Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1917, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 21. 1917. 9 Briej City News Hare Bool Print It Now tteaeon Pram- Metal dies, pressw'k. Jubilee Mfg. Co. dec. Pans. ..50 Bureesa-Granden Platinum Wrddln? Rlnjs Edholm. Prof. KraU Returns Lee G. Kratz has returned from Madison Lake, S. D., where he was platform superin tendent of assembly. Try the noonday 35-eeut luntheon at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas ant surroundings, mueio and entertain ment. A d vertlsemen t- Xcw Duckworth Boy An eight pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Duckworth of Nehawka, Neb., at a local hospital this morning. Five Places Robbed of Plumbing FiumDing tnieves were at work again last night and stripped Ave places of their fixtures; 1425-27-29-31-33 North Twenty-first street were ransacked and the piping removed. Little, But Ambitious, This Pickaninny of Thirteen That patriots are patriots, whether young or old, white or black, was proved Saturday afternoon by a lit tle negro boy, who, with his equally small black sister backing him up in his laudable effort, tried to get into the great war machine of the United Mates oi America and couldnt Just after the big parade Saturday . afternoon, and while things were sort o' dull in the recruiting office of Bat tery E of the first lennessee field artillery, a little negro boy, some 3 feet tall and barefooted, walked into the office. A little negro girl sucking a very large pickle, followed behind him. The little pickaninny pulled off his cap and rolling his eyes at one of the recruiting officers, said gravely: "I wants to join de army." For a minute the men were stunned. But nobody laughed. "What do you want to do in the army?" the officer said. "I wants to work. I can chop km' in'." This was a puzzling situation for the officer. The boy was in dead earnest. The officer turned to the lit tie girl. ' "Are you hi6 sister?" "Yas. sir." " "Do you want him to join the army? "Yas, sir." Not a smile from anybody. "I saw a sign in de parade says come to 502 Church street to join, said the little negro hopefully. "This is the place," said the officer. "but I'm afraid you're a little bit too voune to join. Tse 13," declared the little fellow stoutlv. The officer shook his head, but to hold out hope to the little patriot, told him to report to the captain of the Nashville negro company, who would eive him something to do. "All rizht. sir." said the little picka ninny as he was leaving. "I'll find him, fer I sho' does want to join." Nashville fennesseean. Two Motor Cars Wrecked; Occupants Narrowly Escape An automobile driven by A. H fhishnlm nf Benson and a machine driven bv Mrs. E. C. Leggett. 22 Strehlow aoartments. collided at Eighteenth and California last night Rnth msi-hinea were badlv wrecked. Although there were four passengers in the Leggett car and five in the Chisholm machine, no one was in - jured except Mrs. J. B. Keeney of Chicago, who was riding m the Leg vrn rar She sustained slieht lacera- . tions about the arms when struck by flying glass, riiislinlm. whom the nonce sav was driving on -the wrong side of the street, was booked on a cnarge oi violating the trathc ordinances. Everett Buckingham Reports Conditions Prosperous in West Everett Buckingham, general man ager of the union Mock xaras com pany, has returned from a short trip to Worland, Wyo., where he visited his daughter, who lives on a ranch near there. "The country looked prosperous on4 fn rmna arc crnnA" said Mr. Buckingham. "A big new beet sugar factory is being hunt at woriana. "I was down in Casper, too, and the country down there is develop ing fast, because ot tne on tney arc finding. All of the country I was in is in the best condition and speaks weJl for the prosperity of the United btates. Burlington Builds Spurs Of Track Into Fort Crook Several spurs of new switch tracks for the Burlington railroad are being built leading into Fort Crook. This will make easier the moving of the troops and handling of supplies at the fort. Burlington officials, as well as those of other roads, are not giving out in formation about the preparations for troop movements soon to begin. "There will be no diffkuty in mov' ing the troops, we can promise that," said L. M. Whitehead, chief clerk to General Passenger Agent L. W. Wakeley. "If necessary we will stop the passenger trains to do it Live Stock. Sanitary Board Holds Its Annual Meeting Annual meeting of the Nebraska Live Stock Sanitary board was held at the Stock Yards Exchange hall Wednesday. Colonel James H. Bulla was re-elected president, and Dr. J. S. Anderson, state veterinarian, was re elected secretary. Methods of preventing tuberculosis were discussed. The board endorsed the plan of getting a train to go through the state demonstrating and lecturing on tuberculosis and the way to prevent its spreading. , . Kentuckian Says Woman Picked His Pocket of $6 Edward B. Miller, who says he came from Kentucky, but that "his home is under his hat," caused the arrest of Nellie Everetts, 1323 How ard street last night, charging that she picked his pockets for $6. The woman is being held for investiga tion and Miller is detained as com plaining witness. Sinn Fein Organ at ' - ';i Limerick Is Suppressed Limerick, Ireland, July 19. The Sinn Fein organ, Factionist,' which has been appearing for some months, was suppressed today. .The police seized the plant. . Bet Want Ads product results. Let Mr. Foster Travel Information Service Plan Your Vacation Trip For You No Charge. Balcony iKESSfciWMI M EVERYBODY STORE Take a Kodak with you and bring your films to us, we will develop them without charge. Main Floor. Friday, July 20, 1917.- -STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- Phone D.137. Don't Forget We Are Closing Out Our Entire Stock of Furniture at Sweeping Price Reductions Nothing Reserved We'll Show You How To Preserve Food Beginning next Monday morning we will give demonstrations of how easily vegetables and fruits- can be dried or evaporated with a very little expense. Mrs. Harriet S. MacMurphy Formerly State Food In spector, who has made a thor ough study of this line of work, will have charge of the demonstrations. " We know you are interested and we invite you to come and benefit by these talks and demonstrations given by Mrs. MacMurphy. Clearaway of Leather Bags And Strap Purses Unusual Values At $1.00 IT'S indeed a most unusual clearaway unusual in val ue and range and variety of kinds and styles, every bag is guaranteed to be real leather. The offering in cludes: Real Seal Real Pin Seal Real Morocco Real Goat and Calf Leathers Matt Pin and Walrus Grain Silk and leather lined and fitted, many have the invis ible lock which prevents opening and loss. There's a shape and style to suit the fancy of every one, and each one is a wonderful value at $1.00. Burg ...Na.h Co. Main Floor 1 Clearaway Women's Handkerchiefs Extreme Values Saturday at 7Vc A LARGE group of women's handkerchiefs of superior quality, plain white or with colored edge, finished with colored embroidered initial, specially reduced Sat urday, to 7y8c each. Men's Handkerchiefs, Box of 6 for 75c Fine cambric lawn handkerchiefs, with colored or white embroid ered initial, full size, special, box of 6 for 75c. Co. Main Floor Radical Clearaway Saturday Of Every Trimmed Straw Hat $3.00 THAT'S the way they are priced for Saturday to insure a quick and decisive disposal. In cluding large white milans, faced with georgette crepe and trim med with wings and fancies. You'll find a wide range of style selection and the values are 'way out of the ordinary. Every hat specially reduced, regardless of the former price. No approvals, no C. O. D's., no exchanges. Burgei.-Naah Co. Second Floor "Mermaid" Hair Wavers 6 for 75c THE "Mermaid" wavers pro duce a natural, beautiful water wave, which will remain for a week or longer. Put up six in a container, made of light white metal that will not rust and are absolutely sanitary. Black and White Room Second Floor Men's Hot Weather Suits Specially Priced For Saturday at $7.50 to $25.00 NO, this is not a clearaway, but a special offering of men's summer suits that were re ceived in time for Saturday's selling and specially priced to feature for that day. The materials are : Palm Beach Kool Cloth Tropical Worsteds White Flannels and Silks made in the very latest styles, according to our own rigid specifications, the Burgess-Nash Standard of quality, which means at all times the very best possible value at any given price. Pinch back, belt all around, as well as con servative models, all sizes, in stouts, slims, short stouts and regulars. Golf Suits, $13.50 to $25.00 Knicker or long trousers, made of palm beach, fancy cheviot and homespun materials. Sport Coats and Trousers Golf and sport coats and separate knicker trousers, of palm beach, white duck and chev iots. Automobile Dusters, $1.75 to $15.00 tan. Full cut and good quality linen, gray or Burgee. -Na.h Co. Fourth Floor Corsets for Sports and Bathing WE recommend the Bien Jolie Treco corsets for bathing, tennis and general sports wear, whalon boned, cool, serviceable and comfortable, four styles, No. 3139, '3045, 3046 and 3095. Sizes 19 to 30, with price range of $2.00 to $5.00. Burcesi-Naah Co. Second Floor Fresh Caramels, 29c lb. MADE of the best and pur est ingredients, in assort ed flavors. One taste makes you,want more, 29c lb. Co. Mala Floor Children's Shoes Specially Reduced in Price for Saturday Selling FOR Saturday we've placed special price reductions on certain lines of children's shoes that will insure a generous response. All children's pumps and oxfords, hand welted and turned soles, in a variety of styles, in cluding Dugan and Hudson, also Kindercraft shoes, made especially for children with growing feet, all spe cially reduced in price. Th,S Infant's English ankle ties of dull or patent leather, reduced to $1.35. , , , , Children's strap pumps of dull or patent leather, reduced to Children's strap pumps of dull or patent leather, reduced to Misses' strap pumps of dull or patent leather, reduced to $2.65 and $3.45. Big girls' strap pumps of dull or patent leather, reduced to $3.15 and $3.95. Co. Second Floor Women's Neckwear at V2 Price BIG assortment of women's neckwear, including fine linen hand embroidered pieces, khaki kool silk collars, etc., also some sailor collars with long revers and roll effects, entire group reduced to half former price. Burget.-Ne.h Co. Main Floor Fishing Tackle at 25 Discount IT'S all the more encouraging . to catch fish when your tackle costs so much less, for Saturday we offer a special dis count of 25 off the regular price of reels, rods, lines, hooks, baits, tackle boxes, etc. Croquet Sets A new shipment received and they go on sale Saturday spe cially priced. Burgee.-Na.h Co. Fourth Floor Men's Straw Hats Reduced For Saturday Special at Price HERE'S an opportunity to replace that dirty old straw hat with a new one and at a less price than it would cost you to have it cleaned. For Saturday we have reduced every panama, bangkok, bamboo, milan, mackinaw, leghorn and Por to Rican straw hat to exactly half the original price. Men's Straw Sailors Re duced to 95c and $1.75 Two big groups including the favored shapes and dimensions a shape and style to suit every type of face, and reduced for Saturday to 95c and $1.75. Burge-Nah Co. Fourth Floor , STRAWS if You Splash Me, I'll Splash You Our bathing suits are designed essentially for the swim, although on beach promenade they are quite the correct thing and just as smart as can be. Heed the call hie yourself to Burgess-Nash, where the prettiest assortments await your choosing, in silks, satins, mohairs and knitted weaves made to defy the weather and wild waves. Women's Bathing Suits, $1.50 to $42.50 All sizes for women, misses and girls. Prices range $1.50 to $42.50. Th Annette Kellorman Model for women, misses and girls, knit ted, $4.98 to $16.50. Bnrfeis-Naib Co. Second Floor Clearaway of Silk Petticoats Radical Reductions Two Groups $8.95 and $15.00 TI7E only wish we could show V V you the beauty and daintiness of the exquisite petticoats, that you , might realize how great the reduc tions are, for we know what the re sult would be the entire collection snapped up in a "jiffy." They're made in a splen did assortment of smart new styles, of a superior quality of taffeta and messaline silks, white and evening shades. There is no wardrobe complete without a white or light colored silk petticoat, and here is your one big op portunity to save generously. ' Burg.-Nah Co. Second Floor RemarkableCIearaway of Women's Linen Suits, at V2 Former Price THE sort of suits that are so popular for street, country club and outing wear. The styles are greatly varied, some are norfolk coats with straight pleats from shoulder to coat edge, some adopt a more tailored effect, some have double pockets tastily held by little tabs. The colors are blue, corn, also white. Women's Pongee Coats At y2 Price IN most instances only one of a kind and style, empire with full gathered skirts, some pleated, some flared, others belted and many cross-strapped; large collars and fancy trimmings, very desir able for automobile as well as dress wear. Saturday, in the clearaway, at ' price. Clearaway of Girls' and Misses' White Dresses Ages 6 to 16 Years Saturday at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $6.95 $7.95 $15.00 DESCRIPTION fails to give the real, true style beauty and bargain value this offering of dresses repre sents. Made of white organdies, batistes, nets, voiles, georgette crepes, poplins, galateas and piques, all beau tifully and daintily trimmed with laces and embroideries. Some have jacket effects, others empire style, till oth ers finished with colored collars and cuffs, every one an extreme value. Women's Auto Dusters. $1.00 Special groups of linen colored dusters for auto wear, reduced to $1.00. . Burgea.-Na.h Co. Second Floor Saturday Yoil Can Save $1.00 On Any Pair of Men's Oxfords R REGARDLESS of the regular price. Well worth coming for is it not? You'll find them on the Fourth Floor and here's an idea of what to expect: - Men's white canvas oxfords, reduced to $3.00. Men's palm beach oxfords, reduced to $2.50. Men's Russia calf, ko-ko tan oxfords, reduced to $6.00. Men's Russia calf, dark tan oxfords, reduced to $5.00. Men's black Russia calf oxfords, reduced to $5.00. Men's tan Russia calf oxfords, reduced to $4.00. s Men's black Russia calf oxfords, reduced to $4.00. Burg . ..-Nath Co. Fourth Floor My Men's Cool Summer Fixing Just Inside The Harney Street Door JUST the sort of furnishings men like and want and they're specially priced for Saturday, too. Men's Neckwear, 3 for $1.00 Men's foulard four - in -hand ties, full shapes and new patterns, quite the "proper caper'' for summer wear, 3 for $1.00. . , Men's Union Suits, 69c Athletic style, made of fine checked and fancy striped nainsook, at 69c. Men's Sample Leather Belts, at 50c The sample line of a certain manufacturer, including a wide range of selection of styles and kinds, black or tan, and all sizes, special, 50c. ' Men's Bathing Suits, 89c to $7.50 ' A splendid range for selection in the new color com binations. The materials are wool wprsted and cotton ribbed jersey; sizes 34 to 54, at 89c to $7.50. Burg e.t-Na.h Co Main Floor