o 6 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 22, 1917. lasaes . ivom riimtana j PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES ms "mi Story of a "Slacker" Is Told in Powerful Picture Young Benton Clune is not a cow ard it htart. He is a victim of over v zealous mother-love which has grown to exert too great an influence over him. When the president's call to arms comes, Clune's regiment of Na tional Guard joyously prepares. Mrt. -tJune, however, is terror-stricken. She induces Benton to resign from ;lic unit. His comrades brand him a "slacker." and the girl he loves spurns , him. The regiment moves off to the war. Lacerated by the taunts which greet him on all sides, Clune's man hood finally asserts itself. In desper ation he defies his mother and hast ens to the front. He finds his regi ment in a desperate plight. The ene my, in overwhelming numbers, is threatening to annihilate it. The colonel calls for a volunteer to make a perilous trip for reinforcements. Those who had jeered at Clune hold back from what seems inevitable death. The man they had called "slacker," however,, steps forth. His trip through the enemy lines forms a .cries of hair-breadth escapes, but proves successful in the end. Thus Hen ton redeems his honor and wins the girl he loves. This highly enter taining and interesting photoplay may be seen today or Monday at the Muse. Kilgour Meets Old Army : Comrade Marching In Parade Joseph Kilgour, , the well known Broadway actor, plays the "heavy" in "Her Excellency the Governor," and promises to be a strong feature of the production which appears at the Strand theater Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. While marching with the Lambs club in the recent "Wake up America I" parade in New York Kil gour had what he calls a "sentimental journey into the past." He is an old cavalry man of the British service, and the associations of his sergeant days are still very real to him, and it was with a good deal of surprise and emotion, therefore, that he heard voice in his division call: "You're an old service man, aren't you? Kilgour wheeled around." "Yes. How do you know?" he shouted. "You can always tell 'em." the stranger answered. "Dandy Fifth, by any chancer "Yes," affirmed Kilgour enthusiasti cally. "And you're the first Dandy Fifth I've met in America. Shake." So marching for the U. S. A. that afternoon, the two lived over the days in the Fifth Royal dragoons of Eng land. . i Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for Omaha This Week c - U Vw4 V" ' )V ' & Ay f A-A ;;Wf vi mfonhnoreno Douiki hi r banks HY Thea Bars. (iOTXROP) (OVAOtt) V (BOULtAna) Real Soldiers Help Out in Making a Barrymore Picture The gun crew of the First battery field artillery of the New York Na tional Guard assisted in the produc tion of "The Greatest Power," the Metro screen play of, patriotism star ring Ethel Barrymore, to be seen at the Sun theater on Tuesday and Wednesday. Co-operating with Ed win Carewe, the director, they fired from their three-inch guns the service charges which destroyed a village specially constructed for the purposes of the picture. Miriam Monroe (Ethel Barrymore) and John Conrad, a young scientist, discover the formula for exonite, a high explosive, a little of which inserted into a shell does great damage. It was in the testing of this explosive that the National Guard men assisted. Patriotic scenes abound in "The Greatest Fower." A portion of the United States fleet is shown; methods of foreign spies are exposed; there are "flashes" representing the part played in the nation's history by such noble women as Betsy Ross, Julia Ward Howe and Barbara Frietchie. The of fice of Major General Leonard Wood at Governor's island is duplicated in the picture, which is the most notable war-time drama the screen has yet contributed to the nation. Taylor Will Open New Office With a Reception Manager C W. Taylor of the Standard Film corporation announces that tomorrow will see the opening of his fine new office at 1417 'Farnam street, second floor. Cigars for the men and favors for the ladies will be given away, and not only the people connected with the motion picture in dustry are invited, but the general public of Omaha who are interested in photoplays are welcome. They will be pleased to tell you all about the various stars to be seen in their productions and of the theater closest to you where they will be shown. Omaha is fast becoming one of the leading motion picture centers of the United , States and it is with the heartiest congratulations that this new branch office is welcomed into our midst. Mr. Taylor is not a newcomer to Omaha, however, as he has been con nected with other film concerns in this territory and is one of the best liked men in' the city. He will be very glad to see the faces of all his former, friends and associates in the new quarters. Bluebird Has Bunch of , ' Beauties for Its Screen Work Musical comedy has missed a lot of beauties, despite the general belief that stage managers have a corner on the nation' feminine loveliness. This fact will be delightfully demonstrated whrn Dorothy Phillips. Molly Malone, Claire Du Brav and Gretchen Lederer breeze across the screen in the engag ing episodes to be reflected In Blue- wiru pnoiopiajs wHsii xvuvmw is presented as the attraction at the Hipp theater . today ana juonaay. These women were esoecially chosen hand picked, So to say because, of their personal charm and abilities to wear fine raiment without expressing consciousness. If their are five pret ier girls in pictures than the Misses Phillips Malone, Du Bray, Lederer and Aster theer are well paying po ut t ions awaiting them at Bluebird's Studios ia Los Angeles.- Exposures BY KILOWATT- F KO.M time to tlnio w ricelvs letters lnqurln about this or that actress, or asking , some question relativ to ths motion picture Industry. We are In a fond position to answer these, but do not think the answtrs of Interest to many aalde from the person makln the inquiry. For that reason we do not oubllsh them on this pate. However, we are more than pleased to rive, free Information on any sub ject we are familiar with, but must ask that the Inquiry be sinned by the person In question aa a matter of (otid faith and be accompanied by a stampad envelope. We have a letter before ua at the present time sltned "A Member" and if this person will kindly follow Instructions above, we will be pleased to rive the data. Addreaa Kilowatt, Photoplay Department, Omaha Bee. Enter the perishable hat Enter with It Valeaka Buratt, wearer of things extraor dinaryextraordinary In conception, in ex ecution and expense. She haa designed fruit-laden headdress to be used in on of her latest pictures on the William Fox prcfram. The hat bore on Its crown and rim corns apples, peaches and grapes. Real fruit. Aa soon aa the few acenee in which It was needed were filmed, ehe distributed It among the atudlo hands, a food time la reportedx by all. We auppose the next nutty thine- will be a fish bowl with whales. Quick the ethsr. At the Kssanar bathing costume contest held durlna" the Chicago convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors League of Amer ica H. M. Thomas of the Btrand of thla olty waa one of the judges. Lucky boyl Too, bad ho'a married and his wife waa present John 3. HcOraw, manager of the New Tork Qlanta has ball team, will shortly make his bow aa a film actor. Tea alree, 'tie a fact. He la one of the caat In the Kliene-Edlson-Sellg-Ksaanay play soon to be releaaed called "One Touch of Nature." Or course there la. a very Interesting romance interwoven in the stcry that haa much to do with base ball. What Is '.J to be one of the moat sen sational seen, j ever shown In the new Fatha picture, la to ba seen In the new Fatha aerial "The Fatal King." Fearl White aa the atar l hurled by Warner Oland. the villain, Into a sewer and swept Into the Hudson river and thence Into a ferry slip. Henry Gaell, the hero, aeea her peril and Jumps In after her, A ferry boat la coming into the slip and before the anglnea can ba stopped and reversed the bow of the boat la crowding the atar and Oaell against the piling. When thla acene waa shown to the blase rum committee in rathe s ahow room there waa a chorus of "Ob.a." ' It la guaranteed to bring any audience up In their aeata. all happens In Episode t. A saw sort of press sheet has just coma Into our hands called "Fish and Film." Wa won't wish the fish atuff on you, gentle reader, thla week, but WU1 confine our re production to the adt which appear and the words that flllum. Hera geea: DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, DELICATESSEN STORK. Our apeoial flour going Ilka hot cakes. Try a bottle of our union-made milk. Wa carry the beat Wurst In town. Wa keep the beat butter. Our granulated sugar la very fine if yon don't Ilka It that way, you can lump it. BESSIE BARTUSCALB, ' BOOK STORE, . On the first floor we have books con taining two stories; for the third atory take the elevator. Pickens works here all week for fl.tt. Winter stories our specialty. WILLIAM . HART, CASH EMPORIUM. We are the loweat ot the low. Our suspenders stretch two feet all rub. ber. Our bathing suits cut down to noth ing, Oet nest to our new line ot under wear. The camel'a hair will tickle you to death. Annual sale every day next Tuee. day. If you don't sea what you ask tor want it. CHARLES CHAPLIN, HARDWARE SHOP. . Cheap akatea. Bar fixtures. Grand new opening aala cork screws, t cents. Cast Iron sinks. Our Una of horse pletols all aold out few colta left, though. Our new aewlng machine for 140, sew good. Ths cheaper ones seam good. Our automobllea are marked.-down; get one before they go up. THEDA BARA. TOBACCO COMPANY. Imported olgareta of our own make. Monroe Salisbury recently received a let ter from a little girl la Ohio: "Dear Mr. Salisbury: Too are a lovely Indian In Ramona. Please aend ' ma the name and address of the man who shot you. I want to writs and tell him I don't Ilka him- EVA GREEN." Julian Eltlnge Is making an appearance at ths Famous Flayere-Leaky atudloa and has learned already that the makeup for films la different to that ha uses for his stage plays. It ia rumored that the famous Oeraldlne rarrar la now a atar under the Goldwtn banner. She haa proved herself aa much an actress In the photoplay as shs is, a ainger and actress of the opera. The Gold win company haa aa atara now Mae Marah. Madge Kennedy. Mary Garden, Maxlna El liott, Jana Cowl and others to be an nouneed soon. It Is aald they are now aulng Mabel Kormand to appear on con tract aha had algned . with them. These pictures have been algned by the Strand theater for showings la Omaha. - , Mas Murray haa really aigntd up with the Universal company, aa have aleo Robert Leonard, to direct her and Rosemary Theby. The great Naslmova. It U announced, has signed a contract to appear In pictures to ba released by ths Metro Pictures Service. Joa 'Welch, who appears In 'The Ped dler," ths artdrama production produced by ths United States Amusement corpora tion, la said to havs the worlds record for oulclc making-up. Notwithstanding the fact that ha has to make an entire change ot clothing, besides putting a beard on his face, he haa been known to apnear on th stage four minutes after entering the dresa- Peep Into Good Photoplays Coming Soon Douglas Fairbanks.... In "Down to Earth" .....Art craft lllllle Burke In "The Land of Promise" Paramount Marguerite Clark In "Hab's Burglar" Paramount Jack Plrkfnrd In "The Varmint" Paramount Virginia ValU In "Vernon the Beautiful" tienerel Alms Hanlon In "When You and I Were Young". Artdramas Crane Wilbur In "The Third feneration" Artdramas Kthel Barrymore... ....In "The Whirlpool".. Metro Francis X. Hushjnan In "The Compart" ,. Metro Ann Murdork... In "The Outcast" M Mutual Helen Holmes '. , In "The I oet Express" (serial) Mutual Myrtle (Vonralex ,..ln "Ths Khow-Down". Bluebird Carl? le Blarkwell In "The Marriage Market".... World Valeska Kuratt In "Wife No. V Fox Fox Kiddle , In "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp" Fox Belle Hennett In "Itecause of the Woman" Triangle Mao Marah In "Polly of the Circus" Ooldwln Madge Kennedy... In "Baby Mine" ..(ioldwln Huth Stonehouse In "Follow the Girl" Butterfly Marie Walcamp .....In "The Bed Ace" (serial) ..Universal Harry Morey In "A Soldier of Chance" Yltagraph Mildred Manning.. tat "The rrlncess ot Park Kow"..... Yltagraph Bills for Current W eek Sun Three ot ths Sun's favorite stars are on the program this week. Mary Miles Mlnter appeara today and Monday In a clever little heart-touching atory entitled "Annie for Spits." There ars on the same program two reels of very funny comedy enltled "Stop Luke, and Listen, ' featuring Omaha a boy comedian, Luke Lloyd, and some of the most timely and up-to-the-minute scenes ot the American army in Franca, un xuesaay ana Wednesday Ethel Barrymore Ja shown in "The Greatest Power." a patriotic story that breathes the spirit of service to ths nation. An antirs gun crew and a portion of the United Status fleet are shown. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Drew are on this program aa well in a very tunny comedy and two reels of very exalting cowboy and rodlo riding entltlod "Knights of the Saddle," featuring Torn Mix, considered America's greatest horseman, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday William Fox presents Miriam Cooper In "The Innocent Sinner," a story with many throbs, and shows how ths human heart can forgive an Innooent sinner, a girl who had been led Into wrong doing by the lying tongue of wickedness. Muss A story with a powerful patriotic appeal Is ptcturissd In Bryant Washburn's current feature. "The Man Who Was Afraid," and will be shown at ths Muss two days only, beginning today, Thla photo play presents ths case ot ths "slackor" In a new light, as a man dominated by his mother's terror at ths thought of her son going to war. Shs eventually aeea her duty to ner country ana commits her nobis sacri fice, and how the son performs a herolo feat on the battle front la brought about In a startling manner. Ruth Roland wilt also ba on this program in an episode ot "Ths Neglected Wife." Tuesday and Wadnesday the offering will be Peggy Hyland and Sir John Hare In "Caste." The comedy work of Sir John Hara Is delightfully natural; his every move, geatura.and facial contortion will keep any audience In a constant ripple of laughter. The attraction for Thursday and Friday will be William Russell In "Ths Masked Heart," a drama ot love and In trigue, In which a strong man barely es capee ths allurements of a vain and selfish woman. Hipp Dorothy Phillips, ton Chansy and William Stowell are featured at thla thea ter today In the latest Bluebird photoplay, "The Rescue." Miss Phillips playa the role ot a divorced wife who was tricked Into remarrying her husband to save a young girl from doing the aama thing. A good comedy will also be offered In the same bill. Tuesday and Wednesday's attraction will ba announced later In this paper. Thurs day comes ths aeoond Installment of Eddy Pole and Priscllla Dean tn "The Grey Ghost." Friday and Saturday Jack Mulhall. the classy athletic, comedy-drama atar. In his latest Butterfly success, "High Speed," full ot action and exciting Incidents. Btrand Three mora pictures ' reign su preme at the Strand this week. You've seen many features where the hero did all kind of strong man stunts; wsll here's one where the director went out and found a strong man, then made a hero out ot him. "Might and 'Alan" la ths name of ths story, which has to do with the present military crisis, the stealing ot Important war documents by a foreign spy, and how they were secured through ths help ot this strong man hero. Tuesday tltl Thursday comes Wilfred Lucaa and Klda Millar In "Her Excellency, the Governor." Thla Is a story ot the lovs Af fair of a middle aged couple. Of courae, there's a comedy, too, from ths Keystone studio, "Skidding Hearts" with Ora Carewa and other fellow funsters. Friday and Sat urday Bessie Barrlscalo comes In another extremely delightful creation, "Bawbs of ths Blus Ridge," a comedy of the Virginia mountains, where this comely little back woods girlie, with bars feet and calico gown, dreams of her Prince Charming and hopes that he comes soon to carry her away to hla castle. Cmpress Anita Stewart ! ths offering at the Empress theater for the four days starting today In the six-part featura photo play, "Ths Message of the Mouse." a drama ot diplomatic Intrigue from the novel by George Randolph Chester, author of the Walllngford stories, and Lillian Chester. It is a story or nigh finance, foreign Intrigue, lovo and hats. A young and Innocent girl la projected Into the thick of a gigantic plot to wreck the financial resources of America. This unsophisticated little woman tolled the foreign plotters, saved her dad, her country and wins ths man she lovea. Also ths Hearst Weekly and the Fox Film comedy, "Love and Logs," featuring Henry Lehrman, South Bide George Walsh la featured at this theater today In his lat est comedy-drama, "Some Boy." The story Is a most Interesting ons ot a young man Just out of college, who hires out aa a publicity agent at a summer resort. Mon day Louisa Lovely and Allan Holubar In a isutteniy picture, "The Keed Case," a detective story, vastly different In theme; Thursday the last chapter ot "The Voice On ths Wire," which starred Ben Wilson and Neva Gerber, and the first chapter ot "The Grey Ohost." which stare Priscllla Dean and Eddy. Polo, with a notable sup porting cast. Bohlff Charles Ray Is featured at this theater today and Monday in a Triangle play, "The Pinch Hitter," a thrilling and aensattonal story of the base ball diamond and of a country youth who hits the pill square on ths noss and wins ths cham pionship. A good comedy aa well as the Hearst Paths Nsws will bs shown In con nection, Stuart Holmes and Joan Sawyer will ba seen Tuesday In "Love's Law;" A I A (VI fl 24TH AND n tmn Iff! W FORT STS. Today JACK MULHALL "THE FLAME OF YOUTH" GRAND. SUBURBANS TODAY ROBERT WARWICK, m THE FALSE FRIEND" MONDAY AND TUESDAY WILLIAM FARNUM. m "A TALE OF TWO CITIES" ALHAMBRA'tw TODAY WILFRED LUCAS in "HANDS UP" E. K. Lincola Gsorg Ovsy DIAMOND TOD AY MARY MILES MINTER ' in "THE GENTLE INTRUDER" LOTHROP ., EDITH STOREY in "CAPTAIN ALVEREZ" Thursday and Friday DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS WILD AND WOOLY" in IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII!lllll!ll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!lll THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY 1 ETHEL CLAYTON I i in I 'The Stolen Paradise' I TUESDAY I Bessie Barriscale 1 . In I "THE SNARL" lTlrliililiili:li!llilllliiliili;liJi!liiliili;liii:liitillilliilliliil!.l DUNDEE NO SHOW TODAY Monday GLADYS HULETTE, in "Pott and Pans Peggy" Friday Only DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS -in- "WILD AND WOOLY" South Sid MAGIC TOD AY GEORGE WALSH -in- "SOME BOY" You'll laff to see George dressed as a girl. Wednesday. Mabel Taliaferro tn "A 'Wife by Proxy;" Thursday, Franklin Farnura In The Car of Chance;" Friday, "Might and Man," and Saturday, the second chapter of The Fatal Ring." earring Pearl White, and Doris Grey lo "Her Beloved . Enemy." ' Apollo Anita Stewart Is at ths theater today In a Greater Yltagraph feature, "Clover'a Rebellion." It Is a comedy-drama In which this dainty and fascinating star Is shown to excellent advantage. Mon day Kathtyn Williams and Theodore Rob erts In a Paramount production, 'The Cost ef Hatred;" Tuesday Viola Dana; Wednes day, Blanche Sweet; Thursday, House Peters; Friday. Antonio Moreno, and Sat urday, Alice Brady, In "The Ltvorce Gams." : Dundee No show at this theater today. Monday Gladys Hulette in a Paths Gold Rooster play, "Pots and Pans Peggy," a comedy drama that pleases. Tuesday Charles Ray In a Triangle play, "Ths Pinch Hitter." Friday Douglas Fairbanks In "Wild and Woolly." It Is a burlesque on the west aa an easterner thinks it Is and is one of the best things be has given to the silent drama, ' . . Alhambra Wilfred Lucas will bs at th!s theater today In a Triangle play. "Hanus Up." Mr. Lucas Is one of the most talented actors of the screen and Is here shown In a production that prove It. E. K. Lmcoln Is also on the bill In the eleventh chapter of Jimmy Dale Adventurer' and a Georce Ovey comedy completes the bill. Monday Bessie Barriscale In . a Triangle play, "The Snarl," an Interesting story of two sisters, vastly different In personalities, with Miss Barriscale playing both parts. "Ths Flame of Youth," a gripping and fascinating atory of a young man, who frustrated th plans of a gang of opal thieves. Monday, Neal Hart In "The Almost Bad Man," and an L-Ko comedy. Other good reela will also bo shown. Wednesday will ses the first chapter of Pathe's new est serial, "The Fatal Ring," which has as the star. Pearl White, and a most ex cellent cast of supporting players. Orand Ethel Clayton will be the featured player at this theater today tn a World "Brady Made" production. "The Stolen Para dise." . It is a atory different of a blind man who marries the girl he thinks he loves and when his sight Is restored finds his wife sweet and charming, but not the girt he thought he married. A good com edy will also be on the same bill. Monday Gladys Hulette In a Pathe Gold Rooster play, "The Candy Girl." It la Just aa sweet aa the title would Indicate. ' Lothrop Edith Storey and a notable cast will be shown at this theater today in "Cap tHln 'Alverez," the best thing ever turned out by the Greater Vltsgraph company. Horsemanship of the highest order Is shown. Monday and Tuesday Antonio Moreno and Mary Anderson In "The Magnificent Med dler." Thursday and Friday Douglas Fair banks In hla latest offering, "Wild and Woolly." ' ' Suburban Robert Warwick Is featured at thla theater today In a World "Brady Made" picture, "The False Friend." Monday and Tuesday William Farnum In "A Tale of Two Cities," a auper de luxe William Fox fea ture. The picture Is one that convinces on account of its realism and direction. Thurs day, Bessls Barriscale In "The Snarl." ' Diamond Mary Miles Mlnter Is featured here today In a sweet and pleasing story, "The Gentle Intruder," In which she dupli cates her many former successes. A comedy will also be shown. Monday, Edwin Arden In a Paths Gold Rooster Play, "The Iron Heart." Many big things In the way of serials will also be shown this week. Wed nesday comes the first chapter of Pearl White In Pathe's newest, 'The Fatal Ring." Friday the final chapter of Ben Wilson and Neva Gerber in "The Voice On the Wire," and the first chapter of Universale serial, "The Grey Ghost," which features, Prlscella Dean, Eddy Polo and many others of note. ' Alamo Jack Mulhall Is featured at this theater today .in a Butterfly production, APOLLO hsS. TODAY" AT 2. 3i4, Bs30, 7:18 AND t uamty, raecmatmg ANITA STEWART XIover,7R7bellion', MONDAY KATHLYN WILLIAMS "COST OFHATRED" " TUESDAY VIOLA DANA WEDNESDAY BLANCHE SWEET THURSDAY HOUSE PETERS FRIDAY ANTONIO MORENO SATURDAY ALICE BRADY, in "THE DIVORCE GAME" Boulevard Theda Bara Is featured here today and Monday In a William Fox auper de luxe feature, "Her Greatest Love." The scenes ars beautiful, being laid in the the Ponce De Leon gardens in Florida. Tuesday Dorothy Glsh and Frank Campeau In "Jordan Is a Hard Road," under the 7tiw tV '!" (Admission 10 Cents) -TODY AND MONDAY Dorothy Phillips 4 IN "The Rescue" A fashion barer and beauty show re flecting feminine loveliness and sartorial perfections to delight the eye and win admiration. THURSDAY ONLY Eddy Polo Priscilla Dean IN.' "The Grey Ghost" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Jack Mulhall IN "Highspeed" personal direction of Thomas H. Ince. It Is a 100 per cent attraction. Wednesday Virginia Pearson in "Royal Romance," Thursday Florence La Badie In a Path Gold Rooster play, "When Love Waa Blind;" Friday Henry Woodruff In "The Beckoning Flame," a Triangle production. .nd Saturday will be Jackie Saunders In "Checkmate." BOULEVARD Tel. Harney 4272. Tkirty-third and LeaTanworth Sts. TODAY AND MONDAY THEDA BARA In a Super Da Luxe Play "Her Greatest Love" TUESDAY DOROTHY GISH FRANK CAMPEAU in 'Jordan Is a Hard Road" WEDNESDAY VIRGINIA PEARSON THURSDAY FLORENCE LA BADIE FRIDAY HENRY WOODRUFF in "The Beckoning Flame" SATURDAY JACKIE SAUNDERS "CHECKMATE" It is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of THE STANDARD FILM COR PORATION'S office at 1417 Farnam Street on Monday, July 23, where I will be pleased to meet my many friends and acquaintances. C. W. TAYLOR, Manager. TODAY yHMH MONDAY MARY MILES MINTER i" , "ANNIE FOR SPITE" ""One ef the Sweetest Stories Erer Told" Also HAROLD LLOYD the Omaha Boy, in "STOP, LUKE, LISTEN T' Two Reel, of Real Comedy. Coming Tuesday ETHEL BARRYMORE Only Vaudeville in the City Cool, Cozy, . Comfortabl Breezy Enter tainment That Satisfies. GARRISON SISTERS Featuring "The Most Perfect Girl in the World" KX-T I v- Xi v ) j J Anita Stevart I Ml S MELODY I MAIDS V A Symphony in Tone Singing and Musical "?f" I 1 ' ' If SIMMS & WARFIELD Colored Comedians EDDIE VINE Singing Comedienne How An American Girl Saved Her Country ANITA STEWART in the Six-Part Feature Photoplay "T he Message of the Mo use' An Unusual Drama of Diplomatic Intrigue From the Novel by George Randolph Chester , Wm. Fox Comedy "LOVE AND LOGS" 7 Featuring HENRY I EHRMAN Symphony Orchtstra Orch astral ' Pipe Organ MUSE BRYANT WASHBURN in "THE MAN WHO WAS AFRAID" From Mary Brecht Pulrer'a story in the Saturday ETening Post. 1 MOTHER-LOVE VS. PATRIOTISM NEWS WEEKLY THE NEGLECTED WIFE, TODAY-MONDAY ROIILFF 2559 Learenworth TODAY AND MONDAY CHARLES RAY, in "THE PINCH HITTER" A Thrillinf Story of the Baseball Diamond. TUESDAY STUART HOLMES, in "LOVE'S LAW" WEDNESDAY MABEL TALIAFERRO in "A WIFE BY PROXY" THURSDAY ' franklyn farnum the cajTof" :hance' FRIDAY ELMO LINCOLN, in "MIGHT AND MAN" SATURDAY PEARL WHITE, in No. 2 "The Fatal Ring" DORIS GREY, in "Her Beloved Enemy" MIGHT and : MAN A riiodern 'patriotic story with a strong man as the. hero. Pathe Weekly Comedies Too. f i