Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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10 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 23, 1917. - .
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Today is the Careful Workman's Opportunity
EVERY industry and every factory is looking for the careful
workman; every industry is looking for him because he is
the efficient worker. The careful workman is not a chance
taker, he is not only looking to his own safety but also to the safety of his fellow
workman. He knows that every accident has a removable cause and he
strives to remove the cause and prevent the accidents--the careful workman
is the man who works with a song on his lips and love in his heart he is
the man who is promoted and becomes a success in life.
The Wife Has a Tremendous Opportunity to Promote Her Husband's Welfare
Therefore wives should gently encourage their husbands to be sober, careful
and saving. Wives should make their homes tidy, clean, comfortable and
cheerful. The old motto, "The way to reach a man's heart is through his
stomach,-", holds good as a safety first principle in the home. The wjfe who
can make the husband think of her while he is at work has done a lot to
make him a safer man. .
V pi
For Every Member of the Family
Be cautious in your work; remember the de
pendent family at home.
Caution the working members of your family
, to be careful. Keep constantly at it. Hammer
home "Safety First" in all its phases an you
will make this movement permanently success
ful and protect the rank and file from their
greatest enemy carelessness. ,
Sisters and Daughters
Urge your brothers and fathers to do everything
in the safe way. An accident to them may mean
that the whole family will suffer. Help to
brighten the home think right, speak kindly
and smile.
Young Men
Careless methods used now may mean total or
partial disability to you for the rest of your life.
Learn to do everything in a safe way. It will
be valuable to you as you grow older.
This Campaign is Supported in the Interest of the Public by the Following Manufacturing
Companies, Firms and Public Service Corporations
American Smelting and Refining Co.
Alfalfa Butter Co.
Associated Manufacturing Co.
Bee Publishing Co.
Beebe it Runyan Furniture Co'
Browa Truck Co.
Bruce Drug Co.
Carpenter Paper Co.
Canon and BanVt.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Caver Elevator Co.
Consolidated Lumber and Coal Co
Cooke Co., J. P., The
Central Coal and Coke Co.
Capitol Garage, The '
Drake-Williams k Mount Co.
Day Rubber Co., John
Douglas Motors Corporation.
DUbrow, M. A. & Co.
Eggerss-O'Flyng Co.
Ferry Screen Co.
Fairbanks-Morse Co.
Gate City Hat Co.
Grain Dealers' Nat'l. Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
Guarantee Fund Life Association.
Gordon Van Co.-
Homo Casualty Co.
Howard Store Works.
H. J. Hughes Co.
Hanighen Co.
Iten Biscuit Co.
Imperial Sash and Door Co.
Independent Lumber Co.
Kirschbraua it Sons, lae.
Kimball Laundry.
Lion Bonding and Surety Co.
Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co.
Lininger Implement Co.
Murphy, Andrew it Son.
Missouri Valley Oil Co. V
Midland Class it Paint Co
McKeen Motor Car Co.
Monarch Mfg. Co.
Marsh St Marsh.
McCord-Brady Grocery Co.
Nash Sales Co.
National Fur and Tanning Co.
Nebraska Manufacturers' Casualty Ass'n.
Nebraska Telephone Co.
National Refining Co.
Nebraska Moline Plow Co.
Nebraska it Iowa Steel Tt.ok Co.
Omaha it Council Bluffs St. Ry. Co
Otis Elevator Co.
Omaha Electric Light and Power Co.
Omaha Folding . Machine Co.
Omaha Warehouse Co.
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.
Omaha Hide and Fur Co.
Omaha Cold Storage Co.
Omaha Crockery Co.
Omaha Printing Co.
Omaha Cut Glass Co.
Omaha Taxicab Co
Omaha Transfer Co.
Omaha Health and Accident Ass'n.
Oliver Chilled Plow Work
Pioneer Glass it Paint Co.
Peters Mill Co., M. C.
Parlin & Orendorff Plow Co.
Paxton it Gallagher Co.
Paxton it Vierling Iron Works.
Paxton-Mitchell Co., The,
Ralston Bank.
Sample-Hart Motor Co.
Standard Oil Co. of Nebraska.
Sunderland Machinery and Supply Co.
Sunderland Brjjs. Co.
Smith & Co., M. E.
Standard Chemical Co.
Standard Furnace and Supply Co.
Sweet-Land Candy Factory.
U. S. Supply Co.
Wolff. Manufacturing Co., L.
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