Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Briej City News
Hav Root Print It New Bocon Prajo.
Metal dies, prt-ssw'li. Jubilea Mtg. Co.
Elec Fans. ..50 Burgess-Grandes.
Platinum Wedding Kings Edholm.
Withiiell Buck at His Desk Com
missioner YVitlmell is back at "lis desk
after an illness of a week.
Try the noonday 35-ceut luncheon
at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas
ant surroundings, music and entertain
ment. Advertisement.
Boys' Band to Give Concert The
Eoys' Municipal band, O. Bouricius
director, will give a patriotic eoneert
at Ilansrcm park next Sunday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock.
Charges Cruelty Joseph E. Maust,
suing Nona B. Maust for divorce in
district court, alleges cruelty. They
were married in Omaha December 20,
Lawn Social A lawn social will be
Riven at the Mission hospital, Twenty
fourth and Pratt streets, Saturday
evening. Ice cream and cake will be
Dr. Foote Returns Home Dr. D. F
Foote has returned from a month's
semi-annual visit on the Pacific coast
at his Pasadena home, where he
spends his vacations each year.
Former Bee Man KfilUto VnA t.pp
formerly a reporter on The Bee, but
later of the St. Paul (Minn.) News,
writes that he has enlisted In the ma
rine corps and is now on his way to
x-ori .Koyai, b. u.
Correct Tjlvlnff rnnrtlttnne Tho W,
gro Civic and Industrial league of Ne
braska has requested that all neero
churches In their services Sunday
make special reference to "correct liv
ing conditions in omana." All stran
gers and persons who have not been
here lonsr am s.annciflllv rwinantail tn
attend some church on above date.
feigned by Amos P. Scruggs, president;
Mrs. J. Alice Stewart, secretary.
Several Divorces Granted Divorces
were granted to the following by
juage Day, sitting in divorce court:
William W. Schmidt from Jessie
Schmidt, Dorothy B. Breard from
iiouis J. Breard, Elva Van Steenbergh
from Harold J. Steenbergh, Elsie Gor
don from John F. Gordon, Peter Pe
terson from- Iona Peterson, Crystal
Smith from Alvan Smith. Cruelty
was alleged In each Instance with the
exception of Mrs. Smith. She alleged
Conference in October that
.Will Take In People from
All Over the United
Most Rev. Evdokim, Arch
bishop of North America
and Alensia, Will Give
the Blessing.
A huge meeting, representing every
Red Cross activity in Nebraska, is
now being pushed by State Director
Frank W. Judson for some time in
October. Several delegates from each
chapter and each branch chapter in
the state will attend this conference.
Complete reorganization of the Red
Cross in Nebraska will be discussed,
as well as the development of the Red
C.oss into the most efficient and
wieldy force possible.
At the recent conference "in Chi
cago, several of the general officers
at Washington and several prominent
district managers and state directors,
who are men of much influence ana
big business affairs in the country, an
nounced their wish to attend the Ne
braska meeting. Several other lead
ing officials of Red Cross will also be
Thi9 conference should bring at
least 3,000 people to Omaha, and such
a meeting at this particular time bids
fair to accomplish great results.
Samson's Men Hustling
For This Year's Members
Samson's hustling committee has
hustled a total of 1,228 Ak-Sar-Ben
members thus far this year. The other
805 members just walked into the
office and put down their check for
$10 or sent it in by mail. There are
2,0.33 members to date.
The committee took luncheon at the
Empress Garden at noon and went
over the list of last year's members
who are not yet enrolled this year.
The cards were sifted out, and hust
ling committee members individually
selected those they will solicit in the
next week or two. There is still a big
list to be brought within the fold,
Omaha Coolest Spot in State
With Mercury at Ninety-Four
Omaha was the coolest place in Ne
braska yesterday, though the tem
perature here reached a maximum of
94 degrees. Fairbury and Broken Bow
registered a maximum of 101 degrees.
Every weather bureau station report'
ed clear weather and not a drop of
rain fell.
Judge Day Plays Drum -To
Help in Recruiting Work
Judge Day of the district court
played the sn'are drum at Sixteenth
ind Farnam streets Thursday night
to .help boost recruiting in the Sixth
Nebraska regiment.. The judge was
an expert drummer in his younger
days. -
The new Serbi-n Orthodox St.
Nicholas" church. Thirtieth and S
street's, will be dedicated Sunday. His
I grace, the Most Rev." Evdokim, arch
bishop of Alensia and North America,
will give the blessing.
Several Serbian pastors will par
ticipate in the dedication which be
gins at 9:30 a. m. High mass at 10
a. m., followed by addrcssc in front
of tl.e church. In the afternoon tliere
wiir be a parade from the church to
Schlitz hall. Twentieth and Q streets,
where tlu president of the congrega
tion, Dmitar Piechas, and others will
deliver addresses. Lunch, entertain
ment and dancing will follow.
T: e evening program at the hall
win start at o clock with an address
by :he pastor of the church, Rev.
Petra O. Stiyachich. National Ser
bian ballads will be sung, accom
panied oil the "gusle" by the well
known Serbian national "guslar."
Petar Perunovich. There will be reci
tations by Serbian childrenn and the
one-act play, "The Dream of Bokez
in America," with the following cast:
Mlntr Mr. Jovo Bolyanovleh
Hia father Mr. Borlslav Vuylchlch
Brother .'Mr. Zarko Peyloh
Bri Miss Dlvna ITglyealcheva
First gendarm....Mr. Vasa Btrlsavlyevlch
Second gendarme Mr. Mile Zemonikl
Cuming Street Block is
Bought by an Iowa Man
The Martin Ttbke property, at
Twenty-seventh and Cuming streets,
consisting of the three-story business
diock ana at. Louis flats, has been
sold, consideration $65,000. The new
owner, C. E. Koile, of Independence,
la., spent the day here Thursday look
ing over the property in company
with his guests, the Templeton
Olson company, and an architect, with
a view to making extensive altera
tions by converting the two upper
floors of the business block into two
and three-room up-to-date modern
apartments, installing heating plant,
etc. Mr. Koile is an extensive land
owner'and is highly pleased with his
new possession, which may be the
means of his permanently locating in
mis city.
Pullman Co. Gives Thousand
To the Local Red Cross
One of the large subscriptions
which did not obtain notice during
Red Cross week was that of the Pull
man Palace Car company. Its presi
dent, Mr. John b. Kunnells, wired
Governor Neville as follows:
"The Pullman company is con
tributing $147,000 to the American
Red Cross war fund, and desires to
give $1,000 of this through the Red
Lross committee of your state. Will
you kindly advise the committee that
we will send our check upon notice?"
ihe total subscription list, in cash
and pledges, at the end of the cam
paign week, June 23, was $251,252.49.
At the present time, with the addi
tional subscriptions which have cornel
in, tne list stands at $5o,gl.44.
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success. y
And The Big Sale At
Closes Its Doors.
You've no time to lose
Come get your share of
Bargains NOW HERE.
V 207-
St. Loyal
Hotel Bids.
9 N 16th
Every 15th pair of shoes
purchased at our store Sat
urday and Monday will be
giren away absolutely ( free.
All Ladies' Pumps and Strap Slip- te&t-r- f 6tte in stock"
pers in stock, $3.00 to $5.00 val- 2Js i all sizes and
ue 81.08. $2.20 Sr.alYi
. . . tw" 6.00 values,
" t at $2.29 And $2.48
Ladies' White Pumps and Strap - -
Slippers, big values, 98. $1.49 S1.0
Ladies White Lace Boots, all to -82.98
sizes $1.98 Men's Work Shoes, tan and black,
. . at $2.48
Misses and Children's Whit Slip- Boyg, 0xforJs and shoes tan 6r
pers and Shoes v98 black $1.49. $1.98
G. K. 'KINNEY CO., Inc.
207-209 N. 16th St Loyal Hotel Bldg.
"Be Sure You're in Kinney's" Before Buying.
Let -Mr.
Foster Travel
Information Service
Plan Your Vacation Trip
For You No Charge.
BUEGESS-lta Cqmmmi
Your Films to us for
Developing and Printing
Films left Before 12:30 p.
ready next day at
11:30 a. m.
Friday, July 27, 1917-
-Telephone Douglas 137
Of The Three-Pay Sale In The Down Stairs Store
AND every special advertised or offered in this great-end-of-the-month sale will he continued for this (day or as long as it lasts. It is
indeed the bargain opportunity of the season. -
An Unusual
Offering of '
White Georgette Crepe and
White Satin Hats Saturday
THIS is, indeed, a most unusual
offering one that should ap
peal to most every woman who
is going away on her vacation
and has need of a new hat to fin
ish out the season.
The hats are the season's very
newest creations received with
in the past ten days from New
Made of fine white georgette
crepe or white satin in both large and small shapes and
trimmed in an almost endless variety of smart styles.
There's a shape and style here to suit your fancy and
the value i most extreme, Saturday, at $5.00.
Burfoaa-Naah Co Sacond Floor '
In Time For
Saturday Selling 1
New Tub Silk Blouses
Delightfully Fresh, Specially Priced
THEY'RE just the sort of blouse
vou need for vacation or gen
eral warm weather wear, and you'll a
be most agreeably pleased at the
values offered.
Made of superior quality of tub
silk, every one fresh and new, in
a variety of distinctive and good
looking models.
With box plaits, tucks and hem
stitching, smart collars, long
sleeves, etc.
The colors are flesh and maize,
also white, extreme values Sat
urday at $1.95.
Burg wt-Nadl Co. -Second Floor
Final Reductions on Women's Pumps
Saturday Less Than Half
EVERY style reduced putting our stock in readiness
for the early fall business. Two groups featured
Women's Pumps,
Reduced to
All the short lines and odd
pairs from the best selling num-
Women's Pumpi
Reduced to
Including novelty pumps of French kid with louis
covered heels and hand-turned soles, in gray, ivory,
champagne and combinations.
Burtess-Naih Co. Stcend Floor
Clearaway of Women's and Misses Smart
Silk Suits, Coats
and Skirts
At l2 Price
TITHERE is but a limited quantity in
X each group, but the styles are the
season's latest, the values are most ex
treme. A very opportune offering- for
the woman who needs a new suit, coat
or skirt for vacation or dress wear.
Women's Silk Suit
Reduced to Half
HALF the former or original price
and the range of selection is really
remarkable. The suits are made of silk
taffetas and silk poplins, in black,
navy, tan, green, gray and purple. Ev
ery one a wonderful value, at half
Silk Coats
One-Half Price
TAFFETAS, silk poplins and satins,
in black, navy and purple. Splen
did selection of styles, all late models.
Not a one reserved all go at half
Women's Silk SkirU
Reduced to Half Price
ALL the late models, taffeta silks in rose, blue, red,
gold, green, purple and assorted color combinations.
Khaki Kool, stripes ; also white satin. Most of them have
large pockets. Very smart for afternoon wear, and the
values are most extreme.
Burfott-Naoh CV Joeond Floor '
Men! Get in on This Sale of
Silk Shirts For Saturday
THE kind of shirts that make you glad to take your coat
, off fresh, new, well made and laundered as smooth
and neat as it's possible to make them. Plenty of every size,
from 14 to 174, and your size in a special assortment And
how they will go like a six-cylinder down the home stretch.
The materials include:
Pure Silk
Silk Fibres
Silk arid Linens
Made in a wide variety of patterns and colorings, with
French cuffs and neckband, also with collars attached.
The shirts are the surplus of a big Bhirt maker who accepted a sacrifice to clear his stock, together
with a lot of broken lines of a higher price, from our stock, specially priced for this sale.
Come Saturday morning early and bring your friend along the "pickin " will be best then.
Burf esa-Nah Co. Main Floor
Fresh Caramels
at 29c Lb.
PURE, fresh caramels, the
kind that leave a taste for
more, special Saturday, at 29e
Burg i-Naah Co. Main Floor
. Picnic Accessories
DRINKING cups, 5 in pack
age, for Sc.
Lemonade straws, special,
package 5c
Ice cream and salad sets, con
sisting of 10 dishes, 10 napkins,
10 doilies and 10 spoons, 10c.
Wax paper, 6 rolls 25c.
Burg-Nah Co. Main Floor
Men's Sample Leather Belts
Extreme Values, Saturday, at 50c
IT'S the entire sample line of a certain manufacturer,
who was anxious to close out his season's stock; all
pure leather in a variety of styles and kinds, tan or black,
some with regulation buckles, others with fancy patent
buckles; all sizes. Very special values, at 50c each.
Burtoia-Naih Co. Main Floor
Sale of Bathing Caps
THREE big groups, specially
priced for Saturday:
Group 1 Good assortment,
special at 10c.
Group 2 Many designs and
colors, at 39c.
Group 3 Exceptional val
ues, special at 39c.
Burta-Nash Co. Main Floor
Bath Sprays
For Hot Weather
sprays, none oetter, spe
cially priced:
No. 191 spray for $1.75.
No. 181 spray for $2.00.
No. 182 spray for $2.50.
No. 4 Bpray for $3.00.
No. 801 spray for $3.50
No. 73 spray for $S.OO.
No. 71 .spray for $6.00.
Burt e-Nah Co. Main Floor
Children's Straw
Hats at Half
INCLUDING panamas, split
braids and milan straws, in
black, blue and light colors,
with plain or fancy bands.
Burgeta-Naih Co. Fourth Floor
Clearaway of Men's and Young Men's
Summer Suits
At $6.75, $9.75, $13.75
Radical Reductions to Insure an Immediate
A MOST remarkable offering
and, indeed, most opportune
coming as it does, right at the
time when you most need and
want cool summer clothing.
Palm Beach and Cool Cloth,
Wool Crash, Tropical Worsteds,
The materials are:
in plain colors, gray, blue, dark
tan and fancy mixtures, stripes
and checks. AH made up in the
very latest styles, including pinch
back, belt, belt all around or
semi-fitted, in stout, slim and
regular models.
Every garment is tailored
throughout according to the
of quality and represent the very biggest sort of values;
come Saturday and get yours.
Burfaf i-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
Drug Specials
Pond's vanishing cream, 18c
Pebeco tooth paste, 29c.
Daggett ana Ramsdelt's
cream, 28c.
BurgessNash vanishing
cream, 18c.
Powder puffs, large size, 10c.
Face chamois, special, 10c.
Colgate's tooth paste, 10c and
Hughes' Ideal waterproof
brush, 89c.
Peroxide, bottle 10c.
Sloan's liniment, 16c.
Sal Hepatica, medium size,
1 pint witch hazel, 29c.
Locust blossom extract, oz.,
Nons Spi, special, 39c.
Mennen's shaving cream, 19e.
White iron combo, 49c.
White ivory powder and puff
boxes, 75c.
Dr. Lyons' tooth powder, 19e.
Djer-Kiss powder, 50c and
Cudahy bath soap, cake 7.
Lilac rose, cake 7c.
Mennen's talcum, 12c.1
Bath brushes," 75c to $1.75.
' 1-lb. corylopsis talcum, 15c
Burg a-Nah Co. Main Floor
"Standard" Rotary Sewing Machines
Combine Quality, Comfort and Satisfaction
THEY are sold in Omaha here only at Burgess-Nash
the prices are most reasonable and if you so desire,
the terms are as low as
$2.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK
These specials in used sewing machines are for Sat
urday only:
1 "Standard" Rotary sewing machine (used), $32.50.
1 "Standard" vibrator sewing machine (used); $26.00.
1 "Paragon" vibrator sewing machine (used), $22.50.
1 "Howe' vibrator sewing machine (new), $27.50.
1 "Domestic", box top sewing machine (used), $7.50.
1 "Coronet" drop head sewing machine (used), $5.00.
Needles and parts for all makes of sewing machines.
Burf caa-Nath Co. Fourth Floor
Electric Fans
at $4.95
POLAR cub electric fans, 1917
model, with two-speed con
trol and wire guard, guaran
teed, complete with cord, sbc
inch size, $4.95.
8-Inch electric fans, $7.50.
. 8-Inch electric oscillating
fans, $13.50.
Burf aaa-Naah 0. -Down Stair Stor
Down Go the Prices Saturday
On Refrigerators-Very Special
REFRIGERATORS, top-lift icer, white enameled food
chamber, ice capacity, 90-lbs.; reduced to $15.00.
Vitrified Porcelain-Lined Refrigerators
Three-door, side-icing type, ice capac
ity 60 lbs., reduced to $17.50.
Automatic refrigerators, 8-wall con
struction, mineral wool insulated, white
enamel lined, automatic traps, solid
bronze hardware, 60-lb. ice capacity,
with built-in water cooler, $29.50. v
120-Ib. ice capacity, with built-in wat
er cooler, $37.50.
120-Ib. ice capacity, $35.00.
BarfOM-Kaaa Co. Dowp Stair Storo