Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1917, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JULY 21. Will. Lottery for the v War Draft for Omaha's Quota (Continurd From Page Vnr.) 1,176 1. Fred Bendorph, 1301 Sprague. 1,T1 1. Roy Ruld, SOU N. 42nd St. 1,5 1. Vernon J. Potter, 2008 Ames Ave. 72 1. Earl i'loyd Bragg, 2011 Locust. 2,1281 George Lawrence Staepard, 4934 N. Slid Ave. 1,059 1. I.eander Little, 3450 Flnkney. 6 1. Gulseppt Artherl. 1121 H N. 17th. 3501. Dan Sullivan, 1815 N. 19th. 1,5801. Hugh Elliott Newbyi 2565 Hart man Ave. 641. Abraham Oerstein. 1424 X. 16th. 1,6981. Royal Roland Cravens, 2804 . Miami. ,S85 1. Ottis Nielson, 2809 Pratt. J,615 1. Gerald Moore, 2415 Binney. (70 1. William Schwarlck, Carter Lake Club. 1,7141. George William Ferris, 3728 El llson Ave. 5491. Sam Whitcomb. 3208 N. 19th. 1,1321. John Oeorge Roesky, 4420 N 22d. 4401. John E. Harman, 2237 N. 13th. 1,4861. John G. Doedjns, 2573 Hartman 1,6741. Guy L Roy Adcock, 3013 Titua. 7411. Frank Scalzo. 2814 N. 15th. 1,0641. William James Burnell, 4114 N. 23d. :,448 1 Louis J. Fltipatrlck. 3211 N. 25th Ave. S.10S 1 Forrest Guy Piatt, 4714 N. 34th 1.S58 1 Friti'Lang, 1330 Ogdcn. 1,601 1 Edward B. Oberly, 2808 Emmett. 9231 Ort-n L, Davis, 3816 N. 19th. 1,3051 William H. Dana, 3903 N. 18th. 8411 Ernest 81monson, 1841 N. 18th. 2,6171 Harry Rubensteln, 2425 Pinkney. 1,117 l Marry Le uoy J. oejven, ana Boyd. 1,3761 Lewis Le Roy Rober, 3423 N. 28th. 2,532 1 Frank Brown Stork, 2204 Emmett, 1,0071 E. Rey Shanks, 1811 Laird. 1,7641 Jo Molrtk, 4235 Ft. Omaha Ave. 391 1 Leslie' L. Burkenroad, 2060 N. 19th. 1,866 1 Arthur S. Moran, 1444 Grand Ave. 2,3961 Harry Z. Vlchere, 2516 Pinkney. S63 1 Claude Tltsworth, 1816 N. 18th. 970 1 Raymond Barrow McDougall, 3321 N. 14th. 637 1 Louis - Lazier Hartzborg, 1611 Maple. 1,6731 Harry Walter Ackley, 4727 N. 40th Ave. 1,8701 Arthur Ehlers, 3102 N. 30th. 2,0241 Alfred Leslie Bullock, 4616 N. S6th. 3601 Fred L. Winter, 1810 Clark. 1,6571 Howard Fredrick Viot, 2683 Kan sas Ave. l 0661 Albert Paul GIger, 4723 N. 30th. 1,2171 William N. Nevottl, 5854 Florence Blvd. 6711 Horace Edward Beaver, 2538 N ISth St. 1,8781 Harry E. Flanagan, 5001 N. 80th. . 4881 ThoiAas Murphy, 3048 N. 18th 1,6481 Herman August Kraft, 2586 Laurel Ave. 2,1021 Ernest Harold Pendell, 2873 Mere dith. 2,9551. Charles Ogllbee, 8011 Miami. 7041. Clarence Nelson, 1514 Ohio. Tf i tnrrtii Halzman. 1820 Paul. 1 0531. Harold Norton Beercroft, 4110 N. 81st. 1,8961. Henry 6. Hanson, 2738 Grand Av. 1,7091. George John ismery, ton . 89th. usI Boa. Nanfeto. 1142 N. 17th St. 1,0571. Frank M. Cashman, 8926 N. 22d. 2f5j0 l. Geuer W. Hanse, zouj . '" 3,0771. Samuel Carl Nielsen, 3204 N 36th. sn-?f Mpnrv Rrhl' heer. 2612 Binney. 2,116 1, Arthur Heison Robbins, 3356 Grand Ave. 1281. Floyd Powell, 1117 N. 19th. 2 012 1. Russel E. Bennett, 4527 N. 37th 6791. Harvey L. Hartison, 1624 Lake. 8061. Hugh L. Daugherty, 1616 Corby, 111. Roy Bertch, 1120 N. 17th. i not i io W Peternen. 3408 Sahler. 2',989 I. Derry H. Davles, 431 N. 36th " Ave. onn i .Tohn "R. Bertrand. 1611 Evans. 1,9811. Frederick .Thompson, 2815 Fow- 1 6171.' Cornelius E. Ryan, 6321 N. 28th. 2.3031. Douglas W. Connor, .3515 N-. 29th. 3631. Percy L. Wright. 1550 N. 17th. 2,4211. Clarence E. Boyd, 2523 Emmett. 1 2871. Albert W. Bonner, 1708 Sahler. 1 1421. Victor B. Smith, 2101 Evans. 1. GUmn E. Musgrave. 2567 Pinkney ' 439 1. Jesse L. Dunlap, 2B1 8 Emmet. 1 7651. Bert Lee Moreing, 4017 Camden. 61. Francis Baldwin. 1404 N. 18th. 7961 Roy F. Rentfrow, 2802 N. 25th. i167 1. Milton R. Cady. 2703 Rujfgl-s. 3 1081. Hugh C. Roberison, 4020 N. 20th. 2.6531. Jesse T. Stenner, 2117 Wirt. '565 1. William D. Ml-ldaugh, 2868 onio. "0 1. Johannes V. Krahtz, 28th Ave. , and Spragtie. 93 1. G"1eppe Monglnmcll, 1120 N, j 4481. VIIHm B. Elllnton, 6222 N. 30th 1,7221. Harry B. Gleason, 4407 Grand Ave. 9J71. William F. Kenny, 1454 Pinkney. 1,5571. Domlnlck Luckes, 6110 N. 36th. 2,8331. Clarence Andersen, 3M1N. 28th. j'744 1. Leroy Jordan, 3814 Brown. 11121. Tony Morchese, 4123 N. 24th. 2462 1. Flnley D. Jenkins, 3303 N. 21st. 17161, Elmer F. Frazee, 6102 N. !7th. 7731. Jack Rlgg, 2614 Sherman Ave. 6081. Owen L. Engel, 2619 Sherman Ave. 4061. BenJ. R. Copeland. 2032 N. 18th. 25021. Myron F. Norton, 2333 Spencer. 61 9 1. Gustave H. Ruge, 13th and Boyd 1 7301. Victor A. Hansen. 4723 N. 40th. 251. Joe Castello. 1126 N. 17 th. 3921. Russell J. Burress, 1503 Yates. 2,081 1. Clayton H. Knousc, 3701 Ames Ave. 22511. Edgar Newman, 4103 N. 28 Ave. 8S9 1. Harry M. Arndt, 1825 Laird. 383 1. J. A. Borghotf. 1648 Victor Ave. 1 166 1. Lester S. Bowerman, 6005 N. 24. 1 7121. John M. Chrlslensen, 4S03 N. 24. 2 1861. Dean L. Fowler, 4016 N. 25th. 688 U Joe H. Clarkson, 1814 Maple. 3 090 1 Car! Ze Pllger, 3544 N. 37th. 2.5911. Raymond J. nigicy, s .maim. 28561. George D. Parker, 1621 Spencer. 706 1. Walter C. Nichols, 2602 N. 18th. 1,3461. Cabor Ko, 1144 Fort. - 28361. Harry Anderson, 3025 Manderson 22C3 1. Carlton L. Vizzard. 2714 Ruggles. 20537. John L. Gibson, 3030 Larlmore 20511. Arthur G. Frleske, 8484 Ames. 19571. Raymond Powell. 2567 Fowler. 31071. William L. Reeves. 3464 Pratt. 6761. Clarence Bogue. 2609 N. 15th. 20231. Laurel F. Brubaker, 4716 N. 36th 25661. S. J. Brown, 2502 Lake. 2922 1. Charles Norton. 3418 Corby. 944 1. win ranK uunu, mvi 18661. John J. Duffy, 5114 N. 24th. 29371. James Peoples, 3337 Maple. 18081. John Phillip Sprecher, 6306 N. 38th. 19431. Samuel Clesklr, 2806 Fort. 16771. Arty V. Aldorson, 6109 N. 40th. " 2941 1. Edwin R. Peterson,3203 Miami. 2706-1. Lawrence P. Eggert, 3021 N. 30th 122 1. Charles L. Penton, 1913 Charles. 17831. George L. Phillips, 3822 Hlme baugh Ave. 642 1. John Hlesser, 2803 N. 13th. 9391, David Ben Goldstein, 1701 Laird. 1639 1. Glenn Smith, 2437 Laurel Ave. 2221. Leo F. Fllnn, 1656 N. 19th. 23641. Arthur A. Nelson, 3637 N. 28th. 17151. Raymond P. Finnegan, 4217 Fow ler Ave. Here Are Some of the Well Known Omahans Drafted E. John Brandeis, head of the Brandeis interests in this city, was among those drawn. Mr. Brandeis is reckoned the wealthiest young man of the city. E. J. Hart, 6045 Evans street, one of the first six Omahans drawn, ex pressed pleasure that his name should be near the top of the list. "Now I know just where I stand and can lay my plans accordingly," he said. Hart was married August 23, 1915. When his wife heard the news she began to sob. "I don't believe it," she cried. Hart was born and raised in Omaha. He is 24 years old and a graduate of Creighton college. He has a son 19 months old. Malcolm Baldrige, son of Howard M. Baldrige, former candidate for United States senator from Nebraska, was among those drawn in the human lottery. Baldrige now is at the offi cers' reserve training camp at Fort Snelling. He is a graduate of Yale and was a member of the Yale foot ball team. Lloyd A. Magney, prominent Oma ha attorney and son of County Attor ney Magney, was among the first to be drawn. Ralph A. Doud, former member of The Bee staff and now at Fort Snell ing attending the officers' reserve training camp, was named in the. con scription list. " "I knew I'd be one of the first per sons drawn," Paul Selby, former cap tain of the University of Omaha foot ball team, said when advised of his selection over long distance telephone at Odebolt, la., where he is visiting friends. The name of Kent Withnell, son of City Commissioner Withnell, 5554 Florence boulevard, was among the hrst on tne list. Omaha Chinese Drawn. ' The United States draft army will put up an appearance in France that never has been equalled in the history of European wars, if such citizens as the following are taken. If he is a voter he will be taken the same as any American. ' One of the latest additions to the Omaha draft army is a Chinese, Kai Chew Chin. His draft number was 390 and he resides at Fourteenth and x ai u ai u 33d 906 1. Guy R. Brown, 1468 Pinkney, 22261. Ronald H. MacDonald, 2858 Taylor. 7001. William J. Napier, 2824 N. 16th. 1230 Francis A. Suber, 2028 Grand Ave. 1195 1. Edgar E. Hartwcll, 31f N. 24th. Louis E. Wood, 2703 Spauldlng. Frank Ohelll, 1808 N. 18th. Allen Sawyer, 1613 N. 20th. Andrew Rogulya. 2603 N. ljth. 29941. Royal V. Dickason, 430- N. 3th. 1628 1. Jesse Wade Severn, Omaha Na tional bank, James B. Massey, 2112 Locust. John S. Kerr,, 8405 N. 37th. Gustave A. Burrall, 4323 Miami. James E. Nixon, 2601 N. 19th. Robert Brown, 2017 Locust.' George E. Harrison. 1612 Cass. Morris Rubensteln. 2425 Pinkney. Kicnara stenr, 1836 N. 18th. 1. Richard Stehr, 1836 N. 19th. 3,0911. Neta Petersen, 3928 Maple. 1,5961 .Herbert &. Phillips, 5625 N, Ave. Robert L. Eggers, 3916 N.26th Ave. Theodore Ichlrte, 16th and Redlck Ave. - . John McRory, 1414 Sherman Ave. Drue P. Hudnall, 2602 Sprague. Nick Kale, 2635 Corby. William J. O'Connor, 2608 Jayne, Earl A. Jacobsen, 2426 Saratoga. Joseph J. O'Brien, 5123 N. 220. Eldred D. Moore, 3722 N. 20th. Dr. Frank C. Secor, 2502 Fort. Sam R. Anderson, 2637 N. 15th, William A. Matherly, 2802 Point . Ave. Lester A. Ploott, 4617 N. 36th Fred C. Stery, 1406 N. 18th. William H. Baldwin, 6107 N. 15th. Sebastian Flslcaro. 1114 N. 17th. Claude E. Olin. 2601 N. 14th. Frank M. Cashman, 2925 N. 22d. Harold H. Thorn, 2316 Ogden Ave. Harold L. George, 3706 N. 30th. Frank Callmia, 1133 N. 18th. Stanley O. King. 3403 Boyd. Jaeob Chealer, 1615 N. 20th. Glen Valko. 4708 N. 18th. John W. Hanson. 3102 N. 24th. 24061. 2971. 3211. 736 1. 26111. 30432. 28531. 7071. 2559 1. 30251. 2,6161. 3451. 2,1841. 1,3551. 1031. 2,1961. 2,7521. 1,6851. 1,9121. 1,221 1. 1,1021. 1,6261. 6661. 1,6651. 2,1091. 1541. 1,2811. 611. 7171. 1,0571. 1,2561, L073 1. SO 1. 3,0461. 1091. 381. 2,458-rl Second District. 2582. 2,5222. 25S 2. 3,4032. 1,4362. 2,6242. 8542. 1.8942. 1,8782. 3,2572. 1,0952. 2,0232. 3.3832. 3,3822. 1,4552. 7832. 1,8132. 2.7872. 1.8583. 2,389 2. 1,7622. 3,4942. 8,0522. 3,2002. 1,1172. 1,5722. 2,7622. 1,7482. 3,195 2. Lester AV. Southwlch, 2203 M St. Guy H. Vanoe, 6013 S. 28th. Herbert Birchard, 3924 S. 25th. Willis Emerson Miller, 4929 S. 29th. Max Feeney, 3021 R St. Charles Laltner. 6820 S. 24th. Mfejor Harris. 2608 N St. Emll Heldt. 8920 S. 34th St. Adolph Orlncewich. 4310 8. 33d. Thomns L. Green, 8903 W. Harry J. Gullfoyle. 2613 Q St. .THn Petroskl, 4601 8. 34th St. Benjamin Trapp, n4047 X. Emll Tourek, 4122 T. Lawrence Genakl, 6219 South Thirty-first street. Rudolph Carlson, 4829 South Twenty.fourth. Stefan Blga, 4546 South Thirty ninth. John Tom Lane, 651S South Twenty-eighth. Cleslaw Dushyuskl, 4626 South Thirty-third. Moysic Chlso, 6306 South Elev enth. George Tlsent. 290 R. Sam Rafkln, 6441 South Twenty fourth, t Narcys Lonynovich,"' 6406 South Thirty-fourth. Joseph N. Bush, 3405 T. Roy Lold Mace, 5622 South Twenty-fouth. Harold Denis McMahon, 3020 Q. Oscar Lawrence Halvorson, 2335 Monroe. Ernest Thompson, 3114 T. Edward Alfred Carlston, 6220 South Twentieth. 137 J. Daniel Gonzalez, 240 P. 1,0361. Ignati Ndron, 4207 South Thirty Ighth. 3371. Clyda C. Hall, 1318 K. 8103. Louis Egan. 1611 N St. 1.519 3. Joe Lathan. 6219 S. 29th. 2,5491. James Budka, 6811 8. lth 1.6811. William M. Ray. 2731 R St 6071. William Andrew Howard, 3730 8. 14th. 3092. Harry Check. 4114 8. tld. 4373. Oscar Edward Turnqutst. 2114 F. 1.9672. Guy Normand Rhyno, 3108 T St. 3.2541. Joseph Green, 3903 W St. 1,3241. Joseph Wteteckl, 4636 & 37th. 604 1. Fred Carr. 1512 K St. 3.3472. John P. Murphy, 4014 T St. 3,369 1. Edward Seffron, 4 3d and Drexel 433. Edwin Cuttln Goddard. Jr., 4439 S. 18th. 3.3312. Edward Oleweckl. 3527 C St. 1,2372. Thomas Joseph Kaluza, 4207 S. 29th St. 7843. Peter Chugas, 4834 P. 26th St. 1,7323. Hade Sumajlaa, 6309 8. 30th St 755 3. Claude Russell Barmore, 4933 8. 25th. 1072. George Ambrose Parks, 1624 Missouri Ave. 1. 5463. Octaafe R. Lonrke. 5519 S. 23d 2,0993. Julian Staszklcwle, 44th and J Sts. 1,3692. Paul Bizal, 5330 S. 32d St. 2,6913. John Swoboda. 6821 8. 18th, 6162. Isaao Crawford, 2614 K St. 3733. Claude Foster Mayfleld, 4417 S 23d . 1.6763. Joseph Rukavina. 2719 Q St. 1.2662. James Anthony Mitchell, 3713 F. 1,8913. Daniel Harvat, 3924 S. 34th. 7753. Oscar Brown. 4924 S. 25th St. 1,1833. Odell Balcaen. 3623 U St. 2.6842. Harry Stevens, 5,812 S. 19th. 2.1692. Hachltaro ITmesak, 362 U St, 4162. Thomas Martin Dowd. 3817 S, 27th. 6928. Emll Fred Mundt, 4508 S. 25th, 6002. Crosby M. Broadwell, 3420 F St 3,2562. Robert Walter Green, 3906 W 1.9862. Adam Matuk,"4406 S. 33d St. 3,706 2. Joseph Frank Asvhenbrenner. 6014 8. 19th. 3.8523. Mike Urkevlch, 3017 Q St. 1,7633. John Dooms, 3803 V St. 3.2292. Rode Lubenkovlc. 5224 S. 28th. 1,6482. Frank Leo Mlcek, 4306 8. 23th. 1,2642. Lawrence Beard, 2513 Q St. 1,0662. Cleo McDonald, 2605 N St. 924 2. Francisco Maralos, 4923 8. 33d. 2,4552. William C. Sheen, 6244 S. 23d. 3.4712. Coral C. Slattery, 4427 8. 23d. 420 2. Alexander Tecevech, 2506 O St 4,1162. Daniel Edward Joneschelt, 6621 S. 26th. 2,9163. .dlke Leo Welch, 2705 Q St. 1.1783. Harry E. Kinsley, 2410 C St. 4.4633. Ernest John Bell, 2217 N St. 2,3742. Charles Michael Tex. 4332. Antonl Wojctk, 4803 S. 28th. 1,3292. Rudolph Moravek. 3641 Z St. 2,945 2. Tony Lukoszewlez. 3,3002. Arthur L. Blake, 4410 S. 10th. 3,926 2, Samuel George Bartlett, 22d and Washington. 2,7252. George Edward Kerns, (419 Madison. 2,7832. Albert Goodam, 2315 Madison, 2,7562. Frank Vampola, 89th and Mon roe. 1,0451. Robert Felton Wilson, 4716 8, 27th. 1,0313. Vernon Le Roy Vanscoy, 4938 H s. zstn. 1,7053. Kasto Spasoff, 2906 R. 3,1491. John Charles Smith, 4716 8. 36th, 1,3312. Walter Wognlak, 4526 8. 17th. 1,6853. Joe Saslch. 6316 8. 27th. 482 3. Martin George Dowling, 3732 S. 24th: ' 1,382 2. Joseph Robert Pankowsky, 3527 8. 28th. 2,090 3. John Leonovlcz, 3413 V, So. Side. 1,3232. Stanlelaw Wllczcwskl, 4210 8. 28th. - 1,8472. Wlsdyslaw Czernisk, 4422 8. 40th 797 2 Milan Deklch, 2603 N. 1402. Orren W. Wince, 1704 Missouri. 2,699 2. Clyde Herbert Johnson, 1537 r, . 1.6362. John Laccan. 2809 R. 1,922 2. Tadlslaus Paul Karnash, 4216 8. 38th. 2,9522. John Kolar, 6503 8. 21st. 1.7232. John Fred Stlgge, 2910 8. 3,8082. James Meracky, 6010 S. 20th. 8,8583. Laudle F. Schwee, 8(16 Madison. 1.7793. Mike Well. 3120 V. 1,2363. John Bart Kaluza, 4117 8. 28th. 2,2472. Frank Kofnovee, 6241 8. 19th, 3.8182. Jan Onait. list and F. 6762. Franklin C. Spender. 3621 8. 26th. 2752. Paul J. Weber, 4834 8. 23d. 6092. Joseph Jakslk, 3825 S. 23d. 1,1852. Stanlslaw Bojanskl, 3612 8. 80th, 6642. Raymond O. Riley, 3606 S. 34th, 2,166 2. Jan Zdanowlcs, 4310 8. 33d. 9452. Peter M. Nelson, 4927 S. 26th. 1,9132. Stanlslaw Jodoloskl, 3802 H St, 6952. Nathan Biber, 4411 8. 26th. 3,0672. Nela Jensen, 3617 Q St. 2,6202. James Kulhanek, 6809 8. 20th. 2,9362. Daniel Edward McNulty, (302 8. 31st St 1,2672. Edward Moudel. 4638 8. 27th St 2,1482. Francsek Wlsnleskl, 4640 S. 40th. 6362. Otto Maurer, jr., 4112 8. 24th. 1,4952. Balaslawai Janakenas, 6418 8. 32d St. 2,4532. Edward McGlmpsey, 2313 O St 548 2. Edward Morris Nicholson, 2214 D St. 1262. Frank William Stedman, 1704 Missouri Ave. 3,0702. Dlgabura Kawakml, 4806 M St 1,6792. MIJo Ruson, 6409 832d St. 4322. Dale Talbot, 4506 8. 22d St. 3,2863. Stanlslaw Labananskl, 8427 V St. 3,0532. Hugh Healey, 3623 R St. 2.7192. Robert Truman Ashburn, 2301 Monroe. 2,9522. Patrick Murphy, (613 8. 81st St. 182. Earl Conrad, 4603 S. 18th. 6523. John Cantloua Heafy, 4034 8. 26th. 1272. George McGee, 2618 N St. 2,8682. Charles John Biasing, 6521 8. 26th St 1,4842. Roy Howard. 621 B. 29th St. . 7392. Lewis Carl Wilson, 2619 E. St. 1,5612. Henry Wiess. 4018 U.St. 6012. George Brock, 3310 N St. 3,0242. Jesse LeRoy Cope, 11124 S. 42d. 1,8222. Roy Wemmer, 4220 8. 28th St. 1,1462. Jovo Preblo, 2715 R St. 1,1032. Loula Katz. 6110 S. 26th St. 2,3192. . Charles Simon, 6128 St 19th St. 1,3952. Loute Casan, 2717 Q St. 2,4792. Dennis John O'Brien, 3401 R St. 6062. Sturrisslow Cantor, 4409 8. 27th St. . 1822. Nels C. Froslev, 1513 M St. 1,7712. Draglsh Vuceta, 2822 R St. 1,0202. Frank Tabor, 4908 S. 25th St. 6132. Patrick William Connelly, 2423 A St. 462. Charles R. Green, 4602 8. 20th St. 3.232 2. Edward Joseph Dougherty, 4110 T St. 1.6512. Steven Pozlnch, 280 R St. 1,0992. William K. Hill, 6036 8. 25th. 1,9552. Frank Labedz, 4330 8. 40th. 3,2082. Leroy E. Clapp, 8821 V. 2,4412, Albert Larson, 4912 8. 21st. 2,7492, Charles G. Durr, 1903 Drexel. 2,6282. Pearl R. Lester, 2201 W, 1,6362. Martin Pavlclch, 2801 T. . 2232. James C. McGlnley, 1415 Ave, N. 8. 8 2,0662. Joe 6. Robczyk, 3903 8. 34th. 1,4412. James Furlong, 6501 8. 33rd. 1172. William Rubin, 4828 8. 16th. 2,3302. Frank Soukup, 132 O St. 6022. Eugene Bruner, 4522 8. 24th. 2,6752. Anton 81mon. 6841 S. 21st. 390 2. Stephen E, Nelswonger, 4129 8. 24th. 2.233 2. John Janlc, 6241 S. 19th. 2,9903. John E. Trecek, 2633 Z St. 3,2932. Charles F. Lester, 24th and X. 762. Glen R. Leach, 4304 8." 21st 3,1892. Peter Bersln, 4018 Polk. 1,8182. Anton Bortka, 4401 8. 33rd. (Continued of Page Six, Columa One.) PEASE-BLACK CO. 1417 Farnam Street ill a, w Sit 9 3 Off SHIRT SALE ON ;. . ." ' ' ' ' f - ' $4 Panamas for Women, $2 A Nice Place To Shop After All. 1417 Farnam. Women's White Wash Skirts, Piques and Gabardines, with charming pockets and belts, $3.50 and $3.98 randeis Stores Girls' White Dresses, Slightly Soiled, of Lawn, Lace and embroidery-trimmed, variety of styles, 69c Main Floor. Wash Frocks for Women and Misses Daintiest Most Desirable Styles LOVELY VOILES, Embroidered Crepes, Tail ored Linens, Organdies and Nets ; showing all late popular models; Moyen-Age, the straightline ef fect; sport effect, in two-piece tailored Linens, varied with the lovely ruffle and tunic types in the daintier materials. For Saturday, specially priced groups: $17.95 for Frocks that have sold for as much as $25.00. $13.95 for Frocks that have sold for as much as $17.50. Newest Arrivals to Be Shown in Tub Dresses in new materials, such as Voiles, figured and plain; Tussahs, Poplins, Ginghams, Linens and Lawns. At $7.50, $8.98 and $10.00 Second Floor SPECIAL ATTENTION is directed to the group of extra size Wash Dresses for stout figures. Linen Crash Suits Are Smart And Coolest 4Wear for Summer WITH COOLNESS and style as sured, every woman will want at least one of these smart suits in her wardrobe. Linen Crash Tailored Suits, Norfolk and pleated coats, smart sport skirts, with pock ets and belts; very desirable , for travel and vacation wear. Ticq Specially Priced Groups for Saturday $19.00 and $22.50 Suits go at $15.75 $15.00 Suits to go at $11.75 TAFFETA PETTICOATS, in all popular shades, pleated flounces, elastic top, particularly JO 49 low priced, at....... v' Second Floor Special Saturday Night DINNER 75c From 5:00 to 8:30 P.M. New Tomato Bouillon Queen Olives Young- Badlihta Green Onion One-half Roait Spring Chicken with Dressing New Potatoes in Cream Cauliflower au Gratin Asparagus Tips Vinaigrette Hot Rolls and Hot Corn Bread Apple 'or Kaspberrr Pie, la mode or Cocoanut Custard Pie or Chocolate Marble Cake and le Cream Tea. Coffee, Milk or Iced Tea SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM. Green Room and Mart Inn. 300 Charming Parasols Specially Priced at $2.98 Samples and Worth $5 tT$10 THESE ARE ALL very high grade parasols, every one most desirable from standpoint of quality, color ing and style. This is the lowest price that has been put on Parasols of this grade in this store this year, so it is a very excep tional opportunity. Do not let this chance pass you by. They are very extraordi nary offerings, at $2.98 each. Main Floor, Front Eastman Kodaks And Photo Supplies We are showing complete as sortments of Eastman Kodaks the best cameras that we know of, and also full stqeks of photo supplies at little prices. M. Q. Developer, tube, spe cial, at 5c No. 2 Folding Cartridge Premo, takes pictures 2x34, $3.98 No. 2 C Box Film Premo, takes pictures 2x4, special, $3.49 No. 2 Brownie, takes pictures 2x3, at $2.00 No. 2-A Brownie, takes pictures 2ttx4U, at $3.00 Darkroom Lanterns, special, at 21c We HaveJast Received the new 2-C Brownie Cam era, which takes a picture 2x4T4,a size that is proving more popular ev- . ery day. It has all the good features of the others of the Brownie family, also, at $4.00 Mala Floor Here's a Wind-Up Sale of Boy's Wash Wear 400 Boys' Wash Suits, tO OC $2.50 to $4.00 Values, at... Choice of the house now in these Wash Suits that have been selling at the value prices we quote here, all season just about 400 of them. The Highest Grade Tailored Wash Suits in the very smartest styles. Plain colors to fancy stripes, short sleeves and long sleeves; embroidered numbers, or plain tailored -suits; sailor suits or military styles. Many in the lot are sport styles with hats to match. Sizes 2 to 8 years. Third Floor ) Drugs And Toilet Needs Hay' Hair Health, $1.00 size, at 59c Glycothymoline, $1.00 size. 69c Red Wing Grape Juice, pint bottle, at 19c Syrup of Fig-t, genuine, at. .29c Lytol, 50c size, at 31c Hire' Root Beer, at. 14c Brotno Seltzer, 50c size, at.31e Grayet' Tooth Powder, 50c size, at 29c Pozzonis' Face Powder, spe cial, at 29c Java Rice Powder, special, at 33c 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, at r 12c Woodbury's Facial Soap, special, at 18c Pinaud's eau de Quinine hair tonic, $1.00 size, at 79c Djer Kiss Talcum Powder, special, at 24c Ever-Ready Safety Razor, complete, at : 89c Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1-lb. bottle, at . 21e Williams' Shaving Stick, at. 18c Hughes' Ideal Hair Brush,... $2.00 value, at $1.49 , Very Special Sweet Pea, Locust Blossom, Trailing Arbutus or White Rose Perfume, oz., at 29l Extra Special 1 in?pn hurm nf TTii-k'o Tn 'Rose Soap, at .89 ano . u. u. or phone calls on this item. Drug Department "Mary Jane" Strap Pumps for Girls Low Priced Now at $1.98 a Pair NOT ALL SIZES in every one of the three styles, and that is why we are quoting $1.98, instead of $2.75 and $2.98. White Canvas, Patent Leather and Dull Leather good, substantial soles and low walking heels. Enam eled buckle and bow styles. One of the best Summer styles we know of and have a nation-wide reputation. Main Floor, Rear "Flaglite" At This Special Price $1.00 BE PATRIOTIC put one of these on your Motor Car. A Spotlight that il luminates a beauti ful silk flag which flies above it. Can be attached to any motor car and may also be used as a trouble lamp. SPE CIAL FOR SATUR DAY, at $1.00 EACH. Toy and Sporting . Good Depart men) A Hosiery and Underwear Offerings of Exceptional Interest Compare'quality and price, then see what you will gain by shopping here. $1.50 Sport Hosiery, for tennis and golf wear, heavy silk, stripes to match sweater coats, worth $2.50, pair, ' at Women's Pure Silk Hose, in plain shades, also white and black, good assortment, full fashioned garter tops, double heels and toes, worth ,7Q up to $1.00, pair, at C Women's Fiber Silk Hose, first quality, in all colors, seamless spliced soles, heels and toes, al so white and black; CQ worth 65c, at 07 C Women's Fiber Silk Hose, in colors, also black and white, seamless, irregulars, the OQ Women's Silk Hosiery, all col ors suitable for all occasions, in plaids, stripes, fancy boots, fashioned high spliced soles, heels, toes and garter tops, worth up to $1.39 QQ Children's Silk Sox, plain col ors, also fancy tops, CA. pair, at Children' Fine Ribbed Hose, in black and white, lisle' dou ble heels and toes, good OP- black, pair, at J Men's Lisle Hose, in black, white and gray, "The Bachelor's Friend." Splendid quality, re inforced soles, heels and toes, to"1 $1.25 pair, at Knit Underwear All Remarkable Values Women's Vests, all sizes, reg ularly 15c, clearance Ol - price OgC Women's Vests, many styles, all sizes, regularly 25c, loi. clearance price.... l-i2i Women's Vests, Pants and Union Suits, regularly- 29c, splendid values, out 1 Q. sizes, clearance price. . 1UC Women's Union Suits, lace trim med, regular sizes, regularly 50c, clearance Qt price OiJC Women's Union Suits, fine cot ton lisle suits, plain or lace trim med, open or closed gore, reg ularly 69c, clearance A O price Main Floor Women' Fine Venetian Silk Camisoles, lace trimmed, also silk top union suits, QE)C Boys' Porosknit Suits, all sizes, regularly 35c, clear- OQ. ance price wC Children' Waist Suits, well taped, regularly 39c, OC, clearance price Children' M Knit Waists, reg ularly 35c, clearance OC- price AeJU Children' High Neck, Long Sleeve Vests, regularly - A 19c, clearance price.. wt Children' Pant, tight or lace trimmed knee, regular- 1 f to 19e. clearance rrice vrl ' T Lawn Mowers Lowest Prices "Hub" Mower, any size, three patent tempered blades and cut ter bar, eight-inch ip QQ wheel, sale price.. Reduced from $3.75. "Duchess" Mowers, with four of the best and highest grade crucible steel carefully tem pered and ground blades, and the revolving center is 'six-inch diameter. The simplicity and convenience of the adjustment features is appreciated by ev eryone; specially dC OA priced, at PJfci7 Reduced from $6.50. "Fulton" Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers, three patent tempered blades and cutter bar; 9-inch wheels; gears are fine cut and fully protected from the cut grass and dirt; spe- A ACk cial for Saturday, at v"" Reduced from $6.00. "Newburgh" Lawn Mowers, any size, the best and most up-to-date machine ever macre for mowing lawns. Extensively used by the park departments and boulevard systems all over the United States.' Has 10 inch wheels, four blades, split bronze bearings and triple rat chet in each wheel; tQ QQ special, at ipiValO Reduced from $12.00. Basement Clearing Sale of Rubber Hose Entire line on sale Sat urday at greatly reduced prices for quick clearance. Either -inch or -inch, both 4 and 5-ply black woven hose, worth 10c foot, while lot lasts, at 7c 5-ply, -inch heavy woven hose, red cover, worth 11 c afoot, at..... 7Hc B-ply -inch heavy woven hose, red cover, worth 12 c a foot, at 8 lie -inch good, heavyweight, cor rugated moulded hose, worth 13c a foot, foot, at. ...... .9c Basement V