Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1917, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JULT 28, 1917. 11 ARM AINU KAmri UAHUJ Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE. A 820-acre (ana to Pierce ceunty. Nab., at bargain: 160 acres In cultivation; fair buildings. For particular! wrlta to Bot 115. Holeteln. la. 130 ACRES, practically level wheat landl ; miles from growing town, Kimball coun ty; deep chocelste soli. Price. $20 par . acre: ens-half cub. White & Hoover, Omaha Nati Bldg. BifALL. Nebraska farms on easy payments acrea Bp. We farm the farm we Mil you. The Hungerford Potato Growera' association. 16th and Howard Sts.. Omaha. Douglas M71. Oregon Lands. I to I tone per acre yearly. JORDAN VAM.BX. PROJECT HAKLET J. HOOKER 140 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha. Nebraska. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, eaat Texas. 125 an acre. Get my free book. W. S. FRANK. ll Wevllls Block. Omaha. Wvomine Lands. 320-ACRE farm, ' wall ljr.proyed. eaced, windmill, house, barn, etc.. In eastern Wyoming. Write or inquire of W. J. Shartle, 479 Third St.. Huron, S. P. . Miscellaneous. FARMING . la the easiness today that it getting the money. The man who owns land Is the one who is (retting the best of It. Farm rent ers, farm hands and wage earners, get Into this class yourself. I have lands In Mich igan adapted for general farming, stocK, dalrvtr.e. eoultry. vegetables aad fruit, near lakes and streams, goo roads, towns, schools- and markets. A few houra' ride from Chicago. Fries. 818 to $35 per acre. Small or large tracts. Terms on which anyone can buy; ask about them and write for, my free literature. Cheap excur sions to fhe lands twice a month. George W. SwlKart, Owner, J-1252 FlrBt National Bank Bldg.. Chicago. 111. FARM LAND WANTED OiTT list "yur firm with u if you w&nt to keep it.- - " Don't list your farm with us if you wllj sot sell at a BAROAIN. We save baysrs who want to feu:' and pay spot cash. you want their cash, list your farm with us fit a price we con sell to them. SNOYVDEN & SON. Ceug. 9371. 423 8. 15th St. MONEY TO LOAN FU&tilTCRl?. plauoa find notes as security. 4, 6 mo., H. foods, total cpst, 13-60. (40, 6 ma endorsed notes, total cost. 13.60. Smaller, large arn'ts proportionate rate. snAvmim T.DAN SfVIIETY. 43) Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 868, 1gTl rates loans ljj.00 $240.00 or more. Easy payments. Utmost privacy, lit Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2295. OMAHA T.OAN COMPANY. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. ClfYTproTARM LOANS i, 6U and C per cent Also first mort v ,n. mnA rimih, real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co, 416-418 Keellne Bldg., 17th and Hirney. fclTT and farm loans pormptly made. Rates t, SVs ano per tuw i.v... UNITED STATES TRUST CO- ZlZ POUtn inn, umanii. .-.ow. Fljfcst and city loans, running from bo twenty years. Interest 6 per cent, 5 M per cent and 6 per cent PETERS TRUST , .,.... wv., . iliiNET to loan oa improved farm and ranches, .Ws aUw bay good farm snort gages. Kloko Inv Co., Omaha. CO.. 1622 Farnam at., umana, rcu. ti" RTtanEH. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. BIX per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. E. H. tiougea. Inc., 838 Keellne Bldg. fl.OOO M1G bearing 6 pet. semi-annually, secured by property valued at 85,000. Tal- ma - " -.. -. . - - Il.800.00 MT'GE, bearing p. aeml-annaul-lyj secured by property valued at 85,000. Talrpage-loonvls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. rnags-jjoonus ny. .v., ... w, ... p. 6HOPEN CO.. PRIVAW MONET. FARM and lty loans, 6. Ett and per cent. W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Poug. 168, LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. 813 Bran dell Theater mag, v. bdq CmAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB R. g. w.. W mnn 8100 TO 810,600 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead gldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. ' NO' DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. so Bee Bieg. 5 LM.ONEt-HARRISON 4V MORTON, ,0 911 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. "CITY GARVIN BROS., LOANS Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. NEBRASKA MUNICIPAL DIS TRICT IRRIGATION BONDS. 6 per Semi-Annual Interest. In denomination of $500 with matur- . I .... .-.( m tram aavati VOIira tO tWOlVO Ukm . " n - " years. Thaa are seasoned bonds, interest and principal collected as a tax by county treasurer. Interest coupons paid upon pre sentation on due dates at 'this office. His tory furnished upon request . We have a, few choice t per cent mort gages on Nebraska farms. PAYNE INVESTMENT r . COMPANY, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment securities, Industrial stocks. ROBERT C DRUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg, 1,040 SHARES Onahman Iron stock for sale, also 1.000 Sultana Mines at 45c. C. E. Updike. 510 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, ivrinn. ' Abstracts of Title. Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., iVeil sob S. 17th St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. Miscellaneous GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insuranos companies. 810 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West FOR SALE A Snap on Clifton Hill Nice modern 8-r. bungalow, almost new, 1 lots 88x128. Close to two oar lines, S-mlnuta service In rush hours. 83,400 takes It. Are you looking for a bargain? CALL WALNUT 1902, OWNER. NEAR 35th and Farnam, two modern rest dences, 7 rooms and sleeping porch each. Beth for $8,600. F. D. Wead, 810 18. 1? th ill" a 86TH ST. Bargain, 4,600. Terms. B rms. ana steeping porcn: use coow tlen. Owntr leaving crty. Harney 8265. North. REAL BARGAIN Very-attractive 8-r. house Id north part city. Has fine sleeping room, acreened-ln front porch, plastered cellar, large garage, 2440. House In finest kind repair. Price $4,50; terms $750 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Doug. 1722 642 Faxton Block. OWNER MUST SELL New Stucco Bungalow Large living room, fireplace with built in bookcases on both sides, large dining room, built-in buffet, breakfast room with built-in seats and table, large kitchen with bullt-ln cabinets; three large bedrooma and tiled bathroom upstairs; oak finish and oak -floors throughout; wall plugs . for sweeper and electric Irooj all ) -lock slab doors; large basement with coal bin and laundry tubs; fine south front lot (0x140 ft; located 35th and Webster Sts. If you want something up-to-date and t a bargain,' call CQLFAX 188$ AFTER P. M. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. ' NORTH SIDE Seven-room houje, all modern, full sited lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty la on Burdette, easy walk to 20th or 24th car. --Will give some one a bai galn. Owner left city. ALFRED THOMAS . $0$ Farnam Bldg. A COZY BUNGALOW. Five rooms and sleeping porch, modern, hot water heat, fireplace, beamed ceil ings, bullt-l ; buffet, etc Near Twenty, fourth and Fort Sts. Very choice and a bargain, $3,400. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. South MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW 5-room brand new stucco bungalow, beautifully decorated, complete in every detail. N BENSON & CARMICHAEL Douf. 1722. it! Faxton Blook. A REAL HOME. BARGAIN gii-reora house, modern, In splendid cend)tjoD! garage and paved streets. Price $3,500; $500 down takes it BIG 4 REALTY CO., Doug. 34S6. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, 6 large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $8,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,560. Call Douglas 1722 days. Walnut 1680 evenings. ' ONE B-roord and one i-room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live In one and rent the other. Price for both. 82.760. Very easy terms. No. 2433 South 20th St. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. Miscellaneous TWO NEW COTTAGES. 5 rooms each. Small cash payment, balance like rent. ALLEN & BARRETT. 618 Bee Bldg. D. 7768. " W. FARNAM SMITH" & CO.. teal Estate and Insurance, ream St P. 1064. A TRACT of ground laying ideal for poultry raising; 260-ft frontage; price $310: $60 cash, $12.60 monthly. Call P. 2698. Templeton-Olson Co.. Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020. General real estate. Insurance. Rentals. "5 a TnlTMTtTTI.Ii 130B 1st Nat ' Bk. Bldg. P. 1724. 3. B. ROBIN80N. Real Estate and Insur . ance. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. - AFTER looking at II INI" E LUSA 300 dlf ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on the ' market nd - they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF TOU will come out today you will understand why the others' are buying. rwART.FS W MARTIN & CO.. T42 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. CUMING Near 29th St., 22 or 44 feet; must be sold to close estate. Grlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots. Price $220. only $S cash and 60 cents per week. Dong. $892. REAL ESTATE B'newPrW DUNDEE; BUSINESS CORNER Northwest corner JOthand Dodge St., 100 ft. on Dodge, 128 ft. on 60th St., im proved with 7-r. stone house and garage. This Is the only business corner in Dun dee on the market and must be eold within the next ten days. Very desir able corner for business block or an apartment Price $12,600. $5,500 cash. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 0. H. a! WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE To Exchange EXCHANGE. Two six-room modern houses, near Be mls park; two stories, corner, 100 feet front, well rented. Price $81760. Will trade for'good land and pa? cash difference. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. QUARTER section Minnesota land, 4 mllea northwest of Wlndom; 120 acres In crops,, fenced and dross-fenced; good, black sandy loam, about 20 miles from Iowa line. Farm Is rented, 2-6 delivered. Price 3125 per acre. Wants improved 80 acres. Must "be within 60 miles of Omaha, or good Income Omaha property. LUND. -420 ROSE BLDG. TTLER T68. SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rock and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear, for sale or ex change. fl. B ,H. MONTGOMERY. Douglas 4810. 527 City Nat. Bank Bldg. DRUGSTORES Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota, for cash or clear land. S. J. Olmem, Minneapolis, Mlnn. 160 ACRES, well improved, every acre good land. N. E. Neb., will take some trade. O. A. Hull, Oakland, Neb. $60 AN acre buys ISO-acre farm It miles from Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel. Doug. 4212. Residence phone Doug. 8775. WANTED A lot or a used Ford for equity of $609 in tt aores of unimproved Wlacoa ln land. Mrs. Lawson, 280$ Wirt fit REAL ESTATE Investment BEAUTIFUL HOME AND RENTAL PROPERTY $5,500 Corner Lot Two Houses As a home and Investment, the north west corner of 28th and , Hickory Is a creekerjack.. Twe housesy-one ten-room house, arranged for two families, in ex cellent condition. Five-room cottage on the rear of the lot; modern except heat; always rented. This will show a rental of $70 per month. The property belongs to at nonresident and la a big bargain. Look it over, GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS Douglas 8962. 819-20 City National. BEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY, A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. 620 First National Ban1' Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. COMPLETE HOUSE ACRE-CROPS READY TO MOVE IN $250 DOWN $26.50 MONTHLY This house is a brand new 6-room bung alow on a corner acre, and only one block to free jitney and paved road. Large liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bed rooms and bath. A full cement basement. This house Is different and we want you to see tt The crop consists of beans, peas, beets, tomatoes, and other vege tables, and it's doing fine. Call Tyler 69 and ask for Mr. Clark. ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. IN DUNDEE PRICE ONLY $2,250 For a dandy six room house with 60x130 fnnt Int. ntre shade, house hm water. KM. elec. light and good cistern. Would notj cost a great deal to make completely modern. Terms, only $250 down and 120 per month. This 1s a real chance fori some one. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nst Bk, Bldg. Tyler 4W. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well locatsd lots on easy terms. Mod. ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO., tlo.MKS and home sites in Dundee. SHULER & CA4SY -04 Keellne. P. 6074. REAL ESTATE Other Citie. South Dakota Lands. A LADY, sick, will sacrlfire choice of South Dakota land for sale or trader Talk to me personally at 2047 Dodfto St. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Kstate. 413 Karbsch Blk. D. 8607. LIST you 6 and 6-room houses with Ed ward F. Williams Co.. 801-S03 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE RE ALTS Co., Tyler 496.v ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 125 Laird Sr Webste' 2039. Horses Live Stock- Vehicles FOR SALE Two double wagons, l'eet dou hle harness, 1 sr single harness, 1 team, 1 single horse. The Cudaby Packing Co., 14 th and Jones. TEAM FOR SALE Weigh 1,150 pounds eafh. Grand Union Tea Co., 61fi S. 16th St. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Samuel H.. Freliln to Charles W."Klae. Twenty-first street, 100 feet north of Laird street, east side, 60x124..$ 860 Elisabeth Mlsklmlns emd husband to . et at to Carl E. Koile, et al, north west corner Twenty-seventh and Cuming street, 123132 68,000 Helen S. Mason to Patrick P. Coffey, Fort street, 200 feet west of Twenty-fifth avenue, south side, 60x120.. 2000 Hastings & Heyden to Martin W. Ray mond, Wirt street, 95 feet of Thirty-eighth street north side, 40x103 .... 160 WHltam A. Harnsberger and wife -to Nora A. Weekes, Twenty-third Btree-t, 120 feet south of K street, west side, 80x150 1 Herbert E. French end wife to Luclen D. Perry, California street, 160 ieet ' east of Fifty-second street north side, 60x128 1,460 James B. Bone and wife to W. P. Spalding, southeast corner Thirty sixth and Cass street, 60100 1 Ella G. Price and husband to J. W Price. California street, 100 feet east of Fifty-first street, north side, 60x128 2,000 Elian Barrett to Edward Barrett, Cae telar street 46 feet west of Eighth street, south side, 37x60 290 Joseph H- Koplets to Ignac Udron, Thirty-eighth street, 65 feet south of O street, east side, 60x130 269 Charles Koplets and wife to Kon stanty Rynklewlci and wife, Fbrty eecond street, 220 feet outh of J street, west side, 44x132..: S50 Elslnore Place company to Mary L. Marti, Nicholas street, 60 feet east of Fifty-first street, south side, 60x135 1 Edward W. Chedester and wife to -fltanlslaw j Wzorek, Thirty-sixth ' street, 66 feet north of S street, west side, 60x130 1,226 Nina E. Swanson to Agnes O. McEvoy, et at, S street 200 feet west of For tieth street, north side, 40x126 1 M." L. Clark, sheriff, to Jonas H. Keith, Decatur street, 40 feet east of Twenty-seventh street north side, 80x126 MOO Jonas H. Keith and wife to Bertha C. Best, Decatur street, 40 feet east of Twenty-seventh street, north side, 80x128 '000 tail i i . i Kansas City Live Stock Market Kansas City, Mo., July 27. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,800 head; market, steady to weak; prime fed steers, $12.7613.90; dressed beef steers, $.6012.60; western steers, $.00 12.80; cows, $6.76(g9.26; heifers, $7.6012.60; stockers and feeders, $6.2643)12.90; bulls, $6.258.60; calves, $7.0012.50. Hogs Receipts,'"" 2,600 head; market, strong; bulk, $15.0016.85; heavy, $16.70 16.00; packers and butchers, $16.2616.90; light, $14.9016.65 pigs, $12.3014.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,200 head; market, steady; lambs, $14.616.26: year lings, $10.0011.60; wethers, $8.6010.00; ewes, 18.00 9.60. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, Mo July 27. Cattle Receipts, 2,800 head; market, lower; native beef steers, $7:60013.60; yearling steers and heif fers, 8.6013.60; cows, $6.0010.60; stock ers and feeders, $6.00(3)9.60; prime southern beef steers, $8.0012.26; beef cows and heif ers, $4.269.00;' prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.50 10.00; native calves, $6.00 13.60. Hogs Receipts. 9.600 head; market lower; lights, $15.2616.76; pigs, $10.2616.00; mixed and butchers, $15.30 15.90; good heavv, $16.95016.90; bulk, $15.40 16.85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,400 head; sheep, steady, lambs 26c to 60o lower; spring lambs, $10.6015.00; clipped ewea, $8.00 8.60; canners, $4.004.60; choppers, $6.00 e.6. , . Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, July 27. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; market weak; native beef cattle, $7.7514.16; western steers, $8.4011.60;. stockers and feeders, $5.909.00; cows and heifers, $4.7611.76; calves, $9.00 13.26. Hogg Receipts, 19,000 head; market steady; bulk of sales,. $14.6016.90; lights, $14.7015.90; mixed. $14.6016.00; heavy. $14.55616.00; rough, $14. 35g 14.65; pigs, $11.6014.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; market firm: wethers, $7.6010.76; ewes, $7.OO9.00; lambs, $9.2615.60. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, July 27. Cattle Receipts, 600 head; market dull at 10c to 16c lower; beef steers, $7.0013.60; fat cows and heifers, $6.7611.00; canners. $5.006.76; stockers and feeders, $6.509.00; calves, $8.0013.00; bulls, stags, etc., $6.009.00; feeding cows and heifers, $6.008.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 hea4; market steady to 10c lower; light, $14.7016.10; mixed, $14.6614.90; heavy, $14.25915.49; pigs, $12.5013.00; bulk of sales, $14.60 14 85 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady. St. Joseph I4v Stock Market 8t Joseph, Mo.. July 87. Cattle RecIP. rS ..... ...;., w.otr. tMn. 18.00(818.85:. cows and heifers, $6.5012.25; calves, $7.00 Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market high er; ton, $16.95; bulk of sales, $16.0015.70; heavy packers, $16.0015.60; mixed pack ers. $14.9015.50. .... v . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,700 head; market steady; ewes, $6.009.00. Kansas City General Market Kansas City. July 27. Wheat No. 2 hard, $2.802.84: No. 2 red, $2.602.62; July, $2.66; September, $1.62. Corn No. 2 mixed, $2.192.20; No. 2 white, $2.2$; No. 2 yellow, $2.20J 2l; De cember, $1.17: May, $1.16tt1.16. Oats No. 2 white, 7980c; No. 2 mixed, 74c. Butter Creamery, 86c; firsts, $4e; sec onds, 33c; packing, 33c. Eggs Firsts, 29c; seconds, Sic. Poultry Hens, 15c; roosters, 14c; broil ers, 20c. . . I Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, July 27. Wheat July. $2.89', 2.90: September, $2.21. Cash: No. 1 hard, $2.96: No. 1 northern, $2.8602.95; No. 2 northern, $2.80(820. Corn No. t hard, $2.212.22. OatsNo. $ white, 7677ic. Flaxseed $3.16 3.21. Flour Unchanged. 1 Barley 41.15 1.65. 1 Rye $2.002.02. " Bran $36.60 36.00. Summary of the Corn and Wheat Region. Showers occurred over the greater portions of Kentucky, Ohio. Indians and Illinois, but practically none occurred west of the Mis sissippi -river, except in south and east central Missouri. The amounts were mostly light' In -Missouri and moderate elsewhere, except over one .inch fell st three stations each In Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky, and at one station in Ohio. Temperature con tinues above normal over the entire region, the maxima Thursday were 95 or above In .a Missouri valley and: westward, and from 100 to 104 in portions of Kansas, northern Oklahoma, central Nebraska -and eastern Montana. L. A. WJCLSH, Meteorologist St. I-ouls Grain Market. St. Louis, July 27. Wheat No. 1 red, $2 S32.64; No. 2 hard, nominal; July, $2.42; September, $2. 22. . Corn No. 2, $2.26; No. I white, $2 28 2.31; September, $1.67; December. $1.17. Oats No. 2, 767V4c; No. 3 white, nominal. LIYE ST0CK MARKET Heavy Beeves Hold Up, but ' Other Cattle Off Quarter to a Dollar from Week Ago' Hogs Five Lower. Omaha, July 27. I1T:" Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 6.067 6.431 10.116 Official Tuesday t.4S 12.183 9.694 Official Wednesday .. 6.149 16,291 8.810 Official Thursday ... 3.947 15.036 6,621 Estimate Friday .... 1.700 10.990 1.760 Five days this week .22.335 68.921 8S.4M Same days lat week.. 18, 345 65.879 Sl,73t Same days 2 wks. ago. 14,841 66,728 36.824 Same days $ wks. ago. 12.361 31,000 16,693 Same days 4 wks. ago. 23.330 61.044 19,293 Same days last year.. 11, 483 40.428 63,477 Receipts and disposition of live etock the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock p. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. -- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H' at for m.. . r s. C M. & St. P I 16 Wabash ,.. 1 Missouri Pacific .. 47 Union Pacific 12 27 C. & N. W . east 11 C. & N. W west.. 11 62 C. 8L P. H, 4 0 13 C. B. & Q., east.. ... 5 C. B. & Q . west.. 8 "14 ... C. R. I. & P., east 8 1 Illinois Central ... 1 3 Chi. Ut. West t Total receipts 82 156 DISPOSITION HEAP. - -Cattle, Hors. Sheep. Morris & Co 30 1,195 Swift & Co '. . . 364 2,575 78 Cudivhy Pack. Co. .. 179 1,388 680 Armour & Co 368 1.937 SehwnxU & Co 870 J. W. JIurphy ,. 2,325 Lincoln Paok. Co. -. . 3 S. O. Pack. Co 18 Cudahy, K. C. ...... 762 Wilson, Soo Falls 319 Swift Co., Ft W... 16 Ben., Van. & Ltlfb.. 9 F. B. Lewis 8 J. B. Root Co. ... . 40 Rosenstock Bros 6 F. G. Kellogg 15 Ellis & Co 36 Sullivan Bros. 17 Hlggins ..... 8 Huffman 27 John Harvey , 48 Jensen & Lungren . . 8 Morris & Co., K. C... 206 Pat 1 Other buyers 69 919 Totals 2,366 19,104 1,667 Cattle There was no Improvement in the cattle market over night and trade was about the usual Friday affair, being slow and weak at the week's decline. Arrivals were estimated at 1,700 head, half of which wero southern cattle direct to the packers. Balance of the run consisted mostly of medium to poor grassy stuff with one or two loads of fair cornfeds and nothing at all that approached top class. Strictly good heavy beeves and pearlings are steady for the week, but on everything else there has been a decline of ell the way from 26c to $1.00. In the half fat and warmed up beef cattle the slump amounts to anywhere from 26o to 76c, while the medium to good cows are 5076o lower. Canners which showed little advance last week are off less than the better kinds. Calves are anyway 50c lower for the week, while bulls, stags, etc., have lost last week's upturn and a around 25c lower than a week ago. Grass cattle showed declines from the best to the poorest. Beat grass beeves are some lower, while medium kinds are around 60 76c down, and stockers and feeders show declines of from 60c to $1.00 or more. The demand has been very Indifferent and trade comes mighty close to being demoralized. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $12.8613.86; fair to good beeves, $11.60 12.60: common to fair beeves, $9.60 11.00; good to choice yearlings, $12.76 13.76; fair to good yearlings, 11.6012.60: common to fair yearlings, $9.0011.00; good to choice grass beeves. $10.75 11.60; fair to good grass beeves, $9.6010.60; common to fair grass beeves, $8.26 9.25; good to choice heifers, 49.00 10.00; good to choice cows, $8.259.25; fair to good cows, $7.00 8.00; common to fair cows, $5.00 7.00; prime feeding steers, $9.25 19.25; good to choice feeders, 8.604.26; fair to good feeders, $7.608.26; common to fair feed ers, $6.257.00; good to choice stockers, $7.75 8.50 ; stock heifers, $6.608.00; etock cows, $6.007.60; stock calves, $6.609.00 veal calves, J9.0013.00; bulls, stags, etc. $6.60 10.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 790 $6 00 11 681 $6 25, 15 634 6 50 7 864 76 4....'.... 990 7 00 6 1023 8 25 8TEERS AND HEIFERS. 24 747 13.00 I HEIFERS. 1 670 6 75 7 . . 604 660 l.V...'... 900 6 16 t 760 7 36 1........ 850 7 60 Hogs After packers and shippers bad cleaned up the best of the offerings at fully steady prices, the market settled down to about a 6o lower basis for -the bulk of the mixed and paoklng k lnds. Trade was never active, and quite a sprinkling of the packing hogs remained unsold up to a late hour. In spots these kinds looked as muoh aslOo lower. The bulk of the sales landed around I14.5014.80, with the decent to good butchers selling on up to $16.00 for the best Receipts continued liberal, the run counting out 10,990 head, making the week's 'total about 66,000 bead. Representative sales: No. Av. Bhf Pr. No. Av. 8h Pr. 14J45 14 60 65. .278 13. .190 72. .205 68.. 261 69.. 237 36. .198 14:40 14 65 14 65 69. .261 82.. 245 76. .218 80. .182 77.. 204 83.. 261 45.. 34 .. 14 70 .. 14 80 40 16; 00 80 16 30 .. 15 60 80 14; 75 ... 14,86 ... 16 25 (SO. .268 140 15 46 73. .202 15 60 PIGS. 112.126 80 13 76 114.182 ... 14 00 Sheep Range offerings were lacking this morning, seven single decks of mixed na tive lambs and ewes making up the entire supply. The market was generally about steady on fat stuff, Mf to good native lambs selling around $14.60 16.00, and a pretty good kind of ewes as high as $9.00. A pretty good kind of range lambs would bring $16.00, and something real desirable might, sell above that For the week fat lambs are COo to possibly 410c lower, while old sheep and feeders are for the most part about steady. - .Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $16.00015.26; lambs, fair to good, $14.76016.00; lambs, culls. $13.00 14.75; lambs, feeders, $14.25016.80; year lings, fair to oholoe, $9.6010.76; yearlings, feeders, $10.60ll.76; wethers, fair to choice, $9.0010.25; ewes, fair to choice, $8.E09.80; ewes, culls and feeders, $8.D 7.00. . Representative sales: No. At. Pr. 8$ native feeder ewes... , 83 f ( 00 -16 culs .....80 (60 SI native lambs (1 IS 00 10 cull lambs H It 00 Omaha Bay Market Receipts continue light on both prairie hay and alfalfa and the demand very quiet. Choice upland pratrle bay, $16,00417.00; No. 1, $14.00016.00; Ko. t, $7.00$.0O; No. 8, $4.0006.00. No. 1 midland, $12.00014.00; No. 2, $6.000800. No. 1 lowland. $8.00 9.00; No. I, $5.0008.00; No. , $4.0006.00. New Alfalfa Choice, $19.00020.00; No. 1. 17.00018.00; standard, $14.00016.00; No. 2, $12.00014.00; JJo. I, $8.00010.00. Straw Oat, $8.0008.60; wheat $7.00 T.50. Metal Market New Tork, July 27. Metals Lead, strong; spot, $10.62 bid. Spelter, dull; spot east St. Louis delivery, $9.87H8.62. Copper, firmer; electrolytic, spot and nearby, $28.00 028.60; August and later, $25,0007.00. Iron, firm and unchanged. Tin, firm; spot, $62.76 bid. At London: Copper: Spot, 135; futures, 124 10s; electrolytic, 137. Tin: Spot, 243 5s; futures, 240. Lead: Spot, 30 10s; fu tures, 29 10s. Spelter: Spot, 64; futures, 60. Cotton Market. New Tork, July 27. Cotton Futures opened steady; October, 24.40c; December, 24.18c; March, 24.13c; May, none. .The cotton market today closed irregular and 49 to 64 points net lower. Cotton futures closed essy; October, 23.80c; December, 23.63c; January, 23.80c; March, 23.86c; May, 23.76c. Spot quiet; middling, 25.20c. Liverpool, July 27. Cotton Spot 15 points higher; American middling, fair, 19.83d; good middling, 19.45d; middling, 19.16d; low middling, 18.70d; good ordinary, 17.76d; ordinary, 17.250. Sales, $.000 bales. Oils and Rosln. Savannah, Oa., July 27. Turpentine firm, 37V4o; sales, $36 bbls.; receipts, 213; shipments, 260; stock, $7,76$. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,206 bbls. ; receipts, 768; shipments, 410; stock, 80,348. Quote;. A, B. $6.05; C, D, $6.0505.10; E, F, $5.10; O, 15.12H; H, $5.16; I, $6.26; K. $5.25; M. $6.00; N. $6.76; WO, $6.90; WW, $7.00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New Tork, July 27. Evaporated Apples Market dull. Prunes: Market dull and nom inal. Apricots and Peaches: Market quiet. Raisins Market .steady. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE All Cereals Run About Same; Wheat Tails. Off Few Cents; Corn is Steady. Omaha. July 37. 1917. The general tone ef the local cash wheat market was somswbat easier today and sell er reported a limited demand for this cereal at prices ruling around to to 6c lower. The better gisdes of hard wheat sold around $2.86 to $2.90, one car of No. 6 hard winter brought $3.60 and the off grade stuff sold ss low as $3.00. The corn market was quotod from steady to He lower, the white variety bringing the same as It did yesterday, while the yellow and mixed sold from unchanged to fee un der the quotations of the previous day. The arrivals of corn were very heavy, a total of 168 cars being reported, but the demand was not so strong and sales were light In comparison with the heavy offer ings. - White corn, howover. continued to sell at premium prices, the better grades of this variety soiling quite readily at $2.25. while the mixed sold generally at $2.18 and the yellow ranged In price from $2. IS to $2.18t The oats market was moderately active with ' Increased arrivals and thore was a fair Inquiry tor all grades of this article with prices quoted from unchanged to lc lower. The better samples of oals sold up to 75 fee, but the bulk of tho offerings, which gntded No. 8 white, brought 78c and the No. 4 white sold at 74c to .74 Vie. The rye tnarkot was .strong with light offerings and there was a good Inquiry for this cereal, the better grades selllug at $1.92, an advance of 7c over yesterday's nominal quotations. The barley -market was quoted nominally unchanged and there wore no sales of this cereal reported up to a lato hour. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 109,000 bu.; corn, 228,000 bu ; oats, 80,000 Du. Primary wheat receipts were 684,000 bu. and shipments 230,000 bu.. against receipts of 2,082,000 bu. anil shipments of 902,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 643,000 bu. and shipments 84,000 bu., against receipts of 41.000, bu. and shipments of 393,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts wese 635,040 bu. and shipments 461,000 bu., against receipts of 1,036,000 bn. and shipments of 642,000 im. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. 1 Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 16 6 130 Minneapolis 120 Duluth 1 Omaha 4 158 47 Kansas City 177 16 31 St. Louis 180 $9 .47 Winnipeg -147 These sales were reported today : WheatNo. 2 hard -winter; oar, $3.90; 1 car, $2.85; No. 6 bard winter: 1-3 oar (yellow), $2.60; sample hard winter: 139 sacks. $2.00. Rye No. 2: 2-3 rar, $1.92. No. 8: car, $1.92. Corn No. 1 while; 1 car, $2.26. No. J white: 6 cars, $2.25. No. 8 white, i cars, $3.26; No. 4 white, 1 car, $3.24; sample white: 1 car, $2 20; No. 1 yellow: 1-6 car, $2.18; No. 2 yellow: 6 cars, $2. 18m 2 3-6 cars, $2.18; No. 3 yollow: 2 cars, $8.18; No. 2 mixed: 1 car (near white), $2.13;- 1 8-6 cars (near white), $2.23; 22 1-6 -cars, $2.!$; No. 3 mixed: 9 cars, $2.18; No. 4 mixed: 1 tar, $2.17; No. 6 mixed: 1 car (near yel low), $2.17; No. 6 mixed: 1 car (musty), $2.16; J car, (musty), $2.14. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 76V4c; stand ard: 3-5 car, 16o; No. S white: 10 2-6 cars, 75c; No. 4 white: 1 car, T4Vc; 1 car, 74o; 1 car, 73c; sample white: 12-5 cars, (new), 72c; 4 cars, 70o; No. 4 mixed; 1 car, 74c No. 8 mixed: 1 car, 73c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. t hard, $2.8602.90; No. $ hard, $2.8002.85. Corn: No. 1 white, t2.24tt 02.26; No. I white; 2.242. 26; No. 4 while, f 2.J3tt J.84 No. t white. $1.2802.24; No. 6 white, $2.2$ .2SV ; No. t yellow, $2.1802.m No. $ yellow. $2.1702.18; No. 4 yellow, $2,170 2.17H; No. 6 yellow, $2.16tt2.7H: No, 6 yellow, $2.1602.17; No. 2 mixed, $1.17 2.18; No 8 mixed, $3.1702.16; ' No. 4 mixed. $2.173.17tt; No. 5 mixed, $2.16H 2.17Vi: No. 6 mixed, $2.1602.17. Oats: No. t white, 7575Ho; atsndard, 74 076o; No. 8 white, 74K75c; No, 4 white, Tt 74Hc. Barley: Mailing, $1.1501.86; No. 1 feed, $1.0501.10. Rye: No. 2, 11.600193; No. 3, $1.8901.92. Local range of options JArt I Open.' High. ft-owQ Close. ) Yes. Wht - ' July 2 47 2 60 247 2 60 240 Sept. 1 20 2 20 220 1 20 216 Corn. Sept. 1 63 1 63 163 1 63 1C8 Deo. 1 18 1 13 113 1 13 111 x May 1 12 11? 112 1 12 112 Oalf. Sept. 62 62 62 62 60 Dec.. 62 62 . $2 62ft 61 Chlosgo closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street Omaha: Art. Open. High. I Low.j Close. Tea. Wht 1 I " July 1 49 I 62 249 2 62 246H Sep. 1 14H 2 $$ 223 .1 89 222Vi Corn. ' Sep. 1 63 1 S 168 1 $3 161 Deo. 1 17 1 17 l'i 1 16 116 May 114 1 14 113 1 14 111 Oats. July 77 T8 76 77 76 Sep. 69 60 68 0 68 Dec. 60 60 19 60 19 Pork. July 41 15 Sep. 40 26 40 45 40 26 40 35 40 40 Lard. July 20 80 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 47 Sep. 20 65 20 67 20 42 $0 60 20 66 Ribs. July 21 60 21 60 21 60 tl 60 21 70 Sep, 21 90 21 $2 31 66 21 75 21 62 CHICAGO GRAIN MABKET. More Reports of Drouth In Southwest Causes Still Higher Prices for Corn. Chicago, July 27. Crop impairment In the southwest, - a result of too much dry weather, led to a higher average of prices today tor corn. The market closed steady. c off to lc up,-with September at $1.63 and December at $1-16. Wheat gained 305c and oats 01c. A net decline of to 17c was shown In provisions. Sizzling heat Intensified the effects of continued lack of moisture in the drouth region, and hoisted the value of new crop deliveries of corn, despite the faet that field conditions in tbs big oestral states remained excellent. An official monthly cron renort from Kansas tended further to emphasise bullish sentiment, as the report suggested a material cut in tns estimated yield, compared with ,a month ago. As sertions that distilleries would be likely to operate until at least September 1 counted likewise In favor of the hulls, and so, "too, did authoritative denials of gossip that many Dutch ships in American waters had been -ordered -to unload. Likelihood of a serious railroad strike here was not gen erally known until after trading had about ended for the day. Predictions of a reduced yield or wneat In Minnesota and South Dakota did a good deal to strengthen the wheat market. Re ports were current also that notwithstand ing Ideal harvest conditions, the. movement of the winter crop wss slow and that farmers in many sections were showing disposition to withheld sates. Oats advanced mainly on account of free buying supposed to be for eastern Interests. Harvest and threshing -reports were favor able. Weakness In provisions was due more to a lack of support than to any Important pressure. Lard, especially, seemed without friends, a condition ascribed somewhat to declines in the value of cottonseed oil. Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 red, $3.65; No. 8 red, $2.52; No. 2 bard, nominal; No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $2.2602.27; No. $ yellow, $2.2602.26 J No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, 79 80c; standard, 8181c. Rye: No. 2, $2.17. Barley: $1. 21,01. 62. Seeds: Tim othy, $4.0007.60; clover, $13.00017.00. Pro visions: Pork, 141-00; lard, $20.26020.36; ribs, $21.36021.85. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Lower; receipts, 9,184 cases; firsts, 3032c; ordinary firsts, 2629o; at mark, cases Ineluded, 27031c Potatoes Lower; reeelpts, 75 cars; Vir ginia, barrels, $3.6004.09; Kentucky, Illi nois and Missouri, sacks, $1.0001.10. Poultry Alive, lower; lowts, - 17018c; springs, 22025c. Coffee 'Market New York, July 27. The market for cof fee futures was again "In a very dull po sition and after opening unchanged to 2 points higher, ruled slow throughout the dsy and closed 1 points lower to .1 point net higher. Offerings were not large, but Eu ropean political news was against buyers and spot trade continued very light March was the only position showing any varia tion and It sold from 8.04c to 8.02c. Bales, 12,760 bags; July, 7.418c; August, 7.68c Sep. tember, 7.79c; October, 7.82o; November, 7.84c; Decemer, 7.87c; January, 7.91c; February, l.iic', March, 8 01c; April, 8.06c; May, 8.11c; June, 8. Inc. Spot, dull; Rio 7s, 9c: Santos 4s, 10 c. There were fewer cost and freight offers today. Highly described Santos 3s were quoted at 9.60c to 9.76c, London credits. The official cables reported Rio 7s 75 rels higher. NEW . YORK STOCKS Covering of Shorts in Steels and War Shares Lends Soma Activity to Sluggish Market. New York, July 17. Covering of shorts In steels and war shares generally contributed as much ss snythlng to the comparative strength of today's dull and very restricted slock market operations. The movement In most essentials was a replica of recent week ends, when the bear faction seemed to find It expedient to settle outstanding committments. Metals, Oils, a few equip ments, notably Baldwin. Locomotive and Virginia Iron, shippings and such special ties as Industrial Alcohol, Malting preferred and Distillers figured among the gains of 1 to $ points. General Motors, 8tudebaker and Maxwell and Utilities of the elans represented by the third avenue, Phlldelphla company and American Telephone company feature the reverse side at grosi recessions of as much rallying In part later. St. l'aul forefltert much of Its gain of the previous day under pleasure, and other rails rose and fell within narrow limits except Canadian Pacific and Western Maryland, preferred, the former gaining a point and the lutter reacting almost 6. Union Pacific Ignored Ita June statement, which showed a net gain nf $979,000. The market was at Its best In the last hour, that being the only broad trading .pe riod of the surtiion. - United Mtntos steel led the rise In active stocks to 122, closing at Its best, a net gain of 1 points. Total sales amounted, to 337,000 shaves. - Heaviness of international Issues was the noteworthy feature of the bond market and domestic rails and Industrials also yielded. Liberty IV" chsnged hands in large blocks at 99.39 W 99. 44n for regular lota to 89.850 for old lots. Total sales of bonds (par value) aggregated $2,945,006. United States bonds (old Issues) were un changed on call. Number of sates and quotations on lead storks: Bales. High. Low. Close. Am. Bret Sugar... 1,100 93 99 93 American Can 1,10(1 48 48 48 Am. Ctx & Found. 200 76 75 ' 76 Am. Locomotive. ..' 2.200 71 71 71 Am. Smelt ft Ref. 1.900 103 101 103 Am. Sugar Ret.... 400 121 131 131 Am. Tel. 4 Ti... 4.400 113 117 118 Am. Z., L. A 8.. ... 24 Aeaeosda Copper.. 4,200 77 76 78 Atchison 400 100 100 100 Atl. O. & W. I S. 8. 700 106 104 106 Baltimore tt Ohio. 600 70 69 69 Hut'te ft Sup. Cop 36 Cal. Petroleum 18 Canadian Pacific. 600 161 160 160 Central Leather.... 900 87 16 97 Chesapeake A Ohio 300 69 69 69 Chi. M. & t. P.... 8,300 70 67 68 Chicago A N. W 109 C. R. I, ft P., ctfs 84 Chlno Copper 1.700 64 63 64 Colo. Fuel Iron 48 Corn Prod. Ref.... 11,600 26 14 16 Crucible Steel 10,200 81 80 80 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 400 39 39, 89 Distiller's sees 16,000 28 26 27 Krl 1,400 ' 34 24 -14 General Electric 164 Qeueral Motors.... 19,800 111 109 111 Great No. pfd 104 Gt. No. Ore., ctfs. 800 12 12 92 Illinois Central , 102 Inspiration Copper. 2,700 65 64 65 Int. M. M. pfd 7,090 17 ,89 .87 Inter. Nickel 1,900 39 18 86 Inter. Paper 84 K. C. Southern 91 Konnecott Copper. 1,600 48 43 42 Louis, ft Nash 123 Maxwell Motors.... 1,700 83 32 .13 Mex. Petroleum... 1,900 96 94 95 Miami Copper 1,300 .40 40 40 Missouri Pacific... 1,100 12 11 81 Montana Power 89 Nevada Copper.... 100 13 11 22 N. Y. Central 200 88 18 '88 N. Y . N. H. ft H.. 100 16 36 35 Norfblk West .... 120 Northern Pacific... 1,400 100 100 190 Paclflo Mall 16 Paclflo Tel. ft Tel 15 Pennsylvania 400 63 68 61 Pittsburgh Coal... 1,700 64 69 14 Ray Con. Copper.. 2,900 27 26 27 Reading " 600 94 98 93 Rep. Iron & Steel., 7,200 91 90 91 Shat. Arls. Copper.. 24 Southern Paclflo... 800 91 93 83 Southern Railway.. 400 27 26 20 Studebaker Corp.,,. $,700 63 61 63 Texas Co 600 189 188 187 Union Pacific -390 136 136 135 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 16.900 165 162 164 U. B. Steel -81,090 122. 120 182 U. B, Steel prd J " Utah Copper 600 103 10; 103 Wabash pfd "B".. 28 Western Union....,., ... "2 Westtngh. Electric. 1,400 48 48 48 Total sales for the day, 837,000 shares. New York Money Market. New Tork, July 27. Money On call, ateadv: hlsh. 8 oer cent: low, 2V4 per ent; ruling rate, 2ii per cent; last loan, 8 per cent; oloslng bid, Jh per cent; orierea i a per cent ' Time Loans Firmer; sixty and ninety days, 4tt per cent; six months, 4fc per cent Prime Mercantile Paper 414 Pr ent. Storting Exchange Sixty-day bills, 14.73; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.71; commercial sixty-day Hillls, 14.7 1 14 . f Silver Bar, 7Hc; Mexican dollars, fl . Bonds Oovsrnment, stead. ; - railroad, heavy. IT. 8. 2a tfg .BSWnt. M. If. 8s.. 94 do coupon ., 96 VK. C. fi. r. 6s.. '8214 IT. S. Ss reg... 99 L. & N. un. -4s 90 do coupon ... 99 Mo. Pao. gen. -4s 88 Vs IT. B. -4s reg ..104'M K T 1st 4s 88 docoupon ... 104 V4 Mont. Power 6s 95 Pan 3s, coupon 85 N. T. C. d. s..l03 Am. F. 8. 6s.... 95SNo. Paclflo 4s.. 88Vi A. T. T. e. 8s 8U do 8s 2Vs Anglo-French 6s 93Or. B. L. r. (a 87 Arm. A Co. -414s 0P. t. & T. .. 98t4 Atchison ger. 4s SSftPsnn. c. 414s. .10114 Fl. & O. 4s .... 88 do gen. 4Us.. 9414 Crn. Leath. 6s .. 97V4Readlng gen. 4a 90 On. Pac. 1st .. 89148 L S F a 8t 81 2. & O. cv. 6s.. 871480. Pac. cv. 6s 9814 2. B. A Q. J. 4s 96H do ref. 4s.... 8fc CMSPg4iis 93 Bo. Ry- 6 98 'ItlaPrii 701iTex. ft Pac. 1st 96 C. A 8. r 414s 7814UnIon Pac. cv. 4s 89 0. ft R O. r. ts 69 ?4 Union Pao. 4a.. 9114 0. of Can. Is.. 9414U. 6. Rubber 6a.. 8614 Srte gen. 4s . .,. 81 U, H. Bteei len. Elec. 6s. . .10214 Wabash 1st ...10014 Ot. No. 1st 4s.9IH4West. Un. Us. 92 111. Cen. r. 4s . . 84 "Bid. Qttont. Hnffar Market, New Tsrk. July 27. Sugar Raw, strong; centrifugal, . 90c; molasses, 8.02c. Refined, firm; fine grsnulated, 1.768.60e. Sugar futures epaned firm end aetlve and at noon prices wars 7 to 10 points nigner on iraae buying. lry Goods Market. . New Tsrk, July 27. Finished cotton goods ware firmer today and tending higher. Sta ple ginghams sold at lie yard. Oray goods were steadier. Wool markets were quiet and firm; burlaps, firm. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. rfiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiti!iitliii'!r;illll!ilitliiliniW I FOR THE HOME 1 FOR PICNICS ORDER A FEW A REFRESHING, NOURISHING AND DELICIOUS DRINK , . ' WITH A SNAPPY TANG THAT HITS THE SPOT STORZ BEVERAGE ts sold ON TAP or IN BOTTLES at all leading Hotels, Cafes, Pleasure Resorts, Rastaarsnts, Drug -Stores, arc, wherever Wholesome xr Refreshing Drinks are served. ' IF YOU WANT THE BEST, ASK FOR STORZ Ws Will' Make Prompt Delivery by the Case to PrivaU Family Trade. Phono Webster 221. STORZ BEVERAGE AND ICE CO. OMAHA, NEB. f MII8lllll8lltllSII8IIStltllSII8lltll8lltnSliailSll8U SCHOOLCHILDREN UP IN ATTENDANCE Omaha Far Above Average, According to School Report; Few Children Are Working. The high tide of Omaha prosperit) is evidenced by the annual report of J. P. Carver, public school attendance officer. Only 188 boys and girls through the eighth grade were given permits to work. The total number of labor per mits for school vacation and after school hours were 264. Thirty-five permits were granted to pupils to work days and attend night school. The total number of cases looked into and reported to Mr. Carver were 3,W4. He interviewed forty-five boys and twenty-five girls at his office.. One hundred and ten pupils-found illegally employed were returned to ' school. Two hundred and thirty-e eight truants were picked up off the." streets and taken to their class rooms. " ludtrincr bv the. renorts Omaha . school children are much above the average in health, but fifteen being excused from school on physicians' ccrtincates. . ,. One hundred arid-fourteen", employ ers were warned against hiringchcol. " children. Fifty cases were turned" over to juvenile authorities -by Mr.-" Carver. - "r-r-r - -"" ' : V The sum of $62. wa5.feturn.ed to. the board of education from children who.j. destroyed or stole school prope.rtyv fee neat1 nitlltnl fonAtT tlifrffi Jrt the school year from June to June. - 't Permits Issued for Two ,'. ' Larae Apartment Houses The Drake Realty and Construc tion company has taken out permit j for the erection of two apartment . li Alices at T-wrntvLrnnrI 'ind" To"n? ctfAta Farh anartmfnt lmnf 'will cost 75,000. They will be four stories high and 28x134 feet. The buildings will be absolutely fireproof. Outside . construction will be of press brick. The Booth Fisheries also took -out a permit for a new storehouse near. . its plant, 1308 Leavenworth street, to cost $13,000. It will be 22x90 feet and one story. George and John F. Flack took out permits for the erection of six houses ranging in, cost from $1.500 to $2,200. Former Mayor's Son is in Omaha Visiting Hjs Sister. Mayor Moores, is in the city visiting with his sister, Miss Emma Moores. Mr. Moores is now Union Pacific 1 passenger agent at Seattle, Wash. DON'S KKV1BW OF TRADE. Less Rtrenirth In Trices With Arrival of ' Midsummer In Markets. ' New York July 27. Dun's Review torhor ' row will say: ThA alnurltiff rinwn fit hilalnnu. eustomarv with the approach of -midsummer la ac centuated by ths uncertainties ernrendared by I (... .d., ,,1 .n-illflAn. lAaa A n.lh appears in juices. Reaction from the ex treme levels has occurred, not only In season- ' able foodstuffs, but also in other eommodU - ties In which there had seemed no end to tlm .riuinnw. annh ih .in iron and belief that the erou of some ot the leading- vnar lts hns at Inst been passed Is spreading. - : The rcnulrements. of fhe government are both, extensive and varied, Involving greater expenditures than had been thought likely and most producing Interests are nitre oon oerhed with the problem of maintaining outputs than with the queetlon .of scurin(t , -additional contracts froin regular huyura. Weekly bank clearings' 84, 847,211, 401. New ' Vork flenernl Market. . New Tork. July 27. Knur Easier; sprlns; patents, 813.1513.4n; winter patents, '810.80 tfll.15; winter Sti-atp-nts, 8I0.604JIO-80; Kan sss strnlirlits, 813.irnffU.40. Wheat Nominal; No. 2 hard, nominal. Corn Hpot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 8,3 8 , New York to arrive. Oats Spot, barely steady ; standard, 91Mic. J-CPU- II r-KUinr, wnrni u u,a,i, wv-,,.-.. sacks, 838.60; westorn middling, 848.00; city bran. 100-pound sacks, 140.00. Hops Quiet: state, medium to choice, 1818, 30f?36c; litis, so-sc; I'aeuic iomi, ii, 913o; 1816, 7&8c. . Hides Hteady; Bogota, , . 41c; . . Central America, 42Msc . Leather Firm ; hemlock firsts, 67c; aec onds. Bc. , ProvisionsLard, easy; middle west, 119.90020.00. . Tallow Easy; city specials, loose, IBo, sked. ...... . t Butter Firmer; receipts, jo.fns ruim; creamery, higher than wxtra. 940c; creamery, extras (82 score), 39c; firsts, 38 38ic; seconds, 364 37 o. Eags Irregular; -receipts, 11,897 cases; fresh gathered extras, 884589c; -extra firsts, 3837Ho; firsts, J8fl3Bc; -seconds. 290320. Cheese Irregalar; -reeelpts, 7,780 hoxea; stats, whole milk flats, fresh specials 22c; state, average run, BlV4 4J211e. Poultry Alive, market asy; tie prices quoted. Dressed, quiet and prices 'Mi-, changed, " ' 8 WANTED A i STOCK SALESMAN 1 I An Omaha corporation is dis posing of $250,000 of its 7 Guaranteed Preferred "itock. Some of the leading capitalist! and well known citiaens of this city are officers and stockhold ers. This is a high-class invest-; ment, easy to sell. Leads fur nished. Bos 5871 Bca. . I I OR OUTINGS I CASES OF 9 a 9- 8 II IB . SS