 shares of the stock haa been sold and there la 600 shares open for subscription at par, $10 per share. The money derived from the sale of this stock will be used In drilling and equip ping mora wells, and the Income derived from the sale of oil will be set aside for the payment of dividends only. The officers of this company draw no salaries, it being a mutual proposition for all concerned. W are after dividends from production and not promotion profits. This la a rare opportunity to get in on a high class oil proposition one where there la already oil on the property, and where all th money derived from the stock will be used in drilling more wells and where the company will be able to pay dividends right from the atart All men connected with this company are responsible business men. Best of bank references. This proposition will not, last long. Send check today for as many shares aa you can at $10 per share and thank us for this opportunity later. H. W. OIL COMPANY, 41! Phoenix Bldg., MUSKOGEE, OKL. NEBRASKA MUNICIPAL DIS TRICT IRRIGATION BONDS. 6 per Semi-Annual Interest. In denomination of $600 with matur tlea varying from seven years to twelve year. These are seasoned bonds, Interest and principal collected aa a tax by county treasurer. Intereat coupons pakl upon pre sentation on due dates at this office. His tory furnished upon request. Wa have a tew choice per cent mort gages oa Nebraska farm. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, , Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. LISTED and unlisted stock. Investment securities, Industrial stocks. - ROBERT C DRUESEDOW & CO., f (0 Omaha National Bank Bide. 1,000 SHARES Onahman Iron stock for sale, alao 1.000 Sultana Mlnea at 46a C E. Updike. S10 Andra Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Abstracts of Title. y Qr Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVCir $06 8. 17th St. ground floor. Bonded by Mas. Bonding and Ins. Co. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay insurance companlea. (10 Brandeis Bide.. Omaha. Neb Farm"anT rancittands Florida Lands. A PRODUCTIVE farm, 144 acrea, 100 acres now in growing crop; silo, water, dipping vat all machinery; live stock. If wanted; price very reasonable. Oak Valley Farm, Mt Dora. Fla. , . FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. Sacrifice Colorado Irrigated 4t acrea Routt county, Colorado. Lo cated two mllea ahlpping station. All fenced and cross-fenced. Cedar posts and barbed wire. Two aets Improvements; all can be Irrigated; water limited; rights fully paid; system laid out by govern ment engineer. Owned by eaatern man. Such land is held at $46 to $60 per acre, but can make price of $27.60 per acre for quirk sale. Might take a piece of smaller clear property at caah price as part payment. Address C. B. Couch, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. Minnesota Lands. 340 ACRES 46 MILES from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-half under cultivation; balance used for pas ture and hay; Can practically all be cul tivated; good soil: good set buildings, this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per acre; country ia thickly settled; complete set of machinery; 27 head of stock, con sisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2 year elds; 4 good horses. 26 hogs, chickens and everything on thl farm goes at $66 per acre; $6,000 cash; immedite possession can be had. Schwab Bros., 102S Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Montana Lands. WHAT have you that is clear to exchange for 1 or 3 sections steam plow land, Mon tana? Box Ml, Mankato, Minn. Nebraska Lands. WESTERN WHEAT LAND Mr. Renter, why not own your own farm? Our Golden Prairlo farms in southeastern Wyoming, and Kimball Co., Neb., on the main line of the U. P. R. R. For sale on easy terms, $600 cash a quar ter down, balance long time at 6 per cent. Prices range from $16 to $25 an acre. Liberal commission paid agents. Write O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors, 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2716. 690-ACRE improved farm. 7 miles west of Crawford, Neb., SH miles to station, 150 acrea cultivated, 130 acres hay land: 1 mile of White River. Fine dairy herd can be bought with place. Price $30 per acre. Terms V, cash, time to suit at 6 pet. Ira J. Stephenson, owner, Crawford, Ne braska, Box 212. CHOICE LAND. Must be sold to settle an estate. N. N. E. U Sec. J, and N. H N. W. Sec. 26, T. 16, R, 10. Four miles from Elk horn. For price and particulars. J. A. Gibbons or State Bank, Elkhorn, Neb. FOR SALE 640 acres, 2 ft miles from U. P. R. R Kimball county; 600 acres In one line, can be cultivated; 60 acres now in cultivation, fenced on two sides; price $20 per acre. E. NILLSON, 422 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE. A 320-acre farm tn Pierce county. Neb., at a bargain; 160 acres in cultivation; fair buildings. For particular writ to Box 315. Holsteln, la. 320 ACRES, practically level wheat land, IV, miles from growing town, Kimball coun ty; deep chocolate soil. Price, $20 per acre; one-half cash. White & Hoover, Omaha Nat'l- Bldg. SMAfeL Nebraska farma on easy payments 6 acrea up. W farm th farm wa sell you. Th Hungerford Potato Growers' , association, 15th and Howard St., Omaha. Douglas 9171. LAND FOR SALE. Two section in Lincoln County, Ne braska, unimproved except good well. Price right If taken at once. Part terms. R. General Delivery, Fremont, Neb. EASTERN Nebra&Ua farms. J. A. Gibbons, Elkhorn, Neb. New York Lands. BUY NOW WAVING WHEAT FIELDS AND BE KING OF ALFALFA AND CLOVER LAND. 65 acres, ( cows, team, hen, tools, young stock and all crops, $3,200. 11 acres, 15 cows, team, tool, all crops, $3,-600. 80 acrea 10 cows, team, tools, ail crops, $2,400. $800 cash down. $100 yearly; possession today; good buildings. E. MUNSON, CLAY, N. Y. Oregon Lands. ALFALFA I to 8 tons per acre yearly. JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT HARLEY J. HOOKER $40 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. . ' Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $25 an acre. Get my free book W. S. FRANK. 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Wisconsin Land. COUNTRY HOME OR CLUB FOR SALE. Beautifully located on Wisconsin's fin est lakes; 163 acres, well cultivated, stocked and equipped; modern buildings: good soli, large pines. A pleasant, healthy country home and going, profitable farm for business man or his son. Or perfectly adapted for a charming sum mer outing club. Nothing finer for club purposes tn northwest, at moderate cost. Land Just right for golf course. Price less than Inventory value. Apply at once to owner for maps and detailed Information. ueorge M. Huss, Reserve, Wis. Wyoming Lands. GOLDEN PRAIRIE 160 acres Improved with house, barn, well, windmill, chicken house, cave, etc., and nice grove of trees, fenced and cross fenced. About 150 acres in cultivation. Eight miles from Pine Bluffs In south eastern Wyoming, six miles from Albln school house across the road. Price $23 per acre; $1,600 cash, balance $275 a year until paid. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., (Realtors) Douglas 2718. 1016 Oma. Nat Bk. Bldg. 320-ACRE farm, well Improved, fenced; windmill, house, barn, etc., in eastern Wyoming. Writ or Inquire of W. J. Bhadle, 479 Third St.. Huron. 8. D Miscellaneous. 135-Acre Farm, $5,600 Corn Crop, 2,000 Bushels Last season and has averaged 300 bush els tomatoes to the acre, ($600 worth lent year.) Only half mile to village, high school, milk station, canning factory and auto bus line for passengers and freight to city of 600,000; over state road all the way. 78 acres dark loam soli In high state of cultivation, balance valuable woodland and wire fenced pasture. Bearing orch ard of apples, pears, cherries, and peach es. 2-story house with telephone, fine shade and pleasant views. Slate roofed barn. Owner having other business makes quick sale prlc ot $5,600, and If taken soon throw in pair of horses, cows, hogs, poultry, farm tools, etc. For details see page 26, Strout'a Farm Catalog. Copy mailed free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 3073, 206 South 18th St., Omaha, Neb. FARMING Is the business today that ta getting the money. The man who owns land I the one who la getting the best of it Farm rent ers, farm hands and wage earner, get Into this class yourself. I have lands In Mich igan adapted for general farmtng, stock, dairying, poultry, vegetables and fruit, near lakes and streams, good roads, towns, schools and markets. A few hours' ride from Chicago. Prices, $16 to $35 per acre. Small or large tracts. Terms on which anyone can buy; ask about them and write for my fre literature. Cheap excur sion to th lands twice a month. George W. Swlgart Owner, J-1253 First National Bank Bldg.. Chicago, III. $3 ACRES, adj. town of 460, 12-grade high aohool, normal training; 3-room house, barn for 8 head, 60 acres under cultiva tion, bal. timber, pasture. Price. $6,500. For sale account of war, no traders. Box Y 129. Bee. SEND your nam today. Receive offers from land owner, agents, everywhere. United Realty Association, Jollet, III. BEFORE buying or selling farm read Farm Loan and City Bonds, Chicago. FARM LAND WANTED DON'T list your farm with ua if you want to keep it Don't list your farm with ua if yon will not sell at a BARGAIN. We have buyen who want to buy and pay spot caah. If you want their cash, list your farm with oa a prlc w can U to them. SNOWDEN A SON. Dour. 37L 433 8. 16th St MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notea aa security. $40. mo., H. good, total coat, $1.60. $40, ( mo. endorsed Botes, total coat $2.(0. Smaller, large am'ta proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN 80CIETT. 433 Rose Bldg., Kth and Farnam. Ty. CC(. REAL ESTATE It is with a feeling of pride that we wish to announce the enthusiastic reception accorded DREW'S DUNDEE HEIGHTS Omaha's newest residence district. Since the opening sale last Saturday and in spite of the ex tremely hot weather, scores of people have visited the proper ty, or called at our office per sonally and by phone or letter making inquiries. While all of them have not purchased build ing sites, everyone was firm in the opinion that Dundee Heights was ideally located, and was the climax of Omaha's most beautiful community. This Sunday, salesmen will be on the ground to furnish you maps,' prices, restrictions, etc., and explain to you the ad vantages of purchasing a lot, and then building your home in the center of a large re stricted district. Dundee Heights is located on a high knoll, practically in the center of the one large area in Omaha restricted exclusive ly to high-class homes. Think this over and act. There is no ,time like the present for an- investment in a good building lot. Values in this district are assured, and the sale of Dundee Heights at this time presents an opportun ity seldom equalled in any city for home or investment. Drive out Farnam street to 52d street, or A phone call will bring a car to your office or residence. SHULER & CARY, REALTORS Phone Douglas 5074 202-6 Keeline Bldg. WE ARE SELLING homes In Minne Luaa faster than ihy can be built. Twenty-five now being con. structed. WHY? Because Rents are very HIGH.I Because Our prices are LOW. ' Because Our homes are COMPLETE Because-In Minne Lusa the buyer 'is protected by building rebtrictlons and all improvements are now in the streets. Lots $6'0 to $850. Homes $3,260 to $5,750. Easy terms per cent Interest. orSF?ty,GatiupMC?ifaHxeaid21o:y' 3'"' CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Realtors. 742 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 1S7. THE SALE ; OF DREW'S DUNDEE HEIGHTS THE NEW HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE PROPERTY JUST OPENED IS RAPIDLT PROGRESSING. Located on a high knoll and aurroundee? on alt sides by Omaha's most fashionable residences, it appeal, to the man who wanls a better home in an Ideal location. There a only a limited number of building sites, and they are priced to sell Quickly. Salesmen on the ground every Evening1. Drive west on Farnam to 62nd street, or a phone call will bring on of our cars to your office or residence. i Buy Now on Easy Terms. SHULER 4 CART, Realtors. Phone Douglas 6074. lH-lOt Keelin Bldg. HorsesLive StockVehicles Hf iRSira tjt't i- 1 ' ffvn0th.eru '0t f h0r" "Jy Mil. . hor"" ln a"00 condition and ready to harness mni work ,ee thetn. Harney fit,, r, R- Grottf c, Hau "D I - - ... ... umiif, j go uiiy rtan FOR SAIi-: ,,..,., : r hi. . wauone, i sei aou- i !,, J"' 1 ,'n' harness. 1 team. ltth -.nd v-uaan. "eiB NB kd a.'" "ork team. I.ioo lba. 43$ HORSESJor ',al. 17U WJ-ST IM1T MONEY TO LOAN L RATES S LOANS i.-"' 3240.00 I or more, ?ASyr.P.ymeU- - Ctmlst privacy. 340 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Dotig. 32. OMAHA LOAN COMPACT.